
key Curated list of awesome captcha libraries and crack tools.


1k stars
31 watching
117 forks
Language: JavaScript
last commit: 4 months ago
Linked from 4 awesome lists


Awesome Captcha / Libraries

mewebstudio/captcha 2,440 25 days ago Captcha for Laravel 5
CGregwar/Captcha 1,709 5 months ago PHP Captcha library
trekjs/captcha 465 6 months ago A Lightweight Pure JavaScript Captcha for Node.js. No C/C++, No ImageMagick, No Canvas
patchca Simple yet powerful CAPTCHA library written in Java
google/recaptcha 3,477 2 months ago PHP client library for reCAPTCHA, a free service to protect your website from spam and abuse
ambethia/recaptcha 1,971 20 days ago ReCaptcha helpers for ruby apps
anhskohbo/no-captcha 1,775 7 months ago No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA For Laravel
lorien/captcha_solver 241 over 1 year ago Universal python API to different captcha solving services

Awesome Captcha / Generation

captcha-api Free, fast and reliable Captcha API POWERED BY AI
dchest/captcha 1,916 10 months ago Go package captcha implements generation and verification of image and audio CAPTCHAs
lepture/captcha 1,009 3 months ago A captcha library that generates audio and image CAPTCHAs
lemonce/svg-captcha 1,833 8 months ago Generate svg captcha in Node.js
DoubleSpout/ccap 480 over 2 years ago Node.js generate captcha using c++ library CImg without install any other lib or software
contra/captchagen 181 almost 6 years ago Captcha generation for Node.js
jineshfrancs/CaptchaImageView 612 over 6 years ago Custom ImageView to generate captcha image
mcxtzhang/SwipeCaptcha 712 over 5 years ago Swipe captcha of Android platform
mojocn/base64Captcha 2,107 3 months ago Golang base64-captcha supports digits, numbers,alphabet, arithmetic, audio and digit-alphabet captcha
koto-bank/kocaptcha 56 over 4 years ago A simple captcha service with a single API endpoint, written in Rust
Captcheck Lightweight, self-hostable CAPTCHA service written in PHP 7 and MySQL. Uses a selection of icons from Font-Awesome. Text-only accessibility mode and support for keyboard-only operation
Securimage Open-source free PHP Captcha script
Lokno/click-captcha 30 about 5 years ago A visual, click-based CAPTCHA for human authentication
ArgoZhang/SliderCaptcha 267 about 1 year ago Slider captcha supporting mobile

Awesome Captcha / Crack / General

arunpatala/captcha 180 over 8 years ago Breaking captchas using torch
zakizhou/CAPTCHA 68 almost 7 years ago Implement classification for CAPTCHA in TensorFlow
nladuo/captcha-break 725 almost 6 years ago Captcha break based on opencv2, tesseract-ocr and some machine learning algorithm
ypwhs/captcha_break 2,723 over 2 years ago Captcha break using CNN with Keras
ptigas/simple-captcha-solver 552 almost 7 years ago Simple CAPTCHA solver in python 🐍
rickyhan/SimGAN-Captcha 434 5 months ago Solve captcha without manually labeling a training set
arunpatala/captcha.irctc 211 about 4 years ago Reading irctc captchas with 98% accuracy using deep learning
JackonYang/captcha-tensorflow 993 over 1 year ago Image Captcha Solving Using TensorFlow and CNN Model
skyduy/CNN_keras 287 almost 5 years ago CNN | Keras | CAPTCHA recognition(卷积神经网络、Keras框架、验证码识别)
PatrickLib/captcha_recognize 557 over 1 year ago Image Recognition captcha without image segmentation
zhengwh/captcha-svm 205 about 7 years ago Use svm to hack simple captcha
chxj1992/captcha_cracker 186 almost 2 years ago Crack captcha with CNN
chxj1992/slide_captcha_cracker 138 over 7 years ago Crack solution for slide captcha with Canny algorithm
JasonLiTW/simple-railway-captcha-solver#english-version 801 almost 2 years ago Simple captcha solver based on CNN and a training set generator by imitating the style of captcha
lllcho/CAPTCHA-breaking 224 over 8 years ago Breaking the captcha
ecthros/uncaptcha 2,797 over 6 years ago Defeating Google's audio reCaptcha with 85% accuracy
dessant/buster 7,846 4 months ago Captcha solver extension for humans and monsters
kerlomz/captcha_trainer 3,002 almost 2 years ago Based on CNN5/DenseNet+BLSTM/LSTM+CTC to realize verification code identification. Only for training the model

Awesome Captcha / Crack / Chinese

burness/chinese_hand_write_rec 1,113 over 5 years ago Handwritten chinese recognition
taosir/cnn_handwritten_chinese_recognition 502 about 2 years ago As the name shows, handwritten_chinese_recognition with cnn
soloice/Chinese-Character-Recognition 201 over 7 years ago This project shows how to use CNN to perform Chinese character recognition, a much more complicated task compared to MNIST digit recognition
muchrooms/zheye 795 12 months ago Chinese captcha recognition program for handstand character of zhihu
aaronshan/12306-captcha 279 about 5 years ago Recognize 12306 captcha with deep learning
nickliqian/cnn_captcha 2,765 almost 2 years ago Use cnn recognize captcha by tensorflow

Awesome Captcha / Tools

Tesseract 61,134 16 days ago Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine
MotionCAPTCHA 823 about 13 years ago MotionCAPTCHA jQuery Plugin - Stop Spam, Draw Shapes
Negative-captcha 791 about 1 year ago A plugin to make the process of creating a negative captcha in Rails much less painful
Django-simple-captcha 1,378 about 2 months ago An extremely simple, yet highly customizable Django application to add captcha images to any Django form
Securimage 566 about 1 year ago PHP CAPTCHA Script
Captcha_solver 241 over 1 year ago Univeral API to captcha solving services

Awesome Captcha / Other

VisualCaptcha 406 over 3 years ago A collection of all the different versions/repos of visualCaptcha
Hashcash for PHP/JavaScript forms 51 almost 14 years ago An alternative to captcha to fight spam, based on proof-of-work

Awesome Captcha / Maintainers


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