
List of awesome open source hardware tools, generators, and reusable designs


2k stars
69 watching
172 forks
Language: Python
last commit: about 1 month ago
Linked from 3 awesome lists

PDKs / Manufacturable PDKs

gf180 364 over 1 year ago
sg13g2 381 3 days ago
sky130 2,962 about 1 year ago

PDKs / Virtual PDKs

asap7 84 3 months ago
freepdk45 848 1 day ago
probe3.0 34 6 months ago

Compilers / Build Systems

bazelhdl 114 3 days ago
bender 232 about 1 month ago
chipyard 1,588 2 days ago
cocoon 38 about 1 year ago
edalize 624 about 1 month ago
flgen 14 about 1 month ago
fusesoc 1,172 3 days ago
hammer 252 9 days ago
hwtbuildsystem 6 4 months ago
legohdl 12 over 2 years ago
mflowgen 225 about 2 months ago
siliconcompiler 848 1 day ago

Compilers / Circuit Compilers

abc 891 4 days ago
act 99 1 day ago
aihwkit 351 15 days ago
amaranth 1,542 15 days ago
bigspicy 36 over 1 year ago
bsc 938 29 days ago
calyx 486 1 day ago
chisel 3,937 1 day ago
circt 1,642 1 day ago
circuitgraph 108 11 months ago
circuitops 68 9 months ago
clash 1,428 2 days ago
coreir 100 over 2 years ago
dfiant 76 1 day ago
fault 133 5 days ago
finn 723 2 days ago
firrtl 720 about 2 months ago
gamma 32 3 months ago
gamora 45 3 months ago
ghdl-yosys-plugin 304 3 months ago
halide 5,861 4 days ago
halide-to-hardware 77 3 days ago
hastlayer 301 about 2 months ago
hdl21 67 29 days ago
hdlconvertor 281 about 1 month ago
hs-to-coq 77 about 1 month ago
ipyxact 122 4 months ago
livehd 204 13 days ago
llhd 392 over 2 years ago
lsoracle 94 about 1 month ago
lstools 178 6 months ago
kami 141 12 days ago
magma 244 4 months ago
matchlib 255 10 days ago
matchclib_connections 35 30 days ago
mockturtle 207 9 days ago
myhdl 1,034 about 2 months ago
naja 62 1 day ago
netlist-paths 26 over 2 years ago
panda-bambu 239 2 days ago
pipelinec 588 11 days ago
pygears 148 over 1 year ago
pymtl3 373 about 2 months ago
pyrtl 254 about 2 months ago
pysysc 48 9 months ago
pyverilog 619 4 months ago
rohd 372 18 days ago
scip 392 1 day ago
silice 1,287 25 days ago
skidl 1,044 about 1 month ago
slang 597 2 days ago
sodaopt 33 3 months ago
spinalhdl 1,632 2 days ago
spydrnet 90 7 months ago
surelog 357 1 day ago
sv-parser 397 3 days ago
sv2v 541 6 days ago
systemc 475 2 months ago
systemc-compiler 245 10 days ago
synlig 160 1 day ago
tapasco 105 3 days ago
tce 143 5 months ago
uhdm 193 5 days ago
verible 1,336 1 day ago
veriloggen 306 about 2 months ago
veryl 477 12 days ago
verik 41 almost 2 years ago
vlsir 27 about 2 months ago
xls 1,195 1 day ago
yosys 3,420 2 days ago

Compilers / FPGA Compilers

amf-placer 95 7 months ago
dreamplacefpga 73 4 days ago
flowtune 177 almost 2 years ago
nextpnr 1,287 1 day ago
vtr 1,003 1 day ago

Compilers / Layout Compilers

align 264 18 days ago
autodmp 125 about 1 year ago
bag 139 almost 2 years ago
dreamplace 683 14 days ago
gdsfactory 506 2 days ago
gds3d 195 about 2 months ago
gdsiistl 36 over 4 years ago
gdstk 336 about 1 month ago
gdspy 349 6 months ago
ieda 305 6 days ago
klayout 781 2 days ago
kweb 24 about 2 months ago
layout21 47 2 months ago
magic 472 1 day ago
magical 209 5 months ago
openroad 1,529 1 day ago
phidl 194 2 months ago

Design and Verification Tools / Benchmarks

big-doe-openroad 5 over 1 year ago
bringup-bench 113 4 months ago
bsg_pipeclean_suite 10 over 4 years ago
corescore 135 26 days ago
epfl-benchmarks 161 about 1 month ago
fpga-tool-perf 101 7 months ago
opdb 21 over 1 year ago
rdf-2020 13 over 2 years ago
sv-tests 286 1 day ago
verilog-eval 162 about 1 month ago

Design and Verification Tools / Board Design

boardview 152 2 months ago
cuflow 220 10 months ago
datasheet-scrubber 50 3 months ago
freecad 19,326 5 days ago
freerouting 1,223 3 days ago
kicad 1,875 1 day ago
kicanvas 619 4 months ago
librepcb 2,382 3 days ago
pcbflow 121 9 months ago

Design and Verification Tools / Digital Design

digital 4,320 29 days ago
DigSim 15 4 months ago
vsrtl 88 11 months ago
vscode-systemverilog 126 25 days ago
vscode-teroshdl 544 1 day ago

Design and Verification Tools / Documentation

elk 250 about 1 month ago
graphviz 1,625 5 months ago
gds3d 195 about 2 months ago
hdelk 72 over 1 year ago
kythe 1,336 1 day ago
memory-layout-diagram 38 about 1 year ago
netlistsvg 627 8 months ago
netlist-viewer 36 11 months ago
nn-svg 4,597 19 days ago
pcbdraw 1,138 5 months ago
pinion 422 about 1 month ago
pinout 377 over 2 years ago
sphinx 6,446 5 days ago
sphinx-verilog-domain 21 over 3 years ago
sphinxcontrib-hdl-diagrams 53 about 1 year ago
symbolator 179 over 1 year ago
undulate 35 16 days ago
wavedrom 2,932 6 months ago
wavedrompy 97 over 1 year ago

Design and Verification Tools / FPGA Design

byteman 38 almost 2 years ago
icestudio 1,699 about 1 month ago
f4fpga 352 about 2 months ago
foedag 58 2 days ago
logik 254 12 days ago
openfpgaloader 1,179 3 days ago
rphax 14 over 1 year ago

Design and Verification Tools / Formal Verification

boolector 335 about 1 month ago
cvc5 1,010 1 day ago
ilang 75 3 months ago
autosva 72 6 months ago
autocc 11 about 1 year ago
pono 68 3 days ago
sby 390 8 days ago
z3 10,223 1 day ago

Design and Verification Tools / Linters

svlint 304 22 days ago
svlint-action 7 about 1 year ago
verible 1,336 1 day ago
verilator 2,481 1 day ago

Design and Verification Tools / Register Design

gen_registers 7 almost 3 years ago
rggen 319 3 months ago
open-register-design-tool 192 about 1 year ago
peakrdl 91 about 1 month ago
systemrdl 228 about 1 month ago

Design and Verification Tools / Schematics

d3-hwschematics 93 7 months ago
kaktus2dev 192 2 days ago
openplc_editor 415 18 days ago
oregano 214 about 1 month ago
qucs_s 845 3 days ago
hdl21schematics 14 8 months ago
xschem 317 2 days ago

Design and Verification Tools / Electronics Simulators

champsim 500 2 days ago
dromajo 210 24 days ago
eesim 102 5 days ago
essent 135 4 months ago
firesim 869 5 days ago
gem5 1,625 2 days ago
muchisim 44 3 months ago
ghdl 2,348 3 days ago
irsim 30 5 months ago
libsystemctlm-soc 213 5 months ago
logisim-evolution 4,774 5 days ago
lwtr4sc 5 3 months ago
noxim 230 9 months ago
nvc 632 4 days ago
pysysc 48 9 months ago
qemu 10,216 2 days ago
ramulator2 220 3 months ago
renode 1,567 2 days ago
sax 62 about 2 months ago
simulide 191 almost 3 years ago
systemc-components 86 3 days ago
tiny-five 50 11 months ago
xictools 143 1 day ago
xyce 389 2 months ago
verilator 2,481 1 day ago

Design and Verification Tools / Verification Frameworks

adc-eval 18 over 1 year ago
awsteria_infra 16 9 days ago
anasysmod 34 about 3 years ago
cocotb 1,749 11 days ago
cocotbext-axi 208 11 months ago
cocotbext-pcie 136 10 months ago
constrainedrandom 14 4 months ago
cvc 21 over 1 year ago
core-v-verif 430 11 days ago
ddr5_phy 41 7 months ago
fault 41 7 months ago
force-riscv 259 12 months ago
frame 28 12 months ago
fstdumper 15 about 1 year ago
maestro 179 6 months ago
msdsl 37 6 months ago
netgen 106 1 day ago
openplc_v3 1,075 10 days ago
opensta 404 3 days ago
opentimer 552 over 1 year ago
openvaf 123 about 2 months ago
osvvm 49 about 1 month ago
pcievhost 81 6 days ago
pyspice 651 about 2 months ago
pyucis 21 7 days ago
pyuvm 365 3 months ago
pyvsc 113 13 days ago
raft 19 3 months ago
riscv-dv 1,007 about 1 month ago
rohd-cosim 17 7 months ago
rohd-vf 33 7 months ago
switchboard 255 11 days ago
svreal 42 over 3 years ago
systemctlm-cosim-demo 117 4 months ago
sv_waveterm 8 11 months ago
tvip-apb 23 11 months ago
tvip-axi 354 3 months ago
uvvm 361 16 days ago
v2k-top 7 over 4 years ago
vidbo 57 almost 3 years ago
vunit 722 19 days ago

Design and Verification Tools / Physics

elmer 1,176 3 days ago
femwell 108 2 days ago
hotspot 77 11 months ago
meep 1,211 19 days ago
paraview 1,293 1 day ago
pact 43 2 months ago
scikit-rf 715 8 days ago

Design and Verification Tools / Waveform Viewers

scviewer 12 8 months ago
d3wave 58 9 months ago
gtkwave 626 28 days ago
iio-oscilloscope 255 19 days ago
konata 387 6 months ago
npTDMS 235 19 days ago
scopy 391 1 day ago
simview 76 7 months ago
sootty 46 8 months ago
spyci 43 almost 2 years ago
verilog-vcd-parser 90 over 2 years ago
wavebin 70 5 months ago
waveforms-live 93 about 4 years ago

Designs & Generators / Accelerators

aes 328 over 1 year ago
ara 357 16 days ago
bfg 7 3 days ago
bismp 128 almost 5 years ago
finn 723 2 days ago
fftgenerator 9 7 months ago
fpu 521 over 1 year ago
garnet 106 3 days ago
gemmini 785 5 days ago
gplgpu 656 about 10 years ago
core_jpeg 204 over 2 years ago
fftgenerator 9 7 months ago
h265-encoder-rtl 224 over 1 year ago
logicnets 81 4 months ago
nngen 336 12 months ago
nvdla 1,722 over 2 years ago
nyuziprocessor 1,993 5 months ago
opencgra 132 over 1 year ago
openofdm 367 over 1 year ago
openspike 123 over 1 year ago
project-zipline 279 over 1 year ago
pyfda 646 2 days ago
ranc 39 8 months ago
sha256 315 4 months ago
sha512 35 over 3 years ago
sha3 76 7 months ago
serpens 9 about 1 month ago
sextans 63 2 months ago
spiral 202 10 months ago
tvm-vta 251 6 months ago
verigood-ml 50 9 months ago
verigpu 784 4 months ago
verilog-lfsr 135 over 1 year ago
vortex 1,200 2 days ago

Designs & Generators / Analog Circuits

ams_kgd 33 over 3 years ago
analog_blocks 24 about 2 years ago
openfasoc 233 2 days ago
open-pmic 26 over 3 years ago

Designs & Generators / Chip Packaging

bsg_packaging 8 7 months ago

Designs & Generators / Boards

bsg_motherboards 7 about 1 year ago
gmm7550 18 8 months ago
google-coral-baseboard 68 about 1 year ago
hardware-components 17 8 days ago
parallella-hw 412 over 2 years ago

Designs & Generators / Connectivity

aib 118 13 days ago
aib-protocols 23 8 months ago
axi 1,064 2 months ago
axi4_aib_bridge 7 over 5 years ago
bsg_ddr3_io 4 over 1 year ago
core_ddr3_controller 350 almost 3 years ago
hdmi 1,081 8 months ago
i2c 20 over 4 years ago
idma 88 9 days ago
io-gen 1 almost 6 years ago
litedram 375 8 days ago
liteeth 208 8 days ago
litescope 167 8 days ago
litepice 468 3 days ago
nocrouter 103 over 6 years ago
opencapi_accel 64 about 1 month ago
opencapi_client 11 almost 2 years ago
openserdes 137 over 2 years ago
pymtl3-net 42 about 1 year ago
ravenoc 139 over 1 year ago
tnoc 152 about 2 years ago
usb3_camera 808 12 months ago
usb_cdc 154 7 months ago
usb_dfu 16 7 months ago
umi 136 2 days ago
verilog-axis 721 about 2 months ago
verilog-ethernet 2,233 3 months ago
verilog-i2c 522 3 months ago
verilog-uart 406 over 1 year ago
verilog-pcie 1,086 5 months ago
verilog-wishbone 108 9 months ago
vis4mesh 10 9 months ago
vivado-library 563 3 months ago
wav-d2d-hw 8 almost 3 years ago
wav-lpddr-hw 95 about 3 years ago
wav-slink-hw 25 about 3 years ago
wav-wlink-hw 8 almost 3 years ago

Designs & Generators / CPUs

a2i 244 about 2 years ago
ara 357 16 days ago
black-parrot 599 6 days ago
cfu-playground 463 1 day ago
cores-swerv 814 over 1 year ago
cores-swerv-el2 246 1 day ago
core-v-verif 430 11 days ago
cva6 2,229 1 day ago
cve2 28 4 months ago
cv32e40s 128 about 2 months ago
cv32e40x 210 about 2 months ago
cvw 250 1 day ago
ibex 1,350 4 days ago
lizard 79 about 5 years ago
microwatt 654 about 2 months ago
minimax 199 6 months ago
muntjac 75 23 days ago
neorv32 1,564 2 days ago
openxiangshan 4,747 1 day ago
picorv32 3,079 3 months ago
rocket-chip 3,188 1 day ago
rioschip 31 almost 2 years ago
serv 1,402 3 days ago
snitch 218 11 months ago
veer 246 1 day ago
vroom 473 about 1 month ago

Designs & Generators / FPGA Architectures

fabulous 147 2 days ago
fabric_team 3 over 3 years ago
openfpga 820 4 days ago
prga 193 about 2 months ago

Designs & Generators / Libraries

basejump_stl 505 2 days ago
basic_verilog 1,614 3 months ago
berkeley-hardfloat 288 24 days ago
common_cells 501 1 day ago
cvfpu 425 2 months ago
hdl 1,495 1 day ago
lambdalib 23 12 days ago
lambdapdk 27 4 days ago
libsv 22 4 months ago
mathlib 11 about 1 year ago
oh 1,167 5 months ago
pztb-core 7 3 months ago
pzbcm 34 4 months ago
rohd-hcl 81 2 days ago
vlsiffra 107 about 1 year ago

Designs & Generators / Memory

core_axi_cache 43 over 3 years ago
cv-hpdcache 51 about 2 months ago
bsg_fakeram 30 over 1 year ago
huancun 63 17 days ago
openram 821 3 months ago
lake 17 12 days ago

Designs & Generators / Systems

caliptra 119 9 days ago
caliptra-rtl 65 2 days ago
beagle_sdr_gps 472 7 days ago
bsg_manycore 225 8 days ago
cep 20 9 days ago
esp 332 5 days ago
falcon 242 12 months ago
hero 93 about 1 year ago
litex 2,916 3 days ago
openfasoc 233 2 days ago
openpiton 629 2 months ago
opentitan 2,529 2 days ago
openwifi-hw 676 10 months ago
pulp 441 6 months ago
pulpissimo 381 2 months ago
rose 34 9 days ago
senseq 34 almost 2 years ago
verilogboy 459 almost 2 years ago
wulpus 57 5 months ago
x-heep 141 1 day ago

Designs & Generators / Boards

artix-dc-scm 45 11 months ago
arty-mpw-tester 3 about 1 month ago
fomu 213 over 1 year ago
icebreaker 563 4 months ago
lpddr5-testbed 0 8 months ago
PicoEVB 242 over 2 years ago
qomu-dev-board 32 over 3 years ago
scalenode-cm4-baseboard 143 6 months ago
sodimm-ddr5-tester 8 4 months ago

Education / Analog Design

book-on-mos-stagse 328 about 1 month ago

Education / Digital Design


Other Awesome Lists

ben-marshall 482 about 1 year ago
computer-engineering-resources 442 about 2 months ago
delftopenhardware 439 9 months ago
drom 945 about 2 months ago
hdl 139 1 day ago
kicad-3rd-party-tools 746 3 months ago
mattvenn 282 over 1 year ago
pkuzjx 98 almost 5 years ago
semiconduoctor-startups 443 26 days ago

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