
A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries


50k stars
3k watching
10k forks
last commit: 3 months ago
Linked from 11 awesome lists


Jetpack Compose

Landscapist 2,088 9 days ago
Apache License V2
Flinger 135 8 days ago
Orchestra 460 almost 2 years ago
Apache License V2
compose-backstack 502 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
ComposeClock 415 almost 3 years ago
Apache License V2
ComposeCookBook 6,238 4 months ago
Compose Neumorphism UI 389 about 3 years ago
Apache License V2
SSComposeCookBook 652 about 2 months ago


WaveView 1,329 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2
ResideLayout 390 over 8 years ago
Apache License V2
AndroidSwipeLayout 12,370 11 months ago
SwipeBackLayout 6,125 about 5 years ago
Apache License V2
Maskable Layout 653 almost 4 years ago
Apache License V2
ExpandableLayout 1,636 about 2 years ago
android-PullRefreshLayout 2,063 6 months ago
TileView 1,457 about 4 years ago
ShowcaseView 5,602 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
Ultra Pull To Refresh 9,584 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
AndroidViewHover 3,208 over 1 year ago
DraggablePanel 2,986 over 7 years ago
Apache License V2
Slidr 2,677 about 1 year ago
Apache License V2
Phoenix Pull-to-Refresh 4,011 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
Pull-to-Refresh.Tours 1,667 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
InboxLayout 699 over 9 years ago
SwipeBack 1,739 over 2 years ago
Apache License V2
ArcLayout 1,363 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
Dragger 1,299 over 4 years ago
Apache License V2
PhysicsLayout 772 9 months ago
Apache License V2
BottomSheet 4,520 over 5 years ago
License 4,520 over 5 years ago
Bubbles for Android 1,482 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2
AndroidSlidingUpPanel 9,495 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
android-transition 613 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
CircleRefreshLayout 1,780 over 7 years ago
WaveSwipeRefreshLayout 1,925 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2
FloatingView 1,145 over 4 years ago
Apache License V2
FrenchToast 363 almost 6 years ago
Apache License V2
AndroidSweetSheet 2,063 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
FABRevealLayout 892 over 5 years ago
Apache License V2
ToggleExpandLayout 884 over 6 years ago
FlowingDrawer 2,567 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
WaveView 1,588 almost 6 years ago
Apache License V2
FoldableLayout 600 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
TriangleLabelView 876 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
FlexboxLayout 18,246 6 months ago
Apache License V2
Vorolay 923 over 5 years ago
Apache License V2
Hover 2,643 over 3 years ago
FerrisWheel 323 almost 6 years ago
Apache License V2
ArcView 64 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
DraggablePanel2 114 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
TagSphereView 187 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
LDrawer 1,393 almost 5 years ago
Apache License V2
MaterialNavigationDrawer 1,560 almost 9 years ago
Apache License V2
AndroidMaterialDesignToolbar 717 almost 4 years ago
Apache License V2
TapTargetView 5,371 about 2 months ago
Apache License V2
Spotlight 3,615 almost 2 years ago
Apache License V2
MaterialTapTargetPrompt 1,520 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
DrawerArrowDrawable 823 about 7 years ago
Apache License V2


circular-progress-button 5,749 12 days ago
Apache License V2
android-process-button 3,007 about 6 years ago
Apache License V2
android-circlebutton 1,469 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
android-flat-button 1,399 almost 6 years ago
Apache License V2
MovingButton 132 over 6 years ago
LabelView 1,869 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
transition-button-android 161 almost 3 years ago
KTLoadingButton 36 over 4 years ago
AwesomeSwitch 32 almost 5 years ago
Apache License V2
FloatingActionButton 4,007 over 1 year ago
android-floating-action-button 6,374 almost 2 years ago
Apache License V2
ReactButton 110 over 1 year ago

List / Grid

SuperRecyclerView 2,628 almost 5 years ago
Apache License V2
RecyclerViewSwipeDismiss 429 over 6 years ago
BSD 2 License
FlabbyListView 758 almost 5 years ago
Apache License V2
recyclerview-stickyheaders 960 over 8 years ago
ParallaxListView 665 about 8 years ago
PullZoomView 2,324 6 months ago
Apache License V2
SwipeMenuListView 3,507 about 2 years ago
discrollview 1,452 over 2 years ago
Apache License V2
StickyListHeaders 5,508 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2
ListBuddies 963 almost 5 years ago
Apache License V2
Android-ObservableScrollView 9,653 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2
AsymmetricGridView 1,840 almost 6 years ago
Apache License V2
DynamicGrid 926 over 6 years ago
AndroidStaggeredGrid 4,757 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
Apache License V2
android-parallax-recyclerview 1,614 over 2 years ago
Apache License V2
BlurStickyHeaderListView 126 over 6 years ago
RecyclerView Animators 11,504 9 months ago
Apache License V2
RecyclerView-FlexibleDivider 2,400 about 1 year ago
Apache License V2
AndroidTreeView 2,997 over 2 years ago
Apache License V2
RecyclerViewFastScroller 1,133 over 4 years ago
Apache License V2
RecyclerView-MultipleViewTypesAdapter 413 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
SwipeToAction 219 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
Advanced Recyclerview 5,319 about 1 year ago
Apache License V2
RecyclerItemDecoration 324 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
MaterialRecents 494 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
Dividers 482 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
Drag Select Recycler View 1,972 over 2 years ago
sticky-headers-recyclerview 3,743 almost 6 years ago
Apache License V2
Kiel - Declarative RecyclerView Adapters 370 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2


ParallaxPagerTransformer 657 about 8 years ago
Apache License V2
ViewPagerTransforms 2,566 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2
CircleIndicator 4,266 over 1 year ago
Android ViewPagerIndicator 10,134 almost 7 years ago
Apache License V2
Android-ParallaxHeaderViewPager 1,392 over 5 years ago
Apache License V2
freepager 460 over 7 years ago
Apache License V2
Apache License V2
SmartTabLayout 7,089 over 4 years ago
Apache License V2
FlipViewPager.Draco 1,838 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
MaterialViewPager 8,132 almost 6 years ago
Apache License V2
AndroidRubberIndicator 1,590 over 5 years ago
HollyViewPager 1,131 over 4 years ago
Apache License V2
SCViewPager 815 almost 7 years ago
Apache License V2
SwipeSelector 1,090 over 5 years ago
Apache License V2
NavigationTabStrip 2,235 about 4 years ago
Apache License V2 &
NavigationTabBar 4,948 4 months ago
Apache License V2 &
UltraViewPager 5,002 about 3 years ago
SnapTablayout 760 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
MaterialTabs 1,395 over 5 years ago
Apache License V2
PagerSlidingTabStrip 2,189 almost 5 years ago
Apache License V2

Label / Form

Shimmer-android 1,994 almost 8 years ago
Apache License V2
Shimmer for Android 5,314 over 1 year ago
BSD 2 License
Titanic 1,850 almost 8 years ago
Apache License V2
MatchView 856 almost 6 years ago
Apache License V2
android-autofittextview 4,268 over 5 years ago
Apache License V2
SecretTextView 615 over 9 years ago
Apache License V2
TextJustify-Android 1,863 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
RoundedLetterView 643 over 5 years ago
Apache License V2
TextDrawable 3,163 about 3 years ago
Apache License V2
BabushkaText 751 over 8 years ago
Apache License V2
ExpandableTextView 4,083 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
Float Labeled EditText 1,141 about 9 years ago
Apache License V2
SizeAdjustingTextView 253 over 9 years ago
GNU License
ParkedTextView 269 about 7 years ago
Material Code input 964 almost 6 years ago
Apache License V2
TextSurface 2,365 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2
EmailAutoCompleteTextView 423 almost 9 years ago
Apache License V2
Tab Digit 611 over 5 years ago
Apache License V2
RotatingText 1,583 about 4 years ago
MaterialEditText 6,106 about 5 years ago
Apache License V2
MaterialTextField 1,491 over 4 years ago
Apache License V2
CodeView 380 9 months ago


TouchImageView 2,728 11 days ago
CircleImageView 14,553 5 months ago
Apache License V2
android-shape-imageview 2,664 about 5 years ago
Apache License V2
GifImageView 1,165 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
android-crop 4,538 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2
SelectableRoundedImageView 1,067 about 7 years ago
Apache License V2
RoundedImageView 6,441 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
CropImageView 654 over 5 years ago
Apache License V2
BitmapMerger 458 over 6 years ago
Scrolling Image View 1,785 over 3 years ago
SimpleCropView 2,483 7 months ago
android-anyshape 193 about 8 years ago
PanoramaImageView 2,166 about 2 years ago
ChiliPhotoPicker 405 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2
Android Ribbon 691 over 2 years ago
Apache License V2


DiscreteSeekBar 2,107 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
SeekBarCompat 158 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
PreviewSeekBar 3,455 9 months ago
Apache License V2
RangeSeekBar 2,505 6 months ago
Apache License V2
material-range-bar 1,677 almost 4 years ago
Apache License V2
MaterialDateRangePicker 1,327 over 4 years ago
Apache License V2


SmoothProgressBar 4,508 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2
NumberProgressBar 6,067 about 4 years ago
CircleProgress 3,811 almost 3 years ago
android-square-progressbar 1,280 over 6 years ago
GoogleProgressBar 1,298 almost 5 years ago
Apache License V2
Android-RoundCornerProgressBar 2,501 11 months ago
Apache License V2
ElasticDownload 1,653 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
FABProgressCircle 1,247 over 4 years ago
Apache License V2
Loading 1,229 almost 3 years ago
Apache License V2
Animated Circle Loading View 1,168 almost 4 years ago
Apache License V2
AndroidFillableLoaders 1,998 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
spots-dialog 1,080 over 3 years ago
AVLoadingIndicatorView 9,744 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
LoadingDots 165 over 6 years ago
ColorArcProgerssBar 943 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
ArcProgressStackView 254 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
WaveLoadingView 1,730 almost 2 years ago
Apache License V2
CatLoadingView 1,070 over 3 years ago
WaveLoading 1,448 over 6 years ago
SqueezeLoader 27 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
RoundedProgressBar 783 8 months ago
Apache License V2
FAB-Loading 686 almost 6 years ago
Apache License V2
materialish-progress 2,481 almost 5 years ago
Apache License V2
CircularFloatingActionMenu 2,739 about 6 years ago
AndroidResideMenu 2,848 almost 4 years ago
Folder-ResideMenu 383 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
Side-Menu.Android 5,235 about 4 years ago
Apache License V2
Context-Menu.Android 3,843 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
GuillotineMenu-Android 2,722 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
android-snake-menu 585 over 7 years ago
Apache License V2
BoomMenu 5,807 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
ExpandableBottomBar 780 9 months ago
material-menu 2,473 4 months ago
Apache License V2
MaterialSheetFab 1,576 2 months ago
PowerMenu 1,191 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
AnimatedBottomBar 1,376 over 1 year ago


FadingActionBar 2,869 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
GlassActionBar 1,215 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
NotBoringActionBar 1,739 over 2 years ago
Apache License V2


DialogPlus 4,998 over 2 years ago
Apache License V2
Sweet Alert 7,265 about 3 years ago
FlycoDialog-Matser 2,275 over 6 years ago
Voice Overlay 254 over 2 years ago
Apache License V2
material-dialogs 19,684 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
AlertDialogPro 468 over 4 years ago
Apache License V2


Caldroid 1,417 about 3 years ago
android-times-square 4,445 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
Android-MonthCalendarWidget 1,094 over 7 years ago
Apache License V2
android-betterpickers 2,672 over 4 years ago
Apache License V2
Android-Week-View 3,418 4 months ago
Apache License V2
SilkCal 384 about 9 years ago
SublimePicker 2,308 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
MaterialDateTimePicker 4,672 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
CompactCalendarView 1,521 7 months ago
material-calendarview 5,912 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2


Android-RatingReviews 202 almost 4 years ago
Apache License V2
EazeGraph 1,597 almost 8 years ago
Apache License V2
GraphView 2,753 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
hellocharts-android 7,434 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2
MPAndroidChart 37,558 about 2 months ago
Apache License V2
WilliamChart 5,093 about 1 year ago
Apache License V2


AndroidViewAnimations 12,420 about 3 years ago
ListViewAnimations 5,565 almost 8 years ago
Apache License V2
AndroidImageSlider 5,629 about 4 years ago
transitions-everywhere 4,824 over 4 years ago
Apache License V2
Android Ripple Background 2,257 almost 5 years ago
android-flip 2,838 over 3 years ago
FragmentTransactionExtended 1,083 over 8 years ago
Apache License V2
KenBurnsView 2,735 about 2 years ago
Apache License V2
rebound 5,432 over 5 years ago
BSD 2 License
Reachability 258 over 8 years ago
Apache License V2
AnimationEasingFunctions 2,471 about 4 years ago
EasyAndroidAnimations 1,387 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2
android-pathview 2,912 over 2 years ago
Apache License V2
ViewRevealAnimator 337 over 8 years ago
Apache License V2
ArcAnimator 1,216 over 3 years ago
SearchMenuAnim 896 over 3 years ago
Cross View 317 over 8 years ago
Apache License V2
WoWoViewPager 2,749 over 7 years ago
Apache License V2
Lottie for Android 34,975 about 1 month ago
Apache License V2
RichPath 2,329 almost 3 years ago
Apache License V2
RubberPicker 566 over 2 years ago
material-ripple 2,359 4 months ago
Apache License V2
RippleEffect 4,924 over 3 years ago
CircularReveal 2,426 over 5 years ago
Apache License V2


ParallaxEverywhere 714 over 6 years ago


EtsyBlur 756 over 4 years ago
Apache License V2
BlurDialogFragment 2,092 about 5 years ago
Apache License V2
BlurBehind 513 over 8 years ago
Android StackBlur 3,585 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
EdgeEffectOverride 643 about 6 years ago
Apache License V2
ExplosionField 3,599 over 7 years ago
Apache License V2
BrokenView 855 about 2 years ago
Trianglify 458 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
ExpandableLayout (by skydoves) 825 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2
ShineButton 4,220 almost 2 years ago
Elastic Views 811 6 months ago
Transformation Layout 2,354 3 months ago
Apache License V2
IridescentView 21 5 months ago
DashedView 69 8 months ago
Apache License V2


Swipecards 2,333 over 5 years ago
Apache License V2
Android-Bootstrap 7,284 about 3 years ago
Android PDFView 2,833 over 8 years ago
Dspec 551 about 8 years ago
Apache License V2
LolliPin 1,607 over 2 years ago
Apache License V2
DrawableView 585 about 7 years ago
Apache License V2
Material Shadow 9-Patch 482 over 3 years ago
Apache License V2
SimpleFingerGestures 317 over 6 years ago
Apache License v2 317 over 6 years ago
Decor 302 about 3 years ago
Apache License V2
Voice Recording Visualizer 547 over 9 years ago
Apache License V2
iiVisu 148 over 1 year ago
EasyFonts 428 over 6 years ago
Apache License V2
Android Sliding Activity Library 1,277 almost 7 years ago
Apache License V2
Snake View 341 almost 9 years ago
Apache License V2
Rotatable 305 over 8 years ago
StatusBarUtil 8,812 over 2 years ago
Apache License V2
Horizon - Simple visual equaliser for Android 2,218 over 2 years ago
Apache License V2
Stepper Touch 685 about 1 year ago
Apache License V2
Konfetti 3,138 about 2 months ago
CircleTimer 32 7 months ago
Apache License V2
MaterialDesignLibrary 8,994 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
MaterialShadows 2,185 over 4 years ago
Material 6,007 over 1 year ago
Apache License V2
material-design-icons 50,441 29 days ago
Apache License V2
Material Icon Library 2,278 almost 5 years ago
Apache License V2
Carbon 3,046 about 3 years ago
Apache License V2
Lollipop-AppCompat-Widgets-Skeleton 97 over 9 years ago
Apache License V2
Balloon(tooltips) 3,700 9 days ago
Apache License V2
ColorPickerView 1,588 26 days ago
Apache License V2

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