
The Best Django Resource, Awesome Django for mature packages.


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Awesome Django / Admin interface

Django Unfold 1,643 9 days ago Unfold Django Admin Theme
Django Jazzmin 1,601 24 days ago Drop-in theme for django admin, that utilises AdminLTE 3 & Bootstrap 4 to make yo' admin look jazzy
django-admin-vol 140 19 days ago Modern Bootstrap5 Design
django-semantic-admin 140 25 days ago Django Semantic UI admin theme
djamin 236 over 8 years ago A new style for Django admin
django-admin-bootstrap 879 almost 2 years ago Responsive Skin for Django Admin
django-admin-bootstrapped 1,572 about 3 years ago A Django admin theme using Twitter Bootstrap
django-admin-easy 467 about 1 month ago Collection of admin fields and decorators
django-admin-interface 1,793 12 days ago The ultimate admin interface, based on a modern flat theme, it lets you customize the admin title, logo and colors by the admin itself
django-admin-tools 861 about 1 year ago A collection of extensions/tools for the default django administration interface
django-admin2 1,185 about 2 years ago Extendable, adaptable rewrite of django.contrib.admin
django-flat-theme 413 almost 6 years ago A flat theme for Django admin interface. Modern, fresh, simple. ( )
django-flat-responsive 248 3 months ago An extension for Django admin and django-flat-theme that makes interface mobile friendly
django-fluent-dashboard 333 over 1 year ago An improved django-admin-tools dashboard for Django projects
django-grappelli 3,745 about 1 month ago A jazzy skin for the Django Admin-Interface
django-hijack 1,504 11 days ago Allows superusers to hijack (=login as) and work on behalf of another user
django-jet 3,573 8 months ago Modern responsive template for the admin interface with improved functionality
django-jet-reboot 402 about 1 month ago Django Jet is modern template for Django admin interface with improved functionality
django-material 2,485 8 months ago Material design for Django Forms and Admin. Template driven
django-object-actions 673 25 days ago A Django app for adding object tools for models in the admin
django-suit 2,319 8 months ago Modern theme for Django admin interface
django-wpadmin 265 over 4 years ago WordPress look and feel for Django administration panel
django-xadmin 4,757 10 months ago Drop-in replacement of Django admin comes with lots of goodies, fully extensible with plugin support, pretty UI based on Twitter Bootstrap
yawd-admin 138 over 4 years ago An administration website for Django
django-admin-env-notice 314 over 1 year ago Visually distinguish environments in Django Admin, for example: , , , ... etc

Awesome Django / Analytics

django-analytical 1,200 about 1 year ago Integrates analytics services with a generic interface, templates stay clean

Awesome Django / Asset Management

Collectfast 417 over 2 years ago A faster collectstatic command
django-compressor 2,790 about 2 months ago Compresses linked and inline JavaScript or CSS into a single cached file
django-gears 54 over 9 years ago Compiles and concatenates JavaScript and CSS assets
django-htmlmin 542 over 1 year ago HTML minifier for Python with full support for HTML 5 and Django
django-pipeline 1,513 about 2 months ago Asset packaging for Django
django-systemjs 42 almost 8 years ago Django SystemJS brings the JavaScript of tomorrow to Django, today. (JSPM integration in Django)
django-webpack-loader 2,515 about 1 month ago Transparent webpack integration for django
python-webpack 62 almost 5 years ago Python bindings for webpack with django integration
django-webpacker 74 over 2 years ago A django compressor tool which bundles CSS, JS files to a single CSS, JS file with webpack and updates your HTML files with respective CSS, JS file path

Awesome Django / Authentication

django-allauth 9,448 8 days ago Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication
django-organizations 1,289 4 months ago Multi-user accounts for Django projects
django-registration 974 8 months ago Simple user-registration application for Django, designed to make allowing user sign-ups as painless as possible
django-two-factor-auth 1,669 19 days ago User-friendly Two-Factor authentication
django-userena 1,253 about 5 years ago Accounts for Django made beautifully simple
djoser 2,525 about 1 month ago REST implementation of Django authentication system
python-social-auth 2,828 over 2 years ago Python Social Auth is an easy-to-setup social authentication/registration mechanism with support for several frameworks and auth providers
dj-rest-auth 1,657 about 2 months ago Drop-in API endpoints for handling authentication securely in Django Rest Framework. Works especially well with SPAs (e.g React, Vue, Angular), and Mobile applications
django-use-email-as-username 71 26 days ago A Django app to use email as username for user authentication

Awesome Django / Authorization

django-guardian 3,626 2 months ago Implementation of per object permissions as authorization backend
django-oauth-toolkit 3,129 11 days ago OAuth2 goodies for the Djangonauts!
django-oauth2-provider 337 about 2 months ago Provide OAuth2 access to your app
django-oml 12 over 4 years ago Object Moderation Layer, mixin for models that allows you moderate several content types
django-permission 303 over 4 years ago An enhanced permission library which enables a to handle complex permissions in Django
django-rules 1,851 about 1 month ago A tiny but powerful app providing object-level permissions to Django, without requiring a database. At its core, it is a generic framework for building rule-based systems, similar to decision trees. It can also be used as a standalone library in other contexts and frameworks

Awesome Django / Boilerplate

cookiecutter 22,381 5 days ago A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates)
django-hackathon-starter 1,616 over 4 years ago A boilerplate for Django web applications, containing various social authentication methods and several popular API examples
edge 840 almost 2 years ago A Django project skeleton that is modern and cutting edge
demo-allauth-bootstrap 227 8 months ago Django sample app with users including social auth via Django-AllAuth
wemake-django-template 1,982 11 days ago Bleeding edge Django template focused on code quality and security
falco 358 3 days ago Project Starter, Fast Prototyping and Guides for Django Developers
sidewinder 192 5 months ago A Django starter kit that focuses on good defaults, developer experience, and deployment

Awesome Django / Caching

django-cachalot 1,217 about 2 months ago Caches your Django ORM queries and automatically invalidates them
django-cache-machine 875 over 1 year ago Automatic caching and invalidation for Django models through the ORM
django-cacheops 2,101 2 months ago A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation
django-memoize 119 9 days ago An implementation of technique for Django
django-ormcache 18 3 months ago A cache manager mixin that provides some caching of objects for the ORM
django-redis-cache 1,037 5 months ago A Redis cache backend for django
johnny-cache 304 over 3 years ago Johnny Cache is a caching framework for django applications
diskcache Fast SQLite and file backed cache backend for Django

Awesome Django / Compatibility

django-compat 106 5 months ago Forward and backwards compatibility layer for the officially supported Django versions
django-compat-lint 39 about 9 years ago Check Django compatibility of your code

Awesome Django / CRM

Django-CRM 1,935 3 months ago Customer relationship management dashboard where you can manage customers at sales of the organization. It Provides to manage leads information and its activity, track issues from leads, manage contacts to send emails of leads and accounts

Awesome Django / Dashboards

django-dashing 731 about 2 years ago a customisable, modular dashboard application framework for Django to visualize interesting data about your project. Inspired in the exceptionally handsome dashboard framework Dashing

Awesome Django / Data sciences

rest-pandas 1,251 3 months ago Serves up your Pandas dataframes via the Django REST Framework for use in client-side (i.e. d3.js) visualizations and offline analysis (e.g. Excel)

Awesome Django / Database

dj-database-url 38 over 2 years ago Use Database URLs in your Django Application
django-mysql 569 4 days ago Extensions to Django for use with MySQL/MariaDB
django-postgres-fuzzycount 89 over 1 year ago Fast / fuzzy PostgreSQL counts for Django
django-postgrespool 6 about 2 years ago Postgres Connection Pooling for Django, powered by SQLAlchemy
djongo 1,879 17 days ago Django and MongoDB database connector

Awesome Django / Debugging

django-debug-toolbar 8,056 12 days ago A configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response
django-devserver 1,269 over 4 years ago A drop in replacement for Django's built-in runserver command
django-querycount 392 4 months ago Middleware that Prints the number of DB queries to the runserver console
django-silk 4,413 11 days ago Silky smooth profiling for Django
nplusone 998 almost 2 years ago Auto-detecting the n+1 queries problem in Django. (and other ORMs)
sentry 38,641 11 days ago A modern error logging and aggregation platform
django-web-profiler 80 over 3 years ago A django profiling tool which logs, stores debug toolbar statistics and also a set of URL's statistics using a management command

Awesome Django / Email

django-celery-email 477 7 months ago A Django email backend that uses a celery task for sending the email
django-db-mailer 256 over 3 years ago Django module to easily send email/sms/push/tts using django templates stored on database and managed through the Django Admin
django-drip 638 almost 2 years ago Django Admin based management for drip email campaigns
django-email-extras 75 over 1 year ago Various email utilities: PGP encryption, multipart templates, web browser test backend
django-email-gateway 29 about 2 years ago A django package which act as a gateway to send emails from SES. Receiving its' corresponding email replies, parsing reply email content with amazon SES
django-mailgun 216 over 4 years ago A Django email backend for Mailgun
django-post_office 1,004 2 months ago A simple app to send and manage your emails in Django, supports templates and can be easily integrated with task queues
django-ses 1,002 about 1 month ago A Django email backend for Amazon's Simple Email Service
django-spoolgore 6 over 10 years ago A django email backed for the Spoolgore daemon
django-templated-email 702 3 months ago Django module to easily send templated emails using django templates, or using a transactional mail provider (mailchimp, silverpop, etc.)
django-yubin 49 4 months ago django-mailer2 + django-mailviews with some extras
djmail 77 over 1 year ago A simple and nonobstructive django email middleware
djrill 319 over 4 years ago Email backend and new message class for Mandrill transactional email service from MailChimp

Awesome Django / Fields

django-audiofield 173 over 1 year ago Allows audio files upload, management and conversion to different audio format (mp3, wav & ogg)
django-bitfield 377 9 months ago A BitField extension for Django models
django-countries 1,427 about 1 month ago Provides country choices for forms, flag icons, and a CountryField
django-enumfield 204 9 months ago Custom Django field for using enumerations of named constants
django-image-tools 42 about 1 year ago A package to handle images in Django
django-imagekit 2,265 2 months ago Automated image processing for Django
django-jsonfield JSONField for Django models
django-location-field 550 11 months ago Location field and widget integrated with google maps
django-macaddress 54 over 3 years ago MAC Address model and form fields for Django
django-money 1,670 2 months ago A little Django app that uses py-moneyed to add support for Money fields in your models and forms
django-phonenumber-field 1,476 3 months ago A Django library which interfaces with to validate, pretty print and convert phone numbers
django-picklefield 180 6 months ago A pickled object field for Django
django-searchable-select 107 over 2 years ago A better and faster multiple choice widget with suggestions
django-uuidfield 262 over 7 years ago A UUIDField for Django
django-versatileimagefield 531 9 months ago A drop-in replacement for django's ImageField that provides a flexible, intuitive and easily-extensible interface for quickly creating new images from the one assigned to the field

Awesome Django / File Transfers

django-downloadview 384 19 days ago Serve files with Django
django-sendfile 486 over 1 year ago This is a wrapper around web-server specific methods for sending files to web clients
django-filer 1,753 12 days ago Makes multiple files(text/image) uploading easy and provides interface with precise details

Awesome Django / Forms

django-autocomplete-light 1,796 23 days ago django-autocomplete-light's purpose is to enable autocompletes quickly and properly in a django project
django-bootstrap-form 557 7 months ago Twitter Bootstrap for Django Form
django-bootstrap3 2,340 12 days ago Use Bootstrap in your Django templates, the Django way
django-crispy-forms 5,004 about 2 months ago The best way to have DRY Django forms. The app provides a tag and filter that lets you quickly render forms in a div format while providing an enormous amount of capability to configure and control the rendered HTML
django-floppyforms 841 8 months ago django-floppyforms is an application that gives you full control of the output of forms rendering. The forms API and features are exactly the same as Django’s, the key difference is that fields and widgets are rendered in templates instead of using string interpolation, giving you full control of the output using Django templates
django-semantic-forms 1 5 days ago Django Semantic UI forms

Awesome Django / GIS

django-geoposition 331 7 months ago A model field that can hold a geoposition (latitude/longitude), and corresponding admin/form widget
django-location-field 550 11 months ago Location field and widget integrated with Google Maps
django-spillway 62 11 months ago Geodata extensions for Django REST Framework
djangorestframework-gis 1,076 about 1 month ago Geographic add-ons for Django Rest Framework

Awesome Django / Import/Export

django-import-export 3,014 14 days ago Django application and library for importing and exporting data with admin integration

Awesome Django / LLMs

django-llm 53 over 1 year ago An app for Django to aid development of large language model (LLM) workflows
django-ai-assistant 221 3 days ago Combine the power of LLMs with Django's productivity to build intelligent applications

Awesome Django / Migrations

South Django application to provide schema and data migrations that supports Django up to 1.6.x. ( )
django-migrations-graph 49 almost 2 years ago Django-admin command to display migrations with dependencies
django-test-migrations 519 11 days ago Test Django schema and data migrations, including migrations' order
django-liquidb 21 11 months ago Django application to simplify migration management and changes in states of db scheme

Awesome Django / Mobile Support

django-push-notifications 2,261 about 2 months ago A minimal Django app that implements Device models that can send messages through APNS and GCM
django-pushy 168 almost 7 years ago Django app that provides push notifications functionality with celery. The main purpose of this app is to help you send push notifications to your users at scale. If you have lots of registered device keys, django-pushy will split your keys into smaller groups which run in parallel making the process of sending notifications faster

Awesome Django / Model Extensions

django-aggregate-if 138 about 2 years ago Conditional aggregates for Django queries, just like the famous SumIf and CountIf in Excel
django-localflavor 826 about 1 month ago Country-specific Django helpers, formerly of contrib fame
django-model-utils 2,653 18 days ago Django model mixins and utilities
django-mptt 2,874 3 months ago Utilities for implementing a modified pre-order traversal tree in django
django-treebeard 1,102 about 1 month ago -Alternative tree data structures for Django. (provides 3 different methods for storing hierarchical data, including MPTT )

Awesome Django / Multitenancy

django-tenant-schemas 1,449 11 months ago Tenant support for Django using PostgreSQL schemas
django-tenants 1,471 19 days ago An Active fork of which provides more features and enhancements
tenant-schemas-celery 177 18 days ago Tenant Aware Celery App to cooperate with multi-tenancy provided by and packages

Awesome Django / Payment Processing

dj-stripe 1,615 21 days ago Django + Stripe Made Easy
django-merchant 1,023 about 2 years ago A Django app that provides helpers for multiple pluggable payment backends
django-oscar-adyen 17 about 1 year ago This package provides integration with the Adyen payment gateway. It is designed to work seamlessly with the e-commerce framework django-oscar but can be used without Oscar
django-oscar-paymentexpress 11 about 12 years ago This package provides integration with the payment gateway, PaymentExpress using their PX POST API. It is designed to work seamlessly with the e-commerce framework django-oscar but can be used without it
django-oscar-paypal 164 11 months ago PayPal integration for django-oscar. Can be used without Oscar too
django-paypal 726 12 days ago A pluggable Django application for integrating PayPal Payments Standard or Payments Pro
django-pinpayments 25 over 3 years ago Django library to simplify payment processing with pin
django-zebra 194 over 4 years ago Forms, widgets, template tags and examples that make Stripe + Django easier
django-payu 41 over 2 years ago A Django app that provides integration between Django and PayU Payment Gateway

Awesome Django / Project Management

django-timepiece 361 about 1 month ago A multi-user Django application for tracking people's time on projects

Awesome Django / Reporting

django-model-report 216 over 3 years ago Django reports integrated with highcharts
django-report-builder 765 about 2 months ago A GUI for Django ORM. Build custom queries and display results. Targets sys admins and capable end users who might not be able to program

Awesome Django / RESTful API

django-nap 224 about 2 years ago A minimalist approach to object serialization, RESTful views, and RPC views
django-rest-auth 2,404 7 months ago This app makes it extremely easy to build Django powered SPA's (Single Page App) or Mobile apps exposing all registration and authentication related functionality as CBV's (Class Base View) and REST (JSON)
django-rest-framework A powerful and flexible toolkit that makes it easy to build Web APIs
django-rest-localflavor 19 almost 2 years ago Localized flavors of some serializers to use with Django Rest Framework
django-rest-swagger 2,591 almost 4 years ago Swagger Documentation Generator for Django REST Framework
drfdocs 647 over 2 years ago Document Web APIs made with Django REST Framework
django-tastypie Creating delicious APIs for Django apps since 2010
restless 831 about 2 months ago A lightweight REST miniframework for Python
djangorestframework-recursive 364 about 2 months ago Recursive Serialization for Django REST framework
django-haystack 3,592 about 1 month ago Modular search for Django
django-watson 1,201 about 2 months ago Fast multi-model full-text search plugin
djangoql 991 3 months ago Advanced search language for Django
djorm-ext-pgfulltext 250 over 4 years ago PostgreSQL full-text search integration with django orm

Awesome Django / Security

django-admin-honeypot 1,013 6 months ago A fake Django admin login screen to notify admins of attempted unauthorized access
django-axes 1,482 14 days ago is a very simple way for you to keep track of failed login attempts, both for the Django admin and for the rest of your site
django-debreach 75 12 months ago BREACH mitigation for Django apps
django-password-session 10 over 9 years ago Invalidate all active sessions after change password. ( )
django-secure-auth 42 almost 2 years ago Secure authentication by TOTP, SMS, Codes & Question. Login protection with ban by IP and captcha
django-security 272 26 days ago A collection of models, views, middlewares, and forms to help secure a Django project
django-sslify 336 almost 2 years ago Force SSL on your Django site
django-stronghold 396 3 months ago Stronghold is middleware to default all your views to login required
django-sudo 280 over 3 years ago Sudo mode is an extra layer of security for your most sensitive pages. This is an implementation of GitHub's Sudo Mode for Django
django-mfa 181 5 months ago Django app for providing MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)
django-user-sessions 626 19 days ago Extend Django sessions with a foreign key back to the user, allowing enumerating all user's sessions

Awesome Django / SEO

django-meta 481 12 days ago a pluggable app to allow Django developers to quickly add meta tags and OpenGraph, Twitter, and Google Plus properties to their HTML responses
django-robots 459 2 months ago A Django app for managing robots.txt files following the robots exclusion protocol
django-seo2 60 over 2 years ago Provides a set of tools for managing Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) metadata for Django sites

Awesome Django / Settings

django-configurations 1,091 8 days ago A helper for organizing Django project settings by relying on well established programming patterns
django-constance 1,695 18 days ago A Django app for storing dynamic settings in pluggable backends (Redis and Django model backend built in) with an integration with the Django admin app
python-decouple 2,793 9 months ago Strict separation of config from code
django-environ 3,005 4 months ago Allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment variables to configure your Django application
django-split-settings 1,110 19 days ago Organize Django settings into multiple files and directories. Easily override and modify settings. Use wildcards and optional settings files
django-dynamic-preferences Dynamic global and instance settings for your django project

Awesome Django / Storage

django-selectel-storage 23 over 2 years ago This application allows you easily save media and static files into cloud storage
django-storages 2,743 14 days ago django-storages is a collection of custom storage backends for Django
django-queued-storage 316 8 months ago Provides a proxy for Django storage backends that allows you to upload files locally and eventually serve them remotely
django-webdav-storage 20 almost 3 years ago Django storage backend that stores files in custom WebDAV storage
django-cloudinary-storage 130 4 months ago Django package that provides Cloudinary storages for both media and static files as well as management commands for removing unnecessary files

Awesome Django / Tagging

django-taggit 3,326 6 days ago Simple tagging for Django
django-taggit-helpers 29 about 1 year ago Django admin helper classes for django-taggit tags

Awesome Django / Hit Count

django-hitcount 463 5 months ago Django-Hitcount allows you to track the number of hits/views for a particular object

Awesome Django / Task Queue

django-celery Celery Integration for Django. (no longer required for Celery 3.1 and up)
django-q2 354 13 days ago A multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django based on Django-Q
django-rq 1,822 19 days ago The easiest way to monitor and use in your Django projects
huey 5,156 10 days ago A little multi-threaded task queue for python

Awesome Django / Testing

behave-django 204 8 months ago Behave BDD integration for Django
django-behave 198 almost 2 years ago TestRunner for the Behave BDD module
django-dynamic-fixture 390 2 months ago A complete library to create dynamic model instances for testing purposes
django-faker 246 over 1 year ago Fake-factory to generate test data
django-jenkins 945 over 2 years ago Plug and play continuous integration with django and jenkins
django-nose 882 about 1 year ago Test runner using nose
django-selenium 90 over 4 years ago Selenium testing support
django-shotgun 17 over 4 years ago Test entire Django sites
django-slowtests 181 almost 3 years ago Locate your slowest tests
django-test-plus 610 about 2 months ago Useful addons to Django's default TestCase that greatly reduces boilerplate code
factory_boy 3,499 about 2 months ago A test fixtures replacement for Python
hitchtest High level integration testing framework for Django
lettuce-django-terrain 10 over 12 years ago Terrain file for lettuce in django projects
mixer 942 7 months ago An application to generate instances of Django or SQLAlchemy models. Fast and convenient test-data generation
mock-django 224 over 1 year ago A simple library for mocking certain Django behavior, such as the ORM
model-bakery 829 9 days ago Smart way to create fixtures for testing in Django
model-mommy 903 almost 5 years ago Smart fixtures for better tests
pytest-django Test runner using py.test
splinter 2,714 12 days ago Test framework for web applications
django-eraserhead 196 almost 2 years ago Django package that provides hints to optimize database usage by deferring unused fields (and more)

Awesome Django / Thumbnail

django-stdimage 259 4 months ago Thumbnails and image utils for Django
django-versatileimagefield 531 9 months ago A drop-in replacement for django's ImageField that provides a flexible, intuitive and easily-extensible interface for quickly creating new images from the one assigned to the field
easy-thumbnails 1,378 23 days ago Easy thumbnails for Django
sorl-thumbnail 1,735 12 days ago Thumbnails for Django

Awesome Django / Translations

django-hvad 533 about 2 years ago Painless translations in django, using the regular ORM. Integrates easily into existing projects and apps. Easy convertible from django-multilingual-ng
django-klingon 37 over 4 years ago An attempt to make django model translations suckless and with no integrations pain in your app
django-modeltranslation 1,369 30 days ago Translate dynamic content of existing Django models to an arbitrary number of languages without having to change the original model classes
django-parler 689 2 months ago Simple Django model translations without nasty hacks
django-rosetta 1,051 8 days ago Rosetta is a Django application that eases the translation process of your Django projects

Awesome Django / Views

django-extra-views 1,384 9 months ago Django's class-based generic views are awesome, let's have more of them
django-vanilla-views 985 8 months ago Beautifully simple class-based views
django-swift-crud 18 2 months ago Provides a streamlined and customizable approach to setting up CRUD operations for any Django model within just one view class

Awesome Django / Web frontend integration

django-angular 1,233 11 months ago Let AngularJS play well with Django
django-bower 518 2 months ago Easy way to use with your Django project
django-js-reverse 539 about 1 year ago Javascript url handling for Django that doesn't hurt
djangular 220 over 4 years ago A reusable Django app that provides better integration and tools for Angular.js

Awesome Django / WYSIWYG Editors

django-ckeditor 2,400 4 months ago Django admin CKEditor integration
django-summernote 1,040 4 months ago Summernote is a simple WYSIWYG editor. django-summernote allows you to embed Summernote into Django very handy. Support admin mixins and widgets
django-tinymce 1,277 2 months ago TinyMCE integration for Django
django-redactoreditor 26 over 4 years ago This package helps integrate the Redactor Javascript WYSIWYG-editor in Django
django-wysiwyg 465 almost 8 years ago A Django application for making Django textareas rich text editors. Certainly as a template tag and possibly as a form widget

Awesome Django / Wikis

django-wiki 1,826 about 1 month ago A wiki system with complex functionality for simple integration and a superb interface. Store your knowledge with style: Use django models
waliki 309 almost 2 years ago An extensible wiki app for Django with a Git backend

Awesome Django / Workflows

django-flows 138 over 4 years ago django-flows keeps state and position in complicated flows of logic, allowing optional branches and complicated paths through a series of individual user actions
django-fsm 2,338 6 months ago Django friendly finite state machine support
django-river 742 over 1 year ago Django state machine and workflow library provides on the fly changes
django-states 132 over 1 year ago State machine for django models
django-viewflow 2,671 15 days ago Reusable workflow library for Django
django-workflows django-workflows provides a generic workflow engine for Django
django-xworkflows 105 over 3 years ago Library to plug xworkflows into django models

Awesome Django / Machine Learning

moviegeek 902 almost 2 years ago A django website used in the book to show how recommender systems work, and how you can implement them

Awesome Django / Other

django-activeurl 158 about 2 years ago Easy to use active URL highlighting for django
django-activity-stream 2,368 23 days ago Generate generic activity streams from the actions on your site. Users can follow any actors' activities for personalized streams
django-adminactions 684 8 months ago Collection of useful actions to use with django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin and/or django.contrib.admin.AdminSite
django-autoadmin Automatic admin users for Django projects
django-braces 1,954 7 months ago Reusable, generic mixins for Django
django-calendarium 221 about 2 years ago A reusable app to manage and display a calendar in your templates
django-cors-headers 5,370 26 days ago Django app for handling the server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
django-dfp 3 over 8 years ago App that provides tags to fetch Google DFP ads
django-dynamic-scraper 1,150 over 2 years ago Creating Scrapy scrapers via the Django admin interface
django-extensions 6,537 3 months ago This is a repository for collecting global custom management extensions for the Django Framework
django-filter 4,425 19 days ago A generic system for filtering Django QuerySets based on user selections
django-friendship 758 about 2 months ago Django app to manage following and bi-directional friendships
django-gravatar2 149 about 1 month ago Essential Gravatar support for Django. Features helper methods, templatetags and a full test suite!
django-hackathon-starter 1,616 over 4 years ago A boilerplate for Django web applications, containing various social authentication methods and several popular API examples
django-ipware 1,011 6 months ago A Django application to retrieve user's IP address
django-macros-url 139 about 7 years ago Django Macros URL. Routing must be simple as possible
django-magic-embed 19 about 2 years ago an easy and simple Django template tag and tool to embed video and get thumbnails from video providers
django-markitup 47 over 4 years ago A Django reusable application for end-to-end markup handling
django-mmc 44 almost 2 years ago App for monitoring management commands on Django
django-overextends 108 over 4 years ago Circular template inheritance for Django
django-pagination 514 8 months ago
django-el-pagination 307 10 months ago Django EL(Endless) Pagination can be used to provide Twitter-style or Digg-style pagination, with optional Ajax support
django-simple-pagination 44 over 3 years ago A Simple Django app for digg-style pagination with little effort
django-quiz-app 608 5 months ago This is a configurable quiz app for Django
django-recaptcha 991 2 months ago Django reCAPTCHA form field/widget integration app
django-smuggler 374 about 2 years ago Django Smuggler is a pluggable application for Django Web Framework that helps you to import/export fixtures via the automatically-generated administration interface
django-solo 879 2 months ago Helps working with singletons - things like global settings that you want to edit from the admin site
django-sql-explorer 2,745 11 days ago Easily share data via SQL queries, right from Django
django-stored-messages 81 about 5 years ago Store Django messages on your project's backend
django-ratelimit 1,063 3 months ago provides a decorator to rate-limit views. Limiting can be based on IP address or a field in the request--either a GET or POST variable
django-uuslug 276 7 months ago a slugify application that guarantees Uniqueness and handles Unicode
django-watchman 526 11 days ago django-watchman exposes a status endpoint for your backing services like databases, caches, etc
django-websocket-redis 896 over 1 year ago Websockets for Django applications using Redis as message queue
metamon Collection of Ansible playbooks to quickly start your Django Application
micawber 632 3 months ago A small library for extracting rich content from urls
towel 82 11 months ago a collection of tools which make your life easier if you are building a web application using Django
django-admin-env-notice 314 over 1 year ago Visually distinguish environments in Django Admin

Projects / CMS

django-cms 10,132 12 days ago The easy-to-use and developer-friendly CMS
django-fiber 674 7 months ago Django Fiber, a simple, user-friendly CMS for all your Django projects
feincms 941 29 days ago A Django-based CMS with a focus on extensibility and concise code
Mezzanine 4,754 4 months ago A content management platform built using the Django framework
wagtail 18,008 8 days ago A Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience
leonardo 99 about 2 years ago A new Django content management system built on top of FeinCMS and OpenStack Horizon

Projects / Document Management

mayan-edms Open source, Django based DMS (document management system) with custom metadata indexing, file serving integration, OCR capabilities, document versioning and electronic signature verification

Projects / e-Commerce

Cartridge 707 8 months ago Ecommerce for Django/Mezzanine
django-changuito 50 over 3 years ago A cart app for your django site, an updated fork of django-cart
django-oscar 6,238 12 days ago Domain-driven e-commerce for Django
Lighting Fas Shop Lighting Fas Shop is Ecommerce made with Django
Saleor An e-commerce storefront for Python and Django
Satchless Satchless brings e-commerce and Python together
Satchmo Satchmo is an eCommerce framework created in Django which allows you to develop unique and robust online stores
Django-Shop A Django based shop system

Projects / Other

Django packages 766 12 days ago Django Packages is a directory of reusable apps, sites, tools, and more for your Django projects
Django-QA 99 about 2 years ago A simple Q&A App
django-salted 319 over 4 years ago Full stack SaltStack configuration for Django with the help of Vagrant
Drum 388 over 7 years ago Reddit / Hacker News clone for Django/Mezzanine
koalixcrm 84 almost 7 years ago Beautiful CRM/ERP for small business
OmniDB 3,164 over 1 year ago Web tool for database management and conversion, built with Django

Projects / Project Management

Plane 29,427 8 days ago Open-source, self-hosted project planning tool
ITSY 96 over 4 years ago Issue Tracking System
taiga 577 29 days ago Agile, Free and Open Source Project Management Tool

Resources / Books

Django by Example 19 over 8 years ago (1.2)
Djen of Django (< 1.7)
Effective Django (1.5)
Getting started with Django (video)
High Performance Django (1.7) - Deploying fast, scalable Django sites
Lightweight Django (1.7) - Using REST, WebSockets, and Backbone with Django
Tango With Django (1.5)
Test-Driven Web Development with Python (1.7)
Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices for Django 1.11 A best practice book for making Python and Django as fun as ice cream

Resources / Websites

Django Girls Tutorial A fun and engaging tutorial showing how to build a blog using Django and deploy it to Heroku
Mozilla Tutorial Tutorial that shows how to set up a development environment, and how to get started with using it to create your own web applications
Django Introduction A reusable set of slides to educate more people about Django
Django Packages Django Packages is a directory of reusable apps, sites, tools, and more for your Django projects
Django Sites Django Sites is a showcase of websites powered by Django
Full Stack Python's Django page contains explanations for Django's philosophy and its components along with links to other resources and tutorials
Simple is Better Than Complex A blog about Django, Python and Web Development. Weekly updates containing tutorials, tips, featured packages, reference guides and code snippets
Marina Mele's site A blog about Django and Python. Includes deployment to Heroku, a Django project boilerplate for best practices, testing and more

Resources / Conferences

Django Beer the new meeting of the Django community of Florence
Django Village the Italian Django community conference. An opportunity to meet djangonauts from all over Italy and abroad
Django Weekend is a Django/Python non-profit community event, organised and run entirely by volunteers. The conference is Django-focused, but all aspects of Python fall within its remit
Django: Under The Hood is an exciting new Django conference for experienced Django developers. Come and learn about the internals of Django, and help to shape its future
DjangoCon Europe is the annual largest European-based Django conference that is usually held in late spring
DjangoCon US is the largest North American Django conference generally held the first week in September each year

Non Python packages

cookiecutter-django 12,008 8 days ago A cookiecutter template for creating Django projects quickly

Non Python packages / External documentation

Classy Class-Based Views Detailed descriptions, with full methods and attributes, for each of Django's class-based generic views
Classy Django REST Framework Detailed descriptions, with full methods and attributes, for each of Django REST Framework's class-based views and serializers

Non Python packages / Videos

CodingforEntrepreneur One of the best collection of Django Videos and all the projects are written in Django
Code School - Try Django An introduction to the basics of Django
GoDjango Django videos from basics to advanced. Covering 3rd party apps to core Django components
Must Watch Django Videos Must-watch videos about Django. (or about Python as applied to Django)

Utilities 34 over 3 years ago Run commands from anywhere. Finds closest to current path file and runs commands against it
Logan 206 about 8 years ago A toolkit for running standalone Django applications. It provides you with tools to create a CLI runner, manage settings, and the ability to bootstrap the process

Credit of Repo

please consider donating Credit of this great resource goes to 'Roberto Rosario'. He has stopped maintaining this repo but you can show your love and support by donation. , A way to thank him for his great work. Thank you!

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