
chart_with_upwards_trend A curated list of awesome data visualization libraries and resources.


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last commit: 8 months ago
Linked from 10 awesome lists


Awesome Dataviz / JavaScript tools / Charting libraries

ApexCharts Modern & Interactive SVG Charts
Chart.js Charts with the canvas tag
Chartist.js Responsive charts with great browser compatibility
dc.js 7,421 2 months ago is an multi-Dimensional charting built to work natively with crossfilter
Dygraphs Interactive line charts library that works with huge datasets
Echarts 60,265 5 days ago Highly customizable and interactive charts ready for big datasets
Epoch 4,968 over 5 years ago Perfect to create real-time charts
Google Charts Interactive charts for browsers and mobile devices
G2 an interactive and responsive charting library based on the grammar of graphics, maintained by Alibaba
GraphicsJS Lightweight JS graphics library with intuitive API, based on SVG/VML
lit-line 19 7 months ago SVG Line Chart Web Component - light, fast, interactive & fully responsive
MetricsGraphics.js Optimized for time-series data
NVD3 7,218 about 1 year ago A reusable charting library written in d3.js
Plotly.js 16,922 8 days ago Powerful declarative library with support for 20 chart types
React wrapper 4,514 4 months ago
TechanJS Stock and financial charts
TOAST UI Chart 5,341 about 1 year ago Complete library with support for legacy browsers
Vizzu 1,903 4 days ago Library for animated data visualizations and data stories

Awesome Dataviz / JavaScript tools / Charting libraries for graphs

Cola.js A tool to create diagrams using constraint-based optimization techniques. Works with d3 and svg.js
Cytoscape.js JavaScript library for graph drawing maintained by core developers
Sigma.js JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing
VivaGraph 3,759 about 1 month ago Graph drawing library for JavaScript
G6 11,048 15 days ago Graph visualization library powered by Javascript & Typescript, maintained by Alibaba
diagram.js 1,680 16 days ago Javascript diagram library serving as the basis for camunda's online BPMN modeler
Uber React Digraph 2,618 about 1 year ago React.js based directed graph library maintained by UBER

Awesome Dataviz / JavaScript tools / Maps

CARTO 2,748 4 months ago CARTO is an open source tool that allows for the storage and visualization of geospatial data on the web
Cesium 12,797 4 days ago WebGL 3D globes and maps WebGL framework for visual exploratory data analysis of large datasets
L7 3,627 about 2 months ago Large-scale WebGL-powered Geospatial Data Visualization analysis framework, maintained by Alibaba
L7 Plot 83 3 months ago Geospatial Visualization Chart Library, maintained by Alibaba
DataMaps 3,781 over 1 year ago Interactive SVG maps using D3.js
Dipper 28 over 1 year ago Map application development framework powered by L7, maintained by Alibaba
Leaflet JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
Mapael 1,011 over 2 years ago jQuery plugin based on raphael.js to display vector maps

Awesome Dataviz / JavaScript tools / d3

Awesome D3 5,193 over 1 year ago See

Awesome Dataviz / JavaScript tools / React

BizCharts 6,165 12 months ago Data visualization library based on and React
Graphin 1,019 about 2 months ago Graph visualization library powered by React & Typescript (built on top of G6, maintained by Alibaba
React-vis 8,727 26 days ago React components to build data visualizations
Recharts 23,790 3 days ago Declarative react components to render D3 charts
Victory Composable components for building interactive data visualizations
nivo 13,090 about 2 months ago Supercharged dataviz components for React with isomorphic ability,
React Svg Textures 30 over 6 years ago Textures.js ported to React. Fully isomorphic
DevExtreme React Chart High-performance plugin-based React chart for Bootstrap and Material Design

Awesome Dataviz / React Native

F2 7,884 16 days ago An elegant, interactive and flexible charting library for mobile, maintained by Alibaba

Awesome Dataviz / React Native / Misc

Graphology 1,249 17 days ago A robust & multipurpose Graph object for javascript & TypeScript; Serves as a base library to power other graph visualization libraries
Piecon 2,317 almost 2 years ago Pie charts in your favicon
Textures.js A library to create SVG patterns
Timeline.js Create interactive timelines
Vega Vega is a visualization grammar, a declarative format for creating, saving, and sharing interactive visualization designs
Vega-Lite is a high-level grammar of interactive graphics. It provides a concise JSON syntax for rapidly generating visualizations to support analysis
Vis.js A dynamic visualization library including timeline, networks and graphs (2D and 3D)

Awesome Dataviz / Android tools

DecoView 991 over 2 years ago Animated circular wheel chart library
MPAndroidChart 37,558 about 2 months ago A powerful & easy to use chart library
WilliamChart 5,093 about 1 year ago Simple chart library

Awesome Dataviz / C++ tools

LargeVis 706 over 1 year ago implementation of the , used to visualize large-scale and high-dimensional data
PlotJuggler 4,366 about 2 months ago open-source Qt5 application to plot charts (based on Qwt)
Visualization Toolkit (VTK) open-source library for 3d Graphics, image processing and visualization

Awesome Dataviz / Golang tools

svgo 2,144 almost 2 years ago Go Language Library for SVG generation
plot 2,730 3 months ago API for building and drawing plots in Go
go-echars 6,511 14 days ago Simple yet powerful data visualizing library for Go

Awesome Dataviz / iOS tools

BEMSimpleLineGraph 2,654 over 5 years ago Highly customizable and interactive line graphs
Charts 27,532 about 2 months ago iOS port of MPAndroidChart. You can create charts for both platforms with very similar code
JBChartView 3,735 about 6 years ago Charting library for both line and bar graphs
PNChart 9,712 over 6 years ago A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan

Awesome Dataviz / Machine Learning tools

TensorWatch 3,412 about 1 year ago Debugging and visualization tool for data science and machine learning

Awesome Dataviz / Python tools

altair Declarative statistical visualizations, based on Vega-Lite
bokeh Interactive Web Plotting for Python
Chartify 3,527 7 months ago Bokeh wrapper that makes it easy for data scientists to create charts
diagram 405 over 2 years ago Text mode diagrams using UTF-8 characters
ggplot 3,698 over 1 year ago plotting system based on ggplot2
glumpy 1,235 10 months ago OpenGL scientific visualizations library
holoviews Complex and declarative visualizations from annotated data
ipychart 107 about 1 month ago The power of Chart.js in Jupyter Notebook
mayai interactive scientific data visualization and 3D plotting in Python
matplotlib 2D plotting library
missingno 3,913 5 months ago provides flexible toolset of data-visualization utilities that allows quick visual summary of the completeness of your dataset, based on matplotlib
plotly Interactive web based visualization built on top of
pptk 613 about 4 years ago Visualize and work with 2D/3D pointclouds
PyQtGraph Interactive and realtime 2D/3D/Image plotting and science/engineering widgets
PyVista 2,622 10 days ago – 3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK)
seaborn A library for making attractive and informative statistical graphics
toyplot The kid-sized plotting toolkit for Python with grownup-sized goals 111 over 1 year ago Easy to use 3D library based on PyOpenGL. Inspired by Three.js
veusz Python multiplatform GUI plotting tool and graphing library
VisPy High-performance scientific visualization based on OpenGL
vtk 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization that includes a Python interface
pandas-profiling 12,415 8 days ago generates statistical analytic reports with visualization for quick data analysis
pyechars 14,796 3 months ago Python binding for Echarts library

Awesome Dataviz / R tools

ggplot2 A plotting system based on the grammar of graphics
ggvis A data visualization package with a syntax similar to ggplot2 which allows you to create rich interactive graphics
lattice trellis graphics for R
plotly 2,544 15 days ago Interactive charts (including adding interactivity to ggplot2 output), cartograms and simple network diagrams
rbokeh R Interface to Bokeh
rgl 3D Visualization Using OpenGL
shiny Framework for creating interactive applications/visualisations
visNetwork Interactive network visualisations

Awesome Dataviz / Ruby tools

Chartkick 6,331 about 2 months ago Create charts with one line of Ruby

Awesome Dataviz / Markup-based tools

mermaidjs A simple markdown-like script language for generating charts from text via javascript Draws your Timing Diagram or Waveform from simple textual description

Awesome Dataviz / Other tools

Charted 2,753 almost 7 years ago A charting tool that produces automatic, shareable charts from any data file
Gephi 5,880 27 days ago An open-source platform for visualizing and manipulating large graphs Geospatial analysis tool for large-scale data sets
Mermaid 70,937 10 days ago A tool used to generate diagrams and flowcharts from text in a similar manner as markdown
RAW Create web visualizations from CSV or Excel files
Spark 6,002 over 2 years ago Sparklines for the shell. It have several
Visual-Insights 4,195 about 2 months ago Automatic insights extraction and visualization specification in data analysis
X6 diagram creation library for rapid construction of DAG diagrams, ER diagrams, flowcharts and other applications, maintained by Alibaba
Graphviz Open source graph visualization command line tool and library. From input text to SVG,PDF,interactive web graph browser

Resources / Books

Design for Information by Isabel Meirelles
The Best American Infographics 2014 by Gareth Cook
The Grammar of Graphics by Leland Wilkinson. Basic visualization theory
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte
The Wall Street Journal Guide to Information Graphics by Dona M. Wong
Visualization Analysis and Design by Tamara Munzner
Interactive Data Visualization for the Web by Scott Murray. Available to read online. Focused on D3
Data Visualization Toolkit by Barrett Austin Clark. Uses D3, Ruby on Rails, Postgres, PostGIS, & Leaflet
Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design by Andy Kirk

Resources / Catalogs

The Data Visualization Catalogue A collection of data visualization methods, with pros and cons
Data Viz Project
The R Graph Gallery
From data to Viz
Interactive Chart Chooser by Depict Data Studio

Resources / Catalogs / Wikipedia

Data visualization techniques
List of graphical methods
Types of diagrams
Types of plots
Types of charts

Resources / Podcasts

Data Stories
Data Viz Today

Resources / Twitter accounts

Alberto Cairo
Andrei Kashcha
Benjamin Wiederkehr
Jan Žák
Mara Averick
Martin Wattenberg
Mike Bostock
Nadieh Bremer
NYT Graphics

Resources / Websites

Data For Visualization blog - Storytelling with data from the software developer's eye
Ann K. Emery 's blog
Data Visualization Society The Data Visualization Society is an organization dedicated to fostering community for data visualization professionals
Information is Beautiful
Junk Charts Kaiser Fung takes apart why certain datavizes work/don't work
Lisa Rost thinks and discusses about why we dataviz
Makeover Monday blog - on twitter
The Open News blog - Open news has some good dataviz related articles from time to time
The Pudding
Truth & Beauty Operations
University of Washington Interactive Data Lab Papers Random thoughts on visualization and data journalism by Gregor Aisch

Contributors Fabio Souto originally createad this repo, connect with Fabio at
Javier Luraschi is the current maintainer, he builds predictive visualizations at

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