
History resource aggregator

A curated online resource for finding and exploring digital primary sources in history.

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Linked from 3 awesome lists


Awesome Digital History / Archives and primary sources / Africa

PARC Portal for African Research Collections: PARC is the new meta-catalogue for the Africana collections at the research location Basel
West African Arabic Manuscript Database A comprehensive collection of manuscripts that provides insight into the Islamic scholarly tradition in West Africa

Awesome Digital History / Archives and primary sources / Asia

FOCAL The Asia Directories and Chronicles is a reference work for foreign traders in the Asian region, published annually by the Hong Kong Daily Press, annually between 1863 and 1941

Awesome Digital History / Archives and primary sources / Austria

ANNO Austrian Newspapers online
Digitarium Digital edition of the historical Wiener Zeitung
Österreichische Mediathek The Austrian archive for sound recordings and videos from cultural and contemporary history
Wien Geschichte Wiki It is based on the Historical Dictionary Vienna by Felix Czeike, currently there are 50,156 contributions and 12,510 images

Awesome Digital History / Archives and primary sources / Europe

Archives Portal Europe European archives search engine
Encyclopédie d'histoire numérique European History through renewed historiographic objects and major contemporary challenges
Europeana Search engine for European textual and non-textual archival sources
Mapire Interactive historical maps
Monasterium Deeds from all over Europe
Project Gutenberg A library of over 60,000 free eBooks
Visual Archive Southeastern Europe Historical and contemporary visual materials from Southeastern Europe

Awesome Digital History / Archives and primary sources / France

Gallica Digital library of the National Library of France
Institut national de l'audiovisuel INA is a repository of French radio and television audiovisual archives

Awesome Digital History / Archives and primary sources / Germany

Archivportal German archives search engine
Bavarikon Collection of Bavarian maps, places, newspapers etc
Computerarchiv Muenchen South German Museum for History of Digital Development
Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek Over 12 million objects
Deutsches Zeitungsportal Discover historical newspapers from 1671 to 1950
Digitale Sammlungen Collections of the Munich Digitization Center
Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv An interactive portal on the history of women's movements in Germany
Docupedia Terms, methods, and debates in contemporary history research A specialized information service for historians that offers access to research tools and services
leo bw Platform of the State Archives of Baden-Württemberg
LexM Encyclopedia of musicians persecuted during the Nazi era
MARCHIVUM Collection of Mannheim newspapers and historical printed matter on the history of Mannheim
Projekt Gutenberg Contains 10'000 works by over 2'000 authors in German
SLUB Dresden Over 1.8 million graphic media (photographs, maps, drawings)
Spiegel Online SPIEGEL archive since 1947
UB Heidelberg Manuscripts, documents, maps and literature
Uni Frankfurt Rare prints, manuscripts, bequests and more
Zefys Historical German newspapers
ZLB Collections of the Berlin Central and State Library

Awesome Digital History / Archives and primary sources / Global Computer code, reference manuals, and magazines
Classic Computer Magazine Archive Preserving information from early personal computer magazines
Fxtop Forex rate history since 1953
Got Papers? Resources on the history of games, cracking, and the demoscene
HMML Hill Museum & Manuscript Library. Digital collection of manuscripts from around the world
Internet Archive Non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more
Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog Book search engine for finding hundreds of millions of media in catalogs worldwide
Marxist Internet Archive Everything you ever wanted to know about Marx (and other important socialists)
Mementoweb Find archived web pages in Internet Archive, Archive-It, British Library,, and GitHub
OldMapsOnline Maps, starting in the 17th century
OpenCat Search engine for libraries around the globe
OpenHistoricalMap A time travel map created by a community of mappers and historians
Public Books Database Open access academic literature
United Nations Archive Archives and records from the United Nations regarding Secretaries-Generals, departments and missions
WayBackMachine Explore more than 486 billion web pages saved over time
World Historical Gazeteer Collection of content and services that permit world historians to do spatial and temporal reasoning and visualization in a data rich environment at global and trans-regional scales

Awesome Digital History / Archives and primary sources / Great Britain

British Library Maps, manuscripts and sounds
National Records of Scotland Repository for the public and legal records of Scotland
NLS Data collections from the National Library of Scotland
The National Archives A non-ministerial department, and the official archive and publisher for the UK Government, and for England and Wales
The Proceedings of the Old Bailey London's Central Criminal Court, 1674 to 1913

Awesome Digital History / Archives and primary sources / Netherlands

Delpher Dutch newspapers, books and magazines
Nationaal Archief Rich collection of the National Archives of the Netherlands

Awesome Digital History / Archives and primary sources / North America

Ad*Access U.S. and Canadian advertisements covering five product categories - Beauty and Hygiene, Radio, Television, Transportation, and World War II propaganda - dated between 1911 and 1955
Chronicling America America's historic newspapers from 1777-1963
Computer Gaming World Museum Archive of various magazines on gaming
David Rumsey Map Collection Historical maps collection
Digital Public Library of America Discovery tool, or union catalog, for public domain and openly licensed content held by the United States' archives, libraries, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions
Digital Transgender Archive Wide range of trans-related digitized historical materials, born-digital materials, and information on archival holdings throughout the world
Eugenics Archive Scholars, survivors, students, and community partners in challenging eugenics
HathiTrust A not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving and making accessible millions of digitized items
National Archives The official archives regarding veteran records, founding documents and presidential libraries of the United States
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection Online collection of scanned maps
Women Working 1800-1930 An exploration of women's impact on the economic life of the United States between 1800 and the Great Depression
World Digital Library WDL is an international digital library operated by UNESCO and the United States Library of Congress

Awesome Digital History / Archives and primary sources / Switzerland

Amtsdruckschriften Federal Gazette, Administrative Case Law of the Federal Authorities and more documents from the Swiss Federal Archives
Année Politique Suisse Sources and database for swiss socio-political topics
arCHeco Index of economic collections in archives of Switzerland and Liechtenstein
Archives Online Archival search engine for Switzerland
chgov Minutes of the Federal Council (1848-1963)
COSMOV COSMOV includes a digital edition of the events of the Zurich summer of 1968
DigiBern Bernese culture and history on the Internet
Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland Diplomatic documents of Switzerland
e-codices Virtual manuscript library of Switzerland
e-gs Online web portal of the ETH Zurich Graphics Collection
e-manuscripta Manuscript material from Swiss libraries and archives Swiss newspapers
E-Periodica Swiss journals
e-rara The platform for digitised rare books from Swiss libraries
histHub The platform manages authority files on Swiss history
Historical Encyclopedia of Switzerland Encyclopedia on Swiss history
HSSO Historical statistics of Switzerland online
impresso Historical newspaper collections of the Swiss National Library, the National Library of Luxembourg, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Le Temps, the Valais State Archives and the Swiss Economic Archives
Industriekultur Swiss national inventory of industry artifacts Edition projects A database containing current historical edition projects in Switzerland
Kartenportal Search engine for maps
Le Temps Archive of Gazette de Lausanne et du Journal de Genève Journey through time via maps of Switzerland
MEMOBASE Provides access to audiovisual documents from Swiss memory institutions
Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen online Retrodigitalisierte und digitale Editionseinheiten der Schweizerischen Rechtsquellen. Ediert wird rechtshistorisches Quellenmaterial vom Mittelalter bis in die Frühe Neuzeit (1798)
Schweizerisches Wirtschaftsarchiv This collection comprises over 500 business archives from the period 1750 to the present day, with a focus on the Basel region
Sources Online A platform for digital scholarly text editions, integrating TEI Publisher and IIIF in Switzerland
swisscollections Meta search engine for historical and modern collections in Swiss libraries and archives
timeSTAT Cubes The Federal Council reports to parliament on income and expenditure for the past years
transcriptiones Create, share and access transcriptions of historical manuscripts

Awesome Digital History / Learning

AdFontes An Introduction to Working with Sources in the Archive
Clio Guide A handbook on digital resources for the historical sciences
Crafting Digital History A Workbook for Methods and Readings in Digital History
Digital History Guide Introduction to the web for historians, who wish to produce online historical work
Geospatial Historian Open HGIS Lessons and Resources
HIST 7370 Online course for Methods and Readings in Digital History
History Toolkit History Toolkit for Students
Introduction to Digital History This guide, created in the fall semester of 2022, accompanies the introductory courses in history at the University of Basel and is intended to provide a first insight into the field of digital history
Introduction to Python for Humanists A textbook offering a comprehensive introduction to Python programming, tailored for researchers and students in the humanities
Local Linkages Professional development curriculum to introduce to historical research methods and digital history skills
Python für Historiker:innen The Jupyter Book (in German language) is aimed at historians who are looking for a first application-oriented and interactive introduction to the Python programming language
The CTP Book A book for teaching Computational Thinking and Programming skills to people with a background in the Humanities
The Programming Historian Novice-friendly, peer-reviewed tutorials that help humanists learn a wide range of digital tools, techniques, and workflows to facilitate research and teaching
UCI Digital History Overview on the field of Digital History and Digital Humanities
We think History News about and innovations from digital history

Awesome Digital History / More Awesome

Computer History 2,734 about 2 years ago An Awesome List of computer history videos, documentaries and related folklore
Data Visualization 3,843 about 1 year ago A curated list of awesome open-source data visualizations frameworks, libraries and software
Digital Humanities Tools, resources, and services supporting the Digital Humanities
Research Tools 2,120 over 1 year ago A list of tools for research
Scientific Writing 777 9 months ago Scientific writing can extend beyond LaTeX, made possible by formats, such as Markdown (and its many flavours), reStructuredText and Jupyter notebooks
Tempopedia Digital History Directory

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