
Music toolkit

A curated collection of music libraries, tools, and software for creating and manipulating audio/music.

Awesome Music Projects


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last commit: 5 months ago
Linked from 7 awesome lists


Awesome Music / Audio Editing

Audacity 12,739 3 months ago a free, cross-platform digital audio editor
Ardour a cross-platform digital audio workstation emphasizing audio recording
LMMS another cross-platform digital audio workstation, more oriented towards making beats
OpenUtau 2,168 4 months ago A free, cross-platform singing voice synthesis framework
snd Snd is a sound editor modelled loosely after Emacs
Stargate DAW 687 9 months ago A cross-platform, all-in-one digital audio workstation and plugin suite, optimized for EDM production
TuneFlow a next-gen DAW that helps you generate melody, beats, or a whole song, while still being able to edit them

Awesome Music / Audio Libraries

audio.js 2,105 over 6 years ago audio.js is a drop-in javascript library that allows HTML5's <audio> tag to be used anywhere
audioFlux 2,940 10 months ago A library for audio and music analysis, feature extraction
chord-mark 65 6 months ago reference implementation of ChordMark, a text notation format for lyrics, chords and rhythm
howler.js 24,113 7 months ago a Javascript audio library for the modern web
JSyn an audio synthesis software API for Java
Librosa 7,237 3 months ago a python package for music and audio analysis, providing the building blocks necessary to create music information retrieval systems
midi.js 3,824 9 months ago a framework for creating web-based MIDI apps
mxml 20 over 6 years ago MusicXML parsing and layout library
PortAudio a free, cross-platform, open-source, audio I/O library
RustAudio an aggregate of free and useful Audio, DSP and music libraries written in Rust
Soundpipe a lightweight DSP library written in C

Awesome Music / Audio Tools

Beets a powerful command-line music organizer and manipulator
Cecilia 228 almost 2 years ago a Pyo-based graphical environment for music and signal processing
cyanrip rips and encodes standard audio CDs with the least effort required from user. Cross platform
fre:ac 1,439 3 months ago free audio converter. It supports audio CD ripping and tag editing
Jack 14 3 months ago command-line CD ripper
K3b 151 3 months ago is a full-featured CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning and ripping application
Koel 16,112 3 months ago an open-source personal audio streaming server
Lame a high quality, free and open-source MP3 encoder
lltag 31 about 3 years ago automatic command-line mp3/ogg/flac file tagger and renamer
matchering 1,842 3 months ago сontainerized web application and library for automated reference audio mastering
MusicBrainz Open Encyclopedia for Music information and Metadata, providing a unique ID for everything
Musikernel a futuristic audio production platform (hardware support, APIs, hosts, plugins and more)
Rubyripper 126 over 1 year ago is a secure digital audio extraction application ("cd ripper") for Unix-like operating systems
SoX a free open-source command line utility for playing, converting and manipulating audio files
split2flac 254 almost 5 years ago split flac/ape/wv/wav + cue sheet into separate tracks
Whipper 1,165 3 months ago Python CD-DA ripper preferring accuracy over speed
X Audio Copy 4 almost 7 years ago GTK and GNOME application for ripping CD-Audio and encoding in lossy and lossless audio formats

Awesome Music / Free Music Scores

bayanguru engraving and publishing system that produces high quality sheet music for bayan in PDF
cellist/Lilypond-Sheet-Music 135 3 months ago a collection of music typeset with lilypond (mostly chamber music and music for cello)
ciconia/music 23 about 4 years ago a collection of mostly baroque music, lots of sacred works by J. S. Bach, coded in lilypond/ripple
CPDL the choral public domain library contains more than 20K free scores of vocal music
Éditions Nicolas Sceaux 46 about 3 years ago baroque music scores (mainly French music), typeset using lilypond
IMSLP the International Music Score Library Project is the largest collection of public domain scores and parts on the web
Lavender Blue Open-Scores 15 3 months ago open scores for piano encoded using lilypond
Mutopia 260 4 months ago sheet music based on editions in the public domain
wbsoft/lilymusic 56 almost 3 years ago beautiful LilyPond scores under free licenses

Awesome Music / MIDI Tools & Libraries

JJazzLab-X 0 over 1 year ago a complete Midi-based framework for automatic backing tracks generation
Midifile C++ library for parsing Standard MIDI Files
mido 1,439 4 months ago Python library for working with MIDI messages and ports
Polyrhythmix MIDI drums generator, designed for polyrhythmic parts
Timidity an open-source command line synthesizer that plays MIDI files

Awesome Music / Music Notation

Abjad a Python API for Formalized Score Control, based on Lilypond
ChordMark a text-based notation format for lyrics, chords and rhythm
Denemo a free music notation editor based on Lilypond
Digital Music Stand 33 about 2 years ago a free web app for displaying sheet music
Jan Angermüller's music fonts page A listing and visual comparison of different music fonts
Frescobaldi 752 3 months ago a free Lilypond sheet music editor
Guido a generic, portable library and API for the graphical rendering of musical scores
Hacklily online LilyPond-based sheet music editor (with optional GitHub integration)
Inknote 153 over 8 years ago free, open source, browser based music notation and composition software
LibMEI 63 over 3 years ago a C++ library for reading and writing MEI files
Lilybin an open source web-based LilyPond editor
Lilypond free, open-source music engraving program, devoted to producing the highest-quality sheet music possible
Lilypond cook book 3 about 9 years ago tips & tricks for getting the most out of lilypond
Lilypond Snippet Repository an online database of Lilypond snippets ideas, features and hacks
Lilyvm 6 almost 2 years ago Lilypond version manager
Lyp 73 almost 6 years ago the Lilypond swiss army knife - easily install packages, manage multiple versions of Lilypond, and other tools for power users
mei-friend a friendly, browser-based editor for music encodings
MuseScore 12,444 3 months ago free open-source music notation and composition software
MusicKit 111 almost 6 years ago Music sheet rendering for iOS and OSX
neoscore python library for notating music in a graphics-first paradigm
NOTATIO a forum devoted to the practice of music notation
OpenLilyLib 120 almost 2 years ago LilyPond tools - snippets, templates, and extensions
OpenSheetMusicDisplay 1,488 4 months ago Typescript library for rendering MusicXML in the browser
Python-ly a tool and library for manipulating LilyPond files
Ripple 27 about 2 years ago DRY for Lilypond - generate scores and parts with minimal fuss
Scorelib a C++ library for parsing SCORE data files
Tbon 14 about 7 years ago Typographic Beat-Oriented Notation for music
Unison Proprietary software for creating music score with words
Verovio 689 3 months ago a library and a toolkit for engraving MEI music notation into SVG
Vexflow 3,937 6 months ago a JavaScript library for rendering music notation and guitar tablature

Awesome Music / Music Programming

Alda 5,643 5 months ago a music programming language for musicians
Bach: Automated Composer's Helper a cross-platform set of patches and externals for Max, aimed to bring the richness of computer-aided composition into the real-time world
Cane 89 10 months ago A small MIDI sequencer DSL designed around vectors and euclidean rhythms
Chuck 833 3 months ago strongly-timed, concurrent, and on-the-fly music programming language
CoffeeCollider 220 over 9 years ago a language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition in HTML5. "Write CoffeeScript, and be processed as SuperCollider."
Common Music an open source music composition system
Csound a user-programmable and user-extensible sound processing language and software synthesizer
Faust a functional programming language specifically designed for real-time signal processing and synthesis
Gwion 542 3 months ago A strongly-timed programming language aimed at music creation. Heavily inspired by ChucK
IanniX 354 8 months ago a graphical open-source sequencer, based on Iannis Xenakis works, for digital art
Inscore an environmnent for the design of interactive, augmented music scores
Leipzig 458 about 1 year ago a composition library for Overtone
Midica 115 about 1 year ago MIDI programming language with decompiler and player, supports karaoke
music21 A Toolkit for Computational Musicology
Music Suite a language for generalized music notation and theory, based on Haskell
mutwo a Python library for composition that outputs notation, MIDI or audio files and that provides a generalized model to describe time-based structures
Nyquist a sound synthesis and composition language
OpenMusic a visual programming language based on Lisp
Orca 4,598 8 months ago live programming environment for music
Overtone 5,941 3 months ago an Open Source toolkit for designing synthesizers and collaborating with music
Platonic Music Engine an open-source music generation framework written in Lua
Pure Data a visual programming language for audio and other multimedia
pyo a Python module to help digital signal processing script creation
py-modular a modular and experimental programming environment with basic DSP routines in python
Sardine 205 4 months ago a music live coding library for Python 3.10+ (MIDI/OSC/SuperCollider)
slippery chicken 72 3 months ago a Common Lisp environment for composition building on CLM, CMN, CM, MusicXML and Lilypond for score, sound file, and/or MIDI file outputs
Sonic Pi a live coding synth with an emphasis on educational use
Sporth a small stack based audio language
Strudel an experiment in making a language built on javascript for live coding patterns using web technologies
SuperCollider a programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition
Tidal a language built on Haskell for live coding patterns
Topos a web based live coding environment (WebAudio / MIDI)
tuneflow-py 993 almost 2 years ago python plugin SDK for the next-gen DAW, that allows you to program your music algorithms & AI models into all stages of music production
Unilang Domain specific language used in Unison

Awesome Music / Music Theory Teaching

Artusi Interactive music theory exercises
Four Score and More Tailored music theory exercises based on scores Lessons and exercises
OpenMusicTheory a growing, online "textbook" for music theory and aural skills
Theorytab a database of songs with their chord functions

Awesome Music / Standards

MEI (Music Encoding Initiative) an open-source effort to define a system for encoding musical documents in a machine-readable structure
MusicXML the standard open format for exchanging digital sheet music
SMuFL (Standard Music Font Layout) a specification for mapping music symbols to Unicode for use in music fonts
Awesome Audio DSP 917 3 months ago A curated list of audio DSP and plugin development resources
Awesome Audio Visualization 4,659 almost 2 years ago A curated list about Audio Visualization
Awesome Music Listening 121 over 2 years ago Awesome list of websites dedicated to listening to music
Awesome Music Production 1,059 4 months ago A curated list of software and resources to create music
Awesome Python for Scientific Audio 1,584 over 1 year ago A curated list of python software and packages related to scientific research in audio
Awesome sheet music 815 5 months ago A curated list of awesome sheet music software, libraries and resources
Awesome WebAudio 1,155 7 months ago A curated list of awesome WebAudio packages and resources

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