
πŸ’Ž A collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software


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Admin Interface

ActiveAdmin A Ruby on Rails framework for creating elegant backends for website administration
ActiveScaffold 1,093 10 days ago ActiveScaffold provides quick and powerful user interfaces for CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations for Rails applications. It's excellent for generating admin interfaces, managing Data-Heavy Applications, creating Widgets or for quick prototyping. ActiveScaffold is completly customizable and offers a bunch of additional features including searching, pagination, layout control and overrides of fields, forms and templates
Administrate 5,881 4 days ago A Rails engine that helps you put together a super-flexible admin dashboard, by Thoughtbot
Avo Admin for Rails Avo is the modern approach to building an advanced admin panel that can be used by the entire organization. It has all the tools an admin panel needs and more. We have carefully made sure that you have all the escape hatches you need to ensure you can build your next admin panel for Ruby on Rails incredibly fast and easily
bhf A simple to use Rails-Engine-Gem that offers an admin interface for trusted user
Hot Glue 165 25 days ago Hot Glue takes a different approach to building both admin and user dashboards. It is a code generation tool like the Rails scaffold generator but with significantly more features. Instead of providing a lot of configuration options, Hot Glue can generate your code. Good for lists & CRUD views for both admin and user-facing dashboards
MotorAdmin 753 about 2 months ago A low-code Admin panel and Business Intelligence Rails engine. No DSL - configurable from the UI
RailsAdmin 7,885 13 days ago A Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data
Trestle 1,958 5 days ago A modern, responsive admin framework for Rails. Build a back-end in minutes that will grow with the needs of your application


ActiveAnalytics 405 26 days ago First-party, privacy-focused traffic analytics for Ruby on Rails applications
Ahoy 4,190 8 days ago A solid foundation to track visits and events in Ruby, JavaScript, and native apps
Impressionist 1,538 about 2 months ago Rails Plugin that tracks impressions and page views
Legato 402 over 1 year ago Model analytics reports and queries against the official Google Analytics Reporting API
Rack::Tracker 647 7 months ago Rack middleware that can be hooked up to multiple services and exposing them in a unified fashion
Staccato 389 over 1 year ago Track analytics into the official Google Analytics Collection API

API Builder and Discovery

ActiveModel::Serializers 5,325 18 days ago JSON serialization of objects
Acts_As_Api 504 almost 4 years ago Easy And Fun, in creating XML/JSON responses in Rails 3,4,5 and 6
Alba 931 17 days ago A JSON serializer for Ruby, JRuby and TruffleRuby
Blanket 463 over 2 years ago A dead simple API wrapper
Blueprinter 1,117 12 days ago Simple, Fast, and Declarative Serialization Library for Ruby
cache_crispies 156 8 months ago Speedy Rails JSON serialization with built-in caching
Crepe 128 almost 7 years ago The thin API stack
Grape An opinionated micro-framework for creating REST-like APIs in Ruby
Her 2,048 5 months ago an ORM that maps REST resources to Ruby objects. Designed to build applications that are powered by a RESTful API instead of a database
jbuilder 4,328 20 days ago Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL
jsonapi-rb – Efficient and convenient JSON API (de)serialization library
jsonapi-serializer 1,396 3 months ago A fast JSON:API serializer for Ruby Objects
JSONAPI::Resources 2,317 4 months ago JSONAPI::Resources, or "JR", provides a framework for developing a server that complies with the JSON API specification
JSONAPI::Utils 215 over 2 years ago JSONAPI::Utils is built on top of JSONAPI::Resources taking advantage of its resource-driven style and bringing an easy way to build modern JSON APIs with no or less learning curve
Jsonite 28 over 9 years ago A tiny, HAL-compliant JSON presenter for your APIs
Pliny 802 4 months ago Opinionated template Sinatra app for writing excellent APIs in Ruby
rabl 3,646 5 months ago General ruby templating with json, bson, xml, plist and msgpack support
Roar 1,854 over 1 year ago Resource-Oriented Architectures in Ruby
Spyke 902 5 months ago Interact with REST services in an ActiveRecord-like manner
Version Cake 655 about 2 years ago An unobtrusive way to version APIs in your Rails app
versionist 971 8 months ago A plugin for versioning Rails based RESTful APIs


Asset Sync 1,885 about 1 month ago Synchronises Assets between Rails and S3
Autoprefixer 1,215 2 months ago Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use
Bourbon 9,095 22 days ago A Lightweight Sass Tool Set
bower-rails 1,460 over 1 year ago Bower support for Rails projects
Emoji 445 almost 6 years ago Exposes the Phantom Open Emoji library unicode/image assets and APIs for working with them
Less Rails 340 over 2 years ago The dynamic stylesheet language for the Rails asset pipeline
Rails Assets Bundler to Bower proxy
Sass Sass makes CSS fun again
Shakapacker 418 9 days ago Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails. (Official and actively maintained successor to rails/webpacker)
Sprockets 944 15 days ago Rack-based asset packaging system
Torba 167 about 1 year ago Bower-less bundler for Sprockets
Vite Ruby 1,294 10 days ago Use Vite.js as a modern assets pipeline in Ruby and Rails apps

Authentication and OAuth

API Guard 277 about 1 year ago JWT authentication solution for Rails APIs
Authentication Zero 1,524 8 months ago An authentication system generator for Rails applications
Authlogic 4,341 about 2 months ago Authlogic is a clean, simple, and unobtrusive ruby authentication solution
Clearance 3,709 23 days ago Small and simple email & password based authentication for Rails
Devise 23,927 about 2 months ago A flexible authentication solution for Rails based on Warden
JWT 3,585 10 days ago JSON Web Token implementation in Ruby
Monban 372 over 4 years ago A very simple and extensible user authentication library for rails
OmniAuth 7,890 about 2 months ago A library that standardizes multi-provider authentication utilizing Rack middleware
Rodauth 1,691 about 2 months ago Authentication and account management framework for Rack applications
Sorcery 1,451 12 days ago A stripped-down, bare-bones authentication library for Rails
warden 2,476 28 days ago General Rack Authentication Framework

Authentication and OAuth / OAuth:

Doorkeeper 5,318 about 1 month ago An OAuth2 provider for Rails
OAuth2 2,115 8 months ago A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol
Rodauth-Oauth A rodauth OAuth and OpenID provider plugin


acl9 854 9 months ago Acl9 is a role-based authorization system that provides a concise DSL for securing your Rails application
AccessGranted 774 5 months ago Multi-role and whitelist based authorization gem for Rails
ActionPolicy 1,396 22 days ago Authorization framework for Ruby and Rails applications. Composable, extensible and performant
CanCanCan 5,565 11 days ago Continuation of CanCan, an authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails
Consul 317 about 1 month ago A scope-based authorization solution for Ruby on Rails
Petergate 195 almost 3 years ago Easy to use and read action and content based authorizations
Pundit 8,264 about 1 month ago Minimal authorization through OO design and pure Ruby classes


ActiveWorkflow 830 over 1 year ago An intelligent process and workflow automation platform based on software agents
Danger 5,439 8 days ago Automate your team's conventions surrounding code review
Huginn 42,890 11 days ago Huginn is a system for building agents that perform automated tasks for you online
Neovim 339 2 months ago Ruby bindings for Neovim to make your own neovim editor plugins in Ruby
Runbook 731 about 1 year ago A framework and Ruby DSL for progressive system automation
Breadcrumbs on Rails 942 2 months ago A simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating and managing a breadcrumb navigation for a Rails project
Gretel 889 about 1 month ago A Ruby on Rails plugin that makes it easy yet flexible to create breadcrumbs
loaf 406 over 2 years ago Manages and displays breadcrumb trails in Rails app - lean & mean
Simple Navigation 885 about 1 year ago A ruby gem for creating navigation (html list, link list or breadcrumbs with multiple levels) for your Rails 2, 3 & 4, Sinatra or Padrino

Business logic

ActiveInteraction 2,073 4 months ago Manage application specific business logic
Interactor 3,341 6 months ago Interactor provides a common interface for performing complex interactions in a single request
Light Service 826 26 days ago Series of Actions with an emphasis on simplicity
Mutations 1,391 over 1 year ago Compose your business logic into commands that sanitize and validate input
Surrounded 253 over 1 year ago Encapsulated related objects in a single system to add behavior during runtime. Extensible implementation of DCI
Waterfall 610 over 4 years ago A slice of functional programming to chain ruby services and blocks, thus providing a new approach to flow control
wisper 3,261 about 2 months ago A micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities


Action caching for Action Pack 260 about 2 years ago Action caching for Action Pack
Dalli 3,097 19 days ago A high performance pure Ruby client for accessing memcached servers
Garner 344 over 4 years ago A set of Rack middleware and cache helpers that implement various caching strategies
IdentityCache 1,914 4 days ago A blob level caching solution to plug into ActiveRecord
Kashmir 267 12 months ago Kashmir is a Ruby DSL that makes serializing and caching objects a snap
Readthis 504 about 5 years ago High performance, pooled, ActiveSupport compliant caching with Redis
Record Cache 145 about 2 years ago Cache Active Model Records in Rails 3
redis-store Redis Store provides a full set of stores (Cache, I18n, Session, HTTP Cache) for modern Ruby frameworks like: Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Rack, Rack::Cache and I18n. It supports object marshalling, timeouts, single or multiple nodes, and namespaces
Second Level Cache 397 over 2 years ago Write-Through and Read-Through caching library for ActiveRecord 4

Captchas and anti-spam

ActsAsTextcaptcha 56 almost 2 years ago Protection for Rails models with text-based logic question captchas (from Rob Tuley's
Invisible Captcha 1,157 5 months ago Unobtrusive and flexible spam protection based on the honeypot strategy. It also provides a time-sensitive form submission
Rakismet 355 almost 7 years ago Easy Akismet and TypePad AntiSpam integration for Rails
reCAPTCHA 1,971 20 days ago reCaptcha API helpers for ruby apps
Voight-Kampff 182 5 months ago A Ruby gem that detects bots, spiders, crawlers and replicants

CLI Builder

Clamp 421 about 2 years ago A command-line application framework
cmdparse An advanced command line parser supporting nested commands
Commander 821 9 months ago The complete solution for Ruby command-line executables
dry-cli 326 14 days ago General purpose Command Line Interface (CLI) framework for Ruby
GLI 1,257 3 months ago Git-Like Interface Command Line Parser
Main 265 over 1 year ago A class factory and DSL for generating command line programs real quick
Optimist 248 3 months ago A commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way
Rake 2,338 12 days ago A make-like build utility for Ruby
Runfile 36 7 months ago Build command line applications per project with ease. Rake-inspired, Docopt inside
Slop 1,128 11 months ago Simple Lightweight Option Parsing
Terrapin 250 about 1 month ago A small command line library (Formerly Cocaine)
Thor A toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces
TTY 2,501 almost 2 years ago Toolbox for developing CLI clients

CLI Utilities

Awesome Print 4,073 about 2 months ago Pretty print your Ruby objects with style -- in full color and with proper indentation
Betty 2,614 over 3 years ago Friendly English-like interface for your command line. Don't remember a command? Ask Betty
colorize 1,243 5 months ago Extends String class or add a ColorizedString with methods to set text color, background color and text effects
colorls 4,899 30 days ago Beautifies the command, with color and font-awesome icons
formatador 451 9 months ago STDOUT text formatting
Paint 370 9 months ago Simple and fast way to set ANSI terminal colors
Pastel 636 6 months ago Terminal output styling with intuitive and clean API
Ru 403 almost 7 years ago Ruby in your shell
Ruby/Progressbar 1,573 4 months ago The most flexible text progress bar library for Ruby
Tabulo 244 about 1 month ago Plain text table generator with a DRY, column-based API
TablePrint 898 over 1 year ago Slice your data from multiple DB tables into a single CLI view
Terminal Table 1,526 7 months ago Ruby ASCII Table Generator, simple and feature rich
Tmuxinator 12,693 6 days ago Create and manage complex tmux sessions easily
Whirly 324 over 3 years ago A simple, colorful and customizable terminal spinner library for Ruby


AWS SDK for Ruby 3,557 4 days ago The official AWS SDK for Ruby
browse-everything 114 about 2 months ago Multi-provider Rails engine providing access to files in cloud storage
Fog 4,318 4 months ago The Ruby cloud services library
humidifier 57 10 days ago Programmatically generate and manage AWS CloudFormation templates, stacks, and change sets


Alchemy CMS A powerful, userfriendly and flexible Open Source Rails CMS
Avo CMS for Rails Avo is a very custom Content Management System for Ruby on Rails that saves engineers and teams months of development time. It's designed to use your app's database structure, uses configuration instead of traditional methods, and when configuration isn't enough, it falls back to writing regular Rails code that you're used to
Camaleon CMS A dynamic and advanced content management system based on Ruby on Rails 4
ComfortableMexicanSofa 2,723 4 months ago Powerful Rails 5.2+ CMS Engine
Fae 846 15 days ago Flexible, open source, Rails CMS engine
LocomotiveCMS A simple but powerful CMS based on Liquid templates and Mongodb database
Publify 1,826 12 days ago A self hosted Web publishing platform on Rails
PushType A next generation, open source content management system for Ruby on Rails
Radiant A no-fluff, open source content management system designed for small teams
Refinery CMS An open source Ruby on Rails content management system for Rails 5.2+
Sitepress Manage content files in Rails with the same features you'd expect from static site generators like Jekyll, Middleman, and Bridgetown
Spina CMS A beautiful CMS for Rails developers
Storytime 752 over 1 year ago Rails 4+ CMS and blogging engine, with a core focus on content

Code Analysis and Metrics

Brakeman 6,988 16 days ago A static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications
Coverband 2,468 about 1 month ago Rack middleware to help measure production code coverage
Fasterer 1,805 4 months ago Make your Rubies go faster with this command line tool highly inspired by fast-ruby and Sferik's talk at Baruco Conf
Flay 740 3 months ago Flay analyzes code for structural similarities. Differences in literal values, variable, class, method names, whitespace, programming style, braces vs do/end, etc are all ignored. Making this totally rad
Flog 933 about 1 year ago Flog reports the most tortured code in an easy to read pain report. The higher the score, the more pain the code is in
fukuzatsu Complexity analysis tool with a rich web front-end
MetricFu 624 7 months ago A fist full of code metrics
Pippi 287 almost 6 years ago A utility for finding suboptimal Ruby class API usage, focused on runtime analysis
Pronto 2,622 about 2 months ago Quick automated code review of your changes
rails_best_practices 4,159 over 1 year ago A code metric tool for rails projects
Reek 4,028 3 days ago Code smell detector for Ruby
Rubycritic 3,340 4 months ago A Ruby code quality reporter
Scientist 7,431 4 months ago A Ruby library for carefully refactoring critical paths
SimpleCov 4,758 19 days ago Code coverage for Ruby 1.9+ with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites
Sorbet 3,594 3 days ago A static type checker for Ruby
Suture 1,408 about 1 year ago A Ruby gem that helps you refactor your legacy code
Traceroute 901 about 1 year ago A Rake task gem that helps you find the dead routes and actions for your Rails 3+ app

Code Formatting

niceql 319 about 1 year ago A dependentless SQL and SQL errors formatting and colorizing. ActiveRecord seemless integration
prettier 1,459 2 months ago A prettier plugin for the Ruby language
RuboCop 12,610 2 days ago A static code analyzer, based on the community Ruby style guide

Code Formatting / RuboCop

Rubocop Rails 804 10 days ago A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing Rails best practices and coding conventions
Rubocop Rspec 805 9 days ago Code style checking for RSpec files
Rubocop Performance 676 18 days ago A RuboCop extension focused on code performance checks

Code Formatting

Standard 2,690 7 days ago Ruby Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer

Code Highlighting

CodeRay 847 almost 2 years ago Fast and easy syntax highlighting for selected languages
pygments.rb 572 5 months ago A Ruby wrapper for the Python pygments syntax highlighter
Rouge 3,325 17 days ago A pure Ruby code highlighter that is compatible with Pygments

Code Loaders

Zeitwerk 1,973 about 1 month ago An efficient and thread-safe Ruby code loader

Coding Style Guides

Best-Ruby 2,388 over 1 year ago Ruby Tricks, Idiomatic Ruby, Refactoring & Best Practices
fast-ruby 5,673 10 months ago Writing Fast Ruby. Collect Common Ruby idioms
Fundamental Ruby 473 12 months ago Fundamental programming ruby with examples. Threads, design patterns, data structures, OOP SOLID principle, algorithms
Rails style guide 6,476 about 2 months ago Community-driven Rails best practices and style for Rails 3 and 4
RSpec style guide 3,456 about 1 month ago Better Specs { rspec guidelines with ruby }
Ruby Operators A webpage showing awesome names for different Ruby operators
Ruby style guide 16,451 3 months ago Community-driven Ruby coding style

Concurrency and Parallelism

Concurrent Ruby 5,684 about 2 months ago Modern concurrency tools including agents, futures, promises, thread pools, supervisors, and more. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Scala, Go, Java, JavaScript, and classic concurrency patterns
EventMachine 4,256 19 days ago An event-driven I/O and lightweight concurrency library for Ruby
forkoff 73 over 10 years ago brain-dead simple parallel processing for ruby
Parallel 4,153 about 2 months ago Run any code in parallel Processes (> use all CPUs) or Threads (> speedup blocking operations). Best suited for map-reduce or e.g. parallel downloads/uploads
Polyphony 658 6 months ago Fine-grained concurrency for Ruby


Chamber 202 5 days ago Surprisingly customizable convention-based approach to managing your app's configuration
Configatron 598 5 months ago Simple and feature rich configuration system for Ruby apps
Configus 61 almost 6 years ago Helps you easily manage environment specific settings
dotenv 6,581 17 days ago Loads environment variables from
Econfig 68 over 3 years ago Flexible configuration for Rails applications
ENVied 331 over 2 years ago ensure presence and type of your app's ENV-variables
Envyable 78 over 3 years ago The simplest YAML to ENV config loader
Figaro 3,762 5 months ago Simple, Heroku-friendly Rails app configuration using and a single YAML file
Global 282 over 2 years ago Provides accessor methods for your configuration data
RailsConfig 2,104 12 days ago Multi-environment yaml settings for Rails3
Sail 507 over 1 year ago A lightweight Rails engine that brings an admin panel for managing configuration settings on a live Rails app

Core Extensions

ActiveSupport 55,744 5 days ago A collection of utility classes and standard library extensions
Addressable 1,550 about 1 month ago Addressable is a replacement for the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard library. It more closely conforms to RFC 3986, RFC 3987, and RFC 6570 (level 4), providing support for IRIs and URI templates
Bitwise 48 almost 2 years ago Fast, memory efficient bitwise operations on large binary strings
Finishing Moves 204 about 2 years ago Small, focused, incredibly useful methods added to core Ruby classes. Includes the endlessly useful
Docile 418 9 days ago A tiny library that lets you map a DSL (domain specific language) to your Ruby objects in a snap
dry-rb dry-rb is a collection of next-generation Ruby libraries, each intended to encapsulate a common task
Hamster 1,885 almost 3 years ago Efficient, immutable, and thread-safe collection classes for Ruby
Hanami::Utils 174 10 days ago Lightweight, non-monkey-patch class utilities for Hanami and Ruby app
MemoWise 575 10 days ago Memoize any instance/class/module method, including support for frozen objects - rigorously tested and benchmarked on all Rubies - fast performance of memoized reads
Ruby Facets 797 12 months ago The premiere collection of general purpose method extensions and standard additions for Ruby
Trick Bag 34 almost 2 years ago Assorted Ruby classes and methods to simplify and enhance your code

Core Extensions / Attributes

ActiveAttr 1,194 about 2 months ago What ActiveModel left out
Virtus 3,765 about 3 years ago Attributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects
AttrExtras 560 4 months ago Takes some boilerplate out of Ruby with methods like attr_initialize

Core Extensions / Hash

Hashie 2,980 6 months ago A collection of tools that extend Hashes and make them more useful

Core Extensions / String

string_pattern 16 over 1 year ago Generate strings supplying a simple pattern

Country Data

Carmen 1,171 over 2 years ago A repository of geographic regions
Countries 2,205 about 1 month ago All sorts of useful information about every country packaged as pretty little country objects
i18n_data 216 30 days ago country/language names and 2-letter-code pairs, in 85 languages, for country/language i18n
normalize_country 67 over 3 years ago Convert country names and codes to a standard, includes a conversion program for XMLs, CSVs and DBs
Phonelib 1,057 27 days ago Ruby gem for phone validation and formatting using Google libphonenumber library data
Phony 1,003 about 2 months ago Fast international phone number (E164 standard) normalizing, splitting and formatting
validates_zipcode 136 25 days ago Postal code / zipcode validation for Rails, supporting 233 country codes


Fat Free CRM 3,567 11 days ago An open source Ruby on Rails based customer relationship management platform
Hitobito 373 11 days ago An open source Ruby on Rails based community management solution

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains

Blockchain Lite 222 10 months ago Build your own blockchains with crypto hashes; revolutionize the world with blockchains, blockchains, blockchains one block at a time
Ciri 127 over 5 years ago Ruby implementation of Ethereum
MoneyTree 184 2 months ago A Ruby implementation of Bitcoin HD Wallets (Hierarchical Deterministic) BIP32
Peatio 48 14 days ago Most Advanced Cryptocurrency open-source assets exchange


Blazer 4,512 8 days ago Simple data viewer using only SQL. Output to table, chart, and maps
Smashing Smashing is a Sinatra based framework that lets you build beautiful dashboards. This project is the maintained spiritual successor to the Dashing framework
Dashing-Rails 1,453 over 4 years ago The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework for Rails

Data Processing and ETL

attr-gather 39 over 1 year ago A gem for creating workflows that "enhance" entities with extra attributes. At a high level, attr-gather provides a process to fetch information from many data sources (such as third party APIs, legacy databases, etc.) in a fully parallelized fashion
CSV Reader 178 over 2 years ago A modern tabular data (line-by-line records) reader supports "classic" CSV but also CSV Numerics, , , tab, space or fixed width fields (FWF) and many more flavors and dialects
Kiba A lightweight data processing / ETL framework for Ruby
Multiwoven 1,125 15 days ago The open-source reverse ETL, data activation platform developed using Ruby and Ruby on Rails
ruby-stemmer 251 over 2 years ago It Provides Snowball algorithm for stemming purposes

Data Visualization

Chartkick Create beautiful Javascript charts with one line of Ruby
GeoPattern 1,256 10 months ago Create beautiful generative geometric background images from a string
LazyHighCharts 1,045 over 1 year ago A simple and extremely flexible way to use HighCharts from ruby code. Tested on Ruby on Rails, Sinatra and Nanoc, but it should work with others too
ApexCharts.rb 481 3 days ago Awesome charts for your ruby app. Works on any ruby app, including Rails app. It even works on plain HTML+ERB files
RailRoady 1,716 about 1 year ago Ruby on Rails 3/4 model and controller UML class diagram generator
Rails Erd 3,986 12 months ago Generate Entity-Relationship Diagrams for Rails applications
Ruby/GraphViz 608 8 months ago Ruby interface to the GraphViz graphing tool

Database Drivers

Cassandra Driver 234 3 months ago A pure ruby driver for Apache Cassandra with asynchronous io and configurable load balancing, reconnection and retry policies
mongo-ruby-driver 1,424 16 days ago MongoDB Ruby driver
mysql2 2,244 29 days ago A modern, simple and very fast Mysql library for Ruby (binding to libmysql)
Neography 602 over 7 years ago A thin Ruby wrapper to the Neo4j Rest API
Redic 120 about 5 years ago Lightweight Redis Client
redis-rb 3,966 26 days ago A Ruby client that tries to match Redis' API one-to-one, while still providing an idiomatic interface
ruby-pg 788 15 days ago Ruby interface to PostgreSQL 8.3 and later
SQLite3 763 11 days ago Ruby bindings for the SQLite3 embedded database
SQL Server 972 12 days ago The SQL Server adapter for ActiveRecord
TinyTDS 607 3 months ago FreeTDS bindings for Ruby using DB-Library
Trilogy 699 23 days ago A performance-oriented C library for MySQL-compatible databases

Database Tools

connection_pool 1,627 about 1 month ago Generic connection pooling for Ruby, that can be used with anything, e.g. Redis, Dalli, etc
Database Cleaner 2,930 3 months ago Database Cleaner is a set of strategies for cleaning your database in Ruby
Database Consistency 1,043 about 1 month ago An easy way to check that application constraints and database constraints are in sync
Foreigner 1,326 over 5 years ago Adds foreign key helpers to migrations and correctly dumps foreign keys to schema.rb
Large Hadron Migrator 1,828 about 1 year ago Online MySQL schema migrations without locking the table
Lol DBA 1,584 7 months ago Scan your models and displays a list of columns that probably should be indexed
Online Migrations 606 15 days ago Catch unsafe PostgreSQL migrations in development and run them easier in production
Polo 775 12 months ago Creates sample database snapshots to work with real world data in development
PgHero 8,055 8 days ago Postgres insights made easy
Rails DB 1,456 4 months ago Database Viewer and SQL Query Runner
Rein 671 almost 4 years ago Database constraints made easy for ActiveRecord
Scenic 3,412 3 months ago Versioned database views for Rails
SchemaPlus 681 over 2 years ago SchemaPlus provides a collection of enhancements and extensions to ActiveRecord
SecondBase 220 29 days ago Seamless second database integration for Rails. SecondBase provides support for Rails to manage dual databases by extending ActiveRecord tasks that create, migrate, and test your application
Seedbank 1,143 10 months ago Seedbank allows you to structure your Rails seed data instead of having it all dumped into one large file
Seed dump 1,389 12 months ago Rails 4 task to dump (parts) of your database to db/seeds.rb
Seed Fu 1,228 about 2 years ago Advanced seed data handling for Rails
Standby 87 11 months ago Read from standby databases for ActiveRecord (formerly Slavery)
Strong Migrations 4,027 8 days ago Catch unsafe migrations in development
Upsert 652 over 3 years ago Upsert on MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite3. Transparently creates functions (UDF) for MySQL and PostgreSQL; on SQLite3, uses INSERT OR IGNORE

Date and Time Processing

biz 489 4 months ago Time calculations using business hours
business_time 1,265 3 months ago Support for doing time math in business hours and days
ByStar 1,050 over 1 year ago Find ActiveRecord objects by year, month, fortnight, week and more!
Chronic 3,236 about 1 year ago A natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby
date_range_formatter 31 about 2 years ago The simple tool to make work with date ranges in Ruby more enjoyable
groupdate 3,775 4 days ago The simplest way to group temporal data in ActiveRecord, arrays and hashes
holidays 810 about 2 months ago A collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays
ice_cube 2,370 3 months ago A date recurrence library which allows easy creation of recurrence rules and fast querying
local_time 1,904 9 days ago Rails Engine for cache-friendly, client-side local time
montrose 842 2 months ago a simple library for expressing, serializing, and enumerating recurring events in Ruby
stamp 967 about 4 years ago Format dates and times based on human-friendly examples, not arcane strftime directives
time_diff 146 over 6 years ago Calculates the difference between two time
timezone 354 27 days ago Accurate current and historical timezones and transformations, with support for Geonames and Google latitude - longitude timezone lookups
TZinfo 358 30 days ago Provides daylight savings aware transformations between times in different timezones
validates_timeliness 1,585 9 months ago Date and time validation plugin for ActiveModel and Rails
working_hours 533 9 months ago A modern ruby gem allowing to do time calculation with working hours
yymmdd 77 about 10 years ago Tiny DSL for idiomatic date parsing and formatting

Debugging Tools

Byebug 3,336 22 days ago A simple to use, feature rich debugger for Ruby 2
did_you_mean 1,871 5 months ago Adds class, method & attribute suggestions to error messages
Pry Byebug 1,994 about 1 year ago Pry navigation commands via byebug
pry-rails 1,342 4 months ago Avoid repeating yourself, use pry-rails instead of copying the initializer to every rails project. This is a small gem which causes rails console to open pry. It therefore depends on pry
Seeing Is Believing 1,306 over 2 years ago Displays the results of every line of code in your file
tapping_device 449 5 months ago A tool that allows you to inspect your program from an Object's perspective
Xray 1,219 almost 2 years ago A development tool that reveals your UI's bones


Draper 5,220 22 days ago Draper adds an object-oriented layer of presentation logic to your Rails application
Decent Exposure 1,803 over 1 year ago A helper for creating declarative interfaces in controllers
Responders 2,044 6 months ago A set of Rails responders to dry up your application
ShowFor 462 6 months ago Quickly show a model information with I18n features. Like form_for for displaying model data

DevOps Tools

Backup 4,829 3 months ago Provides an elegant DSL in Ruby for performing backups on UNIX-like systems
BOSH 2,029 11 days ago Cloud Foundry BOSH is an open source tool chain for release engineering, deployment and lifecycle management of large scale distributed services
Capistrano A remote server automation and deployment tool written in Ruby
Centurion 1,755 about 1 month ago A mass deployment tool for Docker fleets
Chef 7,583 11 days ago A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure
Einhorn 1,631 over 1 year ago Einhorn will open one or more shared sockets and run multiple copies of your process. You can seamlessly reload your code, dynamically reconfigure Einhorn, and more
Itamae 1,117 6 months ago Simple and lightweight configuration management tool inspired by Chef
Kanrisuru 19 almost 2 years ago Manage remote infrastructure in Ruby
Lita ChatOps for Ruby: A pluggable chat bot framework usable with any chat service
Logstash 14,196 3 days ago Logs/event transport, processing, management, search
Kamal 10,586 1 day ago Kamal offers zero-downtime deploys, rolling restarts, asset bridging, remote builds, accessory service management, and everything else you need to deploy and manage your web app in production with Docker
Mina 4,353 2 months ago Really fast deployer and server automation tool
Puppet 7,400 8 days ago An automated administrative engine for your Linux, Unix, and Windows systems, performs administrative tasks (such as adding users, installing packages, and updating server configurations) based on a centralized specification
Rubber 1,469 almost 4 years ago The rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails applications to Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
SSHKey 276 about 1 month ago SSH private and public key generator in pure Ruby (RSA & DSA)
Sunzi 447 over 2 years ago Server provisioning utility for minimalists
Ruby-LXC 134 about 1 year ago Native ruby binding for Linux containers
Vagrant Create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments


Diffy 1,261 12 months ago Easy Diffing With Ruby
gemdiff 122 9 days ago Find source repositories for gems. Open, compare, and update outdated gem versions
JsonCompare 59 about 6 years ago Returns the difference between two JSON files


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Annotate 4,400 2 months ago Add a comment documenting the current schema to the top or bottom of each of your ActiveRecord models
Apipie 2,472 5 days ago Rails API documentation and display tool using Ruby syntax
Asciidoctor A fast, Ruby-based text processor & publishing toolchain for converting AsciiDoc to HTML5, DocBook, EPUB3, PDF & more
Documentation 214 over 1 year ago A Rails engine to provide the ability to add documentation to a Rails application
GitHub Changelog Generator 7,371 about 1 month ago Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub
Gollum 13,773 19 days ago A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend
grape-swagger 1,087 14 days ago Add swagger compliant documentation to your Grape API
Hanna 38 9 months ago An RDoc formatter built with simplicity, beauty and ease of browsing in mind
Hologram 2,160 about 1 year ago A markdown based documentation system for style guides. It parses comments in your CSS and helps you turn them into a beautiful style guide
Inch 517 9 months ago Inch is a documentation measurement and evalutation tool for Ruby code, based on YARD
RDoc 836 8 days ago RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects
rspec_api_documentation 1,448 about 2 months ago Automatically generate API documentation from RSpec
YARD YARD enables the user to generate consistent, usable documentation that can be exported to a number of formats very easily

E-Commerce and Payments

Active Merchant 4,530 4 days ago A simple payment abstraction library extracted from Shopify
Braintree 444 15 days ago Braintree Ruby bindings
Conekta 31 5 months ago Conekta Ruby bindings
credit_card_validations 232 about 2 months ago A ruby gem for validating credit card numbers, generating valid numbers, Luhn checks
Paypal Merchant SDK Official Paypal Merchant SDK for Ruby
ROR Ecommerce 1,214 over 1 year ago A Rails e-commerce platform
Solidus 4,986 10 days ago An open source, eCommerce application for high volume retailers
Spree 12,880 4 days ago Spree is a complete open source e-commerce solution for Ruby on Rails
SquareConnect 41 about 5 years ago Square's SDK for payments and other Square APIs
stripe-ruby 1,947 4 days ago Stripe Ruby bindings
Workarea 327 5 months ago An extensible, high-performance eCommerce platform depended on by some of the world's top retailers


Bookshop 10 over 1 year ago Bookshop is a an open-source agile book development and publishing framework for authors, editors
Gepub 240 2 months ago A generic EPUB library for Ruby : supports EPUB 3
Mobi 38 over 1 year ago A Ruby way to read MOBI format metadata
Review 1,333 about 2 months ago Re:VIEW is flexible document format/conversion system


Ahoy Email 1,105 8 days ago Analytics and tracking for e-mails
Gibbon 1,065 over 1 year ago API wrapper for the Mailchimp e-mail marketing platform
Griddler 1,376 3 months ago Simplify receiving email in Rails
Incoming 309 3 months ago Incoming! helps you receive email in your Rack apps
LetterOpener 3,708 2 months ago Preview mail in the browser instead of sending
Mail 3,612 about 1 month ago A Really Ruby Mail Library
MailCatcher Catches mail and serves it through a dream
MailForm 880 6 months ago Send e-mail straight from forms in Rails with I18n, validations, attachments and request information
Maily 706 7 months ago A Rails Engine to manage, test and navigate through all your email templates of your app, being able to preview them directly in your browser
MidiSmtpServer The highly customizable ruby SMTP-Service library with builtin support for AUTH and SSL/STARTTLS, 8BITMIME and SMTPUTF8, IPv4 and IPv6 and more
Pony 1,143 6 months ago The express way to send mail from Ruby
Postal 14,747 15 days ago A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail
premailer-rails 1,686 4 months ago CSS styled emails without the hassle
Roadie 1,340 5 months ago Roadie tries to make sending HTML emails a little less painful by inlining stylesheets and rewriting relative URLs for you inside your emails
Sup 899 3 months ago A curses threads-with-tags style email client
Truemail Configurable framework agnostic plain Ruby email validator/verifier. Verify email via Regex, DNS and SMTP. Be sure that email address valid and exists


bcrypt-ruby 1,922 3 months ago bcrypt-ruby is a Ruby binding for the OpenBSD bcrypt() password hashing algorithm
RbNaCl 983 3 months ago Ruby binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
Sym 136 about 1 year ago A time-saving symmetric encryption gem based on OpenSSL that uses 256bit (password-encrypted) keys. Read the key from STDIN, a file, ENV or, on a Mac: OS-X Keychain
Symmetric Encryption Transparently encrypt ActiveRecord, Mongoid, and MongoMapper attributes. Encrypt passwords in configuration files. Encrypt entire files at rest
Themis 1,859 23 days ago crypto library for painless data security, providing symmetric and asymmetric encryption, secure sockets with forward secrecy, for mobile and server platforms

Environment Management

chruby 2,864 over 1 year ago Change your current Ruby. No shims, no crazy options or features, ~90 LOC
fry 62 over 8 years ago Simple ruby version manager for fish
gem_home 118 almost 3 years ago A tool for changing your $GEM_HOME
rbenv 16,059 about 1 month ago Use rbenv to pick a Ruby version for your application and guarantee that your development environment matches production
ruby-build 3,885 12 days ago Compile and install Ruby
ruby-install 1,905 2 months ago Installs Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, MagLev or MRuby
RVM RVM is a command-line tool which allows you to easily install, manage, and work with multiple ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems
Tokaido 612 about 5 years ago Ruby, Rails, SQLite and Redis encapsulated in a single drag-and-drop OS X app, designed to make installing a working RoR environment easy for beginners
Uru Uru is a lightweight, multi-platform command line tool that helps you use the multiple rubies on your 32/64-bit Linux, OS X, or Windows systems

Error Handling

Airbrake 965 6 months ago The official Airbrake library for Ruby on Rails (and other Rack based frameworks)
Better Errors 6,876 3 months ago Better error page for Rack apps
Bugsnag 245 4 months ago Error monitoring for Rails, Sinatra, Rack, and plain Ruby apps
Errbit 4,239 8 months ago The open source, self-hosted error catcher
Exception Handler 508 about 3 years ago Custom error pages
Exception Notification 2,184 7 months ago A set of notifiers for sending notifications when errors occur in a Rack/Rails application
Honeybadger Exception, uptime, and performance monitoring for Ruby
Nesty 117 over 11 years ago Nested exceptions for Ruby
Sentry Ruby 926 11 days ago The Ruby client for Sentry
Rollbar 445 about 1 month ago Easy and powerful exception and error tracking for your applications

Event Sourcing

Eventide Project Pub/sub, event sourcing, and evented autonomous services backed by the message store
Rails Event Store (RES) 1,408 12 days ago A library for publishing, consuming, storing and retrieving events. It's your best companion for going with an event-driven architecture for your Rails application

Feature Flippers and A/B Testing

Motorhead 181 over 7 years ago A Rails Engine framework that helps safe and rapid feature prototyping
flipper 3,669 about 1 month ago Feature flipping for ANYTHING. Make turning features on/off so easy that everyone does it. Whatever your data store, throughput, or experience
Rollout 2,887 7 months ago Feature flippers
Split 2,703 3 months ago Rack Based AB testing framework
Unleash 58 5 days ago Ruby client for Unleash, a powerful feature toggle system that gives you a great overview over all feature toggles across all your applications and services
Vanity 1,546 over 1 year ago an A/B testing framework for Rails that is datastore agnostic

File Upload

attache 203 about 4 years ago Standalone image and file server to decouple your app from file management concerns
CarrierWave 8,774 12 days ago Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks
DragonFly 2,115 about 1 month ago A Ruby gem for on-the-fly processing - suitable for image uploading in Rails, Sinatra and much more!
PaperClip 9,011 about 1 year ago Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord. Deprecated as of May 14, 2018
rack-secure-upload 74 about 6 years ago Upload files securely
Refile 2,451 3 months ago A modern file upload library for Ruby applications, Refile is an attempt by CarrierWave's original author to fix the design mistakes and overengineering in CarrierWave
Shrine 3,175 26 days ago Toolkit for handling file uploads in Ruby

File System Listener

Guard 6,241 18 days ago A command line tool to easily handle events on file system modifications
Guard::LiveReload 2,108 almost 2 years ago Automatically reload your browser when 'view' files are modified
Listen 1,915 2 months ago The Listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes
Rerun 982 5 months ago Restarts an app when the filesystem changes. Uses growl and FSEventStream if on OS X
Retest 144 about 1 month ago A simple CLI to watch file changes and run their matching Ruby specs. Works on any ruby projects with no setup

Form Builder

Cocoon 3,084 about 1 year ago Dynamic nested forms using jQuery made easy; works with formtastic, simple_form or default forms
ComfyBootstrapForm 80 10 months ago Rails form builder that makes it easy to create forms with Bootstrap 4 markup
Formtastic 5,204 about 2 months ago A Rails form builder plugin with semantically rich and accessible markup
Rails Bootstrap Forms 1,639 4 months ago Rails form builder that makes it super easy to create beautiful-looking forms with Twitter Bootstrap 3+
Rapidfire 319 4 months ago Making dynamic surveys should be easy!
Reform 2,495 10 months ago Gives you a form object with validations and nested setup of models. It is completely framework-agnostic and doesn't care about your database
Simple Form 8,208 about 2 months ago Rails forms made easy

Game Development and Graphics

Dragon Ruby DragonRuby is a zero dependency, cross platform, Ruby runtime built on top of mRuby, libSDL, and LLVM. Write Ruby on any OS and deploy to PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi, WASM, Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation, and Microsoft Xbox
Gosu A 2D game development library for the Ruby and C++ programming languages
Mittsu 508 5 months ago Mittsu makes 3D graphics easier by providing an abstraction over OpenGL, and is based heavily off of THREE.js
Ruby 2D 641 about 1 year ago Create cross-platform 2D applications, games, and visualizations with ease
Taylor 98 29 days ago Taylor is a game engine built using mruby and raylib

Gem Generators

Gemsmith 455 28 days ago A command line interface for smithing new Ruby gems
Hoe Hoe is a Rake/RubyGems helper for project Rakefiles

Gem Servers

Gemfast 66 about 1 month ago A drop in replacement for geminabox written in Go
Gem in a box 1,487 12 days ago Really simple rubygem hosting
Gemirro 137 over 1 year ago Gem to automatically make a rubygems mirror
Gemstash 754 2 months ago A cache and private gem server


Geocoder 6,340 4 months ago A complete geocoding solution for Ruby. With Rails it adds geocoding (by street or IP address), reverse geocoding (find street address based on given coordinates), and distance queries
geoip 714 over 5 years ago Searches a GeoIP database for a given host or IP address, and returns information about the country where the IP address is allocated, and the city, ISP and other information
Geokit 1,628 2 months ago Geokit gem provides geocoding and distance/heading calculations
Google Maps for Rails 2,265 over 6 years ago Enables easy Google map + overlays creation in Ruby apps
rgeo 1,006 26 days ago Geospatial data library. Spatial data types, geometric and spherical calculations, and WKT/WKB serialization

Git Tools

ginatra 525 over 2 years ago A web frontend for Git repositories
git-auto-bisect 86 almost 6 years ago Find the commit that broke master
git_curate 426 about 1 month ago Peruse and delete git branches ergonomically
git_reflow 1,493 over 2 years ago An automated quality control workflow for Agile teams
git-spelunk 46 about 1 year ago Dig through git blame history
git-whence 21 3 months ago Find which merge a commit came from
Git Lint Analyzes Git commits for consistent quality
Overcommit 3,911 about 2 months ago A fully configurable and extendable Git hook manager
Rugged 2,242 10 days ago Ruby bindings to libgit2


graphql-batch 1,418 4 months ago – A query batching executor
graphql-client A library for declaring, composing and executing GraphQL queries
graphql-guard 471 about 2 years ago A simple field-level authorization
graphql-ruby 5,372 9 days ago Ruby implementation of GraphQL


FXRuby 265 30 days ago A Ruby library that provides an interface to the FOX GUI toolkit
Glimmer 553 23 days ago Ruby DSL for SWT
qtbindings 340 over 3 years ago Allows the QT Gui toolkit to be used from Ruby
Ruby-GNOME 383 3 days ago Ruby language bindings for the GNOME development environment
Shoes Shoes makes building little graphical programs for Mac, Windows, and Linux super simple

HTML/XML Parsing

HappyMapper 151 3 months ago Object to XML mapping library, using Nokogiri
HTML::Pipeline 2,267 about 2 months ago HTML processing filters and utilities
Nokogiri An HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser with XPath and CSS selector support
Nokolexbor 184 about 1 month ago High-performance HTML5 parser based on Lexbor, with support for both CSS selectors and XPath
Oga An XML/HTML parser written in Ruby. Oga does not require system libraries such as libxml, making it easier and faster to install on various platforms
Ox 901 about 1 month ago A fast XML parser and Object marshaller
ROXML 224 about 1 month ago Custom mapping and bidirectional marshalling between Ruby and XML using annotation-style class methods, via Nokogiri or LibXML

HTTP Clients and tools

Accept Language 55 about 1 month ago A tiny library for parsing the header from browsers (as defined in )
excon 1,155 3 months ago Usable, fast, simple Ruby HTTP 1.1. It works great as a general HTTP(s) client and is particularly well suited to usage in API clients
Faraday 5,732 15 days ago an HTTP client lib that provides a common interface over many adapters (such as Net::HTTP) and embraces the concept of Rack middleware when processing the request/response cycle
Device Detector 745 3 months ago A precise and fast user agent parser and device detector, backed by the largest and most up-to-date user agent database
Http Client 701 4 months ago Gives something like the functionality of libwww-perl (LWP) in Ruby
HTTP 3,002 about 1 month ago The HTTP Gem: a simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests
HTTPX Pure ruby HTTP client, supports HTTP/2 and HTTP/1, concurrent requests, plugin system for extended features (cookies, retries, following redirects, proxy, streaming...)
httparty 5,791 about 2 months ago Makes http fun again!
Http-2 894 2 months ago Pure Ruby implementation of HTTP/2 protocol
Patron 541 about 1 month ago Patron is a Ruby HTTP client library based on libcurl
RESTClient 5,240 5 months ago Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions
Savon 2,065 3 months ago Savon is a SOAP client for the Ruby programming language
Sawyer 248 over 2 years ago Secret user agent of HTTP, built on top of Faraday
Sniffer 572 12 months ago – Tool to log and debug outgoing HTTP requests across multiple ruby libraries
Typhoeus 4,077 2 months ago Typhoeus wraps libcurl in order to make fast and reliable requests

Image Processing

FastImage 1,370 6 months ago FastImage finds the size or type of an image given its uri by fetching as little as needed
ImageProcessing 862 about 1 month ago High-level image processing wrapper for libvips and ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick
MiniMagick 2,824 2 months ago A ruby wrapper for ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick command line
Phasion 702 4 months ago Ruby wrapper around pHash, the perceptual hash library for detecting duplicate multimedia files
PSD.rb 3,118 over 3 years ago Parse Photoshop files in Ruby with ease
RMagick 704 21 days ago RMagick is an interface between Ruby and ImageMagick
ruby-vips 830 2 months ago A binding for the libvips image processing library
Skeptick 317 over 9 years ago Skeptick is an all-purpose DSL for building and running ImageMagick commands


JRuby 3,781 16 days ago A Java implementation of the Ruby language
MRuby 5,293 10 days ago Lightweight Ruby. Can be linked and embedded in your application
Opal 4,826 11 days ago Ruby to Javascript compiler
Rubinius 3,060 over 1 year ago An implementation of the Ruby programming language. Rubinius includes a bytecode virtual machine, Ruby syntax parser, bytecode compiler, generational garbage collector, just-in-time (JIT) native machine code compiler, and Ruby Core and Standard libraries
TruffleRuby 3,009 8 days ago A high performance implementation of the Ruby programming language. Built on the GraalVM by Oracle Labs


FastGettext 400 about 2 months ago Ruby internationalization tool with less memory, simple, clean namespace and threadsafe
Globalize 2,150 about 2 months ago Globalize builds on the I18n API in Ruby on Rails to add model translations to ActiveRecord models
i18n-tasks 2,063 20 days ago Manage missing and unused translations with the awesome power of static analysis
i18n 983 19 days ago Ruby Internationalization and localization solution
mini_i18n 96 8 months ago Minimalistic, flexible and fast Internationalization library. It supports localization, interpolations, pluralization, fallbacks, nested keys and more
rails-i18n 3,973 9 days ago Repository for collecting Locale data for Rails I18n as well as other interesting, Rails related I18n stuff
r18n 516 6 months ago Advanced i18n library for Rails, Sinatra, desktop apps, models, works well with complex languages like Russian
Termit 507 over 7 years ago Translations with speech synthesis in your terminal
Tolk 605 19 days ago A web interface for doing i18n translations packaged as a Rails engine
twitter-cldr-rb 669 5 months ago Ruby implementation of the ICU (International Components for Unicode) that uses the Common Locale Data Repository to format dates, plurals, and more


Clipboard 371 6 months ago Access to the system clipboard on Linux, MacOS and Windows
KatakataIrb 94 10 months ago IRB with Kata(εž‹ Type) completion
irbtools 919 3 months ago Improvements for Ruby's IRB
Looksee 364 almost 2 years ago A tool for illustrating the ancestry and method lookup path of objects. Handy for exploring unfamiliar codebases
Pry 6,763 9 days ago A powerful alternative to the standard IRB shell for Ruby
rib A lightweight and extensible IRB replacement


Fluentd 12,857 3 days ago Fluentd collects events from various data sources and writes them to files, database or other types of storages
HttpLog 805 about 1 month ago Log outgoing HTTP requests
Log4r 251 over 2 years ago Log4r is a comprehensive and flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs
Logging 529 3 months ago A flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs based on the design of Java's log4j library
Lograge 3,447 2 months ago An attempt to tame Rails' default policy to log everything
Ougai 259 over 2 years ago A structured logging system that is capable of handling a message, structured data, or an exception easily. It has JSON and human-readable formatters
Scrolls 158 about 1 month ago Simple logging
Semantic Logger Scalable, next generation enterprise logging for Ruby
Syslogger 114 2 months ago A drop-in replacement for the standard Logger Ruby library, that logs to the syslog instead of a log file
Yell 311 about 2 months ago Your Extensible Logging Library

Machine Learning

AI4R 713 about 3 years ago Algorithms covering several Artificial intelligence fields
Awesome Machine Learning with Ruby 2,113 10 months ago A Curated List of Ruby Machine Learning Links and Resources
langchain.rb 1,313 2 days ago Library for building LLM-powered applications in Ruby
m2cgen 2,800 2 months ago A CLI tool to transpile trained classic ML models into a native Ruby code with zero dependencies
PredictionIO Ruby SDK 191 about 6 years ago The PredictionIO Ruby SDK provides a convenient API to quickly record your users' behavior and retrieve personalized predictions for them
rb-libsvm 278 10 months ago Ruby language bindings for LIBSVM. SVM is a machine learning and classification algorithm
ruby-fann 494 6 months ago Ruby library for interfacing with FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network)
ruby-openai 2,732 22 days ago OpenAI API + Ruby!
rumale 776 6 months ago A machine learning library with interfaces similar to Scikit-Learn
TensorFlow 378 2 months ago The end-to-end machine learning platform for Ruby
Torch.rb 718 19 days ago Deep learning for Ruby, powered by LibTorch
weka 65 9 months ago Machine learning and data mining algorithms for JRuby

Markdown Processors

kramdown 1,716 3 months ago Kramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax definition and supporting several common extensions
markdown_helper 40 over 4 years ago A markdown pre-processor implementing file inclusion and page TOC (table of contents)
Maruku 500 almost 7 years ago A pure-Ruby Markdown-superset interpreter
Redcarpet 4,980 4 months ago A fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser
word-to-markdown 1,465 5 months ago Gem to convert Microsoft Word documents to Markdown


Measured 336 2 months ago Wrapper objects which encapsulate measurements and their associated units in Ruby
Ruby Units 523 about 1 month ago Provides classes and methods to perform unit math and conversions

Mobile Development

dryrun 3,824 almost 4 years ago Try any Android library on your smartphone directly from the command line
fastlane 39,473 7 days ago Connect all iOS deployment tools into one streamlined workflow
PubNub 121 4 months ago Real-time Push Service in the Cloud
Ruboto 2,026 over 1 year ago A platform for developing full stand-alone apps for Android using the Ruby language and libraries
RubyMotion A revolutionary toolchain that lets you quickly develop and test full-fledged native iOS and OS X applications for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Android


eu_central_bank 217 9 months ago A gem that calculates the exchange rate using published rates from European Central Bank
Monetize 423 about 2 months ago A library for converting various objects into Money objects
Money 2,726 about 2 months ago A Ruby Library for dealing with money and currency conversion

Music and Sound

Coltrane 2,342 over 1 year ago A music theory library with a command-line interface
Maestro 122 almost 2 years ago A Slack-Powered music bot for Spotify
Sonic Pi 10,761 6 days ago A live coding synth for everyone originally designed to support computing and music lessons

Natural Language Processing

Awesome NLP with Ruby 1,037 over 1 year ago Awesome List for Practical Natural Language Processing done in Ruby
Parslet A small Ruby library for constructing parsers in the PEG (Parsing Expression Grammar) fashion
pocketsphinx-ruby 259 about 7 years ago Ruby speech recognition with Pocketsphinx
Pragmatic Segmenter 543 about 2 months ago Pragmatic Segmenter is a rule-based sentence boundary detection gem that works out-of-the-box across many languages
Ruby Natural Language Processing Resources 1,268 over 1 year ago Collection of links to Ruby Natural Language Processing (NLP) libraries, tools and software
ruby-spellchecker English spelling and grammar checker that can be used for autocorrection
Sentimental 458 over 5 years ago Simple sentiment analysis with Ruby
Text 587 over 9 years ago A collection of text algorithms including Levenshtein distance, Metaphone, Soundex 2, Porter stemming & White similarity
Treat 1,365 over 7 years ago Treat is a toolkit for natural language processing and computational linguistics in Ruby
Treetop 306 almost 2 years ago PEG (Parsing Expression Grammar) parser
Words Counted 159 almost 3 years ago A highly customisable Ruby text analyser and word counter


Dnsruby 197 2 months ago A pure Ruby DNS client library which implements a stub resolver. It aims to comply with all DNS RFCs
RubyDNS 714 about 2 years ago A high-performance DNS server which can be easily integrated into other projects or used as a stand-alone daemon


Noticed 2,404 12 days ago ActionMailer-like Notification System for your Ruby on Rails app
Ruby Push Notifications 400 almost 5 years ago iOS, Android and Windows Phone Push notifications made easy
Rpush 2,181 11 days ago The push notification service for Ruby which supports Apple Push Notification Service, Google Cloud Messaging, Amazon Device Messaging and Windows Phone Push Notification Service
webpush 393 almost 2 years ago Encryption Utilities for Web Push protocol


bootsnap 2,666 about 2 months ago Boot large Ruby/Rails apps faster
fast_blank 613 8 months ago Provides a C-optimized method for determining if a string is blank
fast_count 221 about 2 months ago Quickly get a count estimation for large tables (>99% of accuracy for PostgreSQL)
fast_underscore 33 26 days ago Provides a C-optimized method for transforming a string from any capitalization into underscore-separated
pluck_in_batches 144 about 2 months ago A faster alternative to the custom use of with
yajl-ruby 1,480 7 months ago A streaming JSON parsing and encoding library for Ruby (C bindings to yajl)


ActiveRecord 55,744 5 days ago Object-relational mapping in Rails
Hanami::Model 444 about 2 months ago A lean Repository-pattern based ORM framework for Hanami and modern Ruby applications
Mongoid 3,909 12 days ago An ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) framework for MongoDB in Ruby
MongoModel 39 over 4 years ago Ruby ODM for interfacing with MongoDB databases
Neo4j.rb A Neo4j OGM (Object-Graph-Mapper) for use in Ruby on Rails and Rack frameworks heavily inspired by ActiveRecord
NoBrainer 387 about 1 year ago A RethinkDB ORM for Ruby
Ohm 1,398 almost 2 years ago Object-hash mapping library for Redis
Redis-Objects 2,089 over 1 year ago Redis Objects provides a Rubyish interface to Redis, by mapping Redis data types to Ruby objects, via a thin layer over the redis gem
ROM 2,081 2 months ago Ruby Object Mapper (ROM) is an experimental Ruby library with the goal to provide powerful object mapping capabilities without limiting the full power of your datastore
Sequel 4,979 9 days ago Sequel is a simple, flexible, and powerful SQL database access toolkit for Ruby

ORM/ODM Extensions / Auditing and Versioning

active_snapshot 114 about 1 month ago Simplified snapshots and restoration for ActiveRecord models and associations with a transparent white-box implementation
acts_as_archival 128 6 months ago ActiveRecord plugin for atomic object tree archiving
ActsAsParanoid 1,465 27 days ago ActiveRecord plugin allowing you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them
Audited 3,376 about 2 months ago Audited is an ORM extension for ActiveRecord & MongoMapper that logs all changes to your models
Destroyed At 350 over 7 years ago Allows you to "destroy" an object without deleting the record or associated records
Discard 2,122 25 days ago A simple ActiveRecord mixin to add conventions for flagging records as discarded
Logidze 1,590 7 months ago Database changes log for Rails
marginalia 1,737 2 months ago Attach comments to your ActiveRecord queries. By default, it adds the application, controller, and action names as a comment at the end of each query
mongoid-history 392 about 1 month ago Multi-user non-linear history tracking, auditing, undo, redo for mongoid
PaperTrail 6,761 21 days ago Track changes to your ActiveRecord models' data for auditing or versioning
Paranoia 2,882 about 2 months ago A re-implementation of acts_as_paranoid for Rails 3 and 4, using much, much, much less code
PermenantRecords 272 6 months ago Soft-delete your ActiveRecord records, like an explicit version of ActsAsParanoid

ORM/ODM Extensions / Bit array

ActiveFlag 231 about 1 month ago Store up to 64 multiple flags in a single integer column with ActiveRecord
Bitfields 224 over 4 years ago Save migrations and columns by storing multiple booleans in a single integer

ORM/ODM Extensions / Import

ActiveRecord Import 4,035 29 days ago a library for bulk inserting data using ActiveRecord
bulk_insert 818 over 2 years ago A little ActiveRecord extension for helping to insert lots of rows in a single insert statement
data_miner 302 over 10 years ago Download, pull out of a ZIP/TAR/GZ/BZ2 archive, parse, correct, and import XLS, ODS, XML, CSV, HTML, etc. into your ActiveRecord models
ferry 244 about 5 years ago A ruby gem for easy data transfer

ORM/ODM Extensions / Misc

arel_extensions 142 about 1 month ago Extending Arel: more "rubyish" syntax, functions for strings, dates, math... and add native extensions for some DBs
ActiveRecord::Turntable 211 about 1 year ago A database sharding extension for ActiveRecord
ActiveValidators 306 11 months ago An exhaustive collection of off-the-shelf and tested ActiveModel/ActiveRecord validations
DeepPluck 460 21 days ago Allow you to pluck attributes from nested associations without loading a bunch of records
Enumerize 1,731 4 months ago Enumerated attributes with I18n and ActiveRecord/Mongoid/MongoMapper support
Goldiloader 1,587 26 days ago Automatic ActiveRecord eager loading
Rating 72 8 months ago A true Bayesian rating system with scope and cache enabled

ORM/ODM Extensions / Multi-tenancy

Acts As Tennant 1,558 29 days ago Add multi-tenancy to a Rails app through a shared database strategy
Apartment 2,663 4 months ago Multi-tenancy for Rails and ActiveRecord
Milia 341 about 7 years ago Non-invasive multi-tenancy for Rails which supports Devise authentication out of the box

ORM/ODM Extensions / Social

Merit 1,523 3 months ago Adds reputation behavior to Rails apps in the form of Badges, Points, and Rankings for ActiveRecord or Mongoid
PublicActivity 2,963 2 months ago Provides easy activity tracking for your ActiveRecord, Mongoid 3 and MongoMapper models in Rails 3 and 4. Similar to Github's Public Activity
Simple Feed 332 2 months ago Fast and highly scalable read-optimized social activity feed library in pure Ruby, backed by Redis
Unread 714 about 2 months ago Manage read/unread status of ActiveRecord objects - and it's fast

ORM/ODM Extensions / Sorting

ActsAsList 2,038 about 2 months ago Provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list
ranked-model 1,086 about 2 months ago A modern row sorting library for ActiveRecord. It uses ARel aggressively and is better optimized than most other libraries

ORM/ODM Extensions / Tree

ActsAsTree 587 over 2 years ago Extends ActiveRecord to add simple support for organizing items into parent–children relationships
ActsAsRecursiveTree 68 about 1 month ago ActsAsTree but recursive
Ancestry 3,724 about 1 month ago Organise ActiveRecord model into a tree structure using a variation on the materialised path pattern
Awesome Nested Set 2,383 about 1 month ago Awesome Nested Set is an implementation of the nested set pattern for ActiveRecord models
Closure Tree 1,836 about 1 month ago Easily and efficiently make your ActiveRecord models support hierarchies using a Closure Table
Mongoid Tree 302 about 2 months ago A tree structure for Mongoid documents using the materialized path pattern

Package Management / Gems

Bundler Manage your application's gem dependencies with less pain
RubyGems Community's gem hosting service
Cloudsmith A fully managed package management SaaS with support for Rubygems (and many others)

Package Management / Packages and Applications

Berkshelf 1,074 about 2 months ago A Chef Cookbook manager
CocoaPods 14,551 13 days ago The Objective-C dependency manager
fpm 11,141 23 days ago Effing package management! Build packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity
Linuxbrew A fork of Homebrew for Linux
Homebrew-cask 20,839 11 days ago A CLI workflow for the administration of Mac applications distributed as binaries
Homebrew 40,919 8 days ago The missing package manager for OS X
Traveling Ruby Traveling Ruby lets you create self-contained Ruby app packages for Linux and OS X


activerecord_cursor_paginate 127 about 1 month ago Cursor-based pagination for ActiveRecord
Kaminari 27 about 2 months ago A Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator for modern web app frameworks and ORMs
order_query 510 11 months ago A keyset pagination library to find the next or previous record(s) relative to the current one efficiently, e.g. for infinite scroll
Pagy 4,577 15 days ago Pagy is the ultimate pagination gem that outperforms the others in each and every benchmark and comparison. More details can be found on
will_paginate 5,706 4 months ago A pagination library that integrates with Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Merb, DataMapper and Sequel


CombinePDF 734 3 months ago A Pure ruby library to merge or stump PDF files, number pages and more
Grim 215 about 1 year ago Extract PDF pages as images and text. A simple Ruby API to ghostscript, imagemagick, and pdftotext
HexaPDF 1,216 11 days ago A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby
InvoicePrinter 876 about 2 months ago Super simple PDF invoicing in Ruby (built on top of Prawn)
Kitabu 666 8 months ago A framework for creating e-books from Markdown/Textile text markup using Ruby
Pdfkit 2,922 about 1 year ago HTML+CSS to PDF using wkhtmltopdf
Prawn 4,650 3 months ago Fast, Nimble PDF Writer for Ruby
RGhost 187 7 months ago RGhost is a document creation and conversion API
Squid 220 over 1 year ago Squid Β· A Ruby library to plot charts in PDF files
Wicked Pdf 3,532 about 2 months ago PDF generator (from HTML) plugin for Ruby on Rails

Performance Monitoring

Instrumental 58 almost 4 years ago Measure your application in real time with
New Relic 1,198 9 days ago Find and fix Ruby errors with New Relic application monitoring and troubleshooting
RoRvsWild 334 16 days ago Performances and exceptions monitoring for Rails developers
Scout 198 25 days ago Scout Ruby Application Monitoring Agent
Skylight 310 4 months ago A smart profiler for your Rails apps that visualizes request performance

Presentation Programs

Slide Show (S9) 186 over 5 years ago Write your slides / talks / presentations in plain text with markdown formatting conventions and generate (static) web pages; template packs incl. deck.js, impress.js, reveal.js, shower, s6, s5 and more

Process Management and Monitoring

Bluepill 416 about 1 year ago Simple process monitoring tool
Eye 1,187 almost 3 years ago Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God
Foreman 6,023 about 2 months ago Manage Procfile-based applications
God 2,209 6 months ago An easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby
Health Monitor Rails 213 about 1 month ago A mountable Rails plug-in to check health of services (Database, Cache, Sidekiq, Redis, e.t.c.) used by the Rails app
Procodile 615 over 3 years ago Run processes in the background (and foreground) on Mac & Linux from a Procfile
RedisWebManager 170 12 months ago Web interface that allows you to manage easily your Redis instance (see keys, memory used, connected client, etc...)


childprocess 578 2 months ago Cross-platform ruby library for managing child processes
posix-spawn 520 7 months ago Fast Process::spawn for Rubys >= 1.8.7 based on the posix_spawn() system interfaces

Profiler and Optimization

batch-loader 1,035 5 months ago – A generic lazy batching mechanism to avoid N+1 DB queries, HTTP queries, etc
benchmark-ips 1,718 27 days ago Provides iteration per second benchmarking for Ruby
bullet 7,063 about 2 months ago Help to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading
Derailed Benchmarks 2,951 about 2 months ago A series of things you can use to benchmark any Rack based app
Peek 3,180 5 months ago Visual status bar showing Rails performance
rack-mini-profiler 3,706 about 2 months ago Profiler for your development and production Ruby rack apps
Rbkit 357 about 1 year ago profiler for Ruby. With a GUI
rbspy 2,492 about 1 month ago Sampling profiler for any Ruby process
ruby-prof 2,003 9 months ago A code profiler for MRI rubies
stackprof 2,079 4 months ago A sampling call-stack profiler for ruby 2.1+
test-prof 1,868 about 1 month ago Ruby Tests Profiling Toolbox


RQRCode 1,880 30 days ago RQRCode is a library for creating and rendering QR codes into various formats

Queues and Messaging

Backburner 428 over 1 year ago Backburner is a beanstalkd-powered job queue that can handle a very high volume of jobs
Bunny 1,387 11 days ago Bunny is a popular, easy to use, well-maintained Ruby client for RabbitMQ (3.3+)
Delayed::Job 4,815 about 2 months ago Database backed asynchronous priority queue
GoodJob 2,636 15 days ago GoodJob is a multithreaded, Postgres-based, ActiveJob backend for Ruby on Rails
Gush 1,041 about 2 months ago A parallel runner for complex workflows using only Redis and Sidekiq
JobIteration 1,114 5 days ago An ActiveJob extension to make long-running jobs interruptible and resumable
Karafka 2,064 12 days ago Framework used to simplify Apache Kafka (a distributed streaming platform) based Ruby applications development
Lowkiq 142 over 1 year ago Ordered processing of background jobs for cases where Sidekiq can't help
March Hare 97 5 months ago Idiomatic, fast and well-maintained JRuby client for RabbitMQ
Resque 9,426 about 1 month ago A Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs
Que 2,301 about 2 months ago A Ruby job queue that uses PostgreSQL's advisory locks for speed and reliability
RocketJob Enterprise Batch Processing System focused on performance, scalability, reliability, and visibility of every job in the system. Outgrown existing solutions? Or, start small and scale up later
Shoryuken 2,048 2 months ago A super efficient AWS SQS thread based message processor for Ruby
Sidekiq A full-featured background processing framework for Ruby. It aims to be simple to integrate with any modern Rails application and much higher performance than other existing solutions
SidekiqIteration 268 2 months ago A Sidekiq extension to make long-running jobs interruptible and resumable
Sneakers 2,246 3 months ago A fast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ
Sucker Punch 2,647 10 months ago A single process background processing library using Celluloid. Aimed to be Sidekiq's little brother

Rails Application Generators

Bootstrappers 312 over 10 years ago Bootstrappers generates a base Rails app using Bootstrap template and other goodies
Hobo 103 about 6 years ago The web app builder for Rails
orats 664 almost 4 years ago Opinionated rails application templates
Rails Composer 3,379 over 5 years ago The Rails generator on steroids for starter apps
Raygun 211 7 months ago Builds applications with the common customization stuff already done
Suspenders 4,009 12 days ago Suspenders is the base Rails application used at thoughtbot


Arli 28 over 3 years ago Arli is the CLI tool for searching, installing, and packaging Arduino libraries with a project using a YAML-based Arlifile. It's a "Bundler for Arduino Development"
Artoo Next generation robotics framework with support for different platforms: Arduino, Leap Motion, Pebble, Raspberry Pi, etc


Feed normalizer 134 over 10 years ago Extensible Ruby wrapper for Atom and RSS parsers
Feedjira 2,073 12 days ago A feed fetching and parsing library
feedparser 165 3 months ago A feed parser and normalizer (Atom, RSS, JSON, etc) library
Simple rss 225 about 2 years ago A simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader
Stringer 3,866 5 days ago A self-hosted, anti-social RSS reader


FaaStRuby Serverless Software Development Platform for Ruby and Crystal developers
Jets 2,595 about 2 months ago A Ruby Serverless Framework to create and deploy serverless microservices with ease, and to seamlessly glue AWS services
πŸ‘ Lamby Simple Rails & AWS Lambda Integration using Rack


minicron 2,343 over 3 years ago A system to manage and monitor cron jobs
que-scheduler 115 9 days ago A lightweight cron scheduler for the async job worker Que
resque-scheduler 1,735 2 months ago A light-weight job scheduling system built on top of Resque
rufus-scheduler 2,408 about 1 month ago Job scheduler for Ruby (at, cron, in and every jobs)
ruby-clock 79 4 months ago A job scheduler which runs jobs each in their own thread in a persistent process
Sidekiq-Cron 1,847 13 days ago A scheduling add-on for Sidekiq
Simple Scheduler 131 over 2 years ago An enhancement for Heroku Scheduler + Sidekiq for scheduling jobs at specific times with a readable YML file
Whenever 8,828 2 months ago A Ruby gem that provides a clear syntax for writing and deploying cron jobs

Scientific / Bindings

PyCall 1,053 about 2 months ago Calling Python functions from the Ruby language
ruby-opencv 814 over 3 years ago An OpenCV wrapper for Ruby

Scientific / Classifiers

classifier-reborn 551 4 months ago An active fork of Classifier, and general module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications

Scientific / Data analysis/structures

daru 1,036 about 1 year ago A library for storage, analysis, manipulation and visualization of data in pure Ruby
Daru::View 95 about 2 years ago A library for easy and interactive plotting on Jupyter Notebooks and web applications
Rgl 416 6 months ago A framework for graph data structures and algorithms

Scientific / Numerical arrays

NMatrix 469 5 months ago Fast numerical linear algebra library for Ruby
Numo::NArray 415 6 months ago N-dimensional Numerical Array for Ruby
mdarray 36 over 7 years ago Multi dimensional array implemented for JRuby inspired by NumPy


Red Data Tools Data processing tools for Ruby
SciRuby 994 over 4 years ago Tools for scientific computation in Ruby/Rails

Scientific / SciRuby

IRuby 890 4 days ago A Ruby kernel for Jupyter
statsample 95 almost 7 years ago A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby
statsample-timeseries 13 about 7 years ago Bioruby Statsample TimeSeries
statsample-glm 23 over 5 years ago Generalized Linear Models extension for Statsample
distribution 50 over 4 years ago Statistical Distributions multi library wrapper
minimization 16 about 9 years ago Minimization algorithms on pure Ruby

Scientific / Specific

BioRuby 378 about 1 year ago Library for developing bioinformatics software
bloomfilter-rb 472 6 months ago BloomFilter(s) in Ruby: Native counting filter + Redis counting/non-counting filters
decisiontree 1,433 almost 6 years ago A ruby library which implements ID3 (information gain) algorithm for decision tree learning

Scientific / Utilities

algorithms 2,664 9 months ago Library with documentation on when to use a particular structure/algorithm
jaro_winkler 195 about 1 month ago Ruby & C implementation of Jaro-Winkler distance algorithm which supports UTF-8 string
primes-utils 3 over 8 years ago A Rubygem which provides a suite of extremely fast utility methods for testing and generating primes
Roots 1 over 7 years ago A Rubygem which provides utilities to find all the nth roots of real and complex values
smarter_csv 1,459 2 months ago Ruby Gem for smarter importing of CSV Files as Array(s) of Hashes
chewy 1,886 5 days ago High-level Elasticsearch Ruby framework based on the official elasticsearch-ruby client
elasticsearch-ruby 1,966 2 days ago Ruby integrations for Elasticsearch
elastics 101 over 7 years ago Simple ElasticSearch client with support for migrations and ActiveRecord integration
has_scope 1,658 6 months ago Has scope allows you to easily create controller filters based on your resources named scopes
Mongoid Search 319 8 months ago Simple full text search implementation for Mongoid
pg_search 1,309 about 2 months ago Builds ActiveRecord named scopes that take advantage of PostgreSQL's full text search
ransack 5,660 about 1 month ago Object-based searching
Rroonga 66 9 days ago The Ruby bindings of Groonga
scoped_search 265 3 months ago Adds a scope supporting search queries and autocompletion against existing fields on ActiveRecord models and associations
SearchCop 824 4 months ago Extends your ActiveRecord models to support fulltext search engine like queries via simple query strings and hash-based queries
Searchkick 6,524 3 days ago Searchkick learns what your users are looking for. As more people search, it gets smarter and the results get better. It’s friendly for developers - and magical for your users
Sunspot 2,979 3 months ago A Ruby library for expressive, powerful interaction with the Solr search engine
textacular 942 about 2 months ago Exposes full text search capabilities from PostgreSQL, and allows you to declare full text indexes. Textacular extends ActiveRecord with named_scope methods making searching easy and fun!
Thinking Sphinx 1,627 3 months ago A library for connecting ActiveRecord to the Sphinx full-text search tool


BeEF BeEF is short for The Browser Exploitation Framework. It is a penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser
bundler-audit 2,677 21 days ago Patch-level security verification for Bundler
Fingerprinter 255 about 3 years ago CMS/LMS/Library etc versions fingerprinter
haiti 769 28 days ago Hash type identifier (CLI & lib)
Metasploit 33,868 3 days ago World's most used penetration testing software
Pipal 626 about 1 year ago Password analyser and statistics generator
Rack::Attack 5,555 3 months ago Rack middleware for blocking & throttling abusive requests
Rack::Protection 12,184 3 months ago Rack middleware for protecting against typical Web attacks
Ronin 681 about 2 months ago A Ruby platform for vulnerability research and exploit development
SecureHeaders 3,152 5 days ago Automatically apply several headers that are related to security, including: Content Security Policy (CSP), HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), X-Frame-Options (XFO), X-XSS-Protection, X-Content-Type-Options, X-Download-Options & X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies
WhatWeb 5,472 3 months ago Website Fingerprinter
WPscan WordPress vulnerability scanner

Services and Apps

AppSignal Better monitoring for your Rails applications
Codacy Automated Code Review for Ruby, Rails, JS, PHP, Python etc. Security, Coverage & Quality
CodeClimate Quality & security analysis for Ruby on Rails and Javascript
GitHub Powerful collaboration, code review, and code management for open source and private projects
Gitlab CI Integrate with your GitLab to run tests for your projects
GitLab Open source software to collaborate on code
HoundCI Review your Ruby code for style guide violations
Inch CI Documentation badges for Ruby projects
OctoLinker 5,271 about 1 year ago Navigate through projects on efficiently with the OctoLinker browser extension
SemaphoreCI Hosted continuous integration and deployment service for open source and private projects
Sider Automated Code Review with GitHub PR. Monitoring Style Violations, Quality, Security, Dependencies
Travis CI Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence


FriendlyId 6,140 9 months ago The "Swiss Army bulldozer" of slugging and permalink plugins for Active Record
MetaTags 2,721 14 days ago A gem to make your Rails application SEO-friendly
prerender_rails 358 8 months ago Rails middleware gem for prerendering javascript-rendered pages on the fly for SEO
SitemapGenerator 2,443 4 months ago A framework-agnostic XML Sitemap generator written in Ruby

Social Networking

Decidim 1,444 11 days ago free open-source participatory democracy for cities and organizations
diaspora* 13,388 about 1 month ago A privacy aware, distributed, open source social network
Discourse 41,962 3 days ago A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple
Mailboxer 1,643 6 months ago A private message system for Rails applications
Mastodon 7 almost 6 years ago A GNU Social-compatible microblogging server
Retrospring 246 5 days ago A social network following the Q/A (question and answer) principle
Social Shares 329 over 6 years ago A gem to check how many times url was shared in social networks
Thredded 1,561 about 1 month ago Rails 4.2+ forums/messageboards engine. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as possible

Spreadsheets and Documents

CAXLSX 495 13 days ago A community maintained excel xlsx generation library. - The original
Docsplit Gem to convert Microsoft Word (and other) documents into images, pdf, pages or text
Roo 2,782 about 2 months ago Implements read access for all spreadsheet types and read/write access for Google spreadsheets
spreadsheet_architect 1,321 about 1 month ago Spreadsheet Architect is a library that allows you to create XLSX, ODS, or CSV spreadsheets super easily from ActiveRecord relations, plain Ruby objects, or tabular data

State Machines

AASM 5,014 about 2 months ago State machines for Ruby classes (plain Ruby, Rails Active Record, Mongoid)
FiniteMachine 807 7 months ago A plain Ruby state machine with a straightforward and expressive syntax
MicroMachine 525 about 7 years ago A minimal finite state machine implementation in less than 50 lines of code
simple_states 95 about 7 years ago A super-slim statemachine-like support library
Statesman 1,772 about 2 months ago A statesmanlike state machine library
state_machines 814 2 months ago Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class
transitions 534 over 2 years ago A ruby state machine implementation
Workflow 1,753 3 months ago A finite-state-machine-inspired API for modeling and interacting with what we tend to refer to as 'workflow'

Static Site Generation

Bridgetown 1,133 15 days ago A Webpack-aware, Ruby-powered static site generator for the modern Jamstack era
High Voltage 3,204 about 1 month ago Easily include static pages in your Rails app
Jekyll Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs

Static Site Generation / Jekyll

Awesome Jekyll 585 over 3 years ago A collection of awesome Jekyll tools, plugins, themes, guides and much more

Static Site Generation

Middleman A static site generator using all the shortcuts and tools in modern web development
Nanoc A static site generator, fit for building anything from a small personal blog to a large corporate web site
Photish 149 about 4 years ago Generate a highly configurable static website from a photo collection
webgen webgen is a fast, powerful and extensible static website generator

Template Engine

Curly 593 23 days ago A template language that completely separates structure and logic
Haml 3,760 about 1 month ago HTML Abstraction Markup Language
Liquid 11,047 4 days ago Safe, customer facing template language for flexible web apps
Mustache 3,036 3 months ago Logic-less Ruby templates
Slim 5,304 about 1 month ago A template language whose goal is reduce the syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic
Tilt 1,944 9 months ago Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines

Testing / Frameworks

RSpec Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby

Testing / Frameworks / RSpec / Formatters

Emoji-RSpec 173 almost 11 years ago Custom Emoji Formatters for RSpec
Fuubar 954 over 2 years ago The instafailing RSpec progress bar formatter
Nyan Cat 741 over 4 years ago Nyan Cat inspired RSpec formatter!

Testing / Frameworks

Aruba 949 about 1 month ago Testing command line applications with cucumber and rspec
Bacon 425 almost 2 years ago A small RSpec clone
Capybara 10,011 about 2 months ago Acceptance test framework for web applications
Cucumber 3,365 about 2 months ago BDD that talks to domain experts first and code second
Cutest 154 over 7 years ago Isolated tests in Ruby
Fix 46 5 months ago Specing framework for Ruby
Howitzer 260 over 1 year ago Ruby based framework for acceptance testing
minitest 3,280 about 1 month ago minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking
Mocha 1,218 2 months ago Mocha is a mocking and stubbing library for Ruby
RR 320 about 1 month ago A test double framework that features a rich selection of double techniques and a terse syntax
shoulda-matchers 3,513 22 days ago Provides Test::Unit- and RSpec-compatible one-liners that test common Rails functionality. These tests would otherwise be much longer, more complex, and error-prone
Spinach 581 about 2 months ago Spinach is a high-level BDD framework that leverages the expressive Gherkin language (used by Cucumber) to help you define executable specifications of your application or library's acceptance criteria
TestBench 69 3 months ago TestBench is a principled test framework for Ruby and MRuby aiming to offer precisely what is needed to test well-designed code effectively and easily
Test::Unit Test::Unit is a xUnit family unit testing framework for Ruby

Testing / Fake Data

Fabrication A simple and powerful object generation library
factory_bot 7,909 26 days ago A library for setting up Ruby objects as test data
Fake Person 116 almost 10 years ago Uses some of the most popular given & surnames in the US & UK
faker 11,236 18 days ago A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers
ffaker 1,554 6 months ago A faster Faker, generates dummy data, rewrite of faker
Forgery 789 about 4 years ago Easy and customizable generation of forged data

Testing / Mock

ActiveMocker 506 about 5 years ago Generate mocks from ActiveRecord models for unit tests that run fast because they don’t need to load Rails or a database
DnsMock 65 3 months ago Ruby DNS mock. Mimic any DNS records for your test environment and even more
DuckRails 1,721 about 1 year ago Tool for mocking API endpoints quickly & dynamically
SmtpMock 65 3 months ago Ruby SMTP mock. Mimic any SMTP server behaviour for your test environment with fake SMTP server
TestXml 30 almost 8 years ago TestXml is a small extension for testing XML/HTML
WebMock 3,957 5 days ago Library for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests

Testing / WebDrivers

Ferrum 1,731 about 2 months ago High-level API to control Chrome in Ruby
Poltergeist 2,499 about 5 years ago A PhantomJS driver for Capybara
Selenium WebDriver 30,411 3 days ago Ruby bindings for WebDriver
Watir 1,522 4 months ago Web application testing in Ruby

Testing / Extra

Appraisal 1,260 12 days ago Appraisal integrates with bundler and rake to test your library against different versions of dependencies
CQL 26 about 2 years ago CQL is a library for making queries against Cucumber style test suites
cuke_modeler 22 4 months ago An modeling library for files that is an abstration layer on top of the gem, providing a stable base upon which to build other Gherkin related tools
gitarro 15 over 1 year ago Run, retrigger, handle all type and OS-independent tests against your GitHub Pull Requests
Knapsack 516 4 months ago Optimal test suite parallelisation across CI nodes for RSpec, Cucumber, Minitest, Spinach and Turnip
mutant 1,947 15 days ago Mutant is a mutation testing tool for Ruby
Parallel Tests 3,375 24 days ago Speedup Test::Unit + RSpec + Cucumber by running parallel on multiple CPUs (or cores)
power_assert 1 over 3 years ago Power Assert for Ruby
Ruby-JMeter 748 5 months ago A Ruby based DSL for building JMeter test plans
Spring 2,802 about 2 months ago Preloads your rails environment in the background for faster testing and Rake tasks
timecop 3,367 about 2 months ago Provides "time travel" and "time freezing" capabilities, making it dead simple to test time-dependent code
Turbo Tests 173 3 months ago Run RSpec tests on multiple cores. Like but with incremental summarized output
vcr 5,827 about 1 month ago Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests
Wraith 4,835 over 1 year ago A responsive screenshot comparison tool
Zapata 413 over 4 years ago Who has time to write tests? This is a revolutionary tool to make them write themselves

Third-party APIs

Ably 36 24 days ago Ruby library for realtime communication over Ably
Buffer 56 over 5 years ago Buffer API Ruby Library
discordrb 7 over 1 year ago An implementation of the Discord API
Dropbox 171 3 months ago Ruby client for Dropbox API v2
fb_graph2 107 over 2 years ago A full-stack Facebook Graph API wrapper
flickr 20 over 10 years ago A Ruby interface to the Flickr API
gitlab 1,060 16 days ago Ruby wrapper and CLI for the GitLab API
google-api-ads-ruby 297 about 1 month ago Google Adwords Ruby client
gmail 393 9 months ago A Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need
hipchat-rb 336 over 6 years ago HipChat HTTP API Wrapper in Ruby with Capistrano hooks
instagram-ruby-gem 1,456 over 5 years ago The official gem for the Instagram REST and Search APIs
itunes_store_transporter 119 almost 6 years ago Ruby wrapper around Apple's iTMSTransporter program
linkedin 758 over 2 years ago Provides an easy-to-use wrapper for LinkedIn's REST APIs
Notion Ruby Client 118 2 months ago A Ruby wrapper for the Notion API
Octokit Ruby toolkit for the GitHub API
Pusher 664 over 1 year ago Ruby server library for the Pusher API
Restforce 803 about 1 month ago A Ruby client for the Salesforce REST api
ruby-gmail 790 over 5 years ago A Rubyesque interface to Gmail
ruby-trello 719 2 months ago Implementation of the Trello API for Ruby
simple-slack-bot 157 over 8 years ago You can easily make Slack Bot
Slack Notifier 1,494 over 1 year ago A simple wrapper for posting to Slack channels
Slack ruby gem 242 about 4 years ago A Ruby wrapper for the Slack API
soundcloud-ruby 6 over 1 year ago Official SoundCloud API Wrapper for Ruby
t 5,427 5 months ago A command-line power tool for Twitter
terjira 878 over 1 year ago A command-line power tool for Jira
tweetstream 1,109 about 3 years ago A simple library for consuming Twitter's Streaming API
twilio-ruby 1,353 10 days ago A module for using the Twilio REST API and generating valid TwiML
twitter 4,583 5 months ago A Ruby interface to the Twitter API
whatsapp-sdk 160 12 days ago Ruby client for the Whatsapp API
wikipedia 307 over 1 year ago Ruby client for the Wikipedia API
Yt 738 about 1 month ago An object-oriented Ruby client for YouTube API V3


Streamio FFMPEG 1,643 5 months ago Simple yet powerful wrapper around the ffmpeg command for reading metadata and transcoding movies
VideoInfo 428 7 months ago Get video info from Dailymotion, Vimeo, Wistia, and YouTube URLs
Video Transcoding 2,378 3 months ago Tools to transcode, inspect and convert videos

View components

Cells 3,055 about 1 year ago View Components for Rails
Komponent 427 11 months ago An opinionated way of organizing front-end code in Rails, based on components
Phlex 1,251 11 days ago A framework for building object-oriented views in Ruby
ViewComponent 3,250 18 days ago View components for Rails

View helpers

active_link_to 842 6 months ago View helper to manage "active" state of a link
auto_html 787 over 1 year ago Rails extension for transforming URLs to appropriate resource (image, link, YouTube, Vimeo video...)
Bh 834 over 6 years ago Bootstrap Helpers for Ruby
gon 3,045 over 1 year ago If you need to send some data to your js files and you don't want to do this with long way through views and parsing - use gon
PluggableJs 53 over 8 years ago Page-specific javascript for Rails applications with the ability of passing data from a controller
render_async 1,079 about 2 months ago Render partials to your views asynchronously and increase load performance of your pages

Web Crawling

LinkThumbnailer 511 about 1 year ago Ruby gem that generates thumbnail images and videos from a given URL. Much like popular social website with link preview
Kimurai 1,014 4 months ago A modern web scraping framework written in Ruby which works out of box with Headless Chromium/Firefox, PhantomJS, or simple HTTP requests and allows to scrape and interact with JavaScript rendered websites
Mechanize 4,390 3 days ago Mechanize is a ruby library that makes automated web interaction easy
MetaInspector 1,028 4 months ago Ruby gem for web scraping purposes
Spidr 802 8 months ago A versatile Ruby web spidering library that can spider a site, multiple domains, certain links or infinitely. Spidr is designed to be fast and easy to use
Upton 1,616 almost 6 years ago A batteries-included framework for easy web-scraping
Wombat 1,310 9 months ago Web scraper with an elegant DSL that parses structured data from web pages

Web Frameworks

Camping 916 about 2 months ago A web microframework which consistently stays at less than 4kB of code
Cuba A microframework for web development
Hobbit 274 almost 4 years ago A minimalistic microframework built on top of Rack
Hanami It aims to bring back Object Oriented Programming to web development, leveraging on a stable API, a minimal DSL, and plain objects
Hyperstack A Complete Isomorphic Ruby Framework using React and Opal
Padrino A full-stack ruby framework built upon Sinatra
Pakyow A framework for building modern web-apps in Ruby. It helps you build working software faster with a development process that remains friendly to both designers and developers
Rack::App 410 11 months ago Bare bone minimalistic framework for building rack apps
Roda A routing tree web framework
Ruby on Rails A web-application framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern
Scorched Light-weight, inheritable and composable web framework, inspired by Sinatra
Sinatra Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
Syro 137 about 3 years ago Simple router for web applications
Trailblazer 3,416 10 months ago Trailblazer is a thin layer on top of Rails. It gently enforces encapsulation, an intuitive code structure and gives you an object-oriented architecture

Web Servers

Agoo 907 2 months ago A high performance HTTP server for Ruby that includes GraphQL and WebSocket support
Falcon 2,616 10 days ago A high-performance web server for Ruby, supporting HTTP/1, HTTP/2 and TLS
Iodine 909 2 months ago An non-blocking HTTP and Websocket web server optimized for Linux/BDS/macOS and Ruby MRI
Phusion Passenger Fast and robust web server and application server
Puma 7,656 14 days ago A modern, concurrent web server for Ruby
Rack A common Ruby web server interface. By itself, it's just a specification and utility library, but all Ruby web servers implement this interface
Thin 2,267 4 months ago Tiny, fast & funny HTTP server
TorqueBox 468 about 6 years ago A Ruby application server built on JBoss AS7 and JRuby
Unicorn Rack HTTP server for fast clients and Unix


AnyCable – Polyglot replacement for Ruby WebSocket servers with Action Cable protocol
CableReady 750 11 days ago CableReady completes the ActionCable story and expands the utility of web sockets in your Rails app
Faye A set of tools for simple publish-subscribe messaging between web clients
Firehose 727 over 1 year ago Build realtime Ruby web applications
Slanger 1,696 about 2 years ago Open Pusher implementation compatible with Pusher libraries
StimulusReflex 2,266 11 days ago Build reactive applications with the Rails tooling you already know and love

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