
A curated list about Python in Education snake mortar_board



844 stars
44 watching
149 forks
last commit: 4 months ago
Linked from 4 awesome lists


awesome-python-in-education / Contents / Reference and forums

Academic Papers

awesome-python-in-education / Contents / Interactive environments

From Blocks to Code with Trinket! (more resources included in )
Python for Everybody interactive book
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (more resources included in )
pythonroom classrooms
CS Principles: Big Ideas in Programming
BlockPy web-based Python environment that lets you work with blocks, text, or both
Edublocks Making the transition from Scratch to Python easier
Python Lectures 385 about 4 years ago IPython Notebooks to learn Python
Jupyter notebooks for teaching/learning Python 3 6,417 9 months ago
Learn Python
Code Club Python modules
Computer Science Circles
Python from scratch
Interactive Python 3 tutorial with 100+ exercises
Code the blocks interactive playground for learning how to code
Pythonpad.js programming environment for tiny Python 3 projects, that can be embedded in web pages (using )

awesome-python-in-education / Contents / MOOCs

Programming for Everybody
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1)
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 2)
Python Programming: A Concise Introduction
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python
Learn to Program Using Python
CS For All: Introduction to Computer Science and Python Programming
Programming Foundations with Python
Python Codecademy
CS 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Python School
Python curriculum outline 171 almost 6 years ago Curriculum outline at GitHub issue

awesome-python-in-education / Contents / Introductions and Tutorials

The Hello World Program: Learn Python
Practical Python Programming (course by @dabeaz) 9,847 about 2 months ago
Introduction to Python
Python tutorial
Programming with Python from
Introduction to Programming with Python
Python Land
Python Course
The Programming Historian
Program Arcade Games With Python And Pygame
Python Tutorials for Kids 13+
Python Asynchronous I/O Walkthrough
Python Tutorials and Courses Directory
Python as a Second Language
A simple tutorial about effectively using pdb 848 4 months ago
Beginning Python - - - 4 courses from the archived O'Reilly School of Technology
Testing and Continuous Integration with Python a tutorial from the Software Carpentry
Playground and cheatsheet for learning Python 16,268 2 months ago
Try Python a free course from Code School
Python Synopsis 190 over 1 year ago Python study guide
Python Fundamentals I & II two 20h free courses from Rithm School
A Byte of Python
A Brief, Animated Introduction to Programming with Python
Build applications in Python (the anti-textbook) 557 over 4 years ago
Asyncio in Python collection of tutorials about Asyncio in Python
A SQLite Tutorial with Python
Learning Python for Social Scientists
Learn how to use Python for your Lab
Python Basics 554 almost 4 years ago
Dead Simple Python from beginners to python (not programming)
Learn Python Introduction and Intermediate Python, recorded for Frontend Masters by Nina Zakharenko
The Cracking Python Bootcamp 287 about 5 years ago Learn How to Code in Python in 12 Weeks By Building Fun Real World Projects
w3schools Python tutorial
Geeks for geeks Python tutorial
Ultimate Python 5,055 about 2 months ago study guide for newcomers and professionals alike interactive tutorial

awesome-python-in-education / Contents / Data Science

A Whirlwind Tour of Python and the behind
A Crash Course in Python for Scientists
Intro to Python for Data Science
Learning Python for Data Science
Introduction to Python for Data Science
Programming with Python for Data Science
Python Data Science Handbook 42,865 3 months ago complete book in Jupyter Notebook format
NumPy Illustrated - The Visual Guide to NumPy
Exploratory Computing with Python
Data Carpentry: Python for Ecologists
Plotting and Programming in Python
Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python
Using Python for Research
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Machine Learning in Python
SIOC 209: Python for Data Analysis 839 about 4 years ago and its
Reproducible analysis in Python 111 almost 6 years ago
Python Level 1 free course at Kaggle
Pandas Cheat Sheet
Python for Data Science Cheat Sheets

awesome-python-in-education / Exercises and Games

Empire of Code
Project Euler
HackerRank Challenges
PyBites -
Practice Python
Python Challenge
Python for Fun
Reeborg's world
Python Koans 4,943 about 2 months ago
Boston Python Puzzles
Norvig's pytudes 22,614 9 days ago Python programs for perfecting programming skills
Python Challenges
Code & Conquer
TeachCraft: Minecraft + Python -
Slice like a Ninja
Python Datasets: The Collection of Really Great, Interesting, Situated Datasets (visit for raw formats)
Interactive Coding Challenges 29,364 5 months ago
Pyweek Programming Challenge
Edabit Python Challenges
futurecoder interactive beginner exercises -
DevProjects - Python Projects Learn programming with curated Python projects

awesome-python-in-education / Reference and forums / Python suitability for education

CP4E by Guido van Rossum
Python in Education: Teach, Learn, Program free e-book on why Python is well suited for education by Nicholas Tollervey
'Think Python like a Computer Scientist' book Foreword by David Beazley
Why I push for Python by Lorena Barba
Why Python is a Great First Language by Elliott Hauser (Trinket CEO)
Why Python is a great language for teaching beginners in introductory programming classes by Philip Guo
Python is Now the Most Popular Introductory Teaching Language at Top U.S. Universities by Philip Guo (Communications of the ACM)
Why Learn Python? Here Are 8 Data-Driven Reasons by Elena Ruchko
[Level 1] Programming: Python Archived version
Python as a way of thinking

awesome-python-in-education / Reference and forums / Reference

Official Python documentation
Python in Education -
Google's Python Class
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python
Tiny Python 3.6 Notebook 1,345 over 3 years ago
Real Python Tutorials -
PEP8 - Python Style Guide
The Elements of Python Style 3,446 6 months ago
PyMOTW3 Python Module Of The Week
Full Stack Python -
Learn X in Y minutes where X=python3
Tutorial - Learn Python in 10 minutes but don't forget to
PyCrumbs - Bits and bytes of Python from the Internet 3,221 over 1 year ago
CheckiO Python blog curated Python articles
A Sheet of Python : direct access to the
A gallery of interesting Jupyter Notebooks 14,876 9 days ago
CS1 Python Programming Projects Archive
Python 3 Cheat Sheet (PDF)
Python cheatsheet
Python Crash Course - Cheat Sheets
Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet 36,154 22 days ago
Algorithms implemented in python (for education) 184,689 4 days ago
Algorithms 2,848 almost 6 years ago
Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms in Python 23,967 3 months ago
awesome-python 220,437 about 2 months ago
Python GitHub Projects 822 almost 3 years ago
Python Reference 3,759 over 2 years ago useful functions, tutorials, and other Python-related things
Pythonidae 956 over 1 year ago curated decibans of scientific programming resources in Python
Python Patterns by Brandon Rhodes ( )
python-patterns 40,266 30 days ago a collection of design patterns/idioms in Python
PyPattyrn 2,256 4 months ago
Python 3 Patterns, Recipes and Idioms
How to make mistakes in Python
The Little Book of Python Anti-Patterns small book of Python anti-patterns and worst practices
Python IAQ: Infrequently Answered Questions by Peter Norvig
Anti-Patterns in Python Programming
Python Code Disasters 155 8 months ago more anti-patterns
What the f*ck Python? 35,688 4 months ago A collection of interesting and tricky Python examples
DjangoGirls Introduction to Python
Experiments in Python Pedagogy 11 2 months ago -
29 common beginner Python errors on one page from
Learn Python - Udacity
Popular Python Recipes
Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python
Improve your Python skills (Dan Bader's blog)
Practical Business Python
Python Lessons 6 lessons from teachwithict
Machine Learning and Python (and Math) Cheat Sheets
AIAMA Python implementation 7,964 2 months ago Python implementation of algorithms from Russell And Norvig's "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach"
PyFormat Using % and .format() for great good!
Replacing Bash Scripting with Python 1,058 8 months ago
ugo_py_doc a Python documentation website
The 35 Words You Need to Python The core vocabulary of Python you actually need to know to start to do meaningful work

awesome-python-in-education / Reference and forums / Mailing lists

Python EDU-SIG subsite
Python EDU-SIG Special Interest Group mailing list
Python EDU-WG Working Group mailing list
Tutor (mailing list) Discussion for learning programming with Python
Python-list General discussion list for the Python programming language (mailing list)
jupyter-education Teaching with Jupyter Notebooks mailing list

awesome-python-in-education / Reference and forums / Forums

'python' tag StackOverflow: -
r/Python reddit: - - -

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries

Your Python Trinket Put Interactive Python Anywhere on the Web
Python Tutor Visualize the execution of Python programs
Livepython 2,549 over 5 years ago Visually trace Python code in real-time (alpha stage)
Skulpt Skulpt is an entirely in-browser implementation of Python 2.X (!)
SoloLearn Python 3 Tutorial mobile version
Python Anywhere
Python AST Explorer
kite programming copilot
EarSketch learn to code by making music
FoxDot Live Coding Music with Python & SuperCollider
Ren'Py a visual novel engine
ColorZero 25 almost 3 years ago Another color manipulation library for Python
LogZero 1,028 almost 2 years ago Robust and effective logging
NetworkZero 46 over 1 year ago Make it easy for learning groups to use simple networking in Python

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Games, graphics and simulation

Jupylet 227 9 months ago Create 2D and 3D games, graphics, live music and sound synthesizers, interactively in a Jupyter notebook
Pygame Zero for creating games without boilerplate
Python Arcade Library
Pyglet a pure python cross-platform application framework intended for game development
Python Mode for Processing
PythonTurtle A learning environment for Python programming suitable for beginners and children, inspired by Logo. Easy installer for Windows so it could be installed by children on computers without internet access
A Simple Tutorial for Python's Module 130 7 months ago
VPython 3D programming
Pymunk 2D physics library
PyPhysicsSandbox 45 10 months ago a simple wrapper around Pymunk
Kivy innovative user interfaces, such as multi-touch apps
PyQT 15 minute apps 4,094 18 days ago 15 minute (small) desktop apps built with PyQt
PyQt5 tutorial Create GUI applications with Python
Panda3D game engine and framework for 3D rendering
Ursina Engine game engine based on Panda3D but really easy-to-use. Great for beginners in 3D game coding
gui zero to allow children to quickly and easily create GUIs for their programs
Free Python Games collection of free Python games intended for education and fun
Angry Birds in Python 350 over 1 year ago using pygame and pymunk
Jappy 17 almost 2 years ago the app powering the collaborative coding platform
Predigame instructional platform that teaches the basics of coding through the creation of arcade games
ThorPy A GUI library for pygame
sc8pr 14 15 days ago A simple framework for new and experienced Python programmers to create animations, games, and other graphics-based programs
pyxel 14,624 12 days ago A retro game development environment in Python
PySimpleGUI 13,371 22 days ago Super-simple GUI to use... Powerfully customizable
evennia library and toolkit for building multi-player online text games
adventurelib 151 5 months ago easy text adventures
PythonStdioGames 895 about 1 year ago A compilation of text-based games written in Python that only use "standard i/o"
PyperCard 109 11 days ago HyperCard inspired GUI framework for beginner developers in Python ( )
PyComic 7 over 1 year ago A static website for generating Pythonic comics

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Visualization

Bokeh an interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation
VisPy library for interactive scientific visualization that is designed to be fast, scalable, and easy to use
Python Graph Gallery showcase hundreds of charts, always providing the reproducible python code

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter

Awesome Jupyter 3,991 1 day ago A curated list of awesome Jupyter projects, libraries and resources
Project Jupyter

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter / Project Jupyter best practices and content for teaching with Jupyter notebooks

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter / Project Jupyter /

jupyter4edu/jupyter-edu-book 432 over 1 year ago open source of the "Teaching and Learning with Jupyter" book

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter / Project Jupyter / / jupyter4edu/jupyter-edu-book "Teaching and Learning with Jupyter" book

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter / Project Jupyter

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter

jupyter-education: Teaching with Jupyter Notebooks mailing list mailing list
jupyterhub/JupyterHub 7,745 4 days ago multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter / jupyterhub/JupyterHub

Zero to JupyterHub documentation for setting up a multi-user JupyterHub server
TLJH: The Littlest JupyterHub documentation for "a simple JupyterHub distribution for a small (0-100) number of users on a single server"
jupyterhub-deploy-teaching 246 4 months ago reference deployment of JupyterHub and nbgrader on a single server

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter

jupyterlab/JupyterLab 14,107 4 days ago rewrite of Jupyter Notebook with tabs, extensions, command list

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter / jupyterlab/JupyterLab

JupyterLab Documentation

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter "Binder": generate a container from a git repository (or a DOI) with repo2docker and run it in the cloud

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter /

jupyterhub/binderhub 2,540 about 1 month ago BinderHub is the application that powers (on k8s)
jupyter/repo2docker 1,614 19 days ago generate Jupyter-enabled Docker Images from repositories examples of Binder-ready (REES-compatible) Jupyter notebooks
REES: Reproducible Execution Environment Specification specification that repo2docker uses to build a container image for a given project and its dependencies
REES Config files requirements.txt, environment.yml, Pipfile.lock, postBuild, Dockerfile

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter

ipython/ipywidgets - IPython widgets 3,137 24 days ago
jupyter/nbgrader 1,284 4 days ago nbgrader is a tool that facilitates creating and grading assignments in the Jupyter notebook

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter / jupyter/nbgrader

nbgrader docs docs for the nbgrader tool
jupyterhub/jupyterhub-deploy-teaching 246 4 months ago reference deployment of JupyterHub and nbgrader on a single server

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter

jupyterlab/jupyterlab-google-drive 400 about 1 year ago Google Drive for JupyterLab (see also: Google Colab)
jupyterlab/debugger 562 over 2 years ago a JupyterLab debugger extension for debugging code in notebook cells

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Hosted Jupyter notebooks

awesome-jupyter > Hosted Notebook Solutions 3,991 1 day ago
CoCalc's comparison of Online Jupyter Notebook services
CoCalc Jupyter notebook environment with Course Management, Handouts, Assignments, nbgrader, Time Travel history, chat
Google Colab Jupyter notebook environment for machine learning education and research (requires no setup to use)
IllumiDesk Jupyter notebook environment with LMS integration via LTI 1.1/1.3

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter Tools

RISE 3,678 11 months ago "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension
fastpages 3,527 almost 2 years ago static/JAMstack blogging platform with support for Jupyter notebooks
hugo-academic 8,127 27 days ago static/JAMstack website builder with support for Jupyter notebooks
ipytest 311 2 months ago run py.test tests within the notebook environment
jupyter-contrib-nbextensions - Unofficial Jupyter Notebook Extensions
jupyter-edx-colab-cloud-xblock 7 over 5 years ago launch Google Colab notebooks from within an Open edX XBlock
jupyter-edx-grader-xblock 45 almost 4 years ago auto-grade assignments with nbgrader and post the scores to an Open edX gradebook
jupyter-themes 9,762 12 months ago Custom Jupyter Notebook Themes
jupyter-viewer-xblock 30 over 4 years ago view Jupyter notebooks in an Open edX XBlock
jupytext 6,605 about 1 month ago Jupyter Notebooks as Markdown, Julia, Python, or R scripts (that [auto-]save to the configured paired formats)
lolviz 824 over 2 years ago data-structure visualization tool for lists of lists, lists, dictionaries
nbTranslate 9 over 7 years ago translate cells of a notebook from one language to another - Adds multi language support
nbautoeval 19 over 3 years ago creating auto-evaluated exercises
nbconvert convert Notebooks to other formats
nbdev 4,896 5 days ago export, sync, and document notebook cells to and from regular python modules
nbdime diffing and merging of Jupyter Notebooks
nbgallery 147 24 days ago platform for sharing and collaborating on Jupyter notebooks
nbinteract creates interactive webpages from Jupyter notebooks
nbscan 23 almost 5 years ago search for and print contents of cells in Jupyter notebooks
nbsphinx Sphinx extension for publishing Jupyter Notebooks as static/JAMstack websites
nbtranslate 7 almost 8 years ago translate content of Jupyter notebook using gettext tools
nbtutor 458 6 days ago visualize Python code execution (line-by-line)
nbval 438 7 months ago Py.test plugin for validating Jupyter notebooks
notedown 854 almost 3 years ago Convert IPython Notebooks to markdown (and back)
pixiedebugger The Visual Python Debugger for Jupyter Notebooks You’ve Always Wanted
pynb 249 about 4 years ago Jupyter Notebooks as plain Python code with embedded Markdown text
rst2ipynb 17 about 1 year ago convert standalone reStructuredText files to Jupyter notebook file
sphinxcontrib-jupyter 76 over 2 years ago A Sphinx Extension for Generating Jupyter Notebooks

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Jupyter resources

GitHub Trending Jupyter Notebooks
Jupyter Notebook cheatsheet
Jupyter tips, tricks and shortcuts
Using the IPython Notebook as a Teaching Tool
LTI Launch JupyterHub Authenticator 67 about 1 month ago Implements LTI v1 authenticator for use with JupyterHub
Lectures on scientific computing with Python 3,488 12 months ago
"The world of Jupyter" —a tutorial 22 about 8 years ago
List of Jupyter Notebooks by Peter Norvig
28 Jupyter Notebook tips, tricks and shortcuts
VPython running in a Jupyter notebook 64 over 5 years ago

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / IDEs

ptpython 5,196 2 months ago
Thonny Python IDE for beginners
VIM with
Emacs with
Sublime Text 3 with
PyCharm Edu With
Spyder 8,251 3 days ago The Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment
Wingware Python IDE
PyDev a Python IDE for Eclipse, which may be used in Python, Jython and IronPython development
Visual Studio Code with
Mu a simple Python editor for beginner programmers
Rodeo A Native Python IDE for Data Science
Turing 38 9 months ago Free and cross-platform IDE for pseudocode and Python
PyScripter 979 12 days ago a feature-rich but lightweight Python IDE
Pyzo computing environment that plays well with conda

awesome-python-in-education / Tools and Libraries / Debuggers

pdb++ 1,295 6 months ago a drop-in replacement for pdb
Python Linter Online Live Syntax Checking Using Pylint while Running Python
PyTA 88 9 days ago static code analysis to help students find and fix common coding errors
coala linting and fixing code
wdb 1,574 almost 2 years ago An improbable web debugger through WebSockets
QuantifiedCode 109 about 6 years ago a code analyis & automation platform
birdseye 1,649 12 months ago graphical Python debugger using the AST
Hunter 799 3 months ago a flexible code tracing toolkit

awesome-python-in-education / Conferences and videos

Taking Your Python Skills to the Next Level With Pythonic Code 5 powerful Pythonic concepts and over 45 minutes of video examples
Weekly Python Chat Weekly live video chats about Python, teaching, open source, and more
Python in Australian Education seminar (2016)
PyCon Australia 2015 Education Miniconf (youtube playlist)
Python Education Summit Schedule (PyCon 2016)
A one-day mini-conference about Python in Education (PyConUK 2016)
PyVideo tag 'education'
Khan Academy Computer Science (Python video playlist)
Python Programming in one video Derek Banas playlist
CPython internals: A ten-hour codewalk through the Python interpreter source code
Teaching Python: The Hard Parts PyCon 2016
Episode 14 – Allen Downey on Teaching Computer Science with Python from
Python For Informatics
Python for Everybody - Exploring Information
sentdex youtube playlists or via
Dan Bader's youtube channel
Corey Schafer's youtube channel
Python 3.4 Programming Tutorials
Programming Foundations with Python from
PySide Video Tutorials
Python Basics - Coding is for girls
Python For Beginners - Learn To Code Tutorials
TheNewBoston Python 3 videotutorials also and others on
Build applications in Python the antitextbook
Socratica Python Programming Tutorials
Python for Data Analysis - Pandas Cookbook

awesome-python-in-education / Books

The Computer Science Field Guide ( )
Awesome Python Books 3,940 over 1 year ago
Build applications in Python the antitextbook
Algorithmic Problem Solving with Python
Openlibra: Python
Intermediate Python -
Python Practice Book
Scipy Lecture Notes
Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python -
Python for Everybody - Exploring Data In Python 3
Composing Programs based on SICP textbook
Dive into Python 3
Introduction to Programming with Python
Learn Python, Break Python - A Beginner's Guide to Programming
Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3
The Art and Craft of Programming (Python edition)
CS61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Learn Python the hard way
Program Arcade Games With Python And Pygame
Python for you and me
Object-Oriented Programming in Python
Violent Python. A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers
Natural Language Processing with Python – Analyzing Text with the Natural Language Toolkit
Python for Scientists and Engineers
PythonBooks categorized Python books

awesome-python-in-education / Books / Coding Club books

Python Basics
Python Next Steps
Python: Building Big Apps
Python: Programming Art
Python: Interactive Adventures
Black Flag: A Coding Club Mission
Coding Cards [PDF]

awesome-python-in-education / Books / Green Tea Press

Think Python: How To Think Like a Computer Scientist, 2nd ed.
Think Complexity: Exploring Complexity Science with Python, 2nd ed.
Think DSP: Digital Signal Processing in Python
Think Stats: Exploratory Data Analysis in Python, 2nd ed.
Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics in Python

awesome-python-in-education / Books / Invent with Python series

Invent your own computer games with Python
Making Games with Python & Pygame
Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python -> 2nd ed:
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python

awesome-python-in-education / Books / Manning Publications

Classic Computer Science Problems in Python
Hello! Python
Hello World! 2nd ed. Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners
Hello Raspberry Pi! Python programming for kids and other beginners
The Quick Python Book, Third Edition
Learn Programming with Python
Grokking Algorithms An illustrated guide for programmers and other curious people
Practices of the Python Pro Professional software development principles and best practices for beginning developers
The Well-Grounded Python Developer Helping programmers who know Python become and think like developers
Tiny Python Projects An introduction to Python fundamentals through puzzles and games
Publishing Python Packages Book that reveals best practices and standards for packaging your Python code in an easy, automated, and scalable way

awesome-python-in-education / Books / No Starch Press

Python for Kids
Teach Your Kids to Code
Doing Math with Python: Use Programming to Explore Algebra, Statistics, Calculus, and More!
Python Crash Course. A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming
Python Playground. Geeky Projects for the Curious Programmer
Learn to Program with Minecraft. Transform Your World with the Power of Python
Black Hat Python. Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters

awesome-python-in-education / Books / O'Reilly

Raspberry Pi Cookbook. Software and Hardware Problems and Solutions
Head First Python, 2nd Edition
Python for Unix and Linux System Administration (2008)

awesome-python-in-education / Books / Packt Pub

Python Projects for Kids
Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids
Python Programming for Arduino
Pro Python System Administration (2010)

awesome-python-in-education / Hardware


awesome-python-in-education / Hardware / Raspberry Pi

Getting Started with Minecraft Pi
Create a "Whac-a-block" game in Minecraft
MagPi issues

awesome-python-in-education / Hardware / Arduino

Arduino and Python
Using Python with Arduino

awesome-python-in-education / Hardware / BBC microbit

The micro:bit Foundation
BBC micro:bit MicroPython
Microbit Playground

awesome-python-in-education / Hardware / PyBoard


awesome-python-in-education / Hardware / ESP32

MicroPython 675 over 5 years ago

awesome-python-in-education / Hardware / Adafruit CircuitPython

CircuitPython 4,065 4 days ago a MicroPython fork for teaching coding with microcontrollers
Awesome CircuitPython 633 about 2 months ago A curated list of awesome CircuitPython guides, videos, libraries, frameworks, software and resources

Backlinks from these awesome lists: