
All things livecoding


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last commit: about 1 month ago
Linked from 6 awesome lists


All things live coding / Websites

TOPLAP The home of Live Coding French-speaking information website on Live Coding

All things live coding / Community Directory of local TOPLAP nodes / live coding collectives:
livecode mailing list Old school email discussion list, going since 2004!

All things live coding / Community / livecode mailing list

Archive from February 2004 - August 2023
Current archive

All things live coding / Community / Web forums

TOPLAP Forum A web-based 'discourse' forum for in-depth discussion and exchange around live coding
Tidal club A discourse forum for TidalCycles (including for the )
Lines Forum from the monome community, with loads of general music tech threads including

All things live coding / Community / Discord servers for live chat around live coding

TOPLAP cross-community live coding chat + discussion
Pure Data
TidalCycles, Strudel and friends
Bubo Tools

All things live coding / Community / Mastodon

TOPLAP Social Official TOPLAP mastodon instance: List of livecode communities and projects on mastodon: Other live coding-related and -adjacent instances include: , and
@[email protected] General live coding-related accounts include:

All things live coding / Community

/r/livecoding The Live Coding subreddit Archive of demoscene related live coding events

All things live coding / Libraries and tools

ANSIedad 37 about 4 years ago Generate visuals through a terminal emulator using ANSI escape codes
Arcadia Live coding Clojure in Unity3D
Arepl 261 about 1 month ago Live coding Python in VSCode
Automationism A modular synthesiser that runs in the open source programming language Pure Data
blink 1,102 10 months ago A library which allows you to edit source code of any Windows C++ project live at runtime
Bonzomatic 1,359 3 months ago GLSL and HLSL live coding environment, originally designed for live coding competitions at demoparties
Cascade A Javascript utility that turns CSS into sound in the web browser, for audio / visual performances
CaosBox 8 almost 2 years ago A non-common live coding and algorave sequencer written with SuperCollider
CHmUsiCK 37 about 1 year ago Library to make ChucK a 'more algorave like' language
cl-collider 223 28 days ago A SuperCollider client for CommonLisp
Cowbells 16 10 months ago A Clojure library for musical experimentation and live coding
dafxpipe 8 almost 6 years ago Software for live coding audio effects and synths
diatonic 5 2 months ago Diatonic transforms for music making
disclojure 87 over 5 years ago A live coding environment for Overtone and Leipzig
dublang A multi-language live coding system with support for multiple languages in a single session
essence-of-live-coding General purpose (console, webservice, audio, graphics) live coding framework in Haskell
EspGrid 43 over 4 years ago Synchronization and sharing for network music
Extramuros 78 over 4 years ago Language-neutral shared-buffer networked live coding system
Flok Web-based P2P collaborative editor for live coding music and graphics
Fragment Collaborative live GLSL coding environment, additive/spectral/granular synthesizer
The Force WebGL live coding performance IDE
Gibberwocky 173 about 4 years ago Use Gibber inside Max/MSP and Max4Live
Gideros Lua 2D game engine with live coding capabilities
glslViewer 4,639 about 1 month ago Live GLSL coding render for macOS and Linux
hsc3 A Haskell SuperCollider client
HYLOGEN 480 9 months ago An embedding of GLSL in Haskell
incudine Music/DSP programming environment for Common Lisp
INSTRUMENT 27 about 1 year ago For live coding music and interfacing musical instruments and controllers in SuperCollider
isobar 367 16 days ago A Python library for algorithmic composition by expressing and constructing musical patterns
jet-live 410 over 2 years ago A library which implements c++ hot code reload approach for Linux and macOS
KodeLife Real-time GPU shader editor, live-code performance tool and graphics prototyping sketchpad
LiCK 147 about 1 month ago Library for ChucK, provides intervals, chords, scales, arpeggiators, patterns, effects, etc
Live Coding Toolkit 66 5 months ago A suite of Pure Data abstractions (predefined functions) for musical live coding
live coding yotuube An experimental web project for creating an audiovisual experience from YouTube videos using code in real time
LiveCore 54 about 5 years ago Library for live coding inside Reaktor Core
LÖVELive 36 about 6 years ago Live coding framework for LÖVE(2D Game Engine)
Lua2SC 59 about 1 year ago Lua client for superCollider scsynth and supernova
Motifn Code music in Javascript that plays in your DAW or browser
Petal 91 over 2 years ago A small language on Sonic Pi with similar syntax to TidalCycles
pytebeat 54 almost 7 years ago A piece of software for doing livecoding performances
P5LIVE 226 4 months ago p5.js collaborative live-coding vj environment!
p5-live 22 over 8 years ago Live Coding for p5.js
REPL Mode 34 about 9 years ago This mode adds in a Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop console to Processing 3.0
Republic 3 almost 8 years ago SuperCollider library for conversational coding
Ronin 1,199 over 3 years ago LISP repl for graphics livecoding
s2hs2 30 over 8 years ago An interface between TidalCycles and Processing
Siren 159 about 6 years ago A tracker interface that embodies abstractions where programming is realized as the medium for pattern sequencing in a modular fashion
sonic-pixels 10 about 4 years ago Interactive lighting effects for Sonic Pi
Supriya 248 10 days ago A Python API for SuperCollider
tidal-autocode Auto-generates patterns for TidalCycles (requires editor)
tidal-chord 21 over 8 years ago An add-on to the amazing live coding project TidalCycles
TidalFX 16 almost 6 years ago A haskell package adding weirder effects to Tidal from non-standard UGens
tidal-maxmsp 40 over 5 years ago Connecting the Tidal live coding environment to MaxMSP
TidalUnity 42 over 5 years ago An interface between TidalCycles and Unity 3D
Tidal-Unity 42 over 6 years ago TidalCycles meets Unity 3D
tida1vm 28 over 4 years ago Another TidalCycles environment inside Docker
tidebox 36 over 8 years ago TidalCycles live coding environment inside a Docker container
total-serialism A NodeJS package filled with methods designed for algorithmic composition
Troop 306 about 4 years ago Real-time collaborative live coding with FoxDot
VEDA Real-time GLSL editor for Atom
WavTexture 110 over 7 years ago A Unity example showing how to bake a waveform of an audio clip into a texture and use it in a shader
ZeroBrane Studio Editor that allows live coding using Lua language

All things live coding / To Watch / Documentaries and features

Algorave Generation Resident Advisor
Live coding for Algoraving Shelly Knotts+Joanne Armitage / workshop supported by YSWN + LCRN
PBUP - A patchwork portrait A documentary about PowerBooks UnPlugged, "the first acoustic computer band"
Run the code Documentary in The Guardian
Show Us Your Screens A Documentary about live coding practise by Louis McCallum and Davy Smith
Sounds of code 2019 documentary w/ interviews with live coders

All things live coding / To Read

Live Coding: A User's Manual Open access book, published by MIT Press
Manifesto (draft) Obscurantism is dangerous. Show us your screens
Origins of Live Coding Nick Collins - Durham University
Herding Cats: Observing Live Coding in the Wild Thor Magnusson - Department of Music - University of Sussex
Algorave: the live coding movement that makes next-level electronic music MixMag magazine article about live coding (2017)
Real DJs Code Live Wired magazine article about live coding (2006)
Alex McLean's publications Conference papers, book chapters and journal articles
Live Coding Mailing List Archive A piece of history
TOPLAP Wiki Videos, articles, and papers
Collaboration and learning through live coding Alan Blackwell, Alex McLean, James Noble, Julian Rohrhuber (2014)
howto_co34pt_liveCode Guide on how to live code in SuperCollider based on the performance practice of live coder co¥ᄀpt
Run the code: is algorave the future of dance music? Another part of the Guardian’s underground music series (2017)

All things live coding / To Dance

Algorave Embrace the alien sounds of raves from the past, and introduce alien, futuristic rhythms and beats made through strange, algorithm-aided processes
Eulerroom Algorithmic music streams, mainly live coded and/or algorave but possibly also stranger things
Algorave Guidelines 137 4 months ago Guidelines to host an Algorave

All things live coding / Conferences

ICLC International Conference on Live Coding
FARM Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling, and Design
ICLI International Conference on Live Interfaces
NIME New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference
WAC The Web Audio Conference
HLCI Hybrid Live Coding Interfaces: performance and craft
Awesome Creative Coding 12,791 about 2 months ago Creative Coding, Generative Art, Interaction Design, Resources
Awesome Audio visualization 4,605 over 1 year ago A curated list about Audio Visualization
Awesome Music 1,844 3 months ago A categorized collection of awesome music libraries, tools, frameworks and software
Awesome Live Coding Music 523 about 2 years ago A curated list of awesome Music Live Coding Music environments, libraries and talks
Programming Languages Used for Music An historical list of languages to produce music
awesome-musicdsp 2,557 about 1 month ago A curated list of Oli Larkin's favourite music DSP and audio plug-in frameworks
Awesome SuperCollider 460 over 2 years ago A curated list of SuperCollider stuff
Awesome TidalCycles 64 4 months ago An awesome list about the pattern-based live coding system TidalCycles (or just 'Tidal' for short) and its close relatives

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