
Hardware showcase

A curated collection of projects and resources for making and learning about hardware innovations

🛠Helpful items for making open source hardware projects.


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Linked from 4 awesome lists


Awesome Open Hardware / Projects

Arduino Arduino is an open-source electronics platform
Prusa3D 3D printer manufacturer who shares their work open online
Precious Plastic Tools to make plastic recycling as simple as possible
Open Source Ecology Industrial machines made open
SafeCast Environmental measurements for the public domain
WikiHouse Digital designed open housing
RepRap Humanity's first general-purpose, self-replicating manufacturing machine
OpenBCI Brain computer interface
OpenMV 2,446 2 months ago Open-source, low-cost machine vision platform
OpenSPIM Open Access platform for Three-dimensional (3D) microscopy
mesoSPIM Open-source light-sheet microscopes for imaging in cleared tissue
Mutable Instruments Open-source eurorack classics
openUC2 468 2 months ago Open-source modular microscopy toolbox
OpenFlexure Open-source, 3D-printed microscope, including a precise mechanical stage
Open-Source-Rover 8,642 2 months ago A six wheeled, build-it-yourself, open-source rover
Biohack Academy Open-source biotechnological hardware such as Incubator, Thermocycler, Centrifuge, Microscope, etc
GaudiLab Open-source hardware projects for biology laboratories
Winterbloom Open-source eurorack modules, Thea has some stellar design write-ups on her blog
Open Gamma Detector 268 3 months ago Hackable, low-cost gamma-ray spectrometer
Opulo Project that develops a pick and place machine
FarmBot automated gardening machine to grow vegetables
PiKVM Open and inexpensive DIY IP-KVM based on Raspberry Pi
Mekanika Tools & Machines for Makers

Awesome Open Hardware / Talks

How Open Hardware will Take Over the World TEDx talk by Nathan Seidle
Revolution of the open hardware TEDx talk by Bram Geenen
Why do open hardware Talk by Limor Fried (ladyada)
Get your open hardware manufactured Tips by Ian of Dangerous Prototypes
Open Hardware Projects to Fight COVID-19 Collection video from N-O-D-E
Designing Open Hardware for 21st century science Presentation by Andre Maia Chagas
Why open source hardware is(n't) working Presentation by David Cuartielles
Open source and the future of hardware Talk by Neil Gershenfeld
On behalf of mankind: thank you for sharing! TEDx talk by Jerry de Vos

Awesome Open Hardware / Papers

What is the “Source” of Open Source Hardware? Paper by Jérémy Bonvoisin, Robert Mies, Jean-François Boujut, Rainer Stark
Emerging Business Models for Open Source Hardware Paper by Joshua M. Pearce
Towards national policy for open source hardware research: The case of Finland Paper by I. T. S. Heikkinen, H. Savin, J. Partanen, J. SeppäläJ, M. Pearce
Open-Source Hardware in Education: A Systematic Mapping Study Paper by Ruben Heradio, Jesus Chacon, Hector Vargas, Daniel Galan, Jacobo Saenz, Luis De La Torre, Sebastian Dormido
Haves and have nots must find a better way: The case for open scientific hardware Paper by Andre Maia Chagas
Open Labware: 3-D Printing Your Own Lab Equipment Paper by Tom Baden, Andre Maia Chagas, Greg Gage, Timothy Marzullo, Lucia L. Prieto-Godino, Thomas Euler

Awesome Open Hardware / Conferences

Fosdem Open Source event online on 5 & 6 February 2022
Open Hardware Summit Annual conference on open hardware on 22 April 2022
Maker Faire A celebration of the Maker Movement, locally organized

Awesome Open Hardware / Platforms

Open Hardware Repository For electronics designers at experimental physics facilities to collaborate on open hardware designs
Open Hardware Observatory Free blueprints for sustainable open hardware
Instructables Instructables is a place that lets you explore, document, and share your creations is the world's largest collaborative hardware development community Connecting developers where exploring tomorrow starts today Tracking amazing open hardware projects Make open science hardware ubiquitous by 2025
Openlifescience Program to make Open Science ambassadors in research
Thingiverse A platform for sharing and contributing to design hardware for 3D printing, laser cutting and CNC milling A place to build and share electronics projects

Awesome Open Hardware / Podcasts

Road to Open Science Episode on open hardware in the Netherlands
Physics Worlds Episode on the global impact of open hardware
Command Line Heroes Episode Makers unite
A-podcast Open source hardware is the future
Amp hour Open Hardware and The Creative Economy
Semiconductor Insiders Open Hardware Diversity Alliance
Open source hardware podcast By the Programming Electronics Academy

Awesome Open Hardware / Books

Building open source hardware Book by Alicia Gibb, on building open source hardware from 2014
Open-source Lab Book by Josua m. Pearce, how to build your own hardware and reduce costs
Free to Make Book by Dale Dougherty, how the maker movement is changing our schools, our jobs, and our minds
The bridge Issue of the national academy of engineering on open source hardware

Awesome Open Hardware / Training programs

Open Hardware Makers
Open Hardware Academy

Awesome Open Hardware / Further Readings

Open Source Guide A website created by GitHub to help people work on open source projects
Wikipedia General information about Open Source Hardware
Open Collective Enables groups to quickly set up a collective, raise funds and manage them transparently
The Journal of Open Hardware (JOH) is a peer reviewed open access publication for open hardware research and development
OSHWA Certification Provides an easy and straightforward way for producers to indicate that their products meet a uniform and well-defined standard for open-source compliance
HardwareX Journal An open access scientific hardware journal
Awesome Open Electronics 553 over 3 years ago List with resources for Electronics Enthusiasts
Awesome Open 79 almost 6 years ago A list of open companies and communities
Awesome Electronics 6,051 5 months ago A curated list of awesome resources for electronic engineers and hobbyists

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