
⚡️Curated list of resources for the development and applications of blockchain.


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458 forks
Language: Go
last commit: 7 months ago
Linked from 3 awesome lists


Awesome Blockchain / Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.s) & Answers

Blockchain Interview Questions
10 Essential Blockchain Interview Questions
Top 36 Blockchain Job Interview Questions & Answers

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction

Basic concepts Asymmetric encryption, Digital signature, Certificate
Digital signature extension Multi-signature, Blind signature, Group signature, Ring signature
Merkle tree
Merkle DAG
CryptoNote v2.0 Untraceable Transactions and Egalitarian Proof-of-work

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0

UTXO model
BitCoin white paper: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System / /
Mastering BitCoin 23,407 about 2 months ago / /
Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs) 9,286 3 days ago
But how does bitcoin actually work?
Mining visualization
Libraries C++, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, .Net
Web services
Full nodes
Ethereum white paper 14,746 about 2 years ago / /
Mastering Ethereum 19,824 3 months ago /
Ethereum Yellow Paper /
Ethereum wiki 14,746 about 2 years ago

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0 / Ethereum wiki

Ethereum Design Rationale 14,746 about 2 years ago /
Ethereum problems 14,746 about 2 years ago
Sharding roadmap 14,746 about 2 years ago
Ethereum flavored WebAssembly (ewasm)
ÐΞVp2p Wire Protocol 14,746 about 2 years ago
EVM-Awesome-List 14,746 about 2 years ago
Patricia Tree 14,746 about 2 years ago

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0 / Ethereum wiki / Consensus

Ethash 14,746 about 2 years ago
Ethash-DAG 14,746 about 2 years ago
Ethash Specification 14,746 about 2 years ago
Mining Ethash DAG 14,746 about 2 years ago
Dagger-Hashimoto Algorithm 14,746 about 2 years ago
DAG Explanation and Images
Ethash in Ethereum Yellowpaper
Ethash C API Example Usage 14,746 about 2 years ago

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0

Accounts, Transactions, Gas, and Block Gas Limits in Ethereum
Ethereum Improvement Proposals
Important EIPs and ERCs 19,824 3 months ago /

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0 / Security

Ethereum Smart Contract Security Best Practices /
Onward with Ethereum Smart Contract Security
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Smart Contracts in Ethereum
openzeppelin contracts 24,807 3 days ago /
openzepplin sdk 431 over 2 years ago

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0 / Token

ERC20 12,841 12 days ago /
ERC721 12,841 12 days ago /

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0 / Utils

Ethereum Blockchain Explorer
Eth Gas Station
Eth Network Status

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0

EEA - Enterprise Ethereum: Private Blockchain For Enterprises

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0 / EEA - Enterprise Ethereum: Private Blockchain For Enterprises

What Is Enterprise Ethereum?
What is The Enterprise Ethereum alliance?
Benefits of Enterprise Ethereum
Architecture Stack of the Enterprise Ethereum Blockchain
What Are The Possible Enterprise Ethereum Use Cases?
Ethereum Blockchain as a Service Providers
Real-World Companies Using Enterprise Ethereum
Final Words

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0

The Byzantine Generals Problem
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Is consortium blockchain better?
5 consortium blockchain comparison /
FISCO BCOS vs Fabric
Building a Private Ethereum Consortium
Deploying a private Ethereum blockchain to Microsoft Azure Cloud
Ethereum Consortium Network Deployments Made Easy 3 about 7 years ago
How to Set Up a Private Ethereum Blockchain in 20 Minutes
Fabric Org
Fabric Design Documents
Fabric Wiki

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0 / Fabric Wiki

En 1.4 / /
En 2.2 /

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0

Fabric Source Code Analyse
A Kafka-based Ordering Service for Fabric
Explorer Proposal
Explorer doc
TDPoS ensures quick consensus in a large scale network
Flexible authorization system supports weight threshold, AK sets and could be easily extended
P2P Robust network supports a large scale network with thousands of nodes
Baidu Blockchain Engine
Wiki 1,692 5 months ago /
Getting start 1,692 5 months ago

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0 / Getting start

Account operation
Multiple nodes deployment
Wasm contract
Parallel chain

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0 / SDK

Go SDK 27 11 months ago
Javascript SDK 14 7 months ago
Java SDK 17 almost 5 years ago
Python SDK 17 almost 5 years ago

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0

Detailed FAQs
Comparation with Fabric and Ethereum 1,692 5 months ago
doc /
BlockChain KickStarter From Scratch
doc /
ATS: Functional Blockchain
C#: Programming The Blockchain in C#
Crystal: Write your own blockchain and PoW algorithm using Crystal
C++: Blockchain from Scratch 3,735 over 1 year ago
Go: Building Blockchain in Go 4,124 4 months ago / /

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0 / Go: Building Blockchain in Go

Part 1: Basic Prototype
Part 2: Proof-of-Work
Part 3: Persistence and CLI
Part 4: Transactions 1
Part 5: Addresses
Part 6: Transactions 2
Part 7: Network

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0

Go: Building A Simple Blockchain with Go
Go: Code your own blockchain in less than 200 lines of Go
Go: Code your own blockchain mining algorithm in Go
Go: GoCoin - A full Bitcoin solution written in Go language (golang) 974 29 days ago
Go: GoChain - A basic implementation of blockchain in go 272 over 6 years ago
Go: Having fun implementing a blockchain using Golang 843 about 10 years ago
Go: NaiveChain - A naive and simple implementation of blockchains 330 over 7 years ago
Java: Creating Your First Blockchain with Java
Java: Write a blockchain with java
JavaScript: A cryptocurrency implementation in less than 1500 lines of code 1,212 4 months ago
JavaScript: A web-based demonstration of blockchain concepts 5,205 3 days ago
JavaScript: Build your own Blockchain in JavaScript 1,023 over 2 years ago
JavaScript: Code for Blockchain Demo 926 about 1 year ago
JavaScript: Creating a blockchain with JavaScript 1,732 over 1 year ago
JavaScript: How To Launch Your Own Production-Ready Cryptocurrency
JavaScript: Learn & Build a JavaScript Blockchain
JavaScript: Node.js Blockchain Imlementation: BrewChain: Chain+WebSockets+HTTP Server
JavaScript: Writing a tiny blockchain in JavaScript

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0 / JavaScript: Writing a tiny blockchain in JavaScript

Part 1: Implementing a basic blockchain
Part 2: Implementing proof-of-work
Part 3: Transactions & mining rewards
Part 4: Signing transactions

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0

Kotlin: Let’s implement a cryptocurrency in Kotlin
Python: A Practical Introduction to Blockchain with Python
Python: Build your own blockchain: a Python tutorial
Python: Learn Blockchains by Building One
Python: Let’s Build the Tiniest Blockchain
Python: write-your-own-blockchain

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0 / Python: write-your-own-blockchain

Part 1 — Creating, Storing, Syncing, Displaying, Mining, and Proving Work
Part 2 — Syncing Chains From Different Nodes
Part 3 — Nodes that Mine
Part 4.1 — Bitcoin Proof of Work Difficulty Explained
Part 4.2 — Ethereum Proof of Work Difficulty Explained

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0

Ruby: lets-build-a-blockchain 442 almost 7 years ago
Ruby: Programming Blockchains Step-by-Step (Manuscripts Book Edition) 667 almost 4 years ago
Scala: How to build a simple actor-based blockchain
TypeScript: Naivecoin: a tutorial for building a cryptocurrency

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0 / TypeScript: Naivecoin: a tutorial for building a cryptocurrency

Minimal working blockchain
Proof of Work
Transaction relaying
Wallet UI and blockchain explorer

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0

TypeScript: NaivecoinStake: a tutorial for building a cryptocurrency with the Proof of Stake consensus
Explore Blockchain OSS, libraries, packages, source code, cloud functions and APIs
Constellation 380 about 4 years ago Quorum supports private transactions and private contracts through public/private state separation, and utilises peer-to-peer encrypted message exchanges (see and ) for directed transfer of private data to network participants The official Monero website The official research group of Monero
RPC documentation RPC documentation of the Monero daemon
Wallet documentation Wallet documentation of the Monero daemon
Cryptonote Whitepaper White paper of cryptonote, the family of crypto-currencies of Monero
Review of the Cryptonote White Paper By the research lab of Monero
Cryptonote Standards The 10 Cryptonote standards (equivalent to BIPs for Bitcoin)
How to get started 8,914 4 days ago
What is Monero? Most Comprehensive Guide /
More resouces
IOTA Next Generation Blockchain
Whitepaper The Tangle /
A Primer on IOTA A Primer on IOTA (with Presentation)
IOTA China IOTA China 首页
IOTA Italia IOTA Italia
IOTA Korea IOTA 한국
IOTA Japan IOTA 日本
IOTA on Reddit
How to get started 1,152 about 4 years ago
IOTA Transactions, Confirmation and Consensus /
More resouces
EOS Wiki 11,280 about 2 years ago High Level EOS Software Overview
Technical White Paper 2,073 about 2 years ago EOS.IO Technical White Paper v2
EOS: An Introduction - Black Edition Ian Grigg's Whitepaper
EOSIO Developer Portal Official EOSIO developer portal, with docs, APIs etc
How to get started
Roadmap 2,073 about 2 years ago
Tools 3,229 7 months ago
Language Support 3,229 7 months ago
White Paper 147 over 1 year ago Academic papers on IPFS /
Specs 1,157 8 days ago Specifications on the IPFS protocol
Notes 402 about 2 years ago Various relevant notes and discussions (that do not fit elsewhere)
Reading-list 225 over 4 years ago Papers to read to understand IPFS
Protocol Implementations 22,660 8 months ago
HTTP Client Libraries 22,660 8 months ago
Roadmap 298 8 months ago
More resouces
White paper /
White paper /
White paper /
White paper /
Blockchain Developer Platform /
Awesome Name Services 14 over 1 year ago – Awesome list curating all decentralized domain name services (DNS)
Blockstack Platform for decentralized, server-less apps where users control their data. Identity included
Evernym Self-Sovereign identity built on top of open source permissioned blockchain
Jolocom Self-sovereing identity wallet
SIN Proposed identity protocol for BitCoin
uPort Self-Sovereign identity on by
ShoCard Proprietary digital identity service, uses blockchain for time-stamping and secure documents exchange
Tradle Makes a bank on blockchain, identity as a collateral
KYC Chain Secure platform for sharing verifiable identity claims, data or documents among financial institutions
ObjectChain Collab Cross-industry collaboration over distributed identity
UniquID Identity both for people and devices
Vida Identity Enterprise-grade Blockchain Identity Software
ID3 Institute for Data Driven Design, explores issues around self-sovereign identity, and distributed organizations
OpenCreds W3C Credentials Community Group
TAO Network Identity Description of blockchain identity by Tao.Network
Chronicled IoT devices registry on blockchain
Filament Software and hardware for decentralized Intranet of Things systems
IOTA Decentralized Internet of Things token on blockless blockchain
Machinomy Distributed platform for IoT micropayments
Project Oaken IoT blockchain platform Ethereum-based platform for building Shared Things
bankymoon Blockchain consultancy. bitcoin-topped smart electricity meter. Once topped up, it chooses a plan, and starts moving energy
Co-Tricity Decentralised energy marketplace by and
Electron Reinventing energy on blockchain
GridSingularity Blockchain for Smart Grid. Declare three years of work on the technology
lo3 energy Energy Services, Product Research & Development. Makers of along with
lumo Energy provider. Experiment with blockchain
PowerLedger Decentralised energy marketpace
PowerPeers Peer-to-peer energy marketplace in the Netherlands
Solar Change Makers of . AltCoin for a MW of solar power
Terraledger Provider of Renewable Energy Certificates
ImpactPPA Reinvesting of power generated under Power Purchase Agreement in more PPAs
Steem Decentralized social network which incentivises content creation and curation
PopChest Incentivized distributed video platform
Civil Decentralized newsmaking platform
Uniswap Decentralized exchange powered by the Automated Market Maker model (AMM)
Compound Decentralized lending and borrowing
1inch Exchange Get the best rates among multiple DEXes
Synthetix Protocol for synthetic assets

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0 / Tools

Defi Dashboard : portfolio tracker, project lists, rankings, etc
Zapper : dashboard for viewing and managing your DeFi investments
Furucombo : easily create flashloans without writing a single line of code
Covalent : an unified API bringing visibility to billions of blockchain data points

Awesome Blockchain / Basic Introduction / CryptoNote v2.0

Blockchain Developer Roadmap -- Roadmap to become a Blockchain Developer

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