
A curated list of awesome Jupyter projects, libraries and resources


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Linked from 9 awesome lists


Awesome Jupyter / Runtimes/Frontends

Beaker Development environment with seamless data transmission from one language to another
docker-stacks 7,940 4 days ago Hierarchical stacks of ready-to-run Jupyter applications in Docker
Guild AI Execute notebooks as experiments to capture and compare results over time
Hydrogen 3,924 8 days ago Run code inline in Atom using Jupyter kernels
Jupyter Notebook 11,624 26 days ago Main Jupyter notebook runtime
JupyterHub 7,745 4 days ago Multi-user server for Jupyter
JupyterLab 14,107 4 days ago JupyterLab is the next generation user interface for Jupyter
JupyterLab Desktop 3,683 26 days ago A desktop application for JupyterLab, based on Electron
JupyterWith 651 6 days ago Nix-based framework for the definition of declarative and reproducible Jupyter environments
kaggle/docker-python 2,420 5 days ago Kaggle Python docker image that includes datasets and packages
ML Workspace 3,405 2 months ago Docker image that includes Jupyter(Lab) and various packages for data science/machine learning
nteract 6,203 9 months ago Native desktop notebook frontend
Panel 4,679 4 days ago Notebooks as static files or interactive and standalone server-/client-side (via pyodide) apps
PaneLite A distribution of that works with and the ecosystem
Stencila 798 4 days ago Native desktop notebook frontend
Visual Studio Code Native desktop notebook frontend
voila 5,413 4 days ago Notebooks as interactive standalone web applications

Awesome Jupyter / Collaboration/Education

callgraph 74 almost 3 years ago Magic to display a function call graph
IllumiDesk 43 over 2 years ago Docker-based JupyterHub + LTI + nbgrader distribution for education
IPythonBlocks 157 12 months ago Practice Python with colored grids in Jupyter
jupyter-drive 418 over 4 years ago Google drive for Jupyter
jupyter-edx-grader-xblock 45 almost 4 years ago Auto-grade a student assignment created as a Jupyter notebook and write the score in the Open edX gradebook
jupyter-viewer-xblock 30 over 4 years ago Fetch and display part of, or an entire Jupyter Notebook in an Open edX XBlock
jupyterquiz 134 7 months ago An interactive quiz generator for Jupyter notebooks and Jupyter Book
LTI Launch JupyterHub Authenticator 67 about 1 month ago Authentication via Edx
nbautoeval 19 over 3 years ago Create auto-evaluated exercises
nbgitpuller 209 about 2 months ago Sync a git repository one-way to a local path
nbgrader 1,284 4 days ago Assigning and grading of Jupyter notebooks
nbtutor 458 6 days ago Visualize Python code execution (line-by-line)

Awesome Jupyter / Visualization

Altair 9,254 4 days ago Declarative visualization library for Python, based on and
anywidget A Python library that simplifies creating and publishing custom Jupyter widgets
Bokeh Interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation
bqplot 3,616 26 days ago Grammar of Graphics-based interactive plotting framework for Jupyter
Evidently 5,193 4 days ago Interactive reports to analyze machine learning models during validation or production monitoring
hvplot A familiar and high-level API for data exploration and visualization in Jupyter
ipychart 107 about 1 month ago Interactive Chart.js plots in Jupyter
ipycytoscape 268 3 months ago Widget for interactive graph visualization in Jupyter using cytoscape.js
ipydagred3 77 about 1 month ago library for drawing directed acyclic graphs in jupyterlab using dagre-d3
ipyleaflet 1,486 about 2 months ago Interactive visualization library for Leaflet.js maps in Jupyter notebooks
IPySigma 17 about 7 years ago Prototype network visualization frontend for Jupyter notebooks
ipytree 128 12 months ago Tree UI element for Jupyter
ipyvizzu 948 5 months ago Animated data storytelling tool
ipyvolume 1,940 10 months ago 3D plotting for Python in Jupyter based on widgets and WebGL
ipywebrtc 243 8 months ago Video/Audio streaming in Jupyter
ipywidgets 3,137 23 days ago UI widgets for Jupyter
itk-jupyter-widgets 581 about 1 month ago Interactive widgets to visualize images in 2D and 3D
jp_doodle 53 about 1 year ago Infrastructure for building special purpose interactive diagrams in 2D and 3D
jupyter-gmaps 760 over 2 years ago Interactive visualization library for Google Maps in Jupyter notebooks
jupyter-manim 194 almost 3 years ago Display (Mathematical Animation Engine) videos or GIFs in Jupyter notebooks
lux 5,144 7 months ago Recommends a set of visualizations whenever a dataframe is printed in a notebook
mpld3 Combining Matplotlib and D3js for interactive data visualizations
pd-replicator 11 over 4 years ago Copy a pandas DataFrame to the clipboard with one click
Perspective 8,316 11 days ago Data visualization and analytics component, especially for large/streaming datasets
pyecharts 14,796 3 months ago Python interface for the visualization library
pythreejs 943 about 1 month ago Python / ThreeJS bridge utilizing the Jupyter widget infrastructure
tqdm 28,431 about 2 months ago Fast, extensible progress bar for loops and iterables
tributary 440 8 months ago Python data streams with Jupyter support
xleaflet 84 4 months ago C++ Backend for ipyleaflet
xwebrtc 14 about 3 years ago C++ Backend for ipywebrtc
xwidgets 138 4 months ago C++ Backend for ipywidgets

Awesome Jupyter / Tables

buckaroo 196 5 days ago GUI Data Wrangling tool for Jupyter and pandas
ipyaggrid 56 4 months ago The power of ag-Grid in Jupyter
ipydatagrid 566 29 days ago Fast datagrid widget for Jupyter
ipyregulartable 108 about 1 month ago High performance, editable, stylable datagrids in Jupyter
ipysheet 541 9 months ago Interactive spreadsheets in Jupyter
ITables 767 6 days ago Pandas and Polars DataFrames rendered as interactive tables
Qgrid 3,036 9 months ago Interactive grid for sorting, filtering, and editing DataFrames in Jupyter

Awesome Jupyter / Rendering/Publishing/Conversion

Binder Turn a GitHub repo into a collection of interactive notebooks
Bookbook 99 almost 4 years ago Bookbook converts a set of notebooks in a directory to HTML or PDF, preserving cross references within and between notebooks
ContainDS Dashboards 200 about 2 months ago JupyterHub extension to host authenticated scripts or notebooks in any framework (Voilà, Streamlit, Plotly Dash etc)
Ganimede 5 over 1 year ago Store, version, edit and execute notebooks in sandboxes and integrate them directly via REST interfaces
Jupyter Book 3,837 11 days ago Build publication-quality books and documents from computational material
jupyterlab_nbconvert_nocode 22 8 months ago NBConvert exporters for PDF/HTML export without code cells
Jupytext 6,605 about 1 month ago Convert and synchronize notebooks with text formats (e.g. Python or Markdown files) that work well under version control
jut 181 about 2 years ago CLI to nicely display notebooks in the terminal
Kapitsa 11 almost 3 years ago CLI to search local Jupyter notebooks
Mercury 3,980 3 months ago Convert notebooks into web applications
nbconvert Convert notebooks to other formats
nbdev 4,896 5 days ago Develop, package and distribute Python packages to PyPI using Jupyter as a environment
nbflow 160 almost 6 years ago One-button reproducible workflows with Jupyter and Scons
nbinteract Create interactive webpages from Jupyter notebooks
nbscan 23 almost 5 years ago Search for and print cells contents of Jupyter notebooks
Nikola Static Site Generator that converts notebooks into websites
notedown 854 almost 3 years ago Convert Jupyter notebooks to markdown (and back)
Papermill 5,919 about 2 months ago Tool for parameterizing, executing, and analyzing Jupyter notebooks
Ploomber 3,490 17 days ago Run a collection of notebooks and scripts in a reproducible manner using a file
pynb 249 about 4 years ago Jupyter Notebooks as plain Python code with embedded Markdown text
RISE 3,678 11 months ago Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow
rst2ipynb 17 about 1 year ago Convert standalone reStructuredText files to Jupyter notebook file
Voila 5,413 4 days ago Rendering of live Jupyter Notebooks with interactive widgets, allowing dashboarding based on Jupyter Notebooks

Awesome Jupyter / Version Control

databooks 111 12 months ago A command-line utility that eases versioning and sharing of notebooks
git 1,447 about 1 month ago Extension for git integration
jupyter-nbrequirements 20 over 1 year ago Dependency management and optimization in Jupyter Notebooks
nbdime 2,663 14 days ago Tools for diffing and merging of Jupyter notebooks
nbQA 1,028 5 days ago Run any standard Python code quality tool on a Jupyter Notebook, from the command-line or via pre-commit
Neptune Version, manage and share notebook checkpoints in your projects
ReviewNB Code reviews for Jupyter Notebooks

Awesome Jupyter / JupyterLab Extensions

amphi-etl 791 8 days ago Low-code ETL extension for Jupyterlab
celltags 113 over 4 years ago Extension to organise and execute notebooks using cell tags
code_formatter 849 about 1 month ago A universal code formatter
debugger 562 over 2 years ago A visual debugger for Jupyter notebooks, consoles, and source files
drawio 600 2 months ago Extension that displays drawio/mxgraph diagrams
elyra 1,837 28 days ago A visual editor for creating and running notebook (or Python script) pipelines locally or remotely
genv 20 8 months ago Extension for managing GPU environments in JupyterLab
go-to-definition 228 about 3 years ago Extension for navigating to the definition of a variable or function in JupyterLab
google-drive 400 about 1 year ago Extension for Google Drive integration
jupyter-ai 3,150 5 days ago Work with generative AIs (wide range of models supported) as a conversational assistant in JupyterLab
jupyter-fs 201 about 1 month ago A filesystem-like content manager for multiple backends in Jupyter
jupyter-notify 581 about 2 years ago Cell magic for browser notification of cell completion
jupyter-panel-proxy 12 almost 2 years ago Automatically serve notebooks as data apps at the endpoint of your Jupyter server
jupyter-stack-trace 6 17 days ago Click on the stack trace to open the respective file or a Google search
jupyterlab-executor 15 about 1 year ago Extension to execute scripts from the Jupyterlab file browser
jupyterlab-kyso 2 about 1 year ago Extension to publish notebooks to the platform from Jupyterlab
jupyterlab-notifications 54 11 months ago Customizable notebook cell completion browser notifications for JupyterLab
jupyterlab-tensorboard-pro 86 2 months ago TensorBoard support for JupyterLab
jupyterlab_autoversion 80 4 days ago Automatically version notebooks in JupyterLab
jupyterlab_commands 58 about 1 month ago Add arbitrary python commands to the JupyterLab command palette
jupyterlab_email 60 about 1 month ago Email notebooks and their content from within JupyterLab
jupyterlab_iframe 112 about 1 month ago View HTML as an embedded iframe in JupyterLab
jupyterlab_miami_nights 118 about 1 month ago Combination of VS Code's SynthWave '84 and JupyterLab's Neon Night themes
jupyterlab_templates 398 about 1 month ago Notebook templates in JupyterLab
latex 622 8 days ago Extension for live editing of LaTeX documents
lineapy 662 5 months ago Extension for transforming messy Jupyter notebooks to production-ready pipelines with two lines of code
lsp 113 5 days ago IDE-like features (code navigation, hover suggestions, linters, diagnostics, kernel-less autocompletion etc.)
nb_black 368 about 1 year ago Extension to keep Python code automatically formatted using
python-bytecode 62 almost 2 years ago Explore CPython Bytecode in JupyterLab
quickopen 75 4 days ago Quickly open a file in JupyterLab by typing part of its name
shortcutui 54 about 1 year ago An extension for managing keyboard shortcuts
sidecar 248 about 1 year ago A sidecar output widget for JupyterLab
sql 415 almost 2 years ago SQL GUI for JupyterLab
stickyland 514 10 months ago Break the linear presentation of notebooks with sticky cells
system-monitor 299 about 1 year ago Extension to display system metrics
tabnine 37 about 1 year ago Tabnine AI auto completer extension
theme-darcula 211 over 1 year ago A handsome Darcula theme for Jupyterlab
toc 728 about 2 years ago Extension that provides a table of contents for notebooks
topbar 6 7 months ago Top Bar extension for JupyterLab
variableinspector 1,104 about 1 month ago Variable inspector extension that shows variables and their values
vim 973 over 1 year ago Vim notebook cell bindings
voyager 298 almost 2 years ago Extension to view CSV and JSON data in

Awesome Jupyter / Testing

ipytest 311 2 months ago Test runner for running unit tests from within a notebook
nbcelltests 90 about 1 month ago Cell-by-cell testing for notebooks in Jupyter
nbval 438 7 months ago Py.test plugin for validating Jupyter notebooks
nosebook 79 over 2 years ago Nose plugin for finding and running IPython notebooks as nose tests
sphinxcontrib-jupyter 76 over 2 years ago Sphinx extension for generating Jupyter notebooks
treebeard 152 about 3 years ago GitHub Action for testing/scheduling Jupyter notebooks
treon 304 about 2 years ago Easy-to-use test framework for Jupyter Notebooks

Awesome Jupyter / Domain-Specific Projects

ArcGIS Library for working with maps and geospatial data, powered by web GIS
GenePattern Notebook Integrating Genomic Analysis with Interactive Notebooks
GeoNotebook 1,080 over 5 years ago Extension for exploratory geospatial analysis
Jupylet 227 9 months ago Create 2D and 3D games, graphics, live music and sound interactively in a Jupyter notebook
keplergl Jupyter extension for visual exploration of large-scale geolocation data sets
lolviz 824 over 2 years ago Data-structure visualization tool for lists of lists, lists, dictionaries
Quantopian Notebooks Jupyter-based platform for financial research
vpython-jupyter 64 over 5 years ago VPython 3D engine running in a Jupyter notebook
xontrib-jupyter 34 5 days ago Jupyter kernel for xonsh, a Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell language

Awesome Jupyter / Hosted Notebook Solutions

Anaconda Enterprise Multi-user collaboration and one-click deployment of models, notebooks, and dashboards
Azure Notebooks Jupyter notebooks running in the cloud on Microsoft Azure
CoCalc Notebooks with 17 supported kernel types, course management, LaTeX document authoring, simultaneous document editing and integration with the SageMath computer algebra system
DataBlogs DataBlogs is an open-source data journalism platform that converts Jupyter notebooks into published articles on the web
DataCamp Workspace Jupyter-backed data science notebooks with built-in collaboration and publishing functionality
Deepnote Jupyter-compatible data science notebook with real-time collaboration, versioning and easy deployment
Domino Data Lab Data science platform with integrated collaboration tools, environment management and compute grid
Google Cloud AI Platform Notebooks Managed JupyterLab notebook instances configured with GPU-enabled machine learning frameworks on Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud Dataproc Jupyter component Jupyter and JupyterLab for Apache Spark using Google Cloud Dataproc
Google Colaboratory Cloud-based Jupyter environment aimed at machine learning education and research
Kyso Data science platform to publish and share Jupyter notebooks as data blogs and web applications Data Ops platform with Jupyter-compatible notebooks, no code blocks, and support for creating dashboards
Naas JupyterLab environment with magic scheduling/notification functionality and assets/dependency/secrets management
Noteable Noteable is a collaborative notebook to combine code (SQL, Python & R) and interactive visualizations
Paperspace Gradient A Jupyter-backed data science IDE with accelerated hardware (GPUs) and MLOps functionality
PAWS Jupyter notebook deployment customized for interacting with Wikimedia wikis
Pinggy Create a tunnel to your Jupyter instance even if it is behind a firewall or NAT
qBraid Lab JupyterLab deployment providing curated software tools and integrations for quantum computing
Saturn Cloud Move your data science team into the cloud without having to switch tools

Awesome Jupyter / Official Resources and Documentation

Jupyter documentation
Jupyter kernels 14,876 9 days ago List of all programming languages available as Jupyter kernels
JupyterLab documentation
Making kernels for Jupyter
Try Jupyter Try Jupyter in your browser

Awesome Jupyter / Community Resources Conference Talks - ,
jupyter GitHub - Search:
jupyter GitHub - Topics: , , , , ,
Jupyter Gitter Chatroom Gitter -
jupyter-map Map of university institutions that use Jupyter
kandi Kits Topic Discover popular Jupyter libraries, top authors, trending project kits, discussions, tutorials & learning resources
Jupyter General Mailing List Mailing Lists - ,
Framework :: Jupyter PyPI - is the PyPI trove classifier for Jupyter projects
r/IPython Reddit - Subreddits: ,
jupyter Stack Overflow - Tags: ,

Awesome Jupyter / Articles/Guides/Tutorials

Exploratory computing with Python Collection of notebooks covering scientific computing
How to Grow Neat Software Architecture out of Jupyter Notebooks 524 almost 2 years ago Article and about growing a neat software architecture from notebooks
Install and run a Jupyter notebook in a Google Cloud Dataproc cluster
Interactive Web Plotting with Bokeh 737 12 months ago
Jupyter Notebook Extensions
Jupyter Notebook Themes 9,762 12 months ago
Jupyter tips, tricks and shortcuts
JupyterLab - Your Personal Data Science Workbench 16 almost 2 years ago Talk about JupyterLab at Full Stack Quants London
Lectures on scientific computing with Python 3,488 12 months ago
List of Jupyter notebooks 14,876 9 days ago
List of Jupyter notebooks II 2,649 1 day ago
pytudes 22,614 9 days ago List of Jupyter Notebooks by Peter Norvig
ResGuides: research with Jupyter
Sharing Jupyter Notebooks from localhost Sharing Jupyter Notebooks from localhost
The Littlest JupyterHub JupyterHub distribution for 1-50 users on a single server; more lightweight than the Zero to JupyterHub setup
Zero to JupyterHub Tutorial to help install and manage JupyterHub

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