
Resources for Blazor, a .NET web framework using C#/Razor and HTML that runs in the browser with WebAssembly.


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Awesome Blazor / General

ASP.NET Blog's archives Archives of the ASP.NET blog about Blazor
Blazor Official website of Blazor, from Microsoft
Blazor courses on Microsoft Learn Blazor courses on Microsoft Learn
Blazor-Dev gallery on .NET Foundation Daily builds of the 'dev' branch of Blazor
Blazor Extensions Curated extensions for Microsoft ASP.Net Core Blazor
Blazor University Unofficial documentation website
Demo Official basic demo website
Documentation Official documentation, by Microsoft
eShopOnBlazor 508 5 months ago Migration of a traditional ASP.NET Web Forms app to Blazor, sample by Microsoft Architecture
FAQ 9,337 over 3 years ago FAQ
GitHub repository 35,283 1 day ago The official Blazor repository (which is the ASP.NET Core repository)
'Hello World' sample 9,184 23 days ago 'Hello World' sample
Introduction to ASP.NET Core Introduction to ASP.NET Core
Workshop 3,481 4 months ago Build a complete Blazor app and learn about the various Blazor framework features along the way
Blazor WebAssembly performance best practices ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly performance best practices, by Pranav Krishnamoorthy and Steve Sanderson .NET 6 planning process

Awesome Blazor / Templates

BitPlatform Templates 1,070 4 days ago - Solution templates using .Net MAUI and Blazor with out-of-the-box best practices enabling fast and high-quality cross-platform development for web, android, iOS, and Windows with native beautiful Blazor components. The projects created by these templates contain everything required for developing real-world applications, including (but not limited to) CI/CD pipelines, Infra as Code for Azure, localization, multi-mode development (Blazor Server/WASM/Hybrid), builtin bullet proof exception handling, etc.
Blazor Hero 3,487 2 months ago - Clean Architecture Solution Template for Blazor WebAssembly built with MudBlazor Components. This project will make your Blazor Learning Process much easier than you anticipate. Blazor Hero is meant to be an Enterprise Level Boilerplate, which comes free of cost, completely open sourced.
Blazor BFF Azure AD 82 about 1 month ago - This template can be used to create a Blazor WASM application hosted in an ASP.NET Core Web app using Azure AD and Microsoft.Identity.Web to authenticate using the BFF security architecture. (server authentication) This removes the tokens form the browser and uses cookies with each HTTP request, response. The template also adds the required security headers as best it can for a Blazor application.
Blazor BFF Azure B2C 62 8 months ago - This template can be used to create a Blazor WASM application hosted in an ASP.NET Core Web app using Azure B2C and Microsoft.Identity.Web to authenticate using the BFF security architecture. (server authentication) This removes the tokens form the browser and uses cookies with each HTTP request, response. The template also adds the required security headers as best it can for a Blazor application.
Text Editor from scratch with Blazor and C# Serie of videos on YouTube who explain how to build your own IDE from scratch with Blazor and .NET. .
BlazorSwa Template 3 4 months ago This is a simple template for the .NET CLI which allows to create a Blazor project ready to be deployed in an Azure Static Web Apps. It allows to create an Azure Function project as backend

Awesome Blazor / Sample Projects / AI

Cledev.OpenAI 111 over 1 year ago .NET 7 SDK for OpenAI with a Blazor Server playground
ExplainFaceRecognition 13 10 months ago Interactive Face Detection & Recognition tutorial with hands-on code samples. State-of-the-art local face AI showcase. Blazor Server & Hybrid

Awesome Blazor / Sample Projects / Authentication

BlazorBoilerplate 1,868 about 2 months ago Real World Admin Dashboard / Starter kit with IdentityServer4 Material Design.
TheIdServer 689 5 days ago OpenID/Connect server base on IdentityServer4
BlazorWithIdentity 457 over 1 year ago A sample project showcasing a Blazor app using EF Core with Identity authentication
Blorc.OpenIdConnect 90 5 days ago The right way to use OpenID Connect on Blazor
Blazor-WASM-AzureAD-gRPC 18 about 1 year ago Blazor WASM, Azure AD, REST & gRPC
BlazorWasmOidcKeycloak 0 5 months ago Blazor WebAssembly application using OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication with Microsoft Identity and Keycloak
Quiz manager secured by Auth0 40 over 2 years ago This repository contains a Blazor WebAssembly application implementing a simple Quiz manager secured by . The implementation details are described in the following article:

Awesome Blazor / Sample Projects / CMS

Blogifier 1,281 3 months ago ASP.NET Core Blogging application with Blazor Admin Dashboard.
eShopOnBlazor 508 5 months ago Migration of a traditional ASP.NET Web Forms app to Blazor
JHipster.NET 313 10 days ago is a well-known platform for generating modern application in java world. provides a blueprints system that allows to override the default behavior of the generator. JHipster.NET is a blueprint that overrides the back-end part, originally generated in spring boot, by back-end in core. For the front-end all the common language can be used (angular, react), including Blazor
RapidCMS 324 5 months ago A code-first, extensible Blazor app that generates a CMS for your own database
BlazorShop 302 9 months ago Simple shop application built with Blazor WebAssembly
Umbraco9 & Blazor WASM Starter Site 36 over 2 years ago A simple starter site for Umbraco v9, making use of Blazor WebAssembly with Tailwind CSS/UI. A project that I use to play around and experiment with Umbraco 9, Blazor WebAssembly, TailwindCSS, the Block List Editor, and several other concepts

Awesome Blazor / Sample Projects / Games

Trains.NET 241 4 months ago 2D game built with .NET and C# on a . Trains is available to play online at
AsteroidsWasm 148 17 days ago Collection of .NET 8 C# applications consuming a single .NET Standard project running in: Blazor Client (WebAssembly), Blazor Server, Electron (via Blazor Server), WPF, WinForms, Xamarin, MAUI.
DiabloBlazor 94 6 months ago Blazor port of DiabloWeb, making it a double WebAssembly app: a WebAssembly (C#) PWA hosting a WebAssembly (C++) game.
Board Games 71 about 2 years ago + Blazor sample and a fully functional web app allowing you to play real-time multiplayer board games.
Wolfenstein 3D ported to Blazor 73 about 2 years ago Wolfenstein 3D ported to modern C# and Blazor.
ZXSpectrum 85 3 months ago ZX Spectrum emulator running on Blazor WebAssembly.
WordleBlazor 2 4 months ago Simple clone of popular Wordle game in Blazor.
Blazor Puzzle #3 - File not found 0 about 1 year ago

Awesome Blazor / Sample Projects / Hybrid

Blazor + Electron Host Razor Components inside an Electron shell. This allows for modern, high-performance cross-platform desktop apps built with .NET and web technologies
Photino 887 9 days ago Build native, cross-platform desktop apps that are lighter than light. Photino is a lightweight open-source framework for building native, cross-platform desktop applications with Web UI technology
Blazor + Umbraco Heartcore 12 9 months ago Example of using with Blazor
Blazor Wasm with ASP.NET Framework 4.x 3 over 2 years ago With some tweaks and limitations you can run Blazor Wasm on Net Framework 4.x or in another environment.
RemoteBlazorWebView 30 4 days ago RemoteBlazorWebView enables you to interact with the user interface of a program developed with either the BlazorWebView WPF control or WinForms control using a web browser
BlazorInAngularDemo 30 11 months ago Demonstrates how an existing Angular app can be migrated to Blazor gradually by integrating Blazor components, including calling Angular service methods.

Awesome Blazor / Sample Projects / IDE

Blazor Studio 111 over 1 year ago IDE for .NET solutions written using a Photino host, Blazor UI, and C#
Picat Language IDE 6 7 months ago IDE for the based on the Monaco Editor.

Awesome Blazor / Sample Projects / IoT

PresenceLight 420 18 days ago PresenceLight is a solution to broadcast your various statuses to a Phillips Hue or LIFX light bulb. Some statuses you can broadcast are: your availability in Microsoft Teams, your current Windows 10 theme, and a theme or color of your choosing. .
Meadow Weather 8 about 2 years ago In this sample, a Meadow microcontroller polls data from a LM35 temperature sensor. That data is sent via HTTP request to an API controller endpoint and stored in a database where it can be visualized in a chart using a Blazor web app

Awesome Blazor / Sample Projects / Machine Learning

Scalable sentiment analysis 4,472 2 months ago A sample ables to make sentiment analysis prediction/detection of what the user is writing in a very UI interactive app (Blazor based) in the client side and running an ML.NET model (Sentiment analysis based on binary-classification) in the server side 57 almost 2 years ago A "server-less" general purpose optimization suite for algorithm parameters. Also provides offline optimization of trading algorithms.
Baseball Machine Learning Workbench 47 6 days ago A web application that showcases performing what-if analysis using in-memory Machine Learning models.
BlazorML5 54 about 1 year ago ML5 Machine Learning for Blazor with JSInterop mechanism

Awesome Blazor / Sample Projects / Mobile

Mobile Blazor Bindings Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings - Build native mobile apps with Blazor

Awesome Blazor / Sample Projects / Rapid Development Framework

WalkingTec.Mvvm (WTM) 4,224 27 days ago A development framework based on .NET Core and EF. It supports Blazor, Vue, React and LayUI with one click code generation for CRUD, Import/Export, etc.

Awesome Blazor / Sample Projects / ToDos

TodoApi by David Fowler 2,740 6 months ago Todo application by David Fowler in .NET 7 that features an ASP.NET Core hosted Blazor WASM front end application and an ASP.NET Core REST API backend using minimal APIs
Bolero.TodoMVC 40 over 2 years ago A TodoMVC clone using Bolero
ididit! 219 about 2 months ago The procrastination friendly habit tracker. ake notes, manage tasks, track habits.

Awesome Blazor / Sample Projects / Others

CleanArchitecture 3,487 2 months ago Clean Architecture Template for Blazor WebAssembly Built with MudBlazor Components
BlazorSSR 7 about 1 year ago Server-side rendering (SSR) with Blazor components, by Steve Sanderson
Oqtane Framework 1,859 4 days ago Modular Application Framework for Blazor
Flight Finder 983 22 days ago Flight Finder
LinqToTwitter Blazor sample 512 3 months ago LINQ Provider for the Twitter API (Twitter Library)
BlazorFileReader 426 about 1 year ago Read-only File streams in Blazor.
eShopOnBlazor 508 5 months ago Migration of a traditional ASP.NET Web Forms app to Blazor
BlazorChatSample 244 about 2 years ago Blazor chat demo using SignalR JS client with interop
Blazor.SVGEditor 305 2 months ago A basic HTML SVG Editor written in Blazor WASM
Netflix microfrontend like 29 5 months ago A netflix-like portal application with pilets. This sample demonstrates the use of piral to build a dynamic app consisting of various micro frontends.
Command and Control, by David Fowler 159 almost 2 years ago This is a sample using Blazor server and SignalR to do command and control. Agents connect to the blazor server application which is hosting a SignalR Hub and we can issue various commands against the connected agents (this feature uses client results)
BlazorCRUD 383 21 days ago Sample line of business application that illustrates key features of Blazor.
Money 205 18 days ago A money manager implemented using CQRS+ES.
Blazor Weather 247 over 2 years ago A Blazor Weather sample app that shows the current weather for your current location and a collection of pinned locations. Demonstrated at .NET Conf 2019 by Daniel Roth.
Blazor.SVGEditor 305 2 months ago A basic HTML SVG Editor written in Blazor WASM.
NethereumBlazor 124 3 months ago Ethereum blockchain explorer and simple wallet
FFmpegBlazor 132 2 months ago FFmpegBlazor provides ability to utilize ffmpeg.wasm from Blazor Wasm C#. is a pure Webassembly / Javascript port of FFmpeg. It enables video & audio record, convert and stream right inside browsers
Blazor Studio 111 over 1 year ago A free and open source IDE written using .NET - a Photino host, Blazor UI, and C#
Blazor.MediaCaptureStreams 71 25 days ago A Blazor wrapper for the Media Capture and Streams browser API. The API standardizes ways to request access to local multimedia devices, such as microphones or video cameras. This also includes the MediaStream API, which provides the means to control where multimedia stream data is consumed, and provides some information and configuration options for the devices that produce the media. This project implements a wrapper around the API for Blazor so that we can easily and safely interact with the media streams of the browser.
Planning Poker 62 22 days ago – An app to play Planning Poker for distributed teams. The app is implemented using Blazor and shows how to switch between client-side and server-side mode with a configuration change.
C# Regex Tester online 9 about 1 year ago Online tool for verify .Net regex syntax. ( )
C# Regex Online tool 4 over 1 year ago Online tool for verify .Net regex syntax, see splits list, table etc. ( )
Blazor Tour of Heroes Blazor Tour of Heroes, using (State Management architecture utilizing the MediatR pipeline) for the Redux style state
Blazor.Text.Editor 104 about 1 year ago Blazor.Text.Editor is a Text Editor component library using the Blazor UI Framework for .NET.
Blazor Wake-on-LAN 32 over 1 year ago Wake-on-LAN app for local networks. Blazor Server + EF Core + DI + CI
BlazingWaffles 4 9 days ago A Blazor app that wraps . The generator outputs readable gibberish that can be used in place of Lorum Ipsum.
Nethereum Playground 28 almost 2 years ago Compile and run Nethereum snippets on the browser. You can run it here:
TypinExamples 243 almost 2 years ago A sample project that demonstrates the usage of framework with a Blazor SPA application (Xterm.js and custom web workers implementation in C# to emulate terminal experience in browser).
Unofficial eShopOnContainers 4 9 months ago Unofficial Blazor WebAssembly client for
UpBlazor 63 5 months ago - Blazor Server integrating with Up bank (an Australian digital bank), to assist users with budgeting and to gain powerful future insights. Uses Clean Architecture and
WordTester 5 almost 2 years ago An application for learning foreign words using flashcards and spaced repetition
BlazorAndTailwind 113 9 months ago Sample project, guide and tips for setting up in Blazor
Css in Blazor presentation's source code 18 about 1 year ago Source code of a presentation by Ed Charbeneau about Blazor and CSS
BlazorViz interop wrapper for Viz.js 5 4 months ago A sample of generating Graphviz DOT language files and visualising tree data structures.
BlazorServerImageRecognitionApp 10 4 months ago Simple Blazor Server app which uses image recognition to identify and extract text printed in an image file uploaded by the user.
FootballBlazorApp 8 16 days ago Simple Football Blazor Server web app displaying fixtures & results, group standings, teams & players and has a player search.
ComponentBuilder 42 7 months ago - An automation framework to create Blazor component by
Moldinium 2 over 1 year ago MobX-style dependency tracking in Blazor (proof-of-concept level maturity)

Awesome Blazor / Tutorials

Blazor workshop 3,481 4 months ago Blazor app building workshop by , Blazzing Pizza
Blazor Meadow Web API Weather Chart.js June 2021 - Display sensor data using Chart.js in a Blazor application.
NextTechEvent by Coding After Work Build "NextTechEvent", a site that will help speakers, organizers, and attendees find their next tech event.
Archives 8,775 about 2 months ago , , ,

Awesome Blazor / Libraries & Extensions / Component bundles

FAST 9,250 6 days ago FAST is a collection of technologies built on Web Components and modern Web Standards, designed to help you efficiently tackle some of the most common challenges in website and application design and development.
Ant Design Blazor 5,757 8 days ago A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Blazor. ( )
MudBlazor 7,909 4 days ago MudBlazor is an ambitious Material Design component framework for Blazor with an emphasis on ease of use and clear structure. It is perfect for .NET developers who want to rapidly build web applications without having to struggle with CSS and Javascript. MudBlazor, being written entirely in C#, empowers them to adapt, fix or extend the framework and the multitude of examples in the documentation makes learning MudBlazor very easy. .
Blazorise 3,270 3 days ago Components for Blazor with support for Bootstrap, Bulma, AntDesign and Material CSS. ( ), ( ), ( ), ( )
MASA Blazor 1,170 5 days ago A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Material Design and Blazor. It's an almost perfect copy of Vuetify, and Long-term roadmaps have been mapped out. It is powered by the MASA team and remains free and open source. .
Radzen.Blazor 3,479 4 days ago Native UI components for Blazor. DataGrid, DataList, Tabs, Dialog and more. ( )
BlazorStrap 916 10 days ago Material Design components for Blazor. Bootstrap 4 components for Blazor ( )
BootstrapBlazor 1 6 months ago Reusable bootstrap components for Blazor. ( )
BlazorBootstrap 686 4 days ago High-performance, lightweight, and responsive blazor bootstrap components in a single package from the developers for the developers. ( )
FAST Blazor 3,739 4 days ago A lightweight wrapper around Microsoft's official FluentUI Web Components for use with .NET 6.0 Razor views & Blazor. ( )
Element-Blazor 686 3 months ago A blazor component library using Element UI. API imitates Element, CSS directly uses Element's style, HTML structure directly uses Element's HTML structure. .
BlazorFluentUI 813 6 months ago Simple port of FluenUI/Office Fabric React components and style to Blazor. .
ComponentOne Blazor UI Components External link. A fast datagrid, listview, input and other native Blazor components for server and client-side apps
DevExpress Blazor UI Components 386 18 days ago A set of native UI Blazor components (including a Data Grid, Pivot Grid, Scheduler, and Charts) for both Blazor server-side and Blazor client-side platforms
Syncfusion Blazor UI Components The most comprehensive native Blazor component library including , , , and components. ( )
ADMINLTE 266 9 months ago ADMINLTE for Blazor is a collection of reusable components, with which you can easily develop digital services as a designer or developer. Think of buttons, form elements and page templates. This project adapts ADMINLTE 3 so the components can be used from dotnet core Blazor
Blazority 103 16 days ago Blazor component library based on the Clarity UI design. 30+ components including Datagrid and Tree-view ( )
Makani 60 12 months ago Lightweight, customizable, and performance oriented component library for Blazor and .NET MAUI Hybrid. Built with TailwindCSS.
Material.Blazor 244 10 days ago An alternative Material Theme Razor Component Library. Material.Blazor focuses sharply on giving you pure markup from - we don't try to sit between you and your use of Google's CSS and SASS because they do it better than we ever could. We also have some cool "plus" components.
Majorsoft Blazor Components 323 almost 2 years ago Majorsoft Majorsoft Blazor Components is a set of UI Components and other useful Extensions for Blazor applications. All components are free and available on NuGet. The main goal of this project is to provide an easy to use, feature reach set of customizable components with other useful extensions.
MComponents 65 3 months ago Open Source MIT Blazor Components: Grid, Select, Wizard etc
PanoramicData Blazor UI Components 56 5 days ago An open source library of Blazor components including Table, Tree, ToolBar and FileExplorer.
HAVIT Blazor 484 4 days ago Bootstrap 5 components + additional components built on top of Bootstrap 5 (grid, autosuggest, message-boxes, atc.). Enterprise project template with gRPC code-first client/server communication, localization and more.
Blazority 103 16 days ago Blazor component library based on the Clarity UI design. 30+ components including Datagrid and Tree-view ( )
Telerik UI for Blazor External link ( A native set of UI components for Blazor, including grid, charting, and calendar components
Start Blazoring A Blazor starter template built using your choice of or , with more UI library integration coming. It offers a myriad of features such as user registration, login, password reset, two factor; user management, roles, permissioning; background workers, logging, caching, email templates, localization and many more
Smart UI for Blazor 64 over 2 years ago Component library for Blazor including Grid, Kanban, Gantt, Chart, Docking, Pivot and more.
TabBlazor 437 16 days ago Blazor Admin theme built on top of . Minimal javascript.
Blazor.Ionic 41 over 2 years ago Ionic framework integration for Blazor
Blazor Controls Toolkit Complete toolset for implementing commercial business applications. It includes the equivalent of all Bootstrap JavaScript components, all html5 input types with widgets fallbacks, advanced editable components like DataGrid, TreeView, DetailView, ModalDetail, DetailList. All components have default customizable templates, and support virtualizazion and Drag & Drop. Component rendering is meta-data driven, so component configuration is in part automatic, and in part can be driven with data annotations. The toolset includes also query tools, to issue complex local or remote queries, changes-tracking tools to send only the changed records to the server, advanced validation attributes, globalization tools, "Behaviors" that modify existing components, state management and save, and more
Blazor.WebForm.Components 46 about 2 months ago ASP.NET Web Forms System.Web.UI.WebControls Razor Components For Blazor WebAssembly.
BlazorOcticons 21 5 months ago Github created as a components and available via the NuGet package. The project is an example using the generated components
ABP Framework 12,805 4 days ago ABP Framework is a complete infrastructure to create modern web applications by following the best practices and conventions of software development
Nevron Open Vision Components for Blazor Diagram, Chart, Text Editor, Gauge, Barcode, and User Interface components for Blazor.
CodeBeam.MudExtensions 411 29 days ago Useful third party extension components for MudBlazor, from the contributors. +20 components includes Stepper, SpeedDial, Wheel, Splitter, Animate, Popup, Material 3 Switch, Gallery, CodeInput and more.

Awesome Blazor / Libraries & Extensions / 2D/3D Rendering engines

BabylonBlazor 63 10 months ago This library packages the well-known 3D library into a Razor component that can be used in a C# Blazor project. The library is intended to use for creation of molecules visualization and used limited API of Babylon library. which is showing different parts of library . Show chemical information from
Head Element Helper 159 3 months ago and components for changing the document titile and meta elements, with server-side prerendering support for SEO/OGP. ( )
Blazor.Canvas 218 27 days ago Wrapper library around the HTML canvas API written in C# (no JS dependency) ( )
BlazorIntersectionObserver 61 12 months ago This is a wrapper around the
ChartJs.Blazor 691 5 months ago Brings charts to Blazor
Blazor-Charts 76 over 4 years ago SVG charts for Blazor
GG.Net Data Visualization 80 3 months ago Interactive and flexible charts for Blazor Web Apps. Taking its inspiration from the highly popular ggpplot2 R package, GG.Net provides natively rich features for your Data Analysis Workflow. Build publication quality charts with just a few lines of code.
Blazor-Sparkline 27 almost 2 years ago Sparkline Charts for Blazor using Fonts
Blazor-ApexCharts 803 about 1 month ago Blazor wrapper for ApexCharts.
Plotly.Blazor 347 4 days ago Brings the charting library with over 40 chart types to Blazor ( )
GG.Net Data Visualization 80 3 months ago Interactive and flexible charts for Blazor Web Apps. Taking its inspiration from the highly popular ggpplot2 R package, GG.Net provides natively rich features for your Data Analysis Workflow. Build publication quality charts with just a few lines of code.
ChartJs for Blazor 116 26 days ago This is a NuGet package for Blazor to use ChartJs, constantly updated with new features
UnlockedData.Chartist.Blazor 7 8 months ago Blazor wrapper for bundled with
BlazorSize 336 about 1 month ago BlazorSize is a JavaScript interop library for Blazor that is used to detect the Browser's current size, change in size, and test media queries
BlazorAnimation 132 about 1 year ago A Blazor component based on animate.css to easly animate your content.
RazorStyle 6 7 months ago A small utility library to allow in-component styling without duplicate tags. Also supports programmatically triggered animations
DexieNET 43 3 months ago DexieNET aims to be a feature complete .NET wrapper for Dexie.js the famous Javascript IndexedDB wrapper from David Fahlander. It's designed for Blazor and includes an easy to use Razor component. Now with support for DexieCloud in preview
EfCoreNexus 2 6 months ago EfCoreNexus helps integrating the entity framework core into your blazor app. Via reflection it adds your entitiy classes automatically and provides you with basic crud functionality
Grid.Blazor 698 about 1 month ago Grid component with CRUD forms for Blazor and ASP.NET MVC, supporting filtering, sorting, searching, paging, subgrids and others ( )
BlazorGrid 76 11 months ago Virtualized data grid component with lean markup, focused on displaying remote data. ( )
BlazorDateRangePicker 184 2 months ago A date range picker component library for Blazor.
Toast_UI.Blazor_Calendar 54 7 months ago A fully featured calendar UI component for viewing and creating events, tasks, and milestones. Month, week, and daily views. Blazor Calendar wraps the fully featured Toast UI Calendar JS library. MIT License.
Blazor.Diagrams Z.Blazor.Diagrams is a fully customizable and extensible all-purpose diagrams library for Blazor (both Server Side and WASM). It was first inspired by the popular React library react-diagrams, but then evolved into something much bigger. ZBD can be used to make advanced diagrams with a custom design. Even the behavior of the library is "hackable" and can be changed to suit your needs
Excubo.Blazor.Diagrams 136 27 days ago Interactive diagram component (flowcharts, UML, BPMN, ...), customizable and extensible according to user needs (node types, styles).
BlazorGoogleMaps 325 6 days ago Blazor interop for GoogleMap library
UnlockedData.Mapael 4 almost 3 years ago Blazor wrapper over vector drawing/mapping library.
Blazored.Modal 775 3 months ago A JavaScript free modal library for Blazor and Razor Components applications
Blazored.Toast 659 5 months ago A JavaScript free toast library for Blazor and Razor Component applications
Blazor.Sidepanel 43 8 months ago A powerful and customizable Sidepanel implementation for Blazor applications
BlazorXTabs 33 11 months ago An extended tabs component library providing various tab features for Blazor
bUnit - a testing library for Blazor components 1,127 8 days ago A testing library for Blazor Components. You can easily define components under test in C# or Razor syntax and verify outcome using semantic HTML diffing/comparison logic. You can easily interact with and inspect components, trigger event handlers, provide cascading values, inject services, mock IJsRuntime, and perform snapshot testing
Verify.Blazor - a snapshot testing library for Blazor components 31 9 days ago A snapshot testing library for Blazor Components. Supports rendering Blazor Components to a snapshot file via bunit or via raw Blazor rendering
Stl.Fusion 1,845 7 months ago .NET Core and Blazor library that attempts to dramatically improve the way we implement real-time and high-load services by introducing a novel kind of "computed observables" - immutable, thread-safe, and most importantly, almost invisible for developers. .
BlazorContextMenu 531 4 months ago A context menu component for Blazor ( )
Blazored.Typeahead 439 11 months ago Auto-complete textbox with local and remote data source, for both Client-side and Server-Side Blazor
Blazor-DragDrop 403 10 months ago Easy-to-use Drag and Drop library for Blazor
BlazorDownloadFile 185 10 months ago Blazor download files to the browser from c# without any JavaScript library or dependency. BlazorDownloadFile is the solution to saving files on the client-side, and is perfect for web apps that generates files on the client. However if the file is coming from the server we recommend you to first try to use Content-Disposition attachment response header as it has more cross-browser compatibility
Blazor.FileSystemAccess 327 2 months ago A Blazor wrapper for the browser API File System Access. The API makes it possible to read and write to your local file system from the browser both files and directories. [Demo](The API makes it possible to read and write to your local file system from the browser both files and directories.)
Blorc.PatternFly 29 over 1 year ago Blazor wrappers for . To view the latest develop branch in action, visit the app
Blazor PWA Updater 133 over 1 year ago Provide "Update Now" UI and feature to your Blazor PWA that appears when the next version of one is available
BlazorTransitionableRoute 168 over 2 years ago Allows current and previous route to exist enabling transition animations of UI/UX design systems
Razor.SweetAlert2 203 4 days ago Blazor component implementing the popular SweetAlert2 JavaScript Library
BlazorMonaco 449 3 months ago Blazor component for Microsoft's which powers Visual Studio Code. ( )
Blazor.Grids 41 27 days ago Component library for CSS grids with extra features, such as moving and resizing interactively. Create your own dashboard with ease. ( )
Blazor.TreeViews 71 9 days ago Component library for tree views. ( )
GEmojiSharp.Blazor 115 about 1 month ago GitHub Emoji for Blazor ( )
Texnomic.Blazor.hCaptcha 7 over 1 year ago hCaptcha Component for Server-Side Blazor
BlazorLocalizationSample 14 4 days ago The default project template localized using with online translation and auto resource creating
TimeCalc 1 5 months ago An app to help keep track of speed cubing averages on the fly using Blazor WebAssembly.
BlazorSliders 35 4 months ago Create multiple panels separated by sliding splitters
Blazor SplitContainer 58 26 days ago A Blazor component to create panes separated by a slidable splitter bar
BlazorTimeline 67 over 2 years ago Responsive, vertical timeline component
BlazorTypewriter 20 over 2 years ago A typewriter effect for Blazor
BlazorMergely 10 about 3 years ago An implementation of Blazor diff and merge component based on Mergely with server side support
MetaMask.Blazor 44 about 2 months ago A library that provides an easy helper to use with Blazor WebAssembly
Blazor File Drop Zone 23 24 days ago Surround an "input type=file" element by this Blazor component to making a zone that accepts drag and drops files ( )
Knob 2 almost 3 years ago Knob Control for Blazor
BlazorCurrentDevice 25 over 1 year ago Device detection for blazor using current-device.js
BlazorStyledTextArea 16 about 2 years ago A textarea with style. This component essentially remains and works as a textarea but can have any of the text styled based on your application needs. Its simplicity is purposefully designed to avoid the complexities and issues that come with rich text editors
SignaturePad 78 2 months ago A simple to use blazor component to draw custom signatures.
BlazorInputTags 11 5 months ago A simple to use blazor component for both Blazor Server and WebAssembly which adds a basic tag editor to your app.
BlazorTooltips 0 3 months ago An implementation of Bootstrap tooltips for both Blazor Server and WebAssembly.
BlazorBarcodeScanner 92 8 months ago Barcode Scanner component for Blazor using zxing-js Interop.
Blazor Transition Group 25 7 months ago A library performing animations when a Blazor component enters or leaves the DOM inspired by

Awesome Blazor / Libraries & Extensions / Tools & Utilities

Fluxor 1,268 5 days ago Zero boilerplate Flux/Redux library for DotNet
Blazored.LocalStorage 1,216 17 days ago A library to provide access to local storage in Blazor applications
Blazor-State 546 26 days ago Manage client side state in Blazor using MediatR pipeline
bUnit - a testing library for Blazor components 1,127 8 days ago A testing library for Blazor Components. You can easily define components under test in C# or Razor syntax and verify outcome using semantic HTML diffing/comparison logic. You can easily interact with and inspect components, trigger event handlers, provide cascading values, inject services, mock IJsRuntime, and perform snapshot testing
Cropper.Blazor 135 4 days ago is a component that wraps around for cropping images in Blazor. Support Blazor Server, Blazor WebAssembly, Blazor Server Hybrid with MVC and MAUI Blazor Hybrid.
TextCopy 506 5 days ago A cross platform package to copy text to and from the clipboard. via the
CssBuilder 215 almost 3 years ago CssBuilder is a Builder pattern for CSS classes to be used with Razor Components
Blazor.FileSystemAccess 327 2 months ago A Blazor wrapper for the browser File System Access API
Blazor.Polyfill 120 over 1 year ago Polyfills for Blazor (for Internet Explorer 11 support and some other browsers)
Blazor I18n/Localization Text 247 about 1 month ago Localizing contents text in Blazor ( )
BlazorGoogleMaps 325 6 days ago Blazor interop for GoogleMap library
BlazorWorker 377 7 days ago Library for creating DotNet Web Worker threads/multithreading in Blazor.
MvvmBlazor 246 11 months ago BlazorMVVM is a small framework for building Blazor and BlazorServerside apps. With it's simple to use MVVM pattern you can boost up your development speed while minimizing the hazzle to just make it work
Blazor.BrowserExtension 371 18 days ago Develop browser extensions/addons with Blazor WebAssembly. Tested with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and MS Edge
Blazor Analytics 145 over 1 year ago Blazor extensions for Analytics
Blazor PDF 86 over 2 years ago Generate de PDF document with iTextSharp from a Blazor Server App
BlazorRouter 66 about 2 months ago BlazorRouter is an awesome router inspired by react-router, providing declarative routing for Blazor
DataJuggler.Blazor.FileUpload 32 22 days ago Wrapper for Steve Sanderson's BlazorFileInput component
BlazorPrettyCode 36 almost 4 years ago Blazor Code Component for documentation sites.
Blazor.EventAggregator 120 about 3 years ago Lightweight Event Aggregator for Blazor (Razor Components)
Blazor Gamepad 30 4 months ago Provides gamepad API access for Blazor
Blazor Hotkeys2 96 3 months ago A library to provide configuration-centric keyboard shortcuts for Blazor
BlazorRealm Redux state management for Blazor
Blazor.LocalFiles 50 almost 3 years ago Open files in your browser and load into Blazor
Blazor.SpeechSynthesis 90 4 months ago A library to provide Speech Synthesis API access for Blazor
Blazor BarCode – A barcode library for Blazor using barcode fonts
BlazorState.Redux 29 almost 2 years ago Develop Blazor apps with Redux
Howler.Blazor 31 3 months ago A Blazor JSInterop wrapper for Howler.js, an audio library
jsMind.Blazor 20 3 months ago A Blazor JSInterop wrapper for jsMind, a MindMapping tool
Blazor Highcharts 33 6 months ago A port of the popular Highcharts library.
Blazor.LazyStyleSheet 12 about 1 year ago Lazy loading for CSS style sheets
Blazor.ScriptInjection 26 12 months ago Smart script tags in Blazor components, ideal for lazy loading of javascript files
DnetIndexedDb 105 about 2 years ago Blazor Library for IndexedDB DOM API
BlazorIndexedDbJs 11 over 2 years ago BlazorIndexedDbJs is a wrapper arround IndexedDB DOM API, supports Blazor WASM and Server
Blazor-Color-Picker 32 6 months ago Opens a palette with the Material colors for Blazor application
Blazm.Bluetooth 82 almost 2 years ago A Blazor library for connecting to devices using Bluetooth
WebBluetooth 4 almost 2 years ago Blazor service for the experimental WebBluetooth functions. Based on
BlazorApplicationInsights 182 8 days ago Application Insights for Blazor web applications
Blazor Printing 111 7 months ago Print and save PDF documents with a native print dialog in a Blazor Server or client Application
BlazorTemplater 148 4 months ago Use components to render HTML strings for email content
MediaSession.Blazor 6 almost 2 years ago A Blazor JSInterop wrapper for Media Session API. The Media Session API provides a way to customize media notifications. ( )
BlazorAntivirusProtection 69 7 months ago Antivirus protection for Blazor Wasm projects. This package attempts to guard against false positives from antiviruses that flag Blazor Wasm as malware, until Microsoft gives us an official solution
Phork.Blazor.Reactivity 27 23 days ago An unopinionated Blazor state management library that utilizes INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged .NET interfaces to automatically detect state changes in components
CodeBeam.GoogleApis.Blazor 8 about 2 years ago An open-source utility package for GoogleApis in Blazor. Written from scratch and aims easiest of use
Memento 38 8 months ago A simple client-side state management container for Blazor/.NET includes redo/undo and ReduxDevTools support
RxBlazorLight 5 3 months ago RxBlazorLight is a simple reactive wrapper around Blazor components. For now only components are supported. Build the and enjoy the reactive

Awesome Blazor / Libraries & Extensions / Others

Blazor Extensions Home 52 almost 6 years ago Home for Blazor Extensions
Bolero 1,057 about 1 month ago Blazor for F# with hot reloaded templates, type-safe endpoints and routing, remoting, and much more
BlazorFabric 813 6 months ago Blazor port of Microsoft UI Fabric with fluent design. ( )
BlazorWebView 132 over 1 year ago Blazor WebView control for WPF, Android, macOS, iOS. Run Blazor on .NET Core and Mono natively inside a Webview.
BlazorLazyLoading 98 over 2 years ago Production ready lazy loading implementation. Full lazy loading support for WASM and Server (pages, components, dlls) with abstractions to implement modularization if you wish (custom endpoints, custom manifests, etc)
Fun.Blazor 189 12 days ago This is a project to make F# developer to write blazor easier - Use F# for Blazor, Computation expression (CE) style DSL for internal and third party blazor libraries, Dependency injection, Adaptive and Elmish models, Giraffe style routing, Type safe style
Blazor.DownloadFileFast 31 11 months ago Fast download of files to the browser from Blazor without any javascript library reference or dependency. ( )
SpotifyService 20 over 2 years ago A high-level Spotify API library for Blazor WebAssembly projects that enables Spotify playback in the browser, manages OAuth 2.0 authorization, provides easy access to the Spotify Web API and uses IndexedDB caching
Blazor.DynamicJavascriptRuntime.Evaluator 18 over 1 year ago Execute dynamic object expressions as Javascript in Blazor client-side apps
Bionic An Ionic CLI clone for Blazor projects
EventHorizon Blazor TypeScript Interop Generator 132 about 1 month ago This project takes in a TypeScript type definition file and creates a .NET Core project that will work with the provided Interop abstraction project
Generators.Blazor 73 9 days ago Generators.Blazor is a source generator for improving performance in Blazor. The project also contains analyzers to detect common issues in Blazor apps
Blazork8s 143 about 2 months ago Manage k8s using balzor with AI,like kubernetes dashboard

Awesome Blazor / Source generators

BlazorOcticons 21 5 months ago Github created as a .razor components using source generator. The generated components are available via the NuGet package, the generator itself is available as a separate NuGet package. The project website is an example using the generated components
BlazorInteropGenerator 15 10 months ago Github Generates Blazor -> Javascript strongly typed interop methods, by parsing the Javascript it self and generating extension methods for IJSRuntime
RazorPageRouteGenerator 13 3 months ago Generates methods with parameters for Razor and Blazor pages, so you can navigate without having to guess URLs or parameters

Awesome Blazor / Real-World applications

Try .NET 2,884 5 days ago Try .NET provides developers and content authors with tools to create interactive experiences

Awesome Blazor / Videos

ASP.NET Community Standup - Using GraphQL to enhance Blazor apps July 9, 2024 - Let's dive into why GraphQL is a compelling choice for API queries and how to integrate it with Blazor. In this session, we'll enhance a Blazor app by incorporating GraphQL and using QuickGrid to present the data
Real World Apps with Blazor and .NET Aspire July 2, 2024 - In this episode Eduardo joins Frank to showcase FairPlayTube: The Next Generation of Video Sharing portals, a tool for content creators and entrepreneurs, powered by AI to create thumbnails, digital marketing strategies, passive income ideas, posts for social networks and more
New Blazor Hybrid + .NET MAUI Templates are Incredible June 28, 2024 - Looking to build mobile, desktop, and web apps all with nearly 100% shared web UI? New Blazor Hybrid templates in .NET 9 give you a single click automatically configured project with .NET MAUI, Blazor, and a razor class library all setup
ASP.NET Community Standup: Building June 18, 2024 - Join Jeff Fritz as he shows how he built with .NET 8, Blazor, Microsoft Azure and .NET Aspire.
Blazor and Orchard Core with Peter Matthews - Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq June 17, 2024 - Join this session of Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq! In these, we do an hour of pair programming with an Orchard Core community member about a project of theirs. We learn together a lot, share best practices, and write some good code. All this is live, and you can join us with your questions!
Building Real-Time Web Applications with Blazor and Akka.NET June 13, 2024 - This talk presents how you can use Akka.NET and Blazor to build scalable, streaming web applications without JavaScript or any fuss. Pure C# end to end
ASP.NET Community Standup: Static web asset improvements in .NET 9 June 11, 2024 - Learn about some of the static web asset improvements coming in .NET 9
What's New in Blazor in .NET 8 & Beyond | Blazing into Summer 2024 June 10, 2024 - In this talk, Dan Roth dived into all that's new in Blazor in .NET 8 like the advanced render modes, built-in authentication support, and scaffolding, and also looked at the future of Blazor in .NET 9 and how that can make web development even better
On .NET Live: Generating sound in Blazor with Blazor.WebAudio June 3, 2024 - Are you using audio in your Blazor applications? This week, Kristoffer Stube joins us to talk about Blazor.WebAudio, a Blazor library for playing, generating, and analyzing sound! This library and the libraries surrounding it enable developers to make rich interactive applications in a safe fashion
Modern Full-Stack Web Development with ASP.NET Core & Blazor May 22, 2024 - Dive into the latest advancements in ASP.NET Core and Blazor for building dynamic, responsive full-stack web applications. Learn how these powerful frameworks simplify the development process, from server to client, enabling you to create rich interactive web UIs with C# instead of JavaScript
Clean Architecture with .NET MAUI, Blazor, and ASP.NET Core May 22, 2024 - We've heard a lot about how using .NET to build our UI applications lets us share code across our whole stack, but finding the best way to do this isn't straightforward. UI code and API code can sometimes seem at cross-purposes and it's not always obvious how using .NET code across your whole stack provides any advantages over using different technologies for your UI and API. It's easy to fall into the trap of underutilizing the right code-sharing techniques. Or, at the other extreme, butchering your architecture for the sake of sharing code. In this talk, Matt Goldman (author of .NET MAUI in Action) will look at extending Clean Architecture to incorporate UIs built with .NET MAUI and Blazor. See sensible ways to write clean, testable, re-usable code that can be shared across the different layers of your solution, and across different solutions in your enterprise, to optimize efficiency and minimize duplication. We'll also see how to avoid the common pitfalls of over-engineering or under-sharing. You will walk away knowing how to make full-stack code shared with .NET a reality
Build an AI-powered content composer in Blazor using OpenAI GPT May 22, 2024 - Learn how to build an AI-powered content composer using GPT-3.5 Turbo and Syncfusion Blazor components. Effortlessly create content on any topic and automatically adjust its tone, format, and length—all in one place
Learn C# with CSharpFritz - PWA and Publishing with Blazor May 1, 2024 - Fritz wraps up the series on Blazor with .NET 8 by enabling the pizza website as a progressive web app (PWA) and publishes it to Microsoft Azure
Supercharging Blazor SSR with htmx April 29, 2024 - Are you using a front-end framework with Blazor? In this week's episode, community MVP Egin Hansen shows us how to supercharge Blazor static server-side rendering (SSR) with the htmx front-end library. Adding htmx gives you access to another level of interactivity while still retaining all the advantages of Blazor SSR stateless nature
ASP.NET Community Standup: Fluent UI Blazor April 23, 2024 - The Fluent UI Blazor library provides a set of Blazor components which are used to build applications that have a Fluent design (i.e. have the look and feel or modern Microsoft applications). Join Vincent and Denis to learn the fundamentals and building blocks of the library and demonstrate how to quickly incorporate it into your Blazor projects. Learn the basics of setting up the environment, use the interactive components, and change the styling of your application with Fluent UI design tokens
Understand the Next Phase of Web Development April 23, 2024 - Talk by Steve Sanderson at the NDC London 2024. It’s 2024, and the web continues to dominate the software landscape. Innovation proceeds in all directions, with new frameworks, build systems, and architectural patterns emerging at pace. But where are we all heading? Is there a pattern? What’s the next big phase? In this demo-centric talk we’ll look at the common trends across web frameworks: disruptive new features that are showing up across technologies and changing how web apps are built. We’ll dig into live code examples in Next.js (React), SvelteKit, Blazor, Astro, and more. We’ll see how these and others are setting a similar path for the next phase of web technology – and how you could implement the same features yourself without any framework. Finally, we’ll catch up on the state of WebAssembly and try out WASI preview 2 – the upcoming reinvention of WASI. Will it achieve the dream of seamless interop across all languages, operating systems, and CPU architectures? Will it become the standard for server-side cloud programming? Let’s build something with it
ASP.NET Community Standup: Blazor Hybrid + Web in .NET 9 April 9, 2024 - Learn how improvements coming to .NET 9 will make it easier to integrate Blazor Web and Blazor Hybrid
Introducing Smart Components Experiment for Blazor, MVC, and Razor Pages March 19, 2024 - Add genuinely useful AI-powered features to your web app, just by dropping in pre-built Smart Components that upgrade your existing pages and forms in minutes. Steve Sanderson shows how SmartPaste, SmartTextArea, and SmartComboBox can all delight your users and make them more productive. This is a new experiment from the .NET team, and they want feedbacks
ASP.NET Community Standup - Modern Blazor Auth with OIDC February 13, 2024 - See how to connect a Blazor app to Microsoft Entra using OIDC and the BFF pattern
Let's Learn .NET - Blazor January 25, 2024 - Live with the lead Blazor Product Manager, Daniel Roth, we will learn about basic web development with .NET Blazor! Then, build an interactive web-based game application with Blazor. Come to learn something new and leave with something that we all built, together, live with experts
.NET Data Community Standup - Database concurrency and EF Core: ASP.NET and Blazor - Episode 2 January 24, 2024 - In the last episode, we dug deep into the underpinnings of optimistic concurrency handling in EF Core. In this episode, we continue that journey to cover disconnected scenarios. That is, where the entity travels to a client and then back to the server before being updated in the database. We’ll look at the different patterns for doing updates like this in ASP.NET Core and Blazor apps and see how concurrency tokens work with each of these. We’ll also look at how can be used with concurrency tokens, and take a look at ETag concurrency in Azure Cosmos DB
ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor Experiments + eShop Q&A December 12, 2023 - In this session, we will show you some experimental ideas for Blazor and .NET+WASI and answer your questions about the .NET eShop Blazor App.
.NET Conf: Integrating Blazor with existing .NET web apps November 18, 2023 - ASP.NET's RazorComponent model is intuitive and brings productivity to web development. In this session we'll learn how RazorComponents aren't just for Blazor apps and how we can integrate the best part of Blazor with existing ASP.NET applications using: Razor Pages, MVC, and even other front-end technologies
.NET Conf: Building beautiful Blazor apps with Tailwind CSS November 18, 2023 - Tailwind CSS has been growing in popularity for some time. It’s fast becoming one of the top frameworks to use when styling applications. It offers a different approach to the traditional frameworks like Bootstrap—utility based styling. Rather than using prebuilt components—which result in your application looking like a lot of others on the web—you can tailor your design by applying small focused CSS classes resulting in a unique style for your app. In this code focused talk, you will learn how to bring the power of Tailwind CSS to your Blazor applications. We’ll start off with a brief introduction to Tailwind. Then we’ll get into some code and see how we can integrate Tailwind with Blazor. For the rest of the time, we’ll explore the various features of Tailwind and see just how beautiful we can make our Blazor app
.NET Conf: Blazor Puzzles and Answers November 18, 2023 - The Blazor Puzzle podcast team of Carl Franklin and Jeff Fritz have a collection of puzzles and brain-teasers for you in this code-focused session about the latest features of the Blazor framework. We'll fix bugs, build cool features, and even write a unit test or two
.NET Conf: Blazor-testing from A to Z November 18, 2023 - Discuss and showcase the different Blazor testing strategies, libraries, and tools available to us, so whether you are building a website, web app, or a reusable Blazor component library, you can pick the ones that yield the most bang for the buck. Specifically, this session covers end-2-end testing, component testing, unit testing, Playwright, bUnit, snapshot testing, semantic markup comparison, emulating user interactions, and how and when to use test doubles (e.g., mocks)
.NET Conf: Full stack web UI with Blazor in .NET 8 November 15, 2023 - In .NET 8 you can deliver the best web app experiences entirely in Blazor using Blazor's convenient component model. You can build your entire web app in Blazor without the needed for writing JavaScript or mixing web frameworks. In this session you'll see how you can use Blazor's new server-side rendering support to power your web apps from the server for maximum performance and scalability. You'll see how you can easily add advanced capabilities like streaming rendering and enhanced navigation & form handling to further optimize the user experience. Then add rich client-side interactivity wherever it is needed using Blazor Server or Blazor WebAssembly
Building Hybrid User Interfaces with Blazor Hybrid [Pt 4] | Blazor Hybrid for Beginners November 10, 2023 - Let's start to build out a full application with Blazor Hybrid inside of .NET MAUI. Join James as he walks through building out a full to do application with web components
ASP.NET Community Standup - New Blazor updates in .NET 8 RC2 October 10, 2023 - About what Blazor has to offer in .NET 8 RC2.
Blazor on .NET 8 - Ten Reasons why Blazor on .NET 8 is a Game Changer October 10, 2023 - 10 reasons why the new enhancements and new features about Blazor released with .NET 8 are an absolute game changer
ASP.NET Community Standup - Full Stack Blazor Tips and Updates September 12, 2023 - Discover how full stack Blazor apps work and how they differ from traditional Blazor Server and WebAssembly apps. We'll also explore some of the new full stack UI features that Blazor offers in .NET 8 RC1.
The Blazor Puzzle : Puzzle 3 September 8, 2023 - Carl Franklin and Jeff Fritz offer Blazor-based problems to be solved and give away prizes to lucky winners.
How to Authenticate a Blazor Server App with Azure AD September 7, 2023 - This short video is about how to create a new Blazor Server application and authenticate it using Azure AD
Burke Learns Blazor - API Updates August 25, 2023 - We're going to update the API to use the Cosmos client and maybe do some updates on the Edit form. And Burke shows off the signature move that won him the "Pop 'n' Lock" championship
Beautiful Blazor UI Everywhere with Telerik August 22, 2023 - Becky is joined by Sam Basu from Progress showing off the latest controls for Blazor and Blazor Hybrid apps with Telerik UI
New Blazor Rendering Mode Features in .NET 8.0 August 14, 2023 - In this video we'll explore how to integrate the new Blazor Server Side rendering capabilities in .NET 8.0 with the traditional Blazor WebAssembly and Blazor Server (SignalR) hosting models for a rich client-side experience. We'll explore the differences between these different options, how to seamlessly implement each option where it makes sense, and discuss different architecture approaches with Blazor in ASP.NET Core 8.0
What's New in Blazor for .NET 8 August 4, 2023 - Come find out about the future of Blazor in .NET 8! We'll explore all the upcoming features and improvements, including our effort to create a unified full stack web UI programming model that combines the strengths of client and server. We hope to see you there
What is the Future of Blazor? Should I Learn Blazor? July 27, 2023 - Should I learn a JavaScript framework or concentrate on mastering Blazor? What is the future of Blazor? Is Microsoft invested in making Blazor great? We will answer these questions in today's Dev Questions episode
Burke Learns Blazor July 7, 2023 - Finishing the API and starting the UI.
Adding Progress Indicators & Progress Telerik Maps in 'Next Tech Event' | Part 21 July 4, 2023 - In this episode, we discuss and implement progress indicators to enhance user experience. Plus, we integrate a Map component from Progress Telerik, adding a visually striking and functional element to the platform.
Burke Learns Blazor - Let's build the API! June 30 - Last week we got the API started - let's finish it up and start on the UI.
The Blazor Power Hour: Sections, SectionOutlet, and SectionContent in .NET 8 Preview June 28, 2023 - Let's take a deep dive into a .NET 8 Preview feature, sections. What are SectionOutlet, and SectionContent? How do we use them to build an extensive layout system for Blazor applications?
Creating a Twitter Clone with Blazor Spark June 21, 2023 - Learn how to utilize the Blazor Spark framework by building a Twitter clone
Burke learns Blazor by porting a Vue.js app to Blazor June 15, 2021 - This summer, Burke and Jon are porting to Blazor - a real world JavaScript application written in Vue.js. Join them each week as they use Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code and GitHub Copilot to rebuild this app and try to tackle every frontend issue you might encounter along the way.
ASP.NET Community Standup - Featured community project: Blazor Studio June 14, 2023 - Chat about Blazor Studio, this month's featured Blazor community project.
What's new in .NET 8 for Web frontends backends and futures? May 26, 2023 - Join this session to explore new features in .NET 8 for web frontends, backends, and future development. Discover how .NET 8 enhances web app development with better performance, new APIs, and modern development support. Get guidance on leveraging these tools for scalable, efficient cloud apps. Suitable for both experienced and new .NET developers, this session offers valuable insights into the latest developments in .NET 8 for web development
Running ASP.NET Core Apps without a server? WHAT??? May 26, 2023 - By Isaac Levin at the NDC Oslo 2023. With the introduction of WebAssembly-based Blazor, .NET developers can now build solutions that can run on all sorts of new hosting platforms, even ones without servers. Building applications that can run nearly anywhere, all written in C# is an amazing experience for web developers, far and wide. Write code in the programming language you love, without having to learn the newest Javascript framework (though you can interop if you want to!) is the reason why Blazor is one of the most exciting things in the current .NET landscape. In this session, we will go over the technology of Blazor WebAssembly and showcase deploying a .NET app that can run in places we never thought we could
Running Blazor in Production, Lessons Learned May 24, 2023 - Since we started using Blazor in 2019, it's been an excellent tool for our team of C# developers. Even when Blazor was brand new, we used it in our latest project, which really helped us. Seeing other people in our field, I can say that Blazor was a key to our project's success. Our journey with Blazor has mostly been easy, but we have still learned a lot along the way. In this video, I will share some tips and lessons we have picked up. I will also discuss how to make smart choices and avoid problems when you're changing your existing project to use Blazor
Full stack web in .NET 8 with Blazor May 24, 2023 - Learn how ASP.NET Blazor in .NET 8 allows you to use a single powerful component model to handle all of your web UI needs, including server-side rendering, client-side rendering, streaming rendering, progressive enhancement, and much more
Blazor + .NET MAUI – the perfect “hybrid” May 24, 2023 - In this session, we demonstrate how to leverage DevExpress Blazor/.NET MAUI UI components to deliver intuitive mobile solutions that amaze. We show you how Blazor Hybrid apps reduce time to market and how our adaptive Blazor Data Grid can be used alongside our rich collection of FREE .NET MAUI UI components to address a variety of usage scenarios
How to Create a PDF Document in Blazor Using the .NET PDF Library May 23, 2023 - .NET Build session: How to Create a PDF Document in Blazor Using the .NET PDF Library. PDFs are an ideal format for sharing and archiving documents, but creating a viewer from scratch requires a deep understanding of PDF specifications and programming languages. What benefit does a PDF viewer provide for your business? It makes it easy to send a report to stakeholders, send an invoice to a customer, or generate a receipt in a retail shop. In this demo, we’ll show how you can easily add a PDF viewer to your app with text, images, and a table in the PDF document
Blazor + .NET MAUI – the perfect “hybrid” May 23, 2023 - Microsoft Build session: Blazor + .NET MAUI – the perfect “hybrid”. In this session, we demonstrate how to leverage DevExpress Blazor/.NET MAUI UI components to deliver intuitive mobile solutions that amaze. We show you how Blazor Hybrid apps reduce time to market and how our adaptive Blazor Data Grid can be used alongside our rich collection of FREE .NET MAUI UI components to address a variety of usage scenarios
This Will Skyrocket Your Blazor Development Productivity May 23, 2023 - Developing Blazor is fun. However, there are a lot of different things that take quite some time when added together. For instance creating isolated CSS files, creating isolated JS files, creating code behind files and others. However, Jimmy Engstrom has created a Visual Extension that solves exactly this problems. Using this extension, your productivity will get a substantial boost. In this video, I'll show you everything you need to know to use this extension in your day to day Blazor development
On .NET Live - Micro Frontends with Blazor May 22, 2023 - Have you ever considered writing microservices in Blazor? In this week's episode, community MVP Florian Rappl joins us to talk about micro frontends. He'll show us how to break a Blazor UI into modules for maintainability and development by decoupled teams. .
Running Blazor in production, lessons learned - Jimmy Engström - NDC London 2023 May 19, 2023 - We have been running Blazor in production for over two years now. Everyone in our team is a C# developer, so when we went into our latest project Blazor was a natural choice, even though Blazor was only a week old. Looking at my peers working in the same space, I am convinced that it saved our project by switching to Blazor. Even though it has been mostly smooth sailing we have learned a lot during the years. In this session, Jimmy Engström will give you some of the tips, tricks, and learnings we have collected over the years, when to choose what, and how to avoid pitfalls converting your exiting project to Blazor
ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor .NET 8 Updates May 10, 2023 - Come check out some of the progress the Blazor team has made for .NET 8.
Building "Next Tech Event" using Blazor and RavenDB Part 16 May 9, 2023 - Part 16 of our new project, "NextTechEvent", a site that will help speakers, organizers, and attendees find their next tech event. In this stream, we made the attendee page look better, and with our close personal friend Chat GPT, we did a better-looking temperature view.
Build a Connect Four game in your browser with .NET May 1, 2023 - Learn C#, F#, and .NET with free self-guided learning from .
ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor and Data API Builder April 11, 2023 - Learn about Data API Builder and how it can be used in Blazor app development.
ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor App Testing with Playwright February 23, 2023 - March 14, 2023 - Learn how to use Playwright to implement end-to-end testing for your Blazor application.
Steve Sanderson on Blazor United February 23, 2023 - Carl talks to Steve Sanderson, creator of Blazor, to answer questions about Blazor United, coming in .NET 8
Exploring OpenAI with Blazor February 23, 2023 - Chat with Michael Washington about how .NET developers can leverage OpenAI GPT-3 in their Blazor applications
ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor United in .NET 8 February 14, 2023 - The Blazor team shares early thoughts on Blazor United in .NET 8, an effort to create a single unified model for all your web UI scenarios that combines the best of Razor Pages, Blazor Server, and Blazor WebAssembly.
On .NET Live - Mapping with GeoBlazor February 7, 2023 - Do you need to display mapping data in your Blazor apps? In this week's episode, community member Tim Purdum joins the panel to show us GeoBlazor, a versatile web mapping API that you can implement without having to write a single line of JavaScript
Blazor United prototype January 24, 2023 - A quick look at some of the experiments we're considering for Blazor in .NET 8
ASP.NET Community Standup - Exploring new and experimental features in Blazor January 10, 2023 - It show what it's like to build a .NET 7 Blazor app using both new and currently experimental features. Featuring: Daniel Roth, Jon Galloway, Mackinnon Buck.
Run a Blazor component inside React December 21, 2022 - Are you tired of slow and clunky web applications? Look no further than Blazor running in React! Blazor is a powerful framework for building interactive client-side web apps with C#, and when combined with the speed and flexibility of React, you get a winning combination for stunning, high-performance web experiences. In this video, we will use the new Custom Elements feature to run Blazor in React, and demonstrate some of the other exciting features and benefits of this dynamic duo. Don't miss out on the future of web development
ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor .NET 8 Planning December 13, 2022 - Find out our early plans for Blazor in .NET 8.
Use the IDE to make a Fluxor CRUD Application | Blazor IDE Part 2 November 18, 2022 - Use the IDE to make a Fluxor CRUD Application
What's new for Blazor in .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022 November 10, 2022 - Blazor in .NET 7 is loaded with many new improvements to make building beautiful interactive web UI easier and more productive. In this session we'll take a look at the new support for custom elements, improved data binding, handling location changing events, showing loading progress, dynamic authentication requests, and more
Build an Audio Browser app with Blazor | .NET Conf 2022 November 10, 2022 - So you’ve heard about new features in .NET 7, but how does it all fit together when you build an app? Join Steve as he quickly builds an end-to-end audio manager app with Blazor WebAssembly using features old and new. This is a moderately advanced talk (it assumes existing Blazor knowledge) full of hints and tips including: cleaner ways to organize JS interop, directly accessing files on an end user’s filesystem, dynamically generating SVGs, creating an elegant “loading” experience, and the performance impact of AOT compilation. Full source code is provided!
.NET ❤️’s WebAssembly in .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022 November 10, 2022 - .NET 7 introduces powerful new capabilities for running .NET code on WebAssembly. In this session we’ll show how you can run .NET from any JavaScript code using the new and improved JavaScript interop support. We’ll look at debugging and hot reload improvements for .NET on WebAssembly and show how the .NET WebAssembly build tools in .NET 7 take advantage of the latest WebAssembly features like SIMD and Exception Handling to improve performance. We’ll also check out some upcoming and experimental .NET WebAssembly capabilities like support for multithreading
Testing Blazor Applications with Playwright | .NET Conf 2022 November 10, 2022 - Testing is hard, testing takes time to learn and to write, and time is money. As developers we want to test. We know we should but we don't have time. So how can we get more developers to do testing? We can create better tools. Let me introduce you to Playwright - Reliable end-to-end cross browser testing for modern web apps, by Microsoft and fully open source. Playwright's codegen generates tests for you so now you really have no excuses. It's time to play your tests wright
Create native desktop & mobile apps using web skills in Blazor Hybrid | .NET Conf 2022 November 10, 2022 - Are you a web developer and need to target iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows? Ship directly to the store and build world class apps with native API access with .NET MAUI and Blazor Hybrid
Modernize your WPF and Windows Forms application with Blazor | .NET Conf 2022 November 10, 2022 - Desktop is not dead and there are a lot of applications written in WPF and Windows Forms that need to be ported to Web, or reuse ready components written by the web team. Blazor can be the answer for both the requirements thanks to Blazor Hybrid. Let’s see how you can use it
CSS Techniques for Blazor Developers | .NET Conf 2022 November 10, 2022 - Does your CSS code remind you of an episode of Hoarders? In this session we’ll explore a variety of CSS related architecture decisions that Blazor developers face. Attendees will learn how and when to use plain CSS, Sass or CSS Isolation with Blazor. Modern CSS techniques like custom CSS properties will be discussed. We’ll explore techniques to build modular and intelligent CSS by leveraging CSS principals and incorporating helper libraries. This session aims to break the dependency on CSS systems like Bootstrap and Tailwind
Azure Static Web Apps with Blazor and .NET | .NET Conf 2022 November 10, 2022 - Are you a .NET developer who wants to quickly build and deploy full-stack .NET serverless applications? Then this talk is for you! In this session, we will learn how to use Azure Static Web Apps with Blazor and .NET. First, we will explore Azure Static Web Apps. Then take a look at getting started with Blazor WebAssembly paired with the serverless power of .NET Azure Functions or Azure Container Apps. We will continue on to explore other .NET API options now available. And finally, we will discover how to automatically build and deploy to Azure directly from our code repository
Localization in Blazor: Carl Franklin's Blazor Train Ep 90 November 3, 2022 - Carl shows how to easily support multiple languages in a Blazor WebAssembly application
Building "Next Tech Event" using Blazor and RavenDB Part 12 November 2, 2022 - Part 12 of the project "NextTechEvent", a site that will help speakers, organizers, and attendees find their next tech event. In this stream, we add search functionality using RavenDB by adding an index. A way for organizers to filter conferences by name, country, location, city, and tags or a combination of them. This way we can see how many conferences are happening in "Stockholm" or all the conferences named "NDC".
MAUI Blazor Podcast Client Part 2: The .NET Show with Carl Franklin Ep 30 October 20, 2022 - Adding guests and links, and playlist functionality
ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor in .NET 7 Part III October 11, 2022 - Learn more about the latest multithreading and MSAL developments for Blazor in .NET 7.
MSAL Auth in Blazor Server September 22, 2022 - Carl shows how to use MSAL and Azure AD B2C to authenticate users and call a secure API
ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor in .NET 7 Part II September 13, 2022 - Learn more about the exciting runtime changes in Blazor for .NET 7. .
Make a Text Editor in Blazor from scratch, Blazor Text Editor Part 1. September 8, 2022 - Make a Text Editor in Blazor from scratch, Blazor Text Editor Part 1
Roslyn Syntax Highlighting | Blazor Text Editor Part 2 September 8, 2022 - Roslyn Syntax Highlighting | Blazor Text Editor Part 2
Make a Text Editor in Blazor from scratch | Blazor Text Editor Part 1 September 8, 2022 - Make a Text Editor in Blazor from scratch | Blazor Text Editor Part 1
.NET MAUI & Blazor - Sharing code between app and web September 2, 2022 - In this video, Daniel will show you how to create a project for .NET MAUI and Blazor and how to structure the code so it can be shared between the app and the web.
Blazor in 100 Seconds September 1, 2022 - Short presentation of Blazor. Blazor is a framework that can build frontend web applications with HTML, CSS, and C#. It leverages web assembly to eliminate JavaScript from the usual client-side tech stack
Build an interactive todo list with Blazor in minutes August 28, 2022 - In this tutorial we'll learn how to create a todo list with Blazor and improve the page using Bootstrap
Blazor in .NET 7 - .NET Community Standup August 23, 2022 - Overview of Blazor in .NET 7 with Daniel Roth, Jon Galloway, Mackinnon Buck and Tanay Parikh. Learn more about the great new features coming to Blazor in .NET 7
Blazor for ABSOLUTE beginners in 21 Minutes August 22, 2022 - In this tutorial you will learn the basics of building a website with Blazor and how the default Blazor project template works. If you have any problems feel free to leave a comment and I will try and get back to you. I've also added some notes below that you might find useful
Implementing Main Page Headers in Blazor July 18, 2022 - In this session, Josh and I are back again to continue building a decentralizaed social media platform in the open-source space. This session in particular we will be discussing, designing and implementing a main page header in Blazor using SharpStyles
Blazor: Flavors of State Management with Blazor WebAssembly July 12, 2022 - ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor: Flavors of State Management with Blazor WebAssembly. Working with Blazor WebAssembly applications we often overlook the importance of appropriate state management. Without a good understanding and the right strategy, our applications can end up polluted with components that behave badly and we end up regretting the bad choices.- This session covers the simple state management flavours and then progress towards something more tasty like the Redux pattern. We will see what there is to like and dislike about each flavour. Next, we will take a step back and determine the appropriate seasoning of state management to pair with our application. You will leave this session having sampled all the wonderful flavours and be able to make great decisions to have the best development experience.
Securing Blazor & Web APIs with AAD July 11, 2022 - This video shows how to secure your Blazor application and a Web API using Azure Active Directory (AAD)
What’s next for Blazor, and .NET on WASI July 7, 2022 - What’s next for Blazor, and .NET on WASI, talk by Steve Sanderson at the NDC Porto. In this demo-centric talk, Microsoft developer/architect Steve will show the current state-of-the-art in Blazor for building rich web-based UI for browsers and native apps. This will include powerful new features shipped in .NET 6, as well as upcoming enhancements under development for .NET 7 and .NET MAUI. We’ll also look at more experimental future possibilities, including running .NET Core on WASI (WebAssembly on the server) which creates entirely new cloud and edge hosting options and lets you bring .NET code to places it’s never been before
Test the new Blazor experimental tutorial INSIDE Visual Studio June 29, 2022 - Grace Taylor from the Visual Studio team joins James to talk about a new experiment that they are running to improve tutorial inside of Visual Studio! Their first experiment is going to help developers get started learning and building web apps with Blazor. Install Visual Studio, and you may have the opportunity to test out this new experimental feature from the team
Test-Driving CSS Styles in Blazor June 20, 2022 - This video is about test-driving CSS styles in Blazor
Should I Focus on Blazor or ASP.NET Core? June 16, 2022 - Should I learn Blazor in more depth or should I better understand ASP.NET Core? Which one is the better one to learn well first? Should I bounce back and forth or specialize in one?
Persisting Data in Blazor WebAssembly June 3, 2022 - Carl uses a client-side repository based on IndexedDB to persist data even without an Internet connection
Using TypeScript with Blazor May 27, 2022 - Carl shows you how to use TypeScript when creating a Blazor component
Build native apps for any device with .NET and Visual Studio May 25, 2022 - See how you can quickly and iteratively build modern, native and hybrid web apps for any device with Visual Studio and .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI). We’ll take you on a tour of the tools and frameworks that can speed up your development time to create powerful, native desktop and mobile apps for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android from a single codebase with .NET MAUI. We’ll also show you how to enhance your Blazor web apps with native device capabilities
Native client apps with Blazor Hybrid May 25, 2022 - Blazor uses the latest open web standards to enable full stack web development with .NET. But what if you need to build a native client app? Blazor is expanding beyond the web to enable support for building native client apps using a hybrid of web technologies and .NET. In this session we’ll look at the new Blazor Hybrid support in .NET MAUI for building cross platform native client apps for mobile and desktop as well as Blazor Hybrid support for modernizing WPF and Windows Forms apps
Future Possibilities for .NET Core and WASI (WebAssembly on the Server) May 25, 2022 - WebAssembly is moving beyond the browser and is pitched to become a foundational element of modern cloud-native architecture. It lets any language compile to universal binaries that run on any OS or processor, robustly sandboxed and with great performance. This session covers a new approach to running .NET in WASI environments. You’ll see how your existing .NET code could be built into WASI-compliant modules, plus the opportunities this opens. This is experimental, not yet a committed product
Learn .NET MAUI - Full Course for Beginners | Tutorial for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows in C# May 23, 2022 - Let's start our journey together to build beautiful native cross-platform apps for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows with , C#, and Visual Studio! In this full workshop, I will walk you through everything you need to know about and building your very first app. You will learn the basics including how to build user interfaces with XAML, how MVVM and data binding simplify development, how to navigate between pages, access platform features like geolocation, optimize data collections, and theme your app for light theme and dark theme. This course has everything you need to learn the basics and set you up for success when building apps with
Displaying Custom Reports in Blazor using Syncfusion May 20, 2022 - In the last video, we created a custom report using the Bold Reports Designer. We could use the provided Bold Reports Viewer to display the reports, but that does not always fit with what you want to accomplish. That is why today we will implement a report viewer in a Blazor Server application. That way, we can show our custom report to our clients directly inside of our site instead of sending them to a separate application
Bringing WebAssembly to the .NET Mainstream - Steve Sanderson May 19, 2022 - Many developers still consider WebAssembly to be a leading-edge, niche technology tied to low-level systems programming languages. However, C# and .NET have run on WebAssembly since 2017. Blazor WebAssembly brought .NET into the browser on open standards, and is now one of the fastest-growing parts of .NET across enterprises, startups, and hobbyists. Next, with WASI we could let you run .NET in even more places, introducing cloud-native tools and techniques to a wider segment of the global developer community. This is a technical talk showing how we bring .NET to WebAssembly. Steve will demonstrate how it runs both interpreted and AOT-compiled, how an IDE debugger can attach, performance tradeoffs, and how a move from Emscripten to WASI SDK lets it run in Wasmtime/Wasmer or higher-level runtimes like wasmCloud. Secondly, you'll hear lessons learned from Blazor as an open-source project - challenges and misconceptions faced bringing WebAssembly beyond early adopters
Rapid development model for Blazor Web Assembly and typed end-to-end services May 19, 2022 - In this video we use the Blazor WASM template to show how the combination of typed end-to-end services and Blazor is great for building line of business applications. The template provides a clean separation of concerns, typed end-to-end safety and rapid iteration thanks to shared C# language, Visual Studio Hot Reload and message centric design
ASP.NET Community Standup - Let's build an app with .NET MAUI and Blazor May 17, 2022 - Showcasing migrating a Blazor WASM PWA to .NET MAUI and Blazor Hybrid.
Making Blazor work with everything, plus WebAssembly on the server May 13, 2022 - Talk by Steve Sanderson at the NDC London 2022. Real-world software projects often involve combining many technologies. So, is modern Blazor powerful and flexible enough for your team's needs? In this demo-heavy talk, Steve will show how Blazor WebAssembly/Server can seamlessly embed libraries and logic written in other languages such as Rust or C/C++, how Blazor WebAssembly/Server components can be used inside other SPA frameworks such as React or Angular (or vice-versa) and how Blazor components can be used not only for web projects, but also shared with native apps for macOS, iOS, Android, and Windows (including WPF and WinForms) These capabilities should equip your team to take on the most ambitious projects with confidence. We'll then look further into the future and consider how WebAssembly is moving beyond the browser and is pitched to become a foundational element of cloud-native server apps. You'll be among the first to see an experimental new approach to compiling .NET applications into WASI-compliant universal binaries that can run on any OS or processor, robustly sandboxed and with great performance
Creating Office Files in Blazor using Syncfusion - PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint May 13, 2022 - Creating office files in C# has always been a popular solution. You can generate reports in formats that users are comfortable with. With the Syncfusion file controls, you can not only create Excel files, you can also create Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and PDF documents. In this video, we will look at the office file controls in Syncfusion and how to use them
Building apps for Teams in .NET & Blazor May 11, 2022 - John Miller joins James on this week's On .NET to chat about how .NET developers can build Microsoft Teams apps and bots completely with C#, .NET, and Blazor! John walks us through everything we need to know to get started and how to even publish apps for Teams
Intro to Blazor Controls in Syncfusion May 11, 2022 - The Blazor controls in Syncfusion are pretty impressive. In this video, we will look at the DataGrid, charts, a Kanban-style board, a dashboard, autocomplete textboxes, context menus, signature pads, menu bars, toast messages, and more. There are so many controls to look at, in fact, that we are going to purposefully ignore the office file creation and display controls, as well as reporting. That way, we can spend more time on the other controls today and then focus on the office files in another video. The reporting will actually have two different videos dedicated to it
Securing SPAs and Blazor Applications using the BFF (Backend for Frontend) Pattern May 10, 2022 - Modern web development means that more and more application code is running in the browser. Traditionally this has been JavaScript but more recently there has been the trend to use C#/WASM with Blazor. These modern applications typically also need authentication and single-sign-on as well as token-based security for calling APIs – in other words OpenID Connect and OAuth 2. There are different patterns for securing such applications and this session covers some of the pitfalls of the various approaches, especially given the ever-changing browser landscape. We will conclude with the “backend for frontend” (or BFF) pattern which has become the most secure and stable of these approaches
Multi-environment deployments with Azure DevOps and Static Web Apps May 5, 2022 - App walkthrough, Create a static web app with an Azure DevOps pipeline, Add Azure DevOps environments and configure approvals, Configure a multi-stage pipeline, Static Web Apps named preview environments, Playwright tests, Manual approval before production deployment, Secure staging environments with a password.
On .NET Live - Wrapping browser APIs in Blazor WASM May 2, 2022 - In this week's episode, Kristoffer Strube joins the panel to show us a Blazor WASM wrapper for the browser File System Access API. He's bringing demos and code to share, so this is an episode you won't want to miss
Securing SPAs and Blazor Applications using the BFF Pattern April 29, 2022 - Securing SPAs and Blazor Applications using the BFF (Backend for Frontend) Pattern at the NDC Porto, by Dominick Baier
State management in Blazor April 29, 2022 - State management in Blazor, at the NDC Porto 2022. When developing a Single Page Application, a very important aspect is state management. Since Blazer is a component-based UI framework, how do we manage to update the UI when the state of the application changes
Streaming three ways with Blazor: REST, gRPC, and SignalR April 29, 2022 - Streaming three ways with Blazor: REST, gRPC, and SignalR, by Carl Franklin at the NDC Porto 2022. Learn how to stream data from server to client to improve perceived performance and increase scalability. Carl shows how streaming works in general, and then how to implement using each of these three transports
Intro to SignalR in C# Part 1 - using Blazor, WPF, best practices, and more April 25, 2022 - SignalR is an excellent way to connect two or more clients together for real-time communication. The best part is that this library is just a wrapper around web-standard technologies such as Web Sockets and Long-Polling. It just makes them easier to use. That means we can even use SignalR with other clients such as Java or JavaScript. In this video, we are going to learn how to set up SignalR and how to connect to it using web clients and desktop clients. Throughout the video, we will cover best practices, as well as how to use this in the real world
Revisiting MVVM April 21, 2022 - Carl revisits the topic of MVVM with Blazor, clarifying your options
Queryable Repositories April 14, 2022 - Build a generic repository that the client can query
ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazorators: Blazor C# Source Generators April 12, 2022 - David Pine introduces Blazorators, Blazor C# Source Generators on this month's Blazor Community Standup.
.NET MAUI Blazor - Build Hybrid Mobile, Desktop, and Web apps April 1, 2022 - Blazor enables building client-side web UI with .NET, but sometimes you need more than what the web platform offers. Sometimes you need full access to the native capabilities of the device. You can now host Blazor components in .NET MAUI apps to build cross-platform native apps using web UI. The components run natively in the .NET process and render web UI to an embedded web view control using a local interop channel. This hybrid approach gives you the best of native and the web. Your components can access native functionality through the .NET platform, and they render standard web UI. .NET MAUI Blazor apps can run anywhere .NET MAUI can (Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android)
Managing App State with Fluxor March 31, 2022 - pp State Management using Fluxor, a Flux/Redux library for Blazor
Blazor Basics with Identity Mars 14, 2022 - Fritz shows you how to connect authentication and authorization to your Blazor app. We'll focus on how to connect a properly configured Microsoft Identity application to your Blazor framework
ASP.NET Community Standup - Native client apps with Blazor Hybrid Mars 8, 2022 - Join this Blazor Community Standup to learn more about using Blazor Hybrid to create cross-platform native client apps for Windows, iOS, Android & Mac.
Building beautiful Blazor apps with Tailwind CSS Mars 2, 2022 - Tailwind CSS has been growing in popularity for some time. It’s fast becoming one of the top frameworks to use when styling applications. It offers a different approach to the traditional frameworks like Bootstrap—utility based styling. Rather than using prebuilt components—which result in your application looking like a lot of others on the web—you can tailor your design by applying small focused CSS classes resulting in a unique style for your app. In this talk, you will learn how to bring the power of Tailwind CSS to your Blazor applications. We’ll start off with an introduction to Tailwind and how it differs from other CSS frameworks. Then we’ll get into some code and see how we can integrate Tailwind with Blazor. For the rest of the time, we’ll explore the various features of Tailwind and see how just how beautiful we can make our Blazor app. By Chris Sainty, at the NDC Oslo 2021
Best practices unit testing Blazor components with bUnit Mars 1, 2022 - Why create tests of UI components? Isn’t UI tests inherently brittle, run slowly, and hard to maintain? By Egil Hansen, at the NDC Oslo 2021
Learn C# with CSharpFritz - Blazor Application Hosting February 28, 2022 - You've built your Blazor application, now where do you run it? In this demo filled session, Fritz will talk through Progressive Web Apps, packaging with Docker, and deploying your Blazor application to Azure.
Blazor, NET 6, and WebAssembly February 21, 2022 - Talk by Steve Sanderson at the NDC Oslo 2021. .NET 6 is a huge release for Blazor, adding a ton of powerful new features for .NET web developers. This talk will be full of demos to get you up-to-speed on this hot framework
Building a classic adventure game with Blazor February 14, 2022 - Blazor is a free and open-source web framework that enables developers to create web apps using C# and HTML. Being a .NET developer as well as a big fan of classic point-and-click adventure games, I’ve ported my Game-a-Tron 4000 adventure game engine to Blazor
ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor .NET 7 Roadmap February 8, 2022 - Find out what's being planned for Blazor in .NET 7.
C# Corner .NET Conference Day 1 January 24, 2022 - The first day of the conference kicks off with a keynote session by Scott Hunter. Day one is focused on front-end technologies (Blazor).
ASP.NET Community Standup - Blazor WebAssembly on .NET 6 January 11, 2022 - Join Blazor creator Steve Sanderson for a special look at Blazor WebAssembly on .NET 6.
Archives 8,775 about 2 months ago , , , ,

Awesome Blazor / Articles

Visual Studio 2022 Preview release notes July 9, 2024 - This release focuses on quality-of-life enhancements for all developers and workloads. When you use Visual Studio, you want to feel empowered and productive. That's why quality-of-life features are so important: they make coding a smooth and enjoyable experience, free of unnecessary hassles and headaches. We hope you'll love this update
Blazor Basics: Blazor Render Modes in .NET 8 June 12, 2024 - This article is about the new Blazor render modes in .NET 8, including ServerInteractivity, WebAssemblyInteractivity, AutoInteractivity and static server-side rendering (SSR)
The usage of Blazor.Diagrams June 11, 2024 - How to use Blazor.Diagrams
Blazor in .NET 9 Takes Shape (Preview 4 Highlights) June 4, 2024 - .NET 9 is shaping up ahead of its November 2024 release. Here are the highlights for Blazor so far
Avoiding interactivity with Blazor? May 29, 2024 - Avoiding interactivity with Blazor
.NET Announcements & Updates from Microsoft Build 2024 May 21, 2024 - .NET Announcements & Updates from Microsoft Build 2024
Per-User Blazor 8 State November 28, 2023 - Per-User Blazor 8 State
Blazor 8 State Management October 12, 2023 - Blazor 8 State Management
ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 8 Release Candidate 2 October 10, 2023 - This is the last release candidate that we plan to share before the final .NET 8 release later this year. Most of the planned features and changes for .NET 8 are part of this release candidate and are ready for you to try out
Announcing .NET 8 RC1 September 12, 2023 - This release includes a new AOT mode for both Android and WASM, System.Text.Json improvements, and Azure Managed Identity support for containers. Now is great time to pick up and test .NET 8 if you haven’t yet
.NET Blazor Overview and Upcoming .NET 8 Changes September 5, 2023 - This article introduces .NET Blazor, a powerful framework that unifies client-side and server-side development paradigms and offers enhanced performance and improved tooling
Silverlight Just Won't Die: 'XAML for Blazor' Arrives July 13, 2023 - Userware is using vestiges of the long-gone and sorely missed Microsoft Silverlight web-dev platform to power its new "XAML for Blazor" offering, which lets .NET developers use markup language within client-side Blazor applications
What’s New in Blazor: 2023 Volume 2 July 12, 2023 - New components and features added in the Syncfusion Essential Studio 2023 Volume 2 release for the Blazor platform
ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 8 Preview 6 July 11, 2023 - .NET 8 Preview 6 is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core. Here’s a summary of what’s new in this preview release: Form model binding & validation with server-side rendering, Enhanced page navigation & form handling, Preserve existing DOM elements with streaming rendering, Interactive rendering with Blazor WebAssembly and more
Exploring Blazor Changes in .NET 8 - Server Side Rendering (SSR) July 11, 2023 - This is the first in a number of posts where we’ll explore the changes coming for Blazor in .NET 8
Introducing XAML for Blazor July 10, 2023 - Today, we are thrilled to announce the release of “XAML for Blazor”, a new Blazor extension by Userware that brings the power of XAML to Blazor WebAssembly applications. It combines the familiarity and capabilities of XAML with the versatility of Blazor, empowering .NET developers to create cutting-edge web applications with even greater ease and flexibility
ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 8 Preview 5 June 13, 2023 - .NET 8 Preview 5 is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core. New Blazor Web App project template, Blazor router integration with endpoint routing, Blazor Content Security Policy (CSP) compatibility and more
8 Free and Open Source Blazor UI Libraries May 25, 2023 - List of available free and open-source user interface libraries for Blazor development
Good (Blazor) Components are... ? May 23, 2023 - Components, done “right” carry tremendous potential to speed up your web development, and make ongoing maintenance (and development) of your apps much easier. But, like any tool, it all depends how you use it
ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 8 Preview 4 May 16, 2023 - .NET 8 Preview 4 is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core. Streaming rendering with Blazor components, Handling form posts with Blazor SSR, Route to named elements in Blazor, Webcil packaging for Blazor WebAssembly apps and more
Big Changes Coming for Blazor in .NET 8 May 16, 2023 - .NET 8 is shaping up to be a significant release for Blazor, and there’s one big reason why
BurnRate is fueling revenue success with Blazor May, 2023 - with BurnRate
Join the .NET Team at Microsoft Build 2023 April 24, 2023 - Are you ready for Build 2023? Microsoft’s premier developer conference is just around the corner, and there are several exciting .NET sessions that you won’t want to miss
State Hasn't Changed? Why and when Blazor components re-render April 12, 2023 - Sooner or later, as you build out your Blazor UI, you’re going to hit a situation where your component isn’t re-rendering when you expect it to
ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 8 Preview 3 April 11, 2023 - ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 8 Preview 3. Here’s a summary of what’s new in this preview release: Server-side rendering with Blazor, Render Razor components outside of ASP.NET Core, Sections support in Blazor, Monitor Blazor Server circuit activity, SIMD enabled by default for Blazor WebAssembly apps and more. See the
How to Build Fast and Reusable Blazor Code April 3, 2023 - Microsoft even offers a Build reusable components with Blazor learning module that shows how to build a Razor class library that contains Blazor components, package a Razor class library for use in other Blazor applications, and reference a Razor class library in a Blazor application and use its components. Author: Jeffrey T. Fritz
Blazor United - Solving Blazor's biggest challenges? February 23, 2023 - There are some big changes coming for Blazor in .NET 8 and they look very, very promising
The Blazor NavigationManager February 23, 2023 - The NavigationManager is a service that enables developers to programmatically navigate the user to different pages or external URIs. In ASP.NET Core 7, there were added new features that enable us to parse simple state between pages and listen to and intercept navigation. In this post, we will look at the basic capabilities of the NavigationManager, present what new features were added in ASP.NET Core 7, discuss how it fits into the Blazor/.NET ecosystem, and in the end present a scenario that is now possible with relative ease using new additions from ASP.NET Core 7
Announcing .NET 8 Preview 1 February 21, 2023 - The first preview of .NET 8 is ready to download. This blog post covers the major themes and goals that drive the prioritization and selection of enhancements to develop. .NET 8 preview and release candidate builds will be delivered monthly. As usual, the final release will be delivered sometime in November at .NET Conf
Azure Active Directory multitenant integration with Blazor WASM – Part 1 February 19, 2023 - This blog is set in two parts. The first describes the process of setting up an Azure Active Directory multitenant on Azure, and the 2nd part describes how to integrate with a Blazor WASM application.
Embed Reporting in Native Blazor Applications February 14, 2023 - See the setup and customization of the newest Progress Telerik Reporting viewer, implemented with Telerik UI for Blazor controls with both Blazor Wasm and Blazor Server
Announcing Blazorise 1.2 February 1, 2023 - Release of Blazorise v1.2, which brings a number of new features, improvements, and bug fixes to the framework
The State of WebAssembly – 2022 and 2023 January 30, 2023 - This articles looks at the current state of WebAssembly (wasm). It starts by revisiting 2022 developments then he tries to predict where I think things will go in 2023
Blazor WebAssembly Succinctly - eBook updated January 30, 2023 - Second edition of the eBook "Blazor WebAssembly Succinctly" by Michael Washington
Playing Dynamic Audio In Server Side Blazor January 28, 2023 - You can play dynamic audio in a Blazor Server application and have full control over the user interface. about this article
.NET MAUI Blazor - Best practices for mobile UI January 27, 2023 - Both Blazor and .NET MAUI are great and Powerful frameworks. Using .NET MAUI, you can build fully native cross-platform apps and build web apps completely in C# with Blazor. But when you combine them with the MAUI Blazor template, you need to know that it should feel like a mobile app, not a web page. This articles explains some tips and tricks
Steve Sanderson Wows Web-Devs with Peek at 'Blazor United' for .NET 8 January 26, 2023 - We've started some experiments to combine the advantages of Razor Pages, Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly all into one thing
Using .NET code from JavaScript using WebAssembly January 23, 2023 - Blazor WebAssembly allows to run a .NET web application in a browser. Starting with .NET 7, you can easily run any .NET method from JavaScript without needing the whole Blazor framework. Let's see how to run a .NET method from JavaScript
Improve Blazor startup process UX January 21, 2023 - You can do a lot of things with Blazor: PWA, SSR, SPA, Hybrid app... the process of how the user sees the first page is different for each of these modes
Reducing Blazor WASM size by providing custom ICU data January 16, 2023 - Reducing Blazor WASM size by providing custom ICU data
Blazor Custom Elements in HTML or React December 22, 2022 - Since version 7.0 of .NET, Microsoft has enhanced and integrated the ability to create . These custom elements offer developers a way to create their own full-featured DOM elements. In Blazor, this allows publishing these components to other SPA Frameworks, such as Angular or React. More info in the Microsoft documentation
Build Your Own Podcast App with .NET 7, Blazor, and .NET MAUI December 19, 2022 - The .NET Podcast app was first introduced at .NET Conf 2021 and recently updated to highlight new features in .NET 7 at the .NET Conf 2022 keynote. The podcast app is ready to use sample application that showcases .NET, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, .NET MAUI, Azure Container Apps, Orleans, Power Platform, Playwright, and more. This post explains all the new features and show how we upgraded the .NET Podcast app to take advantage of them
The Future of .NET with WASM December 15, 2022 - This post is about the benefits of using WASM outside the browser and its potential as a transformative technology on the server
Use Keycloak as Identity Provider from Blazor WebAssembly (WASM) applications December 8, 2022 - Learn how to integrate with Keycloak from Blazor WASM. Create a public client and use built-in capabilities of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Authentication that integrates with OpenId Connect compliant providers. Brings
What’s new in the Microsoft Fluent UI library for Blazor version 2.0 December 5, 2022 - What’s new in the Microsoft Fluent UI library for Blazor version 2.0
Build a web app to manage a custom provider in Viva Learning with Blazor November 29, 2022 - In this post, we're going to reuse the concepts we have learned to build a better experience: a web application, that we can use to manage our custom learning provider and its contents. We'll focus on how to implement in a real application some of the peculiar features we have learned about these APIs, like the fact that a different set of permissions is required based on the type of content you're working with
Maintenance release: Blazorise 1.1.4 November 24, 2022 - This new Blazorise 1.1.4 is a hotfix release to solve this and a few other minor issues that were fixed in the meantime. Blazorise 1.1.4 is a recommended upgrade for all Blazorise 1.1 and Blazorise 1.1.3 users
Blazor WebAssembly: Debugging gRPC-Web with Custom Chrome Developer Tools November 17, 2022 - If you are working with Blazor, gRPC is a big issue for transferring data from APIs to clients. One issue of developing with gRPC-Web is debugging the transmitted data because the data is in an efficient binary message format. This article shows you how to solve this problem with the help of my NuGet
Release: Blazorise 1.1.3 November 8, 2022 - This Blazorise version was supposed to be just a minor maintenance release. Instead, we got a few relatively large features and announcements, with .NET 7 support
Containerized Blazor: Microsoft Ponders New Client-Side Hosting November 2, 2022 - Microsoft is exploring built-in container support for client-side Blazor WebAssembly apps. Article on Visual Studio Magazine
Resize images before uploading in Blazor Web Assembly October 31, 2022 - Resize images before uploading in Blazor Web Assembly
Experimenting with .NET 7, WASM, and WASI on Docker October 31, 2022 - On October 24th, Docker announced the support of WASM and WASI in a new technical preview release. This articles tries it out and sees how it works with .NET 7
How to run Blazor project everywhere using Razor Class Library ? October 29, 2022 - One of the cool features of Blazor is code reusability. Using Razor Class Library, we can use our Razor component in all blazor type project like Blazor Server, WASM and MAUI Hybrid
Using WASM and WASI to run .NET 7 on a Raspberry PI Zero 2 W October 29, 2022 - This post will show you how to run .NET 7 on a Raspberry PI Zero 2 W using WASM and WASI
Introducing the Docker+Wasm Technical Preview October 24, 2022 - The Technical Preview of Docker+Wasm is now available! Wasm has been producing a lot of buzz recently, and this feature will make it easier for you to quickly build applications targeting Wasm runtimes
Part 1 - UI driven by Elsa Workflows October 12, 2022 - This series describes the implementation of a User Interface driven by an Elsa workflow engine
ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Release Candidate 2 October 11, 2022 - .NET 7 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core and Blazor: improved diagnostics for authentication in Blazor WebAssembly and WebAssembly multithreading (experimental)
No Need to Wait for .NET 8 to Try Experimental WebAssembly Multithreading October 11, 2022 - Multithreading support for client-side Blazor WebAssembly apps is planned for .NET 8 in November 2023, but developers can try it out now for .NET apps thanks to experimental functionality in the brand-new .NET 7 Release Candidate 2
Using .NET 7's Blazor Custom Elements to render dynamic content October 5, 2022 - Using .NET 7's Blazor Custom Elements to render dynamic content, by Jon Hilton
Creating a Generic Tree View Blazor Component October 4, 2022 - This article shows off a Blazor component that can display an object recursively in a tree view. The component was made as part as a project, FHIR Watch, a tool for comparing FHIR data from two different data sources: FHIR API Service and Dataverse. As such, it is particularly useful for displaying FHIR data
Clean Architecture Solution Template for Blazor WebAssembly September 30, 2022 - This post shows how to install the new template, create and run a new app using the template, and then I’ll share some recommended resources
WebAssembly Steals the ASP.NET Core Show in .NET 7 RC1 September 20, 2022 - WebAssembly, the open source tech that makes client-side Blazor work, was the star of the ASP.NET Core show in the new
C# / Blazor Wolfenstein - Part 7 - Solid Walls, Doors and C# Observations September 20, 2022 - Part 7 of the articles explaining how port the game Wolfenstein 3D on C# and Blazor.
C# / Blazor Wolfenstein - Part 6 - The Basic Raycaster - September 18, 2022 - Part 6 of the articles explaining how port the game Wolfenstein 3D on C# and Blazor.
ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Release Candidate 1 September 14, 2022 - .NET 7 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core
Why can't your Blazor WebAssembly PWA with offline support update even though you reload it? September 7, 2022 - Please imagine the case that you have a Blazor WebAssembly PWA site that supports offline mode, and you've been opening that PWA by a web browser. If you published a new version of that PWA, you might want to verify it, I guess. In this case, you will reload the page on that web browser. However, you might never see the contents of the new version unexpectedly even though you hard-reload it
Implement OpenAPI Support for Blazor WebAssembly September 2, 2022 - OpenAPI is a language-agnostic specification for documenting RESTful APIs. It allows both humans and computers to understand the capabilities of a service without accessing code, docs, or using other methods. Hosted Blazor WebAssembly apps include an ASP.NET Core backend for file and API access, and so implementing support for OpenAPI provides numerous benefits
Troubleshooting .NET Blazor WASM Debugging August 30, 2022 - Troubleshooting .NET Blazor WASM Debugging
Oqtane 3.1.4 Released July 27, 2022 - The 3.1.4 release is primarily focused on stabilization. This includes a variety of performance optimizations, user experience improvements, and localization enhancements
ClassFly UI - XAML vs Blazor - Part 1 - XAML July 23, 2022 - This serie of article compares the approaches of XAML vs Blazor. The same application will be create using XAML and Blazor to discover the pros and cons. The part 1 focuses on XAML
Authenticate Blazor WebAssembly with Azure Static Web Apps July 22, 2022 - Azure Static Web Apps is a great place to host Blazor WebAssembly apps. Among Static Web Apps' many features, it has built-in support for authentication using social logins. In this article, we'll look at how we can take advantage of Static Web Apps Authentication in our Blazor WebAssembly apps. By Anthony Chu, from Microsoft
Share Blazor components using dependency injection July 19, 2022 - Share Blazor components using dependency injection
Using IAsyncEnumerable in a Razor component July 18, 2022 - Using IAsyncEnumerable in a Razor component
Blazor Sticker Giveaway July 15, 2022 - Try the new Blazor Guide in Visual Studio. Read on to learn about how to give it a try and for a chance to receive a sticker
ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Preview 6 July 12, 2022 - .NET 7 Preview 6 is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core. Blazor custom elements no longer experimental, experimental QuickGrid component for Blazor, System.Security.Cryptography support on WebAssembly, empty Blazor project templates and more. For more details on the ASP.NET Core work planned for .NET 7 see the full on GitHub
Uno Platform Does WebAssembly Threading Months Ahead of .NET 7 June 29, 2022 - Uno Platform Does WebAssembly Threading Months Ahead of .NET 7, by David Ramel for Visual Studio Magazine
3 reasons why I've created yet another library for the downloading on Blazor apps June 29, 2022 - 3 reasons why I've created yet another library for the downloading on Blazor apps
Blazor Posts Biggest Gain in WebAssembly Usage: Report June 24, 2022 - Blazor Posts Biggest Gain in WebAssembly Usage: Report, by David Ramel for Visual Studio Magazine
Implementing RavenDB time series in a Blazor project June 21, 2022 - Implementing RavenDB time series in a Blazor project
What’s new in the Microsoft Fluent UI library for Blazor versions 1.3 and 1.4 June 9, 2022 - The FAST team and friends have been hard at work not only on Microsoft’s core Web Components platform, but also on Fluent UI integrations for Blazor. This post will give you an overview of what’s new and changed in versions 1.3 and 1.4 of the
A Full-Stack Web App Using Blazor WebAssembly and GraphQL: Part 3 June 8, 2022 - A Full-Stack Web App Using Blazor WebAssembly and GraphQL: Part 3.
Dependency Injection Scopes in Blazor May 31, 2022 - The dependency injection system is a big part of how modern ASP.NET Core works internally: It provides a flexible solution for developers to structure their projects, decouple their dependencies, and control the lifetimes of the components within an application. In Blazor - a new part of ASP.NET Core - however, the DI system feels a bit odd, and things seem to work a bit differently than expected. This article will explain why this is not only a feeling but indeed the case in the first place and how to handle the differences in order to not run into problems later on
ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Preview 4 May 10, 2022 - .NET 7 Preview 4 is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core. Article by Dan Roth from Microsoft
Q&A: Deep Dive on Blazor May 9, 2022 - Q&A: Deep Dive on Blazor, on Visual Studio Magazine
Syncfusion Essential Studio Release Enhances .NET MAUI, WinUI, Blazor and More May 6, 2022 - Syncfusion Essential Studio Release Enhances .NET MAUI, WinUI, Blazor and More, on Visual Studio Magazine
Use the Query String to pass an array of selected values between Blazor Pages April 28, 2022 - Use the Query String to pass an array of selected values between Blazor Pages
Containerizing Blazor WASM, ASPNET Core WebApi, NGINX & Let's Encrypt April 26, 2022 - Guide on containerizing a complex system composed from multiple Blazor WASM apps, ASPNET Core Web Api, NGINX & Let's Encrypt SSL certificates
Blazor WebAssembly: The Power Of EF Core And SQLite In The Browser April 12, 2022 - Sneak Preview how to use SQLite and EF Core in the browser with Blazor WebAssembly
Mastering Blazor - Part 1: DOM Integration March 31, 2022 - Mastering Blazor - Part 1: DOM Integration
Conditional Blazor Styles (without the if statements) March 24, 2022 - Conditional Blazor Styles (without the if statements)
Securing a Blazor WebAssembly Hosted Apps with Azure Active Directory March 18, 2022 - Securing a Blazor WebAssembly Hosted Apps with Azure Active Directory.
A Full-Stack Web App Using Blazor WebAssembly and GraphQL: Part 1 February 17, 2022 - This article shows how to create a full-stack web application using Blazor WebAssembly and GraphQL with SQL Server as our database
What's Coming for Blazor Hybrid in .NET 7 February 10, 2022 - What's Coming for Blazor Hybrid in .NET 7, Visual Studio Magazine
Use Tailwind's new JIT mode when developing Blazor applications January 19, 2022 - Use Tailwind's new JIT mode when developing Blazor applications
Archives 8,775 about 2 months ago , , , ,

Awesome Blazor / Podcasts

MAUI and Blazor with Beth Massi June 20, 2024 - What's up with MAUI and Blazor? Carl and Richard chat with Beth Massi about the latest MAUI, including the new webview available on GitHub that lets you embed an existing web page into your MAUI app. Beth talks about making apps the way you want to - with a mobile, web, or desktop focus - or making them all! Mixing Blazor and MAUI means you can steer clear of XAML if you prefer. There's no right way to build your clients, and MAUI gives you many choices. Duration: 45 minutes
Chris Sainty: Blazor in Action - Azure DevOps Episode 238 March 27, 2023 - Chris is a Microsoft MVP, author, and software engineer with over 17 years of experience with ASP.NET. Passionate about sharing his knowledge with the community, he regularly writes both for his own blog as well as others — such as Visual Studio magazine, Progress Telerik, and StackOverflow. This passion for blogging led to his first book, Blazor in Action, a practical guide to building Blazor applications. He also maintains several popular open-source projects under the GitHub organization, Blazored. When not tapping on a keyboard, Chris is a keen speaker, having delivered talks at both user groups and conferences all over the world. Duration: 41 minutes
.NET Rocks - Blazor United with Javier Nelson and Steve Sanderson March 23, 2023 - What if you didn't have to choose between client-side and server-side Blazor? Carl and Richard talk to Javier Nelson and Steve Sanderson about Blazor United in its early stages of development, providing flexibility at the web component level for client- and server-side rendering. At the simplest level, Blazor United offers server-side rendering when a site is first hit so that you can load the larger client-side components over time. But deeper is the idea that some elements on your web page benefit from being client-side, and some from being server-side, and why should you have to choose only one? Duration: 53 minutes
Steve Sanderson - Blazor, WASI and optimizing tomatoes July 17, 2022 - At NDC London we sat down with Steve Sanderson and talked about the origin story of Blazor, some of the upcoming things in .NET 7, and what Steve is working on right now. Duration: 35 minutes
WASM Everywhere with Steve Sanderson July 7, 2022 - WebAssembly is awesome - what else can you do with it? While at NDC London, Carl and Richard talked to Steve Sanderson about his work with WebAssembly, including Blazor. Steve talks about how WebAssembly continues to evolve adding WebAssembly System Integration. This opens the door to the idea that code in the WebAssembly can be run anywhere - any operating system, any language, using whatever compute is available. That gives an option to run code on the client, the server, and anywhere in between. Duration: 55 minutes
Indexing Video using KlipTok with Jeff Fritz June 2, 2022 - How do you find a great video clip after the fact? Carl and Richard talk to Jeff Fritz about his work building KlipTok, a tool for making Twitch video clips more discoverable and shareable. Jeff digs into the tricky bits of KlipTok, which is all about fast indexing and searching to get to the right clip. The conversation digs into various data storage techniques and using the cloud in a way that doesn't break the bank. Jeff may be a Microsoft employee, but that doesn't mean he uses only Microsoft tools for his projects. Duration: 57 minutes
David Ortinau on .NET MAUI May 27, 2022 - Jon Galloway talks to David Ortinau about . Duration: 41 minutes.
The Unhandled Exception Podcast: Microsoft Build 2022 May 25, 2022 - Microsoft have just had their annual Build conference - which comes with a whole host of exciting announcements and discussions about hot programming topics in the Microsoft developer space. And each year, I long for a podcast episode to come out straight after Build, overviewing them! Well, this year - this podcast aims to do just that! In this episode, I was joined by both Scott Hunter and Gaurav Seth to chat about various topics. Check out the links below for a guide to what we discussed. Duration: 71 minutes
ASP.NET, Blogging, Kuberetes, and more May 10, 2022 - The Unhandled Exception Podcast with Andrew Lock ( He’s the author of the Manning ebook, ASP.NET Core in Action, Second Edition. This episode covers a lot - from the different flavours of ASP.NET, to Kubernetes, Blazor, gRPC, testing, Minimal API, MediatR and more
Umbraco Heartcore and Blazor with Poornima Nayar May 4, 2022 - In this episode we talked with Poornima Nayar about Umbraco Heartcore and where you might use it, Blazor, a little on GraphQL and how it fits very well with mobile apps which communicate with remote APIs. Duration: 59 minutes
In The Core of Blazor February 12, 2022 - Steve Sanderson talks about his journey into tech, his life, education, career and everything else in between. Duration: 73 minutes
Archives 8,775 about 2 months ago , , , ,

Awesome Blazor / Presentations slides

Using .NET 5 with the Raspberry Pi January 28, 2021 - Using .NET 5 with the Raspberry Pi, on Slideshare
Archives 8,775 about 2 months ago , ,

Awesome Blazor / Tooling

LiveSharp 72 over 1 year ago Update files and see the updates instantly without reloading the page. Your application state is preserved because there is no need to reload anything.
BlazorFiddle Blazor .Net Developer Playground and Code Editor in the Browser
Blazor Minimum Project Templates 46 24 days ago A project templates package of Blazor apps without JavaScript and CSS libraries
Blazor REPL 249 almost 3 years ago Write, compile, execute and share Blazor components entirely in the browser -
Blazor Snippets Visual Studio Code extension A Visual Studio Code extension that offers Blazor and Razor snippets
Publish-time Pre-render for Blazor Wasm 252 12 days ago When you publish your Blazor WebAssembly app, this package pre-renders and saves the app as static HTML files in your public folder
Publish SPA for GitHub Pages 64 12 days ago Add this NuGet package to your Blazor WebAssembly project to easily publish it to GitHub Pages
WebCompiler 149 7 days ago A dotnet global tool for compilation, minification, and compression of scss, css and js
.NET Core .NET Core
Razor+ Visual Studio Code extension A Visual Studio Code extension that offers improved Razor support
Tracetool 38 14 days ago Tracetool viewer, client Api for Dotnet, Java, Javasvript, C++ , Python, Delphi
Visual Studio Latest preview of Visual Studio
Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code, free, open source and cross-platform code editor

Awesome Blazor / Books

Learning Blazor Build Single-Page Apps with WebAssembly and C# (By David Pine via O'Reilly Early Release February 3rd, 2022)
Microsoft Blazor: Building Web Applications in .NET 6 and Beyond A practical and hands-on approach to learning Blazor using .NET 6. (3rd ed. edition (December 8, 2021)
Blazor WebAssembly by Example Blazor WebAssembly by Example: A project-based guide to building web apps with .NET, Blazor WebAssembly, and C# (1st edition published the July 9th, 2021)
Blazor in Action An example-driven guide to building reusable UI components and web frontends—all with Blazor, C#, and .NET. (Manning Early Access Program began October 2020)
Microsoft Blazor: Building Web Applications in .NET Microsoft Blazor: Building Web Applications in .NET (Second edition published in May 2020)
Blazor Revealed Blazor Revealed, Building Web Applications in .NET (Published February, 2019)
Blazor Quick Start Guide: Build web applications using Blazor, EF Core, and SQL Server Blazor Quick Start Guide: Build web applications using Blazor, EF Core, and SQL Server (Published October 31, 2018)

Awesome Blazor / E-Books

Blazor WebAssembly Succinctly August 31, 2020 - Blazor is a framework for creating SPA webpages with either client-side or server-side architectures, using Razor technology written with the C# language. Because client-side Blazor with WebAssembly executes entirely on a user's browser, it’s very fast for many applications. In Blazor WebAssembly Succinctly, Michael Washington will take readers through the core elements of Blazor and then explore additional features by building a sample application. Free e-book
Blazor Succinctly April 16, 2020 - A free e-book for starting with the Blazor framework
Blazor, A Beginners Guide March 18, 2020 - A free e-book for getting started with the Blazor framework.
Blazor for ASP.NET Web Forms developers Blazor for ASP.NET Web Forms developers, a free e-book from Microsoft
Using CSLA 5: Blazor and WebAssembly This book covers the new Blazor UI framework, including how to create server-side and client-side WebAssembly projects, how to implement authentication and authorization, and how to use data binding. It then covers how CSLA .NET supports Blazor, including walking through a complete sample app
An Introduction to Building Applications with Blazor August 24, 2019 - An Introduction to Building Applications with Blazor: How to get started creating applications using this exciting easy to use Microsoft C# framework
Archives 8,775 about 2 months ago

Awesome Blazor / Courses

Build a web app with Blazor WebAssembly and Visual Studio Code Build a web app with Blazor WebAssembly and Visual Studio Code, on Microsoft Learn
DevOps and Docker Support for .NET Core Blazor Applications June 2020 - DevOps and Docker Support for .NET Core Blazor Applications, on Udemy. This Docker Support Course with DevOps concepts using ASP.NET Core Blazor will teach you Dockerisation of Blazor Apps
Programming in Blazor - ASP.NET Core 3.1 Create interactive web applications with C#, on Udemy
Creating Blazor Components December, 2019 - Building a Blazor app is building components. This course is essential for gaining a good understanding of components. On Pluralsight
Authentication and Authorization in Blazor Applications December, 2019 - Learn how to secure your Blazor application using a variety of best practice techniques for authentication and authorization. On Pluralsight
Blazor: Getting Started December, 2019 - Learn how to build your first application in a hands-on way using Blazor, Microsoft's solution to use C# to write interactive web UIs without JavaScript. On Pluralsight
Blazor In-Depth Workshop (Blaze Invaders) December 2019 - Blazor In-Depth Workshop (Blaze Invaders), on C# Academy. Learn serious Blazor concepts while building a working browser based game
Blazor and Razor Components in a nutshell October 2019 - Learn how to use a framework that allows you to run your compiled code directly in the browser on top of WebAssembly, a course on Udemy
Blazor on ASP.NET Core 3.0 October 2019 - Blazor on ASP.NET Core 3.0, a course on SkillShare
Blazor First Look on LinkedIn Learning Blazor First Look on LinkedIn Learning.
Free Blazor Training Course DevExpress Blazor free training course
Getting Started with Blazor June 2021 - Discover the Core Concepts of Blazor and learn to create web applications with ease

Awesome Blazor / Community

Awesome Blazor on Twitter This repository's Twitter feed
Discord Blazor channel on the DotNetEvolution discord server
Gitter Blazor discussion on Gitter
I Love DotNet 109 4 days ago - This is a .NET knowledge sharing platform with live demos crafted by developers for developers with love using .NET Blazor.
Learn Blazor Community documentation on Blazor
Blazor Help Website Blogs and code samples primarily covering server-side Blazor
Practical samples of Blazor 9,184 23 days ago Practical samples of Blazor
Practical samples of Blazor Server-Side 9,184 23 days ago Practical samples of Blazor Server-Side
Reddit Blazor subreddit
Stack Overflow Blazor questions feed on Stack Overflow
Twitter Hashtag on Twitter
WebAssemblyMan Man page for Blazor and WebAssembly

Awesome Blazor / Other Languages

Blaze of Code [Portuguese] Blog about Blazor [Russian] Old official documentation website translated in Russian's podcast #44 [French]'s podcast #44: "Blazor et WebAssembly vont-ils tuer JavaScript ?"'s podcast #47 [French]'s podcast #47: "Actualités : TypeScript, Uno, Angular, DocFX, Database"
Modern web apps with Blazor [Italian] Video about Blazor
Blazor Developer Italiani [Italian] Italian Blazor community website with useful articles and events
Playlist - Programando en Blazor [Spanish] Series of videos about Blazor
Insights from the oracle [German] Blog about Blazor
ASP.NET Core Blazor 5.0: Blazor WebAssembly und Blazor Server: Moderne Single-Page-Web-Applications mit .NET, C# und Visual Studio German book on Blazor (Published September 15, 2020 with montly Updates)

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