awesome-blockchain / Acknowledgement: Awesome Awesomeness |
Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics | 337,709 | 3 months ago | |
A guide (for humans!) to cryto-currencies and their algos. | 3,906 | over 1 year ago | |
A collection about awesome blockchains - open distributed public databases w/ crypto hashes incl. | 3,739 | about 2 years ago | |
Curated list of projects that build non-financial applications of blockchain | 629 | over 4 years ago | |
A collection of valuable resources for anyone starting to explore blockchain technologies | 7 | almost 9 years ago | |
Curated list of the bitcoin blockchain services | 635 | about 2 years ago | |
Crypto Canon from a16z | | | |
BNC curated collection of technical and industry white papers | | | |
CryptoList: Curated collection of blockchain cryptocurrency resources. | 4,206 | 9 months ago | |
Decentralized, Self-Sovereign, and Blockchain Identity resources | 182 | 3 months ago | |
Blockchain and Identity | 648 | about 1 year ago | |
A curated list of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technologies visualisation. | 24 | 11 months ago | |
Curated list of blockchain services and exchanges | 849 | 11 months ago | |
DeFi Developer roadmap is a curated Web3.0 Developer handbook which includes a list of the best tools for DApps, development resources and lifehacks. | 9,954 | 4 months ago | |
收集所有区块链(BlockChain)技术开发相关资料,包括Fabric和Ethereum开发资料 | 18,524 | about 1 year ago | |
区块链白皮书、书籍、交易所、币种、自媒体等资源汇总 | 979 | about 6 years ago | |
Awesome Blockchain · 区块链技术导航-开发资源整理 | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Free Courses / Knowledge Base |
Binance Academy | | | |
Salesforce Trailhead | | | |
Bitcoin Glossary | Simple explanations of each part of bitcoin. | | | |
Ever wonder how Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) actually work? - YouTube | | | |
CS 251: Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies | | | |
A curated list of awesome Blockchain, Bitcoin and Ethereum related resources | 203 | over 4 years ago | |
A collection of awesome blockchain articles. Good learning resources about blockchain. | 567 | over 5 years ago | |
Curated list of resources for the development and applications of block chain. | 3,316 | 12 months ago | |
Learn How to Build a Crypto Company | | | |
Blockchain and Money | Sloan School of Management | MIT OpenCourseWare | | | |
Decentralized Finance MOOC | | | |
學習 Ethereum 的指引 | 49 | almost 8 years ago | |
awesome-blockchain / Paper |
Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Protocols: a reading list | | | |
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance | | | |
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System | | | . Nakamoto S. '08 |
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance
and Proactive Recovery | | | |
SoK: Research Perspectives and Challenges for Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies | | | . Bonneau J, Miller A, Clark J, Narayanan A, Kroll JA, Felten EW. S&P '15 |
A next-generation smart contract and decentralized application platform | | | . Vitalik Buterin. '14 |
Ethereum: A secure decentralised generalised transaction ledger | | | . Wood G. '14 |
Town crier: An authenticated data feed for smart contracts | | | . Zhang F, Cecchetti E, Croman K, Juels A, Shi E. CCS '16 |
Pricing via processing or combatting junk mail | | | . Dwork C, Naor M. '92 |
Pricing via processing or combatting junk mail | | | . Dwork C, Naor M. '92 |
Automated Verification of Electrum Wallet | | | . Turuani M, Voegtlin T, Rusinowitch M. FC '16 |
Algorand The Efficient Public Ledger | | | |
Formal Verification of Smart Contracts | | | |
Bitcoin Developer Guide 中文版 | 72 | almost 8 years ago | |
decrypto-org/blockchain-papers: A curated list of academic blockchain-related papers | 2,473 | almost 2 years ago | |
Block chain bibliography | | | |
CABRA - Comprehensive Academic Bitcoin Research Archive | | | |
区块链史上最全500份白皮书pdf 网盘打包下载 | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Books |
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies (Textbook) | | | |
Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World | | | |
Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy | | | |
Decentralized Applications: Harnessing Bitcoin's Blockchain Technology | | | |
Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies | | | |
The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Books / E-Books |
Mastering Bitcoin 2nd Edition - Programming the Open Blockchain | 23,754 | 7 months ago | |
Mastering Ethereum, by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood | 20,047 | 8 months ago | |
Introduction · IOTA Guide and FAQ | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Public Chain |
Blockchain Comparison | | | |
Wanchain - Cross-Chain Smart Contracts with Privacy Protection | | | |
LIQUID | Financial Services on the Blockchain | | | |
TenX – Convert Spend Virtual Currencies. Anytime. Anywhere. | | | |
0x: The Protocol for Trading Tokens | | | |
KyberNetwork | | | |
Loopring | | | |
AIRSWAP | | | |
OmiseGo | | | | | | | |
Bancor protocol | | | |
NVO.IO | | | |
Omega One: The smarter way to trade cryptocurrencies | | | |
openANX - Open Transparent Decentralized Exchange | | | |
Shapeshift | | | |
Edgeless | | | |
DAO.Casino | | | |
DMarket - Make Virtual Assets Real | | | |
BOSCOIN | | | |
bisq-network/exchange: The decentralized bitcoin exchange | 4,758 | 3 months ago | |
Game-changing blockchain casino technology - FunFair | | | |
Bitcoin, FX and Digital Assets Trading App - Lykke | Blockchain wallet app for iOS and Android | | | |
Waves Platform | | | | | | | |
ICON: Hyperconnect the World | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Public Chain / Others / Without Smart Contract |
Bitcoin Wiki | | | |
aeternity | æternity Blockchain | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Public Chain / Others / With Smart Contract |
Home · ethereum/wiki Wiki · GitHub | 14,742 | over 2 years ago | |
EOS.IO | Dawn is here | | | |
Achain - Smart Contract Platform | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Public Chain / Others / Interchain |
Polkadot | | | |
Internet of Blockchains - | 1,276 | 11 months ago | |
blockchain/ at master · w3c/blockchain · GitHub | 96 | almost 4 years ago | |
IOS | Decentralized Internet of Services Platform | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Public Chain / Others / Privacy |
Zcash - All coins are created equal. | | | |
Monero - secure, private, untraceable | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Public Chain / Others / Consensus |
Hashgraph | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Public Chain / Others / Consensus / PoS |
Tendermint | | | |
Cardano Hub - Home of the Ada cryptocurrency and technological platform. | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Public Chain / Others / Framework |
CryptoNote - the next generation cryptocurrency | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Public Chain / Others / Storage |
SIA | | | Enterprise-Grade Collaborative Cloud for Data Storage | | | | Decentralized Cloud Storage. Storj is based on blockchain technology and peer-to-peer protocols to provide the most secure, private, and encrypted cloud storage |
Maidsafe | | | SAFE (Secure Access For Everyone) Network, a new Secure way to access a world of existing apps where the security of your data is put above all else |
IPFS | | | The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open |
Lbry | | | LBRY is a decentralized, censorship-resistant, open-source, peer-to-peer information marketplace and discovery protocol |
Filecoin | | | Filecoin is a data storage network and electronic currency based on Bitcoin |
VideoCoin | | | |
Sia | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Public Chain / Others / Authentication |
uPort: Self-Sovereign Identity | | | |
BitID | | | BitID, the "connect with Bitcoin" open protocol |
bitauth | 499 | 5 months ago | Authenticate with web services utilizing the same strategy as Bitcoin |
awesome-blockchain / Public Chain / Others / Misc | | | | |
ArcBlock | | | |
Dash Official Website | Dash Crypto Currency | | | |
IOTA - Next Generation Blockchain | | | |
DFINITY - The Decentralized Cloud | | | |
CoinHive cryptocurrency miner for node.js | 1,984 | about 6 years ago | |
NEM – Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain) | | | |
Nxt - The Blockchain Application Platform | | | |
ENT: Global Entertainment Platform | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Permission/Consortium Chain |
Dragonchain | Dragonchain Architecture | | | |
Quorum: A permissioned implementation of Ethereum supporting data privacy | 4,696 | 7 months ago | |
Hyperledger Blockchain Technologies for Business | | | |
awesome-blockchain / Private Chain |
Multichain | | | Open platform for building blockchains |
Openchain | | | Blockchain technology for the enterprise |
Eris Industries | | | Eris is free software that allows anyone to build their own secure, low-cost, run-anywhere data infrastructure using blockchain and smart contract technology |
Linux Foundation Blockchain | | | backed by IBM |
Applied Blockchain | | | consulting company |
Openblockchain | | | Blockchain fabric code |