Deep Learning for Music (DL4M) / DL4M summary |
Creation by refinement: A creativity paradigm for gradient descent learning networks | | | |
The representation of pitch in a neural net model of chord classification | | | |
Algorithms for music composition by neural nets: Improved CBR paradigms | | | |
A connectionist approach to algorithmic composition | | | |
Neural network music composition by prediction: Exploring the benefits of psychoacoustic constraints and multi-scale processing | | | |
Automatic source identification of monophonic musical instrument sounds | | | |
Neural network based model for classification of music type | | | |
A machine learning approach to musical style recognition | | | |
Recognition of music types | | | |
Musical networks: Parallel distributed perception and performance | | | |
Multi-phase learning for jazz improvisation and interaction | | | |
A supervised learning approach to musical style recognition | | | |
Finding temporal structure in music: Blues improvisation with LSTM recurrent networks | | | |
Neural networks for note onset detection in piano music | | | |
A convolutional-kernel based approach for note onset detection in piano-solo audio signals | | | |
Unsupervised feature learning for audio classification using convolutional deep belief networks | | | |
Audio musical genre classification using convolutional neural networks and pitch and tempo transformations | | | |
Automatic musical pattern feature extraction using convolutional neural network | | | |
Audio-based music classification with a pretrained convolutional network | | | |
Rethinking automatic chord recognition with convolutional neural networks | | | |
Moving beyond feature design: Deep architectures and automatic feature learning in music informatics | | | |
Local-feature-map integration using convolutional neural networks for music genre classification | | | |
Learning sparse feature representations for music annotation and retrieval | | | |
Unsupervised learning of local features for music classification | | | |
Multiscale approaches to music audio feature learning | | | |
Musical onset detection with convolutional neural networks | | | |
Deep content-based music recommendation | | | |
The munich LSTM-RNN approach to the MediaEval 2014 Emotion In Music task | | | |
End-to-end learning for music audio | | | |
Deep learning for music genre classification | | | |
Recognition of acoustic events using deep neural networks | | | |
Deep image features in music information retrieval | | | |
From music audio to chord tablature: Teaching deep convolutional networks to play guitar | | | |
Improved musical onset detection with convolutional neural networks | | | |
Boundary detection in music structure analysis using convolutional neural networks | | | |
Improving content-based and hybrid music recommendation using deep learning | | | |
A deep representation for invariance and music classification | | | |
Auralisation of deep convolutional neural networks: Listening to learned features | | | |
GitHub | 42 | almost 8 years ago | |
Downbeat tracking with multiple features and deep neural networks | | | |
Music boundary detection using neural networks on spectrograms and self-similarity lag matrices | | | |
Classification of spatial audio location and content using convolutional neural networks | | | |
Deep learning, audio adversaries, and music content analysis | | | |
Deep learning and music adversaries | | | |
GitHub | 22 | over 6 years ago | |
Singing voice detection with deep recurrent neural networks | | | |
Automatic instrument recognition in polyphonic music using convolutional neural networks | | | |
A software framework for musical data augmentation | | | |
A deep bag-of-features model for music auto-tagging | | | |
Music-noise segmentation in spectrotemporal domain using convolutional neural networks | | | |
Musical instrument sound classification with deep convolutional neural network using feature fusion approach | | | |
Environmental sound classification with convolutional neural networks | | | |
Exploring data augmentation for improved singing voice detection with neural networks | | | |
GitHub | 36 | almost 7 years ago | |
Singer traits identification using deep neural network | | | |
A hybrid recurrent neural network for music transcription | | | |
An end-to-end neural network for polyphonic music transcription | | | |
Deep karaoke: Extracting vocals from musical mixtures using a convolutional deep neural network | | | |
Folk music style modelling by recurrent neural networks with long short term memory units | | | |
GitHub | 342 | over 2 years ago | |
Deep neural network based instrument extraction from music | | | |
A deep neural network for modeling music | | | |
An efficient approach for segmentation, feature extraction and classification of audio signals | | | |
Text-based LSTM networks for automatic music composition | | | |
Towards playlist generation algorithms using RNNs trained on within-track transitions | | | |
Automatic tagging using deep convolutional neural networks | | | |
Automatic chord estimation on seventhsbass chord vocabulary using deep neural network | | | |
DeepBach: A steerable model for Bach chorales generation | | | |
GitHub | 501 | over 2 years ago | |
Bayesian meter tracking on learned signal representations | | | |
Deep learning for music | | | |
Learning temporal features using a deep neural network and its application to music genre classification | | | |
On the potential of simple framewise approaches to piano transcription | | | |
Feature learning for chord recognition: The deep chroma extractor | | | |
GitHub | 33 | over 8 years ago | |
A fully convolutional deep auditory model for musical chord recognition | | | |
A deep bidirectional long short-term memory based multi-scale approach for music dynamic emotion prediction | | | |
Event localization in music auto-tagging | | | |
GitHub | 32 | almost 8 years ago | |
Deep convolutional networks on the pitch spiral for musical instrument recognition | 42 | over 8 years ago | |
GitHub | 42 | over 8 years ago | |
SampleRNN: An unconditional end-to-end neural audio generation model | | | |
GitHub | 537 | over 3 years ago | |
Robust audio event recognition with 1-max pooling convolutional neural networks | | | |
Experimenting with musically motivated convolutional neural networks | | | |
GitHub | | | |
Singing voice melody transcription using deep neural networks | | | |
Singing voice separation using deep neural networks and F0 estimation | | | |
Website | | | |
Learning to pinpoint singing voice from weakly labeled examples | | | |
Analysis of time-frequency representations for musical onset detection with convolutional neural network | | | |
Note onset detection in musical signals via neural-network-based multi-ODF fusion | | | |
Music transcription modelling and composition using deep learning | | | |
GitHub | 342 | over 2 years ago | |
Convolutional neural network for robust pitch determination | | | |
Deep convolutional neural networks and data augmentation for acoustic event detection | | | |
Website | | | |
Gabor frames and deep scattering networks in audio processing | | | |
Vision-based detection of acoustic timed events: A case study on clarinet note onsets | | | |
Deep learning techniques for music generation - A survey | | | |
JamBot: Music theory aware chord based generation of polyphonic music with LSTMs | | | |
GitHub | 64 | over 6 years ago | |
XFlow: 1D <-> 2D cross-modal deep neural networks for audiovisual classification | | | |
Machine listening intelligence | | | |
Monoaural audio source separation using deep convolutional neural networks | | | |
GitHub | 474 | about 5 years ago | |
Deep multimodal network for multi-label classification | | | |
A tutorial on deep learning for music information retrieval | | | |
GitHub | 241 | 5 months ago | |
A comparison on audio signal preprocessing methods for deep neural networks on music tagging | | | |
GitHub | 256 | about 5 years ago | |
Transfer learning for music classification and regression tasks | | | |
GitHub | 256 | about 5 years ago | |
Convolutional recurrent neural networks for music classification | | | |
GitHub | 12 | about 8 years ago | |
An evaluation of convolutional neural networks for music classification using spectrograms | | | |
Large vocabulary automatic chord estimation using deep neural nets: Design framework, system variations and limitations | | | |
Basic filters for convolutional neural networks: Training or design? | | | |
Ensemble Of Deep Neural Networks For Acoustic Scene Classification | | | |
Robust downbeat tracking using an ensemble of convolutional networks | | | |
Music signal processing using vector product neural networks | | | |
Transforming musical signals through a genre classifying convolutional neural network | | | |
Audio to score matching by combining phonetic and duration information | | | |
GitHub | 27 | over 7 years ago | |
Interactive music generation with positional constraints using anticipation-RNNs | | | |
Deep rank-based transposition-invariant distances on musical sequences | | | |
GLSR-VAE: Geodesic latent space regularization for variational autoencoder architectures | | | |
Deep convolutional neural networks for predominant instrument recognition in polyphonic music | | | |
CNN architectures for large-scale audio classification | | | |
DeepSheet: A sheet music generator based on deep learning | | | |
Talking Drums: Generating drum grooves with neural networks | | | |
Singing voice separation with deep U-Net convolutional networks | | | |
GitHub | 90 | over 7 years ago | |
Music emotion recognition via end-to-end multimodal neural networks | | | |
Chord label personalization through deep learning of integrated harmonic interval-based representations | | | |
End-to-end musical key estimation using a convolutional neural network | | | |
MediaEval 2017 AcousticBrainz genre task: Multilayer perceptron approach | | | |
Classification-based singing melody extraction using deep convolutional neural networks | | | |
Multi-level and multi-scale feature aggregation using pre-trained convolutional neural networks for music auto-tagging | | | |
Multi-level and multi-scale feature aggregation using sample-level deep convolutional neural networks for music classification | | | |
GitHub | 7 | over 7 years ago | |
Sample-level deep convolutional neural networks for music auto-tagging using raw waveforms | | | |
A SeqGAN for Polyphonic Music Generation | | | |
GitHub | 28 | over 6 years ago | |
Harmonic and percussive source separation using a convolutional auto encoder | | | |
Stacked convolutional and recurrent neural networks for music emotion recognition | | | |
A deep learning approach to source separation and remixing of hiphop music | | | |
Music Genre Classification Using Masked Conditional Neural Networks | | | |
Monaural Singing Voice Separation with Skip-Filtering Connections and Recurrent Inference of Time-Frequency Mask | | | |
GitHub | 171 | over 6 years ago | |
Generating data to train convolutional neural networks for classical music source separation | | | |
GitHub | 474 | about 5 years ago | |
Monaural score-informed source separation for classical music using convolutional neural networks | | | |
GitHub | 474 | about 5 years ago | |
Multi-label music genre classification from audio, text, and images using deep features | | | |
GitHub | 101 | over 2 years ago | |
A deep multimodal approach for cold-start music recommendation | | | |
GitHub | 101 | over 2 years ago | |
Melody extraction and detection through LSTM-RNN with harmonic sum loss | | | |
Representation learning of music using artist labels | | | |
Toward inverse control of physics-based sound synthesis | | | |
Website | | | |
DNN and CNN with weighted and multi-task loss functions for audio event detection | | | |
Score-informed syllable segmentation for a cappella singing voice with convolutional neural networks | | | |
GitHub | 7 | almost 7 years ago | |
End-to-end learning for music audio tagging at scale | | | |
GitHub | 149 | over 5 years ago | |
Designing efficient architectures for modeling temporal features with convolutional neural networks | | | |
GitHub | 16 | almost 8 years ago | |
Timbre analysis of music audio signals with convolutional neural networks | 19 | about 8 years ago | |
GitHub | 23 | almost 8 years ago | |
The MUSDB18 corpus for music separation | | | |
GitHub | 106 | about 2 years ago | |
Deep learning and intelligent audio mixing | | | |
Deep learning for event detection, sequence labelling and similarity estimation in music signals | | | |
Music feature maps with convolutional neural networks for music genre classification | | | |
Automatic drum transcription for polyphonic recordings using soft attention mechanisms and convolutional neural networks | | | |
GitHub | 191 | 11 months ago | |
Adversarial semi-supervised audio source separation applied to singing voice extraction | | | |
Taking the models back to music practice: Evaluating generative transcription models built using deep learning | | | |
GitHub | 342 | over 2 years ago | |
Generating nontrivial melodies for music as a service | | | |
Invariances and data augmentation for supervised music transcription | | | |
GitHub | 31 | about 5 years ago | |
Lyrics-based music genre classification using a hierarchical attention network | | | |
GitHub | 32 | about 7 years ago | |
A hybrid DSP/deep learning approach to real-time full-band speech enhancement | | | |
GitHub | 4,191 | 7 months ago | |
Convolutional methods for music analysis | | | |
Extending temporal feature integration for semantic audio analysis | | | |
Recognition and retrieval of sound events using sparse coding convolutional neural network | | | |
A two-stage approach to note-level transcription of a specific piano | | | |
Reducing model complexity for DNN based large-scale audio classification | | | |
Audio spectrogram representations for processing with convolutional neural networks | | | |
Website | | | |
Unsupervised feature learning based on deep models for environmental audio tagging | | | |
Attention and localization based on a deep convolutional recurrent model for weakly supervised audio tagging | | | |
GitHub | | | |
Surrey-CVSSP system for DCASE2017 challenge task4 | | | |
GitHub | 4 | over 1 year ago | |
A study on LSTM networks for polyphonic music sequence modelling | | | |
Website | | | |
MuseGAN: Multi-track sequential generative adversarial networks for symbolic music generation and accompaniment | | | |
GitHub | 1,863 | 9 months ago | |
Music transformer: Generating music with long-term structure | | | |
Music theory inspired policy gradient method for piano music transcription | | | |
Enabling factorized piano music modeling and generation with the MAESTRO dataset | | | |
GitHub | 19,234 | 4 months ago | |
Generating Long Sequences with Sparse Transformers | | | |
GitHub | 1,533 | over 4 years ago | |
DadaGP: a Dataset of Tokenized GuitarPro Songs for Sequence Models | | | |
GitHub | 123 | about 3 years ago | |
Deep Learning for Music (DL4M) / Code without articles |
Audio Classifier in Keras using Convolutional Neural Network | 160 | almost 6 years ago | |
Deep learning driven jazz generation using Keras & Theano | 2,876 | almost 6 years ago | |
End-to-end learning for music audio tagging at scale | 149 | over 5 years ago | |
Music Genre classification on GTZAN dataset using CNNs | 201 | almost 2 years ago | |
Pitch Estimation of Choir Music using Deep Learning Strategies: from Solo to Unison Recordings | | | |
Music Genre Classification with LSTMs | 298 | over 3 years ago | |
CNN based Music Emotion Classification using TensorFlow | 10 | over 7 years ago | |
Separating singing voice from music based on deep neural networks in Tensorflow | 799 | almost 6 years ago | |
Music tag classification model using CRNN | 68 | over 6 years ago | |
Finding the genre of a song with Deep Learning | 1,099 | over 3 years ago | |
Composing music using neural nets | 126 | about 9 years ago | |
Performance-RNN-PyTorch | 42 | about 4 years ago | |
Deep Learning for Music (DL4M) / Statistics and visualisations |
dl4m.bib | | | 167 papers referenced. See the details in .
There are more papers from 2017 than any other years combined.
Number of articles per year: |
364 other researchers | | | If you are applying DL to music, there are in your field |
tasks | | | 34 tasks investigated. See the list of .
Tasks pie chart: |
datasets | | | 55 datasets used. See the list of .
Datasets pie chart: |
architectures | | | 30 architectures used. See the list of .
Architectures pie chart: |
frameworks | | | 9 frameworks used. See the list of .
Frameworks pie chart: |
list of useful resources on reproducibility for MIR and ML | | | Only 47 articles (28%) provide their source code.
Repeatability is the key to good science, so check out the |
Deep Learning for Music (DL4M) / Contributors |
Yann Bayle | | | ( ) - Instigator and principal maintainer |
GitHub | | | Vincent Lostanlen ( ) |
Keunwoo Choi | | | ( ) |
Bob L. Sturm | | | ( ) |
Stefan Balke | | | ( ) |
Jordi Pons | | | ( ) |
GitHub | | | Mirza Zulfan ( ) for the logo |
Devin Walters | | | | | | | |
DL4MIR tutorial with keras | 51 | over 7 years ago | Tutorial for Deep Learning on Music Information Retrieval by |
Video talk from Ron Weiss | | | Ron Weiss (Google) Talk on Training neural network acoustic models on waveforms |
Slides on DL4M | | | A personal (re)view of the state-of-the-art by |
DL4MIR tutorial | 27 | about 9 years ago | Python tutorials for learning to solve MIR tasks with DL |
Awesome Python Scientific Audio | 1,584 | over 1 year ago | Python resources for Audio and Machine Learning |
ISMIR resources | | | Community maintained list |
ISMIR Google group | | | Daily dose of general MIR |
Awesome Python | 227,763 | 7 months ago | Audio section of Python resources |
Awesome Web Audio | 1,155 | 7 months ago | WebAudio packages and resources |
Awesome Music | 1,902 | 5 months ago | Music softwares |
Awesome Music Production | 1,059 | 4 months ago | Music creation |
The Asimov Institute | | | 6 deep learning tools for music generation |
DLM Google group | | | Deep Learning in Music group |
MIR community on Slack | | | Link to subscribe to the MIR community's Slack |
Unclassified list of MIR-related links | | | 's list of various links on DL, MIR, |
MIRDL | | | Unmaintained list of DL articles for MIR from |
WWW 2018 Challenge | | | Learning to Recognize Musical Genre on the dataset |
Music generation with DL | 721 | over 3 years ago | List of resources on music generation with deep learning |
Auditory Scene Analysis | | | Book about the perceptual organization of sound by , the "father of " |
Demonstrations of Auditory Scene Analysis | | | Audio demonstrations, which illustrate examples of auditory perceptual organization |
AudioContentAnalysis nearly exhaustive list of music-related datasets | | | |
Teaching MIR | | | |
Wikipedia's list of datasets for machine learning research | | | |
Datasets for deep learning | | | |
Awesome public datasets | 61,377 | 4 months ago | |
Awesome music listening | 121 | over 2 years ago | |
DLPaper2Code: Auto-generation of Code from Deep Learning Research Papers | | | - |
Model Convertors | 3,245 | over 1 year ago | Convertors for DL frameworks and backend |
Deep architecture genealogy | 1,222 | about 4 years ago | Genealogy of DL architectures |
Deep Learning as an Engineer | | | Slides from Jan Schlüter |
Awesome Deep Learning | 24,435 | 11 months ago | General deep learning resources |
Awesome Deep Learning Resources | 2,880 | about 1 year ago | Papers regarding deep learning and deep reinforcement learning |
Awesome RNNs | 6,095 | about 3 years ago | RNNs code, theory and applications |
Cheatsheets AI | 15,137 | over 5 years ago | Cheat Sheets for Keras, neural networks, scikit-learn, |
DL PaperNotes | 4,416 | about 7 years ago | Summaries and notes on general deep learning research papers |
sindresorhus/awesome | 337,709 | 3 months ago | General lists |
Echo State Network | | | |
DL in NLP | | | Best practices for using neural networks by |
CNN overview | | | Stanford Course |
Dilated Recurrent Neural Networks | | | How to improve RNNs? |
Encoder-Decoder in RNNs | | | How Does Attention Work in Encoder-Decoder Recurrent Neural Networks |
On the use of DL | | | Misc fun around DL |
ML from scratch | 24,092 | over 1 year ago | Python implementations of ML models and algorithms from scratch from Data Mining to DL |
Comparison of DL frameworks | | | Presentation describing the different existing frameworks for DL |
ELU > ReLU | | | Article describing the differences between ELU and ReLU |
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction | | | Book about reinforcement learning |
Estimating Optimal Learning Rate | | | Blog post on the learning rate optimisation |
GitHub repo for sklearn add-on for imbalanced learning | 6,875 | 3 months ago | ML in uneven datasets |
Video on DL from Nando de Freitas, Scott Reed and Oriol Vinyals | | | Deep Learning: Practice and Trends (NIPS 2017 Tutorial, parts I & II) |
Article "Are GANs Created Equal? A Large-Scale Study" | | | Actually comparing DL algorithms |
Battle of the Deep Learning frameworks | | | DL frameworks comparison and evolution |
Black-box optimization | | | There are other optimization algorithms than just gradient descent |
Deep Learning for Music (DL4M) / Cited by |
Alexander Schindler | | | |
Meinard Müller, Christof Weiss, Stefan Balke | | | |
WWW 2018 Challenge: Learning to Recognize Musical Genre | | | |
Awesome Deep Learning | 24,435 | 11 months ago | |
AINewsFeed | | | |
Deep Learning for Music (DL4M) / License |
Readme checklist | 630 | almost 2 years ago | To build an universal Readme |
Pylint | | | To clean the python code |
Numpy | | | To manage python structure |
Matplotlib | | | To plot nice figures |
Bibtexparser | 480 | 3 months ago | To deal with the bib entries |