AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / What is Data Science? |
What is Data Science @ O'reilly | | | |
What is Data Science @ Quora | | | |
The sexiest job of 21st century | | | |
Wikipedia | | | |
How to Become a Data Scientist | | | |
a very short history of #datascience | | | |
Software Development Resources for Data Scientists | | | |
Data Scientist Roadmap | | | |
Navigating Your Path to Becoming a Data Scientist | | | |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Real World / Disaster |
deprem-ml | | | (+25k developers) is trying to help disaster response using artificial intelligence. Everything is open-sourced |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Training Resources / Tutorials |
1000 Data Science Projects | | | you can run on the browser with IPython |
#tidytuesday | 6,978 | 4 months ago | A weekly data project aimed at the R ecosystem |
Data science your way | 597 | almost 4 years ago | |
PySpark Cheatsheet | 458 | about 2 years ago | |
Machine Learning, Data Science and Deep Learning with Python | | | |
How To Label Data | | | |
Your Guide to Latent Dirichlet Allocation | | | |
Over 1000 Data Science Online Courses at Classpert Online Search Engine | | | |
Tutorials of source code from the book Genetic Algorithms with Python by Clinton Sheppard | 1,213 | over 2 years ago | |
Tutorials to get started on signal processing for machine learning | 64 | over 2 years ago | |
Realtime deployment | | | Tutorial on Python time-series model deployment |
Python for Data Science: A Beginner’s Guide | | | |
Minimum Viable Study Plan for Machine Learning Interviews | 9,949 | over 1 year ago | |
Understand and Know Machine Learning Engineering by Building Solid Projects | | | |
12 free Data Science projects to practice Python and Pandas | | | |
Best CV/Resume for Data Science Freshers | | | |
Understand Data Science Course in Java | | | |
Data Analytics Interview Questions (Beginner to Advanced) | | | |
Top 100+ Data Science Interview Questions and Answers | | | |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Training Resources / Free Courses |
Data Scientist with R | | | |
Data Scientist with Python | | | |
Genetic Algorithms OCW Course | | | |
AI Expert Roadmap | 29,305 | about 1 year ago | Roadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert |
Convex Optimization | | | Convex Optimization (basics of convex analysis; least-squares, linear and quadratic programs, semidefinite programming, minimax, extremal volume, and other problems; optimality conditions, duality theory...) |
Skillcombo - Data Science | | | 1000+ free online Data Science courses |
Learning from Data | | | Introduction to machine learning covering basic theory, algorithms and applications |
Kaggle | | | Learn about Data Science, Machine Learning, Python etc |
ML Observability Fundamentals | | | Learn how to monitor and root-cause production ML issues |
Weights & Biases Effective MLOps: Model Development | | | Free Course and Certification for building an end-to-end machine using W&B |
Python for Machine Learning | | | Start your journey to machine learning with Python, one of the most powerful programming languages |
Python for Data Science by Scaler | | | This course is designed to empower beginners with the essential skills to excel in today's data-driven world. The comprehensive curriculum will give you a solid foundation in statistics, programming, data visualization, and machine learning |
MLSys-NYU-2022 | 373 | over 2 years ago | Slides, scripts and materials for the Machine Learning in Finance course at NYU Tandon, 2022 |
Hands-on Train and Deploy ML | 769 | 10 months ago | A hands-on course to train and deploy a serverless API that predicts crypto prices |
LLMOps: Building Real-World Applications With Large Language Models | | | Learn to build modern software with LLMs using the newest tools and techniques in the field |
Prompt Engineering for Vision Models | | | Learn to prompt cutting-edge computer vision models with natural language, coordinate points, bounding boxes, segmentation masks, and even other images in this free course from DeepLearning.AI |
Data Science Course By IBM | | | Free resources and learn what data science is and how it’s used in different industries |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Training Resources / MOOC's |
Coursera Introduction to Data Science | | | |
Data Science - 9 Steps Courses, A Specialization on Coursera | | | |
Data Mining - 5 Steps Courses, A Specialization on Coursera | | | |
Machine Learning – 5 Steps Courses, A Specialization on Coursera | | | |
CS 109 Data Science | | | |
OpenIntro | | | |
CS 171 Visualization | | | |
Process Mining: Data science in Action | | | |
Oxford Deep Learning | | | |
Oxford Deep Learning - video | | | |
Oxford Machine Learning | | | |
UBC Machine Learning - video | | | |
Data Science Specialization | 4,073 | almost 4 years ago | |
Coursera Big Data Specialization | | | |
Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics by Edx | | | |
Cognitive Class AI by IBM | | | |
Udacity - Deep Learning | | | |
Keras in Motion | | | |
Microsoft Professional Program for Data Science | | | |
COMP3222/COMP6246 - Machine Learning Technologies | | | |
CS 231 - Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition | | | |
Coursera Tensorflow in practice | | | |
Coursera Deep Learning Specialization | | | |
365 Data Science Course | | | |
Coursera Natural Language Processing Specialization | | | |
Coursera GAN Specialization | | | |
Codecademy's Data Science | | | |
Linear Algebra | | | Linear Algebra course by Gilbert Strang |
A 2020 Vision of Linear Algebra (G. Strang) | | | |
Python for Data Science Foundation Course | | | |
Data Science: Statistics & Machine Learning | | | |
Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) | | | |
Recommender Systems Specialization from University of Minnesota | | | is an intermediate/advanced level specialization focused on Recommender System on the Coursera platform |
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Professional Program | | | |
Data Scientist with Python | | | |
Programming with Julia | | | |
Scaler Data Science & Machine Learning Program | | | |
Data Science Skill Tree | | | |
Data Science for Beginners - Learn with AI tutor | | | |
Machine Learning for Beginners - Learn with AI tutor | | | |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Training Resources / Intensive Programs |
S2DS | | | |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Training Resources / Colleges |
A list of colleges and universities offering degrees in data science. | 154 | about 4 years ago | |
Data Science Degree @ Berkeley | | | |
Data Science Degree @ UVA | | | |
Data Science Degree @ Wisconsin | | | |
BS in Data Science & Applications | | | |
MS in Computer Information Systems @ Boston University | | | |
MS in Business Analytics @ ASU Online | | | |
MS in Applied Data Science @ Syracuse | | | |
M.S. Management & Data Science @ Leuphana | | | |
Master of Data Science @ Melbourne University | | | |
Msc in Data Science @ The University of Edinburgh | | | |
Master of Management Analytics @ Queen's University | | | |
Master of Data Science @ Illinois Institute of Technology | | | |
Master of Applied Data Science @ The University of Michigan | | | |
Master Data Science and Artificial Intelligence @ Eindhoven University of Technology | | | |
Master's Degree in Data Science and Computer Engineering @ University of Granada | | | |
datacompy | 487 | 4 months ago | DataComPy is a package to compare two Pandas DataFrames |
Regression | | | |
Linear Regression | | | |
Ordinary Least Squares | | | |
Logistic Regression | | | |
Stepwise Regression | | | |
Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines | | | |
Softmax Regression | | | |
Locally Estimated Scatterplot Smoothing | | | |
k-nearest neighbor | | | |
Support Vector Machines | | | |
Decision Trees | | | |
ID3 algorithm | | | |
C4.5 algorithm | | | |
Ensemble Learning | | | |
Boosting | | | |
Stacking | | | |
Bagging | | | |
Random Forest | | | |
AdaBoost | | | |
Clustering | | | |
Hierchical clustering | | | |
k-means | | | |
Density-based clustering | | | |
Fuzzy clustering | | | |
Mixture models | | | |
Dimension Reduction | | | |
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) | | | |
t-SNE; t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding | | | |
Factor Analysis | | | |
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) | | | |
Neural Networks | | | |
Self-organizing map | | | |
Adaptive resonance theory | | | |
Hidden Markov Models (HMM) | | | |
Clustering | | | |
Generative models | | | |
Low-density separation | | | |
Laplacian regularization | | | |
Heuristic approaches | | | |
Q Learning | | | |
SARSA (State-Action-Reward-State-Action) algorithm | | | |
Temporal difference learning | | | |
C4.5 | | | |
k-Means | | | |
SVM (Support Vector Machine) | | | |
Apriori | | | |
EM (Expectation-Maximization) | | | |
PageRank | | | |
AdaBoost | | | |
KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors) | | | |
Naive Bayes | | | |
CART (Classification and Regression Trees) | | | |
Multilayer Perceptron | | | |
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) | | | |
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) | | | |
Boltzmann Machines | | | |
Autoencoder | | | |
Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) | | | |
Self-Organized Maps | | | |
Transformer | | | |
Conditional Random Field (CRF) | | | |
ML System Designs) | | | |
scikit-learn | | | |
scikit-multilearn | 921 | about 1 year ago | |
sklearn-expertsys | 489 | over 7 years ago | |
scikit-feature | 1,513 | 9 months ago | |
scikit-rebate | 413 | about 2 years ago | |
seqlearn | 691 | about 2 years ago | |
sklearn-bayes | 514 | over 3 years ago | |
sklearn-crfsuite | 425 | over 1 year ago | |
sklearn-deap | 771 | about 1 year ago | |
sigopt_sklearn | 75 | over 1 year ago | |
sklearn-evaluation | 3 | about 2 years ago | |
scikit-image | 6,117 | 3 months ago | |
scikit-opt | 5,316 | 9 months ago | |
scikit-posthocs | 354 | 4 months ago | |
pystruct | 664 | over 3 years ago | |
Shogun | | | |
xLearn | 3,087 | over 1 year ago | |
cuML | 4,292 | 3 months ago | |
causalml | 5,132 | 4 months ago | |
mlpack | 5,151 | 3 months ago | |
MLxtend | 4,926 | 4 months ago | |
modAL | 2,239 | about 1 year ago | |
Sparkit-learn | 1,154 | about 4 years ago | |
hyperlearn | 1,871 | 4 months ago | |
dlib | 13,623 | 4 months ago | |
imodels | 1,406 | 5 months ago | |
RuleFit | 411 | over 1 year ago | |
pyGAM | 876 | 9 months ago | |
Deepchecks | 3,650 | 3 months ago | |
scikit-survival | | | |
interpretable | | | |
XGBoost | 26,396 | 3 months ago | |
LightGBM | 16,769 | 3 months ago | |
CatBoost | 8,139 | 3 months ago | |
JAX | 30,744 | 3 months ago | |
PyTorch | 84,978 | 3 months ago | |
torchvision | 16,364 | 3 months ago | |
torchtext | 3,524 | 3 months ago | |
torchaudio | 2,561 | 3 months ago | |
ignite | 4,554 | 4 months ago | |
PyTorchNet | 1,669 | 4 months ago | |
PyToune | 572 | 4 months ago | |
skorch | 5,911 | 3 months ago | |
PyVarInf | 359 | over 5 years ago | |
pytorch_geometric | 21,597 | 3 months ago | |
GPyTorch | 3,605 | 3 months ago | |
pyro | 8,604 | 4 months ago | |
Catalyst | 3,300 | about 1 year ago | |
pytorch_tabular | 1,404 | 4 months ago | |
Yolov3 | 10,260 | 4 months ago | |
Yolov5 | 51,418 | 4 months ago | |
Yolov8 | 33,951 | 3 months ago | |
TensorFlow | 186,822 | 3 months ago | |
TensorLayer | 7,337 | about 2 years ago | |
TFLearn | 9,621 | 11 months ago | |
Sonnet | 9,790 | 4 months ago | |
tensorpack | 6,303 | over 1 year ago | |
TRFL | 3,136 | over 2 years ago | |
Polyaxon | 3,581 | 3 months ago | |
NeuPy | 739 | 4 months ago | |
tfdeploy | 353 | about 1 year ago | |
tensorflow-upstream | 688 | 3 months ago | |
TensorFlow Fold | 1,826 | over 3 years ago | |
tensorlm | 61 | almost 3 years ago | |
TensorLight | 11 | over 2 years ago | |
Mesh TensorFlow | 1,597 | over 1 year ago | |
Ludwig | 11,236 | 4 months ago | |
TF-Agents | 2,816 | 3 months ago | |
TensorForce | 3,299 | 8 months ago | |
Keras | | | |
keras-contrib | 1,579 | over 2 years ago | |
Hyperas | 2,179 | about 2 years ago | |
Elephas | 1,574 | almost 2 years ago | |
Hera | 487 | almost 8 years ago | |
Spektral | 2,372 | about 1 year ago | |
qkeras | 541 | 5 months ago | |
keras-rl | 5,530 | over 1 year ago | |
Talos | 1,626 | 11 months ago | |
altair | | | |
addepar | | | |
amcharts | | | |
anychart | | | |
bokeh | | | |
Comet | | | |
slemma | | | |
cartodb | | | |
Cube | | | |
d3plus | | | |
Data-Driven Documents(D3js) | | | |
dygraphs | | | |
ECharts | | | |
exhibit | | | |
gephi | | | |
ggplot2 | | | |
Glue | | | |
Google Chart Gallery | | | |
highcarts | | | | | | | |
jqplot | | | |
Matplotlib | | | |
nvd3 | | | |
Netron | 28,684 | 3 months ago | |
Openrefine | | | | | | | |
raw | | | |
Resseract Lite | 4 | 7 months ago | |
Seaborn | | | |
techanjs | | | |
Timeline | | | |
variancecharts | | | |
vida | | | |
vizzu | 1,941 | 3 months ago | |
Wrangler | | | |
r2d3 | | | |
NetworkX | | | |
Redash | | | |
C3 | | | |
TensorWatch | 3,424 | over 1 year ago | |
geomap | | | |
Dash | | | |
The Data Science Lifecycle Process | 493 | almost 4 years ago | |
Data Science Lifecycle Template Repo | 183 | over 4 years ago | |
RexMex | 278 | over 1 year ago | |
ChemicalX | 719 | over 1 year ago | |
PyTorch Geometric Temporal | 2,694 | 5 months ago | |
Little Ball of Fur | 705 | about 1 year ago | |
Karate Club | 2,178 | 8 months ago | |
ML Workspace | 3,446 | 8 months ago | | | | | |
steppy | 134 | over 6 years ago | |
steppy-toolkit | 22 | over 6 years ago | |
Datalab from Google | | | |
Hortonworks Sandbox | | | |
R | | | |
Tidyverse | | | |
RStudio | | | |
Python - Pandas - Anaconda | | | |
Pandas GUI | 3,204 | over 1 year ago | |
Scikit-Learn | | | |
NumPy | | | |
Vaex | | | |
SciPy | | | |
Data Science Toolbox | | | |
Data Science Toolbox | | | |
Wolfram Data Science Platform | | | |
Datadog | | | |
Variance | | | |
Kite Development Kit | | | |
Domino Data Labs | | | |
Apache Flink | | | |
Apache Hama | | | |
Weka | | | |
Octave | | | |
Apache Spark | | | |
Hydrosphere Mist | 326 | over 4 years ago | |
Data Mechanics | | | |
Caffe | | | |
Torch | | | |
Nervana's python based Deep Learning Framework | 3,870 | over 4 years ago | |
Skale | 397 | almost 4 years ago | |
Aerosolve | | | |
Intel framework | 313 | almost 9 years ago | |
Datawrapper | | | | | 1,368 | 4 months ago | An open source data visualization platform helping everyone to create simple, correct and embeddable charts. Also at |
Tensor Flow | | | |
Natural Language Toolkit | | | |
Annotation Lab | | | |
nlp-toolkit for node.js | | | |
Julia | | | |
IJulia | 2,810 | 4 months ago | |
Apache Zeppelin | | | |
Featuretools | 7,304 | 3 months ago | |
Optimus | 1,486 | 4 months ago | |
Albumentations | 14,386 | 3 months ago | |
DVC | 14,016 | 4 months ago | |
Lambdo | 23 | about 4 years ago | |
Feast | 5,669 | 3 months ago | |
Polyaxon | 3,581 | 3 months ago | |
LightTag | | | |
UBIAI | | | |
Trains | 5,740 | 3 months ago | |
Hopsworks | 1,177 | 5 months ago | |
MindsDB | 26,915 | 3 months ago | |
Lightwood | 453 | 3 months ago | |
AWS Data Wrangler | 3,951 | 4 months ago | |
Amazon Rekognition | | | |
Amazon Textract | | | |
Amazon Lookout for Vision | | | |
Amazon CodeGuru | | | |
CML | 4,046 | 3 months ago | |
Dask | | | |
Statsmodels | | | |
Gensim | | | |
spaCy | | | |
Grid Studio | 8,882 | over 1 year ago | |
Python Data Science Handbook | 43,422 | 9 months ago | |
Shapley | 219 | over 1 year ago | |
DAGsHub | | | |
Deepnote | | | |
Valohai | | | |
PyMC3 | | | |
PyStan | | | |
hmmlearn | | | |
Chaos Genius | 744 | 7 months ago | |
Nimblebox | | | |
Towhee | 3,255 | 5 months ago | |
LineaPy | 663 | 10 months ago | |
envd | 2,061 | 6 months ago | |
Explore Data Science Libraries | | | |
MLEM | 718 | over 1 year ago | |
MLflow | | | |
cleanlab | 9,820 | 3 months ago | |
AutoGluon | 8,167 | 3 months ago | |
Arize AI | | | | | | | |
ERD Lab | | | |
Arize-Phoenix | | | |
Comet | 152 | 3 months ago | |
Opik | 2,588 | 3 months ago | |
Synthical | | | |
teeplot | 12 | 5 months ago | |
Streamlit | 36,168 | 3 months ago | |
Gradio | 34,557 | 3 months ago | |
Weights & Biases | 9,270 | 3 months ago | |
DVC | 14,016 | 4 months ago | |
Optuna | 11,082 | 3 months ago | |
Ray Tune | 34,412 | 3 months ago | |
Apache Airflow | 37,580 | 3 months ago | |
Prefect | 17,771 | 3 months ago | |
Kedro | 10,050 | 4 months ago | |
Hamilton | 1,900 | 3 months ago | |
SHAP | 23,077 | 3 months ago | |
LIME | 11,663 | 8 months ago | |
flyte | 5,850 | 3 months ago | |
dbt | 10,071 | 3 months ago | |
SHAP | 23,077 | 3 months ago | |
LIME | 11,663 | 8 months ago | |
Data Science From Scratch: First Principles with Python | | | |
Artificial Intelligence with Python - Tutorialspoint | | | |
Machine Learning from Scratch | | | |
Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction | | | |
A Comprehensive Guide to Machine Learning | | | |
How to Lead in Data Science | | | Early Access |
Fighting Churn With Data | | | |
Data Science at Scale with Python and Dask | | | |
Python Data Science Handbook | | | |
The Data Science Handbook: Advice and Insights from 25 Amazing Data Scientists | | | |
Think Like a Data Scientist | | | |
Introducing Data Science | | | |
Practical Data Science with R | | | |
Everyday Data Science | | | & |
Exploring Data Science | | | free eBook sampler |
Exploring the Data Jungle | | | free eBook sampler |
Classic Computer Science Problems in Python | | | |
Math for Programmers | | | Early access |
R in Action, Third Edition | | | Early Access |
Data Science Bookcamp | | | Early access |
Data Science Thinking: The Next Scientific, Technological and Economic Revolution | | | |
Applied Data Science: Lessons Learned for the Data-Driven Business | | | |
The Data Science Handbook | | | |
Essential Natural Language Processing | | | Early access |
Mining Massive Datasets | | | free e-book comprehended by an online course |
Pandas in Action | | | Early access |
Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming | | | |
Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms | | | Free Download |
Genetic Programming: New Approaches and Successful Applications | | | Free Download |
Evolutionary Algorithms | | | Free Download |
Advances in Genetic Programming, Vol. 3 | | | Free Download |
Global Optimization Algorithms: Theory and Application | | | Free Download |
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation | | | Free Download |
Convex Optimization | | | Convex Optimization book by Stephen Boyd - Free Download |
Data Analysis with Python and PySpark | | | Early Access |
R for Data Science | | | |
Build a Career in Data Science | | | |
Machine Learning Bookcamp | | | Early access |
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 2nd Edition | | | |
Effective Data Science Infrastructure | | | |
Practical MLOps: How to Get Ready for Production Models | | | |
Data Analysis with Python and PySpark | | | |
Regression, a Friendly guide | | | Early Access |
Streaming Systems: The What, Where, When, and How of Large-Scale Data Processing | | | |
Data Science at the Command Line: Facing the Future with Time-Tested Tools | | | |
Machine Learning - CIn UFPE | | | |
Machine Learning with Python - Tutorialspoint | | | |
Deep Learning | | | |
Designing Cloud Data Platforms | | | Early Access |
An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R | | | |
The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction | | | |
Deep Learning with PyTorch | | | |
Neural Networks and Deep Learning | | | |
Deep Learning Cookbook | | | |
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python | | | |
Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents, 2nd Edition | | | Free HTML version |
The Quest for Artificial Intelligence: A History of Ideas and Achievements | | | Free Download |
Graph Algorithms for Data Science | | | Early Access |
Data Mesh in Action | | | Early Access |
Julia for Data Analysis | | | Early Access |
Casual Inference for Data Science | | | Early Access |
Regular Expression Puzzles and AI Coding Assistants | | | by David Mertz |
Dive into Deep Learning | | | |
Data for All | | | |
Interpretable Machine Learning: A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable | | | Free GitHub version |
Foundations of Data Science | | | Free Download |
Comet for DataScience: Enhance your ability to manage and optimize the life cycle of your data science project | | | |
Software Engineering for Data Scientists | | | Early Access |
Julia for Data Science | | | Early Access |
An Introduction to Statistical Learning | | | Download Page |
Machine Learning For Absolute Beginners | | | |
Unifying Business, Data, and Code: Designing Data Products with JSON Schema | | | |
ICML | | | International Conference on Machine Learning |
GECCO | | | The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) |
epjdatascience | | | |
Journal of Data Science | | | an international journal devoted to applications of statistical methods at large |
Big Data Research | | | |
Journal of Big Data | | | |
Big Data & Society | | | |
Data Science Journal | | | | | | | Like Hacker News, but for data |
Data Science Trello Board | | | |
Medium Data Science Topic | | | Data Science related publications on medium |
Towards Data Science Genetic Algorithm Topic | | | -Genetic Algorithm related Publications towards Data Science |
all AI news | | | The AI/ML/Big Data news aggregator platform |
AI Digest | | | . A weekly newsletter to keep up to date with AI, machine learning, and data science. |
DataTalks.Club | | | . A weekly newsletter about data-related things. |
The Analytics Engineering Roundup | | | . A newsletter about data science. |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Literature and Media / Bloggers |
Wes McKinney | | | Wes McKinney Archives |
Matthew Russell | | | Mining The Social Web |
Greg Reda | | | Greg Reda Personal Blog |
Kevin Davenport | | | Kevin Davenport Personal Blog |
Julia Evans | | | Recurse Center alumna |
Hakan Kardas | | | Personal Web Page |
Sean J. Taylor | | | Personal Web Page |
Drew Conway | | | Personal Web Page |
Hilary Mason | | | Personal Web Page |
Noah Iliinsky | | | Personal Blog |
Matt Harrison | | | Personal Blog |
Vamshi Ambati | | | AllThings Data Sciene |
Prash Chan | | | Tech Blog on Master Data Management And Every Buzz Surrounding It |
Clare Corthell | | | The Open Source Data Science Masters |
Paul Miller | | | Based in the UK and working globally, Cloud of Data's consultancy services help clients understand the implications of taking data and more to the Cloud |
Data Science London | | | Data Science London is a non-profit organization dedicated to the free, open, dissemination of data science.
We are the largest data science community in Europe.
We are more than 3,190 data scientists and data geeks in our community |
Datawrangling | | | by Peter Skomoroch. MACHINE LEARNING, DATA MINING, AND MORE |
Quora Data Science | | | Data Science Questions and Answers from experts |
Siah | | | a PhD student at Berkeley |
Louis Dorard | | | a technology guy with a penchant for the web and for data, big and small |
Machine Learning Mastery | | | about helping professional programmers confidently apply machine learning algorithms to address complex problems |
Daniel Forsyth | | | Personal Blog |
Data Science Weekly | | | Weekly News Blog |
Revolution Analytics | | | Data Science Blog |
R Bloggers | | | R Bloggers |
The Practical Quant | | | Big data |
Yet Another Data Blog | | | Yet Another Data Blog |
Spenczar | | | a data scientist at . I handle the whole data pipeline, from tracking to model-building to reporting |
KD Nuggets | | | Data Mining, Analytics, Big Data, Data, Science not a blog a portal |
Meta Brown | | | Personal Blog |
Data Scientist | | | is building the data scientist culture |
WhatSTheBigData | | | is some of, all of, or much more than the above and this blog explores its impact on information technology, the business world, government agencies, and our lives |
Tevfik Kosar | | | Magnus Notitia |
New Data Scientist | | | How a Social Scientist Jumps into the World of Big Data |
Harvard Data Science | | | Thoughts on Statistical Computing and Visualization |
Data Science 101 | | | Learning To Be A Data Scientist |
Kaggle Past Solutions | | | |
DataScientistJourney | | | |
NYC Taxi Visualization Blog | | | |
Learning Lover | | | |
Dataists | | | |
Data-Mania | | | |
Data-Magnum | | | |
P-value | | | Musings on data science, machine learning, and stats |
datascopeanalytics | | | |
Digital transformation | | | |
datascientistjourney | | | |
Data Mania Blog | | | - Chris Said's science blog |
Emilio Ferrara's web page | | | |
DataNews | | | |
Reddit TextMining | | | |
Periscopic | | | |
Hilary Parker | | | |
Data Stories | | | |
Data Science Lab | | | |
Meaning of | | | |
Adventures in Data Land | | | |
Dataclysm | | | |
FlowingData | | | Visualization and Statistics |
Calculated Risk | | | |
O'reilly Learning Blog | | | |
Dominodatalab | | | |
i am trask | | | A Machine Learning Craftsmanship Blog |
Vademecum of Practical Data Science | | | Handbook and recipes for data-driven solutions of real-world problems |
Dataconomy | | | A blog on the newly emerging data economy |
Springboard | | | A blog with resources for data science learners |
Analytics Vidhya | | | A full-fledged website about data science and analytics study material |
Occam's Razor | | | Focused on Web Analytics |
Data School | | | Data science tutorials for beginners! |
Colah's Blog | | | Blog for understanding Neural Networks! |
Sebastian's Blog | | | Blog for NLP and transfer learning! |
Distill | | | Dedicated to clear explanations of machine learning! |
Chris Albon's Website | | | Data Science and AI notes |
Andrew Carr | | | Data Science with Esoteric programming languages |
floydhub | | | Blog for Evolutionary Algorithms |
Jingles | | | Review and extract key concepts from academic papers |
nbshare | | | Data Science notebooks |
Deep and Shallow | | | All things Deep and Shallow in Data Science |
Loic Tetrel | | | Data science blog |
Chip Huyen's Blog | | | ML Engineering, MLOps, and the use of ML in startups |
Maria Khalusova | | | Data science blog |
Aditi Rastogi | | | ML,DL,Data Science blog |
Santiago Basulto | | | Data Science with Python |
Akhil Soni | | | ML, DL and Data Science |
Akhil Soni | | | ML, DL and Data Science |
How to Become a Data Scientist | | | |
Introduction to Data Science | | | |
Intro to Data Science for Enterprise Big Data | | | |
How to Interview a Data Scientist | | | |
How to Share Data with a Statistician | 6,549 | 8 months ago | |
The Science of a Great Career in Data Science | | | |
What Does a Data Scientist Do? | | | |
Building Data Start-Ups: Fast, Big, and Focused | | | |
How to win data science competitions with Deep Learning | | | |
Full-Stack Data Scientist | | | |
AI at Home | | | |
AI Today | | | |
Adversarial Learning | | | |
Becoming a Data Scientist | | | |
Chai time Data Science | | | |
Data Crunch | | | |
Data Engineering Podcast | | | |
Data Science at Home | | | |
Data Science Mixer | | | |
Data Skeptic | | | |
Data Stories | | | |
Datacast | | | |
DataFramed | | | |
DataTalks.Club | | | |
Gradient Descent | | | |
Learning Machines 101 | | | |
Let's Data (Brazil) | | | |
Linear Digressions | | | |
Not So Standard Deviations | | | |
O'Reilly Data Show Podcast | | | |
Partially Derivative | | | |
Superdatascience | | | |
The Data Engineering Show | | | |
The Radical AI Podcast | | | |
The Robot Brains Podcast | | | |
What's The Point | | | |
How AI Built This | | | |
The Analytics Engineering Podcast | | | |
What is machine learning? | | | |
Andrew Ng: Deep Learning, Self-Taught Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning | | | |
Data36 - Data Science for Beginners by Tomi Mester | | | |
Deep Learning: Intelligence from Big Data | | | |
Interview with Google's AI and Deep Learning 'Godfather' Geoffrey Hinton | | | |
Introduction to Deep Learning with Python | | | |
What is machine learning, and how does it work? | | | |
Data School | | | Data Science Education |
Neural Nets for Newbies by Melanie Warrick (May 2015) | | | |
Neural Networks video series by Hugo Larochelle | | | |
Google DeepMind co-founder Shane Legg - Machine Super Intelligence | | | |
Data Science Primer | | | |
Data Science with Genetic Algorithms | | | |
Data Science for Beginners | | | |
DataTalks.Club | | | |
Mildlyoverfitted - Tutorials on intermediate ML/DL topics | | | | - Interviews of industry experts about production ML | | | |
ML Street Talk - Unabashedly technical and non-commercial, so you will hear no annoying pitches. | | | |
Neural networks by 3Blue1Brown | | | |
Neural networks from scratch by Sentdex | | | |
Manning Publications YouTube channel | | | |
Ask Dr Chong: How to Lead in Data Science - Part 1 | | | |
Ask Dr Chong: How to Lead in Data Science - Part 2 | | | |
Ask Dr Chong: How to Lead in Data Science - Part 3 | | | |
Ask Dr Chong: How to Lead in Data Science - Part 4 | | | |
Ask Dr Chong: How to Lead in Data Science - Part 5 | | | |
Ask Dr Chong: How to Lead in Data Science - Part 6 | | | |
Regression Models: Applying simple Poisson regression | | | |
Deep Learning Architectures | | | |
Time Series Modelling and Analysis | | | |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Socialize / Facebook Accounts |
Data | | | |
Big Data Scientist | | | |
Data Science Day | | | |
Data Science Academy | | | |
Facebook Data Science Page | | | |
Data Science London | | | |
Data Science Technology and Corporation | | | |
Data Science - Closed Group | | | |
Center for Data Science | | | |
Big data hadoop NOSQL Hive Hbase | | | |
Analytics, Data Mining, Predictive Modeling, Artificial Intelligence | | | |
Big Data Analytics using R | | | |
Big Data Analytics with R and Hadoop | | | |
Big Data Learnings | | | |
Big Data, Data Science, Data Mining & Statistics | | | |
BigData/Hadoop Expert | | | |
Data Mining / Machine Learning / AI | | | |
Data Mining/Big Data - Social Network Ana | | | |
Vademecum of Practical Data Science | | | |
Veri Bilimi Istanbul | | | |
The Data Science Blog | | | |
Big Data Combine | | | |
Big Data Science | | | |
Chris Said | | | |
Clare Corthell | | | |
DADI Charles-Abner | | | |
Data Science Central | | | |
Data Science London | | | |
Data Science Renee | | | |
Data Science Report | | | |
Data Science Tips | | | |
Data Vizzard | | | |
DataScienceX | | | |
DJ Patil | | | |
Domino Data Lab | | | |
Drew Conway | | | |
Erin Bartolo | | | |
Greg Reda | | | |
Gregory Piatetsky | | | |
Hadley Wickham | | | |
Hakan Kardas | | | |
Hilary Mason | | | |
Jeff Hammerbacher | | | |
John Myles White | | | |
Juan Miguel Lavista | | | |
Julia Evans | | | |
Kenneth Cukier | | | | | | | The Economist's Data Editor and co-author of Big Data ( ) | | | | Organizer of |
Kevin Markham | | | |
Data School | | | Data science instructor, and founder of |
Kim Rees | | | |
Kirk Borne | | | |
Luis Rei | | | |
Matt Harrison | | | |
Matthew Russell | | | |
Mert Nuhoğlu | | | |
Monica Rogati | | | |
Noah Iliinsky | | | | | | | Visualization & interaction designer. Practical cyclist. Author of vis books: |
Paul Miller | | | |
Peter Skomoroch | | | |
Prash Chan | | | |
Quora Data Science | | | |
R-Bloggers | | | |
Rand Hindi | | | |
Randy Olson | | | |
Recep Erol | | | |
Ryan Orban | | | |
Sean J. Taylor | | | |
Silvia K. Spiva | | | |
Harsh B. Gupta | | | |
Spencer Nelson | | | |
Talha Oz | | | |
Tasos Skarlatidis | | | |
Terry Timko | | | |
Tony Baer | | | |
Tony Ojeda | | | |
Vamshi Ambati | | | | | | | Data Science @ PayPal. #NLP, #machinelearning; PhD, Carnegie Mellon alumni (Blog: ) |
Wes McKinney | | | |
WileyEd | | | |
WNYC Data News Team | | | |
Alexey Grigorev | | | |
İlker Arslan | | | |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Socialize / Telegram Channels |
Open Data Science | | | – First Telegram Data Science channel. Covering all technical and popular staff about anything related to Data Science: AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Statistics, general Math and the applications of former |
Loss function porn | | | — Beautiful posts on DS/ML theme with video or graphic visualization |
Machinelearning | | | – Daily ML news |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Socialize / Slack Communities |
DataTalks.Club | | | |
Women Who Code - Data Science | | | |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Socialize / GitHub Groups |
Berkeley Institute for Data Science | | | |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Socialize / Data Science Competitions |
Kaggle | | | |
DrivenData | | | |
Analytics Vidhya | | | |
InnoCentive | | | |
Microprediction | | | |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Fun / Infographics |
| | | |
Key differences of a data scientist vs. data engineer | | | |
| | | |
DataCamp | | | A visual guide to Becoming a Data Scientist in 8 Steps by |
| | | |
img | | | Mindmap on required skills ( ) |
| | | |
Curriculum via Metro map | | | Swami Chandrasekaran made a |
| | | |
@kzawadz | | | by via |
| | | |
Data Science Central | | | By |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
this article | | | Different Data Science Skills and Roles from by Springboard |
| | | |
how to avoid mistakes with data | | | A simple and friendly way of teaching your non-data scientist/non-statistician colleagues . From Geckoboard's |
Academic Torrents | | | |
ADS-B Exchange | | | Specific datasets for aircraft and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) sources | | | | | | | | The home of the U.S. Government's open data |
United States Census Bureau | | | | | | | | | | | Navigate the world of public data - Quickly search and analyze billions of public records published by governments, companies and organizations | | | | | | | | | | | | |
The official portal for European data | | | |
NASDAQ:DATA | | | Nasdaq Data Link A premier source for financial, economic and alternative datasets | | | | |
GeoLite Legacy Downloadable Databases | | | |
Quora's Big Datasets Answer | | | |
Public Big Data Sets | | | |
Kaggle Datasets | | | |
A Deep Catalog of Human Genetic Variation | | | |
A community-curated database of well-known people, places, and things | | | |
Google Public Data | | | |
World Bank Data | | | |
NYC Taxi data | | | |
Open Data Philly | | | Connecting people with data for Philadelphia | | | | Sample movie (with ratings), book and wiki datasets |
UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository | | | contains data sets good for machine learning |
research-quality data sets | | | by |
National Centers for Environmental Information | | | | | | | (related: ) |
r/datasets | | | |
MapLight | | | provides a variety of data free of charge for uses that are freely available to the general public. Click on a data set below to learn more |
GHDx | | | Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation - a catalog of health and demographic datasets from around the world and including IHME results |
St. Louis Federal Reserve Economic Data - FRED | | | |
New Zealand Institute of Economic Research – Data1850 | | | |
Open Data Sources | 506 | almost 7 years ago | |
UNICEF Data | | | |
undata | | | |
NASA SocioEconomic Data and Applications Center - SEDAC | | | |
The GDELT Project | | | |
Sweden, Statistics | | | |
StackExchange Data Explorer | | | an open source tool for running arbitrary queries against public data from the Stack Exchange network |
SocialGrep | | | a collection of open Reddit datasets |
San Fransisco Government Open Data | | | |
IBM Asset Dataset | | | |
Open data Index | | | |
Public Git Archive | 323 | over 5 years ago | |
GHTorrent | | | |
Microsoft Research Open Data | | | |
Open Government Data Platform India | | | |
Google Dataset Search (beta) | | | |
NAYN.CO Turkish News with categories | 3 | over 5 years ago | |
Covid-19 | 1,161 | 5 months ago | |
Covid-19 Google | 116 | over 3 years ago | |
Enron Email Dataset | | | |
5000 Images of Clothes | 105 | about 4 years ago | |
IBB Open Portal | | | |
The Humanitarian Data Exchange | | | |
Comic compilation | | | |
Cartoons | | | |
Data Science Cartoons | | | |
Data Science: The XKCD Edition | | | |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Other Awesome Lists |
awesome-awesomeness | 32,173 | 10 months ago | Other amazingly awesome lists can be found in the |
Awesome Machine Learning | 66,380 | 3 months ago | |
lists | 10,067 | 6 months ago | |
awesome-dataviz | 3,843 | about 1 year ago | |
awesome-python | 227,763 | 8 months ago | |
Data Science IPython Notebooks. | 27,601 | about 1 year ago | |
awesome-r | 6,047 | 4 months ago | |
awesome-datasets | 61,377 | 4 months ago | |
awesome-Machine Learning & Deep Learning Tutorials | 15,675 | 10 months ago | |
Awesome Data Science Ideas | 666 | about 1 year ago | |
Machine Learning for Software Engineers | 28,216 | 10 months ago | |
Community Curated Data Science Resources | | | |
Awesome Machine Learning On Source Code | 6,273 | over 4 years ago | |
Awesome Community Detection | 2,342 | about 1 year ago | |
Awesome Graph Classification | 4,767 | about 2 years ago | |
Awesome Decision Tree Papers | 2,387 | about 1 year ago | |
Awesome Fraud Detection Papers | 1,639 | about 1 year ago | |
Awesome Gradient Boosting Papers | 1,005 | about 1 year ago | |
Awesome Computer Vision Models | 515 | almost 4 years ago | |
Awesome Monte Carlo Tree Search | 652 | about 1 year ago | |
Glossary of common statistics and ML terms | | | |
100 NLP Papers | 3,762 | over 3 years ago | |
Awesome Game Datasets | 763 | 5 months ago | |
Data Science Interviews Questions | 9,002 | 7 months ago | |
Awesome Explainable Graph Reasoning | 1,949 | almost 3 years ago | |
Top Data Science Interview Questions | | | |
Awesome Drug Synergy, Interaction and Polypharmacy Prediction | 89 | over 2 years ago | |
Deep Learning Interview Questions | | | |
Top Future Trends in Data Science in 2023 | | | |
How Generative AI Is Changing Creative Work | | | |
What is generative AI? | | | |
AWESOME DATA SCIENCE / Other Awesome Lists / Hobby |
Awesome Music Production | 1,059 | 4 months ago | |