
Writing toolkit

A curated collection of tools and resources for scientific writing beyond LaTeX

keyboard A curated list of awesome tools, demos and resources to go beyond LaTeX


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Linked from 5 awesome lists


Awesome Scientific Writing / Word Processors

Marktext 47,909 7 months ago Markdown text editor
R Studio 4,716 3 months ago IDE for R

Awesome Scientific Writing / Word Processors / R Studio

bookdown 3,811 3 months ago R package to facilitate writing books and long-form articles, reports with R Markdown
R Markdown R package to write R next to Markdown

Awesome Scientific Writing / Word Processors

Vim Command line text editor

Awesome Scientific Writing / Word Processors / Vim

fzf-bibtex 130 8 months ago BibTeX source with Vim integration which uses fzf (a fuzzy finder implemented in Go)
vim-pandoc 957 8 months ago Pandoc integration and utilities for Vim
vim-pandoc-syntax 424 11 months ago Pandoc syntax highlighting for Vim

Awesome Scientific Writing / Word Processors

Visual Studio Code Popular IDE with Markdown support

Awesome Scientific Writing / Word Processors / Visual Studio Code

Markdown All in One 2,942 9 months ago Extension for enhanced Markdown support in VSCode, such as preview and auto completion to name a few
Markdown Preview Enhanced 4,150 6 months ago Pandoc integration and utilities

Awesome Scientific Writing / Word Processors

Zettlr Markdown editor which integrates CSL, BibLaTeX, Pandoc and many other tools

Awesome Scientific Writing / Bibliography

Citation Style Language (CSL) styles Crowdsourced repository with over 9000 free CSL citation styles and an online editor to create new ones
JabRef Open source bibliography reference manager
Zotero FOSS tool to collect, organize, cite, and share research

Awesome Scientific Writing / Bibliography / Zotero

Better BibTeX for Zotero Enhanced BibTeX / BibLaTeX integration for Zotero
ZotFile for Zotero Enhanced PDF file management for Zotero

Awesome Scientific Writing / Bibliography

ZoteroBib Online bibliography reference manager

Awesome Scientific Writing / Illustrations Open source, online, desktop and container deployable diagramming software named
graphviz Visualization software for graphs and networks which uses a domain-specific DOT language
Mermaid Live Editor Define simple diagrams instead of drawing them
Vega Lite Define charts and more complex diagrams
PlantUML Define UML diagrams instead of drawing them

Awesome Scientific Writing / Converters and Filters

Cicero Python package which renders HTML presentations from Markdown source using remark or reveal.js
docutils Python package which can convert reStructuredText into various formats and provides command-line tools to do it
Jupyter Book A static site generator which converts a collection of CommonMark, MyST markdown and Jupyter notebooks into a HTML website
MyST Markedly Structured Text, a superset of CommonMark markdown with reStructuredText like features
nbconvert Convert Jupyter notebooks into presentations, PDF, HTML, Markdown, reStructuredText and more
pandoc Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library

Awesome Scientific Writing / Converters and Filters / pandoc

Academic Markdown 350 almost 4 years ago Python wrapper over Pandoc with specialized extensions to parse certain elements, making it a superset of Pandoc Markdown flavour
Pandoc filters 35,082 3 months ago List of addons to pandoc which implement extra features such as citations and cross-references
Panflute Pythonic alternative to John MacFarlane's pandocfilters

Awesome Scientific Writing / Converters and Filters

Quarto Compile R Markdown, and Jupyter Notebooks to PDFs, Slides and Websites. Supports R, Python, and Julia

Awesome Scientific Writing / Spell Checking and Linting

GNU Aspell Command line spell checker
Hunspell Command line spell checker
LanguageTool Open source grammar, style and spell Checker
LanguageCheck 98 over 1 year ago Analyses scientific LaTeX papers, suggesting improvements from a list of common mistakes/ambiguities, tense consistency, a vs. an, spell check, and paragraph topic sentences
Markdown lint tool 1,831 about 1 year ago Markdown linter
proselint 4,368 8 months ago Linter for prose
remarklint 949 8 months ago Markdown linter
restructuredtext-lint 171 almost 3 years ago reStructuredText linter
textlint Pluggable linting tool for text and Markdown
textidote Spelling, grammar and style checking on LaTeX documents
Vale 4,553 3 months ago Free, open-source linter for prose built with speed and extensibility in mind
write-good 4,964 3 months ago Naive linter for English prose

Awesome Scientific Writing / Templates / Articles

Pandoc Markdown-LaTeX Boilerplate 101 almost 7 years ago Demonstrate how to integrate Pandoc with an existing LaTeX template which requires some boilerplate code (i.e. LaTeX preamble), thus avoiding the dependency
scientific-markdown 46 about 10 years ago Example for use of Markdown for scientific publications using Pandoc and
Steve's R Markdown Templates 908 over 3 years ago Academic manuscript, memos, Beamer presentation, syllabus and CV

Awesome Scientific Writing / Templates / Presentations

pandoc-starter 533 over 3 years ago Templates for articles, Beamer presentations etc. using Markdown files and Makefiles for getting started with Pandoc
slides 3 about 8 years ago Demo for generating presentations using Pandoc

Awesome Scientific Writing / Templates / Books

bookdown-demo 514 5 months ago Minimal example of a book based on R Markdown and bookdown
Eisvogel 6,300 5 months ago Clean academic pandoc LaTeX template
Template for writing a PhD thesis in Markdown 1,214 almost 2 years ago Clean organization of files to provide a framework for writing a PhD thesis in mostly Markdown with a little bit of LaTeX, and compiled with Pandoc

Awesome Scientific Writing / Tutorials

3 frameworks into one — Write your next paper with R Studio! Article provides an overview to a workflow that combines R Markdown (bookdown), Zotero (literature management), and Notion (note taking on research papers) to write academic papers
Book on Riemann solvers 267 about 2 years ago This example uses a custom template and shows how to store your notebooks with no output (for version control) while automatically executing them before running , so that PDF and HTML versions include the output
Dennis Tenen and Grant Wythoff Sustainable Authorship in Plain Text using Pandoc and Markdown
Heads up! Quarto is here to stay. Immediately combine R & Python in your next document Summary of the capabilities of Quarto, why to use it, and how it compares to R Markdown. Also contains tips for M1 Mac users on how to fix a common problem with reticulate
Katrin Leinweber's Ph.D. thesis 45 over 3 years ago Automated work flow involving several tools, but primarily Pandoc, and Academic Markdown
Scott Selisker Plain Text Workflow for Academic Writing with Atom
Teaching and learning with Jupyter 438 almost 2 years ago Book written in R Markdown, bookdown and also rendered as HTML, PDF and EPUB
Write your dissertation in RMarkdown Step-by-step guide on creating a complex pdf document, including text, figures, references, images, formatting, and more
Writing scientific papers for ACPD using Emacs Org-mode Detailed tutorial on authoring a paper by seamlessly integrating with LaTeX commands within Org-mode

Awesome Scientific Writing / Other Lists

Awesome Jupyter 4,083 3 months ago
Awesome LaTeX 1,419 8 months ago
Awesome Markdown 813 7 months ago
Delightful Open Science

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