Table of Contents / Awesome |
Awesome Bioinformatics | 3,232 | 11 months ago | |
Awesome Biological Image Analysis | 126 | 6 months ago | |
Awesome Multi-Omics | 741 | 11 months ago | |
Awesome Single-Cell | 3,246 | 3 months ago | |
Awesome-Computational-Neuroscience | 757 | 7 months ago | |
Awesome Cancer Variant Databases | 297 | over 1 year ago | |
Awesome DeepBio | 1,892 | over 3 years ago | |
Awesome Nextflow | 575 | over 2 years ago | |
Awesome Reproducible Research | 326 | 4 months ago | |
Awesome Synthetic Biology | 189 | about 2 years ago | |
Table of Contents / Lists |
Biotools by John Didion | 590 | over 1 year ago | |
Table of Contents / General Reading |
The Epic History of Biology by Serafini | | | |
The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins | | | |
What is Life by Erwin Schrodinger | | | (Public Domain) |
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot | | | |
The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley | | | |
The Richness of Life by Stephen Jay Gould | | | |
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond | | | |
The Ascent of Man by Jacob Bronowski | | | |
Power, Sex and Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life by Nick
Lane | | | |
Emperor of all Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee | | | |
The Gene by Siddhartha Mukherjee | | | |
The Eighth Day of Creation by H. F. Judson | | | |
The Human Zoo by Desmond Morris | | | |
The Equation That Couldn't be Solved by Mario Livio | | | |
The Golden Ratio by Mario Livio | | | |
The Complexity Paradox by Kenneth Mossman | | | |
The Vital Question by Nick Lane | | | |
On Growth and Form by D'Arcy Wentworth Thomsom | | | |
The Big Questions: Evolution by Francisco Ayala | | | |
The Making of a Fly by Peter Lawrence | | | |
Molecular Machines in Biology by Joachim Frank | | | |
Cell Motility from Molecules to Organisms by Ridley and Peckham | | | |
Random Walks in Biology by Howard Berg | | | |
Elephants on Acids and Other Bizarre Experiments by Alex Boese | | | |
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari | | | |
Evolving Ourselves: Redesigning the Future of Humanity--One Gene at a Time | | | |
The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan | | | |
Silent Spring by Rachel Carlson | | | |
Soft Matter: the stuff that dreams are made of by Roberto Piazza | | | |
Life on Earth and The Living Planet by David Attenborough | | | |
The Secret Life of The Brain by PBS | | | |
Table of Contents / General Biology |
Ancestors in Our Genome by Eugene E. Harris | | | |
A Cartoon Guide to Genetics by Gonick and Wheelis | | | |
Campbell Biology | | | |
Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple | | | |
The Biology of Cancer by Weinberg | | | |
The Deeper Genome by John Parrington | | | |
The Developing Genome: An Introduction to Behavioral Epigenetics by Davis S. Moore | | | |
The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision | | | |
Scitable by Nature Education | | | |
The Many Phases of the Matter by Ganeshan Venkataraman | | | |
The Shaping of Life by Lionel G. Harrison | | | |
The Machinery of Life by David Goodsell | | | |
Table of Contents / Biochemistry |
Biochemistry by Berg | | | |
Principles of Biochemistry by Lehninger | | | |
Table of Contents / Biophysics |
Feynman Lectures On Computation by Richard Feynman | | | |
Physics in Molecular Biology by Kim Sneppen | | | |
Physics of Living Systems by Fabrizio Cleri | | | |
Table of Contents / Bioprocess Engineering |
Bioprocess Engineering Principles by Pauline M. Doran | | | |
Table of Contents / Evolution |
Arrival of the Fittest: Solving Evolution's Greatest Puzzle by Andreas Wagner | | | |
Computational Molecular Evolution by Ziheng Yang | | | |
Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution by Dan Graur | | | |
Human Evolutionary Genetics by Jobling et al | | | |
Life Ascending: The Ten Great Inventions of Evolution by Nick Lane | | | |
Robustness and Evolvability in Living Systems by Andreas Wagner | | | |
Mathematical Ecology of Populations and Ecosystems by John Pastor | | | |
Man and His Future, A Ciba Foundation Volume by Wolstenholme, G. E. W. | | | |
The Origins of Evolutionary Innovations by Andreas Wagner | | | |
The Growth of Biological Thought | | | |
Table of Contents / Molecular Biology |
What are the best papers in Molecular Biology? | | | : |
Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts | | | |
Molecular Biology of Gene by Watson et al | | | |
Molecular Cell Biology by Lodish | | | |
Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction by T. A. Brown | | | |
Lewin's GENES XII by Krebs et al | | | |
Table of Contents / Neuroscience |
Awesome-Computational-Neuroscience | 757 | 7 months ago | : |
Principles of Neural Science by Kandel and Schwartz | | | |
Theoretical Neuroscience by Dayan and Abbott | | | |
Table of Contents / Physical Biology |
Pedagogical/review papers on Physical Biology (60+ papers) | | | : |
Cell Biology by The Numbers | | | ( ) |
Physical Biology of the Cell by Phillips et al | | | |
Table of Contents / Immunology |
How the Immune System Works? | | | |
Janeway's Immunobiology | | | |
Kuby Immunology | | | |
Table of Contents / Omics | | | | Waterston, R. H. (2002). . Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(6), 3712–3716 | | | | Myers, E. W. (2002).
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(7), 4145–4146 | | | | Nik-Zainal, S., Alexandrov, L. B., Wedge, D. C., Van Loo, P., Greenman, C.
D., Raine, K., Jones, D., et al. (2012). Cell, 149(5), 979–993 | | | | Thurman, R. E., Rynes, E., Humbert, R., Vierstra, J., Maurano, M. T., Haugen,
E., Sheffield, N. C., et al. (2012). . Nature, 489(7414), 75–82 | | | | Wang, Z., Gerstein, M. & Snyder, M. . Nat. Rev. Genet. 10, 57–63 (2009) |
Table of Contents / Systems Biology and Genetic Networks |
An Introduction to Systems Biology by Uri Alon | | | |
A First Course in Systems Biology by E. Voit | | | |
A Genetic Switch by Mark Ptashne | | | |
Lectures from Systems Biology Course by Uri Alon | | | |
Lectures from Systems Biology: Constraint-based Reconstruction and Analysis by B. Palsson | | | |
Life: An Introduction to Complex Systems Biology by Kunihiko Kaneko | | | |
Mathematical Modeling in Systems Biology by Brian Ingalls | | | |
Systems Biology: Properties of Reconstructed Networks by B. Palsson | | | |
Table of Contents / Deep Learning |
Deep Learning in Computational Biology | 185 | about 9 years ago | List: |
Deep Learning in Neuronal Image Analysis | 151 | almost 7 years ago | List: |
Deep Learning in Biology | 2,026 | 7 months ago | List: |
Deep Learning Applications in Computational Biology | 1,892 | over 3 years ago | : |
Table of Contents / Bioinformatics |
Curated list of papers for Computational Genomics | 473 | over 6 years ago | : |
Awesome-Bioinformatics | 3,232 | 11 months ago | : |
Practical Computing for Biologists by Steven Haddock and Casey Dunn | | | |
An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms by Pavel Pevzner | | | |
Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics by Jonathan Pevsner | | | |
Bioinformatics Algorithms: An Active Learning Approach by Phillip Compeau and Pavel Pevzner | | | |
Biological Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Acids | | | |
Bioinformatics: The Machine Learning Approach by Pierre Baldi | | | |
Current topics in Genome Analysis 2016 by NIH-NHGRI | | | |
Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics: An Introduction by Ewens | | | |
Introduction to Protein-DNA Interactions by Gary Stormo | | | |
Introduction to Genomics by Arthur M. Lesk | | | |
Theory of Basic Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) | | | |
Translational Bioinformatics by PLOS Collections | | | |
Table of Contents / Statistics |
Introduction to Statistical Learning (with applications in R) by Hastie et al. | | | |
Nature's Statistics for Biologists collection | | | |
Statistical Done Wrong by Alex Reinhart | | | |
Statistics Inference by George Casella | | | |
Table of Contents / Structural Biology | Proteins |
Algorithms in Structural Molecular Biology by Bruce R. Donald | | | |
Introduction to Protein Structure by Branden and Tooze | | | |
Proteins: Structures and Molecular Properties by Creighton | | | |
Table of Contents / Data Analysis | Programming |
The Cartoon Guide to Statistics by Gonick | | | |
The Analysis of Biological Data by Whitlock and Schluter | | | |
Practical Computing for Biologists by Haddock and Dunn | | | |
Advanced Python for Biologists by Dr Martin O Jones | | | |
Table of Contents / Laboratory Protocol Manuals |
Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual by Sambrook | | | |
Prescott's Microbiology | | | |
Nature Protocols | | | |
Table of Contents / Blogs/Links |
What are some essential websites for biologists? | | | |
Talks at ICTS | | | , an
interesting collection of talks on statistical physics, systems biology, and
much more |
Papers-per-week | 5 | about 9 years ago | , my collection of papers (with reviews!) |
Protein Love @ Quora | | | |
Bioscience club @ Quora | | | , discusses great biology related answers on Quora |
it is NOT junk | | | , a blog about genomes, DNA, evolution, open science by |
Virology, immunology, biology @ Quota | | | by Ian York |
Quorky Biology | | | |
Biophysics Research Blog | | | |
reddit/biology | | | |
reddit/bioinformatics | | | |
reddit/learnbioinformatics | | | |
Biostars Tutorials | | | |
Rosalind | | | |
Table of Contents / Podcasts |
This Week in Microbiology by Vincent Racaniello | | | |
Nature Podcasts | | | |
Evolution Talk Podcast | | | |
The Naked Scientists' Podcasts | | | , with four biology related podcasts, The Naked Scientists, eLife, Naked Genetics, and Naked Neuroscience |
Table of Contents / Tools |
ResearchKit | 5,618 | 4 months ago | , Framework to create apps for medical research |
OMICS Tools | | | , A huge collection of tools |
bioconda-recipes | 1,653 | 3 months ago | , Conda recipes to install bioinformatics software |
PDBREMIX | 62 | about 7 years ago | , Library to analyze protein structures and protein simulations |
scikit-bio | | | , in development Python library for bioinformatics |
BioPython | | | , Python libraries that implement a rich set of modules to handle wide class of biological computations |
SciFeeds | | | , Aggregates science mentioned in articles, social media, and news media to help identify important scientific advances |
Linuxbrew | | | , port of Homebrew, a Mac OS package manager, for Linux |
Table of Contents / Journals |
Top Publications (Life Sciences) - Google Scholar | | | |
Annual Reviews | | | |
Cell Press | | | |
Current Opinion | | | |
Nature | | | |
Oxford Journals | | | |
PNAS | | | |
Science | | | |
Table of Contents / MOOCs |
Bioinformatics: Journey to the Frontier of Computational Biology Specialization | | | |
Complexity Explorer by Santa Fe Institute | | | |
Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression | | | |
Experimental Genome Science | | | |
EMBL-EBI Online Training Courses | | | |
Fundamentals of Biology - OCW.MIT | | | |
HarvardX's PH525-x Data Analysis Series | | | |
Introduction to Systems Biology | | | |
Introduction to Biomedical Imaging | | | |
Introduction to Human Evolution | | | |
Network Analysis in Systems Biology | | | |
Neuronal Dynamics: Computational Neuroscience of Single Neurons | | | |
Principles of Synthetic Biology | | | |
Principles of Biochemistry | | | |
Proteins: Biology's Workforce | | | | - Biology | | | |
Table of Contents / Competitions |
International Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM) | | | |
DREAM Challenges | | | |
ISCB Wikipedia Competition | | | |
Open Science Prize | | | |
sbv IMPROVER Challenges | | | |
Table of Contents / Conferences |
American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) | | | |
Biology of Genomes | | | |
Gordon Research Conferences | | | |
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) | | | |
RECOMB | | | |