
honeybee A collection of awesome .NET core libraries, tools, frameworks and software


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Language: C#
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Awesome .NET Core / General

ASP.NET Core Documentation The official ASP.NET Core documentation site
.NET Core Documentation Home of the technical documentation for .NET Core, C#, F# and Visual Basic, including basic concepts, getting started instructions, tutorials and samples
.NET Core SDK .NET Core SDK is a general purpose development platform maintained by Microsoft and the .NET community on
.NET Platform Standard 17,670 over 1 year ago The differrent between the old version and the new version of .NET
Introducing .NET Standard 2.0 The description of what will be going on for .NET Standard 2.0 and the roadmap for some missing parts of the current .NET Standard
Clean Code .NET/.NET Core 7,107 about 2 months ago Clean Code concepts adapted for .NET / .NET Core

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / API

autorest 4,600 9 days ago Swagger (OpenAPI) Specification code generator featuring C# and Razor templates. Supports C#, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python and Ruby
aspnet-api-versioning 3,033 5 months ago set of libraries which add service API versioning to ASP.NET Web API, OData with ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET Core
AspNetCoreRateLimit 3,107 2 months ago ASP.NET Core rate limiting middleware
CondenserDotNet 166 almost 2 years ago API Condenser / Reverse Proxy using Kestrel and Consul, Including light weight consul library
Flurl 4,185 24 days ago Fluent URL builder and testable HTTP for .NET

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / API / GraphQL

Dapper.GraphQL 291 5 months ago A library designed to integrate the Dapper and graphql-dotnet projects with ease-of-use in mind and performance as the primary concern
graphql-aspnetcore 183 over 1 year ago ASP.NET Core MiddleWare to create a GraphQL end-point
graphql-convention 233 about 1 month ago This library is a complementary layer on top that allows you to automatically wrap your .NET classes into GraphQL schema definitions using existing property getters and methods as field resolvers
graphiql-dotnet 142 over 4 years ago GraphiQL middleware for ASP.NET Core
graphql-dotnetcore 100 over 5 years ago GraphQL for .NET Core based on
graphql-dotnet 5,848 14 days ago GraphQL for .NET
graphql-dotnet-server 579 about 1 month ago GraphQL for .NET - Subscription Transport WebSockets
Hot Chocolate 5,180 3 days ago GraphQL server for .Net Core and .NET Framework
FSharp.Data.GraphQL 399 20 days ago FSharp implementation of Facebook GraphQL query language
parser 215 about 2 months ago A lexer and parser for GraphQL in .NET
tanka-graphql 62 5 days ago GraphQL execution and server libraries supporting SignalR, Apollo, schema manipulation and other features familiar from Apollo and graphql-js

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / API

halcyon 81 almost 6 years ago HAL implementation for ASP.NET
JSON API .NET Core 676 4 days ago Framework for building json:api compliant APIs with the goal of eliminating RESTful boilerplate
LightNode 181 over 6 years ago Micro RPC/REST Framework built on OWIN
NetCoreStack.Proxy 42 12 months ago The type-safe, distributed REST library for .NET Standard 2.0 (NetCoreStack Flying Proxy)
NSwag 6,719 about 2 months ago The Swagger/OpenAPI toolchain for .NET, Web API and TypeScript.
OData 854 3 months ago The Open Data Protocol (OData) enables the creation of HTTP-based data services, which allow resources identified using Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) and defined in an abstract data model, to be published and edited by Web clients using simple HTTP messages
OpenAPI Generator 21,387 10 days ago OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (e.g. C#, TypeScript, etc), server stubs (ASP.NET Core, NancyFx, etc), documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
refit 8,503 4 days ago The automatic type-safe REST library for Xamarin and .NET
RestClient.Net 368 5 months ago Cross Platform REST Client for all C# platforms
RestEase 1,079 10 months ago Easy-to-use typesafe REST API client library, which is simple and customisable
RestLess 111 almost 2 years ago The automatic type-safe-reflectionless REST API client library for .Net Standard
Restier 471 3 months ago RESTier is a RESTful API development framework for building standardized, OData V4 based RESTful services on .NET platform
Restsharp 9,581 about 1 month ago Simple REST and HTTP API Client for .NET
Swashbuckle 5,219 3 days ago Seamlessly adds a swagger to WebApi projects

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / API / Swashbuckle

MicroElements.Swashbuckle.FluentValidation 379 10 months ago Adds FluentValidation rules to swagger
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Filters 427 5 months ago A bunch of useful filters for Swashbuckle.AspNetCore

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / API

WebAnchor 27 almost 2 years ago Web Anchor provides type-safe, testable and flexible, runtime-generated access to web resources
WebAPIContrib for ASP.NET CORE 461 over 1 year ago Community Contributions for ASP.NET Core

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Frameworks

ASP.NET Boilerplate 11,781 3 days ago ASP.NET Boilerplate is a general purpose application framework especially designed for new modern web applications. It uses already familiar tools and implements best practices around them to provide you a SOLID development experience
Abp vNext 12,805 4 days ago Abp vNext is the next generation of the open source framework. It's a complete architecture and strong infrastructure to create modern web applications! Follows best practices and conventions to provide you a SOLID development experience
AsyncEx 3,497 9 months ago A helper library for async/await
Aeron.NET 484 9 months ago Efficient reliable UDP unicast, UDP multicast, and IPC message transport - .NET port of Aeron 4,697 4 days ago Toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on .NET & Mono
Aggregates.NET 441 8 months ago Aggregates.NET is a framework to help developers integrate the excellent NServiceBus and EventStore libraries together
ASP.NET MVC 35,283 1 day ago Model view controller framework for building dynamic web sites with clean separation of concerns, including the merged MVC, Web API, and Web Pages w/ Razor
Butterfly Server .NET 276 almost 2 years ago Allows building real-time web apps and native apps with minimal effort. Define a Web API and Subscription API that automatically synchronizes datasets across connected clients
CAP 6,619 8 days ago An EventBus with local persistent message functionality for system integration in SOA or Microservice architecture
Carter 2,107 4 months ago Carter is a library that allows Nancy-esque routing for use with ASP.Net Core
Chromely 2,982 over 1 year ago Lightweight Alternative to Electron.NET, Electron for .NET/.NET Core
Cinchoo ETL 796 21 days ago ETL Framework for .NET (Parser / Writer for CSV, Flat, Xml, JSON, Key-Value formatted files)
CQRSlite 1,101 2 months ago Lightweight framework for helping writing CQRS and Eventsourcing applications in C#
dataaccess_aspnetcore 140 about 5 years ago The DataAccess Toolbox contains the base classes for data access in ASP.NET Core with Entity Framework Core 1.0 using the unit-of-work and repository pattern
DNTFrameworkCore 317 3 months ago Lightweight and Extensible Infrastructure for Building High Quality Web Applications Based on ASP.NET Core
DotNetCorePlugins 1,594 6 months ago .NET Core library for loading assemblies as a plugin
DotnetSpider 3,970 3 months ago DotnetSpider, a .NET Standard web crawling library similar to WebMagic and Scrapy. It is a lightweight ,efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for .NET
DotNetty 4,073 2 months ago Port of netty, event-driven asynchronous network application framework
dotvvm 743 15 days ago Open source MVVM framework for Web Apps
ElectronNET 7,277 3 months ago Build cross platform desktop apps with ASP.NET NET Core
EmbedIO 1,462 over 1 year ago A tiny, cross-platform, module based web server for .NET Framework and .NET Core
Ether.Network 11 almost 8 years ago Ether.Network is an open source networking library that allow developers to create simple, fast and scalable socket server or client applications over the TCP/IP protocol
EventFlow 2,364 2 months ago Async/await first CQRS+ES and DDD framework for .NET
ExcelDataReader 3,956 about 1 month ago Lightweight and fast library written in C# for reading Microsoft Excel files
ExtCore Free, open source and cross-platform framework for creating modular and extendable web applications based on ASP.NET Core 1.0
Finbuckle.MultiTenant 1,309 about 2 months ago Finbuckle.MultiTenant is a .NET Standard library for multitenant support designed for ASP.NET 2.0+. It provides functionality for tenant resolution, per-tenant app configuration, and per-tenant data isolation
fission 8,400 4 days ago Fast Serverless Functions for Kubernetes
grpc 41,691 3 days ago Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) provide a useful abstraction for building distributed applications and services. The libraries in this repository provide a concrete implementation of the gRPC protocol, layered over HTTP/2. These libraries enable communication between clients and servers using any combination of the supported languages
Halibut 12 3 days ago A secure communication stack for .NET using JSON-RPC over SSL
MagicOnion 3,803 3 days ago gRPC based HTTP/2 RPC Streaming Framework for .NET, .NET Core and Unity
MassTransit 6,906 3 days ago Distributed Application Framework for .NET
microdot 1,537 11 months ago An open source .NET microservices framework
MoreLINQ 3,670 12 days ago Extensions to LINQ to Objects
Nancy 7,150 over 3 years ago Lightweight, low-ceremony, framework for building HTTP based services on .NET and Mono
opencvsharp 5,371 about 2 months ago .NET Framework wrapper for OpenCV
orleans 10,058 3 days ago Framework that provides a straight-forward approach to building distributed high-scale computing applications, without the need to learn and apply complex concurrency or other scaling patterns
Prism 6,297 29 days ago Prism is a framework for building loosely coupled, maintainable, and testable XAML applications in WPF, Windows 10 UWP, and Xamarin Forms
protoactor-dotnet 1,711 17 days ago Ultra fast distributed actors for Golang and C#
resin 568 5 months ago 16-bit wide vector space search engine with HTTP API and pluggable read/write pipelines 52 over 4 years ago ASP.Net Core RESTful microservice framework that focusing on speed and ease of use
ServiceStack 5,385 4 days ago Thoughtfully architected, obscenely fast, thoroughly enjoyable web services for all
Steeltoe OSS .NET toolkit for common microservice patterns
Strathweb.TypedRouting.AspNetCore 75 over 5 years ago A library enabling strongly typed routing in ASP.NET Core MVC projects
surging 3,244 3 months ago Surging is a micro-service engine that provides a lightweight, high-performance, modular RPC request pipeline. The service engine supports http, TCP, WS, Mqtt, UDP, and DNS protocols. It uses ZooKeeper and Consul as a registry, Hash Algorithms, random, polling, pressure minimum priority as a load balancing algorithm, built-in service governance to ensure reliable RPC communication
Xer.Cqrs 101 over 6 years ago A simple library for creating applications based on the CQRS pattern with support for attribute routing and hosted handlers. Developed in C# targeting .NET Standard 1.0
X.PagedList 893 5 days ago Library for easily paging through any IEnumerable/IQueryable in ASP.NET/ASP.NET Core

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Templates

.NET Boxed 3,393 5 days ago Project templates with batteries included, providing the minimum amount of code required to get you going. Includes ASP.NET Core API and GraphQL Templates
aspnet-core-react-template 631 over 1 year ago ASP.NET Core 2.0 / React SPA Template App
AspNetCoreSpa 1,473 11 months ago Asp.Net Core 2+ & Angular 6 SPA with Angular CLI full featured application
ASP.NET-MVC-Template 1,058 over 1 year ago A ready-to-use templates for ASP.NET MVC 5 and ASP.NET Core with repositories, services, models mapping and DI and StyleCop warnings fixed
AddFeatureFolders 250 almost 2 years ago Enable feature folders for MVC controllers and views in ASP.NET Core
Angular Visual Studio Webpack Starter 488 almost 2 years ago Template for Webpack, Visual Studio, ASP.NET Core and Angular. Both the client and the server side of the application are implemented inside one ASP.NET Core project which makes it easier to deploy
CleanArchitecture 16,227 4 days ago A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core. Clean Architecture is just the latest in a series of names for the same loosely-coupled, dependency-inverted architecture. You will also find it named hexagonal, ports-and-adapters, or onion architecture
CleanArchitecture (SPA) 16,750 7 days ago Solution template for creating a Single Page App (SPA) with Angular 8 and ASP.NET Core 3 following the principles of Clean Architecture
DNTFrameworkCoreTemplate 35 about 5 years ago Boilerplate project templates based on
dotnet new caju 250 about 5 years ago dotnet new templates with awesome architecture styles! Increases productivity to design layered applications based on Hexagonal, Clean or Event Sourcing architectures styles. It supports multiple data access frameworks (MongoDB, EntityFramework, Dapper or Kafka) and it is completely testable
EISK 224 about 1 year ago Provides developer resources with simple use cases to build scalable applications on top of .NET Core with (DDD, onion architecture etc)
JavaScriptServices 3,035 over 4 years ago Microsoft ASP.NET Core JavaScript Services
kendo-ui-core 2,537 3 days ago An HTML5, jQuery-based widget library for building modern web apps.
QuickApp 1,263 8 months ago ASP.NET Core / Angular4 startup project template with complete login, user and role management
Serenity 2,590 9 days ago Serenity is an ASP.NET MVC / TypeScript application platform designed to simplify and shorten development of data-centric business applications with a service based architecture
Toucan 213 almost 5 years ago Boilerplate for building single page apps. Server is multi-project .Net Core solution designed around SOLID principles. Client is TypeScript 2, Vuejs 2, Vuex 2

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Authentication and Authorization

AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server 560 over 4 years ago OpenID Connect/OAuth2 server framework for OWIN/Katana and ASP.NET Core
Auth0 325 4 days ago Hosted, enterprise-grade platform for modern identity
Casbin.NET 1,156 20 days ago Authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in C#
Identity 1,962 almost 6 years ago ASP.NET Core Identity is the membership system for building ASP.NET Core web applications, including membership, login, and user data
IdentityServer 9,227 2 months ago IdentityServer for ASP.NET Core 1.0 & 2.0

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Authentication and Authorization / IdentityServer

IdentityServer4.EntityFramework 242 over 5 years ago EntityFramework persistence layer
IdentityServer4.MongoDB 111 over 1 year ago MongoDB persistence layer
IdentityServer4.EntityFrameworkCore 41 about 1 year ago Entity Framework Core persistence layer
IdentityServer4.Templates 696 almost 2 years ago dotnet cli templates for IdentityServer4

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Authentication and Authorization

Okta 85 2 months ago Hosted, enterprise-grade platform for modern identity
openiddict 4,386 16 days ago Easy-to-use OpenID Connect server for ASP.NET Core

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Authentication and Authorization / openiddict

oidc-debugger 222 26 days ago OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect debugging tool

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Authentication and Authorization

stormpath-sdk 54 over 7 years ago Build with Stormpath and ASP.NET Core
stormpath-sdk 54 over 7 years ago Build with Stormpath and ASP.NET Core.(Deprecated: It will longer get updated as of March 2017 after joining OKTA)
stuntman 294 almost 3 years ago Library for impersonating users during development leveraging ASP.NET Identity

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Blockchain

BTCPayServer 6,321 3 days ago A cross platform, self-hosted server compatible with Bitpay API
Meadow 141 almost 2 years ago An integrated Ethereum implementation and tool suite focused on Solidity testing and development
NBitcoin 1,872 5 days ago Comprehensive Bitcoin library for the .NET framework
NBlockchain 83 over 5 years ago .NET standard library for building blockchain enabled applications
NBXplorer 320 18 days ago A Bitcoin and Altcoin lightweight block explorer
NEO 3,465 3 days ago Open Network For Smart Economy
Nethereum Bringing the love of Ethereum to .NET
Nethermind 1,243 3 days ago .NET Core Ethereum client
StratisBitcoinFullNode 787 about 3 years ago Simple and affordable end-to-end solutions for development, testing and deployment of native C# blockchain applications on the .Net framework
Trezor.Net 43 almost 2 years ago Cross platform C# library for talking to the Trezor Hardwarewallet
WalletWasabi 2,132 8 days ago Privacy focused, ZeroLink compliant Bitcoin wallet

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Bot

BotSharp 2,168 3 days ago The Open Source AI Chatbot Platform Builder in 100% C# Running in .NET Core with Machine Learning algorithm
NadekoBot Open source, general-purpose Discord chat bot written in C#
Telegram.Bot 3,176 19 days ago C# Telegram Bot API library
Funogram 103 3 months ago F# Telegram Bot Api library

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Build Automation

cake-build 3,890 6 days ago Cross platform build automation system
CatLight Status notifier for developers that monitors builds and tasks in the project. Built using .Net Core and Electron
Colorful.Console 1,299 4 months ago Style your C# console output!
dotnet-docker 4,437 4 days ago The base Docker images for working with .NET Core and the .NET Core Tools
Dockerize.NET 176 almost 2 years ago .NET Cli Tool to package your .NET Core Application into a docker image: 'dotnet dockerize'
FlubuCore 905 7 months ago A cross platform build and deployment automation system for building projects and executing deployment scripts using C# code
GitInfo 551 4 days ago Git and SemVer Info from MSBuild, C# and VB
GitVersioning 1,352 4 days ago Stamp your assemblies and NuGet packages with a version from a single, simple version.txt file and include git commit IDs for non-official builds
go-dotnet 479 over 6 years ago Go wrapper for the .NET Core Runtime
Image2Docker 305 over 2 years ago PowerShell module which ports existing Windows application workloads to Docker
LocalAppVeyor 123 8 days ago Run your AppVeyor builds, locally
msbuild 5,213 3 days ago The Microsoft Build Engine is a platform for building applications
Nuke 2,932 18 days ago Cross-platform build automation system
Opserver 4,509 5 months ago Stack Exchange's Monitoring System
vsts-agent 1,718 4 days ago Visual Studio Team Services Build and Release Agent

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Bundling and Minification

BundlerMinifier 615 5 months ago Visual Studio extension that let's you configure bundling and minification of JS, CSS and HTML files
JavaScriptViewEngine 75 almost 7 years ago ASP.NET MVC ViewEngine for rendering markup in a JavaScript environment. Ideal for React and Angular server-side rendering
Smidge 364 2 months ago Lightweight runtime CSS/JavaScript file minification, combination, compression & management library for ASP.NET Core
Web Markup Minifier 449 about 1 month ago .NET library that contains a set of markup minifiers. The objective of this project is to improve the performance of web applications by reducing the size of HTML, XHTML and XML code

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Caching

CacheManager 2,347 about 2 months ago Open source caching abstraction layer for .NET written in C#. It supports various cache providers and implements many advanced features
EasyCaching 1,932 17 days ago Open source caching library that contains basic usages and some advanced usages of caching which can help us to handle caching more easier
Faster 6,305 3 months ago Fast key-value store from Microsoft Research
Foundatio 1,971 8 days ago Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps
Microsoft Caching 479 almost 6 years ago Libraries for in-memory caching and distributed caching
Stack Exchange Redis 5,882 25 days ago High performance general purpose redis client for .NET languages (C# etc)

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / CMS

Awesome-CMS-Core 416 almost 2 years ago Awesome CMS Core is an open source CMS built using ASP.Net Core & ReactJS with module separation concern in mind and provide lastest trend of technology
Blogifier.Core 1,281 3 months ago ASP.NET applications to provide common blogging functionality
Cofoundry 821 14 days ago Open source .NET Core CMS and modular application framework. Code-first, unobtrusive and extensible
CoreWiki 416 about 3 years ago Simple ASP.NET Core wiki that we are working on during live coding streams
dasblog-core 473 3 months ago The original DasBlog reimagined with ASP.NET Core
Lynicon 190 almost 2 years ago O/S ASP.Net Core/.Net Core CMS with paid for modules: JSON content, works with variety of data stores, c# content types
Miniblog 1,475 12 months ago An ASP.NET Core blogging engine
Mixcore CMS 819 about 1 month ago Open Source CMS powered by DotNet Core. Mixcore CMS is a scalable, open platform for web content management and digital experiences. Mixcore CMS provides deep capabilities and endless flexibility on the web
NetCoreCMS 165 about 2 years ago An Open source ASP.NET Core 2.0 CMS. It currently supports MySQL and planned to implement MSSQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL. Also it is a modular CMS supports theme, skin, custom layout, widgets, multiple language (En, BN)
Orchard Core CMS 7,384 3 days ago Open Source Content Management System built with ASP.NET Core on top of a Modular and Extensible Application Framework
Piranha CMS 1,971 about 2 months ago A Lightweight & Unobtrusive Open Source CMS for ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core
Platformus Free, open source and cross-platform CMS based on ASP.NET Core 1.0 and ExtCore framework
SimpleContent 334 4 days ago Simple, yet flexible content and blog engine for ASP.NET Core that can work with or without a database
Squidex 2,247 6 days ago Headless CMS, based on MongoDB, CQRS and Event Sourcing
Swastika I/O Core CMS 135 about 2 years ago Open source ASP.NET Core 2.x CMS. It currently supports MS SQL and planned to implement MSSQL, SQLite in the near future. It has many built-in features out of the box like multilanguage support, theme, template
Umbraco 4,432 3 days ago An extensible and friendly Open source ASP.NET Core CMS
Weapsy 10 over 1 year ago Open source ASP.NET Core CMS based on DDD and CQRS. It supports MSSQL, MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL out of the box
Wyam 141 about 1 year ago Modular static content and static site generator
ZKEACMS 2,809 4 days ago Visual design, build site onlie by drag and drop

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Code Analysis and Metrics

awesome-static-analysis 13,242 6 days ago Curated list of static analysis tools, linters and code quality checkers for various programming languages

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Code Analysis and Metrics / Code Analysis

CodeFormatter 1,236 about 2 years ago Tool that uses Roslyn to automatically rewrite the source to follow netfx coding styles
DevSkim 903 14 days ago A set of IDE plugins and rules that provide security "linting" capabilities
RefactoringEssentials 638 about 3 years ago Refactoring Essentials for Visual Studio
roslyn-analyzers 1,582 4 days ago .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") Analyzers
StyleCopAnalyzers 2,645 about 1 month ago StyleCop rules using the .NET Compiler Platform

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Code Analysis and Metrics / Metrics

AppMetrics 2,218 4 months ago App Metrics is an open-source and cross-platform .NET library used to record and report metrics within an application and reports it's health
Audit.NET 2,273 10 days ago Small framework to audit .NET object changes
BenchmarkDotNet 10,457 10 days ago Powerful .NET library for benchmarking
coverlet 2,976 25 days ago Cross platform code coverage library for .NET Core
Foundatio 1,971 8 days ago A common interface with in memory, redis, StatsD, and Metrics.NET implementations
MiniCover 209 10 months ago Minimalist Code Coverage Tool for .NET Core
NBench 533 25 days ago Performance benchmarking and testing framework for .NET applications
Nexogen.Libraries.Metrics 61 about 4 years ago Library for collecting application metrics in .NET and exporting them to Prometheus
OpenCover 1,310 almost 3 years ago Code coverage tool for .NET 2 and above (WINDOWS OS only), support for 32 and 64 processes with both branch and sequence points
PerformanceMonitor 236 about 6 years ago .NET Core Application Performance Monitor
prometheus-net 1,932 6 months ago .NET Client for
Prometheus.Client 127 8 days ago .NET Client for

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Code Analysis and Metrics / Metrics / Prometheus.Client

Prometheus.Client.MetricPusher 15 8 days ago Push metrics to a PushGateaway for the Prometheus.Client
Prometheus.Client.AspNetCore 8 8 days ago Middleware for the Prometheus.Client
Prometheus.Client.MetricServer 14 8 days ago MetricServer for the Prometheus.Client
Prometheus.Client.HttpRequestDurations 10 8 days ago Metrics logging of request durations for the Prometheus.Client

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Compression

lz4net 674 3 days ago Ultra fast compression algorithm for all .NET platforms
sharpcompress 2,264 about 1 month ago Fully managed C# library to deal with many compression types and formats

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Compilers, Transpilers and Languages

Fable 2,903 3 days ago F# to JavaScript Compiler
fparsec 523 11 months ago A parser combinatory library for F# and C#
IL2C 402 over 2 years ago A translator for ECMA-335 CIL/MSIL to C language
Mond 365 4 months ago A dynamically typed scripting language written in C# with a REPL, debugger, and simple embedding API
peachpie 2,325 12 days ago Open-source PHP compiler to .NET
Pidgin 897 5 days ago A lightweight, fast and flexible parsing library for C#, developed at Stack Overflow
roslyn 18,954 4 days ago The .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") provides open-source C# and Visual Basic compilers with rich code analysis APIs
Sprache 2,343 6 months ago Tiny C# Monadic Parser Framework

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Cryptography

BCrypt.Net 825 3 months ago Bringing updates to the original bcrypt package
BCrypt.NET-Core 217 about 4 years ago .NET Core port of BCrypt.NET used to store passwords securely
BouncyCastle PCL 91 over 7 years ago The Bouncy Castle Crypto package is a C# implementation of cryptographic algorithms and protocols
multiformats 48 over 1 year ago A general purpose hashing library, but a library to encode/decode Multihashes which is a "container" describing what hash algorithm the digest is calculated with
nsec 386 27 days ago NSec is a new cryptographic library for .NET Core based on libsodium
SecurityDriven.Inferno Hig level crypto library used .Net primitives, has been professionally audited

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database

DBreeze 526 about 1 month ago C# .NET MONO NOSQL (key value store embedded) ACID multi-paradigm database management system
JsonFlatFileDataStore 434 4 months ago Simple JSON flat file data store with support for typed and dynamic data
LiteDB 8,520 3 months ago .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file -
NoDb 182 almost 2 years ago "no database" file system storage for .NET Core/ASP.NET Core because not every project needs a database
marten 2,804 9 days ago Postgresql as a Document Database and Event Store for .NET Applications
StringDB 70 over 1 year ago StringDB is a modular, key/value pair archival DB designed to consume amounts of ram & produce databases
yessql 1,208 5 days ago .NET document database working on any RDBMS

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Drivers

cassandra-csharp-driver 637 4 days ago DataStax C# Driver for Apache Cassandra
confluent-kafka-dotnet 61 3 days ago Confluent's Apache Kafka .NET client
couchbase-lite-net 436 3 days ago A lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine for .NET
MongoDB.Driver 3,133 3 days ago .NET Driver for MongoDB
MongoDB.Entities 543 about 2 months ago A data access library for MongoDB with an elegant api, LINQ support and built-in entity relationship management

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Drivers / MySQL

mysql-connector-net 290 12 days ago Connector/Net is a fully-managed ADO.NET driver for MySQL
MySqlConnector 1,388 4 days ago Async MySQL Connector for .NET and .NET Core

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Drivers / Neo4j

neo4j-dotnet-driver 231 3 days ago Neo4j Bolt driver for .NET
Neo4jClient 431 18 days ago .NET client binding for Neo4j

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Drivers

npgsql 3,282 4 days ago .NET data provider for PostgreSQL. It allows any program developed for .NET framework to access a PostgreSQL database server. It is implemented in 100% C# code. PostgreSQL versions since 9.1 are officially supported, others may work
ravendb 297 6 days ago Linq enabled document database for .NET
RethinkDb.Driver 384 almost 4 years ago C#/.NET RethinkDB driver with 100% ReQL API coverage
progaudi.tarantool 49 9 months ago .NET client for Tarantool NoSql database

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Database Tools and Utilities

DbUp 2,312 5 days ago .NET library that helps you to deploy changes to SQL Server databases. It tracks which SQL scripts have been run already, and runs the change scripts that are needed to get your database up to date
Evolve 846 6 months ago Simple database migration tool that uses plain SQL scripts. Inspired by Flyway
EFCorePowerTools 2,147 5 days ago Entity Framework Core Power Tools - reverse engineering, migrations and model visualization for EF Core
fluentmigrator 3,232 3 days ago Migration framework for .NET much like Ruby on Rails Migrations
monitor-table-change-with-sqltabledependency 656 9 months ago Get SQL Server notification on record table change
NReco.PivotData In-memory data cube with OLAP operations and PivotTable data model
roundhouse 917 7 months ago Database Migration Utility for .NET using sql files and versioning based on source control
SapphireDb 402 almost 2 years ago Server implementation of SapphireDb, a framework for easy development of applications with realtime data synchronization and a self hosted alternative to firebase realtime database/firestore for core and ef core. Check out the documentation for more details:
SharpRepository 657 over 1 year ago SharpRepository is a generic repository written in C# which includes support for various relational, document and object databases including Entity Framework, RavenDB, MongoDb and Db4o. SharpRepository includes Xml and InMemory repository implementations as well
TrackableEntities.Core 74 7 months ago Change-tracking across service boundaries with .NET Core
Mongo.Migration 176 2 months ago Mongo.Migration is designed for the to migrate your documents easily and on-the-fly. No more downtime for schema-migrations. Just write small and simple migrations
EntityFrameworkCore.DataEncryption 329 11 months ago A plugin for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore to add support of encrypted fields using built-in or custom encryption providers

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Date and Time

Exceptionless.DateTimeExtensions 239 3 months ago DateTimeRange, Business Day and various DateTime, DateTimeOffset, TimeSpan extension methods
FluentDateTime 688 9 days ago Allows you to write cleaner DateTime expressions and operation. Partially inspired by Ruby DateTime Extensions
nodatime 2,758 7 days ago Better date and time API for .NET

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Distributed Computing

AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks 4,054 23 days ago Enterprise HealthChecks for ASP.NET Core Diagnostics Package

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Distributed Computing / AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks

BeatPulse 604 over 5 years ago Enable load balancers to montior the status of deployed Web applications

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Distributed Computing

Foundatio 1,971 8 days ago Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps
jasper 420 almost 2 years ago Next generation application development framework for .NET
Rafty 195 about 6 years ago RAFT consensus in .NET Core
Obvs 332 almost 3 years ago An observable microservice bus .NET library that wraps the underlying transport in simple Rx based interfaces
Ocelot 8,344 5 days ago API Gateway created using .NET Core
OpenTracing 517 almost 5 years ago Vendor-neutral APIs and instrumentation for distributed tracing
Polly 13,345 4 days ago .NET 3.5 / 4.0 / 4.5 / PCL library that allows developers to express transient exception and fault handling policies such as Retry, Retry Forever, Wait and Retry or Circuit Breaker in a fluent manner
ProxyKit 1,113 almost 4 years ago Toolkit to create code-first HTTP reverse proxies on ASP.NET Core

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / E-Commerce and Payments

nopCommerce 9,207 3 days ago Free open-source ecommerce shopping cart (ASP.NET MVC / ASP.NET Core MVC ) with a vast community and a market place full of new features, themes and plugins
GrandNode 1,882 about 3 years ago Multi-platform, free, open source ecommerce shopping cart based on ASP.NET Core 2.1 and MongoDB derived from
PayPal .NET SDK for PayPal's RESTful APIs
SimplCommerce 4,199 3 months ago Super simple ecommerce system built on .NET Core
Stripe 195 over 2 years ago Typed .NET clients for REST APIs

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Exceptions

Demystifier 2,760 7 months ago High performance understanding for stack traces (Make error logs more productive)
Exceptionless 557 6 months ago Exceptionless .NET Client
GlobalExceptionHandlerDotNet 272 almost 2 years ago GlobalExceptionHandlerDotNet allows you to configure exception handling as a convention with your ASP.NET Core application pipeline as opposed to explicitly handling them within each controller action
Sentry 583 3 days ago .NET SDK for Sentry, an Open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Functional Programming

CSharpFunctionalExtensions 2,396 4 days ago Functional Extensions for C#
DynamicData 1,716 4 days ago Reactive collections based on Rx.NET
echo-process 116 over 1 year ago Actor library for C# with additional modules that support persistence to Redis, as well as JS integration
FsCheck 1,165 about 1 month ago Random Testing for .NET
Giraffe 2,113 15 days ago A native functional ASP.NET Core web framework for F# developers
language-ext 6,412 11 days ago C# functional language extensions and 'Erlang like' concurrency system
LaYumba.Functional 584 almost 2 years ago Utility library for programming functionally in C#
NetMQ.ReactiveExtensions 66 almost 7 years ago Effortlessly send messages anywhere on the network using Reactive Extensions (RX). Transport protocol is ZeroMQ
Optional 899 about 1 year ago A robust option type for C#
reactive-streams-dotnet 197 about 3 years ago for .NET
ReactiveUI 8,060 4 days ago A MVVM framework that integrates with the Reactive Extensions for .NET to create elegant, testable User Interfaces that run on any mobile or desktop platform
Rx.NET 6,679 10 days ago The for .NET
Qactive 157 almost 7 years ago Reactive queryable observable framework
sodium 851 7 months ago Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) Library

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Graphics

GLFWDotNet 50 over 2 years ago .NET bindings for GLFW
ImageProcessor 2,497 about 1 year ago A fluent wrapper around System.Drawing for the processing of image files
ImageSharp 7,378 about 1 month ago Cross-platform library for processing of image files written in C#
LibVLCSharp 1,471 3 days ago : .NET/Mono bindings for libvlc, the multimedia framework powering the VLC applications made by VideoLAN
Magick.NET 3,431 5 days ago The .NET library for ImageMagick
MagicScaler 587 about 2 months ago MagicScaler high-performance, high-quality image processing pipeline for .NET
QRCoder 4,589 3 months ago A pure C# Open Source QR Code implementation
SharpBgfx 169 over 2 years ago C# bindings for the bgfx graphics library
Structure.Sketching 84 over 7 years ago Image processing library for use in .NET applications that supports .NET Core
veldrid 2,472 4 months ago A low-level, hardware-accelerated 3D graphics library for .NET
ZXing.Net 2,704 3 months ago .Net port of the original java-based barcode reader and generator library zxing

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / GUI

AdonisUI 1,725 about 2 years ago Lightweight UI toolkit for WPF applications offering classic but enhanced windows visuals
Avalonia 25,402 4 days ago A multi-platform .NET UI framework (formerly known as Perspex)
AvaloniaEdit 744 23 days ago The Avalonia-based text editor component forked from - Contains some simple and commonly used WPF controls
Lara 153 about 1 year ago Lara Web Engine is a library for developing Web user interfaces in C#
ShellProgressBar 1,443 3 months ago library to create progress bars in console programs
Qml.Net 1,376 almost 2 years ago A cross-platform Qml/.NET integration for Mono/.NET/.NET Core
WinApi 819 almost 2 years ago A simple, direct, ultra-thin CLR library for high-performance Win32 Native Interop with automation, windowing, DirectX, OpenGL and Skia helpers

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / IDE

Mono 2,836 about 3 years ago MonoDevelop enables developers to quickly write desktop and web applications on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. It also makes it easy for developers to port .NET applications created with Visual Studio to Linux and Mac OS X maintaining a single code base for all platforms
rider Cross-platform C# IDE based on the IntelliJ platform and ReSharper
Omnisharp Family of Open Source projects, each with one goal: To enable a great .NET experience in YOUR editor of choice
SharpDevelop 2,085 about 4 years ago SharpDevelop is a free Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C#, VB.NET, Boo, IronPython, IronRuby and F# projects on Microsoft's .NET platform. It is written (almost) entirely in C#, and comes with features you would expect in an IDE plus a few more
Visual Studio Code 163,045 3 days ago New type of tool that combines the simplicity of a code editor with what developers need for their core edit-build-debug cycle. Code provides comprehensive editing and debugging support, an extensibility model, and lightweight integration with existing tools
Visual Studio Community Free editor for individual developers, open source projects, academic research, education, and small professional teams

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Internationalization

Localization 157 almost 6 years ago Localization abstractions and implementations for ASP.NET Core applications
NetCoreStack.Localization 86 over 5 years ago Database Resource Localization for .NET Core with Entity Framework and In Memory Cache
Westwind.Globalization 544 over 1 year ago Database driven resource localization for .NET applications

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / IOC

AutoDI 96 over 1 year ago Super-fast compile-time dependency injection using IL weaving
Autofac 4,476 5 days ago Addictive .NET IoC container
Castle.Windsor 1,515 3 months ago Castle Windsor is a best of breed, mature Inversion of Control container available for .NET
DryIoc 1,011 16 days ago Fast, small, full-featured IoC Container for .NET
Grace 336 7 months ago Grace is a feature rich Dependency Injection Container designed with ease of use and performance in mind
Inyector 13 almost 5 years ago Dependency Injection Automation for AspNetCore
Lamar 571 about 2 months ago Fast Inversion of Control Tool and Sundry Items of Roslyn Chicanery
LightInject 620 7 days ago Ultra lightweight IoC container
SimpleInjector 1,209 4 days ago Easy, flexible, and fast Dependency Injection library that promotes best practice to steer developers towards the pit of success
Stashbox 139 12 days ago A lightweight, portable dependency injection framework for .NET based solutions
Unity 1,659 9 months ago A lightweight, extensible dependency injection container

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Logging

common-logging 649 about 3 years ago Portable logging abstraction for .NET
dnxcore-logging-logstash 8 over 8 years ago Logstash logging extension for .NET Core applications with UDP and Redis transports
ElmahCore 312 6 months ago Error logging library that includes features like error filtering and the ability to view the error log from a web page
Exceptionless 557 6 months ago Exceptionless .NET Client
Foundatio 1,971 8 days ago A fluent logging api that can be used to log messages throughout your application
Karambolo.Extensions.Logging.File 148 about 1 year ago A lightweight library which implements file logging for the built-in .NET Core logging framework (Microsoft.Extensions.Logging)
LibLog 928 almost 5 years ago Single file for you to either copy/paste or install via nuget, into your library/ framework/ application to provide a logging abstraction
log4net 853 8 days ago log4net is a port of the excellent Apache log4j™ framework to the Microsoft® .NET runtime
NLog 6,292 3 days ago Advanced .NET, Silverlight and Xamarin Logging with support for structured and non structured logging

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Logging / NLog

NLog for ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core 320 7 days ago NLog integration for ASP.NET & ASP.NET Core 1-3
NLog.Extensions.Logging 392 8 days ago NLog Provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging for .NET Standard libraries and .NET Core applications
NLog.Windows.Forms 44 5 months ago NLog targets specific for Windows.Forms
NLog.MailKit 13 3 months ago Alternative Mail target using the using MailKit library

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Logging

Q42.Logging.ApplicationInsights 2 over 3 years ago Log appender for the build in ASP.NET Core logging to send all logs to Application Insights
serilog 7,206 3 days ago Simple .NET logging with fully-structured events

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Logging / serilog

serilog-aspnetcore 1,305 2 months ago Serilog integration for ASP.NET Core 2+
Serilog.Exceptions 510 8 days ago Serilog.Exceptions is an add-on to to log exception details and custom properties that are not output in Exception.ToString()
Serilog.Settings.Configuration 449 about 2 months ago A Serilog configuration provider that reads from Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Logging

SEQ Seq collects data over HTTP, while your applications use the best available structured logging APIs for your platform

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Machine Learning and Data Science

Accord 4,481 almost 4 years ago Machine learning, computer vision, statistics and general scientific computing for .NET
Catalyst 722 about 1 month ago Cross-platform Natural Language Processing (NLP) library inspired by spaCy, with pre-trained models, out-of-the box support for training word and document embeddings, and flexible entity recognition models. Part of the
ML.NET 9,015 4 days ago Cross-platform open-source machine learning framework which makes machine learning accessible to .NET developers
Spreads 426 over 1 year ago Series and Panels for Real-time and Exploratory Analysis of Data Streams
TensorFlowSharp 3,137 9 months ago TensorFlow API for .NET languages
WaveFunctionCollapse 23,227 4 months ago itmap & tilemap generation from a single example with the help of ideas from quantum mechanics
SiaNet 380 over 5 years ago A C# deep learning library, human friendly, CUDA/OpenCL supported, well structured, easy to extend

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Mail

FluentEmail 3,020 6 months ago All in one email sender for .NET and .NET Core
MailBody 159 4 months ago Create transactional email with a fluent interface (.NET)
MailKit 6,164 5 days ago Cross-platform .NET library for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP
MailMergeLib 111 2 months ago SMTP mail client library which provides comfortable mail merge capabilities for text, inline images and attachments, as well as good throughput and fault tolerance for sending mail messages
MimeKit 1,819 5 days ago Cross-platform .NET MIME creation and parser library with support for S/MIME, PGP, DKIM, TNEF and Unix mbox spools
netDumbster 123 3 months ago a .Net Fake SMTP Server used for testing. Clone of the popular Dumbster
Papercut 2,918 6 days ago Simple Desktop SMTP Server
PreMailer.Net 652 9 days ago C# library that moves your stylesheets to inline style attributes, for maximum compatibility with E-mail clients
SendGrid Client 15 over 3 years ago C# library for the SendGrid v3 mail endpoint
SmtpServer 689 4 days ago Library to create your own SMTP server
StrongGrid 181 17 days ago Client for SendGrid's v3 API. Not only allows you to send emails, but also allows you to bulk import contacts, manage lists and segments, create custom fields for your lists, etc. Also includes a parser for SendGrid Webhooks

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Mathematics

AutoDiff 91 over 1 year ago A library that provides fast, accurate and automatic differentiation (computes derivative / gradient) of mathematical functions
UnitConversion 181 over 2 years ago Expansible Unit Conversion Library for .NET Core and .NET Framework
UnitsNet 2,190 6 days ago Units.NET gives you all the common units of measurement and the conversions between them

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Media

MetadataExtractor 934 5 months ago Extracts metadata from media (images, video, audio) with a simple to use API

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc

AdvanceDLSupport 486 about 1 month ago Library to improve P/Invoke-ing native code. Interact with native objects as if they were first class objects
AngleSharp 5,137 4 days ago The ultimate angle brackets parser library. It parses HTML5, MathML, SVG and CSS to construct a DOM based on the official W3C specification. Comparable to beautifulsoup4 of python
AgileMapper 458 about 2 years ago AgileMapper is a zero-configuration, highly-configurable object-object mapper with viewable execution plans
AspNetCore Extension Library 162 about 1 year ago ASP.NET Core Extension Library
AutoMapper 9,911 about 1 month ago Convention-based object-object mapper in .NET
Baget 2,610 3 months ago A lightweight NuGet server
Bleak A Windows native DLL injection library
Bullseye 849 7 days ago A .NET package for describing and running targets and their dependencies
Castle.Core 2,200 about 1 month ago Castle Core, including Castle DynamicProxy, Logging Services and DictionaryAdapter
Chessie 187 about 6 years ago Railway-oriented programming for .NET
CliWrap 4,345 4 days ago Wrapper for command line interfaces
commanddotnet 570 5 months ago Model your command line application interface in a class
CommonMark.NET 1,001 over 4 years ago The implementation of CommonMark specification in C# for converting Markdown documents to HTML
ConsoleTableExt 331 3 months ago Fluent library to create table for .NET console application
CoordinateSharp 362 3 months ago A library that can quickly format and convert geographic coordinates as well as provide location based sun and moon information (sunset, sunrise, moon illumination, etc...)
datatables 301 about 1 year ago Microsoft ASP.NET server-side support and helpers for jQuery DataTables
DinkToPdf 1,083 over 4 years ago C# .NET Core wrapper for wkhtmltopdf library that uses Webkit engine to convert HTML pages to PDF
dotnet-env 425 about 2 months ago A .NET library to load environment variables from .env files
DotNet.Glob 363 about 3 years ago A fast globbing library for .NET / .NETStandard applications. Outperforms Regex
Dotnet outdated 1,283 3 days ago A .NET Core global tool to display and update outdated NuGet packages in a project
Dotnet Script 2,715 about 2 months ago Run C# scripts from the .NET CLI
Dotnet Serve 798 about 1 month ago Simple command-line HTTP server for .NET Core CLI
Downloader 1,314 7 days ago Downloader is a modern, fluent, asynchronous, testable and portable library for .NET. This is a multipart downloader with asynchronous progress events
Eighty 39 5 days ago A simple HTML generation library
Enums.NET 1,718 about 2 months ago Enums.NET is a high-performance type-safe .NET enum utility library
FastExpressionCompiler 1,151 5 days ago Fast ExpressionTree compiler to delegate
FluentDocker 1,316 5 months ago Commands, Services and Fluent API for docker, docker-compose & docker-machine, for win/mac/linux and native docker
FluentFTP 3,090 7 days ago FTP and FTPS client, with extensive FTP commands, SSL/TLS connections, hashing/checksums and more
Fody 4,324 8 days ago Extensible tool for weaving .net assemblies
HdrHistogram.NET 179 about 1 month ago High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histogram
httpclient-interception 354 3 days ago .NET Standard library for intercepting server-side HTTP dependencies
Humanizer 8,631 about 2 months ago Humanizer meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities
Humidifier 46 almost 2 years ago Write and maintain AWS Cloudformation templates using C#
impromptu-interface 656 10 months ago Static interface to dynamic implementation (duck casting). Uses the DLR combined with Reflect.Emit
JqueryDataTablesServerSide 227 over 2 years ago ASP.NET Core Server Side Processing library for Jquery DataTables with Multiple Column Filtering, Sorting and Pagination at database level with Excel Export and TagHelper support
LibSass Host 82 3 months ago .NET wrapper around the library with the ability to support a virtual file system
markdig 4,314 4 days ago Fast, powerfull, CommonMark compliant, extensible Markdown processor for .NET
NetCoreBeauty 412 5 months ago Simple library to move a .NET Core app runtime components and dependencies into a sub-directory and make it beauty
NFlags 49 almost 3 years ago Simple library to made parsing CLI arguments easy. Library also allow to print usage help "out of box"
NReco.LambdaParser 307 3 months ago Parses string expressions (formulas, methods calls, conditions) to LINQ expression tree that can be compiled to lambda and evaluated
NuGet Trends 150 2 months ago Website with statistics of NuGet packages download count
NYoutubeDL A simple youtube-dl library for C#/.NET
Otp.NET 1,062 6 months ago An implementation TOTP RFC 6238 and HOTP RFC 4226 in C#
pose 1,075 about 2 years ago Replace any .NET method (including static and non-virtual) with a delegate
PuppeteerSharp 3,364 5 days ago Puppeteer Sharp is a .NET port of the official Node.JS Puppeteer API
readline 807 about 3 years ago Pure C# GNU-Readline like library for .NET/.NET Core
ReflectionMagic 332 8 months ago Framework to drastically simplify your private reflection code using C# dynamic
Relinq 515 over 1 year ago With re-linq, it's now easier than ever to create full-featured LINQ providers
Remote.Linq 331 3 months ago Remote Linq is a small and easy to use - yet very powerful - library to translate LINQ expression trees to strongly typed, serializable expression trees and vice versa
ReverseMarkdown 272 3 months ago Html to Markdown converter library
PdfReport.Core 364 8 days ago PdfReport.Core is a code first reporting engine, which is built on top of the iTextSharp.LGPLv2.Core and EPPlus.Core libraries
Scientist 1,460 9 months ago .NET library for carefully refactoring critical paths. It's a port of GitHub's Ruby Scientist library
Scrutor 3,587 9 days ago Assembly scanning extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Sheller 107 over 4 years ago A .NET library that makes shelling out commands super easy and fluent
SmartFormat.NET 1,089 2 months ago An extensible replacement for string.Format

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc / Stocks

Trady 545 over 3 years ago Handy library for computing technical indicators, and it targets to be an automated trading system that provides stock data feeding, indicator computing, strategy building and automatic trading

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc

System.Linq.Dynamic.Core 1,553 29 days ago The .NET Standard (.NET Core) version from the System Linq Dynamic functionality

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc / Validation

FluentValidation 9,031 20 days ago Small validation library for .NET that uses a fluent interface and lambda expressions for building validation rules
FormHelper 270 almost 2 years ago Form & Validation Helper for ASP.NET Core. Form Helper helps you to create ajax forms and validations without writing any javascript code. (Compatible with Fluent Validation)
Guard 713 about 1 year ago A high-performance, extensible argument validation library
Valit 320 almost 5 years ago A dead simple validation for .NET Core. No more if-statements all around your code. Write nice and clean fluent validators instead!

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc

Vanara 1,784 4 days ago A set of .NET libraries for Windows implementing PInvoke calls to many native Windows APIs with supporting wrappers
warden-stack "health checks" for your applications, resources and infrastructure. Keep your Warden on the watch
WebEssentials.AspNetCore.ServiceWorker 341 3 months ago ASP.NET Core Progressive Web Apps
Xabe.FFmpeg 712 12 months ago .NET Standard wrapper for FFmpeg. It allows to process media without know how FFmpeg works, and can be used to pass customized arguments to FFmpeg from C# application
YoutubeExplode 2,900 4 days ago Ultimate library for extracting metadata and downloading Youtube videos and playlists

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Networking

AspNetCore.Proxy 522 9 days ago ASP.NET Core Proxies made easy
CurlThin 68 11 months ago Lightweight cURL binding library for C# with support for multiple simultaneous transfers through curl_multi interface
NETStandard.HttpListener 40 over 6 years ago HttpListener for .NET Core (NETStandard)
Networker 478 over 4 years ago A simple to use TCP and UDP networking library for .NET, designed to be flexible, scalable and FAST
SharpPcap 1,328 4 days ago Fully managed, cross platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) .NET library for capturing packets from live and file based devices

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Office

EPPlus 1,789 3 days ago Create advanced Excel spreadsheets using .NET
npoi 77 5 months ago .NET library that can read/write Office formats without Microsoft Office installed. No COM+, no interop
Open-XML-SDK 3,997 5 days ago The Open XML SDK provides tools for working with Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Operating System

CosmosOS 2,918 10 days ago Cosmos is an operating system "construction kit". Build your own OS using managed languages such as C#, VB.NET, and more!

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / ORM

Chloe 1,519 3 days ago A lightweight and high-performance Object/Relational Mapping(ORM) library for .NET
Entity Framework Core 13,679 3 days ago Familiar developer experience to previous versions of EF, including LINQ, POCO, and Code First support

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / ORM / Entity Framework Core

EFCore.BulkExtensions 3,634 5 days ago EntityFrameworkCore Bulk Batch Extensions for Insert Update Delete Read (CRUD) ops
EFCore.Visualizer View Entity Framework Core query plan directly in Visual Studio
EntityFramework-Plus 2,248 12 days ago Entity Framework Utilities | Bulk Operations | Batch Delete | Batch Update | Query Cache | Query Filter | Query Future | Query Include | Audit
EntityFramework.Exceptions 1,478 6 days ago Use typed Exceptions for EntityFrameworkCore when your SQL query violates database constraints in SqlServer, MySql, or PostgreSQL
EntityFramework.Triggers 373 over 1 year ago Trigger events for EF
EntityFramework.Rx 133 about 5 years ago Reactive observables of your EF operations
Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL 1,529 5 days ago Entity Framework Core provider for PostgreSQL
EntityFramework.PrimaryKey 44 over 4 years ago Easily get the primary key of any entity (including composite keys)
EntityFramework.TypedOriginalValues 33 about 7 years ago Get a proxy object of the original values of your entity (typed access to Property("...").OriginalValue)
EntityFramework.VersionedProperties 42 about 3 years ago Classes which auto-magically keep an audit history of the changes to the specified property
EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.SimpleBulks 159 3 days ago Simple library that can help to sync a large number of records in-memory into the database. Lambda Expression is supported
LINQKit 1,622 4 months ago A free set of extensions for LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework power users
Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql 2,684 about 2 months ago Entity Framework Core provider for MySql built on top of mysql-net/MySqlConnector
spectre.query 40 almost 6 years ago A simple query language for Entity Framework Core

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / ORM

Dapper 17,485 2 months ago Simple object mapper for .NET

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / ORM / Dapper

Dapper-FluentMap 427 over 1 year ago Provides a simple API to fluently map POCO properties to database columns when using Dapper
Dommel 611 about 1 month ago Simple CRUD operations for Dapper
MicroOrm.Dapper.Repositories 662 5 days ago CRUD for Dapper

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / ORM

FreeSql 4,090 15 days ago a convenient ORM in dotnet,supports Mysql, Postgresql, SqlServer, Oracle and Sqlite
Limebean Hybrid-ORM, designed to be simple to use and not totally hide SQL, while having all the nice things you expect from an ORM. Inspired by RedBeanPHP
LINQ to DB (linq2db) The fastest LINQ database access library offering a simple, lightweight, fast, and type-safe layer between your POCO objects and your database for more than 10 database engines with full SQL support
nhibernate-core 2,129 4 days ago NHibernate Object Relational Mapper
NEventStore 1,579 about 1 year ago Persistence library used to abstract different storage implementations when using event sourcing as storage mechanism. This library is developed with a specific focus on DDD/CQRS applications
NPoco 848 9 months ago Simple microORM that maps the results of a query onto a POCO object. Project based on Schotime's branch of PetaPoco
NReco.Data 184 9 months ago Lightweight provider-independent DAL for SQL commands generation, CRUD operations and simple POCO mapping
PetaPoco 2,065 15 days ago A tiny ORM-ish thing for your POCO's
querybuilder 3,091 about 1 month ago SqlKata Query Builder is a powerful Sql Query Builder written in C#
RepoDb 1,696 5 days ago A hybrid ORM library for .NET
ServiceStack.OrmLite 1,527 almost 2 years ago Light, simple and fast convention-based POCO ORM
SqlFu 229 6 months ago Fast and versatile Micro-ORM
SmartSql 1,090 5 days ago SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis) + ZooKeeper + R/W Splitting +Dynamic Repository
SQLStreamStore 467 2 months ago Stream Store library targeting SQL based implementations for .NET

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Profiling

Glimpse 185 almost 5 years ago Lightweight, open-source, real-time diagnostics and insights profiler for .NET
MiniProfiler 2,905 3 months ago A simple but effective mini-profiler for ASP.NET websites

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Query Builders

SqlKata 3,091 about 1 month ago Elegant Sql Query Builder, that supports complex queries, joins, sub queries, nested where conditions, vendor engine targets and more

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Queue and Messaging

emitter Free open source real-time messaging service that connects all devices. This publish-subscribe messaging API is built for speed and security
EasyNetQ 2,895 15 days ago An easy to use .NET API for RabbitMQ
EventStore 5,250 3 days ago The open-source, functional database with Complex Event Processing in JavaScript
Foundatio 1,971 8 days ago A common interface with in memory, redis and azure implementations
MediatR 11,050 24 days ago Simple, unambitious mediator implementation in .NET
MediatR.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection 327 over 1 year ago MediatR extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Mediator.Net 372 5 months ago A simple mediator for .Net for sending command, publishing event and request response with pipelines supported
MicroBus 215 about 4 years ago Simple in process mediator for .NET
MQTTnet 4,434 13 days ago MQTTnet is a high performance .NET library for MQTT based communication
netmq 2,950 2 months ago 100% native C# implementation of ZeroMQ for .NET
NServiceBus 2,080 3 days ago NServiceBus is part of the , which contains tools to build, monitor, and debug distributed systems
OpenCQRS 3 over 1 year ago .NET Core library for DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing with Azure Service Bus integration. Supported database providers for the Command and the Event stores are: DocumentDB, MongoDB, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite
rabbitmq-dotnet-client 2,071 4 days ago RabbitMQ .NET client
RawRabbit 746 almost 2 years ago Modern .NET framework for communication over RabbitMq
Rebus 2,307 16 days ago Simple and lean service bus implementation for .NET
Restbus Messaging library for RabbitMq
Silverback 256 4 days ago Framework to build event-driven applications (support for Kafka, RabbitMQ, MQTT)
Tossit 62 almost 2 years ago Simple, easy to use library for distributed job/worker logic. Distributed messages handled by built in RabbitMQ implementation

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Reporting

FastReport 2,674 2 months ago The open source report generator for .NET Core 2.x/.Net Framework 4.x. FastReport can be used in MVC, Web API applications

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Scheduler and Job

Chroniton.NetCore 182 almost 8 years ago Lightweight robust library for running tasks(jobs) on schedules
Coravel 3,836 9 days ago .Net Core meets Laravel: Scheduling, Queuing, etc
FluentScheduler 2,675 over 1 year ago Automated job scheduler with fluent interface
Gofer.NET 541 almost 2 years ago Easy C# API for Distributed Background Tasks/Jobs for .NET Core. Inspired by celery for python
HangfireIO 9,346 5 days ago Easy way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring tasks inside ASP.NET apps
LiquidState 239 about 4 years ago Efficient asynchronous and synchronous state machines for .NET
NCrontab 905 2 months ago Crontab for .NET
quartznet 6,497 4 days ago Quartz Enterprise Scheduler .NET
stateless 5,532 2 months ago Simple library for creating state machines in C# code

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / SDKs

AWS SDK 2,053 4 days ago The Amazon Web Services (AWS) .NET Core SDK components. Each AWS service has its own NuGet package
azure-event-hubs-dotnet 87 9 months ago .NET Standard client library for Azure Event Hubs

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / SDKs / Blockchain clients

Bittrex.Net 141 12 months ago C# .Net wrapper for the Bittrex web API including all features easily accessible and usable
Binance.Net 1,038 8 days ago .Net API wrapper for the Binance web API

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / SDKs

CakeMail.RestClient 9 over 2 years ago Client for CakeMail's API. Allows you to send transactional emails, bulk emails, manage lists and contacts, etc
consuldotnet 693 over 5 years ago .NET API for Consul
csharp-nats 646 about 1 month ago C# .NET client for the NATS messaging system
DarkSkyCore 54 over 4 years ago A .NET Standard wrapper for the
Docker.DotNet 2,242 about 2 months ago .NET (C#) Client Library for Docker API
firebase-admin-dotnet 369 5 days ago Firebase Admin .NET SDK
google-cloud-dotnet 930 3 days ago Google Cloud Client Libraries for .NET
Manatee.Trello 121 over 1 year ago A fully object-oriented .Net wrapper for Trello's RESTful API written in C#
Microphone 461 almost 7 years ago Lightweight framework to run self hosting REST services using Web Api or NancyFx ontop of a Consul or ETCD cluster 2,679 4 days ago GitHub API client library for .NET
PreStorm 17 over 2 years ago Parallel REST Client for ArcGIS Server
SendGrid-csharp 1,078 2 months ago C# client library for using the full SendGrid API
statsd-csharp-client 111 over 5 years ago .NET Standard compatible C# client to interface with Etsy's excellent server
tweetinvi 1,007 about 2 months ago Intuitive .NET C# library to access the Twitter REST and STREAM API

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Security

aspnetcore-security-headers 263 11 months ago Middleware for adding security headers to an ASP.NET Core application
HtmlSanitizer 1,550 2 months ago Cleans HTML to avoid XSS attacks
jose-jwt 936 3 months ago Library for processing JOSE objects (JWT, JWA, JWS and related)
Jwt.Net 2,126 11 days ago Jwt.Net, a JWT (JSON Web Token) implementation for .NET
JWT Simple Server 193 over 5 years ago A lightweight, dynamic jwt server for ASP.NET Core
NWebsec 541 over 1 year ago Security libraries for ASP.NET
reCAPTCHA 134 over 2 years ago reCAPTCHA 2.0 for ASP.NET Core
roslyn-security-guard 208 over 6 years ago Roslyn analyzers that aim to help security audit on .NET applications
OwaspHeaders 277 4 months ago .NET Core middleware for injecting the Owasp recommended HTTP Headers for increased security
Security 1,270 almost 6 years ago Middleware for security and authorization of web apps
SecurityHeaders 660 4 days ago Small package to allow adding security headers to ASP.NET Core websites

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Searching

Algolia.Search 119 4 days ago Repository for the official Algolia .NET client
AutoComplete 217 28 days ago Persistent, simple, powerful and portable autocomplete library
Elasticsearch.Net & NEST 3,568 17 days ago Repository for both NEST and Elasticsearch.NET, the two official elasticsearch .NET clients
ElasticsearchCRUD 176 about 4 years ago Elasticsearch .NET API
SearchExtensions 328 3 months ago Advanced search capabilities for IQueryable interfaces, such as Entity Framework queries
SimMetrics.Net 126 11 days ago A Similarity Metric Library, e.g. from edit distance's (Levenshtein, Gotoh, Jaro etc) to other metrics, (e.g Soundex, Chapman)
SolrExpress 66 almost 4 years ago Simple and lightweight query .NET library for Solr, in a controlled, buildable and fail fast way

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Serialization

BinarySerializer 291 4 months ago Serialization for custom packet and protocol formats, supports bit-twiddling
bond 2,610 3 days ago Cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language de/serialization and powerful generic mechanisms for efficiently manipulating data. Bond is broadly used at Microsoft in high scale services
Channels 292 almost 8 years ago Push based .NET Streams
CsvHelper 4,733 30 days ago Library to help reading and writing CSV files
Edi.Net 447 16 days ago EDI Serializer/Deserializer. Supports EDIFact, X12 and TRADACOMS format
ExtendedXmlSerializer 334 about 1 month ago Extended Xml Serializer for .NET
Jil 2,147 6 months ago Fast .NET JSON (De)Serializer, Built On Sigil

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Serialization / MessagePack

msgpack-cli 830 3 months ago MessagePack implementation for Common Language Infrastructure /
MessagePack-CSharp 5,641 3 days ago Extremely Fast MessagePack Serializer for C#(.NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin)

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Serialization

Newtonsoft.Json 10,759 2 months ago Popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET
protobuf-net 4,654 25 days ago Protocol Buffers library for idiomatic .NET
Schema.NET 641 8 days ago objects turned into strongly typed C# POCO classes for use in .NET. All classes can be serialized into JSON/JSON-LD and XML, typically used to represent structured data in the head section of html page
ServiceStack.Text 1,219 over 2 years ago JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers
TinyCsvParser 372 8 months ago Easy to use, easy to extend and high-performance library for CSV parsing with .NET
Wire 376 almost 2 years ago Binary serializer for POCO objects
YamlDotNet 2,543 9 days ago .NET
ZeroFormatter 2,386 over 2 years ago Fast binary (de)serializer for .NET
Utf8Json 2,358 over 2 years ago Definitely Fastest and Zero Allocation JSON Serializer for C#(NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin)
YAXLib 0 about 3 years ago XML Serialization Library for the .NET Framework and .NET Core. Extremely flexible and powerful

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Template Engine

dotliquid 1,057 3 months ago .NET Port of Tobias Lütke's Liquid template language
fluid 1,407 3 days ago Open-source .NET template engine that is as close as possible to the Liquid template language
Portable.Xaml 157 about 1 year ago Portable .NET library for reading/writing xaml files
Razor 884 almost 6 years ago Parser and code generator for CSHTML files used in view pages for MVC web apps
RazorLight 1,515 3 months ago Template engine based on Microsoft's Razor parsing engine for .NET Core
Scriban 3,142 about 2 months ago A fast, powerful, safe and lightweight text templating language and engine for .NET

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Testing

Atata 490 5 days ago Web UI test automation full-featured framework based on Selenium WebDriver
Bogus 8,718 about 1 month ago Simple and sane fake data generator for C#. Based on and ported from the famed faker.js
CoreBDD 18 over 4 years ago BDD framework for
FakeItEasy 1,690 3 months ago The easy mocking library for .NET
FluentAssertions 3,740 4 days ago Set of .NET extension methods that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a TDD or BDD-style test
GenFu 832 almost 2 years ago Library you can use to generate realistic test data
LightBDD 345 6 months ago BDD framework allowing to create easy to read and maintain tests
mockhttp 1,619 3 months ago Testing layer for Microsoft's HttpClient library
moq.netcore 5,894 8 days ago Most popular and friendly mocking framework for .NET
MSpec 886 3 months ago Popular testing framework for writing BDD-style tests
MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc 1,724 10 months ago Fluent testing framework for ASP.NET Core MVC
Netling 1,343 almost 2 years ago Load tester client for easy web testing
NSpec 260 over 2 years ago Battle hardened testing framework for C# that's heavily inspired by Mocha and RSpec
NSubstitute 2,657 about 2 months ago A friendly substitute for .NET mocking frameworks
nunit 67 almost 7 years ago NUnit test runner for .NET Core
shouldly 2,044 12 days ago Should testing for .NET - the way Asserting be!
SpecFlow 2,241 about 2 months ago Pragmatic BDD solution for .NET. It uses the Gherkin specification language and integrates to Visual Studio
Storyteller 268 almost 2 years ago Executable Specifications for .NET
Stubbery A simple library for creating and running Api stubs in .NET
Testavior 41 over 1 year ago Testavior is a lightweight solution to help you develop Behavior Tests for ASP.NET Core
TestStack.BDDfy 417 about 5 years ago The simplest BDD framework EVER! 382 over 3 years ago An extension for describing your tests using natural language 4,195 5 days ago A free, open source, community-focused unit testing tool for the .NET Framework

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Tools

LibMan CLI 457 5 days ago Client-side content manager for web apps

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Web Framework / WebAssembly

Blazor 1,698 over 6 years ago UI framework running .NET in the browser via WebAssembly

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Web Framework / WebAssembly / Blazor

Awesome Blazor 8,775 about 2 months ago Collection of awesome resources (samples, components, articles, videos and others) about Blazor
Blazor Redux 482 almost 2 years ago Connecting a Redux state store with Blazor

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Web Framework / WebAssembly

Ooui 1,622 almost 2 years ago Small cross-platform UI library that brings the simplicity of native UI development to the web

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Web Framework

ReactJS.NET 2,295 over 1 year ago .NET library for JSX compilation and server-side rendering of React components
redux.NET 713 about 3 years ago Predictable state container for .NET apps. Inspired by

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Web Socket

Fleck 2,278 3 months ago Fleck is a WebSocket server implementation in C#. Fleck requires no inheritance, container, or additional references
SignalR Server 2,383 almost 6 years ago Real-time web functionality for web apps, including server-side push
SuperSocket 3,911 6 days ago Light weight, cross platform and extensible socket server application framework
WampSharp 385 about 1 year ago C# implementation of - Protocol that provides messaging patterns of Remote Procedure Calls and Publish/Subscribe over WebSockets
websocket-manager 452 almost 4 years ago Real-Time library for ASP .NET Core

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Windows Service

dotnet-win32-service 452 almost 5 years ago Set up and run as Windows Service directly from .NET Core
Topshelf 3,583 almost 3 years ago Easy service hosting framework for building Windows services using .NET

Awesome .NET Core / Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Workflow

CoreWF 18 over 4 years ago Port of Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) to .NET Core
workflow-core 5,328 25 days ago Lightweight workflow engine for .NET Standard
WorkflowEngine.NET 892 9 days ago Component that adds workflow in your application
Wexflow 565 15 days ago A high performance, extensible, modular and cross-platform workflow engine

Awesome .NET Core / Roadmaps

ASP.NET Core Developer Roadmap 18,488 about 2 months ago Roadmap to becoming an ASP.NET Core developer in 2019

Awesome .NET Core / Starter Kits

Arch The collection of .NET Core libraries that are created by software architects who embrace all the new stuff in .NET Core

Awesome .NET Core / Starter Kits / Arch

AutoHistory 780 over 1 year ago A plugin for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore to support automatically recording data changes history

Awesome .NET Core / Starter Kits

AspNetCore-Angular2-Universal 1,457 over 5 years ago Cross-platform - w/ server-side rendering for SEO, Bootstrap, i18n internationalization (ngx-translate), Webpack, TypeScript, unit testing w/ Karma, WebAPI REST setup, SignalR, Swagger docs, and more!
ASP.NET Core Starter Kit 1,161 almost 2 years ago Opinionated boilerplate for web development based on .NET Core, Kestrel, GraphQL on the backend and Babel, Webpack, React and Redux on the frontend. This boilerplate comes in both C# and F# flavors
aspnetcore-spa generator 3,035 over 4 years ago Yeoman generator to build a brand-new ASP.NET Core single page application that uses Angular 2 / React / React With Redux / Knockout / Aurelia on the client
ASP.Net Core Vue Starter 1,215 almost 5 years ago Asp.NETCore 2.0 Vue 2 (ES6) SPA Starter kit, contains routing, Vuex, and more!
bitwarden-core 15,255 3 days ago The core infrastructure backend (API, database, etc)
dotNetify 1,172 5 months ago Simple, lightweight, yet powerful way to build real-time HTML5/C# .NET web apps
generator-aspnet 877 over 5 years ago yo generator for ASP.NET Core
Nucleus 354 over 1 year ago Vue startup application template that uses ASP.NET Core API layered architecture at the back-end and JWT based authentication
react-aspnet-boilerplate 288 over 6 years ago Starting point for building isomorphic React applications with ASP.NET Core 1, leveraging existing techniques
saaskit 1,104 about 1 year ago Developer toolkit for building SaaS applications
serverlessDotNetStarter 51 over 1 year ago starter kit for development and deployment of lambda functions in the AWS cloud based on serverless framework

Awesome .NET Core / Sample Projects / Microservices & Service Mesh

clean-architecture-dotnet 1,224 over 1 year ago Apply Minimal Clean Architecture with DDD-lite, CQRS-lite, and just enough Cloud-native patterns on eCommerce sample business domain
coolstore-microservices 2,476 over 1 year ago A Kubernetes-based polyglot microservices application with Istio service mesh
distributed-playground 41 over 8 years ago Distributed service playground with Vagrant, Consul, Docker & ASP.NET Core
DNC-DShop Distributed .NET Core project and free course. (DDD, CQRS, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, Redis, Monitoring, Logging, CI, CD)
dotnetcore-microservices-poc 1,896 4 months ago simplified insurance sales system made in a microservices architecture using .NET Core (EF Core, MediatR, Marten, Eureka, Ocelot, RabbitMQ, Polly, ElasticSearch, Dapper) with blog post series
eShop 5,635 12 days ago A reference .NET application implementing an eCommerce site
InMemoryCQRSReplication 136 7 months ago Akka.NET Reference Architecture - CQRS + Sharding + In-Memory Replication
magazine-website 175 about 4 years ago Magazine website (using .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, EF Core) with DDD, CQRS, microservices, asynchronous programming applied
microservices-in-dotnetcore 87 over 2 years ago The code sample from the second edition of
Practical.CleanArchitecture 2,085 3 days ago Full-stack .Net 8 Clean Architecture (Microservices, Modular Monolith, Monolith), Blazor, Angular 18, React 18, Vue 3, BFF with YARP, Domain-Driven Design, CQRS, SOLID, Asp.Net Core Identity Custom Storage, OpenID Connect, Entity Framework Core, OpenTelemetry, SignalR, Hosted Services, Health Checks, Rate Limiting, Cloud Services (Azure, AWS, GCP)
practical-dapr 300 about 1 year ago Full-stack .NET microservices build on Dapr and Tye
ReactiveTraderCloud 1,829 5 days ago Real-time trading platform demo showcasing reactive programming principles applied across the full application stack

Awesome .NET Core / Sample Projects / Monoliths

AlbumViewerVNext 505 5 months ago West Wind Album Viewer ASP.NET 5 Sample
allReady 892 almost 2 years ago Open-source solution focused on increasing awareness, efficiency and impact of preparedness campaigns as they are delivered by humanitarian and disaster response organizations in local communities
AspNet5GeoElasticsearch 37 over 7 years ago ASP.NET Core MVC Geo Elasticsearch Swashbuckle Swagger
aspnet-servicediscovery-patterns 292 almost 7 years ago Samples of implementing Service Discovery patterns with ASP.NET Core
AspNetAuthorizationWorkshop 1,170 almost 6 years ago A workshop for moving through the various new pieces in ASP.NET Core Authorization
BikeSharing360 Suite of Apps from Microsoft Presented December Connect 2016 Conference, a compreshsive set of interworking apps for both enterprise users and the consumers (bike riders): , , , , , ,
Clean Architecture Manga 3,993 about 1 year ago Clean Architecture sample with .NET Core 3.0 and C# 8. Use cases as central organising structure, completely testable, decoupled from frameworks
cloudscribe 1,316 3 days ago ASP.NET Core Multi-tenant web application foundation
CoreCodeCamp 74 about 2 years ago An Open Source Website for running small, local development events
DotNetClub 237 over 6 years ago Tiny club written in ASP.NET Core
eShopOnWeb 10,144 5 months ago A layered application architecture with monolithic deployment model
Entropy 559 over 3 years ago Chaotic experimental playground for new features and ideas - check here for small and simple samples for individual features
EquinoxProject 6,388 2 months ago Full ASP.NET Core 2.0 application with DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing
GenVue 133 almost 6 years ago a hostable, web application that lets confidential users upload and share private files build on Vue.js, Vuetifyjs and NetCore WebAPI stack
guidance-identity-management-for-multitenant-apps 63 over 7 years ago How to manage user identities in a multitenant app on Microsoft Azure, using Azure Active Directory for authentication
JustA.ML 83 3 months ago A web application that lets you share files/URL/text between your devices written in ASP.NET Core 2.0. Open source, live at
MegaMine 27 almost 7 years ago Open source mining solution that helps miners in extracting Gold, Quartz, Granite etc. This solution is built using ASP.NET Core and AngularJS utilizing multiple light weight components in a Microservices way
MusicStore 35,283 1 day ago Sample MusicStore application that uses MVC and Entity Framework
NLayerAppV3 155 about 6 years ago NLayerAppV3 N-Layered Architecture with .NET Core Preview 2
NorthwindTraders 5,001 over 1 year ago Northwind Traders is a sample application built using ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core
Orchard Core - Modular and Multi-tenant applications 379 26 days ago Use Orchard Core Framework to create Modular and Multi-tenant applications
PhotoGallery 349 over 5 years ago Cross-platform Single Page Applications with ASP.NET Core, Angular 2 & TypeScript
PokeR 44 over 1 year ago Realtime scrum poker using SignalR and Angular in ASP.NET Core's SPA hosting. Includes Docker support
Practical ASP.NET Core 9,184 23 days ago A daily updated micro samples of ASP.NET Core features and facilities
Practical.CleanArchitecture 2,085 3 days ago Full-stack .Net 8 Clean Architecture (Microservices, Modular Monolith, Monolith), Blazor, Angular 18, React 18, Vue 3, BFF with YARP, Domain-Driven Design, CQRS, SOLID, Asp.Net Core Identity Custom Storage, OpenID Connect, Entity Framework Core, OpenTelemetry, SignalR, Hosted Services, Health Checks, Rate Limiting, Cloud Services (Azure, AWS, GCP)
Sample .NET Core CQRS REST API 2,872 7 months ago .NET Core REST API CQRS implementation with raw SQL and DDD using Clean Architecture
StarWars 620 almost 7 years ago GraphQL 'Star Wars' example using GraphQL for .NET, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core

Awesome .NET Core / Articles / Basic knowledge

Microsoft architectural overview of comprehensive BikeSharing360 suite of demo apps with related videos
Porting a .NET Framework library to .NET Core
The 68 things the CLR does before executing a single line of your code
here The comparison between .NET Core and Nodejs at , and
Understanding ASP.NET Core Initialization
Why you should join .NET Core and ASP.NET Core train

Awesome .NET Core / Articles / Cloud Development

Configuring the AWS SDK in .NET Core
Serverless Architecture using C# and AWS Amazon Gateway Api/Lambda
Using C# and .NET Core in Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda

Awesome .NET Core / Articles / Configuration and deployment

.NET project structure
Adding Travis CI builds to a .NET Core app
ASP.NET Core 1.0 - Configure ApplicationInsights
haproxy, nginx, Angular 2, ASP.NET Core, Redis and Docker
Project.json to MSBuild conversion guide
Publishing a .NET project with Appveyor and NuGet
The New Configuration Model in ASP.NET Core

Awesome .NET Core / Articles / Entity Framework Core

.NET Core Data Access
A very good example about EF Core 115 over 7 years ago
Connect to Postgres with EF Core

Awesome .NET Core / Articles / Miraculous

Getting started with Orchard Core as a NuGet package
How to export HTML to PDF in ASP.NET Core
Vue.js server side rendering with ASP.NET Core

Awesome .NET Core / Articles / Security

.NET Continuous Delivery Microservices
ASP.NET Core 2.0 Authentication and Authorization System Demystified
A walk-through for an ASP.NET Authorization Lab 1,170 almost 6 years ago
Authentication in ASP.NET Core

Awesome .NET Core / Articles / Testing

Selenium with .NET Core

Awesome .NET Core / Articles

InfoQ .NET articles Collection of best .NET articles on InfoQ site

Awesome .NET Core / Books

.NET Core in Action
ASP.NET Core Application Development: Building an application in four sprints (Developer Reference)
ASP.NET Core in Action
ASP.NET Core 1.0 High Performance
Building Microservices with ASP.NET Core: Develop, Test, and Deploy Cross-Platform Services in the Cloud
C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0: Modern Cross-Platform Development
C# in Depth 4
Dependency Injection in .NET Core, 2nd edition
Essencial C# 7.0
Exploring .NET Core with Microservices, ASP.NET Core, and Entity Framework Core - free eBook sampler
Microservices in .NET Core: with C#, the Nancy framework, and OWIN middleware
Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0
The little ASP.NET Core

Awesome .NET Core / Videos

Channel9 MSDN
Channel9 YouTube
Microsoft Learning Center
ASP.NET Monsters
Visual Studio

Awesome .NET Core / Podcasts

.NET Rocks
Merge Conflict
The sound of .NET

Awesome .NET Core / Community

.NET Foundation
.NET Blog
Awesome .NET open source & community resources

Awesome .NET Core / Community / Stack Overflow

.NET Core
ASP.NET Core 1.0
Entity Framework Core

Awesome .NET Core / Community

Trending .NET repositories on GitHub today

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