
A curated list of awesome libraries, snippets, guides, and projects for GameMaker.


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Awesome GameMaker / Getting Started

GameMaker Manual
GameMaker Release Notes
GameMaker Marketplace
Beginner GameMaker Tutorials Tutorials from Shaun Spalding. A comprehensive introduction to basic features of the IDE. Highly recommended to check out the full playlist if you're a complete beginner
Advanced GameMaker Tutorials Tutorials from DragoniteSpam that dive into more advanced topics related to the GML language. They also have comprehensive 3D and shader introduction videos

Awesome GameMaker / Getting Started / Recommendations

Aseprite For pixel art, is a popular alternative to the native sprite editor. 💸

Awesome GameMaker / Getting Started / Recommendations / Aseprite

Aseprite's source code 28,894 3 days ago can be compiled for free

Awesome GameMaker / Getting Started / Recommendations

Git LFS Schedule routine backups for projects. If you are dealing with larger media files in your repo, try

Awesome GameMaker / Utilities

gm-core Foundational utility suite and a great starting point for new GameMaker projects. Comes with quality of life methods, networking tools, testing framework, delta timing, and more
FAST 30 over 2 years ago Flexible Assistant Toolkit. Similar to gm-core but comes with input and resolution handling
Stitch Pipeline Development Kit. Includes cross-project imports, batch-creating/updating sprites and sounds, texture page management, and more. Tested on Windows only
DDDEditor 33 3 months ago General purpose game editor
handytools 61 4 months ago A collection of Juju's libraries in one convenient project
GameMaker Scaffolding 10 9 months ago Another cool all-encompassing template with a focus on building low-res, tile-based games
Iota 37 about 2 months ago Lightweight timestep library
Stopwatch 5 almost 2 years ago GameMaker alarm replacement
wTimer Robust alternative for alarms
FrogAlarm 3 over 2 years ago Another easy alternative to GameMaker alarms
fuwafuwa 6 about 2 years ago Easy-to-use timer system
Timer 3 over 4 years ago Timer methods based on setTimeout and setInterval from JS
Broadcast 13 over 2 years ago Event handling library
Polarca 10 7 months ago Interpolation functions
Twerp Easing function similar to lerp()
Coroutines 73 about 2 months ago Asynchronous functions for GameMaker
GML-OOP 28 about 1 month ago A constructor library for operating the primary functionalities of GameMaker
GML-Classes 12 5 months ago Another project that adds OOP functionality to GameMaker
Map 2 over 4 years ago Hash table implementations
Matrices 4 8 months ago A collection of matrix handling scripts
gm-stream 6 over 2 years ago Data structure manipulation
Promises 22 about 1 year ago An adaptation of JavaScript Promises
Destructors 22 almost 2 years ago Allows you to use ds_* types such as lists and maps inside of structs
SNAP 88 24 days ago Easy data format saving and loading. Please note that newer versions of GameMaker contain and . However, if you are converting csv, ini, xml, etc, you may find this very useful
Dynamo 30 about 2 months ago Dynamic data loader
LWO 8 about 3 years ago Lightweight objects using structs
Gumshoe 9 7 months ago Simple deep file search function
Lock And Key 8 about 4 years ago String and file encryption
Mathematical Scripts 13 over 1 year ago A collection of math scripts
Seedpod 26 about 1 year ago A collection of scripts to improve the GML programming experience
Trixscript Juices up your game with useful functions
CoreExtension 10 over 2 years ago A collection of CC0 programming libraries. (archived)
Voxeledphoton's FreeGMScripts 2 over 1 year ago Additional GML helper functions. Some may be out of date with 2.3+ syntax
ForEach 21 almost 4 years ago Adds a foreach implementation for arrays, ds_lists, ds_maps, ds_stacks, ds_queues, ds_priorities and structs
DeepCopy 11 over 1 year ago Deep clone class instances / constructed structs, anonymous structs and arrays nested in any order!
Motion Scripts Provides replacement methods for built-in motion variables
Cottonwool 14 3 months ago Safe surfaces without memory leaks
Canvas 12 3 months ago Another great solution for surface management
zlib functions Simple compression/decompression functions
Window Taskbar Windows only. Flash the game window border and/or its taskbar button
GMSDLL 14 4 months ago A template project for building DLLs for GameMaker
Extension Collection A suite of various extensions
GMLodash 22 almost 3 years ago Functional programming in GML
Autoframer 5 over 3 years ago Automatically handles resizing the game view across different display and window sizes
gameframe 13 20 days ago Custom window caption and border for Windows
GML+ A script collection with a goal to "fill the gaps" in GML. 💸
GMLive Livecoding / interactive programming. 💸
GMEdit 312 about 2 months ago Code editor to use in conjunction with GameMaker
YYP Maker Makes files for you
Rubber 30 over 3 years ago Compile GameMaker projects via the command line. Here's a on how to use it
gml-highscorer 6 about 1 month ago Highscore and trophy system
SSave 33 9 months ago Simple file saving system
GMD3D11 17 5 months ago A DLL for interfacing with Windows Direct3D
GMTimeLine 3 almost 2 years ago A pure code alternative to GameMaker timelines
Catspeak 91 23 days ago Cross-platform programming language for modding support
GMBenchmark 22 11 months ago A tool to benchmark GML code
Agenda 2 over 1 year ago Schedule and delay the execution of callbacks
GMSnip Experimental tool to define unlimited code snippets in the IDE
Airkiver 0 11 months ago Game file archive tool
OKColor 38 6 months ago An okay color manager for implementing OKLab/OKLCH colors
Exception 11 over 1 year ago A base class for custom exceptions
ArrayList 14 almost 4 years ago The most complete list class. Garbage collected, fast sort function, [] accessor and referencing as an array
GM Sysinfo 8 10 months ago Cross-platform extension for getting system information and resource usage

Awesome GameMaker / Debugging

rt-shell 77 about 1 year ago Easy to use in-game shell. Create your own commands, command meta data, command suggestions, history, etc
Olympus 15 5 months ago Testing Framework
Crispy 39 2 months ago Unit testing in GameMaker
Snitch 28 about 2 months ago Crash and logging system
DeerLog Small log writer
gms2-test 23 almost 2 years ago Unit testing framework
Meta 7 about 4 years ago Runtime asset inspector
FPS Speedometer Pretty framerate display
Duck 12 9 months ago A fast GML analyzer to enforce code styling and detect errors
Gobo 22 4 months ago An opinionated code formatter for GML
Inspectron 6 4 months ago A fluent API for easily creating GameMaker debug views

Awesome GameMaker / Input Handling

Input 2 about 1 month ago No nonsense gamepad/keyboard library
XeroInput Another library to handle multiple inputs for a single action
InputCandy 12 4 months ago Similar to Input as it acts as a wrapper for SDL, but also provides testing, on-screen diagnostics, and some other UI components related to peripherals
Good Vibes 18 almost 2 years ago Device vibration
Mouse Queue 6 3 months ago Tracks the Windows mouse pointer with high precision
Native Cursors System-level custom cursors. 💸

Awesome GameMaker / User Interface

Scribble 335 17 days ago Efficient multi-effects text renderer
Scripture Another easy to use, highly compatible text renderer
Chatterbox 125 16 days ago Narrative scripting tool
Textboxy 64 over 1 year ago Simple textboxes
Crochet 63 almost 3 years ago An interactive dialogue editor for writers and programmers
NotificationSystem 33 9 months ago Notifications in GameMaker
YUI 49 about 1 month ago A UI system with live reloading, template system, data binding, and a drag and drop feature
Guido 23 over 5 years ago Simple immediate mode GUI framework
GMUI-Framework 26 about 3 years ago A pure GML solution to structure and control your menus, drawing parallels to .NET UI
GMS2-UI-Library 14 over 6 years ago A Library Full of useful scripts for implementing your UI designs in GameMaker
Emu UI 39 5 months ago Common UI elements (text input, checkboxes, radio buttons, dialog boxes, etc)
Easy And Fast Menu Simple implementation to have a menu up and running in seconds. Seems like a great fit if you're not looking for a bigger solution like GMUI
Pause Menu Another smaller implementation but has a cool animation between menu options
Magpie Generic Inventory System
ImGuiGML DLL/GML wrapper of Dear ImGui
GUI Framework GUI implementation from Niris Games
Menu Tutorial FriendlyCosmonaut
Smart Clickable GUI Pixelated Pope
zitk 4 over 2 years ago Another interesting, Dear ImGui-inspired GUI toolkit. In development, but worth keeping an eye on
gooey Sprite-based UI Library for GameMaker LTS
SimpleUI 8 5 months ago Minimalistic UI framework

Awesome GameMaker / Localization

polyglot 21 8 months ago Localization library
gm-i18n 13 over 1 year ago Internationalization of texts simply and quickly, using JSON files
lexicon 36 about 2 months ago Another localization solution focused on simplifying implementation
GMLocalize 4 over 2 years ago Not a full localization solution. Extracts text strings for localization from a GameMaker Studio 2 project and saves it to a JSON file
Small Pentapop Localization Tool 10 over 2 years ago Similar export tool to GMLocalize but exports to a csv
gms2-mofile 3 9 months ago Mofile reader used for localization

Awesome GameMaker / Physics

Loj Hadron Collider 37 almost 2 years ago A robust, pixel-perfect collision engine
On Slopes and Grids A tutorial to implement 45° slopes
GMS2 Platforming System GameMaker implementation by Ben Allen and an expansion on Shaun Spalding's original 1.4 platformer tutorial
Inverse Kinematics Extension 2 almost 7 years ago A library for working with inverse kinematics
Verlet Integration Library Verlet integration by Sarek Lambert
GMVerlet-Integration 10 over 3 years ago Verlet integration example used for visuals
Top-Down Movement & Collision Robust object-based collision system from Pixelated Pope

Awesome GameMaker / Sprites

AESnips 9 over 3 years ago A sprite playback system
phgen 2 almost 3 years ago Placeholder asset generation
Disarm 22 over 1 year ago A spriter skeletal animation at runtime
Spritely 111 16 days ago Image correction and cleanup for 2D video game sprites
PixelUpscaler 26 over 2 years ago Pixel art upscaling shader for awkward resolutions for GameMaker
ASESync Automatically syncs aesprite files in GameMaker
conveyorbelt 6 about 1 year ago Similar to ASESync. Export Aesprite files to GameMaker sprites
Collage 19 about 2 months ago Texture page builder and image manager. Mimics GameMaker's texture page packing while offering higher flexibility

Awesome GameMaker / Audio

FML 8 over 1 year ago GameMaker bindings for the FMOD Studio API
FMODGMS 62 7 months ago This doesn't support everything FMOD has to offer and the project itself has been put on-hold
Echo/Delay Effect Optimized delay effect. 💸
wavload 6 about 4 years ago Demonstrates how to externally load .wav files
audioExt 4 over 2 years ago Sound External Loader/Unloader Manager
ExternalAudio 0 over 5 years ago Load external .wav files at runtime
Phonix 5 over 2 years ago Compact audio system. Great for dynamic music!
Vinyl 45 17 days ago Live updating audio system
LineAudio 4 11 months ago Audio helper functions
Bard 39 19 days ago An engine for desiging and implementing good audio in GameMaker. Updated to make use of the more recent GameMaker audio effects

Awesome GameMaker / Levels

LDtk to GMS LDtk Importer
LDtkParser 48 about 1 month ago Advanced LDtk Importer
Room Data Inspector 8 almost 3 years ago Collects room data and stores it into a JSON for later use
Random Dungeon Generator 6 over 4 years ago Combines user-defined chambers to create a dungeon
Random Level Generator 49 over 6 years ago A random level generation example (similar to Nuclear Throne) using GameMaker
Wave Function Collapse Generates a random tile map but not production ready in its current state
Destructible Terrain 28 over 1 year ago An example of collidable, destructible terrain in GameMaker Studio using surfaces and grids
Cellular Automata Caves Generates huge caves in a few hundred milliseconds

Awesome GameMaker / Particles

Particle Editor Create particles with an easy UI and export into GML code
Particles Wrapper 6 about 2 years ago A simplistic particle system wrapper that is designed to make creating particles fun and easy
Advanced Particles A particle implementation that comes with it's own delta timing methods
Pulse 16 9 months ago A library to create more complex particle emitters, systems and particles
Burrn 15 4 months ago Built-in particle system that uses the particle asset built into the IDE

Awesome GameMaker / Lighting

Bulb 85 17 days ago 2D lighting and shadows
Lighting System 2D 68 about 3 years ago Requires GameMaker 2.2+ according to the repo
GameMaker Lighting Engine 28 over 5 years ago Tile-based Lighting Engine that projects shadows
Lighting Systems Very fast dynamic 2D lighting implementation from GrizzliusMaximus using shadow casting

Awesome GameMaker / Shaders

TransFX Transition Library
Post-Processing FX 50+ high-quality, customizable effects. 💸
BJRTFX Zik's CRT Utility Shader
bktGlitch Glitch shader
H O R R I - F I VHS Shader
Depth Sorted Sillouettes Example project to demonstrate shader-based depth sorting sillouettes. Tested on PC, Mac, HTML5, and Android Shader tutorials from Xor. Originally hosted at ""
1PassBlur 9 over 1 year ago Blur Shader with adjustable radius
Bokeh Blur 13 7 months ago Extension of the 1PassBlur which provides a different look. Similar to a real lens blur. Although it's much slower than 1Pass or Dual-Kawase
Dual-Kawase 8 8 months ago Blur Shader that limits radius but is very efficient
Xor's Halftone A wonderful, versitile halftone shader. Lots of tweakable settings
Voronoi 11 over 2 years ago Sampled pixels on a Voronoi diagram
Fire-Fun 10 over 2 years ago Some fun magic fireballs
Jump Flooding Jump Flooding Algorithm for GameMaker made with shaders
Outline Shader 20 4 months ago Outline shader
Chameleon 15 almost 2 years ago Palette Swapper
Xpanda 14 about 1 year ago Include code from external files in your shaders
Shadertoy to GameMaker Convert GLSL shaders to run in GameMaker
Shader Tutorials Gaming Reverends
Shader Tutorials DragoniteSpam

Awesome GameMaker / 3D

3D-2D 48 over 1 year ago Official tool to turn 3D models into 2D sprites
BBMOD 89 28 days ago 3D Rendering Solution. Comes with several modules to import obj, 3D camera setup, integration with ColMesh, and more
ColMesh 3D Collision Library from TheSnidr
BSP 4 GMS Import BSP files into GameMaker. Currently just a demo but worth keeping an eye on
dotobj 40 8 months ago Lightweight .obj/.mtl 3D model loader written in native GML
Bronze Box 1 about 2 years ago Example of how to build 3D world models from a 2D grid
Camera3D Simple 3D camera setup
Blender to GameMaker A collection of scripts to export and import Blender models to and from GameMaker
DmrVBM 26 about 1 month ago Import/Export tools to load vertex buffer data out of Blender and into GMS
Penguin 3D model conversion tool
Three Mice In a Trench Coat 9 over 3 years ago Source for a GameMaker 3D game
sPart 3D Particle System from TheSnidr
Terrain Editor Terrain editor. Exports to gm models, obj, or vertex buffers
Cardboard 24 3 months ago Isometric 3D Renderer
Snowy Snow 3D Snow Shader
3D Fragment Point Lights 3D point lights using shaders. 💸
3D GameMaker Playlist DragoniteSpam
3D Collisions Playlist DragoniteSpam
3D Optimization Playlist DragoniteSpam

Awesome GameMaker / Sprite Stacking

Beginners Guide to Sprite Stacking A primer on sprite stacking from Avis. Check out part 2 from dev_dwarf as well
Fauxton3D Sprite stacking engine
Sprite Stacking Tutorials Gizmo199

Awesome GameMaker / Networking

Warp 132 about 1 month ago A feature-rich framework for multiplayer games, written in GameMaker and Node.js
EZ Networking Host/client implementation with a chat feature
Patchwire-GM 32 about 4 years ago The network library from gm-core if you want to use this implementation without the entire gm-core suite
GMHandshake A Gist demonstrating a network handshake
HTTP GML 14 8 months ago Recieve GET requests and upload files in GML
GMNest 1 almost 2 years ago Socket.IO extension for HTML5 games
MultiClient 22 about 1 month ago Non-dll, multiple client launcher for network development
Multiplayer Networking Tutorial Wizirdi
Good GameMaker Rollback Rollback netcode library
GM Networking 2 about 1 year ago Very simple network code demonstration
Boomers Networking 2 about 1 year ago Network library which mimics pre-GM:Studio favorite networking extension 39dll using GM native functions

Awesome GameMaker / Integrations

DHook 4 5 months ago Discord integration
GMS2_RPC 8 5 months ago Another Discord integration
NekoPresence Oops, all Discord integration
Steamworks.gml 84 about 1 year ago Various expansions to Steamworks SDK support in GameMaker: Studio
Parworks 3 over 2 years ago Additional functionality for the YYG Steamworks extension
GOG.gml 11 about 1 year ago A native extension for SDK support
GMTwitch 68 almost 3 years ago Twitch integration

Awesome GameMaker / Camera

GameMaker Cameras: As Simple as Possible Pixelated Pope's guide on GameMaker's camera system
Camera System Guide Getting started with cameras in GameMaker
Pixel Perfect Smooth Camera 35 almost 4 years ago An example of pixel-perfect yet smooth camera
Dynamic Splitscreen Local multiplayer split screen implementation that merges the camera when players are close
STANNcam 33 4 months ago Camera and resolution manager
Camera All-In-One Editor, screenshake, view-resizing, follow modes, screen effects, etc. 💸

Awesome GameMaker / Sequences

Sequences Tutorial Shaun Spalding
Making Splash Screen Sequences Mash Arcade
DuplicateSequence 11 29 days ago Make a deep copy of sequence assets/structs for editing at runtime

Awesome GameMaker / State Machines

SnowState 141 over 1 year ago Robust finite state machine
FastSM 6 8 months ago Lightweight alternative to SnowState
wFSM Another Easy-to-use Finite State Machine library
True State Feature-rich finite state machine to handle complex objects
Pinocchio 7 7 months ago State-based animation system
BehaviorTree 7 10 months ago A simple behavior tree system
FSM AI 3 about 3 years ago Finite state machine for NPC AI

Awesome GameMaker / Pathing

Aquila A* Pathfinding implementation
A-Star-Pathing 7 over 3 years ago Another A* pathfinding implementation
Grid-based Pathfinding Scripts Flexible pathfinding system with 3 different algorithms
Pathfinding in graph 4 about 1 year ago Shortest pathfinding system in (weighted) graph, using Dijkstra algorithm

Awesome GameMaker / Useful Extras

Animated Flag 9 4 months ago Vertex-animated flag
Video Player Extension Play videos. However, the latest version of GMS has video support
GMESCAPI Webcam capture
Danmaku Project 10 over 3 years ago Bullet hell engine
OrbinautFramework 103 25 days ago Accurate framework to make classic Sonic games
Mouse Trail Effect Shows how to trace a line with primitives to create a colorful trail
Starfield Generator 27 over 2 years ago A script to generate starfields in GameMaker's GML language
CleanShapes 36 about 2 months ago Antialiased primitives library for GameMaker Dozens of helper scripts, organized similarly to the official documentation
GM48 Resources Free resources from the community to become better at GameMaker Studio, game development and game jams
GameMaker Kitchen Another great resource for open source libraries, assets, and snippets
obj_podcast Gamedev-centered podcast featuring members of the GameMaker community
Dracula Theme 79 3 months ago A dark theme for the IDE
Gruvbox Theme 13 about 2 years ago A retro groove theme for the IDE
2.3 Syntax in Detail A full guide of the syntax features/changes in GML from Yal
GameMaker Garbage Collection How garbage collection works in GML
GitHub Yacc to GML Fix Tell GitHub your repo is all GML, not Yacc
GameMaker Repo Badges 11 over 3 years ago Fancy badges to add to your README files
GameMaker Discord Community GitHub Have you made a gamemaker tool you want to share? Consider submitting it to the official Discord's GitHub
Source Control with Git & GameMaker FriendlyCosmonaut
Game Resolution & Aspect Ratio Management Pixelated Pope
Setting up a Virtual Machine for GameMaker MicahTheManiac
Making Attacks Feel Good Blobfish
vim-GML 6 about 2 years ago High quality Vim syntax highlighting for GameMaker
Rousr Release Unmaintained projects from the Rousr team (in case anyone asks where OutsideTheBox/Dissonance went)
Tome 7 4 months ago Automatically generate documentation sites from GameMaker projects
Piano example 8 over 1 year ago Example of playing intrument notes by changing pitch, using only one audio file
Compatibility scripts 1 over 2 years ago Scripts that are used by GM when importing GM:S 1.4 projects, taken directly from runtime files
Pause example 4 about 3 years ago Simple example of a pause screen without using surfaces
Build Automation, CI/CD Tutorial on using GitHub Actions as a CI/CD pipeline to automate building games

Awesome GameMaker / Blogs

RefresherTowel Contains several posts on level generation
Tony Str Some great articles on working with JSON, regular expressions , and drawing circles in GML
Katsaii Some articles on more advanced GML topics
Meseta on Game Dev Seasoned GameMaker dev's thoughts on GameMaker concepts and libraries
Thoughts On GameMaker 28 9 months ago Not a traditional blog but has great info on different GML techniques

Awesome GameMaker / YouTube

Jordan Guillou Hobbyist indie dev with a few GameMaker-related tutorials
DragoniteSpam Covers highly technical elements of GameMaker with a focus on 3D
Shaun Spalding Previous community manager at YoYo Games. Has a wide variety of beginner-friendly GameMaker tutorials and helpful updates on new GameMaker features
FriendlyCosmonaut Great playlist on building a farming RPG in GameMaker with several other tutorials
Pixelated Pope Guides on GameMaker resolution management, cameras, GUI, and more
Xor Tons of shader demonstrations with a focus on 3D
GamingEngineer A GameMaker developer that has been in the community for many years. They have a wide variety videos showcasing what GameMaker is capable of, with a focus on 3D
TheSnidr A lot of awesome 3D showcases and tutorials for GameMaker
Peyton Burnham GameMaker tutorials for top-down shooters and RPGs
Gaming Reverends If you want to learn foundational material regarding GameMaker shaders, the "Shaders for Hobby-Programmers" playlist is definitely worth checking out
Let's Learn This Together Small indie dev company with a focus on providing GameMaker guides
Matharoo Tons of free GameMaker tutorials and news about GameMaker
GravityShift Games A couple of genre-specific GameMaker tutorials, integrating databases into GameMaker, and more
Slyddar A channel dedicated to both DnD and GML tutorials
SamSpadeGameDev In-depth coding tutorials for the hobbyist game maker
gentoo's iceberg Playlist Series based on iceberg to display advanced programming ideas in GameMaker

Awesome GameMaker / Footnotes

GameMaker Libraries 2 about 3 years ago This is based on a list from and from Gleb Tsereteli with additional links/details
Awesome Gamedev 2,379 4 months ago If you need more general game development resources, check out or

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