
A curated list of awesome header-only C++ libraries


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Linked from 3 awesome lists


Table of Contents

sindresorhus/awesome 327,194 26 days ago

Argument Parsers

Argh! 1,328 7 months ago
adishavit/argh 1,328 7 months ago
argparse 2,618 15 days ago
p-ranav/argparse 2,618 15 days ago
args 1,375 4 months ago
Taywee/args 1,375 4 months ago
cmd_line_parser 24 over 1 year ago
jermp/cmd_line_parser 24 over 1 year ago
CLI11 3,310 12 days ago
CLIUtils/CLI11 3,310 12 days ago
clipp 1,202 4 months ago
muellan/clipp 1,202 4 months ago
cxxopts 4,181 about 1 month ago
jarro2783/cxxopts 4,181 about 1 month ago
fire-hpp 444 20 days ago
kongaskristjan/fire-hpp 444 20 days ago
flags 228 about 1 year ago
sailormoon/flags 228 about 1 year ago
structopt 455 14 days ago
p-ranav/structopt 455 14 days ago


miniaudio 3,963 23 days ago
mackron/miniaudio 3,963 23 days ago
minimp3 1,580 about 2 months ago
lieff/minimp3 1,580 about 2 months ago


criterion 211 almost 4 years ago
p-ranav/criterion 211 almost 4 years ago
nanobench 1,409 3 months ago
martinus/nanobench 1,409 3 months ago
picobench 208 7 months ago
iboB/picobench 208 7 months ago


comms 242 over 2 years ago
commschamp/comms_champion 242 over 2 years ago


Gzip 319 about 1 year ago
mapbox/gzip-hpp 319 about 1 year ago
interpolative_coding 28 over 1 year ago
jermp/interpolative_coding 28 over 1 year ago
zstr 295 almost 2 years ago
mateidavid/zstr 295 almost 2 years ago


cs_libguarded 224 11 days ago
copperspice/cs_libguarded 224 11 days ago
taskflow 10,091 11 days ago
taskflow/taskflow 10,091 11 days ago
task_system 39 about 4 years ago
p-ranav/task_system 39 about 4 years ago
transwarp 621 over 1 year ago
bloomen/transwarp 621 over 1 year ago
taskpool 10 over 3 years ago
fawdlstty/taskpool 10 over 3 years ago
thread-pool 441 14 days ago
DeveloperPaul123/thread-pool 441 14 days ago

Cryptography and Security

cppcodec 613 about 2 years ago
tplgy/cppcodec 613 about 2 years ago
digestpp 195 3 months ago
kerukuro/digestpp 195 3 months ago
PicoSHA2 656 about 2 years ago
okdshin/PicoSHA2 656 about 2 years ago
plusaes 184 4 months ago
kkAyataka/plusaes 184 4 months ago
stduuid 746 3 months ago
mariusbancila/stduuid 746 3 months ago



Data Formats

bencode 48 about 2 years ago
fbdtemme/bencode 48 about 2 years ago
Boost.JSON 430 12 days ago
CPPAlliance/json 430 12 days ago
cpptoml 582 12 months ago
skystrife/cpptoml 582 12 months ago
csv2 548 10 months ago
p-ranav/csv2 548 10 months ago
CSV Parser 901 3 months ago
vincentlaucsb/csv-parser 901 3 months ago
daw_json_link 470 2 days ago
beached/daw_json_link 470 2 days ago
Fast C++ CSV Parser 2,126 about 1 month ago
ben-strasser/fast-cpp-csv-parser 2,126 about 1 month ago
FlatJSON 28 almost 2 years ago
nixman/flatjson 28 almost 2 years ago
Glaze 1,123 10 days ago
stephenberry/glaze 1,123 10 days ago
inih 435 17 days ago
jtilly/inih 435 17 days ago
nlohmann/json 42,285 30 days ago
nlohmann/json 42,285 30 days ago
json_struct 418 16 days ago
jorgen/json_struct 418 16 days ago
jsoncons 702 about 1 month ago
danielaparker/jsoncons 702 about 1 month ago
minicsv 83 over 1 year ago
shaovoon/minicsv 83 over 1 year ago
picojson 1,116 3 months ago
kazuho/picojson 1,116 3 months ago
pugixml 3,969 23 days ago
zeux/pugixml 3,969 23 days ago
rapidcsv 887 7 days ago
d99kris/rapidcsv 887 7 days ago
rapidjson 14,181 11 days ago
Tencent/rapidjson 14,181 11 days ago
rapidxml 150 25 days ago
dwd/rapidxml 150 25 days ago
simdjson 19,162 14 days ago
simdjson/simdjson 19,162 14 days ago
simpleini 1,094 2 months ago
brofield/simpleini 1,094 2 months ago
taocpp JSON 592 3 months ago
taocpp/json 592 3 months ago
toml11 1,022 5 days ago
ToruNiina/toml11 1,022 5 days ago
tomlplusplus 1,528 about 1 month ago
marzer/tomlplusplus 1,528 about 1 month ago
tortellini 144 about 1 year ago
Qix-/tortellini 144 about 1 year ago
valijson 345 about 1 month ago
tristanpenman/valijson 345 about 1 month ago
xml2json 299 about 4 years ago
Cheedoong/xml2json 299 about 4 years ago

Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning

davisking/dlib 13,457 5 days ago
frugally deep 1,062 3 months ago
Dobiasd/frugally-deep 1,062 3 months ago
gaenari 26 over 2 years ago
greenfish77/gaenari 26 over 2 years ago
hnswlib 4,300 about 2 months ago
nmslib/hnswlib 4,300 about 2 months ago
MiniDNN 391 over 3 years ago
yixuan/MiniDNN 391 over 3 years ago
mlpack 5,044 5 days ago
mlpack/mlpack 5,044 5 days ago
nanoflann 2,210 about 1 month ago
jlblancoc/nanoflann 2,210 about 1 month ago
tiny-dnn 5,833 over 2 years ago
tiny-dnn/tiny-dnn 5,833 over 2 years ago

Data Formatting and Presentation

asap 76 over 1 year ago
mobius3/asap 76 over 1 year ago
cxx prettyprint 556 almost 2 years ago
louisdx/cxx-prettyprint 556 almost 2 years ago
emio 131 8 days ago
Viatorus/emio 131 8 days ago
fmt 20,506 12 days ago
fmtlib/fmt 20,506 12 days ago
pprint 910 over 4 years ago
p-ranav/pprint 910 over 4 years ago
strf 70 3 months ago
robhz786/strf 70 3 months ago
tabulate 1,909 3 months ago
p-ranav/tabulate 1,909 3 months ago

Data Querying

boolinq 625 over 1 year ago
louisdx/cxx-prettyprint 556 almost 2 years ago

Data Structures and Algorithms

BitMagic 411 about 1 month ago
tlk00/BitMagic 411 about 1 month ago
concurrent queue 9,837 over 1 year ago
cameron314/concurrentqueue 9,837 over 1 year ago
dynamic bitset 152 12 days ago
pinam45/dynamic_bitset 152 12 days ago
frozen 1,302 about 1 month ago
serge-sans-paille/frozen 1,302 about 1 month ago
hopscotch map 725 12 days ago
Tessil/hopscotch-map 725 12 days ago
immer 2,488 17 days ago
arximboldi/immer 2,488 17 days ago
MPMCQueue 1,173 7 months ago
rigtorp/MPMCQueue 1,173 7 months ago
outcome 703 4 days ago
ned14/outcome 703 4 days ago
parallel hashmap 2,483 14 days ago
greg7mdp/parallel-hashmap 2,483 14 days ago
PGM-index 775 5 months ago
gvinciguerra/PGM-index 775 5 months ago
robin-hood hashing 1,514 over 1 year ago
martinus/robin-hood-hashing 1,514 over 1 year ago
robin-map 1,254 13 days ago
Tessil/robin-map 1,254 13 days ago
sfl-library 58 2 months ago
slavenf/sfl-library 58 2 months ago
small 133 2 months ago
alandefreitas/small 133 2 months ago
tries 12 about 4 years ago
gutjuri/tries 12 about 4 years ago


backward-cpp 3,743 3 months ago
bombela/backward-cpp 3,743 3 months ago

Deep Learning

ceras 120 24 days ago
fengwang/ceras 120 24 days ago

Dependency Injection

inversify-cpp 14 about 1 year ago
mosure/inversify-cpp 14 about 1 year ago

Event Handling Mechanisms

eventbus 120 10 days ago
developerpaul123/eventbus 120 10 days ago
eventpp 1,343 7 months ago
wqking/eventpp 1,343 7 months ago
periodic-function 26 about 2 years ago
developerpaul123/periodic-function 26 about 2 years ago

File System

simplebinstream 28 almost 5 years ago
shaovoon/simplebinstream 28 almost 5 years ago
filesystem 1,333 5 months ago
gulrak/filesystem 1,333 5 months ago
glob 244 6 months ago
p-ranav/glob 244 6 months ago
llfio 847 30 days ago
ned14/llfio 847 30 days ago
mio 1,701 8 months ago
mandreyel/mio 1,701 8 months ago
mm_file 25 about 1 month ago
jermp/mm_file 25 about 1 month ago
tinydir 802 7 months ago
cxong/tinydir 802 7 months ago

Functional Programming

FunctionalPlus 2,096 about 2 months ago
Dobiasd/FunctionalPlus 2,096 about 2 months ago
immer 2,488 17 days ago
arximboldi/immer 2,488 17 days ago
lager 704 5 days ago
arximboldi/lager 704 5 days ago
schmutz 45 9 days ago
jeremyong/Selene 813 over 5 years ago
zug 229 6 months ago
arximboldi/zug 229 6 months ago

Geometry, Graphics Processing, and Game Development

arcball_camera 89 about 8 years ago
nlguillemot/arcball_camera 89 about 8 years ago
Brutus 5 7 months ago
samfromcadott/brutus 5 7 months ago
cinolib 898 24 days ago
mlivesu/cinolib 898 24 days ago
cr 1,555 about 1 month ago
fungos/cr 1,555 about 1 month ago
CxxSwizzle 186 9 months ago
gwiazdorrr/CxxSwizzle 186 9 months ago
earcut.hpp 855 9 months ago
mapbox/earcut.hpp 855 9 months ago
entt 10,050 11 days ago
skypjack/entt 10,050 11 days ago
glm 9,130 about 2 months ago
g-truc/glm 9,130 about 2 months ago
librg 1,263 6 months ago
zpl-c/librg 1,263 6 months ago
micro-gl 264 30 days ago
micro-gl/micro-gl 264 30 days ago
nanort 1,069 20 days ago
lighttransport/nanort 1,069 20 days ago
px 469 12 months ago
pplux/px 469 12 months ago
Simple OpenGL Loader 86 about 2 years ago
tsherif/simple-opengl-loader 86 about 2 years ago
Sokol 6,865 13 days ago
floooh/sokol 6,865 13 days ago
stb 26,530 about 2 months ago
nothings/stb 26,530 about 2 months ago
Swarmz 132 almost 5 years ago
Cultrarius/Swarmz 132 almost 5 years ago
tiny-differentiable-simulator 1,192 about 1 month ago
google-research/tiny-differentiable-simulator 1,192 about 1 month ago
tinygltf 2,002 about 2 months ago
syoyo/tinygltf 2,002 about 2 months ago
tweeny 736 6 months ago
mobius3/tweeny 736 6 months ago
Vookoo 523 4 months ago
andy-thomason/Vookoo 523 4 months ago
voxelizer 626 almost 3 years ago
karimnaaji/voxelizer 626 almost 3 years ago


thrust 4,909 8 months ago
thrust/thrust 4,909 8 months ago
vuda 857 9 months ago
jgbit/vuda 857 9 months ago
muda 145 8 days ago
MuGdxy/muda 145 8 days ago


CXXGraph 451 16 days ago
ZigRazor/CXXGraph 451 16 days ago
Graaf 133 14 days ago
bobluppes/graaf 133 14 days ago


Centurion 304 about 2 months ago
albin-johansson/centurion 304 about 2 months ago
GuiLite 7,350 10 months ago
idea4good/GuiLite 7,350 10 months ago
Nuklear 9,152 3 days ago
Immediate-Mode-UI/Nuklear 9,152 3 days ago
WinLamb 336 2 months ago
rodrigocfd/winlamb 336 2 months ago

High-performance Computing

MPL 170 9 months ago
rabauke/mpl 170 9 months ago
Message Passing Interface A C++11 message passing library based on the standard

HTTP and the Web

cinatra 1,848 8 days ago
qicosmos/cinatra 1,848 8 days ago
cpp-httplib 12,824 8 days ago
yhirose/cpp-httplib 12,824 8 days ago
jwt-cpp 871 about 1 month ago
Thalhammer/jwt-cpp 871 about 1 month ago
RESTinio 1,152 about 2 months ago
Stiffstream/restinio 1,152 about 2 months ago
cuehttp 38 over 2 years ago
xcyl/cuehttp 38 over 2 years ago
libfv 125 about 1 year ago
fawdlstty/libfv 125 about 1 year ago
NetIF 14 3 months ago
GMLC-TDC/netif 14 3 months ago

Image Processing

BitmapPlusPlus 33 about 1 month ago
BaderEddineOuaich/BitmapPlusPlus 33 about 1 month ago
CImg 1,487 9 days ago
dtschump/CImg 1,487 9 days ago
color-util 98 11 months ago
yuki-koyama/color-util 98 11 months ago
color 171 5 months ago
dmilos/color 171 5 months ago
nanopm 70 over 3 years ago
unclearness/nanopm 70 over 3 years ago

Language Bindings

jni.hpp 404 6 months ago
mapbox/jni.hpp 404 6 months ago
pybind11 15,526 16 days ago
pybind/pybind11 15,526 16 days ago
Selene 813 over 5 years ago
jeremyong/Selene 813 over 5 years ago
Sol 4,171 about 2 months ago
ThePhD/sol2 4,171 about 2 months ago
v8pp 900 3 months ago
pmed/v8pp 900 3 months ago

Language Development

Command Interpreter 438 almost 3 years ago
empirical-soft/command-interpreter 438 almost 3 years ago


easyloggingpp 3,767 6 months ago
amrayn/easyloggingpp 3,767 6 months ago
plog 2,190 3 months ago
SergiusTheBest/plog 2,190 3 months ago
spdlog 24,031 12 days ago
gabime/spdlog 24,031 12 days ago


amgcl 725 5 months ago
ddemidov/amgcl 725 5 months ago
dj_fft 168 about 1 year ago
jdupuy/dj_fft 168 about 1 year ago
ArashPartow/exprtk 629 4 months ago
fpm 648 29 days ago
MikeLankamp/fpm 648 29 days ago
kfr 1,656 18 days ago
kfrlib/kfr 1,656 18 days ago
libmorton 590 about 1 year ago
Forceflow/libmorton 590 about 1 year ago
linalg 854 over 1 year ago
sgorsten/linalg 854 over 1 year ago
matplotlib-cpp 4,366 11 months ago
lava/matplotlib-cpp 4,366 11 months ago
matrix 82 7 months ago
fengwang/matrix 82 7 months ago
NumCpp 3,525 10 months ago
dpilger26/NumCpp 3,525 10 months ago
random 905 about 2 months ago
effolkronium/random 905 about 2 months ago
spectra 740 2 months ago
yixuan/spectra 740 2 months ago
universal 402 19 days ago
stillwater-sc/universal 402 19 days ago

Memory Management

ugc 266 about 1 month ago
bullno1/ugc 266 about 1 month ago


FakeIt 1,241 4 months ago
eranpeer/FakeIt 1,241 4 months ago
trompeloeil 802 6 days ago
rollbear/trompeloeil 802 6 days ago


asio 4,869 about 2 months ago
chriskohlhoff/asio 4,869 about 2 months ago
asio-grpc 359 19 days ago
Tradias/asio-grpc 359 19 days ago
brynet 1,048 about 1 month ago
IronsDu/brynet 1,048 about 1 month ago
cppzmq 1,950 about 2 months ago
zeromq/cppzmq 1,950 about 2 months ago
uvw 1,854 about 1 month ago
skypjack/uvw 1,854 about 1 month ago


ensmallen 742 about 1 month ago
mlpack/ensmallen 742 about 1 month ago


lexertl14 47 28 days ago
BenHanson/lexertl14 47 28 days ago
Matcheroni & Parseroni 199 about 2 months ago
aappleby/matcheroni 199 about 2 months ago
parsertl14 32 21 days ago
BenHanson/parsertl14 32 21 days ago

Parsing Expression Grammars

cpp-peglib 889 about 1 month ago
yhirose/cpp-peglib 889 about 1 month ago
lug 68 about 2 months ago
jwtowner/lug 68 about 2 months ago
PEGTL 1,926 20 days ago
taocpp/PEGTL 1,926 20 days ago

Portability Definitions

hedley 768 15 days ago
nemequ/hedley 768 15 days ago


better-enums 1,656 8 months ago
magic_enum 4,816 13 days ago
Neargye/magic_enum 4,816 13 days ago
meta 581 over 4 years ago
skypjack/meta 581 over 4 years ago
nameof 2,050 16 days ago
Neargye/nameof 2,050 16 days ago
refl-cpp 1,074 almost 2 years ago
veselink1/refl-cpp 1,074 almost 2 years ago
visit_struct 493 over 1 year ago
garbageslam/visit_struct 493 over 1 year ago

Regular Expression

compile-time regular expressions 3,315 14 days ago
hanickadot/compile-time-regular-expressions 3,315 14 days ago
SRELL 10 8 days ago
ZimProjects/SRELL 10 8 days ago


manif 1,473 about 1 month ago
artivis/manif 1,473 about 1 month ago


alpaca 463 3 months ago
p-ranav/alpaca 463 3 months ago
cereal 4,181 about 2 months ago
USCiLab/cereal 4,181 about 2 months ago
essentials 15 4 months ago
jermp/essentials 15 4 months ago
fuser 53 over 4 years ago
Xeverous/fuser 53 over 4 years ago
YAS 731 7 months ago
niXman/yas 731 7 months ago
cista 1,788 12 days ago
felixguendling/cista 1,788 12 days ago


libsimdpp 1,226 about 1 month ago
p12tic/libsimdpp 1,226 about 1 month ago
simde 2,346 13 days ago
simd-everywhere/simde 2,346 13 days ago
tsimd 343 over 3 years ago
ospray/tsimd 343 over 3 years ago

Standard/Support Libraries

bitflags 86 about 3 years ago
m-peko/bitflags 86 about 3 years ago
cpp-typelist 11 over 3 years ago
dave-hagedorn/cpp-typelist 11 over 3 years ago
expected 1,520 9 months ago
TartanLlama/expected 1,520 9 months ago
expected-lite 375 2 months ago
martinmoene/expected-lite 375 2 months ago
flux 484 25 days ago
tcbrindle/flux 484 25 days ago
gsl 6,154 3 months ago
microsoft/GSL 6,154 3 months ago
gsl-lite 890 10 months ago
gsl-lite/gsl-lite 890 10 months ago
hana 1,688 about 2 months ago
boostorg/hana 1,688 about 2 months ago
itlib 154 11 days ago
iboB/itlib 154 11 days ago
leaf 306 8 days ago
boostorg/leaf 306 8 days ago
libunifex 1,459 9 days ago
facebookexperimental/libunifex 1,459 9 days ago
facebookexperimental/libunifex 1,459 9 days ago
match(it) 560 almost 2 years ago
BowenFu/matchit.cpp 560 almost 2 years ago
mp11 239 18 days ago
boostorg/mp11 239 18 days ago
NanoRange 358 over 3 years ago
tcbrindle/NanoRange 358 over 3 years ago
numeric_ranges 30 over 4 years ago
tcbrindle/numeric_ranges 30 over 4 years ago
optional 857 4 months ago
TartanLlama/optional 857 4 months ago
optional-lite 403 4 months ago
martinmoene/optional-lite 403 4 months ago
range-v3 4,110 about 1 month ago
ericniebler/range-v3 4,110 about 1 month ago
rangesnext 72 over 1 year ago
cor3ntin/rangesnext 72 over 1 year ago
span-lite 497 4 months ago
martinmoene/span-lite 497 4 months ago
string-view-lite 421 4 months ago
martinmoene/string-view-lite 421 4 months ago
uberswitch 94 12 months ago
falemagn/uberswitch 94 12 months ago
variant-lite 239 4 months ago
martinmoene/variant-lite 239 4 months ago
Windows Implementation Libraries (WIL) 2,570 5 days ago
microsoft/wil 2,570 5 days ago

State Machine

hfsm2 469 4 months ago
andrew-gresyk/HFSM2 469 4 months ago
hsm 189 almost 2 years ago
erikzenker/hsm 189 almost 2 years ago
tinyfsm 929 3 months ago
digint/tinyfsm 929 3 months ago
SMLite 11 6 months ago
fawdlstty/SMLite 11 6 months ago
cuestate 6 almost 4 years ago
xcyl/cuestate 6 almost 4 years ago


histogram 315 about 2 months ago
boostorg/histogram 315 about 2 months ago
kalman 1,298 about 1 year ago
mherb/kalman 1,298 about 1 year ago
stats 514 over 1 year ago
kthohr/stats 514 over 1 year ago

String Utilities

utf-cpp 131 8 months ago
ww898/utf-cpp 131 8 months ago
wildcards 78 7 months ago
zemasoft/wildcards 78 7 months ago

Templating Engines

inja 1,636 16 days ago
pantor/inja 1,636 16 days ago

Terminal Utilities

indicators 2,972 2 months ago
p-ranav/indicators 2,972 2 months ago
rang 1,480 2 months ago
agauniyal/rang 1,480 2 months ago
termcolor 823 about 2 months ago
ikalnytskyi/termcolor 823 about 2 months ago

Testing Frameworks

ApprovalTests.cpp 317 about 2 months ago
approvals/ApprovalTests.cpp 317 about 2 months ago
Catch2 18,501 18 days ago
catchorg/Catch2 18,501 18 days ago
doctest 5,840 25 days ago
onqtam/doctest 5,840 25 days ago
iutest 65 7 months ago
srz-zumix/iutest 65 7 months ago
lest 388 19 days ago
martinmoene/lest 388 19 days ago
snitch 258 about 1 month ago
cschreib/snitch 258 about 1 month ago
ut 1,249 23 days ago
boost-ext/ut 1,249 23 days ago


cpp-unicodelib 93 10 months ago
yhirose/cpp-unicodelib 93 10 months ago
uni-algo 264 9 months ago
uni-algo/uni-algo 264 9 months ago


LLNL/units 142 3 months ago
LLNL/units 142 3 months ago
mpusz/units 1,066 4 days ago
mpusz/units 1,066 4 days ago
nholthaus/units 953 5 months ago
nholthaus/units 953 5 months ago
SI 489 10 months ago
bernedom/SI 489 10 months ago


cpp-validator 56 4 months ago
evgeniums/cpp-validator 56 4 months ago

Web Frameworks

crow 7,473 4 months ago
ipkn/crow 7,473 4 months ago

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