
Curated List: Practical Natural Language Processing done in Ruby


1k stars
58 watching
70 forks
Language: Ruby
last commit: over 1 year ago
Linked from 8 awesome lists


Awesome NLP with Ruby / NLP Pipeline Subtasks / Pipeline Generation

composable_operations 47 about 8 years ago - Definition framework for operation pipelines
ruby-spark 227 about 7 years ago - Spark bindings with an easy to understand DSL
phobos 220 about 1 year ago - Simplified Ruby Client for
parallel 4,153 about 2 months ago - Supervisor for parallel execution on multiple CPUs or in many threads
pwrake 57 over 4 years ago - Rake extensions to run local and remote tasks in parallel

Awesome NLP with Ruby / NLP Pipeline Subtasks / Multipurpose Engines

open-nlp 91 about 10 years ago - Ruby Bindings for the Toolkit
stanford-core-nlp 432 over 4 years ago - Ruby Bindings for the Stanford tools
treat 1,365 over 7 years ago - Natural Language Processing framework for Ruby (like for Python)
nlp_toolz 2 over 6 years ago - Wrapper over some classes and the original
open_nlp 11 almost 6 years ago - JRuby Bindings for the Toolkit
ruby-spacy 62 7 days ago — Wrapper module for spaCy NLP library via
alchemyapi_ruby 36 about 8 years ago - Legacy Ruby SDK for AlchemyAPI/Bluemix
wit-ruby 280 over 2 years ago - Ruby client library for the Language Understanding Platform
wlapi 19 over 1 year ago Ruby client library for web services
monkeylearn-ruby 80 about 3 years ago Sentiment Analysis, Topic Modelling, Language Detection, Named Entity Recognition via a Ruby based Web API client
google-cloud-language 1,350 1 day ago - Google's Natural Language service API for Ruby

Awesome NLP with Ruby / NLP Pipeline Subtasks / Language Identification

scylla 36 over 1 year ago - Language Categorization and Identification

Awesome NLP with Ruby / NLP Pipeline Subtasks / Segmentation

tokenizer 45 over 7 years ago - Simple multilingual tokenizer
pragmatic_tokenizer 90 about 2 months ago - Multilingual tokenizer to split a string into tokens
nlp-pure 20 over 7 years ago - Natural language processing algorithms implemented in pure Ruby with minimal dependencies
textoken 31 about 3 years ago - Simple and customizable text tokenization library
pragmatic_segmenter 543 about 2 months ago - Word Boundary Disambiguation with many cookies
punkt-segmenter 92 over 6 years ago - Pure Ruby implementation of the Punkt Segmenter
tactful_tokenizer 80 over 10 years ago - RegExp based tokenizer for different languages
scapel 51 almost 9 years ago - Sentence Boundary Disambiguation tool

Awesome NLP with Ruby / NLP Pipeline Subtasks / Lexical Processing

ruby-stemmer 251 over 2 years ago - Ruby-Stemmer exposes the SnowBall API to Ruby
uea-stemmer 53 over 1 year ago - Conservative stemmer for search and indexing
lemmatizer 108 almost 3 years ago - WordNet based Lemmatizer for English texts
wc 6 almost 13 years ago - Facilities to count word occurrences in a text
word_count 5 over 5 years ago - Word counter for and objects
words_counted 159 almost 3 years ago - Pure Ruby library counting word statistics with different custom options
stopwords-filter 76 11 months ago Filter and Stop Word Lexicon based on the SnowBall lemmatizer

Awesome NLP with Ruby / NLP Pipeline Subtasks / Phrasal Level Processing

n_gram 37 about 3 years ago - N-Gram generator
ruby-ngram 12 almost 11 years ago - Break words and phrases into ngrams
raingrams 69 over 3 years ago - Flexible and general-purpose ngrams library written in pure Ruby

Awesome NLP with Ruby / NLP Pipeline Subtasks / Syntactic Processing

stanfordparser - Ruby based wrapper for the Stanford Parser
rley 37 over 2 years ago - Pure Ruby implementation of the Parsing Algorithm for Context-Free Constituency Grammars
rsyntaxtree 98 about 1 month ago - Visualization for syntactic trees in Ruby based on

Awesome NLP with Ruby / NLP Pipeline Subtasks / Semantic Analysis

amatch 375 2 days ago - Set of five distance types between strings (including Levenshtein, Sellers, Jaro-Winkler, 'pair distance')
damerau-levenshtein 141 2 days ago - Calculates edit distance using the Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm
hotwater 81 over 11 years ago - Fast Ruby FFI string edit distance algorithms
levenshtein-ffi 149 4 months ago - Fast string edit distance computation, using the Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm
tf_idf 35 over 12 years ago - Term Frequency / Inverse Document Frequency in pure Ruby
tf-idf-similarity 742 7 months ago - Calculate the similarity between texts using TF/IDF

Awesome NLP with Ruby / NLP Pipeline Subtasks / Pragmatical Analysis

SentimentLib 14 over 11 years ago - Simple extensible sentiment analysis gem

Awesome NLP with Ruby / High Level Tasks / Spelling and Error Correction

gingerice 480 about 5 years ago - Spelling and Grammar corrections via the API
hunspell-i18n 4 about 12 years ago - Ruby bindings to the standard Spell Checker
ffi-hunspell 48 9 months ago - FFI based Ruby bindings for
hunspell 35 over 2 years ago - Ruby bindings to via Ruby C API

Awesome NLP with Ruby / High Level Tasks / Text Alignment

alignment 1 over 10 years ago - Alignment routines for bilingual texts (Gale-Church implementation)

Awesome NLP with Ruby / High Level Tasks / Machine Translation

google-api-client 2,790 13 days ago - Google API Ruby Client
microsoft_translator 21 over 7 years ago - Ruby client for the microsoft translator API
termit 507 over 7 years ago - Google Translate with speech synthesis in your terminal
zipf 3 over 8 years ago - implementation of BLEU and other base algorithms

Awesome NLP with Ruby / High Level Tasks / Sentiment Analysis

stimmung 20 over 8 years ago - Semantic Polarity based on the lexicon

Awesome NLP with Ruby / High Level Tasks / Numbers, Dates, and Time Parsing

chronic 3,236 about 1 year ago - Pure Ruby natural language date parser
chronic_between 27 over 3 years ago - Simple Ruby natural language parser for date and time ranges
chronic_duration 351 about 3 years ago - Pure Ruby parser for elapsed time
kronic 150 about 10 years ago - Methods for parsing and formatting human readable dates
nickel 112 almost 7 years ago - Extracts date, time, and message information from naturally worded text
tickle 81 about 4 years ago - Parser for recurring and repeating events
numerizer 36 over 1 year ago - Ruby parser for English number expressions

Awesome NLP with Ruby / High Level Tasks / Named Entity Recognition

ruby-ner 19 almost 2 years ago - Named Entity Recognition with Stanford NER and Ruby
ruby-nlp 92 about 10 years ago - Ruby Binding for Stanford Pos-Tagger and Name Entity Recognizer

Awesome NLP with Ruby / High Level Tasks / Text-to-Speech-to-Text

espeak-ruby 193 8 months ago - Small Ruby API for utilizing 'espeak' and 'lame' to create text-to-speech mp3 files
tts 93 almost 2 years ago - Text-to-Speech conversion using the Google translate service
att_speech 20 over 10 years ago - Ruby wrapper over the AT&T Speech API for speech to text
pocketsphinx-ruby 259 about 7 years ago - Pocketsphinx bindings

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Dialog Agents, Assistants, and Chatbots

chatterbot 492 over 1 year ago - Straightforward ruby-based Twitter Bot Framework, using OAuth to authenticate
lita 1,679 over 2 years ago - Highly extensible chat operation bot framework written with persistent storage on

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Linguistic Resources

rwordnet 89 about 5 years ago - Pure Ruby self contained API library for the
wordnet 138 over 1 year ago - Performance tuned bindings for the

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Machine Learning Libraries

rb-libsvm 278 10 months ago - Support Vector Machines with Ruby
weka 65 9 months ago - JRuby bindings for Weka, different ML algorithms implemented through Weka
decisiontree 1,433 almost 6 years ago - Decision Tree ID3 Algorithm in pure Ruby
rtimbl 5 almost 15 years ago - Memory based learners from the Timbl framework
classifier-reborn 551 4 months ago - General classifier module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications
lda-ruby 133 about 4 years ago - Ruby implementation of the (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) for automatic Topic Modelling and Document Clustering
liblinear-ruby-swig 83 over 1 year ago - Ruby interface to LIBLINEAR (much more efficient than LIBSVM for text classification)
linnaeus 38 almost 9 years ago - Redis-backed Bayesian classifier
maxent_string_classifier 9 about 15 years ago - JRuby maximum entropy classifier for string data, based on the OpenNLP Maxent framework
naive_bayes 49 over 12 years ago - Simple Naive Bayes classifier
nbayes 153 8 months ago - Full-featured, Ruby implementation of Naive Bayes
omnicat 11 over 3 years ago - Generalized rack framework for text classifications
omnicat-bayes 32 over 3 years ago - Naive Bayes text classification implementation as an OmniCat classifier strategy
ruby-fann 494 6 months ago - Ruby bindings to the
rblearn 1 about 8 years ago Feature Extraction and Crossvalidation library

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Optical Character Recognition

tesseract-ocr 629 over 7 years ago - FFI based wrapper over the

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Text Extraction

yomu 496 over 1 year ago - library for extracting text and metadata from files and documents using the content analysis toolkit

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Full Text Search, Information Retrieval, Indexing

rsolr 418 6 months ago - Ruby and Rails client library for
sunspot 2,979 3 months ago - Rails centric client for
thinking-sphinx 1,627 3 months ago - plugin for using in (not only) Rails based projects
elasticsearch 1,966 2 days ago - Ruby client and API for
elasticsearch-rails 3,069 about 1 month ago - Ruby and Rails integrations for
google-api-client 2,790 13 days ago - Ruby API library for services

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Language Aware String Manipulation

fuzzy_match 676 over 3 years ago - Fuzzy string comparison with Distance measures and Regular Expression
fuzzy-string-match 285 over 4 years ago - Fuzzy string matching library for Ruby
active_support 55,744 5 days ago - RoR gem has various string extensions that can handle case
fuzzy_tools 23 almost 7 years ago - Toolset for fuzzy searches in Ruby tuned for accuracy
u - U extends Ruby’s Unicode support
unicode 80 4 months ago - Unicode normalization library
CommonRegexRuby 79 almost 3 years ago - Find a lot of kinds of common information in a string
regexp-examples 521 5 months ago - Generate strings that match a given regular expression
verbal_expressions 571 over 1 year ago - Make difficult regular expressions easy
translit_kit 7 almost 2 years ago - Transliterate Hebrew & Yiddish text into Latin characters
re2 129 26 days ago - hight-speed Regular Expression library for Text Mining and Text Extraction
regex_sample 1 about 7 years ago - sample string generation from a given Regular Expression
iuliia 10 almost 3 years ago — transliteration Cyrillic to Latin in many possible ways (defined by the )

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / 2019

aonemd by

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / 2018

Cassandra Corrales by

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / 2017

Aja Hammerly by
Aja Hammerly by
Prasun Anand by
Starr Horne by

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / 2016

Ardian Haxha by
Geoffrey Litt by
Kei Sawada by
Eric Weinstein by

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / 2015

Jesus Castello by
Lorenzo Masini by
Rick Carlino by
Kevin Dias by
Lorenzo Masini by

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / 2014

Glauco Custódio by
Todd Schneider by
Konstantin Tennhard by

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / 2013

Tom Cartwright by
Brandon Black by
Nathan Kleyn by
Robert Qualls by

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / 2012

Vasily Vasinov by

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / 2011

Benoit Hamelin by
Colin Drake by

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / 2010

Mike Perham by

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / 2009

Jason Adams by
Jason Adams by

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / 2008

Ilya Grigorik by
Gleicon Moraes by

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / 2007

Ilya Grigorik by

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / 2006

Michael Granger by

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Projects and Code Examples

Going the Distance 61 about 8 years ago - Implementations of various distance algorithms with example calculations
Named entity recognition with Stanford NER and Ruby 19 almost 2 years ago - NER Examples in Ruby and Java with some
Words Counted - examples of customizable word statistics powered by
RSyntaxTree - Web based demonstration of the syntactic tree visualization

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Books

Miller, Rob . Pragmatic Programmers, 2015
Watson, Mark . APRESS, 2010
Watson, Mark . Lulu, 2010

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Community

Stack Overflow

Awesome NLP with Ruby / Needs your Help!

ferret 279 over 1 year ago - Information Retrieval in C and Ruby
summarize 206 over 12 years ago - Ruby native wrapper for
Neural Machine Translation Implementations 358 about 2 years ago
Awesome Ruby 13,548 10 days ago - Among other awesome items a short list of NLP related projects
Ruby NLP 1,268 over 1 year ago - State-of-Art collection of Ruby libraries for NLP
Speech and Natural Language Processing 2,188 over 5 years ago - General List of NLP related resources (mostly not for Ruby programmers)
Scientific Ruby - Linear Algebra, Visualization and Scientific Computing for Ruby
iRuby 890 4 days ago IRuby kernel for Jupyter (formelly IPython)
Awesome OCR 2,761 3 months ago - Multitude of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) resources
Awesome TensorFlow 17,188 6 months ago - Machine Learning with TensorFlow libraries

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