
An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.


220k stars
6k watching
25k forks
Language: Python
last commit: about 2 months ago
Linked from 32 awesome lists


Awesome Python / Admin Panels

ajenti 7,508 10 days ago The admin panel your servers deserve
django-grappelli 3,745 about 1 month ago A jazzy skin for the Django Admin-Interface
flask-admin 5,761 4 days ago Simple and extensible administrative interface framework for Flask
flower 6,419 about 1 month ago Real-time monitor and web admin for Celery
jet-bridge 1,641 10 days ago Admin panel framework for any application with nice UI (ex Jet Django)
wooey 2,120 7 months ago A Django app which creates automatic web UIs for Python scripts
streamlit 34,890 3 days ago A framework which lets you build dashboards, generate reports, or create chat apps in minutes

Awesome Python / Algorithms and Design Patterns / Algorithms

algorithms 23,967 3 months ago Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms
python-ds 2,791 6 months ago A collection of data structure and algorithms for coding interviews
sortedcontainers 3,503 7 months ago Fast and pure-Python implementation of sorted collections
thealgorithms 184,689 4 days ago All Algorithms implemented in Python

Awesome Python / Algorithms and Design Patterns / Design Patterns

pypattyrn 2,256 4 months ago A simple yet effective library for implementing common design patterns
python-patterns 40,266 30 days ago A collection of design patterns in Python
transitions 5,676 about 1 month ago A lightweight, object-oriented finite state machine implementation

Awesome Python / ASGI Servers

daphne 2,369 about 1 month ago A HTTP, HTTP2 and WebSocket protocol server for ASGI and ASGI-HTTP
uvicorn 8,416 4 days ago A lightning-fast ASGI server implementation, using uvloop and httptools
hypercorn 1,124 about 2 months ago An ASGI and WSGI Server based on Hyper libraries and inspired by Gunicorn

Awesome Python / Asynchronous Programming

asyncio (Python standard library) Asynchronous I/O, event loop, coroutines and tasks

Awesome Python / Asynchronous Programming / asyncio

awesome-asyncio 4,579 over 1 year ago

Awesome Python / Asynchronous Programming

concurrent.futures (Python standard library) A high-level interface for asynchronously executing callables
multiprocessing (Python standard library) Process-based parallelism
trio 6,120 4 days ago A friendly library for async concurrency and I/O
twisted 5,564 4 days ago An event-driven networking engine
uvloop 10,314 about 1 month ago Ultra fast asyncio event loop
eventlet 1,244 23 days ago Asynchronous framework with WSGI support
gevent 6,240 3 days ago A coroutine-based Python networking library that uses

Awesome Python / Audio / Audio

audioread 483 7 months ago Cross-library (GStreamer + Core Audio + MAD + FFmpeg) audio decoding
audioFlux 2,761 4 months ago A library for audio and music analysis, feature extraction
dejavu 6,412 6 months ago Audio fingerprinting and recognition
kapre 920 12 months ago Keras Audio Preprocessors
librosa 7,054 3 days ago Python library for audio and music analysis
matchering 1,320 2 months ago A library for automated reference audio mastering
mingus An advanced music theory and notation package with MIDI file and playback support
pyaudioanalysis 5,831 6 months ago Audio feature extraction, classification, segmentation and applications
pydub 8,821 2 months ago Manipulate audio with a simple and easy high level interface
timeside 369 about 2 months ago Open web audio processing framework

Awesome Python / Audio / Metadata

beets 12,768 12 days ago A music library manager and tagger
eyed3 540 about 1 month ago A tool for working with audio files, specifically MP3 files containing ID3 metadata
mutagen 1,538 about 1 month ago A Python module to handle audio metadata
tinytag 692 about 1 month ago A library for reading music meta data of MP3, OGG, FLAC and Wave files

Awesome Python / Authentication / OAuth

authlib 4,516 about 1 month ago JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption draft implementation
django-allauth 9,448 8 days ago Authentication app for Django that "just works."
django-oauth-toolkit 3,129 11 days ago OAuth 2 goodies for Django
oauthlib 2,799 about 2 months ago A generic and thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic

Awesome Python / Authentication / JWT

pyjwt 5,102 7 days ago JSON Web Token implementation in Python
python-jose 1,537 3 months ago A JOSE implementation in Python

Awesome Python / Build Tools

bitbake 428 4 days ago A make-like build tool for embedded Linux
buildout 577 8 days ago A build system for creating, assembling and deploying applications from multiple parts
platformio 7,846 9 days ago A console tool to build code with different development platforms
pybuilder 1,711 about 2 months ago A continuous build tool written in pure Python
scons 2,069 4 days ago A software construction tool

Awesome Python / Built-in Classes Enhancement

attrs 5,254 3 days ago Replacement for , , , etc. boilerplate in class definitions
bidict 1,470 3 days ago Efficient, Pythonic bidirectional map data structures and related functionality
box 2,552 4 months ago Python dictionaries with advanced dot notation access
dataclasses (Python standard library) Data classes
dotteddict 190 over 1 year ago A library that provides a method of accessing lists and dicts with a dotted path notation

Awesome Python / CMS

feincms 941 29 days ago One of the most advanced Content Management Systems built on Django
indico 1,754 5 days ago A feature-rich event management system, made @
wagtail 18,008 8 days ago A Django content management system

Awesome Python / Caching

beaker 519 4 months ago A WSGI middleware for sessions and caching
django-cache-machine 875 over 1 year ago Automatic caching and invalidation for Django models
django-cacheops 2,101 2 months ago A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation
dogpile.cache 242 about 1 month ago dogpile.cache is a next generation replacement for Beaker made by the same authors
hermescache Python caching library with tag-based invalidation and dogpile effect prevention
pylibmc 479 about 1 month ago A Python wrapper around the interface
python-diskcache 2,337 about 2 months ago SQLite and file backed cache backend with faster lookups than memcached and redis

Awesome Python / ChatOps Tools

errbot 3,126 5 days ago The easiest and most popular chatbot to implement ChatOps

Awesome Python / Code Analysis / Code Analysis

code2flow 3,948 4 months ago Turn your Python and JavaScript code into DOT flowcharts
prospector 1,942 about 1 month ago A tool to analyse Python code
vulture 3,448 3 days ago A tool for finding and analysing dead Python code

Awesome Python / Code Analysis / Code Linters

flake8 3,415 about 1 month ago A wrapper around , and McCabe

Awesome Python / Code Analysis / Code Linters / flake8

awesome-flake8-extensions 1,222 4 months ago

Awesome Python / Code Analysis / Code Linters

pylint 5,256 11 days ago A fully customizable source code analyzer

Awesome Python / Code Analysis / Code Formatters

black 38,688 5 days ago The uncompromising Python code formatter
isort 6,467 2 months ago A Python utility / library to sort imports
yapf 13,747 5 days ago Yet another Python code formatter from Google

Awesome Python / Code Analysis

awesome-python-typing 1,691 25 days ago Static Type Checkers, also see

Awesome Python / Code Analysis / awesome-python-typing

mypy 18,271 3 days ago Check variable types during compile time
pyre-check 6,821 3 days ago Performant type checking
typeshed 4,316 3 days ago Collection of library stubs for Python, with static types

Awesome Python / Code Analysis / Static Type Annotations Generators

monkeytype 4,750 3 months ago A system for Python that generates static type annotations by collecting runtime types
pytype 4,735 3 days ago Pytype checks and infers types for Python code - without requiring type annotations

Awesome Python / Command-line Interface Development / Command-line Application Development

cement 1,241 5 days ago CLI Application Framework for Python
click 15,593 about 1 month ago A package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way
cliff 233 18 days ago A framework for creating command-line programs with multi-level commands
python-fire 26,932 4 days ago A library for creating command line interfaces from absolutely any Python object
python-prompt-toolkit 9,275 10 days ago A library for building powerful interactive command lines

Awesome Python / Command-line Interface Development / Terminal Rendering

alive-progress 5,448 7 months ago A new kind of Progress Bar, with real-time throughput, eta and very cool animations
asciimatics 3,630 11 days ago A package to create full-screen text UIs (from interactive forms to ASCII animations)
bashplotlib 1,852 3 months ago Making basic plots in the terminal
colorama 3,530 3 months ago Cross-platform colored terminal text
rich 49,012 24 days ago Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal. Also provides a great log handler
tqdm 28,431 about 2 months ago Fast, extensible progress bar for loops and CLI

Awesome Python / Command-line Tools / Productivity Tools

copier 1,953 8 days ago A library and command-line utility for rendering projects templates
cookiecutter 22,381 5 days ago A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates)
doitlive 3,442 13 days ago A tool for live presentations in the terminal
howdoi 10,566 about 2 months ago Instant coding answers via the command line
invoke 4,377 4 months ago A tool for managing shell-oriented subprocesses and organizing executable Python code into CLI-invokable tasks
pathpicker 5,119 30 days ago Select files out of bash output
thefuck 84,883 3 months ago Correcting your previous console command
tmuxp 4,052 13 days ago A session manager
try 718 over 2 years ago A dead simple CLI to try out python packages - it's never been easier

Awesome Python / Command-line Tools / CLI Enhancements

httpie 33,527 about 2 months ago A command line HTTP client, a user-friendly cURL replacement
iredis 2,553 6 months ago Redis CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting
litecli 2,510 9 days ago SQLite CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting
mycli 11,421 about 2 months ago MySQL CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting
pgcli 12,038 3 months ago PostgreSQL CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting

Awesome Python / Computer Vision

easyocr 23,920 11 days ago Ready-to-use OCR with 40+ languages supported
kornia 9,839 11 days ago Open Source Differentiable Computer Vision Library for PyTorch
opencv Open Source Computer Vision Library
pytesseract 5,783 13 days ago A wrapper for
tesserocr 1,996 about 1 month ago Another simple, Pillow-friendly, wrapper around the API for OCR

Awesome Python / Configuration Files

configparser (Python standard library) INI file parser
configobj 317 14 days ago INI file parser with validation
hydra 8,659 4 days ago Hydra is a framework for elegantly configuring complex applications
python-decouple 2,793 9 months ago Strict separation of settings from code

Awesome Python / Cryptography

cryptography 6,590 3 days ago A package designed to expose cryptographic primitives and recipes to Python developers
paramiko 9,064 3 days ago The leading native Python SSHv2 protocol library
pynacl 1,065 9 days ago Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library

Awesome Python / Data Analysis

pandas A library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools
aws-sdk-pandas 3,902 3 days ago Pandas on AWS
datasette 9,439 8 days ago An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
optimus 1,474 19 days ago Agile Data Science Workflows made easy with PySpark

Awesome Python / Data Validation

cerberus 3,154 about 2 months ago A lightweight and extensible data validation library
colander 447 about 2 months ago Validating and deserializing data obtained via XML, JSON, an HTML form post
jsonschema 4,593 12 days ago An implementation of for Python
schema 2,876 4 months ago A library for validating Python data structures
schematics 2,580 about 1 year ago Data Structure Validation
voluptuous 1,814 about 2 months ago A Python data validation library
pydantic 20,658 3 days ago Data validation using Python type hints

Awesome Python / Data Visualization

altair 9,254 4 days ago Declarative statistical visualization library for Python
bokeh 19,247 11 days ago Interactive Web Plotting for Python
bqplot 3,616 26 days ago Interactive Plotting Library for the Jupyter Notebook
cartopy 1,414 10 days ago A cartographic python library with matplotlib support
diagrams 37,346 3 days ago Diagram as Code
matplotlib 20,048 6 days ago A Python 2D plotting library
plotnine 3,985 5 days ago A grammar of graphics for Python based on ggplot2
pygal 2,642 about 2 months ago A Python SVG Charts Creator
pygraphviz 762 5 days ago Python interface to
pyqtgraph 3,867 8 days ago Interactive and realtime 2D/3D/Image plotting and science/engineering widgets
seaborn 12,442 about 2 months ago Statistical data visualization using Matplotlib
vispy 3,303 12 days ago High-performance scientific visualization based on OpenGL

Awesome Python / Database

pickleDB 917 4 months ago A simple and lightweight key-value store for Python
tinydb 6,750 4 months ago A tiny, document-oriented database
zodb 674 2 months ago A native object database for Python. A key-value and object graph database

Awesome Python / Database Drivers

awesome-mysql MySQL -

Awesome Python / Database Drivers / awesome-mysql

mysqlclient 2,442 27 days ago MySQL connector with Python 3 support ( fork)
pymysql 7,654 17 days ago A pure Python MySQL driver compatible to mysql-python

Awesome Python / Database Drivers

awesome-postgres 9,971 20 days ago PostgreSQL -

Awesome Python / Database Drivers / awesome-postgres

psycopg 1,693 6 days ago The most popular PostgreSQL adapter for Python

Awesome Python / Database Drivers

awesome-sqlite 316 about 1 month ago SQlite -

Awesome Python / Database Drivers / awesome-sqlite

sqlite3 (Python standard library) SQlite interface compliant with DB-API 2.0
sqlite-utils 1,641 about 1 month ago Python CLI utility and library for manipulating SQLite databases

Awesome Python / Database Drivers / Other Relational Databases

pymssql 836 11 days ago A simple database interface to Microsoft SQL Server
clickhouse-driver 1,203 29 days ago Python driver with native interface for ClickHouse

Awesome Python / Database Drivers / NoSQL Databases

cassandra-driver 1,387 10 days ago The Python Driver for Apache Cassandra
happybase 611 2 months ago A developer-friendly library for Apache HBase
kafka-python 5,597 2 months ago The Python client for Apache Kafka
pymongo 4,127 3 days ago The official Python client for MongoDB
motor 2,410 5 days ago The async Python driver for MongoDB
redis-py 12,554 16 days ago The Python client for Redis

Awesome Python / Date and Time

arrow 8,687 about 1 month ago A Python library that offers a sensible and human-friendly approach to creating, manipulating, formatting and converting dates, times and timestamps
dateutil 2,339 about 2 months ago Extensions to the standard Python module
pendulum 6,207 13 days ago Python datetimes made easy
pytz World timezone definitions, modern and historical. Brings the into Python

Awesome Python / Debugging Tools / pdb-like Debugger

ipdb 1,852 about 2 months ago IPython-enabled
pudb 2,957 about 1 month ago A full-screen, console-based Python debugger

Awesome Python / Debugging Tools / Tracing

manhole 371 3 months ago Debugging UNIX socket connections and present the stacktraces for all threads and an interactive prompt
python-hunter 799 3 months ago A flexible code tracing toolkit

Awesome Python / Debugging Tools / Profiler

py-spy 12,524 25 days ago A sampling profiler for Python programs. Written in Rust
vprof 3,954 about 2 years ago Visual Python profiler

Awesome Python / Debugging Tools / Others

django-debug-toolbar 8,056 12 days ago Display various debug information for Django
flask-debugtoolbar 945 about 1 month ago A port of the django-debug-toolbar to flask
icecream 8,944 3 months ago Inspect variables, expressions, and program execution with a single, simple function call
pyelftools 2,005 9 days ago Parsing and analyzing ELF files and DWARF debugging information

Awesome Python / Deep Learning

keras 61,683 5 days ago A high-level neural networks library and capable of running on top of either TensorFlow or Theano
pytorch 82,603 4 days ago Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
pytorch-lightning 28,056 8 days ago Deep learning framework to train, deploy, and ship AI products Lightning fast
stable-baselines3 8,836 17 days ago PyTorch implementations of Stable Baselines (deep) reinforcement learning algorithms
tensorflow 185,782 5 days ago The most popular Deep Learning framework created by Google
theano 9,894 9 months ago A library for fast numerical computation

Awesome Python / DevOps Tools / Configuration Management

ansible 62,486 9 days ago A radically simple IT automation platform
cloudinit 2,899 4 days ago A multi-distribution package that handles early initialization of a cloud instance
openstack Open source software for building private and public clouds
pyinfra 3,858 about 1 month ago A versatile CLI tools and python libraries to automate infrastructure
saltstack 14,116 5 days ago Infrastructure automation and management system

Awesome Python / DevOps Tools / SSH-style Deployment

cuisine 1,258 5 months ago Chef-like functionality for Fabric
fabric 14,824 6 months ago A simple, Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment

Awesome Python / DevOps Tools / Process Management

supervisor 8,456 3 months ago Supervisor process control system for UNIX

Awesome Python / DevOps Tools / Monitoring

psutil 10,217 3 days ago A cross-platform process and system utilities module

Awesome Python / DevOps Tools / Backup

borg 11,045 3 days ago A deduplicating archiver with compression and encryption

Awesome Python / Distributed Computing / Batch Processing

dask 12,425 12 days ago A flexible parallel computing library for analytic computing
luigi 17,746 11 days ago A module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs
PySpark 39,387 5 days ago Python API
Ray 33,240 5 days ago A system for parallel and distributed Python that unifies the machine learning ecosystem

Awesome Python / Distributed Computing / Stream Processing

faust 6,726 2 months ago A stream processing library, porting the ideas from to Python
streamparse 1,495 about 2 months ago Run Python code against real-time streams of data via

Awesome Python / Distribution

py2app 348 2 months ago Freezes Python scripts (Mac OS X)
py2exe 842 2 months ago Freezes Python scripts (Windows)
pyarmor 3,308 4 days ago A tool used to obfuscate python scripts, bind obfuscated scripts to fixed machine or expire obfuscated scripts
pyinstaller 11,773 6 days ago Converts Python programs into stand-alone executables (cross-platform)
shiv 1,730 5 months ago A command line utility for building fully self-contained zipapps (PEP 441), but with all their dependencies included

Awesome Python / Documentation

sphinx 6,446 5 days ago Python Documentation generator

Awesome Python / Documentation / sphinx

awesome-sphinxdoc 926 2 months ago

Awesome Python / Documentation

pdoc 1,929 23 days ago Epydoc replacement to auto generate API documentation for Python libraries

Awesome Python / Downloader

akshare 9,076 3 days ago A financial data interface library, built for human beings!
s3cmd 4,556 24 days ago A command line tool for managing Amazon S3 and CloudFront
youtube-dl 131,622 about 2 months ago A command-line program to download videos from YouTube and other video sites

Awesome Python / Editor Plugins and IDEs / Emacs

elpy 1,894 3 months ago Emacs Python Development Environment

Awesome Python / Editor Plugins and IDEs / Vim

jedi-vim 5,279 3 months ago Vim bindings for the Jedi auto-completion library for Python
python-mode 5,443 5 months ago An all in one plugin for turning Vim into a Python IDE
YouCompleteMe 25,428 18 days ago Includes -based completion engine for Python

Awesome Python / Editor Plugins and IDEs / Visual Studio

PTVS 2,525 8 days ago Python Tools for Visual Studio

Awesome Python / Editor Plugins and IDEs / Visual Studio Code

Python The official VSCode extension with rich support for Python

Awesome Python / Editor Plugins and IDEs / IDE

PyCharm Commercial Python IDE by JetBrains. Has free community edition available
spyder 8,251 3 days ago Open Source Python IDE

Awesome Python / Email / Mail Servers

modoboa 3,021 9 days ago A mail hosting and management platform including a modern Web UI
salmon 643 about 2 months ago A Python Mail Server

Awesome Python / Email / Clients

imbox 1,183 6 months ago Python IMAP for Humans
yagmail 2,647 about 2 years ago Yet another Gmail/SMTP client

Awesome Python / Email / Others

flanker 1,634 5 months ago An email address and Mime parsing library
mailer 276 4 months ago High-performance extensible mail delivery framework

Awesome Python / Environment Management

pyenv 38,781 17 days ago Simple Python version management
virtualenv 4,808 4 days ago A tool to create isolated Python environments

Awesome Python / File Manipulation

mimetypes (Python standard library) Map filenames to MIME types
pathlib (Python standard library) An cross-platform, object-oriented path library 1,103 24 days ago A module wrapper for
python-magic 2,609 2 months ago A Python interface to the libmagic file type identification library
watchdog 6,522 8 days ago API and shell utilities to monitor file system events

Awesome Python / Functional Programming

coconut 4,066 25 days ago A variant of Python built for simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming
funcy 3,359 about 2 months ago A fancy and practical functional tools
more-itertools 3,707 15 days ago More routines for operating on iterables, beyond
returns 3,497 3 days ago A set of type-safe monads, transformers, and composition utilities
cytoolz 999 3 days ago Cython implementation of : High performance functional utilities
toolz 4,661 4 days ago A collection of functional utilities for iterators, functions, and dictionaries

Awesome Python / GUI Development

curses Built-in wrapper for used to create terminal GUI applications
Eel 6,410 about 2 months ago A library for making simple Electron-like offline HTML/JS GUI apps
enaml 1,529 26 days ago Creating beautiful user-interfaces with Declarative Syntax like QML
Flexx 3,252 9 months ago Flexx is a pure Python toolkit for creating GUI's, that uses web technology for its rendering
Gooey 20,602 8 months ago Turn command line programs into a full GUI application with one line
kivy A library for creating NUI applications, running on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android and iOS
pyglet 1,861 4 days ago A cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python
PyGObject Python Bindings for GLib/GObject/GIO/GTK+ (GTK+3)
PyQt Python bindings for the cross-platform application and UI framework
PySimpleGUI 13,371 22 days ago Wrapper for tkinter, Qt, WxPython and Remi
pywebview 4,674 3 days ago A lightweight cross-platform native wrapper around a webview component
Tkinter Tkinter is Python's de-facto standard GUI package
Toga 4,306 5 days ago A Python native, OS native GUI toolkit
urwid A library for creating terminal GUI applications with strong support for widgets, events, rich colors, etc
wxPython A blending of the wxWidgets C++ class library with the Python
DearPyGui 13,028 8 days ago A Simple GPU accelerated Python GUI framework

Awesome Python / GraphQL

graphene 8,074 6 days ago GraphQL framework for Python

Awesome Python / Game Development

Arcade Arcade is a modern Python framework for crafting games with compelling graphics and sound
Cocos2d cocos2d is a framework for building 2D games, demos, and other graphical/interactive applications
Harfang3D Python framework for 3D, VR and game development
Panda3D 3D game engine developed by Disney
Pygame Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing games
PyOgre Python bindings for the Ogre 3D render engine, can be used for games, simulations, anything 3D
PyOpenGL Python ctypes bindings for OpenGL and it's related APIs
PySDL2 A ctypes based wrapper for the SDL2 library
RenPy A Visual Novel engine

Awesome Python / Geolocation

django-countries 1,427 about 1 month ago A Django app that provides a country field for models and forms
geodjango A world-class geographic web framework
geojson 913 about 2 months ago Python bindings and utilities for GeoJSON
geopy 4,440 about 2 months ago Python Geocoding Toolbox

Awesome Python / HTML Manipulation

beautifulsoup Providing Pythonic idioms for iterating, searching, and modifying HTML or XML
bleach 2,649 2 months ago A whitelist-based HTML sanitization and text linkification library
cssutils A CSS library for Python
html5lib 1,117 7 months ago A standards-compliant library for parsing and serializing HTML documents and fragments
lxml A very fast, easy-to-use and versatile library for handling HTML and XML
markupsafe 627 about 1 month ago Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
pyquery 2,297 about 1 month ago A jQuery-like library for parsing HTML
untangle 612 9 months ago Converts XML documents to Python objects for easy access
WeasyPrint A visual rendering engine for HTML and CSS that can export to PDF
xmldataset Simple XML Parsing
xmltodict 5,475 3 months ago Working with XML feel like you are working with JSON

Awesome Python / HTTP Clients

httpx 13,084 3 days ago A next generation HTTP client for Python
requests 52,049 5 days ago HTTP Requests for Humans
treq 588 10 days ago Python requests like API built on top of Twisted's HTTP client
urllib3 3,769 23 days ago A HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post support, sanity friendly

Awesome Python / Hardware

keyboard 3,785 4 months ago Hook and simulate global keyboard events on Windows and Linux
mouse 900 3 months ago Hook and simulate global mouse events on Windows and Linux
pynput 1,779 3 months ago A library to control and monitor input devices
scapy 10,618 3 days ago A brilliant packet manipulation library

Awesome Python / Image Processing

pillow 12,147 3 days ago Pillow is the friendly fork
python-barcode 565 15 days ago Create barcodes in Python with no extra dependencies
pymatting A library for alpha matting
python-qrcode 4,386 8 days ago A pure Python QR Code generator
pywal 8,341 8 months ago A tool that generates color schemes from images
pyvips 635 14 days ago A fast image processing library with low memory needs
quads 1,179 almost 2 years ago Computer art based on quadtrees
scikit-image A Python library for (scientific) image processing
thumbor 10,050 4 days ago A smart imaging service. It enables on-demand crop, re-sizing and flipping of images
wand 1,397 3 months ago Python bindings for , C API for ImageMagick

Awesome Python / Implementations

cpython 62,678 3 days ago -
cython 9,410 3 days ago Optimizing Static Compiler for Python
clpython 368 4 months ago Implementation of the Python programming language written in Common Lisp
ironpython 2,481 about 2 months ago Implementation of the Python programming language written in C#
micropython 19,153 9 days ago A lean and efficient Python programming language implementation
numba 9,842 4 days ago Python JIT compiler to LLVM aimed at scientific Python
peachpy 1,973 about 1 year ago x86-64 assembler embedded in Python
pypy A very fast and compliant implementation of the Python language
pyston 2,506 about 2 months ago A Python implementation using JIT techniques

Awesome Python / Interactive Interpreter

bpython 2,621 3 months ago A fancy interface to the Python interpreter
Jupyter Notebook (IPython) A rich toolkit to help you make the most out of using Python interactively

Awesome Python / Interactive Interpreter / Jupyter Notebook (IPython)

awesome-jupyter 3,991 1 day ago

Awesome Python / Interactive Interpreter

ptpython 5,196 2 months ago Advanced Python REPL built on top of the

Awesome Python / Internationalization

Babel An internationalization library for Python
PyICU 133 over 3 years ago A wrapper of International Components for Unicode C++ library ( )

Awesome Python / Job Scheduler

Airflow Airflow is a platform to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows
APScheduler A light but powerful in-process task scheduler that lets you schedule functions
django-schedule 842 almost 5 years ago A calendaring app for Django
doit A task runner and build tool
gunnery 764 over 2 years ago Multipurpose task execution tool for distributed systems with web-based interface
Joblib A set of tools to provide lightweight pipelining in Python
Plan 1,173 about 2 years ago Writing crontab file in Python like a charm
Prefect 15,964 3 days ago A modern workflow orchestration framework that makes it easy to build, schedule and monitor robust data pipelines
schedule 11,768 4 months ago Python job scheduling for humans
Spiff 1,678 about 1 month ago A powerful workflow engine implemented in pure Python
TaskFlow A Python library that helps to make task execution easy, consistent and reliable

Awesome Python / Logging

logbook Logging replacement for Python
logging (Python standard library) Logging facility for Python
loguru 19,621 4 days ago Library which aims to bring enjoyable logging in Python
sentry-python 1,872 3 days ago Sentry SDK for Python
structlog Structured logging made easy

Awesome Python / Machine Learning

gym 34,570 5 months ago A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms
H2O 6,873 5 days ago Open Source Fast Scalable Machine Learning Platform
Metrics 1,625 over 1 year ago Machine learning evaluation metrics
NuPIC 6,335 about 1 year ago Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing
scikit-learn The most popular Python library for Machine Learning
Spark ML 's scalable Machine Learning library
vowpal_porpoise 166 over 4 years ago A lightweight Python wrapper for
xgboost 26,140 4 days ago A scalable, portable, and distributed gradient boosting library
MindsDB 26,362 3 days ago MindsDB is an open source AI layer for existing databases that allows you to effortlessly develop, train and deploy state-of-the-art machine learning models using standard queries

Awesome Python / Microsoft Windows

Python(x,y) Scientific-applications-oriented Python Distribution based on Qt and Spyder
pythonlibs Unofficial Windows binaries for Python extension packages
PythonNet 4,697 4 days ago Python Integration with the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR)
PyWin32 5,007 20 days ago Python Extensions for Windows
WinPython Portable development environment for Windows 7/8

Awesome Python / Miscellaneous

blinker 1,764 4 days ago A fast Python in-process signal/event dispatching system
boltons 6,512 3 months ago A set of pure-Python utilities
itsdangerous 2,903 about 1 month ago Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments
magenta 19,109 2 months ago A tool to generate music and art using artificial intelligence
pluginbase 1,118 over 3 years ago A simple but flexible plugin system for Python
tryton A general purpose business framework

Awesome Python / Natural Language Processing / General

gensim 15,591 about 1 month ago Topic Modeling for Humans 2,302 almost 5 years ago Stand-alone language identification system
nltk A leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data
pattern 8,728 4 months ago A web mining module
polyglot 2,309 11 months ago Natural language pipeline supporting hundreds of languages
pytext 6,340 almost 2 years ago A natural language modeling framework based on PyTorch
PyTorch-NLP 2,210 over 1 year ago A toolkit enabling rapid deep learning NLP prototyping for research
spacy A library for industrial-strength natural language processing in Python and Cython
Stanza 7,249 13 days ago The Stanford NLP Group's official Python library, supporting 60+ languages

Awesome Python / Natural Language Processing / Chinese

funNLP 68,036 5 months ago A collection of tools and datasets for Chinese NLP
jieba 33,156 about 2 months ago The most popular Chinese text segmentation library
pkuseg-python 6,518 almost 2 years ago A toolkit for Chinese word segmentation in various domains
snownlp 6,403 over 4 years ago A library for processing Chinese text

Awesome Python / Network Virtualization

mininet 5,342 3 months ago A popular network emulator and API written in Python
napalm 2,241 about 1 month ago Cross-vendor API to manipulate network devices
pox 624 over 1 year ago A Python-based SDN control applications, such as OpenFlow SDN controllers

Awesome Python / News Feed

django-activity-stream 2,368 23 days ago Generating generic activity streams from the actions on your site
Stream Framework 4,731 over 1 year ago Building news feed and notification systems using Cassandra and Redis

Awesome Python / ORM / Relational Databases

Django Models The Django ORM
SQLAlchemy The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

Awesome Python / ORM / Relational Databases / SQLAlchemy

awesome-sqlalchemy 2,821 3 months ago

Awesome Python / ORM / Relational Databases

dataset 4,764 about 1 year ago Store Python dicts in a database - works with SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL
orator 1,429 almost 2 years ago The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation
orm 1,777 about 2 years ago An async ORM
peewee 11,109 13 days ago A small, expressive ORM
pony 3,629 about 1 month ago ORM that provides a generator-oriented interface to SQL
pydal 493 28 days ago A pure Python Database Abstraction Layer

Awesome Python / ORM / NoSQL Databases

hot-redis 290 6 months ago Rich Python data types for Redis
mongoengine 4,227 3 days ago A Python Object-Document-Mapper for working with MongoDB
PynamoDB 2,436 about 1 month ago A Pythonic interface for
redisco 439 over 4 years ago A Python Library for Simple Models and Containers Persisted in Redis

Awesome Python / Package Management

pip The package installer for Python

Awesome Python / Package Management / pip

pip-tools 7,698 26 days ago A set of tools to keep your pinned Python dependencies fresh

Awesome Python / Package Management

conda 6,376 3 days ago Cross-platform, Python-agnostic binary package manager
poetry 31,231 3 days ago Python dependency management and packaging made easy

Awesome Python / Package Repositories

bandersnatch 448 5 days ago PyPI mirroring tool provided by Python Packaging Authority (PyPA)
devpi 895 9 days ago PyPI server and packaging/testing/release tool
localshop 397 over 1 year ago Local PyPI server (custom packages and auto-mirroring of pypi)
warehouse 3,575 3 days ago Next generation Python Package Repository (PyPI)

Awesome Python / Penetration Testing

fsociety 10,526 about 2 months ago A Penetration testing framework
setoolkit 10,780 26 days ago A toolkit for social engineering
sqlmap 32,113 10 days ago Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool

Awesome Python / Permissions

django-guardian 3,626 2 months ago Implementation of per object permissions for Django 1.2+
django-rules 1,851 about 1 month ago A tiny but powerful app providing object-level permissions to Django, without requiring a database

Awesome Python / Processes 1,700 almost 2 years ago for Humans 2.0
sarge Yet another wrapper for subprocess
sh 6,957 24 days ago A full-fledged subprocess replacement for Python

Awesome Python / Recommender Systems

annoy 13,140 2 months ago Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage
fastFM 1,074 about 2 years ago A library for Factorization Machines
implicit 3,532 3 months ago A fast Python implementation of collaborative filtering for implicit datasets
libffm 1,596 about 2 months ago A library for Field-aware Factorization Machine (FFM)
lightfm 4,735 2 months ago A Python implementation of a number of popular recommendation algorithms
spotlight 2,974 almost 2 years ago Deep recommender models using PyTorch
Surprise 6,366 4 months ago A scikit for building and analyzing recommender systems
tensorrec 1,275 over 1 year ago A Recommendation Engine Framework in TensorFlow

Awesome Python / Refactoring

Bicycle Repair Man Bicycle Repair Man, a refactoring tool for Python
Bowler Safe code refactoring for modern Python
Rope 1,934 5 months ago Rope is a python refactoring library

Awesome Python / RESTful API / Django

django-rest-framework 28,208 15 days ago A powerful and flexible toolkit to build web APIs
django-tastypie 3,915 9 days ago Creating delicious APIs for Django apps

Awesome Python / RESTful API / Flask

eve 6,700 about 1 month ago REST API framework powered by Flask, MongoDB and good intentions
flask-api 1,438 8 months ago Browsable Web APIs for Flask
flask-restful 6,825 3 months ago Quickly building REST APIs for Flask

Awesome Python / RESTful API / Pyramid

cornice 384 23 days ago A RESTful framework for Pyramid

Awesome Python / RESTful API / Framework agnostic

falcon 9,511 8 days ago A high-performance framework for building cloud APIs and web app backends
fastapi 76,185 4 days ago A modern, fast, web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints
hug 6,860 3 months ago A Python 3 framework for cleanly exposing APIs
sandman2 2,001 5 days ago Automated REST APIs for existing database-driven systems
sanic 18,026 2 months ago A Python 3.6+ web server and web framework that's written to go fast

Awesome Python / Robotics

PythonRobotics 23,000 4 days ago This is a compilation of various robotics algorithms with visualizations
rospy This is a library for ROS (Robot Operating System)

Awesome Python / RPC Servers

RPyC 1,565 10 days ago (Remote Python Call) - A transparent and symmetric RPC library for Python
zeroRPC 3,168 10 months ago zerorpc is a flexible RPC implementation based on and

Awesome Python / Science

astropy A community Python library for Astronomy
bcbio-nextgen 988 about 1 month ago Providing best-practice pipelines for fully automated high throughput sequencing analysis
bccb 609 8 months ago Collection of useful code related to biological analysis
Biopython Biopython is a set of freely available tools for biological computation
cclib A library for parsing and interpreting the results of computational chemistry packages
Colour Implementing a comprehensive number of colour theory transformations and algorithms
Karate Club 2,142 3 months ago Unsupervised machine learning toolbox for graph structured data
NetworkX A high-productivity software for complex networks
NIPY A collection of neuroimaging toolkits
NumPy A fundamental package for scientific computing with Python
ObsPy 1,154 11 days ago A Python toolbox for seismology
Open Babel A chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data
PyDy Short for Python Dynamics, used to assist with workflow in the modeling of dynamic motion
PyMC 8,664 3 days ago Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling toolkit
QuTiP Quantum Toolbox in Python
RDKit Cheminformatics and Machine Learning Software
SciPy A Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering
SimPy A process-based discrete-event simulation framework
statsmodels 10,022 3 days ago Statistical modeling and econometrics in Python
SymPy 12,838 4 days ago A Python library for symbolic mathematics
Zipline 17,559 8 months ago A Pythonic algorithmic trading library
django-haystack 3,592 about 1 month ago Modular search for Django
elasticsearch-dsl-py 3,822 22 days ago The official high-level Python client for Elasticsearch
elasticsearch-py The official low-level Python client for
pysolr 665 17 days ago A lightweight Python wrapper for
whoosh A fast, pure Python search engine library

Awesome Python / Serialization

marshmallow 7,012 4 days ago A lightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Python datatypes
pysimdjson 643 about 1 month ago A Python bindings for
python-rapidjson 502 12 days ago A Python wrapper around
ultrajson 4,315 4 days ago A fast JSON decoder and encoder written in C with Python bindings

Awesome Python / Serverless Frameworks

python-lambda 1,500 over 1 year ago A toolkit for developing and deploying Python code in AWS Lambda
Zappa 3,275 5 days ago A tool for deploying WSGI applications on AWS Lambda and API Gateway

Awesome Python / Shell

xonsh 8,345 5 days ago A Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell language and command prompt

Awesome Python / Specific Formats Processing / General

tablib 4,600 3 months ago A module for Tabular Datasets in XLS, CSV, JSON, YAML

Awesome Python / Specific Formats Processing / Office

docxtpl 1,978 2 months ago Editing a docx document by jinja2 template
openpyxl A library for reading and writing Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files
pyexcel 1,202 about 2 months ago Providing one API for reading, manipulating and writing csv, ods, xls, xlsx and xlsm files
python-docx 4,532 about 2 months ago Reads, queries and modifies Microsoft Word 2007/2008 docx files
python-pptx 2,394 about 2 months ago Python library for creating and updating PowerPoint (.pptx) files
unoconv 2,586 over 1 year ago Convert between any document format supported by LibreOffice/OpenOffice
XlsxWriter 3,619 about 1 month ago A Python module for creating Excel .xlsx files
xlwings 2,954 4 days ago A BSD-licensed library that makes it easy to call Python from Excel and vice versa
xlwt 1,043 over 4 years ago / - Writing and reading data and formatting information from Excel files

Awesome Python / Specific Formats Processing / PDF

pdfminer.six 5,848 2 months ago Pdfminer.six is a community maintained fork of the original PDFMiner
PyPDF2 8,118 4 days ago A library capable of splitting, merging and transforming PDF pages
ReportLab Allowing Rapid creation of rich PDF documents

Awesome Python / Specific Formats Processing / Markdown

Mistune 2,555 about 2 months ago Fastest and full featured pure Python parsers of Markdown
Python-Markdown 3,757 4 days ago A Python implementation of John Gruber’s Markdown

Awesome Python / Specific Formats Processing / YAML

PyYAML YAML implementations for Python

Awesome Python / Specific Formats Processing / CSV

csvkit 5,977 about 1 month ago Utilities for converting to and working with CSV

Awesome Python / Specific Formats Processing / Archive

unp 424 over 7 years ago A command line tool that can unpack archives easily

Awesome Python / Static Site Generator

lektor 3,816 16 days ago An easy to use static CMS and blog engine
mkdocs 19,159 about 1 month ago Markdown friendly documentation generator
makesite 1,803 over 1 year ago Simple, lightweight, and magic-free static site/blog generator (< 130 lines)
nikola 2,599 about 1 month ago A static website and blog generator
pelican 12,513 7 days ago Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax

Awesome Python / Tagging

django-taggit 3,326 6 days ago Simple tagging for Django

Awesome Python / Task Queues

celery An asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing
dramatiq 4,283 26 days ago A fast and reliable background task processing library for Python 3
huey 5,156 10 days ago Little multi-threaded task queue
mrq 877 over 1 year ago A distributed worker task queue in Python using Redis & gevent
rq 9,820 19 days ago Simple job queues for Python

Awesome Python / Template Engine

Genshi Python templating toolkit for generation of web-aware output
Jinja2 10,270 25 days ago A modern and designer friendly templating language
Mako Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python platform

Awesome Python / Testing / Testing Frameworks

hypothesis 7,519 13 days ago Hypothesis is an advanced Quickcheck style property based testing library
nose2 794 5 days ago The successor to , based on `unittest2
pytest A mature full-featured Python testing tool
Robot Framework 9,707 5 days ago A generic test automation framework
unittest (Python standard library) Unit testing framework

Awesome Python / Testing / Test Runners

green 793 5 months ago A clean, colorful test runner
mamba The definitive testing tool for Python. Born under the banner of BDD
tox Auto builds and tests distributions in multiple Python versions

Awesome Python / Testing / GUI / Web Testing

locust 24,657 4 days ago Scalable user load testing tool written in Python
PyAutoGUI 10,230 about 2 months ago PyAutoGUI is a cross-platform GUI automation Python module for human beings
Schemathesis 2,250 5 days ago A tool for automatic property-based testing of web applications built with Open API / Swagger specifications
Selenium Python bindings for WebDriver
sixpack 1,758 about 2 years ago A language-agnostic A/B Testing framework
splinter 2,714 12 days ago Open source tool for testing web applications

Awesome Python / Testing / Mock

doublex Powerful test doubles framework for Python
freezegun 4,152 2 months ago Travel through time by mocking the datetime module
httmock 466 about 1 year ago A mocking library for requests for Python 2.6+ and 3.2+
httpretty 2,108 4 months ago HTTP request mock tool for Python
mock (Python standard library) A mocking and patching library
mocket 281 5 days ago A socket mock framework with gevent/asyncio/SSL support
responses 4,140 3 days ago A utility library for mocking out the requests Python library 2,694 8 days ago Record and replay HTTP interactions on your tests

Awesome Python / Testing / Object Factories

factory_boy 3,499 about 2 months ago A test fixtures replacement for Python
mixer 942 7 months ago Another fixtures replacement. Supports Django, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Peewee and etc
model_mommy 903 almost 5 years ago Creating random fixtures for testing in Django

Awesome Python / Testing / Code Coverage

coverage Code coverage measurement

Awesome Python / Testing / Fake Data

fake2db 2,272 almost 5 years ago Fake database generator
faker 17,646 5 days ago A Python package that generates fake data
mimesis 4,400 4 days ago is a Python library that help you generate fake data
radar Generate random datetime / time

Awesome Python / Text Processing / General

chardet 2,162 2 months ago Python 2/3 compatible character encoding detector
difflib (Python standard library) Helpers for computing deltas
ftfy 3,781 about 1 month ago Makes Unicode text less broken and more consistent automagically
fuzzywuzzy 9,220 over 1 year ago Fuzzy String Matching
Levenshtein 1,261 about 3 years ago Fast computation of Levenshtein distance and string similarity 253 over 1 year ago Paranoid text spacing
pyfiglet 1,357 3 months ago An implementation of figlet written in Python
pypinyin 4,837 20 days ago Convert Chinese hanzi (漢字) to pinyin (拼音)
textdistance 3,367 26 days ago Compute distance between sequences with 30+ algorithms
unidecode ASCII transliterations of Unicode text

Awesome Python / Text Processing / Slugify

awesome-slugify 484 over 4 years ago A Python slugify library that can preserve unicode
python-slugify 1,484 7 months ago A Python slugify library that translates unicode to ASCII
unicode-slugify 321 8 months ago A slugifier that generates unicode slugs with Django as a dependency

Awesome Python / Text Processing / Unique identifiers

hashids 1,410 over 1 year ago Implementation of in Python
shortuuid 2,060 4 months ago A generator library for concise, unambiguous and URL-safe UUIDs

Awesome Python / Text Processing / Parser

ply 2,768 3 months ago Implementation of lex and yacc parsing tools for Python
pygments A generic syntax highlighter
pyparsing 2,196 4 days ago A general purpose framework for generating parsers
python-nameparser 652 4 months ago Parsing human names into their individual components
python-phonenumbers 3,489 10 days ago Parsing, formatting, storing and validating international phone numbers
python-user-agents 1,441 over 1 year ago Browser user agent parser
sqlparse 3,713 about 1 month ago A non-validating SQL parser

Awesome Python / Third-party APIs

apache-libcloud One Python library for all clouds
boto3 8,995 3 days ago Python interface to Amazon Web Services
django-wordpress 355 over 3 years ago WordPress models and views for Django
facebook-sdk 2,737 2 months ago Facebook Platform Python SDK
google-api-python-client 7,693 4 days ago Google APIs Client Library for Python
gspread 7,055 10 days ago Google Spreadsheets Python API
twython 1,853 about 2 years ago A Python wrapper for the Twitter API

Awesome Python / URL Manipulation

furl 2,628 about 2 months ago A small Python library that makes parsing and manipulating URLs easy
purl 294 about 1 year ago A simple, immutable URL class with a clean API for interrogation and manipulation
pyshorteners 382 over 2 years ago A pure Python URL shortening lib
webargs 1,376 24 days ago A friendly library for parsing HTTP request arguments with built-in support for popular web frameworks

Awesome Python / Video

moviepy A module for script-based movie editing with many formats, including animated GIFs
scikit-video 138 over 4 years ago Video processing routines for SciPy
vidgear 3,338 about 2 months ago Most Powerful multi-threaded Video Processing framework

Awesome Python / Web Asset Management

django-compressor 2,790 about 2 months ago Compresses linked and inline JavaScript or CSS into a single cached file
django-pipeline 1,513 about 2 months ago An asset packaging library for Django
django-storages 2,743 13 days ago A collection of custom storage back ends for Django
fanstatic Packages, optimizes, and serves static file dependencies as Python packages
fileconveyor A daemon to detect and sync files to CDNs, S3 and FTP
flask-assets 454 10 months ago Helps you integrate webassets into your Flask app
webassets 924 4 months ago Bundles, optimizes, and manages unique cache-busting URLs for static resources

Awesome Python / Web Content Extracting

html2text 1,807 2 months ago Convert HTML to Markdown-formatted text
lassie 611 about 2 years ago Web Content Retrieval for Humans
micawber 632 3 months ago A small library for extracting rich content from URLs
newspaper 14,091 2 months ago News extraction, article extraction and content curation in Python
python-readability 2,650 about 2 months ago Fast Python port of arc90's readability tool
requests-html 13,715 6 months ago Pythonic HTML Parsing for Humans
sumy 3,513 5 months ago A module for automatic summarization of text documents and HTML pages
textract 3,878 19 days ago Extract text from any document, Word, PowerPoint, PDFs, etc
toapi 3,498 about 2 years ago Every web site provides APIs

Awesome Python / Web Crawling

feedparser 1,939 4 days ago Universal feed parser
grab 2,386 7 months ago Site scraping framework
mechanicalsoup 4,633 3 months ago A Python library for automating interaction with websites
scrapy 52,591 3 days ago A fast high-level screen scraping and web crawling framework

Awesome Python / Web Frameworks / Synchronous

django 79,401 9 days ago The most popular web framework in Python

Awesome Python / Web Frameworks / Synchronous / django

awesome-django 1,637 27 days ago
awesome-django 9,306 3 days ago

Awesome Python / Web Frameworks / Synchronous

flask 67,680 about 1 month ago A microframework for Python

Awesome Python / Web Frameworks / Synchronous / flask

awesome-flask 12,174 about 2 months ago

Awesome Python / Web Frameworks / Synchronous

pyramid A small, fast, down-to-earth, open source Python web framework

Awesome Python / Web Frameworks / Synchronous / pyramid

awesome-pyramid 550 about 3 years ago

Awesome Python / Web Frameworks / Synchronous

masonite 2,188 22 days ago The modern and developer centric Python web framework

Awesome Python / Web Frameworks / Asynchronous

tornado 21,690 12 days ago A web framework and asynchronous networking library

Awesome Python / WebSocket

autobahn-python 2,479 about 2 months ago WebSocket & WAMP for Python on Twisted and
channels 6,074 24 days ago Developer-friendly asynchrony for Django
websockets 5,157 5 days ago A library for building WebSocket servers and clients with a focus on correctness and simplicity

Awesome Python / WSGI Servers

gunicorn 9,770 about 2 months ago Pre-forked, ported from Ruby's Unicorn project
uwsgi A project aims at developing a full stack for building hosting services, written in C
waitress 1,438 3 months ago Multi-threaded, powers Pyramid
werkzeug 6,636 about 1 month ago A WSGI utility library for Python that powers Flask and can easily be embedded into your own projects

Resources / Newsletters

Awesome Python Newsletter
Pycoder's Weekly
Python Tricks
Python Weekly

Resources / Podcasts

Django Chat
Python Bytes
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The Real Python Podcast

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