
Python reference

An online collection of Python documentation and resources, covering various aspects of the language from beginner to advanced topics.

Bits and bytes of Python from the Internet


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last commit: over 1 year ago
Linked from 5 awesome lists


Contents / Beginner's Delight

Beginner's guide to Python
The Hitchhiker's guide to Python
Learn Python the hard way
Learn Python
Google's Python class
Python tracks at Codecademy
Python for Beginners
Intro to Python For Data Science
Best way to learn python
Python Tips, tools and resources
Python Koans: Learn Python through TDD 4,962 6 months ago
Beginner projects for a python newbie
Learn X in Y minutes - Python
Python Practice book
Python tools and software
Facts and myths about Python names and values
*args and **kwargs in python explained
In Python, it’s all about the attributes
Common newbie mistakes in Python- Part 1
Common newbie mistakes in Python- Part 2
Some cool Python Tricks
if x and if x is not None
Declaring dependencies in Python
Storing and Loading Data with JSON - Serialization/deserialization
A Guide to Python's Magic Methods
Efficient String Concatenation in Python
Be Pythonic:
Building an open-source Python application the right way
Python progression path - From apprentice to guru
Tutorialspoint python tutorial
Python Importing
Python's super() considered super!
No Naked Excepts
Supercharge Your Python Developers
Anti-Patterns in Python Programming
The Python IAQ: Infrequently Answered Questions
Python's objects and classes — a visual guide
Visualize your Python code being executed
Snakify - a tutorial with exercises and a visual debugger
Learn programming with curated Python projects - DevProjects

Contents / Resources for Women

Diversity in Python Community
Django Girls
Geek Feminism Python Posts
Tarah Wheeler Van Vlack Videos

Contents / Why Python?

Python Success Stories
Why Python - Slideshare
5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Python Programming
10 Reasons Python Rocks for Research (And a Few Reasons it Doesn’t)
Why such popularity with Python?
Why was Python's popularity so sudden?
Why Python?
How Python became the language of choice for data science

Contents / Style Guide and Idioms

PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code
PEP 8 — the Style Guide for Python Code
Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python
Google Python Style Guide
Python Idioms and Efficiency
How not to write Python code
Docstring Conventions

Contents / Dictionary

Python hash, id and dictionary order
Notes on dictionary implementation
Python: The Dictionary Playbook

Contents / Decorators

Understanding Python Decorators in 12 easy steps
Common uses of Python decorators - Quora
Common uses of Python decorators - Stack Overflow
Python Decorators
Decorators I: Introduction to Python Decorators
The dark side of decorators
Thinking out aloud: Python decorators
Using Python decorators for registering callbacks
Meta-matters: Using decorators for better Python programming
How can I make a chain of function decorators in Python?
The Python Decorator Library
Improve Your Python: Decorators Explained
Painless Decorators
Advanced Uses of Python Decorators

Contents / Generators

Improve Your Python: 'yield' and Generators Explained
Generator Tricks for Systems Programmers
Delegating to a Subgenerator in Python 3
Generators Will Free Your Mind

Contents / Coroutines

A Curious Course on Coroutines and Concurrency

Contents / Iterators

Understanding Iterators and Iterables
For Loops and Iterators

Contents / Import

A Python Import Tutorial for Beginners

Contents / Yield

Python yield keyword explained

Contents / Context Managers

Understanding Python's with statement
The Python "with" Statement by Example

Contents / Unicode

Explain Unicode like I'm five years old
Unicode Pain
Python encodings and Unicode
The Updated Guide to Unicode on Python
More About Unicode in Python 2 and 3
Unicode in Python: Common Pitfalls
Unicode HOWTO

Contents / Networking

An intro to Python socket network programming

Contents / Metaclasses

A primer on python metaclasses
What is a metaclass in Python?
Improve Your Python: Metaclasses and Dynamic Classes With Type

Contents / Documentation

Documentation is King
Make your open source project documentation suck less
Python Documentation Network
Writing great documentation

Contents / Documentation / Sphinx

Quick Sphinx documentation for Python

Contents / Environments and Environment Management

Virtualenv - The official documentation
Virtual Environments — The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
Virtualenv Tutorial
A Primer on virtualenv
How to use Python virtualenv
Making Virtualenv play nice with Git
Extension to Virtualenv
VirtualEnv Burrito = virtualenv + virtualenvwrapper 850 about 6 years ago
Virtualenv Tips
Anaconda Primer

Contents / Exceptions

Writing and Using Custom Exceptions

Contents / Debugging

Debugging Tools in Python
Debugging Python Like a Boss

Contents / Debugging / Logging

Sentry - realtime event logging and aggregation platform

Contents / Testing

Nose Introduction
Unittest Introduction
How To Use With Unittest 60 almost 8 years ago
An Extended Introduction to the nose Unit Testing Framework
Test strategies for your Python projects
Improve Your Python: Understanding Unit Testing
An Introduction to Mocking in Python
Python Mock Library Comparison

Contents / Profiling

A guide to analyzing Python performance
Profiling Python Like a Boss

Contents / Packaging

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Packaging
Sharing Your Labor of Love: PyPI Quick And Dirty
Open Sourcing a Python Project the Right Way
5 tips for packaging your Python projects
AOSA: Python Packaging
The Package Dependency Blues
5 Simple Rules For Building Great Python Packages
Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages
Py2app: Standalone Mac OS X applications
PyInstaller: Stand-alone executables, under Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and AIX tricks
Python Packaging: Quick Tutorial & Checklist

Contents / Deployment

Solid Python Deployments for Everybody

Contents / Deployment / Fabric

Using Fabric in a development environment
Capture output from parallel execution with Fabric

Contents / Deployment / Ansible

Example Ansible scripts for building a full AWS stack 245 almost 9 years ago

Contents / Contributing to Python Development

The CPython Developer's Guide 1,880 2 months ago

Contents / Warts and Gotchas

Python 2.x gotcha's and landmines
Python Warts
Python Gotchas
Common Pitfalls in Python

Contents / Web

Python and Realtime Web
A Python guide to handling HTTP request failures

Contents / Web / Frameworks

Django vs Flask vs Pyramid: Choosing a Python Web Framework
Flask Mega Tutorial Series
Designing a RESTful API with Python and Flask
How I structure my Flask apps
Designing a RESTful API using Flask-RESTful
Rapid Web Prototyping with Lightweight Tools
Build a Simple, Static, Markdown-Powered Blog with Flask
How to Build an API with Python and Flask
Create a Simple Music Streaming App with Flask
Adding full-text search to the flask note-taking app
Kickstarting Flask on Ubuntu - Setup and Deployment
OAuth Authentication with Flask
Building a blog using Flask and AngularJS
A repository of Flask resources 12,302 6 months ago
Building a Movie Recommendation Service with Spark & Flask
Building a Kanban App with Flask and React
Explore Flask
Building a Twitter clone in Web2Py
The official Django documentation
Getting started with Django
Starting a Django 1.6 Project the Right Way
Building a hacker news clone in Django
Djen of Django
Deploying Django
Django by Example
Tango with Django
Django Screencasts
Let’s TDD a Simple App in Django
Django runserver and stunnel for testing HTTPS
Scaling database with Django and HAProxy
Classy Class-Based Views
Django models, encapsulation and data integrity
11 Things I Wish I Knew About Django Development Before I Started My Company
Build a Shopify App in 15 minutes with Django
A repository of must-watch videos about Django
Django Girls Tutorial
Mastering Django
Building a Wine Review & Recommendation Site with Django
Developing with Bottle- Part 1
Tornado official documentation
Fastest database for Tornado
Pyramid official documentation
How To Use the Pyramid Framework To Build Your Python Web App on Ubuntu
Building an AJAX Hello-World with Pyramid

Contents / Web / Web Servers

A Comparison of Web Servers for Python Based Web Applications
Setting Up a Rock Solid Python Development Web Server

Contents / Web / API and Web Services

How to access various web services in python
Glassdoor API 81 over 8 years ago

Contents / Web / Scraping

Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup
Web Scraping 101 with Python
Web Scraping with Scrapy Framework
How to automatically search and download torrents with Python and Scrapy

Contents / Mobile Development / Kivy

Creating an Application in Kivy: Part 1

Contents / Google Glass / Resources

The official Python Quick Start for Google Glass

Contents / Google Glass / Libraries

Create python web applications for Google Glass 278 about 11 years ago

Contents / Image Processing

Python Image Library - Examples
Digital Image Basics
How to Watermark Images with Python

Contents / GUI Programming GUI Overview Page
PyQt5 Tutorial
Standalone executable for PyQt4 on Windows
Kivy GUI for cross-platform applications Introduction to Tkinter
Pytkgen: JSON to Tkinter GUI Generator 120 over 4 years ago
Intro to programming with Python and Tkinter
Tkinter Course - Create Graphic User Interfaces in Python Tutorial
Python - GUI Programming (Tkinter)
Creating GUI Programs Fast & Easy Tutorial

Contents / Game Development

Pygame Tutorial

Contents / Android / SL4A

Making the Physics Gizmo app for Android using SL4A

Contents / WSGI

Getting started with WSGI
WSGI Basics

Contents / Databases / SQLAlchemy

SQLAlchemy and you
Essential SQLAlchemy Tips and Techniques
10 common stumbling blocks for SQLAlchemy newbies
An SQLAlchemy Cheatsheet

Contents / Data Mining

Linux system mining using Python

Contents / Data Analysis

Practical Data Science in Python
Document Clustering with Python
Data Science with Python & R: Data Frames
Data Science with Python & R: Exploratory Data Analysis
Data Science with Python & R: Sentiment Classification Using Linear Methods
Scientific Python Cheatsheet
Python Basics For Data Science
SciPy Lecture Notes: One document to learn numerics, science, and data with Python
Machine Learning Algorithms with Python

Contents / Data Analysis / Pandas

A 10 min intro to Pandas
Pandas and Python: Top 10
Learn Pandas
Faster Data Processing in Python
Learn More About Pandas By Building and Using a Weighted Average Function

Contents / Data Visualization

How to Create Matplotlib Animations
How to Save Matplotlib Animations
How to Create Plotly Animations
How to Save Plotly Animations
How to Map Charts in Python

Contents / Deep Learning

Build your first Neural Network with Python and Keras
Building powerful image classification models using very little data
Python implementation of several famous Deep Learning papers 62,196 2 months ago

Contents / IPython Notebooks

A Gallery of Interesting IPython Notebooks 16,332 2 months ago
A collection of not-so-obvious Python stuff you should know!
Peter Norvig's Notebook Collection
Statistical Natural Language Processing in Python | How To Do Things With Words. And Counters.
Analysis of World Bank Fertility Rate Data With Statsmodels PCA
Modeling the Last Flight of MH370 with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method
Differential Equations in Data Science
Stegotons: solitary waves arising in non-dispersive periodic media
The Traveling Salesperson Problem
Scientific Computing with Python
Gaussian Blur
Understanding the FFT Algorithm
lifelines: Survival Analysis in Python
Economics Simulation
An Introduction to Bayesian Methods for Multilevel Modeling
The Floods of the Nile
Animal Foraging and the Evolution of Goal-Directed Cognition
Wikipedia data scraping functions
Python for Geosciences 462 almost 5 years ago
Media Signal Processing
Get Started with Python 388 over 4 years ago
A gallery of data science IPython notebooks 27,601 11 months ago
Jupyter Notebooks derived from Allen Downey's Think Bayes 396 almost 9 years ago

Contents / Design Patterns

Python Best Practice Patterns by Vladimir Keleshev
28 Design Patterns in Python and Several Other Languages 112 over 3 years ago
Factory Pattern In Python
Wishful Coding in Python: a Problem Solving Philosophy

Contents / Design Patterns / Concurrency Patterns

Wasp's Nest: The Read-Copy-Update Pattern In Python

Contents / Concurrency and Distributed Systems

Gevent and ZeroMQ
Celery: Distributed Task Queue
Gevent for the working Python developer

Contents / Functional Programming

Recursion Explained with the Flood Fill Algorithm
Functional Programming in Python

Contents / Python 2 vs 3

Python 2 or 3 ?
Python 3 Q & A
About Python 3
Let’s talk about Python 3.0
Pros and Cons about Python 3

Contents / Python 2 vs 3 / Porting to Python 3

Python 3 Wall of Superpowers(Packages)
How to support both Python 2 and 3
How CherryPy supports Python 2 and 3
Porting to Python 3 - The Book Site
Easy, clean, reliable Python 2/3 compatibility

Contents / Books / Free

Free Programming Books - Python 341,306 2 months ago
Python Programming - Free Computer Books
Some free books on Python
Invent with Python
Think Python
Byte of Python
Snake Wrangling for Kids
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python
Python programming on wikibooks
Dive Into Python 3
Programming Computer Vision with Python
Python for you and me
Program Arcade Games With Python And Pygame
Interactive python-problem solving
How to make mistakes in Python
Think Stats: Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

Contents / Books / Paid

Some list of paid books on python
Porting to Python 3 - The Book Site

Contents / Online Courses and Challenges

A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python
Python Challenges
Project Euler
Interactive, test-driven Python coding challenges 29,635 10 months ago

Contents / Discussions

What's your favorite programming language?
What is your primary programming language?
StackOverflow - Python beyond the basics
StackOverflow - Python progression path from apprentice to guru
StackOverflow - Zen of Python
StackOverflow - Hidden Features of Python

Contents / Conferences and events

Official PyCon website
Lanyrd - Python Conference and Events - Python Meetup Groups

Contents / Videos

Guido Van Rossum on the history of Python
Type Hints - Guido van Rossum - PyCon 2015
Khan Academy - Introduction to programming and computer science using Python
What are some "must-watch" Python videos ?
Lanyrd - Python Videos
Python Videos, Tutorials and Screencasts at ShowMeDo
Talks by Brandon Rhodes
A Billion Rows per Second: Metaprogramming Python for Big Data
The newboston site tutorial -
Python Programming Tutorials
Must-watch videos about Python by s16h 3,347 over 3 years ago

Contents / Editors and IDE's for Python programming

Setting up Sublime Text for Python Development
Sublime Text 2 Love by Kenneth Reitz
Sublime Text 2 tips for Python and web developers
Geany with pylint
Emacs setup for python development environment
Emacs for python 809 almost 9 years ago
Python Anywhere

Contents / BigData

Mind map of Python for Big Data

Contents / Curated Python resources from other websites

Python Resources (All) -
Learn Python Online
Programming Community Curated Python Tutorials & Courses
Classpert: Find and compare online courses from multiple providers

Contents / Newsletters

Python Weekly

Contents / Podcasts

Talk Python To Me

Contents / Miscellaneous

Good to great Python reads
How to Create Barcodes in Your PDFs with Python
What are some good Python interview questions ?
Python innards introduction
Projects - A list of practical projects 45,469 6 months ago
More Python Tutorials
Developer Tools in Python
The Best of Python in 2013
Top Projects of 2013
Advanced Regular Expression Tips and Techniques
Advanced Data Structures in Python
Simple Sudoku solver in python
Looking Inside Dropbox – Security whitepaper
Why sorting an array makes a Python loop faster
Python Integer object implementation
The history of Python - Blog
The ever useful and neat subprocess module
Hidden Features in Python
Python module of the week
Become a programmer
Python tutor
Best developer blogs about python - Quora
Python blogs -Stackoverflow
Abstracting Control Flow
Python Algorithm Visualizations done in Python running in the browser
Solving Every Sudoku Puzzle
Difference Between 2 Images: Pixel Level Scanning

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