
Curated decibans of Julia programming language.


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196 forks
Language: Julia
last commit: 10 months ago
Linked from 7 awesome lists



AI 1,435 10 months ago :: Algorithms, DataMining, Data Structures, HMM, ML, NLP,
Actuarial Science 1,435 10 months ago :: Software related to the subcategories of econometrics, finance, etc
API 1,435 10 months ago :: Language API's - C++, Fortran, Go, Java, JavaScript, MATLAB, Perl, Python, R,
Biology 1,435 10 months ago :: Bioinformatics, genomics, agriculture, food science, medicine, genetic engineering, Neuroscience, et. al
Desktop Applications 1,435 10 months ago :: Front-end client application software, viz. Debuggers, Documentation generators, Desktop User Interface for word processors, GUI spreadsheets, etc
DevOps 1,435 10 months ago :: DevOps tools for infrastructure management, continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), package management, release engineering (RE), release management (RM), software configuration management (SCM), Test Driven Development, Sandbox, Functional/ Unit testing,... Quality-related tools, et al
Chemistry 1,435 10 months ago :: Analytical chemistry, cheminformatics, crystallography, nanochemistry, nuclear chemistry
Database 1,435 10 months ago :: NoSQL, RDBMS and Middleware API's
Data Science 1,435 10 months ago :: OpenData + OpenScience, Free Data Sets, Reproducible research, RDM, Clinical Research Data, Metadata, Library data, Computational reproducibility, etc
Earth Science 1,435 10 months ago :: Software related to the subcategories of cartography, climatology, geobiology, geochemistry, geography, geoinformatics, geology‎, geophysics‎, geoscience/GIS, geomathematics, meteorology, oceanography, etc
FileIO 1,435 10 months ago :: File IO (Input/Output) functionality and support for various data types and file formats
Graphics 1,435 10 months ago :: Plotting, Graphics and other Visualization tools
i18n-L10n 1,435 10 months ago :: Transliteration, Internationalisation (i18n) and Localisation (L10n)
Machines 1,435 10 months ago :: Software for cross-platform hardware, Robotics, and other API libraries for machine-related software
Mathematics 1,435 10 months ago :: Algebra, Geometry,... anything Math related
Optimization 1,435 10 months ago :: Mathematical optimization
Physics 1,435 10 months ago :: Julia software related to Physics
Programming Paradigms 1,435 10 months ago :: Programming Paradigms and language concepts that are used in the type system, data types, etc
Publications 1,435 10 months ago :: Research Papers (journal and conference publications)
QA 1,435 10 months ago :: Quality Assurance in Julia
Resources 1,435 10 months ago :: List of community resources, development links, including events, (un)conferences, forums/ meetup groups, NEWS, blogs, cookbooks, cheatsheets, IJulia NoteBooks, and other useful resources
Server 1,435 10 months ago :: HTTP/Web, Networking, and other server-side utils
Space Science 1,435 10 months ago :: Astronomy, Imaging, Planetary and related packages
Probability & Statistics 1,435 10 months ago :: Actuarial Science, Finance, economics, stochastic, insurance Statistics, Operations research and Benchmarks and Optimization toolkits
Super Computing 1,435 10 months ago :: HPC, Distributed Computing, Cloud computing, Cluster computing, Grid computing, Kernels and architectures like ARM, MIPS, GPU, CUDA, etc
Utilities 1,435 10 months ago :: Handy toolkits and other general utilities for your Desktop


SVAKSHA COPYRIGHT © 2012-Now , herewith dual-licensed for the data (ODbL-v1.0+) and the software (AGPLv3+), respectively

§2. LICENSE / §2.1. AGPLv3 and ODbL

Open Database License The (aggregated and curated decibans of knowledge resources for Julia language) in this repository ( ) is released under the (ODbL-v1.0). The Open Database License (ODbL) grants anyone the freedom to share, create and adapt the data or database with proper as specified in the license and , and
AGPLv3 License The used in is released under the , and above, as detailed in the file

§2. LICENSE / §2.2. Mirrors

Bitbucket :: git clone :svaksha/Julia.jl.git
GitLab :: git clone :svaksha/Julia.jl.git

CONTRIBUTE / Guidelines

ethical guidelines The Julia community has aimed at respecting Copyright, Licenses and attribution standards which you are requested to follow while submitting materials to be listed. Additionally, if you find any material (or code repos) that violates these ethical standards, please file a bug report for their removal from

CONTRIBUTE / Guidelines / ethical guidelines / References :

https://github.com/JuliaLang/julialang.github.com/issues/200 150 about 6 years ago {1}
https://github.com/JuliaLang/julialang.github.com/issues/194 150 about 6 years ago {2}

CONTRIBUTE / BugReport-PullRequest

scraper 1,435 10 months ago In a CLI, type which will run the . Commit the file too
Resources.md 1,435 10 months ago For Documentation and cookbooks, check if it matches the categories listed, else, list it on the page
clicking on the "pencil" icon on the markdown page For those unable to use git, create a github account, then fork the repo on the user interface. Then edit the page by , then click on save and submit a PR. Github does this

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