
Algorithm resource list

A curated collection of resources for learning and practicing algorithms

A curated list to learning and practicing about algorithm.


826 stars
22 watching
58 forks
last commit: over 2 years ago
Linked from 3 awesome lists


Awesome Algorithms Education / Courses

Algorithms Khan Academy
Fundamentals of Algorithms Geeks for Geeks
Algorithm course for smart programming Korean / Inflearn
Algorithms and Data Structures Class Central
Algorithms edX(IITBombay)
Intro to Algorithms Udacity
Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 2015 MIT OCW
Introduction to Algorithms, 2011 MIT OCW
Classes and Teaching by Erik Demaine MIT(Lecture notes)
Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems, 2001 UC Berkeley(Lecture notes)
Data Structures, 2014 UC Berkeley(Lecture notes)
Algorithms, Etc., 2015 Illinois University(Lecture notes)
Algorithms, Part I Coursera(Princeton University)
Algorithms, Part II Coursera(Princeton University)
Data Structures and Algorithms Paid Content. / Harvard University
Algorithms Specialization Paid Content. / Coursera(Stanford University)

Awesome Algorithms Education / Competitive programming

Codeforces English, Romanian, Russian
A2 Online Judge
ACM-ICPC Live Archive
CS Academy English, Russian, Arabic
Infoarena Romanian
Learneroo Algorithms Tutorials
LeetCode English, Chinese
Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ)
URI English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese
PKU JudgeOnline English, Chinese
AIZU ONLINE JUDGE English, Japanese
Project Euler
Project Euler @kr Korean
Baekjoon Korean
Algospot Korean
Dovelet Korean
Koistudy Korean
CodeUp Korean
Codingdojang Korean
Programmers Korean
Codeground English, Korean
SW Expert Academy Korean

Awesome Algorithms Education / Visualizations

Algorithm Visualizer
A Visual Guide to Graph Traversal Algorithms
VisuAlgo English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese
Algorithms Visualization
Data Structure Visualizations
Sorting Algorithms Animations
String Matching Visualization
Path Finding
Algorithm Wiki by Will Thimbleby
TensorFlow Playground
Tangle 1,668 over 2 years ago JavaScript Programming Language
Vamonos JavaScript Programming Language
The Sound of Sorting C ++ Programming Language
GeneaQuilts Java Programming Language

Awesome Algorithms Education / Interviews

Interview Cake
Top 10 Algorithms for Coding Interview
Software Engineering technical interviews 63,714 10 months ago
Tech Interview Handbook 120,030 5 months ago
Interactive Python coding interview challenges 29,635 10 months ago

Awesome Algorithms Education / Videos

How algorithms shape our world Kevin Slavin
Algorithms Oresoft LWC
Computer Sc - Programming and Data Structure Nptelhrd
Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 2015
Introduction to Algorithms, 2011
Merge Sort vs Quick Sort
15 Sorting Algorithms in 6 Minutes
AlgoRythmics Sapientia University

Awesome Algorithms Education / Books

Elementary Algorithms 6,142 4 months ago
Data Structures and Algorithms
Korea Olympiad in Informatics
Thinking critically about and researching algorithms
Algorithm Design
Introduction to Algorithms
Grokking Algorithms
Algorithmic Problem Solving Strategies Korean

Awesome Algorithms Education / Articles

stoimen's web log
What are the best and efficient ways to learn algorithms for beginners?
What are the best books on algorithms and data structures?
Study data for algorithm Korean

Awesome Algorithms Education / Competitions

Google Code Jam Google’s largest coding competition, calls on programmers around the world to put their skills to the test by solving multiple rounds of algorithmic puzzles
Google Kick Start University students looking to develop their coding skills and potentially pursue a Google career
Google Hash Code Students in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East looking to work as a team on real Google problems
Google Summer of Code A global program focused on introducing students to open source software development. Students work on a 3 month programming project with an open source organization during their break from university

Awesome Algorithms Education / Miscellaneous

Competitive Programming 12,804 3 months ago
MIT OpenCourseWare
OEDb(Open Education Databases): Algorithm
Awesome Data Science 25,352 4 months ago
Awesome Machine Learning 66,380 3 months ago
Rosetta Code The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another Anybody can learn
CheckiO Online game for Python and JavaScript coders
HUST Online Judge System 70 about 1 year ago Online Judge is a web application
Tech stack for Baekjoon online judge Korean / How to choose a technology stack for judge?

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