
A collection of awesome .NET libraries, tools, frameworks and software


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Table of Contents / Algorithms and Data structures

OneOf 3,427 about 2 months ago OneOf provides discriminated unions for C# with exhaustive compile time matching
Algorithmia 532 about 2 years ago Algorithm and data-structure library for .NET 3.5 and up. Algorithmia contains sophisticated algorithms and data-structures like graphs, priority queues, command, undo-redo and more
C# Algorithms 5,926 about 1 year ago A C# plug-and-play class-library project of standard Data Structures and Algorithms. It contains 35+ Data Structures and 30+ Algorithms designed as Object-Oriented isolated components
Towel 720 9 months ago data structures, algorithms, mathematics, metadata, extensions, console, measurements, and other useful stuff
Akade.IndexedSet 59 5 days ago A convenient data structure supporting efficient in-memory indexing and querying, including range queries and fuzzy string matching

Table of Contents / API

FastEndpoints 4,496 4 days ago High-performance middleground between classic ASP.NET Core API controllers and Minimal APIs. Using a REPR ( ) pattern, this library eliminates the boilerplate and monolithic feel of controllers by improving colocation of code
Telegram.Bot 3,176 19 days ago .NET Client for
TLSharp 1,005 almost 3 years ago It's a perfect fit for any developer who would like to send data directly to Telegram users or write own custom Telegram client
WTelegramClient 967 5 days ago Automate a user account on Telegram, using the latest version of
NancyFx 7,150 over 3 years ago Lightweight, low-ceremony, framework for building HTTP-based services on .NET and Mono
ASP.NET Web API Framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices
Breeze API framework enabling rich data access by using the OData 3 protocol. Client libraries available for JavaScript and C#
Mobius: C# API for Spark 943 8 months ago Mobius adds C# language binding to Apache Spark, enabling the implementation of Spark driver code and data processing operations in C#
ServiceStack 5,385 4 days ago Thoughtfully architected, obscenely fast, thoroughly enjoyable web services for all
Nelibur 129 about 6 years ago Nelibur is message based web service framework on the pure WCF. Nelibur simplifies creating high-performance and message-based web services and you certainly have all the power of the WCF
WebAPI Contrib 768 almost 8 years ago Collection of open source projects to help improve your work with ASP.NET Web API
Xamarin.Essentials Xamarin.Essentials provides developers with cross-platform APIs for their mobile applications
FFImageLoading - Fast & Furious Image Loading 1,416 over 1 year ago This Library to load images quickly & easily on Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Mac / Xamarin.Tizen and Windows (UWP, WinRT)
Ocelot 8,344 5 days ago .NET core API Gateway
CommandQuery 107 about 1 month ago Command Query Separation for 🌐ASP.NET Core ⚡AWS Lambda ⚡Azure Functions ⚡Google Cloud Functions 🌐ASP.NET Web API 2

Table of Contents / Application Frameworks

.NET Boxed Framework 719 8 days ago .NET Core Extensions and Helper NuGet packages
ASP.NET Boilerplate 11,781 3 days ago A starting point for new modern ASP.NET MVC web applications with best practices and most popular tools
ABP 12,805 4 days ago The next generation of the ASP.NET Boilerplate web application framework
Orleans 10,058 3 days ago Orleans is a framework that provides a straight-forward approach to building distributed high-scale computing applications, without the need to learn and apply complex concurrency or other scaling patterns
Newbe.Claptrap 215 over 1 year ago This is a set of server-side development frameworks with reactive, event sourcing and Actor pattern as basic theories. On top of this, developers can develop "distributed", "scale out", and "easy to test" application more simply
CoreFX 17,670 over 1 year ago The corefx repo contains the library implementation (called "CoreFX") for .NET Core. It includes System.Collections, System.IO, System.Xml and many other components
CSLA .NET 1,249 3 days ago business layer development framework
Mono 11,106 about 1 month ago Open source ECMA CLI, C#, F#, VB and .NET implementation
Mono-Addins 164 8 months ago Mono.Addins is a generic framework for creating extensible applications, and for creating add-ins which extend those applications
peasy 510 8 months ago Peasy is a middle tier framework that offers an easy to use and flexible rules engine and was designed to address common challenges such as concurrency handling, transactional support, fault tolerance, threading, scalability, async and multiple client support, and easy testability, all without a huge learning curve!
Plastic 58 3 months ago Plastic provides encapsulation of things like Domain, Application Rules, Business Rules or Business Logic in Application. For this, Command pattern is used
Signals 56 4 months ago Signals is a .NET5 based framework which focuses on increasing the quality and productivity within development teams by providing them with tools, aspects and processes
Spring.Net 849 13 days ago Spring.NET is an open source application framework that makes building enterprise .NET applications easier
DotNetty 4,073 2 months ago DotNetty is a port of Netty, asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients
AspectCore Framework 1,686 6 months ago AspectCore Framework is an Aspect-Oriented Programming based cross platform framework for .NET Core and .NET Framework. Core support for aspect-interceptor,dependency injection integration , web applications , data validation , and more
HopFramework 49 almost 2 years ago HopFramework is a framework to create projects easily applying Domain Driven Design and a lot of patterns to delivery a better solution
Fusion 1,845 7 months ago .NET Core and Blazor library that attempts to dramatically improve the way we implement real-time and high-load services by introducing a novel kind of "computed observables" - immutable, thread-safe, and most importantly, almost invisible for developers
silky 275 about 1 month ago The Silky framework is designed to help developers quickly build a microservice development framework through simple code and configuration under the .net platform

Table of Contents / Application Templates

.NET Boxed Templates 3,393 5 days ago .NET project templates with batteries included, providing the minimum amount of code required to get you going faster
ASP.NET Core Starter Kit 1,161 almost 2 years ago backend: .NET Core, EF Core, C#; frontend: Babel, Webpack, React, CSS Modules
ProjectScaffold 516 about 1 year ago A prototypical .NET solution recommended by the F# Foundation---includes file system setup, Paket for dependencies and FAKE for build/test automation. By default, build process also compiles documentation and generates NuGet packages
Serene 2,590 9 days ago Serenity is an ASP.NET MVC application platform designed to simplify and shorten development of data-centric business applications with a service-based architecture. Serene is a starter template to build Serenity applications
Side-Waffle 656 over 4 years ago Large collection of useful templates for Web and Desktop development
Template10 1,412 5 months ago Windows 10 templates with design patterns
Nucleus 354 over 1 year ago Vue startup application template that uses ASP.NET Core API layered architecture at the back-end and JWT based authentication
JHipster.NET 313 10 days ago JHipster blueprint for replace orginal SpringBoot Backend by core. The main goal generator of jhipster is showcases best practices of modern web development in java. So the goal of the project is to do the same in .net. The Frontend can be generated with angular or react and soon with blazor

Table of Contents / Artificial Intelligence

AIMLBot (Program#) A small, fast, standards-compliant yet easily customizable implementation of an AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) based chatter bot in C#
SIML Synthetic Intelligence Markup Language, a next generation Chatbot & Digital Assistant Language
Mpt-Instruct-DotNet-S 16 about 1 year ago LLM that can generate and explain C# code (and its C# wrapper to run on consumer CPU with 5GB ram+, contains Console and Blazor sample projects)
LLamaSharp 2,552 4 days ago C#/.NET Binding of llama.cpp, run LLaMA/GPT model using C# without having to compile lama.cpp

Table of Contents / Assembly Manipulation

Fody 4,324 8 days ago Extensible tool for weaving .NET assemblies
ILRepack 1,167 3 days ago Open-source alternative to ILMerge
Mono.Cecil 2,729 10 days ago Cecil is a library to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL form

Table of Contents / Assets

Cassette 536 over 2 years ago Manages .NET web application assets (scripts, css and templates)
NodeAssets 23 about 2 years ago Asset Manager for .NET that has live CSS updates using SignalR and can optionally leverage Node.js compilers
Bundle Transformer 130 14 days ago Modular extension for . Its modules supports LESS, Sass, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Mustache, Handlebars, Autoprefixer along with a bunch of different JS and CSS minifiers
Bundler 263 over 7 years ago Compile & Minify Less/Sass/Stylus/Css/JS/CoffeeScript/LiveScript files. Integrates with MVC and ServiceStack
SquishIt 459 over 1 year ago Lets you bundle some CSS and JavaScript

Table of Contents / Authentication and Authorization

Abblix OIDC Server 31 4 days ago A fully certified OpenID Connect server library for .NET by the OpenID Foundation, providing comprehensive support for OAuth2 and OpenID Connect across all profiles
ASP.NET Identity 1,962 almost 6 years ago New membership system for ASP.NET applications
ASP.NET SAML 361 7 months ago SAML authentication support for ASP.NET apps
Logibit Hawk 36 over 6 years ago A F# authentication library
IdentityModel Helper library for identity & access control in .NET 4.5 and MVC4/Web API
IdentityServer Extensible OAuth2 and OpenID Connect provider framework
OAuth 77 almost 4 years ago A very lightweight library for generating OAuth 1.0a signatures written in C#
Stuntman Stuntman is a library for impersonating users during development leveraging .NET Claims Identity
openiddict 4,386 16 days ago Flexible and versatile OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect stack for .NET
Topaz A fine-grained authorization system with .NET SDK
Enforcer Write fine grained authorization policy in easy-to-read language, and have it compiled to native .NET code
SAML IdentityServer Add SAML 2P support to your Duende IdentityServer
SAML OpenIddict Add SAML 2P support to your OpenIddict

Table of Contents / Blazor

BootstrapBlazor 2,339 3 days ago A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Bootstrap and Blazor
ant-design-blazor 5,757 8 days ago A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Blazor WebAssembly
MASA.Blazor 1,170 5 days ago A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Material Design and Blazor WebAssembly
Megabit.Blazorise 3,270 3 days ago Blazorise is a component library built on top of Blazor and CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Bulma and Material. Very easy to use
blazork8s 143 about 2 months ago k8s management ui in blazor and .NET Core
MudBlazor 7,909 4 days ago A Material Design framework for Blazor, allowing .NET developers to quickly build web apps, with extensive documentation and examples

Table of Contents / Blockchain

Nethermind 1,243 3 days ago full Ethereum client in .NET Core

Table of Contents / Build Automation

Psake 1,554 5 days ago .NET-based build automation tool written in PowerShell
FAKE 1,280 5 days ago F# Make, a cross-platform build automation system
Invoke-Build 647 about 1 month ago PowerShell build and test automation tool inspired by Psake
MSBuild 5,213 3 days ago The Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) is the build platform for .NET and Visual Studio
Cake 3,890 6 days ago Cake (C# Make) is a cross-platform build automation system with a C# DSL
Nake 233 4 months ago Magic script-based C# task runner
Nuke 2,932 18 days ago Cross-platform build automation system
FlubuCore 905 7 months ago A cross platform build and deployment automation system for building projects and executing deployment scripts using C# code
ModularPipelines 287 3 days ago Write your pipelines in C#

Table of Contents / Business Intelligence

FastReport 2,674 2 months ago The open source report generator for .NET Core 2.x/.Net Framework 4.x. FastReport can be used in ASP.NET MVC, Web API applications
NReco PivotData in-memory data aggregation/OLAP library, pivot tables generation (render to HTML, exports), ASP.NET pivot builder control

Table of Contents / Caching

CacheCow 847 3 months ago An ASP.NET Web API HTTP caching implementation both on client and server
Akavache 2,442 4 days ago An asynchronous, persistent key-value store
EasyCaching 1,932 17 days ago A caching library that contains basic and some advanced usages of caching which can help handle caching more easier!
CacheManager 2,347 about 2 months ago A common interface and abstraction layer for caching
FastCache 132 5 months ago 10X faster alternative to for .NET
Foundatio 1,971 8 days ago A common interface with in memory, Redis and hybrid implementations
Cashew 83 over 4 years ago a .NET library for caching responses easily with an through an API that is simple and elegant yet powerful
Cache Tower 610 4 days ago An efficient multi-layered caching system for .NET (In-Memory, Redis, Database, File etc)
FusionCache 1,706 20 days ago An easy to use, high performance and robust cache with an optional distributed 2nd layer and some advanced features, like a fail-safe mechanism and advanced timeouts management
LazyCache 1,714 5 months ago A simple, developer friendly, in-memory thread-safe caching service. It leverages Microsoft.Extensions.Caching and Lazy to provide performance and reliability in heavy load scenarios
BitFaster.Caching 465 3 days ago Thread-safe in-memory caches optimized for very high concurrent throughput, near optimal hit rate and low latency

Table of Contents / Calendar

iCal.NET 781 4 months ago iCal.NET is an iCalendar (RFC 5545) class library for .NET aimed at providing RFC 5545 compliance, while providing full compatibility with popular calendaring applications and libraries


Stream 62 3 months ago Official .NET API client for Stream Chat, a service for building chat applications

Chat / CLI

Appccelerate - Command Line Parser A command-line parser with fluent definition syntax, different argument types, required and optional arguments, value restrictions, aliases, type conversion and semi-automatic usage help message composition
Argu 454 5 days ago Declarative CLI argument & XML configuration parser for F# applications
CliFx 1,484 4 days ago Declarative framework for building command line interfaces
Typin 243 almost 2 years ago Simple to use declarative framework for interactive CLI applications and command line tools (direct mode) that has its roots in CliFx
clipr 89 over 5 years ago A CLI library inspired by Python's argparse that transforms a command line into a strongly-typed object. It supports custom argument types, automated (and localized) help generation, and a variety of ways to store parsed arguments
CliWrap 4,345 4 days ago Wrapper for command line interfaces
Colorful.Console 1,299 4 months ago Colorful console output
CommandDotNet 570 5 months ago Model your console app using C# in a composable manner. Define commands with methods. Define subcommands with properties or nested classes. Extensible parsing and command execution
Command Line Parser 4,547 7 months ago The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command-line arguments and related tasks
CommandLineUtils 2,206 6 months ago This is a fork of Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils, which is no longer under active development
CsConsoleFormat 366 about 2 years ago .NET C# library for advanced formatting of console output
Docopt 352 2 months ago Command-line interface description language that will make you smile
EntryPoint 137 about 5 years ago Composable CLI Argument Parser for .NET Core & .NET Framework 4.5+
Fluent Command Line Parser 530 about 5 years ago A simple, strongly typed .NET C# command-line parser library using a fluent easy to use interface
JustCli 29 over 3 years ago That’s just a quick way to create your own command line tool
Gui.cs 9,603 9 days ago Terminal UI toolkit for .NET
Power Args 568 about 1 year ago PowerArgs converts command-line arguments into .NET objects that are easy to program against. It also provides a ton of optional capabilities such as argument validation, auto generated usage, tab completion, and plenty of extensibility
ReadLine 807 about 3 years ago A GNU-Readline like library for .NET/.NET Core
RunInfoBuilder 43 over 5 years ago A unique command line parser, utilizing object trees for commands
SharpNetSH 75 about 1 year ago A simple netsh library for C#
spectre.console 9,281 8 days ago A library that makes it easier to create beautiful console applications

Chat / CLR

Runtime 15,044 4 days ago Mono and CoreCLR .NET runtimes, as well as the standard library and some higher level components like and

Chat / CMS

FluentCMS 166 4 days ago FluentCMS is open source AI Driven ASP.NET Core Blazor Content Management System (CMS)
Composite C1 253 about 2 months ago A web CMS that focus on UX and adaptability
mojoPortal 198 7 days ago MojoPortal is an extensible, cross database, mobile friendly, web content management system (CMS) and web application framework written in C# ASP.NET
N2CMS 362 over 2 years ago Open source, lightweight, code-first CMS able to seamlessly integrate into any MVC project
Orchard 2,374 2 months ago Free, open source, community-focused project aimed at delivering applications and reusable components on the ASP.NET platform
Piranha CMS 1,971 about 2 months ago Piranha is the fun, fast and lightweight .NET framework for developing cms-based web applications with an extra bite. It's built on ASP.NET MVC and Web Pages and is fully compatible with both Visual Studio and WebMatrix
Umbraco 4,432 3 days ago Umbraco is a free open source Content Management System built on the ASP.NET platform
DotNetNuke DNN Platform is our free, open source web CMS and the foundation of every professional DNN solution. Over 750,000 organizations worldwide have built websites powered by the DNN Platform
BlogEngine.NET 961 about 1 year ago Simple but full featured ASP.NET blog
Squidex 2,247 6 days ago Open source headless CMS and content management hub
fluent-cms 83 7 days ago RESTful CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) APIs, Admin Panel web pages,a GraphQL-style query designer and a WYSIWYG web page designer, all fully configurable without writing code

Chat / Code Analysis and Metrics

.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") Analyzers 1,582 4 days ago A number of Roslyn diagnostic analyzers initially developed to help flesh out the design and implementation of the static analysis APIs
PVS-Studio PVS-Studio is a static analyzer on guard of code quality, security (SAST), and code safety
NDepend is a Visual Studio and VS Team Services extension that estimates your .NET code quality and Technical-Debt, that lets create code rules with C# LINQ syntax, visualize code structure and focus on changes and evolution
App.Metrics 2,218 4 months ago App Metrics is an open-source and cross-platform .NET library used to record and report metrics within an application and reports it's health. See the for me details
CodeMaid Visual studio extension to cleanup, dig through and simplify C#, C++, F#, VB, PHP, JSON, XAML, XML, ASP, HTML, CSS, LESS, SCSS, JavaScript and TypeScript coding
StyleCop StyleCop analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules
Gendarme 78 over 13 years ago Extensible rule-based tool to find problems in .NET applications and libraries
Metrics-Net 639 over 5 years ago Capturing CLR and application-level metrics. So you know what's going on
AspNet.Metrics 9 over 7 years ago Capturing CLR, application-level web request metrics. Middleware and extensions using Metrics-Net
BenchmarkDotNet 10,457 10 days ago Powerful .NET library for benchmarking
Bencher Suite of continuous benchmarking tools designed to catch performance regressions in CI
Codinion Enhanced syntax highlighting for C# and some other "Visual" features
NsDepCop 193 21 days ago Static code analysis tool to enforce namespace dependency rules in C# projects
WebBen 11 8 months ago Is a tool for benchmarking your Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server

Chat / Code Snippets

.NET Fiddle Write, compile and run C#, F# and VB code in the browser. The .Net equivalent of JSFiddle
Sharplab Run C# code using different branches and versions of Roslyn, see the IL that was produced and examine the JIT's output
Entity Framework Playground Examine the generated SQL for migrations and queries by writing and queries using it in the browser. Learn by example, compare different versions of Entity Framework and providers such as MS SQL, PostgreSql and Sqlite

Chat / Compilers, Transpilers and Languages

ClojureCLR 1,561 29 days ago A port of Clojure to the CLR, part of the Clojure project
F# 2,171 almost 2 years ago The F# compiler, core library and tools - a functional programming language for safer, faster, better code writing
Hybridizer CIL (C#, VB.Net, F#) to CUDA compiler
IronScheme 375 4 days ago R6RS Scheme compiler, runtime and many standard libraries
JSIL 1,730 over 6 years ago CIL to JavaScript Compiler
Mond 365 4 months ago A dynamically typed scripting language written in C# with a REPL, debugger, and simple embedding API
Mono-basic 109 over 3 years ago Visual Basic Compiler and Runtime
Nemerle 620 over 2 years ago Nemerle is a high-level statically-typed programming language for the .NET platform. It offers functional, object-oriented and imperative features. It has a simple C#-like syntax and a powerful meta-programming system
Netjs 964 almost 5 years ago .NET to TypeScript and JavaScript compiler. Portable Class Libraries work great for this. You can even pass EXEs
P 3,007 4 days ago P is a language for asynchronous event-driven programming
PeachPie 2,325 12 days ago PeachPie is a PHP compiler and runtime for .NET and .NET Core, which allows entire PHP applications to run on the modern, secure and performant .NET and .NET Core platforms
Roslyn 18,954 4 days ago The .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") provides open-source C# and Visual Basic compilers with rich code analysis APIs. It enables building code analysis tools with the same APIs that are used by Visual Studio
Testura.Code 297 5 months ago Wrapper around the Roslyn API and used for generation, saving and compiling C# code. It provides methods and helpers to generate classes, methods, statements and expressions
VisualFSharp 3,881 3 days ago The Visual F# compiler and tools
Fable 2,903 3 days ago F# to JavaScript Compiler
LinqOptimizer 478 about 5 years ago An automatic query optimizer-compiler for Sequential and Parallel LINQ
Roslyn-linq-rewrite 717 over 4 years ago Compiles C# code by first rewriting the syntax trees of LINQ expressions using plain procedural code, minimizing allocations and dynamic dispatch
Iron python 1,074 8 months ago A python 2 implementation that is integrated with the dot net framework
Amplifier.NET 173 almost 2 years ago Write and compile your own kernel function using C# and Amplifier will take care of running it on your favorite hardware. Amplifier allows .NET developers to easily run complex applications with intensive mathematical computation on Intel CPU/GPU, NVIDIA, AMD without writing any additional C kernel code
IKVM A Java Virtual Machine and Bytecode-to-IL Converter for .NET. Execute compiled Java code (bytecode) on .NET Framework or .NET Core
Lib.Harmony 5,209 4 months ago Rewrite mono and C# methods at the runtime, Either write a method that will be executed, or edit the code of the method in IL, mainly used for game modding
dotnet-repl 722 8 months ago C# REPL (read-eval-print loop)

Chat / Compression

SharpCompress 2,264 about 1 month ago SharpCompress is a compression library for .NET/Mono/Silverlight/WP7 that can unrar, un7zip, unzip, untar unbzip2 and ungzip with forward-only reading and file random access APIs. Write support for zip/tar/bzip2/gzip are implemented
DotNetZip.Semverd 545 5 months ago An open-source project that delivers a .NET library for handling ZIP files, and some associated tools. (fork of )
SharpZipLib a Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library written entirely in C# for the .NET platform
Snappy for Windows Snappy compression library for .NET baked on P/Invoke
Snappy.Sharp 143 over 7 years ago An implementation of Google's Snappy compression algorithm in C#

Chat / Continuous Integration

TeamCity Ready to work, extensible and developer-friendly build server — out of the box
MyGet Continuous Integration and Deployment, Hosted Package Repository for NuGet, NPM, Bower and VSIX
AppVeyor .NET Continuous Integration and Deployment as a service

Chat / Cryptography

BouncyCastle Together with the .Net System.Security.Cryptography, the reference implementation for cryptographic algorithms on the CLR
HashLib HashLib is a collection of nearly all hash algorithms you've ever seen, it supports almost everything and is very easy to use
libsodium-net libsodium for .NET - A secure cryptographic library
NaCl.Core 70 about 2 months ago A managed-only cryptography library for .NET which provides modern cryptographic primitives
Paseto.Core 102 8 days ago A Paseto (Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens) implementation for .NET
Pkcs11Interop 256 7 months ago Managed .NET wrapper for unmanaged PKCS#11 libraries that provide access to the cryptographic hardware
StreamCryptor 131 over 7 years ago Stream encryption & decryption with libsodium and protobuf
SecurityDriven.Inferno 568 12 months ago .NET crypto library. Professionally audited
CryptoNet 97 3 months ago .NET simple crypto library. Native c#

Chat / Cloud Storage

Foundatio 1,971 8 days ago Cloud Storage library with AWS, Azure and many other providers supported
FluentStorage 277 about 2 months ago A polycloud .NET cloud storage abstraction layer originally known as Storage.Net. Provides a generic interface for Blob storage (AWS S3, GCP, FTP, SFTP, Azure Blob/File/Event Hub/Data Lake) and Messaging (AWS SQS, Azure Queue/ServiceBus)
Stowage 166 8 days ago Bloat-free zero dependency .NET cloud storage kit that supports at minimum THE major cloud providers
Cloud Storage 63 11 days ago :- This library provides a universal interface for accessing and manipulating data in different cloud blob storage providers (Azure Storage, AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage. It makes it easy to switch between providers or to use multiple providers simultaneously, without having to learn and use multiple APIs

Chat / Database

SliccDB 132 over 1 year ago Lightweight Embedded (In-Memory) Graph Database for .net
RocksDB 163 5 days ago C# binding for Facebook's RocksDB Key-Value store + native builds for Windows, macOS and Linux
BrightstarDb 459 over 1 year ago BrightstarDB is a native .NET RDF triple store
DBreeze 526 about 1 month ago DBreeze Database is an open-source embedded Key-Value store
Event Store 5,250 3 days ago The open-source, functional database with Complex Event Processing in JavaScript
LiteDB 8,520 3 months ago A .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file -
RavenDB 3,557 5 days ago A LINQ-enabled document database for .NET
Marten 2,804 9 days ago PostgreSQL as a document database and event store for .NET applications
Realm Xamarin 1,242 19 days ago A fast, easy-to-use alternative to SQLite & ORMs -
Streamstone 391 4 months ago Event store for Azure Table Storage
StringDB 70 over 1 year ago StringDB is a modular, key/value pair archival DB designed to consume tiny amounts of ram & produce tiny databases
Ignite 4,776 3 days ago Distributed in-memory platform: document database with SQL and LINQ support; distributed computations; distributed services and events
Yessql 1,208 5 days ago A .NET document database working on any RDBMS
JsonFlatFileDataStore 434 4 months ago Simple JSON flat file data store with support for typed and dynamic data
Db4o-gpl 29 over 1 year ago Object-oriented database, embedded and remote connections supported
ZoneTree 344 28 days ago Persistent, high-performance, transactional, and ACID-compliant ordered key-value database for .NET

Chat / Database Drivers

DuckDB.NET 407 4 days ago .NET data provider for DuckDB
MySQL Connector Connector/Net is a fully-managed ADO.NET driver for MySQL
Npgsql 3,282 4 days ago .NET data provider for PostgreSQL
MongoDB 3,133 3 days ago Official MongoDB C# driver
RethinkDb.Driver 384 almost 4 years ago A RethinkDB database driver in C# striving for 100% ReQL API compatibility and completeness
ServiceStack Redis 2,291 over 2 years ago .NET's leading C# Redis client
StackExchange Redis 5,882 25 days ago General purpose Redis client from StackExchange
Cassandra 637 4 days ago DataStax .NET driver for Apache Cassandra
Couchbase 276 5 days ago Official Couchbase .NET client library, based on the Enyim memcached client
Firebird.NET The .NET Data provider is written in C# and provides a high-performance, native implementation of the Firebird API

Chat / Datetime

NodaTime 2,758 7 days ago Noda Time is an alternative date and time API for .NET. It helps you to think about your data more clearly, and express operations on that data more precisely
DateTimeExtensions 738 about 2 months ago Common Date Time operations on the form of extensions to , including holidays and working days calculations on several culture locales
Exceptionless.DateTimeExtensions 239 3 months ago DateTimeRange, Business Day and various , , extension methods

Chat / Decompilation

dnSpy 26,416 almost 4 years ago open-source .NET assembly browser, editor, decompiler and debugger
dnSpyEx 6,733 5 days ago Unofficial revival of dnSpy
ILSpy ILSpy is the open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler
JustDecompile Engine The decompilation engine of
dotPeek Free-of-charge standalone tool based on ReSharper's bundled decompiler. It can reliably decompile any .NET assembly into equivalent C# or IL code. It can create Visual Studio solutions based on the original binary files in a straight-forward way

Chat / Deployment

Unfold 136 almost 8 years ago PowerShell-based deployment solution for .NET web applications
DbUp 2,312 5 days ago .NET library that helps you to deploy changes to SQL Server databases. It tracks which SQL scripts have been run already, and runs the change scripts that are needed to get your database up to date
Octo Pack 182 about 4 years ago Used to build NuGet packages of your application for deployment using tools such as Octopus Deploy
yuniql 418 2 months ago Free and open source schema versioning and migration tool made with .NET Core. Run migrations with plain SQL, arrange versions in ordinary folders and seed your data from CSV via stand-alone CLI (no CLR needed), Azure Pipelines, Docker or ASP.NET Core code

Chat / DirectX

Vortice.Windows 1,001 5 days ago Cross platform .NET standard libraries for DirectX, WIC, Direct2D1, XInput, XAudio and X3DAudio

Chat / Distributed Computing

.NEXT Raft 1,616 9 days ago Raft implementation for .NET and ASP.NET Core that allows to build clustered microservices powered by distributed consensus and replication
Orleans 10,058 3 days ago Orleans is a framework that provides a straight-forward approach to building distributed high-scale computing applications, without the need to learn and apply complex concurrency or other scaling patterns. It was created by Microsoft Research
Orleankka 493 4 months ago Orleankka is a functional API for Microsoft Orleans framework. It is highly suitable for scenarios where having composable, uniform communication interface is preferable, such as: CQRS, event-sourcing, re-routing, FSM, etc. Additional API available for F# called Orleankka.FSharp 4,697 4 days ago Akka.NET is a port of the popular Java/Scala framework Akka to .NET. This is a community-driven port and is not affiliated with Typesafe who makes the original Java/Scala version
Zebus 307 10 months ago Zebus is a lightweight, highly versatile, peer-to-peer service bus, built with CQRS principles in mind. It allows applications to communicate with each other in a fast and easy manner. Most of the complexity is hidden in the library and you can focus on writing code that matters to you, not debugging messaging code. A very fundamental base for any distributed application
FsShelter 1 almost 6 years ago F# library for authoring components and topologies. Offering high-level abstractions for distributed and fault-tolerant event stream processing
MBrace Integrated Data Scripting for the Cloud
protoactor-dotnet 1,711 17 days ago Proto Actor - Ultra fast distributed actors for Golang and C#

Chat / DLR

cmd 354 over 4 years ago C# library to run external programs in a simpler way. Demonstration of "dynamic" features of C#

Chat / Documentation

Sandcastle 2,190 14 days ago Sandcastle Help File Builder similar to NDoc
SourceBrowser 1,067 8 months ago Source browser website generator that powers
Swashbuckle 3,068 over 2 years ago Seamlessly adds a Swagger to Web API projects
F# Formatting Tools for documenting F# and C# projects from F# script files, Markdown documents and inline XML or Markdown comments
DocFX 4,029 4 days ago Tools for building and publishing API documentation for .NET projects
DocNet 248 10 months ago Your friendly static documentation generator, using markdown files to build the content

Chat / E-Commerce and Payments

NopCommerce 9,207 3 days ago nopCommerce. Free open-source e-commerce shopping cart (ASP.NET Core)
ServiceStack.Stripe 195 over 2 years ago Typed .NET clients for REST APIs
SmartStoreNET 1,173 3 days ago Free ASP.NET Core MVC e-commerce Shopping Cart Solution
Stripe.Net 1,357 3 days ago is a full service .NET API for
Virto Commerce 1,229 3 days ago Virto Commerce is the second generation release and is the only enterprise level e-commerce product fully available under Open Source license. Virto Commerce is based on .NET 4.5 with extensive use of MVC, IoC, EF, Azure, AngularJS and many other cutting edge technologies. It can be deployed in Microsoft Cloud (Azure), Amazon Web Services (AWS) and on-premise
SimplCommerce 4,199 3 months ago Super simple ecommerce system built on .NET Core. Simple to use and easy to customize. Thanks to .NET Core, you can run the SimplCommerce on Windows, Linux. With various RDBMS: Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL
GrandNode 1,075 21 days ago Headless, multi-vendor, multi-tenant, the most advanced open source e-commerce platform based on .NET Core 5.0 and MongoDB
Adyen 107 4 days ago The official Adyen Payment API Library for .NET

Chat / Emulators

Blzhawk 2,153 3 days ago BizHawk is a multi-system emulator written in C#. BizHawk provides nice features for casual gamers such as full screen, and joypad support in addition to full rerecording and debugging tools for all system cores
Ryujinx Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in C#

Chat / Environment Management

Dotnet CLI 3,489 over 1 year ago The cross-platform .NET Core command-line toolchain utility

Chat / ETL

Cinchoo ETL 796 21 days ago ETL Framework for .NET (Read / Write CSV, Flat, Xml, JSON, Key-Value formatted files)
Reactive ETL Reactive ETL is a rewrite of Rhino ETL using the reactive extensions for .NET

Chat / Event aggregator and messenger

Mediator.Net 372 5 months ago A simple mediator for .NET for sending command, publishing event and request response with pipelines supported
MediatR 11,050 24 days ago Simple, unambitious mediator implementation in .NET
Rx Event Aggregator Super-simple Reactive-Extension code from Reactive.EventAggregator
TinyMessenger 284 almost 7 years ago A lightweight event aggregator/messenger for loosely coupled communication
Xer.Cqrs 101 over 6 years ago A simple library for creating applications based on the CQRS pattern with support for attribute routing and hosted handlers. Developed in C# targeting .NET Standard 1.0
FluentMediator 192 over 4 years ago FluentMediator is an unobtrusive library that allows developers to build custom pipelines for Commands, Queries and Events
EventFlow 2,364 2 months ago EventFlow is an Async/await first CQRS and Event Sourcing DDD framework for .NET

Chat / Exceptions

Exceptionless 557 6 months ago Exceptionless .NET Client

Chat / Extensions

ExtensionMethods.Net Site with collection of extension methods
Z.ExtensionMethods 1,571 7 months ago Over a 1000 useful extension methods

Chat / Feature management

Microsoft.FeatureManagement 1,030 9 days ago This library provides a way to develop and expose applicaiton functionality based on feature flags. It enables scenarios like new feature rollouts and A/B testing for experimentation purposes. It also provides integration with common .NET coding patterns and ASP.NET Core

Chat / Functional programming

Curryfy 68 about 1 year ago Provides strongly typed extensions methods for C# delegates to take advantages of functional programming techniques, like currying and partial application
language-ext 6,412 11 days ago This library uses and abuses the features of C# 6+ to provide a functional 'Base class library', that, if you squint, can look like extensions to the language itself. It also includes an 'Erlang like' process system (actors) that can optionally persist messages and state to Redis (note you can use it without Redis for in-app messaging). The process system additionally supports Rx streams of messages and state allowing for a complete system of reactive events and message dispatch
Optional 899 about 1 year ago A robust option type for C#
JFlepp.Maybe 4 over 4 years ago A Maybe type for C#, aimed as an idiomatic port of the option type in F# to C#
Optuple 29 about 5 years ago .NET Standard Library for giving Option-like semantics in a non-obtrusive way; this is, there is no new option type dependency for a library or its users
MoreLinq 3,670 12 days ago Provides extra methods to LINQ to Objects

Chat / Game

MonoGame 11,347 10 days ago One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games
FNA 2,603 4 days ago FNA is an XNA4 reimplementation that focuses solely on developing a fully accurate XNA4 runtime for the desktop
CocosSharp 493 over 4 years ago CocosSharp is a C# implementation of the Cocos2D and Cocos3D APIs that runs on any platform where MonoGame runs
Duality 1,406 28 days ago Duality is a 2D game development framework. Focused on modularity, comes with a visual editor
Stride Game Engine Stride Game Engine is a 2D/3D cross-platform game engine featuring a scene editor, particles, physically based rendering (PBR), scripting, and much more
Wave Engine Wave engine is a free C# component-based modern game engine which allows you to create cross-platform games supporting Kinect, Oculus Rift, Vuforia, Cardboard, Leap Motion and much more
UrhoSharp 462 over 2 years ago UrhoSharp is a C# implementation of the Urho3D game engine that runs on iOS, Mac, Windows, Android and Linux systems
Nez 1,778 25 days ago Nez is a free 2D-focused framework that works with MonoGame and FNA
BEPUphysics 2,348 3 days ago BEPUphysics is a pure C# 3D physics library
Devtodev 7 about 1 month ago A full-cycle analytics solution for game developers
UnrealCLR 3,122 over 1 year ago Unreal Engine .NET Core integration
osu!framework 1,643 8 days ago A 2D application/game written with amazing games in mind
DotRecast 518 4 days ago A port of Recast & Detour, navigation mesh toolset for games, Unity3D, servers, C#
Foster 437 7 days ago Foster is a small cross-platform 2D game framework in C#
Friflo.Engine.ECS 165 about 2 months ago High-performance C# ECS with simple API. Supports .NET, WASM/WebAssembly, Native AOT, Unity, Godot, MonoGame,

Chat / GIS

NetTopologySuite 1,431 25 days ago A .NET GIS solution that is fast and reliable for the .NET platform
SharpMap An easy-to-use mapping library for use in web and desktop applications
OsmSharp C# library to work with OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. Provides reading, writing and route-planning for OSM data
GeoJSON4EntityFramework 19 over 7 years ago A library to create GeoJSON from Entity Framework Spatial Data or Well-Known Text (WKT) inputs
GeoJSON.NET 443 about 2 months ago .Net library for GeoJSON types & corresponding Json.Net (de)serializers
CoordinateSharp 362 3 months ago Easily parse or convert coordinate formats and calculate location based solar/lunar information
DEM Net Elevation API 299 5 months ago .Net library for Digital Elevation Models, allows 3D terrain generation in glTF / STL format

Chat / Git Tools

Husky.Net 683 8 days ago Git hooks made easy with Husky.Net internal task runner, You can use it to lint your commit messages, run tests, lint code, etc... when you commit or push. supports C# scripts, gitflow hooks, Multiple file states (staged, lastCommit, glob)
Bonobo Git Server 1,806 9 months ago Bonobo Git Server for Windows is a web application you can install on your IIS and easily manage and connect to your Git repositories
GitExtensions 7,714 7 days ago GitExtensions is a shell extension, a Visual Studio 2008/2010/2012/2013 plugin and a standalone Git repository tool
GitLink 555 over 1 year ago let's users step through their code hosted on GitHub or BitBucket
GitVersion 2,843 4 days ago Generate a Semantic Version Number based on the state of your Git repository
LibGit2Sharp 3,167 about 2 months ago LibGit2Sharp brings all the might and speed of libgit2, a native Git implementation, to the managed world of .NET and Mono
GitRead.Net 17 over 6 years ago GitRead.Net is a .NET Standard library which allows you to very easily interrogate a Git repository that you have on disk. It allows you to enumerate the commit log, count lines per file and list files changed by a commit
NGit 261 over 4 years ago NGit is a port of JGit to C#
posh-git 7,639 about 1 month ago A PowerShell environment for Git
RepoZ 1,006 9 months ago A Git repository information aggregator with Windows Explorer & CLI-enhancements
Git Credential Manager for Windows 2,864 almost 3 years ago Helps solving issues of credentials, made by Microsoft

Chat / Graphics

LibTessDotNet 313 over 2 years ago .NET port of the famous GLU Tessellator, triangulates polygons
Oxyplot OxyPlot is a cross-platform plotting library for .NET
OpenTK 3,207 10 days ago The Open Toolkit is an advanced, low-level C# library that wraps OpenGL, OpenCL and OpenAL
NGraphics 709 8 months ago NGraphics is a cross-platform library for rendering vector graphics on .NET
Aspose.Drawing Fully managed, cross-platform, complete 2D graphic library for drawing text, geometries, and images, with System.Drawing compatible API
ScottPlot A plotting library to interactively displays large datasets. Line plots, bar charts, pie graphs, scatter plots, and more. It supports WinForms, WPF, Avalonia, Console
LiveCharts2 4,280 18 days ago Simple, flexible, interactive & powerful charts, maps, and gauges for .Net. LiveCharts2 supports WPF, WinForms, Xamarin, Avalonia, WinUI, UWP
Helix Toolkit Helix Toolkit is a collection of 3D components for .NET
AssimpNet A cross-platform .NET Standard wrapper for the Open Asset Importer ("Assimp"). The library enables importing, processing, and exporting of 3D models for rendering in graphics/game applications. Over 40 formats are supported for importing (e.g. OBJ, FBX, GLTF, 3DS, Collada) and a subset of those formats can be exported to (e.g. OBJ, GLTF, 3DS, Collada). Mesh processing features allow for mesh data to be generated or optimized for real-time rendering
Silk.NET 4,080 3 days ago A cross-platform, high-performance, low-level .NET Standard wrapper for many advanced APIs such as OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, Assimp, GLFW, as well as many others. In addition to wrapping over Native APIs, it also comes with its own Windowing and Input abstraction. This makes game and application development with Silk.NET a breeze, and has pretty much everything a 3D application developer would need
Veldrid 2,472 4 months ago A low-level, portable graphics and compute library for .NET
RealTimeGraphX 215 about 2 years ago RealTimeGraphX is a data type agnostic, high performance plotting library for WPF, UWP and soon, Xamarin Forms
VectSharp 223 7 days ago .NET library to create vector graphics and text, and then export it to PDF, SVG and raster image formats

Chat / GraphQL

GraphQL.NET 5,848 14 days ago Implementation of in .Net
HotChocolate 5,180 3 days ago GraphQL server compatible to all GraphQL compliant clients like Strawberry Shake, Relay, Apollo Client, and various other clients and tools
graphql-net 891 over 2 years ago GraphQL to IQueryable for .NET
EntityGraphQL 410 11 days ago library to build a GraphQL API on top of data model with the extensibility to easily bring multiple data sources together in the single GraphQL schema (EF is not a requirement - any ORM working with LinqProvider or an in-memory object will work)
ZeroQL 275 about 1 month ago high-performance C#-friendly GraphQL client. It supports Linq-like syntax. It doesn't require Reflection.Emit or expressions. As a result, the runtime provides performance very close to a raw HTTP call

Chat / GUI

HandyControl 6,042 about 2 months ago Contains some simple and commonly used WPF controls
Lara 153 about 1 year ago Lara Web Engine is a library for developing Web user interfaces in C#
QtSharp 571 over 5 years ago Mono/.NET Bindings for Qt
Qml.Net 1,376 almost 2 years ago A cross-platform Qml/.NET integration for Mono/.NET/.NET Core
MahApps.Metro 9,294 2 months ago Toolkit for creating Metro-styled WPF apps
Callisto 338 over 9 years ago A control toolkit for Windows 8 XAML applications. Contains some UI controls to make it easier to create Windows UI style apps for the Windows Store in accordance with Windows UI guidelines
ObjectListView ObjectListView is a C# wrapper around a .NET ListView. It makes the ListView much easier to use and teaches it some new tricks
DockPanelSuite The Visual Studio inspired docking library for .NET WinForms
AvalonEdit 1,851 4 months ago The WPF-based text editor component used in SharpDevelop
XWT 1,364 over 1 year ago A cross-platform UI toolkit for creating desktop applications with .NET and Mono
Gtk# 428 over 1 year ago Gtk# is a Mono/.NET binding to the cross platform Gtk+ GUI toolkit and the foundation of most GUI apps built with Mono
MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit Toolkit for creating Material Design styled WPF apps
Eto.Forms 3,604 4 days ago Cross-platform GUI framework for desktop and mobile applications in .NET and Mono
Dragablz 2,199 5 months ago Dragable, tearable WPF tab control (similar to Chrome) which supports layouts and is full themeable, including themese compatible with MahApps and Material Design
Fluent.Ribbon 2,541 3 days ago Fluent Ribbon Control Suite is a library that implements an Office- and Windows 8-like Ribbon for WPF
Office Ribbon 757 2 months ago A library that implements MS Office Ribbon for WinForms
MaterialSkin 2,860 3 months ago Theming .NET WinForms, C# or VB.Net, to Google's Material Design principles
Xamarin.Forms 5,627 5 months ago Build native UIs for iOS, Android and Windows from a single, shared C# codebase
SciterSharp 108 about 2 months ago Create .NET cross-platform desktop apps using not just HTML, but all features of Sciter engine: CSS3, SVG, scripting, AJAX, <video>... Sciter is free for commercial use
Empty Keys UI Multi-platform and multi-engine XAML based user interface library
UWP Community Toolkit 5,876 3 months ago The UWP Community Toolkit is a collection of helper functions, custom controls, and app services. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks building UWP apps for Windows 10
ScintillaNET 963 about 1 year ago Windows Forms control for the Scintilla text editor component (Scintilla is used by Notepad++)
FastColoredTextBox 1,215 about 1 year ago Fast Colored TextBox is text editor component for .NET. Allows you to create custom text editor with syntax highlighting. It works well with small, medium, large and very-very large files
Avalonia 25,402 4 days ago A multi-platform .NET UI framework (formerly known as Perspex)
Modern UI for WPF - MUI 2,593 about 3 years ago Set of controls and styles to convert WPF applications into a great looking Modern UI apps
WinApi 819 almost 2 years ago A simple, direct, ultra-thin CLR library for high-performance Win32 Native Interop with automation, windowing, DirectX, OpenGL and Skia helpers
Neutronium 1,344 almost 2 years ago Build .NET desktop applications using HTML, CSS, javascript and MVVM bindings such as with WPF
Ooui 1,622 almost 2 years ago A small cross-platform UI library that brings the simplicity of native UI development to the web
AdonisUI 1,725 about 2 years ago Lightweight UI toolkit for WPF applications offering classic but enhanced Windows visuals
Windows UI Library 6,304 4 days ago The Windows UI Library (WinUI) provides official native Microsoft UI controls and features for Windows UWP apps
Bunifu UI Framework Carefully crafted Winforms controls and components for creating stunning modern application UI
Ookii.Dialogs.Wpf 1,136 9 days ago Enable WPF applications to access common Windows dialogs such as task dialogs, credential dialog, progress dialog, folder browser dialog, and more
Ookii.Dialogs.WinForms 601 9 days ago Enable Windows Forms applications to access common Windows dialogs such as task dialogs, credential dialog, progress dialog, folder browser dialog, and more
UNO Platform The only platform for building native mobile, desktop and WebAssembly with C#, XAML from a single codebase. Open source and professionally supported. Website:

Chat / HTML and CSS

AngleSharp 5,137 4 days ago Complete HTML5 DOM and CSS3 OM construction
dotless 694 3 months ago .NET port of the Ruby Less CSS lib
ExCSS 330 12 days ago CSS3 parser library for C#
HtmlAgilityPack an agile HTML parser that builds a read/write DOM and supports plain XPath or XSLT
LibSass Host 82 3 months ago .NET wrapper around the library with the ability to support a virtual file system
LtGt 119 about 1 year ago lightweight HTML processor, can be used to parse and navigate DOM, handles CSS selectors, can convert to Linq2Xml, easily extensible, and more

Chat / HTTP

Tiny.RestClient 210 29 days ago Simpliest Fluent REST client for .NET
Http.fs 322 about 1 year ago A functional HTTP client for F#
RestSharp 9,581 about 1 month ago Simple REST and HTTP API client for .NET
Flurl Fluent, portable, testable REST/HTTP client library
EasyHttp 980 over 3 years ago HTTP library for C#
Refit 8,503 4 days ago The automatic type-safe REST library for Xamarin and .NET
RestEase 1,079 10 months ago Easy-to-use typesafe REST API client library, which is simple and customisable. Heavily inspired by Refit
RestLess 111 almost 2 years ago The automatic type-safe-reflectionless REST API client library for .Net Standard
HttpClientGoodies 66 over 1 year ago utilities for working with
WebApiClient 2,037 8 days ago An open source project based on the HttpClient. You only need to define the c# interface and modify the related features to invoke the client library of the remote http interface asynchronously
Apizr 136 4 days ago Refit based web api client, but resilient (retry, connectivity, cache, auth, log, priority, etc...)
Fluxzy.Core 117 5 days ago A fully managed and fully streamed Man-On-The-Middle library to intercept, record and alter HTTP/1.1, H2, websocket traffic over plain or secure channels

Chat / IDE

AvalonStudio 1,612 9 months ago An extensible, cross platform IDE written in C# for Embedded C/C++, .NET Core, Avalonia and Typescript
SharpDevelop 2,085 about 4 years ago A free IDE for .NET programming languages
MonoDevelop 2,836 about 3 years ago MonoDevelop is a cross-platform IDE mostly aimed at Mono/.NET developers
Visual Studio Express The free lightweight version of Visual Studio for .NET programming
Visual Studio Community A full-featured IDE
Waf DotNetPad A simple and fast code editor that makes fun program with C# or Visual Basic
Visual Studio Code Excellent open source editor from Microsoft, based on Electron
Ionide An Atom Editor and Visual Studio Code package suite for cross platform F# development
Rider A cross-platform C# IDE based on the IntelliJ platform and ReSharper
RoslynPad 2,427 16 days ago A simple C# editor based on Roslyn and AvalonEdit
Consulo A cross-platform IDE with C# & Java support, fork of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
vvvv A visual live-programming environment for .NET
CSharp Analyzer by MongoDB 27 about 2 months ago A free Visual Studio Extension for MongoDB users, helping translate your code into MongoDB queries

Chat / Image Processing

ImageWizard 69 2 months ago Image processing webservice based on ASP.NET Core and ImageSharp / SkiaSharp / SvgNet / DocNET
ImageResizer Add commands to image URLs to get altered versions in milliseconds. Resizing, editing etc of images in real-time
ImageProcessor 2,497 about 1 year ago Open-source .NET library to manipulate images on-the-fly
ImageSharp 7,378 about 1 month ago Fully managed cross-platform library for processing of image files
MagicScaler 587 about 2 months ago High-performance image processing pipeline for .NET, focused on making complex imaging tasks simple
DynamicImage High-performance open-source image manipulation library for ASP.NET
MetadataExtractor 934 5 months ago Extracts Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC and other metadata from image files
Emgu CV Cross-platform .NET wrapper for the OpenCV library
SimpleITK A simplified path to Insight. Open-source multi-dimensional image analysis in Python, R, Java, C#, Lua, Ruby, TCL and C++. Developed by the Insight Toolkit community for the biomedical sciences and beyond
DotImaging 313 almost 5 years ago Minimalistic .NET imaging portable platform
Magick.NET 3,431 5 days ago .NET wrapper for the ImageMagick library
OpenCvSharp 5,371 about 2 months ago Cross platform wrapper of OpenCV for .NET Framework
PixelViewer 259 20 days ago Cross-platform (Windows/macOS/Linux) image viewer which supports reading raw Luminance/YUV/RGB/ARGB/Bayer pixels data from file and rendering it. 10/16-bit YUV and viewing image frame sequence are also supported (v1.99+)
TeximpNet A cross-platform .NET Standard library for reading/manipulating/writing image files. The primary focus is to create 2D/3D/Cubemap textures for graphics/game applications, notably to convert images to GPU compressed formats and generate mipmaps. The library wraps the FreeImage native library to import/export over 30 common image formats, and wraps the Nvidia Texture Tools native library for GPU compression features. It also has a fully featured DDS format importer/exporter written in C#
Colourful 274 8 days ago Open source .NET library for working with color spaces
Imgix-CSharp Easily update image urls to be fast and responsive
ColorHelper 67 over 1 year ago Useful methods for work with colors
Unicolour 52 2 months ago Colour conversion, interpolation, and comparison for .NET

Chat / Install tools

Wix Toolset The most powerful set of tools available to create your Windows installation experience
Squirrel 7,345 2 months ago Squirrel is both a set of tools and a library, to completely manage both installation and updating your desktop Windows application
Chocolatey 10,261 8 days ago like or , but for Windows
Wax An interactive editor for WiX projects
Onova 506 4 days ago An unopinionated auto-update framework for desktop applications

Chat / Interactive programming

.NET Interactive 2,880 3 days ago .NET Interactive takes the power of .NET and embeds it into your interactive experiences

Chat / Internationalization

i18n 556 over 1 year ago Smart internationalization for ASP.NET MVC
MessageFormat.NET 160 6 days ago ICU MessageFormat implementation in .NET lets you write contextual UI messages (PCL library)
ResX Resource Manager 1,317 11 days ago The most popular free tool to localize all kind of applications with resx-based resources

Chat / Interoperability

CppSharp 3,107 about 1 month ago Tools to surface C++ APIs to C#
Sharpen 381 almost 4 years ago Sharpen is an Eclipse plugin created by db4o that allows you to convert your Java project into C#
CXXI 199 about 4 years ago C++ interop framework
pythonnet 4,697 4 days ago Python and .NET interop framework
PInvoke Interop Assistant 431 over 5 years ago Converts C to managed P/Invoke signatures or verse visa
pinvoke 2,117 about 1 year ago A library containing P/Invoke code for latest Windows OS
LegacyWrapper 80 over 2 years ago LegacyWrapper uses a wrapper process to call DLLs from a process of the opposing architecture (x86 or AMD64)
Pyrolite 177 7 months ago This library allows your Java or .NET program to interface very easily with the Python world. It uses the Pyro protocol to call methods on remote objects

Chat / IoC

Castle Windsor 1,515 3 months ago Castle Windsor is best of breed, mature Inversion of Control container available for .NET and Silverlight
Unity 1,659 9 months ago Lightweight extensible dependency injection container with support for constructor, property, and method call injection
Autofac 4,476 5 days ago An addictive .NET IoC container
DryIoc 1,011 16 days ago Simple, fast all fully featured IoC container
Ninject 2,675 4 months ago The ninja of .NET dependency injectors
Spring.Net 849 13 days ago Spring.NET is an open source application framework that makes building enterprise .NET applications easier
Lamar A fast IoC container heavily optimized for usage within ASP.NET Core and other .NET server side applications
LightInject 620 7 days ago A ultra lightweight IoC container
Simple Injector 1,209 4 days ago Simple Injector is an easy-to-use Dependency Injection (DI) library for .NET 4+ that supports Silverlight 4+, Windows Phone 8, Windows 8 including Universal apps and Mono
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 15,044 4 days ago The default IoC container for NET applications
Scrutor 3,587 9 days ago Assembly scanning extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
VS MEF 429 19 days ago Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) implementation used by Visual Studio
TinyIoC 830 almost 2 years ago An easy to use, hassle free, Inversion of Control Container for small projects, libraries and beginners alike
Stashbox 139 12 days ago A lightweight, portable dependency injection framework for .NET based solutions

Chat / JavaScript Engines

ClearScript 1,747 about 1 month ago A library that makes it easy to add scripting to your .NET applications. It currently supports JavaScript (via V8 and JScript) and VBScript
Edge.js 5,418 5 months ago Run .NET and Node.js code in-process on Windows, macOS, and Linux
Jint 4,066 5 days ago JavaScript interpreter for .NET which provides full ECMA 5.1 compliance and can run on any .NET platform
Jurassic 873 11 months ago A implementation of the ECMAScript language and runtime. It aims to provide the best performing and most standards-compliant implementation of JavaScript for .NET
YantraJS 201 about 1 month ago JavaScript Runtime (Similar to NodeJS) for .NET Standard, compiles JavaScript to IL, support for many ES6 features, generators, CommonJS modules, CSX modules and expression compiler

Chat / Logging

Essential Diagnostics 67 almost 3 years ago Extends the inbuilt features of System.Diagnostics namespace to provide flexible logging
NLog 6,292 3 days ago NLog - Advanced .NET and Silverlight logging
Logazmic 58 almost 2 years ago Open source NLog viewer for Windows
ELMAH Official ELMAH site
Elmah MVC 266 3 months ago Elmah for MVC
Logary 526 over 1 year ago Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric, tracing and health-check library for Mono and .NET. .NET's answer to DropWizard. Supports many targets, built for micro-services
Log4Net The Apache log4net library is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets
Rollbar.NET 65 6 months ago Simplifies real-time remote error monitoring while using Open-source Rollbar Notifier SDK for any .NET-based technology stack. The SDK that can be used in any application built on the following .NET versions: .NET Core 2.0+, .NET Standard 2.0+, .NET Full Framework 4.5.1+, Mono, Xamarin, and, in general, any implementation of the .NET Standard 2.0+. It simplifies building data payloads based on exception data, tracing data, informational messages, and telemetry data and sends the payloads to the Rollbar API for remote monitoring and analysis of the hosting application's behavior
Sejil 183 11 months ago Capture, view and filter your ASP.NET Core app's logs right from your app. It supports structured logging, querying as well as saving log queries
Sentry 583 3 days ago .NET SDK for Open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time
Serilog 7,206 3 days ago A no-nonsense logging library for the NoSQL era. Combines the best of traditional and structured diagnostic logging in an easy-to-use package
StackExchange.Exceptional 863 about 1 year ago Error handler used for the Stack Exchange network
Semantic Logging Application Block (SLAB) 218 about 7 years ago Extends the inbuilt features of System.Diagnostics.Tracing namespace (EventSource class) to log to several sinks including Azure Tables, Databases, files (JSON, XML, text). Supports in-process and out-of-process logging through ETW, and Rx for real-time filtering/aggregating of events
ULogViewer 379 3 days ago Cross-Platform (Windows/macOS/Linux) Universal Log Viewer which supports reading and parsing various type of logs. You can also define your own profile to parse and show logs
Foundatio 1,971 8 days ago A fluent logging API that can be used to log messages throughout your application
Exceptionless 557 6 months ago Exceptionless .NET Client
Loupe Centralized .NET logging and monitoring Cloud logging for .NET web applications using ELMAH. Find bugs before you go live. Powerful search, API, integration with Slack, GitHub, Visual Studio and more
BugSnag Logs errors. Includes useful diagnostic info like stack trace, session, release, etc. Has a free tier
ZeroLog 400 2 months ago ZeroLog is a zero-allocation .NET logging library. It provides basic logging capabilities to be used in latency-sensitive applications, where garbage collections are undesirable

Chat / Machine Learning and Data Science

Infer.NET A framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models. It can also be used for probabilistic programming
Accord.NET Machine learning framework combined with audio and image processing libraries (computer vision, computer audition, signal processing and statistics)
Accord.NET Extensions 342 almost 9 years ago Advanced image processing and computer vision algorithms made as fluent extensions
AForge.NET Framework for developers and researchers in the fields of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence (image processing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, robotics)
Catalyst 722 about 1 month ago Cross-platform Natural Language Processing (NLP) library inspired by spaCy, with pre-trained models, out-of-the box support for training word and document embeddings, and flexible entity recognition models. Part of the
Deedle Data frame and (time) series library for exploratory data manipulation with C# and F# support
FsLab A collection of data science and machine learning libraries for F# and .NET
GeneticSharp 1,270 5 months ago Multi-platform genetic algorithm library for .NET Core and .NET Framework. The library has several implementations of GA operators, like: selection, crossover, mutation, reinsertion and termination
numl 430 almost 6 years ago Designed to include the most popular supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms while minimizing the friction involved with creating the predictive models
ML.NET 9,015 4 days ago Cross-platform open-source machine learning framework which makes machine learning accessible to .NET developers
R Provider Type provider that exposes R packages and functions in a type-safe way to F# callers
F# Data 813 3 months ago F# type providers for accessing XML, JSON, CSV and HTML files (based on sample documents) and for accessing WorldBank data
Spreads 426 over 1 year ago Series and Panels for Real-time and Exploratory Analysis of Data Streams. Spreads library is optimized for performance and memory usage. It is several times faster than other open source projects
SciSharp STACK A rich machine learning ecosystem for .NET created by porting the most popular Python libraries to C#
Synapses 70 about 3 years ago An in-memory neural network library written in F#
m2cgen 2,800 2 months ago A CLI tool to transpile trained classic ML models into a native .NET (C#, F# or Visual Basic) code with zero dependencies

Chat / Markdown Processors

MarkdownSharp Open source C# implementation of Markdown processor, as featured on Stack Overflow
F# Formatting Tools for documenting F# and C# projects. The library contains extensible Markdown parser as a core component
markdig 4,314 4 days ago A fast, powerful, CommonMark compliant, extensible Markdown processor for .NET

Chat / Mail

FluentEmail 3,020 6 months ago A fluent wrapper for System.Net.Mail with Razor templating support
MailKit 6,164 5 days ago A complete cross-platform mail stack including IMAP, POP3, SMTP, authentication and more. Built on top of MimeKit
MailKitSimplified 79 4 days ago A fully-featured fluent wrapper for MailKit that makes sending emails as simple as possible
MimeKit 1,819 5 days ago A cross-platform .NET MIME creation and parser library with support for S/MIME, PGP, TNEF and Unix mbox spools
PreMailer.Net 652 9 days ago C# library that moves your stylesheets to inline style attributes, for maximum compatibility with e-mail clients
StrongGrid 181 17 days ago Client for SendGrid's v3 API. Not only allows you to send emails, but also allows you to bulk import contacts, manage lists and segments, create custom fields for your lists, etc. Also includes a parser for SendGrid Webhooks

Chat / Mathematics

MathNet Math.NET is an open source initiative to build and maintain toolkits covering fundamental mathematics, targeting advanced but also every day needs of .NET developers
Microsoft Automatic Graph Layout 1,357 17 days ago A set of tools for graph layout and viewing
UnitConversion 181 over 2 years ago Expansible Unit Conversion Library for .NET Core and .NET Framework
ALGLIB ALGLIB is a cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library. It supports several programming languages (C++, C#, Delphi) and several operating systems (Windows and POSIX, including Linux) and
AutoDiff 91 over 1 year ago AutoDiff is a library for quickly computing gradients of functions defined by expressions. Mainly useful in numerical optimization
GeometRi 177 4 months ago Simple and lightweight computational geometry library for .Net
Rationals 80 8 days ago Implementation of rational number arithmetic for .NET with arbitrary precision
MKL.NET 163 13 days ago A simple cross platform .NET API for Intel MKL
AngouriMath 778 4 months ago An open-source symbolic/computer algebra library, made primarily for C# and F#. It covers a range of features and might be considered as an alternative to SymPy in .NET
Vim.Math3d 106 about 2 months ago A feature-rich cross-platform replacement for System.Numerics with support for consistent serialization and binary layout, and additional structures and algorithms for efficient 3D Math
WPF-Math 639 4 months ago a .NET library for rendering mathematical formulae using the LaTeX typesetting style, for the WPF framework
Jodo.Numerics 13 6 months ago Provides extra number types (such as fixed-point and non-overflowing numbers) with full support for operators, math, string-parsing etc. Extensively tested, and cross-platform compatible

Chat / Media

CSCore 2,199 3 months ago An advanced audio library, supporting playback/recording, decoding/encoding and processing of audio data in realtime (effects, visualizations, ...)
TagLib# 1,278 about 1 month ago TagLib# (aka taglib-sharp) is a library for reading and writing metadata in media files, including video, audio, and photo formats
LibVLCSharp 1,471 3 days ago Xamarin bindings for libvlc, the multimedia framework powering the VLC applications made by VideoLAN
NAudio 5,500 3 months ago Playback, decode and encode audio in a variety of file formats such as MP3, MP4, WAV, AIFF, Speex, etc
Xabe.FFmpeg 712 12 months ago .NET Standard wrapper for FFmpeg. It allows to process media without know how FFmpeg works, and can be used to pass customized arguments to FFmpeg from C# application
SeeShark 142 4 months ago Cross-platform camera library for .NET using FFmpeg supporting over 190 pixel formats

Chat / Metrics

C# StatsD Client 111 over 5 years ago C# client for Etsy's StatsD
Foundatio 1,971 8 days ago A common interface with in-memory, Redis, StatsD, and Metrics.NET implementations

Chat / Micro Framework

.NET Micro Framework Interpreter 487 about 6 years ago Microsoft® .NET Micro Framework (NETMF) for developing embedded applications on small devices using Visual Studio

Chat / Minification

Microsoft Ajax Minifier Contains JS and CSS minifiers which have a highest performance, because its have been specifically designed for .NET. Optionally produce Source Maps for JS code
Web Markup Minifier 449 about 1 month ago .NET library that contains a set of markup minifiers. The objective of this project is to improve the performance of web applications by reducing the size of HTML, XHTML and XML code
CompressedStaticFiles 88 7 months ago Send compressed static files to the browser without having to compress on demand, also has support for sending more advanced image formats when the browser indicates that i has support for it

Chat / Misc

CSharp Pad A web-based C# REPL with awesome code completion
AzureCrawler 43 over 10 years ago Take HTML Snapshots for your Angular, Ember, Durandal or any JavaScript applications
CSScript CS-Script is a CLR based scripting system which uses C# as a programming language. CS-Script currently targets Microsoft implementation of CLR (.NET 2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5) with full support on Mono. Comes with many additional features, such as script hosting
CsvHelper 4,733 30 days ago Library to help reading and writing CSV files
RecordParser 292 about 2 months ago Library to help reading and writing CSV and Flat files with zero heap allocation 3,308 12 months ago Generate short unique ids from integers, as per
ConsoleTableExt 331 3 months ago Fluent library to create table for .Net console application
FlatMapper 93 over 4 years ago A library to import and export data from and to plain text files in a LINQ-compatible way
FluentValidation 9,031 20 days ago A small validation library for .NET that uses a fluent interface and lambda expressions for building validation rules
FormHelper 270 almost 2 years ago Form & Validation Helper for ASP.NET Core. Form Helper helps you to create ajax forms and validations without writing any javascript code. (Compatible with Fluent Validation)
Guard 713 about 1 year ago A high-performance, extensible argument validation library
Valit 320 almost 5 years ago Valit is dead simple, fluent validation for .NET Core
Validot 300 about 1 month ago Validot is a performance-first, compact library for advanced model validation. Using a simple declarative fluent interface, it efficiently handles classes, structs, nested members, collections, nullables, plus any relation or combination of them. It also supports translations, custom logic extensions with tests, and DI containers
Humanizer 8,631 about 2 months ago Humanizer meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities
LINQPad a C#/VB/F# scratchpad that instantly executes any expression, statement block or program with rich output formatting and a wealth of features. Also lets you interactively query databases in LINQ. [$]
LINQPad.QueryPlanVisualizer 398 4 months ago View SQL Server and Postgres query plans directly inside LINQPad
Polly 13,345 4 days ago Express transient-exception-handling and resilience policies such as Retry, Wait-and-Retry, Circuit Breaker, and Bulkhead Isolation in a fluent manner. Fully thread-safe and full async support. (4.0 / 4.5 / .NET Core / .NET Standard / Xamarin)
Rant 2,964 about 4 years ago The Rant Procedural Text Generation DSL
ScriptCS 2,469 about 1 year ago Write C# apps with a text editor, NuGet and the power of Roslyn!
Shielded 239 almost 2 years ago Software Transactional Memory (STM) implementation for .NET
MSBuild ILMerge task MSBuild ILMerge task is a NuGet package allows you to use the famous ILMerge utility in automated builds and/or Visual Studio projects
ReactJS.NET 2,295 over 1 year ago ReactJS.NET is a library that makes it easier to use Babel along with Facebook's React and JSX from C#
Aeron.NET 484 9 months ago Efficient reliable UDP unicast, UDP multicast, and IPC message transport - .NET port of Aeron
TypeShape 291 11 months ago TypeShape is a small, extensible F# library for practical generic programming
Streams 381 over 4 years ago A lightweight F#/C# library for efficient functional-style pipelines on streams of data
Warden 614 over 6 years ago Define "health checks" for your applications, resources and infrastructure. Keep your Warden on the watch
ByteSize 554 9 days ago ByteSize is a utility class that makes byte size representation in code easier by removing ambiguity of the value being represented. ByteSize is to bytes what System.TimeSpan is to time
Jot 635 6 months ago a library for persisting and restoring application state (a better alternative to .settings files)
Enums.NET 1,718 about 2 months ago Enums.NET is a high-performance type-safe .NET enum utility library
HidLibrary 583 5 months ago This library enables you to enumerate and communicate with Hid compatible USB devices in .NET
SystemWrapper 175 about 1 year ago SystemWrapper is .NET library for easier testing of system APIs
YoutubeExplode 2,900 4 days ago Ultimate library for extracting metadata and downloading Youtube videos and playlists
DeviceId 785 2 months ago Generate a 'device ID' that can be used to uniquely identify a computer
DeviceDetector.NET 342 about 1 month ago The Universal Device Detection library will parse any User Agent and detect the browser, operating system, device used (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv, cars, console, etc.), brand and model
NaturalSort.Extension 169 8 days ago Extension method for StringComparer that adds support for natural sorting (e.g. "abc1", "abc2", "abc10" instead of "abc1", "abc10", "abc2")
Coravel 3,836 9 days ago Near-zero config .NET Core library that makes Task Scheduling, Caching, Queuing, Mailing, Event Broadcasting (and more) a breeze!
Quickenshtein 283 11 months ago An extremely quick and memory efficient Levenshtein Distance calculator with SIMD and Threading support
Infinity Crawler 246 10 months ago A simple but powerful web crawler library for .NET
Build Versioning 58 4 days ago Simple build versioning for .NET, powered by Git tags
SystemTextJson.JsonDiffPatch 102 6 months ago High-performance, low-allocating JSON object diff and patch extension for System.Text.Json. Support generating patch document in RFC 6902 JSON Patch format
dotnet-exec 45 3 days ago A command-line tool for executing C# program without a project file, and you can have your custom entry point other than Main method

Chat / MQTT

HiveMQtt 60 9 days ago The HiveMQ C# MQTT client for .NET
MQTTNet 4,434 13 days ago A high performance .NET library for MQTT based communication. It provides a MQTT client and a MQTT server (broker)

Chat / MVVM

Community Toolkit Collection of control & helper libraries and samples for various .NET technologies. Contains modern MVVM library, supported by Microsoft. Includes , , and
Caliburn.Micro 2,792 5 months ago A small, yet powerful framework, designed for building applications across all XAML platforms. Its strong support for MV* patterns will enable you to build your solution quickly, without the need to sacrifice code quality or testability
MVVM Light Toolkit 1,165 about 3 years ago The main purpose of the toolkit is to accelerate the creation and development of MVVM applications in WPF, Silverlight, Windows Store (RT) and for Windows Phone
Catel Catel is an application development platform with the focus on MVVM (WPF, Silverlight, Windows Phone and WinRT) and MVC (ASP.NET MVC). The core of Catel contains an IoC container, models, validation, memento, message mediator, argument checking, etc
UpdateControls Update Controls does not require that you implement or declare a . It connects controls directly to CLR properties. This makes it perfect for the Model/View/ViewModel pattern
ReactiveUI 8,060 4 days ago An MVVM framework for .NET that integrates the Reactive Extensions (Rx) framework, enabling developers to build elegant, testable applications using WPF, Windows Store Apps, WP8 or Xamarin
Okra App Framework An app centric MVVM framework for Windows 8.1 built with dependency injection in mind, including a full set of Visual Studio MVVM templates
Prism 6,297 29 days ago A cross-platform desktop and mobile MVVM development framework
Win Application Framework (WAF) 709 4 days ago A lightweight Framework that helps you to create well structured WPF and UWP Applications. It supports you in applying a Layered Architecture and the Model-View-ViewModel pattern
MVVMCross 3,865 11 days ago Cross-platform mvvm mobile development framework for WPF, Silverlight for WP7 and WP8, Mono for Android, MonoTouch for iOS, Windows Universal projects (WPA8.1 and Windows 8.1 Store apps). Makes extensive use of Portable Class Libraries (PCL) to provide maintainable cross platform C# native applications
Stylet 993 3 months ago Minimal MVVM framework inspired by Caliburn Micro, with good documentation, high test coverage, and its own IoC container
Gemini 1,095 about 1 year ago IDE framework similar in concept to the Visual Studio Shell. Built on WPF, AvalonDock, and Caliburn Micro
Toms Toolbox 102 11 days ago Visual Composition framework to easily build modularized MVVM applications based on the
MVVM Dialogs 643 6 days ago Framework simplifying the concept of opening dialogs from a view model when using MVVM in WPF or UWP
Smaragd 34 over 4 years ago A platform-independent, lightweight library for developing .NET applications using the MVVM architecture
EBind 161 about 3 years ago A concise, fast and feature-rich .NET data binding solution

Chat / Networking

NetCoreServer 2,703 5 months ago Ultra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C# .NET Core library with support TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket protocols and 10K connections problem solution (NETStandard)
SharpPcap 1,328 4 days ago Fully managed, cross platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) .NET library for capturing packets from live and file based devices

Chat / Object to object mapping

AutoMapper 9,911 about 1 month ago A convention-based object-object mapper in .NET
TinyMapper 691 4 months ago A tiny and quick object mapper for .NET
ExpressMapper 309 almost 3 years ago A lightweight, lighting fast .NET mapper to map one type of object(s) to another in automated and easy way. ExpressMapper relies completely on the expression trees
AgileMapper 458 about 2 years ago A zero-configuration Object-Object mapper supporting .NET Standard 1.0
Mapperly 2,558 5 days ago A .NET source generator for generating object mappings. No runtime reflection
Mapster 4,313 4 months ago A high performance object mapper in .net

Chat / Office

ExcelDna 1,289 3 days ago ExcelDna makes it easier to create and deploy Excel Add-Ins using C#, F# or VB .NET
ClosedXML 4,720 4 days ago ClosedXML makes it easier for developers to create Excel 2007/2010 files
OfficeIMO 286 8 days ago OfficeIMO makes it easier for developers to create/modify Word (docx) files without having Microsoft Word or Office installed
NPOI 77 5 months ago This project is the .NET version of POI Java project at
EPPlus 3,755 about 4 years ago EPPlus is a .NET library that reads and writes Excel 2007/2010 files using the Open Office XML format (xlsx)
Open XML SDK 3,997 5 days ago The Open XML SDK provides open-source libraries for working with Open XML Documents (DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX)
DocX 1,770 3 months ago DocX is a .NET library that allows developers to manipulate Word 2007/2010/2013 files, it does not require Microsoft Word or Office to be installed
ExcelDataReader 3,956 about 1 month ago Lightweight and fast library written in C# for reading Microsoft Excel files (2.0-2007)
NetOffice 697 20 days ago .NET wrapper assemblies for Microsoft Office applications
GemBox.Bundle A package of .NET components that enable fast, simple and efficient processing of office files (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, PDF and emails)
Outlook Redemption Library to work with the Outlook Object Model and (Extended) MAPI. Supports Outlook 98 - 2019. Work with objects/mails/accounts/folders in Exchange and Outlook
ShapeCrawler 283 6 days ago A fluent API for the processing of PowerPoint presentations without Microsoft Office installed
MiniExcel 2,729 7 days ago A micro Excel helper avoids OOM and high performance to create/mapping/template-fill-data
Toxy 355 almost 3 years ago .NET text extraction framework supports a few file formats
Syncfusion .NET Word Framework A high-performance .NET Word framework without Microsoft Office or interop dependencies. Create, read, and edit Word documents seamlessly. Utilize advanced editor components for easy viewing, editing, and printing. Effortlessly convert Word documents to PDF, HTML, RTF, ODT, and EPUB formats with powerful conversion APIs
Syncfusion .NET Excel Framework A high-performance .NET Excel framework without Microsoft Office or interop dependencies. Create, read, and edit Excel documents seamlessly. Utilize Spreadsheet controls for creating, editing, and viewing easily. Effortlessly convert Excel files to PDF, images, and more with powerful conversion APIs
Syncfusion .NET PowerPoint Framework A high-performance .NET PowerPoint framework without Microsoft Office or interop dependencies. Create, read, and edit PowerPoint files seamlessly. Effortlessly convert PowerPoint files to PDFs and images with powerful conversion APIs

Chat / OpenAI

Cledev.OpenAI 111 over 1 year ago .NET SDK for OpenAI which includes ChatGPT, DALL-E and Whisper APIs and a Blazor Server playground

Chat / ORM

Entity Framework 6 1,426 5 days ago Object-relational mapper that enables .NET developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects
Entity Framework Core 13,679 3 days ago Object-relational mapper that enables .NET developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects
EntityFramework.Exceptions 1,478 6 days ago Use typed Exceptions for Entity Framework Core when your SQL query violates database constraints in SqlServer, MySql, PostgreSQL or SQLite
EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.SimpleBulks 159 3 days ago Simple library that can help to sync a large number of records in-memory into the database. Lambda Expression is supported
EFCore.BulkExtensions 3,634 5 days ago Entity Framework Core Bulk Extensions for super fast (BulkCopy) CRUD ops + SaveChanges on multiple DBs: SQL, PG, My, Lite
Dapper 17,485 2 months ago A simple object mapper for .NET by
Dapper Extensions 1,785 8 months ago Small library that complements Dapper by adding basic CRUD operations (Get, Insert, Update, Delete) for your POCOs
Dapper.FastCRUD 499 4 months ago The fastest micro-ORM extension for Dapper
DapperQueryBuilder 512 5 months ago Dapper Query Builder using String Interpolation and Fluent API
SqlSugar 5,307 6 days ago Another ORM library supports many RDBMS including MySql, SqlServer, Sqlite, Oracle, Postgresql
FreeSql a convenient ORM in dotnet, supports MySql, SqlServer, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sqlite, Firebird, 达梦, 人大金仓, 神舟通用, 翰高 and Access
NHibernate NHibernate Object Relational Mapper
Fluent NHibernate 1,657 5 days ago Fluent, XML-less, compile safe, automated, convention-based mappings for NHibernate
FluentMigrator 3,232 3 days ago Fluent Migrations framework for .net
ServiceStack.OrmLite 1,527 almost 2 years ago Light, simple and fast convention-based POCO ORM
Massive 1,798 about 7 years ago A small, happy, data access tool that will love you forever
LINQ to DB 2,970 4 days ago The fastest LINQ database access library offering a simple, light, fast, and type-safe layer between your POCO objects and your database
MicroLite ORM 85 over 4 years ago MicroLite ORM is a micro Object Relational Mapper for the .NET framework. It is designed to be easy to use, extensible and testable
PetaPoco 2,065 15 days ago A tiny ORM-ish thing for your POCOs
AsyncPoco 127 9 months ago A long-"awaited" fully asynchronous PetaPoco fork
NPoco 848 9 months ago Simple microORM that maps the results of a query onto a POCO object. Based on Schotime's branch of PetaPoco
Limebean 28 over 5 years ago Hybrid ORM which uses SQL fragments and doesn't require Model Classes
LLBLGen Pro Entity Modeling solution for Entity Framework, NHibernate, Linq to SQL and its own ORM framework: LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework
Insight.Database 859 26 days ago Insight.Database is a fast, lightweight, micro-ORM for .NET
DbExtensions Data-access framework with a strong focus on query composition, granularity and code aesthetics
SmartSql 1,090 5 days ago SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis)+ ZooKeeper + R / W Splitting + Dynamic Repository
RepoDb 1,696 5 days ago A hybrid ORM library for .NET
Venflow 170 almost 2 years ago A super fast and lightweight ORM for PostgreSQL
MongoFramework 390 4 days ago An "Entity Framework"-like interface for MongoDB
Friflo.Json.Fliox 165 about 2 months ago High performane ORM for Sqlite, MySql, SqlServer, PostgreSQL & NoSQL. Provides server with REST, GraphQL & WebSocket / PubSub API

Chat / Package Management

NuGet The .NET package manager
BaGet 2,610 3 months ago A cross-platform, lightweight NuGet and Symbol server
Cloudsmith A fully managed package management SaaS, with support for NuGet, Npm, Docker and much more
MyGet Hosted Package Repository for NuGet, NPM, Bower and VSIX. Also provides CI as-a-Service
Paket 2,020 about 2 months ago A package dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet packages and GitHub repositories
Sleet 354 3 months ago A NuGet v3 static feed generator with support for AWS S3 and Azure Storage

Chat / PDF

QPdfSharp 14 7 months ago A C# wrapper written around QPdf to allow for easy PDF manipulation that is tested for both linux and windows. QPdf is one of the only libraries capable of PDF linearization, and this wrapper ensures you keep up to date with the underlying improvements
Cloudmersive PDF Cloudmersive PDF is a native .NET Framework and .NET Core NuGet library and API service that can create, modify, encrypt or convert PDF documents at high scale and fidelity; and is free to use with no expiration
Docotic.Pdf PDF library to create, read, edit, draw, and print PDF documents in .NET and .NET Core applications. 100% managed, without unsafe blocks
ITextSharp 1,365 4 months ago iText is a PDF library that allows you to CREATE, ADAPT, INSPECT and MAINTAIN documents in the Portable Document Format (PDF)
PdfiumViewer 962 about 3 years ago PdfiumViewer is a PDF viewer based on the PDFium project
WkhtmlToPdf 265 3 months ago C# wrapper around wkhtmltopdf console utility. Allow to generate preety PDF using HTML and CSS
Pdfium.Net SDK Advanced C# PDF library for render, create, edit, merge, split, print, and view PDFs. Open source PDF Viewer is available on . A is also available for easy inclusion into your projects
PdfPig Read and create and extract text and other content from PDFs in C# (port of PdfBox)
QuestPDF QuestPDF is an open-source, modern and battle-tested library that can help you with generating PDF documents by offering friendly, discoverable and predictable C# fluent API
Kevsoft.PDFtk 36 6 months ago A wrapper to drive the awesome pdftk binary, which can fill PDF forms, get field information, concatenate multiple documents or pages, split documents, add or replace stamps, and can attach files to or download files from pages
IronPDF High-performance C# PDF library with compatibility for various .NET versions, HTML to PDF conversion, content page conversion, file format support (e.g., DOCX, RTF, MD), responsive layouts, and robust PDF capabilities features ranging from compability, generating PDFs, formatting PDFs, and editing PDFs
Syncfusion .NET PDF Framework A high-performance .NET PDF framework with no Adobe dependencies. Create, read, and edit PDF files seamlessly. Utilize PDF viewer controls for easy viewing, reviewing, and printing. Effortlessly convert HTML, Word, Excel, PowerPoint files, and images to PDF with powerful conversion APIs

Chat / Profiler

MiniProfiler 2,905 3 months ago A simple but effective mini-profiler for ASP.NET websites
Glimpse 2,319 over 3 years ago The open source diagnostics platform for the web
Unchase.FluentPerformanceMeter 41 over 3 years ago An open-source and cross-platform .Net Standard 2.0 library that is designed for the method’s performance measurement

Chat / Protocols

SSH.NET 3,960 9 days ago A Secure Shell (SSH) library for .NET, optimized for parallelism. Provides SSH commands, SFTP/SCP uploads and downloads, and SOCKS4/SOCKS5/HTTP proxies
FluentFTP 3,090 7 days ago An FTP and FTPS library for .NET, optimized for speed. Provides extensive FTP commands, file uploads/downloads and FTP proxies
SharpSnmpLib An open source SNMP implementation for .NET/Mono/Xamarin. Versioin 1, 2c, and 3 are supported
DNS 415 4 months ago A library for parsing and serializing DNS messages. Includes a basic DNS client and server
DnsClient.NET 781 11 days ago A simple yet very powerful and high performant open source library for the .NET Framework to do DNS lookups
Tecan SiLA2 SDK A library and code generator to develop SiLA2 clients and servers

Chat / Push Notifications

PushSharp 4,383 over 1 year ago A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS, OSX, Android, Chrome, Windows Phone, Windows 8, Blackberry, and Amazon devices

Chat / Query Builders

SqlKata Elegant SQL query builder, that supports complex queries, joins, sub queries, nested where conditions, vendor engine targets and more
InterpolatedSql 109 6 days ago SQL Builder using String Interpolation and Fluent API

Chat / Queue

CAP 6,619 8 days ago An EventBus with local persistent message functionality for RabbitMQ or Kafka
Cap.Outbox 9 29 days ago Implementation of the Outbox pattern and OnceExecutor service that guarantees idempotence: the operation will be performed once
NServiceBus 2,080 3 days ago The most popular service bus for .NET
Gofer.NET 541 almost 2 years ago Easy C# API for Distributed Background Tasks/Jobs for .NET Core. Inspired by celery for python
Hangfire 9,346 5 days ago Incredibly easy way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring tasks inside ASP.NET applications
RabbitMQ.NET 2,071 4 days ago Implementation of an AMQP client library for C#, and a binding exposing AMQP services via WCF
NetMQ 2,950 2 months ago NetMQ is 100% native C# port of ZeroMQ
MassTransit 6,906 3 days ago MassTransit is lean service bus implementation for building loosely coupled applications using the .NET Framework
Rebus 2,307 16 days ago Rebus is a lean service bus implementation for .NET, similar in nature to NServiceBus and MassTransit, only leaner
RestBus 366 about 2 years ago A service-oriented .NET messaging library for RabbitMQ
RawRabbit 746 almost 2 years ago A modern .NET Core library for RabbitMQ
EasyNetQ 2,895 15 days ago An easy to use .NET API for RabbitMQ
Warewolf ESB 273 3 days ago An easy to use service bus and microservices platform. Easily build applications and services in a visual IDE
Confluent's .NET Client 61 3 days ago Confluent's .NET Client for Apache Kafka
Foundatio 1,971 8 days ago A common interface with in-memory, Redis and Azure implementations
Kafunk 160 almost 4 years ago F# Kafka client from Jet
Brighter 2,012 3 days ago Command Dispatcher, Processor, and Distributed Task Queue
Silverback A simple but feature-rich message bus for .NET core (supports Kafka, RabbitMQ and MQTT)
SlimMessageBus 469 5 days ago Lightweight message bus with transports for popular messaging systems (Kafka, Redis, Azure Service Bus, and others) and in-memory communication
AsyncMonolith 43 about 2 months ago Facilitates simple asynchronous messaging in dotnet apps

Chat / RPC

gRPC 4,170 3 days ago An RPC library and framework for .NET Core. Read more about it on
CoreRPC 81 2 months ago Extensible library for WCF-like RPC targeting netstandard1.3. Compatible with .NET, Mono and .NET Core
BloomRPC 9,015 almost 2 years ago BloomRPC aims to provide the simplest and most efficient developer experience for exploring and querying your GRPC services
gRPCurl 10,739 26 days ago gRPCurl is a command-line tool that lets you interact with gRPC servers. It's basically curl for gRPC servers
gRPC UI 5,178 9 days ago gRPC UI is a command-line tool that lets you interact with gRPC servers via a browser. It's sort of like Postman, but for gRPC APIs instead of REST

Chat / Reactive Programming

Rx.NET 6,679 10 days ago The Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and LINQ-style query operators
Dynamic Data 1,716 4 days ago Reactive Extensions (Rx) for collections
ObsevableComputations 110 over 1 year ago A cross-platform .NET library for computations whose arguments and results are objects that implement INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyCollectionChanged (ObservableCollection) interfaces

Chat / Real-time Communications

SIPSorcery 1,434 5 days ago A cross platform C# .NET library supporting SIP, VoIP and WebRTC

Chat / Regular Expression

RegExtract 696 7 months ago Clean & simple idiomatic C# RegEx-based line parser that emits strongly typed results
Gigantor 21 over 1 year ago Fast regular expressions supporting gigantic files combining System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex with multi-threading

Chat / Scheduling

FluentScheduler 2,675 over 1 year ago Task scheduler with fluent interface that runs automated jobs from your application
NCrontab 905 2 months ago Class library for parsing & formatting expressions as well as calculating occurrences of time based on a crontab schedule
NCrontab.Scheduler 14 10 months ago Simple task scheduler library for scheduling NCrontab-based tasks
QuartzNet 6,497 4 days ago Quartz Enterprise Scheduler .NET
Hangfire An easy way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring tasks inside .NET apps
Chroniton 182 almost 8 years ago A simple, fully integrable, and customizable library for running strongly typed jobs (tasks) on schedules
DurableTask 1,510 18 days ago This framework allows users to write long running persistent workflows in C# using the async/await capabilities
Workflow Core 5,328 25 days ago Lightweight embeddable workflow engine

Chat / SDK and API Clients

AWS SDK 2,053 4 days ago The AWS SDK for .NET enables .NET developers to easily work with Amazon Web Services
Azure PowerShell 4,223 5 days ago A set of PowerShell cmdlets for developers and administrators to develop, deploy and manage Microsoft Azure applications
Countly SDK for Windows 25 2 months ago Windows SDK for Countly analytics and marketing platform for product and marketing managers
Octokit.NET 2,679 4 days ago A GitHub API client library for .NET
Dropbox.NET 331 2 months ago Official .NET SDK for the Dropbox API
Getty Images API SDK 11 3 months ago SDK for the Getty Images and iStock APIs
Cloudmersive APIs An API client library for .NET
Elasticsearch .NET 3,568 17 days ago Elasticsearch.Net & NEST
PlainElastic.Net 160 about 3 years ago Plain .NET client for ElasticSearch
SolrNet 935 3 months ago Solr client for .NET
SolrExpress 66 almost 4 years ago A simple and lightweight query .NET library for Solr, in a controlled, buildable and fail fast way Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C# and targeted at .NET runtime users

Chat / Serialization

Ceras 480 9 months ago Ceras is a binary serializer. It converts any object into a byte[] and back. It goes above and beyond in terms of features, speed, and comfort. Supports reference loops, large/complicated inheritance chains, splitting objects into parts and more
CsvExport 159 4 months ago Very simple & lightweight CSV exporter, Excel friendly, escapes text & quotes etc
Protobuf.NET 4,654 25 days ago Protocol buffers is the name of the binary serialization format used by Google for much of their data communications
Json.NET 10,759 2 months ago Popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET
ServiceStack.Text 1,219 over 2 years ago JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers used in
Msgpack-Cli 830 3 months ago MessagePack implementation for Common Language Infrastructure
Jil 2,147 6 months ago Fast .NET JSON serializer, built on Sigil (used by StackOverflow)
ProtoBuf 304 about 2 years ago Generate C# code for protocol buffer serialization from a .proto specification
FlatSharp 498 4 months ago Fast, idiomatic FlatBuffers implementation. Use .fbs files or attributes
F# Data F# type providers for accessing XML, JSON, CSV and HTML files (based on sample documents) and for accessing WorldBank data
Bond 2,610 3 days ago cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language de/serialization and powerful generic mechanisms for efficiently manipulating data
Hyperion 277 about 1 year ago A high performance polymorphic serializer for the .NET framework
FileHelpers 1,131 over 1 year ago free and easy to use .NET library to import or export data from fixed length or delimited records in files, strings or streams
FsPickler 325 over 2 years ago A fast multi-format message serializer for .NET
Migrant 46 about 1 month ago Fast and flexible serialization framework usable on undecorated classes
Utf8Json 2,358 over 2 years ago Fast and Zero Allocation JSON Serializer for C#(.NET, .NET Core, Unity and Xamarin), this serializer write/read directly to UTF8 binary so boostup performance
ObjectDumper.NET 394 21 days ago Serializes in-memory object to C# code
FluentSerializer 20 7 months ago A profile-based Serializer for multiple data-formats

Chat / SMS and Phone calls

Twilio-csharp 673 10 days ago A C#/.NET Library for sending and receiving phone calls and text messages with Twilio

Chat / State machines

Stateless 5,532 2 months ago Create state machines and lightweight state machine-based workflows directly in .NET code
Automatonymous 737 almost 2 years ago A state machine library for .NET - allows you to write fluent style state machines
LiquidState 239 about 4 years ago Efficient asynchronous and synchronous state machines for .NET

Chat / Static Site Generators

FsBlog 132 over 6 years ago Blog aware, static site generation using F#
Pretzel 598 over 4 years ago A site generation tool (and then some) for .NET platforms
Sandra.Snow 235 10 months ago Jekyll-inspired static site generation for .NET
Wyam A simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator

Chat / Strong Naming

Strong Namer 330 5 months ago Automatically add strong names to referenced assemblies which do not already have a strong name. This will allow you to reference and use (NuGet packages with) assemblies which are not strong named from your projects that do use a strong name
.NET Assembly Strong-Name Signer 327 8 months ago Utility software to strong-name sign .NET assemblies, including assemblies you do not have the source code for

Chat / Style Guide

C# Style Guide StackOverflow Q & A on style guides
C# Coding Conventions Official MSDN C# code conventions
C# Async Guidance 7,912 4 months ago list of problematic asynchronous patterns for .NET Core with an explanation of how to solve those issues

Chat / Template Engine

RazorEngine 2,141 over 3 years ago Open source templating engine based on Microsoft's Razor parsing engine
RazorLight 1,515 3 months ago Open source template engine based on Microsoft's Razor parsing engine supporting .NET Standard 2.0
Nustache 595 over 1 year ago Open source library for logic-less templates
Stubble 403 about 1 year ago Trimmed down {{mustache}} templates in .NET. Successor of Nustache
DotLiquid 1,057 3 months ago C# port of the Ruby Liquid templating language
Mustache Sharp 306 over 4 years ago An extension of the mustache text template engine for .NET
Scriban 3,142 about 2 months ago A fast, powerful, safe and lightweight text templating language and engine for .NET
Morestachio 51 3 months ago A full sized {{mustache}} like template engine with focus on extendibility
Fluid 1,407 3 days ago Fluid is an open-source .NET template engine based on the Liquid template language
SmartFormat 1,089 2 months ago A lightweight text templating library written in C# which can be a drop-in replacement for string.Format
Handlebars.Net 1,247 6 months ago A real .NET Handlebars engine

Chat / Testing

ArchUnitNET 877 4 days ago Simple library for checking the architecture of C# code with a fluent API
NetArchTest 1,375 2 months ago A fluent API for .Net Standard that can enforce architectural rules in unit tests
AutoFixture 3,322 14 days ago AutoFixture is an open source framework for .NET designed to minimize the 'Arrange' phase of your unit tests
BDTest 80 6 days ago A behaviour driven testing and reporting framework!
BDDfy 417 about 5 years ago BDDfy is the simplest BDD framework EVER!
Bogus 8,718 about 1 month ago A simple and sane fake data generator for C#. Based on and ported from the famed faker.js
ExpressionToCode 160 4 days ago Use plain C# syntax in assertions that include both the expression expression and subexpression values in the failure message
FakeItEasy 1,690 3 months ago The easy mocking library for .NET
Fluent Assertions 3,740 4 days ago A set of .NET extension methods that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a TDD or BDD-style test
FluentAutomation 234 over 2 years ago Simple Fluent API for UI Automation
FsCheck 1,165 about 1 month ago Random Testing for .NET
Fuchu 120 about 1 year ago A unit-testing library for F# with tests-as-values which makes DSLs extremely easy to create
Machine.Specifications 886 3 months ago Machine.Specifications (MSpec) is a context/specification framework that removes language noise and simplifies tests
Moq 5,894 8 days ago The most popular and friendly mocking framework for .NET
Moq.Contrib.HttpClient 185 about 2 years ago A set of extension methods for mocking HttpClient and IHttpClientFactory with Moq
NBomber 2,064 about 2 months ago Very simple load testing framework for Pull and Push scenarios. It's 100% written in F# and targeting .NET Core and full .NET Framework
NBuilder 52 over 8 years ago Rapid generation of test objects
NCrunch An automated continuous & concurrent testing tool for Visual Studio
NFluent NFluent is an assertion library which aims to fluent your .NET TDD experience
NSubstitute A friendly substitute for .NET mocking frameworks
NUnit 2,509 5 days ago A unit-testing framework for all .NET languages
Rhino Mocks 257 over 7 years ago Dynamic Mocking Framework for .NET
Testcontainers 3,758 4 days ago A library to support tests with throwaway instances of Docker containers for all compatible .NET Standard versions
SecTester 1 about 2 months ago SecTester is a new tool that integrates enterprise-grade scan engine directly into your integration or e2e tests
Shouldly 2,044 12 days ago Shouldly is an assertion framework which focuses on giving great error messages when the assertion fails while being simple and terse
Snapshooter 300 6 months ago A snapshot testing tool for .NET Core and .NET Framework
SpecFlow 2,241 about 2 months ago Binding business requirements to .Net code
Stryker.NET 1,771 3 days ago Mutation testing for .NET Core projects 382 over 3 years ago An extension for describing your tests using natural language 4,195 5 days ago A free, open source, community-focused unit testing tool for the .NET Framework
Canopy 507 about 2 years ago Canopy is a free, open source F# web automation and testing framework
Expecto 668 25 days ago A smooth testing framework for F# with tests as values. Unit testing, property based testing, performance testing and stress testing
ReportPortal AI-powered Test Automation Dashboard. Acquire, aggregate and analyze test reports to ascertain release health
Compare-Net-Objects 1,061 3 months ago Perform a deep compare of any two .NET objects using reflection. Shows the differences between the two objects
Verify 2,486 3 days ago Verification tool to enable simple approval of complex models and documents
CsCheck 159 30 days ago Random testing library for C#. Including concurrency, causal profiling, regression and performance testing

Chat / Tools

Downloader 1,314 7 days ago Fast and reliable multipart downloader with asynchronous progress events for .NET applications
Fiddler The free web debugging proxy for any browser, system or platform
Open Live Writer 2,452 3 months ago Blog writer which integrated with WordPress, Blogger, et. al. Open Live Writer makes it easy to write, preview, and post to your blog
CodeHub 22,826 over 2 years ago CodeHub is the best way to browse and maintain your GitHub repositories on any iOS device!
ShareX 29,320 22 days ago ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to over 80 supported destinations you can choose from
Myrtille 1,796 7 months ago A native HTML4/5 Remote Desktop Protocol client, HTTP gateway written in C# for .NET
Opserver 4,509 5 months ago Stack Exchange's Monitoring System
CatLight Build status notifications for TFS/Jenkins/Travis/Appveyor. Cross-platform desktop app based on .NET Core and Electron
Mockaco 334 14 days ago API mock server with fast setup, useful to simulate HTTP responses, leveraging ASP.NET Core features, built-in fake data generation and C# scripting engine powered by Roslyn scripting API
Netling 1,343 almost 2 years ago A load tester client for easy web testing. It is extremely fast while using little CPU or memory
Papercut 2,918 6 days ago Papercut is an open source (.NET based) test email viewer that runs locally with a built-in SMTP server designed to receive and notify of test email messages
Visual Studio Uninstaller 3,919 over 5 years ago Uninstall and clean up all components of Visual Studio
Fake JSON Server 387 2 months ago Fake REST API for prototyping or as a CRUD Back End. No need to define types, uses dynamic typing. Data is stored to a single JSON file. Has authentication, WebSocket notifications, async long running operations, random generation for errors/delays and experimental GraphQL support
posh-dotnet 45 almost 7 years ago tab completion for the
SmartCode 573 10 months ago SmartCode = IDataSource -> IBuildTask -> IOutput => Build Everything!!! (Including [ ])
NETworkManager 6,398 5 days ago A powerful tool for managing networks and troubleshoot network problems!
AnyStatus A desktop notifications app for monitoring CI/CD pipelines, servers, network, health and metrics. AnyStatus supports Azure DevOps, Jenkins, TeamCity, AppVeyor and more
OctoLinker 5,271 about 1 year ago Navigate through , , , , and C#/F#/VB.NET project files efficiently with the OctoLinker browser extension for GitHub
YARP 8,484 5 days ago YARP is a reverse proxy toolkit for building fast proxy servers in .NET using the infrastructure from ASP.NET and .NET
JSON Formatter and Validator A blazing fast JSON formatter and validator that won't share JSON with a server
CSharpier 1,342 8 days ago An opinionated code formatter for c# that is based on the printing process
UnitsNet 2,190 6 days ago Makes life working with units of measurement just a little bit better
Another Redis Desktop Manager 30,340 3 days ago A faster, better and more stable redis desktop manager [GUI client], compatible with Linux, Windows, Mac. What's more, it won't crash when loading massive keys
OctaneEngine 233 2 months ago A high preformance multipart downloader with many features such as pause/resume support, asynchronous progress, and throttling

Chat / Trading

Lean 9,562 3 days ago Lean Engine is an open-source fully managed C# algorithmic trading engine built for desktop and cloud usage
StockSharp 7,111 5 days ago Trading and algorithmic trading open source platform (stock markets, forex, bitcoins and options)

Chat / UI Automation

Atata 490 5 days ago Automated web testing full featured framework based on Selenium WebDriver
Managed Windows API Introspect and automate third-party Windows / VC++ applications without needing its source code
FlaUI 2,231 4 months ago FlaUI is a .NET library which helps with automated UI testing of Windows applications (Win32, WinForms, WPF, Store Apps, ...)
PuppeteerSharp 3,364 5 days ago Puppeteer Sharp is a .NET port of the official Node.JS Puppeteer API
PuppeteerSharp.Contrib 82 11 months ago Contributions to Puppeteer Sharp that provides a convenient way to write readable and robust browser tests

Chat / Visual Studio Plugins

EFCore.Visualizer View Entity Framework Core query plan directly in Visual Studio
Web Essentials 49 over 3 years ago Web Essentials extends Visual Studio with lots of new features that web developers have been missing for many years
VsVIM 3,649 4 months ago VIM in Visual Studio
Nuget Package Manager NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform including .NET
SideWaffle 656 over 4 years ago A collection of Item Templates for Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015 that makes any web developer's life much easier
Resharper Developer Productivity Tool for Visual Studio
CodeContracts 882 almost 6 years ago Source code for the CodeContracts tools for .NET
Git Diff Margin 290 9 months ago Displays live Git changes of the currently edited file on Visual Studio margin and scroll bar
Productivity Power Tools A set of extensions to Visual Studio Professional (and above) which improves developer productivity
Tabs Studio Visual Studio tab manager with multiple tab rows, tab coloring and tab grouping
VSColorOutput Color highlighting for Build, Find and Debug output windows. Custom match patterns and colors can be added
CodeLineage Easy access to a cumulative diff view between file revisions (supports svn, git, mercurial, perforce)
OzCode OzCode is a Visual Studio Extension which cuts down on debugging time and increases productivity by detecting and isolating bugs, making them easy to fix
ViEmu very powerful Vi/vim emulator for Visual Studio supporting all basic and many advanced features of vi/vim
Roslynator 3,055 4 days ago A collection of 500+ analyzers, refactorings and fixes for C#, powered by Roslyn
Unchase.Odata.Connectedservice 44 about 2 years ago A Visual Studio Connected Service for generating API client code in C# or VB for OData web service
Unchase.OpenAPI.Connectedservice 108 over 1 year ago A Visual Studio 2017/2019 extension to generate C# (TypeScript) HttpClient (or C# Controllers) code for OpenAPI web service with
SonarSource.sonarlint-visualstudio 461 3 days ago SonarLint is a free, open source Visual Studio 2017, 2019 and 2022 extension that provides on-the-fly feedback to developers on new bugs and quality issues in C#, VB.NET, C/C++, TypeScript and JavaScript

Chat / Web Browsers

CefSharp 9,838 6 days ago HTML5, CSS3 and JS web browser powered by Chromium, for WinForms and WPF
SharpBrowser 875 12 months ago A full featured .NET web-browser built using C# and CefSharp

Chat / Web Frameworks

ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great web sites and applications
Coalesce 63 8 days ago Coalesce is a framework for rapid-development of ASP.NET Core web applications
CodeBehind Framework 55 5 days ago Modern and powerful back-end framework under ASP.NET Core
FubuMVC 427 5 months ago A front-controller style MVC framework for .NET
NancyFx 7,150 over 3 years ago Lightweight, low-ceremony, framework for building HTTP-based services on .NET and Mono
IISNode 1,854 4 months ago Host Node.js applications in IIS
Suave.IO Framework/library/web server that makes you cry tears of joy after finishing your project ahead-of-time when you look at the beautiful code you've written in F#
DotVVM 743 15 days ago MVVM framework for people who don't like to write JavaScript, with OWIN and ASP.NET Core support and a free extension for Visual Studio 2015 and 2017
Giraffe 2,113 15 days ago Functional (F#) ASP.NET Core micro framework for building rich web applications

Chat / Web Servers

EmbedIO 1,462 over 1 year ago Web server built on Mono and cross-platform
SimpleW 24 5 months ago Simple Web Server, build your RestAPI, fast, lightweight and cross-platform
XSP 195 over 3 years ago Mono's ASP.NET hosting server. This module includes an Apache Module, a FastCGI module that can be hooked to other web servers as well as a standalone server used for testing (similar to Microsoft's Cassini)

Chat / WebSocket

Fleck 2,278 3 months ago Fleck is a WebSocket server implementation in C#. Branched from the Nugget project
SignalR 9,186 3 months ago Library for ASP.NET developers that makes it incredibly simple to add real-time web functionality to your applications
SuperSocket 3,911 6 days ago SuperSocket is a light weight extensible socket application framework
Websocket-Sharp 5,689 8 days ago A C# implementation of the WebSocket protocol client and server
WebSocket4NET WebSocket client for .NET 2.0+, Xamarin, Mono, Silverlight, Windows Phone, & WinRT
Crossertech Provides a great set of tools for you to build real-time applications on the Microsoft.NET plattform and much more
WampSharp 385 about 1 year ago A C# implementation of - a protocol that provides messaging patterns of Remote Procedure Calls and Publish/Subscribe over WebSockets
NetGain 931 over 5 years ago A high performance WebSocket server library powering Stack Overflow
Websockets.PCL 98 over 5 years ago WebSockets.PCL is a portable class library, profile 259, C# WebSocket implementation
Websocket.Client 685 4 months ago A multiplatform wrapper over native C# class ClientWebSocket with built-in reconnection and error handling

Chat / Windows Services

TopShelf 3,583 almost 3 years ago An easy service hosting framework for building Windows services using .NET

Chat / WPF

DeftSharp.Windows.Input 64 about 1 month ago A simple keyboard/mouse event handler for Windows UI applications (WPF, MAUI, Avalonia)
Data Grid Extensions 811 6 months ago Modular extensions for the WPF DataGrid control, like filtering, additional column events, extended star-size column behavior, and more
Extended WPF Toolkit™ 3,872 about 2 months ago A rich collection of controls, components and utilities for creating WPF applications
WPF 7,048 3 days ago WPF is a .NET Core UI framework for building Windows desktop applications

Chat / Parser Library

Sprache 2,343 6 months ago A simple, lightweight library for constructing parsers directly in C# code
Pidgin 897 5 days ago A lightweight, fast and flexible parsing library for C#, developed at Stack Overflow
FParsec 523 11 months ago A parser combinator library for F#
Superpower 1,064 5 days ago A C# parser construction toolkit with high-quality error reporting
CSLY 366 8 days ago A light embedded C# lexer/parser generator
Parakeet 67 5 days ago A recursive descent parsing library with operator overloading for C#

Chat / Source Generator

CodegenCS 248 12 days ago Code Generation Toolkit where templates are written using plain C#. Command-line tool, MSBuild task, Visual Studio Extension, and Roslyn Source Generator
M31.FluentAPI 95 8 days ago Effortlessly generate fluent APIs for your C# classes
Supernova.Enum.Generators 176 4 days ago A C# source generator to create an enumeration class from an enum type. With this package, you can work on enums very, very fast without using reflection

Other Lists

List of Automated Testing Tools and Frameworks for .NET 542 15 days ago List of Automated Testing (TDD/BDD/ATDD/SBE) Tools and Frameworks for .NET
.NET-libraries-that-make-your-life-easier 809 7 months ago Open Source .NET libraries that make your life easier
awesome-LINQ 401 almost 6 years ago A curated collection of awesome LINQ libraries, tools, and more
awesome-analyzers 525 10 months ago A curated list of .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") diagnostic analyzers and code fixes
C# Algorithms, Data Structures 5,926 about 1 year ago A list of algorithms and data structures implementations
Awesome .NET Core 19,841 about 1 month ago A collection of awesome .NET core libraries, tools, frameworks and software
ASP.NET Core Library and Framework Support 211 almost 3 years ago A list of what .NET libraries and frameworks are currently supported by ASP.NET Core and .NET Core)
Awesome .NET Performance 3,130 18 days ago A curated list of awesome .NET Performance books, courses, trainings, conference talks, blogs and most inspiring open source contributors
awesome-ddd 11,163 about 2 months ago A curated list of Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Event Sourcing, and Event Storming resources
Awesome Unity 6,588 4 months ago A categorized community-driven collection of high-quality awesome Unity assets, projects, and resources
Awesome Xamarin 1,863 about 1 year ago A collection of interesting libraries/tools for Xamarin mobile projects
Awesome Roslyn 660 9 months ago A curated list of awesome Roslyn books, tutorials, open source projects, analyzers, code fixes, and refactorings
.NET Open Source Developer Projects 14,360 3 months ago This community maintained list showcases .NET open source projects that are useful for any aspect of the development process
Awesome Microservices .NET Core 2,741 about 2 months ago A collection of awesome training series, articles, videos, books, courses, sample projects, and tools for Microservices in .NET Core
dotnet-console-games 834 5 months ago Game examples implemented in .NET console applications
extra-awesome-dotnet 32 6 months ago Sorted lists of awesome .NET repositories, with counts of stars, issues, and forks!


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