
A curated list of awesome Flask resources and plugins


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last commit: about 2 months ago
Linked from 9 awesome lists


Awesome Flask / Framework

Connexion 4,475 2 months ago Swagger/OpenAPI First framework for Python on top of Flask with automatic endpoint validation and OAuth2 support
Flask-MongoRest 522 9 months ago Restful API framework wrapped around MongoEngine
Eve 6,700 about 1 month ago REST API framework powered by Flask, MongoDB and good intentions
Flask-Restless 1,020 over 4 years ago A Flask extension for creating simple ReSTful APIs from SQLAlchemy models
Flask-RESTful 6,825 3 months ago Simple framework for creating REST APIs
Flask-RestPlus 2,734 over 1 year ago syntaxic sugar, helpers and automatically generated Swagger documentation
Flask-Potion 487 over 5 years ago RESTful API framework for Flask and SQLAlchemy
Zappa 11,886 over 1 year ago Build and deploy server-less Flask applications on AWS Lambda and API Gateway

Awesome Flask / Admin interface

Flask-Admin 5,761 4 days ago Simple and extensible administrative interface framework for Flask

Awesome Flask / Analytics

Flask-Analytics 79 almost 8 years ago Analytics snippets generator extension for the Flask framework
Flask-Matomo 14 about 4 years ago Track requests to your Flask website with Matomo

Awesome Flask / Authentication

Flask-Security 1,631 2 months ago Quick and simple security for Flask applications
Flask-Login 3,562 20 days ago Flask user session management
Flask-User 1,058 over 2 years ago Customizable user account management for Flask
Flask-HTTPAuth 1,266 2 months ago Simple extension that provides Basic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routes
Flask-Praetorian 343 3 months ago Strong, Simple, and Precise security for Flask APIs (using jwt)

Awesome Flask / Authorization

Authlib 4,516 about 1 month ago Authlib is an ambitious authentication library for OAuth 1, OAuth 2, OpenID clients, servers and more
Authomatic 1,033 4 months ago Authomatic provides out of the box support for a number of providers using OAuth 1.0a (Twitter, Tumblr and more) and OAuth 2.0 (Facebook, Foursquare, GitHub, Google, LinkedIn, PayPal and more)
Flask-Pundit 51 over 1 year ago Extension based on Rails' gem that provides easy way to organize access control for your models
Flask-Dance 1,001 4 months ago OAuth consumer extension for Flask, shipped with pre-set support for Facebook, GitHub, Google, etc

Awesome Flask / Database

Flask-MongoEngine 840 9 months ago MongoEngine flask extension with WTF model forms support
Flask-SQLAlchemy 4,219 26 days ago Adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask

Awesome Flask / Database Migrations

Flask-Migrate 2,343 6 months ago SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic

Awesome Flask / Session

Flask-Session 500 about 2 months ago Server side session extension for Flask

Awesome Flask / Cache

Flask-Caching 889 2 months ago Adds easy cache support to Flask
flask-heroku-cacheify 41 about 6 years ago Automatic Flask cache configuration on Heroku

Awesome Flask / Data Validation

Flask-WTF 1,460 2 months ago Simple integration of Flask and WTForms, including CSRF, file upload and Recaptcha integration

Awesome Flask / Email

Flask-Mail 601 about 1 month ago Flask-Mail adds SMTP mail sending to your Flask applications

Awesome Flask / i18n

flask-babel 444 about 2 months ago i18n and l10n support for Flask based on Babel and pytz

Awesome Flask / Full-text searching

SQLAlchemy-Searchable 262 3 months ago Full-text searching for Flask-SQLAlchemy (Postgres only)
flask_msearch 215 9 months ago Full text search for flask with whoosh

Awesome Flask / Rate Limiting

Flask-Limiter 1,110 16 days ago Flask-Limiter provides rate limiting features to flask routes

Awesome Flask / Task Queue

Flask-Dramatiq integration for Flask applications
huey 5,156 10 days ago a little task queue for python
Flask-RQ 217 2 months ago RQ (Redis Queue) integration for Flask applications
celery 24,544 11 days ago Distributed Task Queue

Awesome Flask / Exception tracking

sentry-sdk 1,872 3 days ago Python client for
airbrake-python 51 about 2 years ago Python client for

Awesome Flask / Tracing

flask-zipkin 41 5 months ago Distributed tracing with
Flask-OpenTracing 135 7 months ago Distributed tracing with

Awesome Flask / APM

elastic-apm 410 12 days ago Elastic APM agent for Python

Awesome Flask / Other SDK

Flask-GoogleMaps 644 4 months ago Build and embed google maps in our Flask templates
Flask-Gravatar 82 8 months ago Small and simple gravatar usage in Flask
Flask-Pusher 8 over 3 years ago Pusher integration for Flask
Flask-Azure-Storage 21 over 6 years ago Flask extension that provides integration with Azure Storage

Awesome Flask / Frontend

Flask-CORS 879 28 days ago A Flask extension for handling Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), making cross-origin AJAX possible
flask-assets 454 10 months ago Flask webassets integration
flask-s3 198 about 1 year ago Seamlessly serve your static assets of your Flask app from Amazon S3
Flask-SSLify 28 about 2 years ago Force SSL on your Flask app
Flask-HTMLmin 97 over 1 year ago Flask html minifier

Awesome Flask / Development (Debugging/Testing/Documentation)

Flasgger 3,599 4 months ago Create API documentation for Flask views using Swagger 2.0 specs
flask-apispec 654 7 months ago simple self-documenting APIs with flask
flask2postman 148 about 2 years ago Generate a Postman collection from your Flask application
flask_profiler 752 almost 2 years ago endpoint analyzer/profiler for Flask
Flask-DebugToolbar 945 about 1 month ago A port of the django debug toolbar to flask
flask-debug-toolbar-mongo 4 over 7 years ago MongoDB panel for the Flask Debug Toolbar
Flask-Testing 501 about 1 year ago Unittest extensions for Flask
pytest-flask 484 about 1 month ago A set of pytest fixtures to test Flask applications
Flask-MonitoringDashboard 766 about 1 month ago Automatically monitor the evolving performance of Flask/Python web services
nplusone 998 almost 2 years ago Auto-detect n+1 queries with Flask and SQLAlchemy
connexion 4,475 2 months ago Swagger/OpenAPI First framework for Python on top of Flask with automatic endpoint validation & OAuth2 support

Awesome Flask / Utils

flask-marshmallow 874 about 1 month ago Flask + marshmallow for beautiful APIs
flask-jsonrpc 288 12 days ago A basic JSON-RPC implementation for your Flask-powered sites
Flask-Bcrypt 324 11 months ago Flask-Bcrypt is a Flask extension that provides bcrypt hashing utilities for your application
Mixer 942 7 months ago Mixer is application to generate instances of Django or SQLAlchemy models
Flask-FeatureFlags 133 over 6 years ago A Flask extension that enables or disables features based on configuration
Flask-Reggie 48 about 11 years ago Regex Converter for Flask URL Routes
Flask-SocketIO 5,357 about 1 month ago Socket.IO integration for Flask applications
Flask-Moment 370 4 months ago Formatting of dates and times in Flask templates using moment.js
Flask-Paginate 281 5 months ago Pagination support for Flask
Flask-graphql 1,322 almost 2 years ago Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application

Resources / Tutorials

How to build a news app that never goes down and costs you practically nothing (by NPR)
Building websites in Python with Flask
The Flask Mega-Tutorial
Implementing a RESTful Web API with Python & Flask
Discover Flask - Full Stack Web Development with Flask 4,511 about 4 years ago
Flaskr - Intro to Flask, Test Driven Development, and jQuery 2,318 6 months ago

Resources / Courses

Full Stack Foundations
Designing RESTful APIs

Resources / Books

Explore Flask
Flask Web Development
Real Python
Learning Flask Framework
Flask Blueprints
Flask Framework Cookbook
Mastering Flask
Building Web Applications with Flask

Resources / Slides

Creating beautiful REST APIs with Flask
Advanced Flask Patterns
Flasky Goodness
Domain Driven Design (... with Flask)
In Flask we Trust

Resources / Videos

Practical Flask Web Development Tutorials

Resources / Built with Flask

zmusic-ng ZX2C4 Music provides a web interface for playing and downloading music files using metadata
GuitarFan 50 over 4 years ago guitar tab
June 1,088 about 2 years ago -
Zerqu 172 over 4 years ago ZERQU is a content-focused API-based platform. eg:
motiky 40 over 11 years ago
missing 9 over 11 years ago a list service called missing 78 almost 14 years ago
overholt 1,595 over 4 years ago Example Flask application illustrating common practices
pypress 550 over 4 years ago flask team blog 747 about 9 years ago
redispapa 395 over 1 year ago another redis monitor by using flask, angular,
flaskblog 181 over 7 years ago a simple blog system based on flask
cleanblog 111 almost 8 years ago a clean blog system based on flask and mongoengine
Quokka CMS 2,235 almost 5 years ago CMS made with Flask and MongoDB
chat 321 about 2 years ago a live chat built with python (flask + gevent + apscheduler) + redis
chatapp Flask and Angular.js Chat Application using
Frozen-Flask 787 3 months ago Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files
mcflyin 87 about 2 years ago A small timeseries transformation API built on Flask and Pandas
Skylines 395 about 1 month ago Live tracking, flight database and competition framework
airflow 36,519 4 days ago Airflow is a system to programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
timesketch 2,575 11 days ago Collaborative forensics timeline analysis
changes 754 almost 8 years ago A dashboard for your code. A build system
security_monkey 4,351 over 3 years ago monitors policy changes and alerts on insecure configurations in an AWS account
securedrop 3,607 12 days ago an open-source whistleblower submission system that media organizations can use to securely accept documents from and communicate with anonymous sources
sync_engine 3,502 over 4 years ago IMAP/SMTP sync system with modern APIs
cleansweep 40 over 4 years ago Volunteer & Campaign Management System
indico 1,754 5 days ago a general-purpose event management web-based solution. It includes a full-blown conference organization workflow as well as tools for meeting management and room booking. It provides as well integration with video-conferencing solutions
flaskbb 2,588 3 months ago A classic Forum Software in Python using Flask 276 3 months ago [PythonBuddy] ( ) - Online Python Editor With Live Syntax Checking and Execution

Resources / Boilerplate

fbone 1,715 over 2 years ago
cookiecutter-flask 4,575 9 days ago
Flask-Foundation 1,289 over 1 year ago
flask-rest-template 110 almost 2 years ago
gae-init Flask boilerplate running on Google App Engine
Flask-AppBuilder 4,650 about 1 month ago Simple and rapid application builder framework, built on top of Flask. includes detailed security, auto form generation, google charts and much more

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