
😎Awesome GIS is a collection of geospatial related sources, including cartographic tools, geoanalysis tools, developer tools, data, conference & communities, news, massive open online course, some amazing map sites, and more.


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Awesome GIS / Open Books

Geospatial Data Science with Julia Open book on geospatial data science with the Julia programming language

Awesome GIS / Geographic Information System Software

ArcGIS Desktop : Extendable desktop suite to manage, visualize and analyze GIS data in 2D and 3D, including image processing. Includes ArcGIS Pro, ArcMap, ArcCatalog, and ArcGIS Online
DIVA-GIS DIVA-GIS is a free geographic information system software program used for the analysis of geographic data, in particular point data on biodiversity
GeoDa A free and open source software tool that serves as an introduction to spatial data analysis
GISInternals Povidesdaily build packages and software development kits for the GDAL and MapServer
Global Mapper An easy-to-use, robust, and genuinely affordable GIS application that combines a wide array of spatial data processing tools with access to an unparalleled variety of data formats
GRASS GIS A free and open source GIS software suite used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics and maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization
gvSIG A powerful, user-friendly, interoperable GIS
JUMP GIS An open source GIS written in Java
MapInfo Pro A full-featured desktop solution to prepare data for web mapping applications and create presentation quality maps that combines data analysis, visual insights, and map publishing
Marble A virtual globe and world atlas
OpenOrienteering Mapper 399 8 days ago A software for creating maps for the orienteering sport
QGIS A free and open source GIS
SAGA Open source system for automated geoscientific analyses
SharpMap 834 almost 2 years ago An easy-to-use mapping library for use in web and desktop applications
TileMill An open source map design studio, developed by a community of volunteer open source contributors
uDig An open source (EPL and BSD) desktop application framework, built with Eclipse Rich Client (RCP) technology
Whitebox GAT An open source desktop GIS and remote sensing software package for general applications of geospatial analysis and data visualization
DIVA-GIS DIVA-GIS is a free geographic information system software program used for the analysis of geographic data, in particular point data on biodiversity
Abc-Map A lightweight and user-friendly Web GIS. Create, import data from various sources, export maps or share them online freely and easily

Awesome GIS / Remote Sensing Software

eCognition A powerful development environment for object-based image analysis
ENVI A geospatial imagery analysis and processing software
ERDAS IMAGINE A geospatial imagery analysis and processing software
Google Earth A computer program that renders a 3D representation of Earth based on satellite imagery
Google Earth Studio An animation tool for Google Earth’s satellite and 3D imagery
GRASS GIS A free and open source GIS software suite used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics and maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization
Opticks An expandable remote sensing and imagery analysis software platform that is free and open source
Orfeo toolbox An open-source project for state-of-the-art remote sensing, including a fast image viewer, apps callable from Bash, Python or QGIS, and a powerful C++ API
PANOPLY Panoply plots geo-referenced and other arrays from netCDF, HDF, GRIB, and other datasets
PCI Geomatica A remote sensing desktop software package for processing earth observation data
SNAP A common architecture for all Sentinel Toolboxes

Awesome GIS / 3D Applications

ArcGIS Earth Allows you to explore any part of the world. Work with a variety of 3D and 2D map data formatt, including KML. Display data, sketch placemarks, measure and perform interactive analysis, and add annotations
CityEngine Advanced 3D modeling software
DEM Net Elevation API 3D terrain model generation online from open data (DEM, OSM) and imagery, exports to STL and glTF
Earth Enterprise 2,670 almost 2 years ago the open source release of Google Earth Enterprise, a geospatial application which provides the ability to build and host custom 3D globes and 2D maps
Google Earth A computer program that renders a 3D representation of Earth based on satellite imagery
Skyline 3D desktop and web-based applications, enabling an enterprise to build, edit, navigate, query, and analyze realistic 3D environments
World Wind An SDK (software development kit) that software engineers can use to build their own applications

Awesome GIS / Web Map Servers

ArcGIS Server A GIS server for enterprise application
Baremaps Apache Baremaps is a toolkit and a set of infrastructure components for creating, publishing, and operating online maps
deegree An open source software for spatial data infrastructures and the geospatial web
GeoDjango A GIS server built with python web framework -- django
geomajas An open source platform to create Web GIS applications
GeoMOOSE A Web Client JavaScript Framework for displaying distributed cartographic data
GeoNode Open Source Geospatial Content Management System
GeoServer An open source server for sharing geospatial data
GeoTrellis 1,335 14 days ago A geographic data processing engine for high performance applications that uses Spark to work with raster data
GeoWebCache A java web application used to cache map tiles coming from a variety of sources such as OGC WMS in order to accelerate and optimize map image delivery
Google Earth Enterprise 2,670 almost 2 years ago the open source release of Google Earth Enterprise, a geospatial application which provides the ability to build and host custom 3D globes and 2D maps
mapbender3 Publishing spatial data infrastructure services on the Symfony 2 PHP
MapFish A framework for building rich web-mapping applications built with Pylons Python web framework
MapGuide A Web Client JavaScript Framework for displaying distributed cartographic data
Mapnik An open source mapping toolkit written in C++ for desktop-based and server-based map rendering
MapServer Publishing spatial data and interactive mapping applications to the web
MapTiler Server Map server for self-hosting of vector tiles, satellite imagery, own geodata and data from PostGIS database
Nanocubes An in-memory data structure for spatiotemporal data cubes
NextGIS Web An open source framework for storage, visualization and permissions management of all kinds of geospatial data
OpenTileServer This script is for building a basic tile server with OpenStreetMap data
QGIS Server a FastCGI/CGI application written in C++ that works together with a webserver
SuperMap iServer A Cloud GIS application server based on high-efficiency cross-platform GIS kernel, having the functions like 2D & 3D integration service publishing, management and cluster, providing multi-layer extension development abilities

Awesome GIS / Front-end Framework

ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript Build high-performing 2D and 3D mapping applications supported by Esri
CesiumJS An open source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps
Clockwork Micro Geospatial tools to create vector tile endpoints from postgis databases and full web maps
CMV The Configurable Map Viewer (CMV) is an open source mapping framework that works with ESRI JavaScript API, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Online, and more
d3-carto-map 277 over 9 years ago A library for creating layer-based maps using D3
d3-geomap A library for creating geographical maps based on D3.js
D3.js A JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data
Echarts A user-friendly data visualisation library supported by Baidu
geomajas-client javascript Open source JavaScript mapping API for cool maps and apps
Google Maps Javascript API A JavaScript api for google map
jVectorMap A vector-based, cross-browser and cross-platform component for interactive geography-related data visualization on the web
L7 3,627 about 2 months ago Large-scale WebGL-powered Geospatial Data Visualization By Ant Financial
Leaflet Open source javaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
Leaflet-Geoman A poweful leaflet plugin for drawing and editing geometry layers
Mapbox GL JS A JavaScript & WebGL library that renders interactive maps from vector tiles and the Mapbox GL Style Specification
MapLibre GL 6,380 8 days ago Is a community led fork derived from Mapbox GL JS prior to their switch to a non-OSS license
maptalks.js 4,300 16 days ago A light and plugable JavaScript library for integrated 2D/3D maps
Mapv 2,580 almost 2 years ago A library of geography visualization
OpenGlobus JavaScript 3D maps and geospatial data visualization engine library. It uses the pure WebGL technology
OpenLayers Open source JavaScript map viewing library
OpenMapTiles Set of open-source tools for self-hosting of OpenStreetMap maps in more than 50 languages. It provides both raster as well as vector tiles, WMS and WMTS services for GIS programs, support for JavaScript viewers and mobile SDK
Polymaps A JavaScript library for image- and vector-tiled maps using SVG
SuperMap iClient JavaScript Cloud GIS web client development platform supported by SuperMap
Tangram 2,208 almost 2 years ago A JavaScript library for rendering 2D & 3D maps live in a web browser with WebGL
three-geo 1,071 12 days ago Is a three.js based geographic visualization library
three.js A JavaScript 3D library which makes WebGL simpler
turf.js Advanced geospatial analysis for browsers and node supported by Mapbox
webglearth2 885 almost 5 years ago Open-source virtual planet web application running in any web browser with support for WebGL HTML5 standard

Awesome GIS / Spatial Database

DB2 Spatial Extender An extender for IBM DB2 to generate and analyze spatial information about geographic features, and to store and manage the data on which this information is based
Esri Enterprise Geodatabase It's an addition to a relational database engine like PostgreSQL. Besides to make spatial calculations and apply topological rules, adds data version control, etc
GeoMesa An open-source, distributed, spatio-temporal database built on a number of distributed cloud data storage systems, including Accumulo, HBase, Cassandra, and Kafka
GeoPackage based on - The GeoPackage Encoding Standard describes a set of conventions for storing the following within an SQLite database
GeoWave It provides geospatial and temporal indexing on top of Accumulo, HBase, BigTable, Cassandra, and DynamoDB
H2GIS A spatial extension of the H2 database
MBtiles 610 almost 5 years ago A specification for storing tiled map data in SQLite databases
mongoDB An open-source, document database designed for ease of development and scaling
MSSQL A high-performance database support by Microsoft
MySQL the world's most popular open source database
Omnisci SQL engine that leverages the parallel processing power of GPUs to query billions of rows in milliseconds
Oracle Spatial Oracle-based advanced spatial data analysis
PostGIS based on - Most advanced open source database
Spatialite based on - Lightweight SQL library to support fully spatially capability
Tile38 9,087 5 days ago Tile38 is a geospatial database, spatial index, and realtime geofence
TimescaleDB An open-source time-series SQL database optimized for fast ingest and complex queries

Awesome GIS / Mobile Develop Tools

ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin Build 2D and 3D mapping applications for Android devices supported by Esri
Google Maps API for Android
Mapbox Android SDK Includes APIs for static vector and raster maps, camera use, navigation, and custom marker drawing
NextGIS Android SDK 28 11 days ago An open source library for Android geo applications
OpenOrienteering Mapper 399 8 days ago A software for creating maps for the orienteering sport
TileView 1,457 about 4 years ago Asynchronously display tile-based images, with additional functionality for 2D map
WhirlyGlobe-Maply 828 23 days ago 3D globe and flat-map SDK for Android. This toolkit has a large API for fine-grained control over the map or globe. It reads a wide variety of GIS data formats
ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET Build native mapping apps for Android and iOS in C# using .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) supported by Esri
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt Build native mapping apps for Android and iOS in Qt supported by Esri
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Swift Build 2D and 3D mapping applications for iOS devices supported by Esri
Google Maps API for iOS
Mapbox iOS SDK Includes APIs for static maps, directions, and navigation
NextGIS iOS SDK 4 almost 6 years ago An open source library for iOS geo applications
WhirlyGlobe-Maply 828 23 days ago 3D globe and flat-map SDK for iOS. This toolkit has a large API for fine-grained control over the map or globe. It reads a wide variety of GIS data formats

Awesome GIS / Desktop Develop Tools

ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET Build 2D and 3D native mapping apps for Windows, Android and iOS in C# using .NET supported by Esri
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java Build 2D and 3D mapping applications for Windows, Linux, and macOS in Java supported by Esri
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt Build 2D and 3D native mapping apps for Windows, macOS, Linux, or Android in Qt supported by Esri

Awesome GIS / Deep Learning / Deep Learning Framework for Geospatial

Awesome Remote Sensing Change Detection 1,625 3 months ago List of datasets, codes, papers, and contests related to remote sensing change detection
Awesome Semantic Segmentation 10,472 over 3 years ago A code list of semantic segmentation
deep learning object detection 11,296 8 months ago A paper list of object detection using deep learning
eo-learn 1,117 8 days ago Earth observation processing framework for machine learning in Python
label-maker 460 about 1 year ago Data Preparation for Satellite Machine Learning
neat-EO Efficient AI4EO OpenSource framework
rastervision 2,064 4 days ago An open source framework for deep learning on satellite and aerial imagery
robosat 2,016 about 4 years ago Semantic segmentation on aerial and satellite imagery
Solaris 413 almost 2 years ago CosmiQ Works Geospatial Machine Learning Analysis Toolkit
YOLT 274 almost 5 years ago You Only Look Twice: Rapid Multi-Scale Object Detection In Satellite Imagery

Awesome GIS / Deep Learning / Deep Learning Datasets

awesome-remote-sensing-change-detection 1,625 3 months ago List of datasets, codes, researchers and contests related to remote sensing change detection
awesome-satellite-imagery-datasets 3,619 about 2 years ago List of satellite imagery datasets with annotations for computer vision and deep learning

Awesome GIS / Map Render Engine

mapbox-gl-native 4,369 about 1 year ago A library for embedding interactive, customizable vector maps into native applications on multiple platforms
maplibre-gl-native 1,027 10 days ago A fork of mapbox-gl-native after licensing change
Mapnik C++ library for map rendering
Skia Skia is a complete 2D graphic library for drawing Text, Geometries, and Images
tangram-es 822 9 months ago A C++ library for rendering 2D and 3D maps from vector data using OpenGL ES, and mainly focused on mobile and embedded devices

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / C

Datamaps 341 about 10 years ago This is a tool for indexing large lists of geographic points or lines and dynamically generating map tiles from the index for display
H3 4,871 4 days ago Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system
libpostal 4,042 about 2 months ago A C library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world. Powered by statistical NLP and open geo data
libvips 9,577 8 days ago A fast image processing library with low memory needs
Shapefile C Library Provides the ability to write simple C programs for reading, writing and updating (to a limited extent) .shp and .dbf files
YOLT 663 almost 6 years ago You Only Look Twice: Rapid Multi-Scale Object Detection In Satellite Imagery

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / C++

ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unreal Engine Plugin that gives you access to real-world maps and 3D content from ArcGIS
Boost Geometry Part of collection of the Boost C++ Libraries, defines concepts, primitives and algorithms for solving geometry problems
Capaware 3D terrain representation with multilayer representation
dreich_algorithm 1 over 9 years ago Algorithm for extracting channel networks from high resolution topographic data
entwine 439 4 months ago Entwine is a data organization library for massive point clouds, designed to conquer datasets of hundreds of billions of points as well as desktop-scale point clouds
GDAL Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is a computer library that serve as a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats
gdalcubes 120 7 months ago gdalcubes is a library to represent collections of Earth Observation (EO) images as on demand data cubes (or multidimensional arrays)
geojson-vt-cpp 93 about 2 months ago Port to C++ of JS GeoJSON-VT for slicing GeoJSON into vector tiles on the fly
GEOS GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS)
gSLICr 336 9 months ago Real-time super-pixel segmentation
Halide 5,861 4 days ago Halide is a programming language designed to make it easier to write high-performance image processing code on modern machines
hydroflow 1 over 5 years ago Compute drainage orders in drainage basins using Strahler and Shreve methods
ITK ITK is an open-source, cross-platform system that provides developers with an extensive suite of software tools for image analysis
LASzip 185 2 months ago Quickly turns bulky LAS files into compact LAZ files without information loss
laz-perf 74 3 months ago Alternative LAZ implementation for C++ and JavaScript
libGeoTiff Manipulate TIFF based interchange format for georeferenced raster imagery
libspatialindex 707 4 months ago C++ implementation of R*-tree, an MVR-tree and a TPR-tree with C API
Mapbox GL Native 4,369 about 1 year ago Render Mapbox styles in mobile, desktop, and node applications using C++ and OpenGL
Mapbox Maps SDK for Qt Qt Automotive Map Suite
Mapnik C++ library for map rendering
Mapnik Vector Tile 554 about 2 years ago Mapnik C++ implemention of Mapbox Vector Tile specification
Mapzen Tangram-ES 822 9 months ago C++ library for rendering 2D and 3D maps using OpenGL ES 2 with custom styling and interactions
OpenDroneMap 4,832 17 days ago OpenDroneMap is a tool to postprocess drone, balloon, kite, and street view data to geographic data including orthophotos, point clouds, & textured mesh
OpenOrienteering Mapper 399 8 days ago OpenOrienteering Mapper is a software for creating maps for the orienteering sport
Orfeo ToolBox Orfeo TooLBox (OTB) is an open-source C++ library for remote sensing images processing, distributed under the CeCILL-v2 licence
osgearth 1,489 11 days ago A free open source C++ geospatial toolkit
OSRM (Open Source Routing Machine) High performance routing engine written in C++, designed to run on OpenStreetMap data. Services available: Nearest, Route, Table, Match, Trip, Tile
PDAL PDAL is Point Data Abstraction Library. GDAL for point cloud data
Pronto Raster 49 about 2 years ago C++ library for geographical raster data analysis
RSGISLib The Remote Sensing and GIS software library (RSGISLib) is a collection of tools for processing remote sensing and GIS datasets. The tools are accessed using Python bindings or an XML interface
S2 Geometry 2,304 30 days ago Computational geometry and spatial indexing on the sphere
Selene 301 about 2 years ago A C++14 image representation, processing and I/O library
Spatial Spatial is a generic header-only C++ library providing multi-dimensional in-memory containers, iterators and functionals
Supercluster 34 over 2 years ago A C++14 port of supercluster, a fast 2D point clustering library for use in interactive maps
TauDEM 228 5 months ago Terrain Analysis Using Digital Elevation Models (TauDEM) software for hydrologic terrain analysis and channel network extraction
Terralib TerraLib is a GIS classes and functions open source library
TIN Terrain 582 over 1 year ago A command-line tool for converting heightmaps in GeoTIFF format into tiled optimized meshes
tippecanoe 2,711 6 months ago Build vector tilesets from large collections of GeoJSON features
valhalla 4,456 10 days ago Open Source Routing Engine for OpenStreetMap
Vector Tiles Producer Command line tool in C++ to creates vector tiles for a given area at chosen zoom levels using a Mapnik XML

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Clojure

geo 301 6 months ago Clojure library for working with geohashes, polygons, and other world geometry

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Crystal

lidar 5 over 7 years ago A Crystal language library for reading and writing LiDAR data in LAS format

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / C Sharp

ArcBruTile 6 over 2 years ago ArcBruTile displays a collection of maps in ArcGIS Pro 2.0 and ArcMap 10.0 - 10.6
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity Plugin that gives you access to real-world maps and 3D content in ArcGIS
Bing Maps REST Toolkit 182 4 months ago This is a portable class library which makes it easy to access the Bing Maps REST services from .NET
Bing Maps Spatial Data Services Toolkit 47 4 months ago This toolkit makes it easy to use the Bing Maps Spatial Data Services (SDS) in .NET
Bing Maps WPF SDK The Bing Maps WPF API
BotBuild-Location An open-source location picker control for Microsoft Bot Framework powered by Bing Maps REST services
BruTile 328 3 months ago BruTile is a .NET library to access tile services like those of OpenStreetMap, MapBox or GeodanMaps
DEM Net Elevation API 299 5 months ago Library focused on Digital Elevation Models, OSM and 3D from open data. Playground:
DotSpatial DotSpatial is a geographic information system library written for .NET 4
Earth-Lens 52 over 5 years ago Earth Lens, a Microsoft Garage project is an iOS iPad application that helps people and organizations quickly identify and classify objects in aerial imagery through the power of machine learning
GDAL/OGR CSharp C# bindings for GDAL and OGR
Geo 179 over 1 year ago A geospatial library for .NET
GeoJSON4EntityFramework 19 over 7 years ago Create GeoJSON from Entity Framework Spatial Data or WKT
GeoJSON.Net 443 about 2 months ago .Net library for GeoJSON types & corresponding Json.Net (de)serializers
GMap.NET A great and powerful, free, cross platform, open source .NET control
Linq2db-Postgis-Extensions 18 5 months ago .NET Standard 2.0 library with OGC extensions methods on geometry ( or ) instances, providing strongly typed access to functions on server side while using LINQ to database provider
Mapbox Maps SDK for Unity The Maps SDK for Unity is a collection of tools for building Unity applications from real map data
NTS Net Topology Suite 1,431 25 days ago A .NET GIS solution that is fast and reliable for the .NET platform
osmsharp OsmSharp is a C# library to work with OpenStreetMap (OSM) data
SharpKml Is able to read/write both KML files and KMZ files
SharpMap 834 almost 2 years ago SharpMap is an easy-to-use mapping library for use in web and desktop applications
Windows UWP map control The Bing Maps control built into the Windows UWP platform

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / CSS

CartoCSS TileMills language
MapCSS MapCSS is a CSS-like language for map stylesheets

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Delphi

DSpatial DSpatial is an Open Source software development project to provide developers using Delphi with a library of tools for the use, manipulation, and visualization of spatial data

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Elixir

distance 62 about 2 months ago Provides a set of distance functions for use in GIS or graphic applications
geo 629 11 days ago A collection of GIS functions for Elixir
Geometry Library 150 5 days ago A Geometry library for Elixir that calculates spatial relationships between two geometries

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Fortran

6S Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum (6S) open source algorithm
SPECFEM3D_GLOBE 90 4 months ago SPECFEM3D_GLOBE simulates global and regional (continental-scale) seismic wave propagation
SWAT 61 10 months ago Implementation of SWAT model

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Go

BoxTree 311 about 2 months ago An R-tree implementation for Go
BuntDB 4,541 25 days ago BuntDB is an embeddable, in-memory key/value database for Go with custom indexing and geospatial support
Draw2D 1,085 3 months ago 2D rendering for different output (raster, pdf)
geom 56 4 months ago Geometry objects and functions for Go
geoos 615 3 months ago A library provides spatial data and geometric algorithms
Go GDAL 285 4 months ago Go (golang) wrapper for GDAL, the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
Go.Geo 328 about 6 years ago Geometry/geography library in Go
go-geom 843 about 2 months ago Go library for handling geometries
Golang-Ellipsoid 60 about 2 years ago Golang package to calculate distances and locations on an Ellipsoid
gopostal 157 5 months ago Go (cgo) interface to libpostal for fast international address parsing/normalization
Go-proj-4 44 over 3 years ago Go bindings for the Cartographic Projections Library PROJ.4
Go-shp 254 2 months ago Go library for reading and writing ESRI Shapefiles. Pure Golang implementation based on the ESRI Shapefile technical description
GoSpatial 63 over 6 years ago GoSpatial is a simple command-line interface program for manipulating geospatial data
lidario 29 over 3 years ago A small Go library for reading and writing LiDAR (LAS) files
orb 899 about 2 months ago Package orb defines a set of types for working with 2d geo and planar/projected geometric data in Golang
S2 1,678 about 2 months ago S2 is a library for spherical geometry that aims to have the same robustness, flexibility, and performance as the best planar geometry libraries

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Groovy

GeoScript Groovy 46 6 months ago GeoScript Groovy is the Groovy implementation of GeoScript

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Haskell

Naqsha 26 about 4 years ago Naqsha is a Haskell library to work with geospatial data types
TerraHS TerraHS is a software component that enables the development of geographical applications in a functional language, using the data handling capabilities and spatial operations of TerraLib

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / IDL

LandTrendr 39 over 7 years ago LandTrendr (Landsat-based Detection of Trends in Disturbance and Recovery) attempt to capture, label, and map changes in Earth's surface for use in science, natural resource management, and education

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Java

Apache SIS Apache Spatial Information System (SIS) is a free software, Java language library for developing geospatial applications
asgbook 10 over 12 years ago Implementation of GIS/RS features in Java. Its also the code accompanying the book "Automating the Analysis of Spatial Grids" by Valliappa Lakshmanan
Geoapi GeoAPI provides a set of Java language programming interfaces for geospatial applications
Geonetwork GeoNetwork is a catalog application to manage spatially referenced resources
GeoServer GeoServer is open source server for sharing geospatial data
Geotools GeoTools is an open source Java library that provides tools for geospatial data
GeoWave It provides geospatial and temporal indexing on top of Accumulo, HBase, BigTable, Cassandra, and DynamoDB
GeoWebCache a Java web application used to cache map tiles coming from a variety of sources such as OGC Web Map Service (WMS). It implements various service interfaces (such as WMS-C, WMTS, TMS, Google Maps KML, Virtual Earth) in order to accelerate and optimize map image delivery. It can also recombine tiles to work with regular WMS clients
GeOxygene Provide an open framework which implements OGC/ISO specifications for the development and deployment of GIS applications
Gisgraphy Open source framework that offers the ability to do geolocalisation and geocoding via Java APIs or REST webservices
GraphHopper Routing Engine 5,238 5 days ago GraphHopper is a fast and memory efficient Java routing engine, released under Apache License 2.0. By default it uses OpenStreetMap and GTFS data, but it can import other data sources
JGeocoder Free Java Geocoder
jpostal 105 6 months ago Java/JNI bindings to libpostal for fast international street address parsing/normalization
JTS Topology Suite JTS Topology Suite is an API of 2D spatial predicates and functions
LuciadLightspeed A Java library that provides the foundations for advanced geospatial analytics applications
MapFish Print The purpose of Mapfish Print is to create reports that contain maps (and map related components) within them. The project is a Java based servlet/library/application based on the mature Jasper Reports Library
Openmap 72 over 1 year ago Open Source JavaBeans-based programmer's toolkit
Photon 1,907 about 2 months ago Photon is an open source geocoder built for OpenStreetMap data. It is based on elasticsearch
Spatial4j 932 over 1 year ago Spatial4j is a general purpose geospatial ASL licensed open-source Java library
whitebox-geospatial-analysis-tools An open-source GIS and remote sensing package
World Wind Java SDK Nasa cross-platform Java SDK

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / JavaScript

ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript Build high-performing 2D and 3D mapping applications supported by Esri
arc.js 369 almost 2 years ago Calculate great circles routes as lines in GeoJSON or WKT format
Bing Maps V8 Code Samples 146 4 months ago A large collection of open source code samples for Bing Maps V8
Bing Maps V8 Interactive SDK An interactive code sample gallery for Bing Maps V8
Bing Maps V8 TypeScript Definitions 36 4 months ago TypeScript Definitions for the Bing Maps V8 web control
Bing Maps V8 Web Control Bing Maps API for JavaScript
CesiumJS 12,797 4 days ago An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps
city-roads 6,003 3 months ago Visualization of all roads within any city 12,111 8 days ago WebGL2 powered geospatial visualization layers
Galton 272 about 3 years ago Lightweight Node.js isochrone server. Build isochrones using OSRM, Turf and concaveman
gcoord 3,049 7 months ago 地理坐标系转换工具,支持WGS84/GCJ02/BD09等常用坐标系互转
gdal3.js gdal3.js is a port of Gdal applications ( , , , , ) to WebAssembly. It allows you to convert raster and vector geospatial data to various formats and coordinate systems
geoblaze 178 2 months ago Geoblaze is a geospatial raster processing engine written purely in javascript
GeoExt Open Source and enables building desktop-like GIS applications through the web. It is a JavaScript framework that combines the GIS functionality of OpenLayers with the user interface of the ExtJS library provided by Sencha
geojson2svg 218 about 1 year ago A library to convert geojson data to svg map with lots of flexibility
Geokit 37 11 months ago Geokit is a command-line interface (CLI) tool written in javascript, that contains all the basic functionalities for measurements, conversions and operations of geojson files
GeoNode Open Source Geospatial Content Management System
geotiff.js 863 4 months ago geotiff.js is a small library to parse TIFF files for visualization or analysis
gmaps.js 7,030 about 4 years ago gmaps.js allows you to use the potential of Google Maps in a simple way
Google Maps API Google Maps API for JavaScript
Heatcanvas.js 401 over 2 years ago Yet another heatmap implementation for Javascript
Heatmap.js A heatmap implementation for Javascript
iTowns A Three.js-based framework written in Javascript/WebGL for visualizing 3D geospatial data. It can connect to WMS/WMTS/TMS servers including elevation data and load many different data formats (3dTiles, gpx, KML and much much more)
JSTS 1,473 5 months ago Port of the Java JTS library is a data-agnostic, high-performance web-based application for visual exploration of large-scale geolocation data sets
koop 661 12 days ago : Transform geospatial data on the fly and serve as GeoJSON, Vector Tiles, Esri Feature Services and more
landspeed.js 53 over 7 years ago WMS server using node-mapnik
Leaflet Open-Source JavaScript Library for Mobile-Friendly Interactive Maps
leaflet-geoserver-request 200 about 1 year ago This is the small library which helps to connect geoserver with leaflet. Using this library, we can make WMS, WFS, getLegendGraphic, WMS-Image request
Leaflet TimeDimension 436 over 1 year ago Add time dimension capabilities on a Leaflet map
LuciadRIA A JavaScript library for 3D globes and maps, with support for military symbology and desktop-like performance
mapbox-gl-draw 943 11 days ago Draw tools for mapbox-gl-js
mapboxgl-powerbi 127 over 1 year ago Mapbox GL PowerBI custom visual
mapshaper 3,743 about 2 months ago Tools for editing Shapefile, GeoJSON, TopoJSON and CSV files
NASA WebWorldWind 885 7 months ago The NASA WorldWind Javascript SDK (WebWW) includes the library and examples for creating geo-browser web applications and for embedding a 3D globe in HTML5 web pages
OpenLayers Open source AJAX library
OSM Building A JavaScript library for visualizing OpenStreetMap building geometry on 2D and 3D maps
overpass-turbo 918 11 days ago A web based data mining tool for OpenStreetMap using Overpass API
PGRestAPI 436 over 6 years ago Node.js REST API for PostGres Spatial Entities
pixelmatch 6,128 3 months ago The smallest, simplest and fastest JavaScript pixel-level image comparison library
proj4js 2,010 29 days ago JavaScript library to transform coordinates from one coordinate system to another, including datum transformations
react-leaflet 5,103 20 days ago React components for Leaflet maps
react-map-gl 7,783 about 1 month ago React friendly API wrapper around MapboxGL JS
Spatial 5 over 13 years ago A 2d spatial hash module for node.js
Supercluster 2,086 about 2 months ago A crazy fast geospatial point clustering library for browsers and Node
SuperMap iClient for JavaScript Cloud GIS web client development platform supportted by SuperMap
SQLite3 6,199 about 2 months ago Asynchronous, non-blocking SQLite3 bindings for Node.js
Thermo.js 1 over 12 years ago Another heatmap implementation for Javascript
tilegarden 97 almost 2 years ago Serverless raster and vector map tile generation using Mapnik and AWS Lambda
tilelive-postgis 51 10 months ago Implements the tilelive API for generating mapnik vector tiles from PostGIS
TileMantle 36 over 6 years ago A tool to warm up your tile server cache. Give it a URL template, geometry, and list of zoom levels and it will request tiles incrementally to warm it up
TileStrata 427 about 3 years ago A pluggable Node.js map tile server
tilestrata-mapnik 9 about 4 years ago TileStrata provider for rendering tiles with mapnik
Turf.js Advanced geospatial analysis for browsers and node
ui-leaflet 315 over 6 years ago AngularJS directive to embed an interact with maps managed by Leaflet library
Vue2Leaflet 1,954 8 days ago Vue 2 components for Leaflet maps
vue-cesium 1,495 about 1 month ago A Vue 2.x & Vue 3.x based component library of CesiumJS for GISer
VueMapbox 470 almost 2 years ago Vue 2 components for interacting with Mapbox GL JS
Windshaft 309 about 1 year ago A Node.js map tile library for PostGIS and torque.js, with CartoCSS styling

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Julia

ArchGDAL 141 about 2 months ago Vector and Raster interfaces
ClimateTools.jl 116 22 days ago Collection of commonly-used tools in Climate Science
DataFrames.jl 1,724 12 days ago Tools for working with tabular data in Julia
EcologicalNetwork.jl 68 over 1 year ago This julia package provides a common interface to analyze all types of data on ecological networks
GDALfuns.jl 0 about 9 years ago Auto-generated low-level wrapper for the GDAL library
Geodesy.jl 111 3 months ago Work with points defined in various coordinate systems
GeoInterface.jl 94 9 days ago A Julia Protocol for Geospatial Data
GeoJSON.jl 67 5 months ago This library is developed independently of, but is heavily influenced in design by the python-geojson package
GeoStats.jl 506 10 days ago Geostatistics in Julia
GeoStatsImages.jl 15 25 days ago Training images for geostastical simulation in Julia
ImageFeatures.jl 44 3 months ago Image feature detection for the Julia language
ImageFiltering.jl 99 5 months ago ImageFiltering implements blurring, sharpening, gradient computation, and other linear filtering operations, as well nonlinear filters like min/max
ImageMetadata.jl 11 about 1 year ago ImageMetadata is a simple package providing utilities for working with images that have metadata attached
ImageMorphology.jl 27 5 months ago This package provides morphology-related functionality to the Images.jl project
Images.jl 533 6 months ago An image processing library for Julia
ImageSegmentation.jl 47 5 months ago Julia package for multiple Image Segmentation Algorithms
ImageTransformations.jl 46 9 months ago This package provides support for image resizing, image rotation, and other spatial transformations of arrays
Interpolations.jl 0 10 months ago This package implements a variety of interpolation schemes for the Julia language
JuliaGIS 4 over 10 years ago A package for the visualization and manipulation of geographic data
LASindex.jl 4 about 4 years ago Pure Julia reader of lasindex .lax files
LazIO.jl 10 6 months ago Extends LasIO with Laszip integration
LibGEOS.jl 2 about 8 years ago LibGEOS is a LGPL-licensed package for manipulation and analysis of planar geometric objects, based on the libraries GEOS (the engine of PostGIS) and JTS (from which GEOS is ported)
LibLAS.jl 3 almost 6 years ago Julia wrapper for LibLAS, a library for reading and writing the LAS LiDAR format
LibSpatialIndex.jl 10 15 days ago A library for spatially indexing kD bounding box data (based on libspatialindex)
NetCDF.jl 115 5 months ago NetCDF support for the julia programming language
NMEA.jl 8 about 3 years ago NMEA.jl is a package for parsing NMEA GPS protocol sentences
OpenStreetMaps.jl 52 about 8 years ago This package provides basic functionality for parsing, viewing, and working with OpenStreetMap map data
Proj4.jl 48 4 months ago A simple wrapper around the Proj.4 cartographic projections library
RasterIO.jl 18 almost 7 years ago Simple Raster Formats for Julia
Shapefile.jl 82 18 days ago Parsing .shp files in Julia
Terriajs 1,164 9 days ago A library for building rich, web-based geospatial data explorers
Tinker.jl 2 almost 4 years ago Interactive graphical tool for complex image analysis
Turf.jl 1 over 4 years ago This library is a port of Turf.js to the Julia programming language for geospatial analysis
ViziCities 2,728 over 5 years ago A framework for 3D geospatial visualization in the browser
VoronoiDelaunay.jl 124 over 1 year ago Fast, robust construction of 2D Delaunay and Voronoi tessellations on generic point types
Watershed.jl 3 almost 6 years ago This is a translation of Zlateski's C++ Watershed code

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Kotlin

geospatial-messenger 218 over 6 years ago Geospatial messenger application written with Spring Boot + Kotlin + PostgreSQL
Lets-Plot 434 23 days ago An open-source, ggplot2-style plotting library which includes a support of GeoToos features and geometries

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Lisp

cl-ewkb 13 over 13 years ago Common Lisp PostGIS EWKB data model and encoder/decoder
cl-proj CL-PROJ provides CFFI-based Common Lisp bindings for the PROJ.4 library
utm 6 over 4 years ago Lisp library for converting between latitude/longitude and UTM

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Lua

geo.lua 146 about 7 years ago A helper library for Redis geospatial indices
Tarantool/GIS 49 almost 2 years ago A full-featured geospatial extension for Tarantool
TerraME TerraME is a programming environment for spatial dynamical modelling. It supports cellular automata, agent-based models, and network models running in 2D cell spaces

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Perl

address formatting 387 about 1 month ago Templates to format geographic addresses
Geo::GDAL Perl extension for the GDAL library for geospatial data

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / PHP

FreeGeoDB 1,582 almost 6 years ago Free database of geographic place names and corresponding geospatial data
geojson 295 9 months ago GeoJSON implementation for PHP
GeoPHP Advanced geometry operations in PHP
geospatial 61 7 months ago PHP Extension to handle common geospatial functions
laragis 10 about 7 years ago A standalone Geo/GIS Provider for Laravel
laravel-geo 49 over 2 years ago GeoSpatial integration on Laravel 5.2+ that supports MySQL and PostgreSQL
Laravel Magellan 201 18 days ago A modern PostGIS integration for Laravel 9+, including parsers and generators
li3_geo 13 over 6 years ago Adds geospatial support to Lithium for multiple databases, including MongoDB, CouchDB and MySQL
PHP7 Mapnik 20 over 5 years ago PHP extension for geospatial rendering with Mapnik
php-libspatialite PHP Query Builder for SQLite data with Spatial SQL Capabilities
shapefile 27 2 months ago ESRI ShapeFile library for PHP
ShapeReader 10 over 3 years ago A PHP library to parse ESRI Shape files

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Python

ArcGIS Python API ArcGIS API for Python is a Python library for working with maps and geospatial data, powered by web GIS
BlenderGIS 7,657 4 months ago A blender addons to make the bridge between Blender and geographic data
Cartopy A library providing cartographic tools for python for plotting spatial data
Centroids 22 almost 8 years ago This application reads a valid geojson FeatureCollection and returns a valid geojson FeatureColleciton of centroids
chupaESRI 38 9 months ago ChupaESRI is a Python module/command line tool to extract features from ArcGIS Server map services
dask-rasterio 96 almost 4 years ago Read and write rasters in parallel using Rasterio and Dask
Descartes Plot geometries in matplotlib
eo-box 14 over 3 years ago Earth observation processing framework for machine learning in Python
EODAG Command line tool and a plugin-oriented Python framework for searching, aggregating results and downloading remote sensed images while offering a unified API for data access regardless of the data provider
felicette 1,819 over 2 years ago Satellite imagery for dummies
Fiona IO for GIS Data writted by Python
FreeType For converting font glyphs to polygons
geemap 3,430 8 days ago A Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine, ipyleaflet, and ipywidgets
geeup 118 8 days ago Simple CLI for Earth Engine Uploads
geoalchemy 106 about 1 year ago Using SQLAlchemy with spatial databases
geobeam 84 5 months ago geobeam adds GIS capabilities to your Apache Beam and Dataflow pipelines
GeoDaSpace 47 over 1 year ago Software for Advanced Spatial Econometrics
GeoDjango Django geographic web framework
geojson-area 98 almost 6 years ago Calculate the area inside of any GeoJSON geometry. This is a port of Mapbox's geojson-area for Python 121 over 4 years ago Open GeoJSON data on from Python. also contains a command line utility that is a Python port of geojsonio-cli
GeoPandas 4,465 11 days ago Python tools for geographic data
Geopatra 51 over 1 year ago Create interactive maps with geopandas
geopy 4,440 about 2 months ago geopy is a Python 2 and 3 client for several popular geocoding web services
geoserver-rest The geoserver-rest package is useful for the management for geospatial data in GeoServer. The package is useful for the creating, updating and deleting geoserver workspaces, stores, layers, and style files
geosnap 245 5 days ago geosnap makes it easier to explore, model, analyze, and visualize the social and spatial dynamics of neighborhoods
GIPPY 83 over 4 years ago Geospatial Image Processing for Python
gpdvega 52 over 4 years ago gpdvega is a bridge between GeoPandas and Altair that allows to seamlessly chart geospatial data
LANDSAT-Download 204 almost 4 years ago Automated download of LANDSAT data from USGS website
landsat-extract-gee 58 about 5 years ago Get Landsat surface reflectance time-series from google earth engine
Landsat-util 689 over 2 years ago Landsat-util is a command line utility that makes it easy to search, download, and process Landsat imagery
Lets-Plot An open-source, ggplot2-style plotting library supporting GeoPandas, interactive maps and geocoding
lidar 242 2 months ago Terrain and hydrological analysis using digital elevation models (DEMs)
localtileserver 298 13 days ago Easily visualize large geospatial images with ipyleaflet or folium in Jupyter or in a web browser with CesiumJS
LT-ChangeDB 4 over 1 year ago Scripts to extract spectral change information from LandTrendr data to a geodatabase
Mahotas 839 3 months ago Mahotas is a library of fast computer vision algorithms (all implemented in C++ for speed) operating over numpy arrays
Mahotas-imread 71 2 months ago Read images to numpy arrays
mapboxgl-jupyter 665 over 2 years ago Use Mapbox GL JS to visualize data in a Python Jupyter notebook
matplotlib Python 2D plotting library
morecantile 108 29 days ago Construct and use map tile grids (a.k.a TileMatrixSet / TMS)
MovingPandas 1,201 22 days ago Implementation of Trajectory classes and functions built on top of GeoPandas
mundipy 77 almost 2 years ago Python framework for fast spatial data manipulation without projections
networkx To work with networks
NodeBox-opengl For playing around with animations
NumPy NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python
Ogcserver 139 over 4 years ago Python WMS implementation using Mapnik
OSMnet 57 about 1 year ago Tools for the extraction of OpenStreetMap street network data
OSMnx 4,846 8 days ago Python package that lets you download spatial geometries and construct, project, visualize, and analyze street networks from OpenStreetMap's APIs
OWSLib : OWSLib is a Python package for client programming with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web service (hence OWS) interface standards, and their related content models
pandana 386 11 months ago Pandas Network Analysis - dataframes of network queries, quickly
Peartree 201 over 1 year ago Peartree: A library for converting transit data into a directed graph for network analysis
pyCSW Fully implements the OpenGIS Catalogue Service Implementation Specification (Catalogue Service for the Web). Initial development started in 2010 (more formally announced in 2011). The project is certified OGC Compliant, and is an OGC Reference Implementation
pydeck 12,111 8 days ago High-scale spatial rendering in Python, powered by
pygeoapi A Python server implementation of the OGC API suite of standards
pyGEOS 378 about 1 month ago Expose GEOS functions into Python
pymap3d 388 5 months ago Python 3D coordinate conversions for geospace ecef enu eci
Pyncf 16 over 8 years ago Pure Python NetCDF file reading and writing
PyPostal 763 3 months ago Python bindings to libpostal for fast international address parsing/normalization
Pyproj 1,047 12 days ago python interface to PROJ4 library for cartographic transformations
PyQGIS Python for QGIS
pyroSAR 498 4 days ago A Python Framework for Large-Scale SAR Satellite Data Processing
PySAL For all your spatial econometrics needs
PyShp For reading and writing shapefiles
python-opencage-geocoder 76 10 days ago A Python module that uses the OpenCage Geocoding API
pyWPS An implementation of the Web Processing Service standard from the Open Geospatial Consortium. PyWPS is written in Python. It enables integration, publishing and execution of Python processes via the WPS standard
Rasterio 2,237 4 days ago A library for reads and writes geospatial raster data)
Rasterstats 524 8 days ago Python module for summarizing geospatial raster datasets based on vector geometries
rio-cogeo 312 about 1 month ago CloudOptimized GeoTIFF creation plugin for rasterio
rio-color 131 almost 2 years ago Color correction plugin for rasterio
rio-hist 85 over 3 years ago Histogram matching plugin for rasterio
RIOS Raster I/O Simplification. A set of python modules which makes it easy to write raster processing code in Python
rio-tiler 509 11 days ago Get mercator tile from landsat, sentinel or other AWS hosted raster
RSGISLib The Remote Sensing and GIS software library (RSGISLib) is a collection of tools for processing remote sensing and GIS datasets. The tools are accessed using Python bindings or an XML interface
Rtree 619 12 days ago A wrapper of libspatialindex providing spatial indexing features for Python GIS
Scikit-image Scikit-image is a collection of algorithms for image processing
sentinelsat 976 5 days ago Search and download Copernicus Sentinel satellite images
Shapely 3,846 11 days ago A library for manipulation and analysis of geometric objects in the Cartesian plane
som-tsp 3,831 10 months ago Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem using Self-Organizing Maps
srai 207 9 days ago Spatial Representations for Artificial Intelligence. Set of tools for geospatial machine learning, data acquisition and wrangling
Statsmodels Python module that allows users to explore data, estimate statistical models, and perform statistical tests
SuperMap iClient Python Cloud GIS client Python sdk supported by SuperMap
terracotta 677 about 2 months ago A light-weight, versatile XYZ tile server, built with Flask and Rasterio
thunder 814 over 7 years ago Thunder is an ecosystem of tools for the analysis of image and time series data in Python
ts-raster 4 over 3 years ago ts-raster is a python package for analyzing time-series characteristics from raster data. It allows feature extraction, dimension reduction and applications of machine learning techniques for geospatial data
untiler 38 over 4 years ago Stitch image tiles into larger composite TIFs
urbansim 479 10 months ago New version of UrbanSim, a platform for modeling metropolitan real estate markets
USGS API 109 5 months ago USGS is a python module for interfacing with the US Geological Survey's API
Verde 599 11 days ago Verde is a Python library for processing spatial data (bathymetry, geophysics surveys, etc) and interpolating it on regular grids (i.e., gridding)
WaterDetect 193 about 1 month ago An end-to-end algorithm to generate open water cover mask
whitebox 377 3 months ago Python frontend for
WhiteboxTools-ArcGIS 265 over 1 year ago ArcGIS Python Toolbox for
xarray xarray (formerly xray) is an open source project and Python package that aims to bring the labeled data power of pandas to the physical sciences, by providing N-dimensional variants of the core pandas data structures
xarray-spatial 825 22 days ago Raster-Based Spatial Analysis in Python
YATSM 63 over 6 years ago Yet Another Timeseries Model (YATSM) is a Python package for utilizing a collection of timeseries algorithms and methods designed to monitor the land surface using remotely sensed imagery

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / R

ade4 Tools for multivariate data analysis. Several methods are provided for the analysis (i.e., ordination) of one-table (e.g., principal component analysis, correspondence analysis), two-table (e.g., coinertia analysis, redundancy analysis), three-table (e.g., RLQ analysis) and K-table (e.g., STATIS, multiple coinertia analysis)
adehabitat A collection of tools for the analysis of habitat selection by animals
adehabitatHR A collection of tools for the estimation of animals home range
adehabitatHS A collection of tools for the analysis of habitat selection
adehabitatLT A collection of tools for the analysis of animal movements
adehabitatMA A collection of tools to deal with raster maps
Akima Interpolation of Irregularly and Regularly Spaced Data
AMOEBA A function to calculate spatial clusters using the Getis-Ord local statistic. It searches irregular clusters (ecotopes) on a map
bfastSpatial 93 over 6 years ago Package to pre-process gridded time-series data in order for them to be analyzed with change detection algorithms such as bfast. Uses classes from the raster package and includes utilities to run the algorithms and post-process the results
CARBayes Package implements Bayesian hierarchical spatial areal unit models
classInt Selected commonly used methods for choosing univariate class intervals for mapping or other graphics purposes
CompRandFld A set of procedures for the analysis of Random Fields using likelihood and non-standard likelihood methods is provided
constrainedKriging Provides functions for efficient computations of nonlinear spatial predictions with local change of support
cshapes Package for CShapes, a GIS dataset of country boundaries (1946-today). Includes functions for data extraction and the computation of distance matrices and -lists
dbmss Simple computation of spatial statistic functions of distance to characterize the spatial structures of mapped objects
deldir Calculates the Delaunay triangulation and the Dirichlet or Voronoi tessellation (with respect to the entire plane) of a planar point set
dggridR Provides an interface to DGGRID for working with discrete global grids, using hexagons, triangles, and diamonds to overcome the issue that every bin have the same area
DSpat Fits inhomogeneous Poisson process spatial models to line transect sampling data and provides estimate of abundance within a region
dtwSat 1 9 months ago Time-Weighted Dynamic Time Warping for satellite image time series analysis
ecespa Functions for Spatial Point Pattern Analysis
exactextractr 275 about 2 months ago R package for fast and accurate raster zonal statistics
ExceedanceTools Tools for constructing confidence regions for exceedance regions and contour lines
ffraster 5 almost 6 years ago Treat ff arrays as raster objects, and vice versa
FieldSim Tools for random fields and bridges simulations
FRK Is a tool for spatial/spatio-temporal modelling and prediction with large datasets
gdalcubes_R 120 7 months ago R package for gdalcubes to process collections of Earth observation image collection as on demand data cubes
geoaxe Split 'geospatial' objects into pieces. Includes support for some spatial object inputs, 'Well-Known Text', and 'GeoJSON'
geodist 93 4 months ago Ultra lightweight, ultra fast calculation of geo distances
geojsonio Convert data to 'GeoJSON' or 'TopoJSON' from various R classes, including vectors, lists, data frames, shape files, and spatial classes
geojsonsf 81 2 months ago Conversion between sf and geojson
GEOmap Topographic and Geologic Mapping
geoR Analysis of Geostatistical Data
geoRglm Functions for inference in generalised linear spatial models
georob Provides functions for fitting linear models with spatially correlated errors by robust and Gaussian Restricted Maximum Likelihood and for computing robust and customary point and block kriging predictions, along with utility functions for cross-validation and for unbiased back-transformation of kriging predictions of log-transformed data
geospacom Generates distance matrices from shape files and represents spatially weighted multilevel analysis results
geospark 57 almost 3 years ago Bring sf to spark
GeospatialLineGraphs 62 almost 8 years ago A library for creating geospatial line graphs along lines of latitude
geosphere Permits computations of distance and area to be carried out on spatial data in geographical coordinates
geospt Contains some geostatistical and radial basis functions, including prediction and cross validation
GeoXp Permits interactive graphical exploratory spatial data analysis
getSpatialData 303 about 1 year ago An R package making it easy to query, preview, download and preprocess multiple kinds of spatial data via R
ggmap Spatial Visualization with ggplot2
ggplot2 ggplot2 is a plotting system for R
ggsn Adds north symbols and scale bars in kilometers to maps in geographic or metric coordinates
ggspatial 368 about 1 year ago A ggplot2 R extension for plotting Spatial- objects
glmmBUGS Automates running Generalized Linear Mixed Models, including spatial models, with WinBUGS, OpenBUGS and JAGS
gmt Interface between the GMT map-making software and R
googleway 232 11 days ago R Package for accessing and plotting Google Maps
Grid2Polygons Converts a spatial object from class SpatialGridDataFrame to SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
GriegSmith Uses the Grieg-Smith method on 2 dimensional spatial data
gstat Spatio-Temporal Geostatistical Modelling, Prediction and Simulation
gwrr Fits geographically weighted regression (GWR) models and has tools to diagnose and remediate collinearity in the GWR models
h3r 77 8 months ago Uber's h3 bindings to the R Programming Language
hdeco Provides hierarchical decomposition of entropy for categorical map comparisons
HSAR A library of the Hierarchical Spatial Autoregressive Model (HSAR), based on a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm
intamap Procedures for automated interpolation
ipdw Functions are provided to interpolate geo-referenced point data via Inverse Path Distance Weighting
kuenm 60 10 months ago kuenm is an R package designed to make the process of model calibration and final model creation easier and more reproducible, and at the same time more robust
Landsat Radiometric and topographic correction of satellite imagery
landscapemetrics 230 27 days ago landscapemetrics is an R package for calculating landscape metrics for categorical landscape patterns in a tidy workflow
latticeDensity Contains functions that compute the lattice-based density estimator of Barry and McIntyre
lawn Client for 'Turfjs' for 'geospatial' analysis. The package revolves around using 'GeoJSON' data
lctools Package provides researchers and educators with easy-to-learn user friendly tools for calculating key spatial statistics and to apply simple as well as advanced methods of spatial analysis in real data
leafletR Interactive Web-Maps Based on the Leaflet JavaScript Library
lidR 590 11 days ago R package for airborne LiDAR data manipulation and visualisation for forestry application
lucCalculus Spatiotemporal calculus for land use change trajectories
magclass Data class for increased interoperability working with spatial- temporal data together with corresponding functions and methods (conversions, basic calculations and basic data manipulation)
mapdeck 362 3 months ago R interface to and Mapbox
mapproj Map Projections
maps Draw Geographical Maps
maptools Tools for Reading and Handling Spatial Objects
marmap Package is designed for downloading, plotting and manipulating bathymetric and topographic data in R
McSpatial Provides functions for locally weighted regression, semiparametric and conditionally parametric regression, fourier and cubic spline functions, GMM and linearized spatial logit and probit, k-density functions and counterfactuals, nonparametric quantile regression and conditional density functions, Machado-Mata decomposition for quantile regressions, spatial AR model, repeat sales models, and conditionally parametric logit and probit
micromap Package provides linked micromaps using ggplot2
ModelMap Creates sophisticated models of training data and validates the models with an independent test set, cross validation, or in the case of Random Forest Models, with Out Of Bag (OOB) predictions on the training data
ModelR 51 about 1 year ago A workflow for ecological niche models based on dismo
ncdf4 Provides a high-level R interface to data files written using Unidata's netCDF library (version 4 or earlier)
ncdfgeom 15 8 months ago NetCDF-CF Geometry and Timeseries Tools for R
ngspatial Provides tools for analyzing spatial data, especially non- Gaussian areal data
nlme Fit and compare Gaussian linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models
OasisR A set of indexes and tests for the analysis of social segregation
OpenStreetMap Access to Open Street Map Raster Images
osmar Provides infrastructure to access OpenStreetMap data from different sources
pastecs Regulation, decomposition and analysis of space-time series
PBSmapping Mapping Fisheries Data and Spatial Analysis Tools
PBSmodelling Provides modelling support
phenofit 73 9 months ago A state-of-the-art Vegetation Phenology extraction package
phenopix A collection of functions to process digital images, depict greenness index trajectories and extract relevant phenological stages
plotGoogleMaps Interactive plot device for handling the geographic data for web browsers
plotKML Visualization of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Objects in Google Earth
PReMiuM Dirichlet Process Bayesian Clustering, Profile Regression
Prioritizr 122 18 days ago The prioritizr R package uses integer linear programming (ILP) techniques to provide a flexible interface for building and solving conservation planning problems
ProbitSpatial Binomial Spatial Probit models for big data
RandomFields Methods for the inference on and the simulation of Gaussian fields are provided, as well as methods for the simulation of extreme value random fields
rangeMapper Tools for easy generation of (life-history) traits maps based on species range (extent-of-occurrence) maps
RArcInfo Functions to import data from Arc/Info V7.x binary coverages
raster Reading, writing, manipulating, analyzing and modeling of gridded spatial data
rasterVis Visualization Methods for Raster Data
rayshader 2,052 2 months ago rayshader is an open source R package for producing 2D and 3D hillshaded maps of elevation matrices using a combination of raytracing, spherical texture mapping, and ambient occlusion
Rcitrus Spatial analysis of plant disease incidence
RColorBrewer Provides color schemes for maps and other graphics
recmap Package provides rectangular cartograms with rectangle sizes reflecting for example population
regress Functions to fit Gaussian linear model by maximising the residual log likelihood where the covariance structure can be written as a linear combination of known matrices
rgdal Bindings for the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
rgee 673 5 days ago Google Earth Engine for R
rgeos Interface to Geometry Engine - Open Source (GEOS) using the C API for topology operations on geometries
Rgooglemaps Overlays on Google map tiles in R
rgrass7 Interface Between GRASS 7 GIS and R
Rnetcdf Interface to NetCDF Datasets
RODBC ODBC Database Access
RPyGeo ArcGIS Geoprocessing in R via Python
RQGIS Establishes an interface between R and QGIS
RSAGA SAGA Geoprocessing and Terrain Analysis in R
rsMove Tools that support the combined use of animal movement and remote sensing data
RStoolbox Toolbox for remote sensing image processing and analysis such as calculating spectral indices, principal component transformation, unsupervised and supervised classification or fractional cover analyses
rworldmap Mapping Global Data
s2 30 about 5 years ago R bindings for Google's s2 library for geometry on the sphere
S2sls Fit a spatial instrumental-variable regression by two-stage least squares
sf 1,332 8 days ago Simple Features for R
sgeostat An Object-oriented Framework for Geostatistical Modeling in S+ containing functions for variogram estimation, variogram fitting and kriging as well as some plot functions
shapefiles Read and Write ESRI Shapefiles
siplab A platform for experimenting with spatially explicit individual-based vegetation models
sits satellite image time series package for R
smacpod Various statistical methods for analyzing case-control point data
smerc Provides statistical methods for the analysis of data areal data, with a focus on cluster detection
sp Classes and Methods for Spatial Data
spacetime Classes and Methods for Spatio-Temporal Data
spacom Provides tools to construct and exploit spatially weighted context data
spaMM Inference in mixed-effect models, including generalized linear mixed models with spatial correlations and models with non-Gaussian random effects
spanel Fit the spatial panel data models: the fixed effects, random effects and between models
sparr Provides functions to estimate kernel-smoothed spatial and spatio-temporal densities and relative risk functions, and perform subsequent inference
spatcounts Fit spatial CAR count regression models using MCMC
spatgraphs Graphs (or networks) and graph component calculations for spatial locations
spatialCovariance Supports the computation of spatial covariance matrices for data on rectangles
SpatialEpi Methods and data for cluster detection and disease mapping
SpatialPosition Computes spatial position models: Stewart potentials, Reilly catchment areas, Huff catchment areas
spatialprobit Bayesian Estimation of Spatial Probit and Tobit Models
spatialsegregation Summaries for measuring segregation/mingling in multitype spatial point patterns with graph based neighbourhood description
SpatialTools Tools for spatial data analysis. Emphasis on kriging. Provides functions for prediction and simulation
spatstat Spatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting, Simulation, Tests
spatsurv Bayesian inference for parametric proportional hazards spatial survival models; flexible spatial survival models
spBayesSurv Bayesian Modeling and Analysis of Spatially Correlated Survival Data
spcosa Spatial coverage sampling and random sampling from compact geographical strata created by k-means
spdep Spatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes, Statistics and Models
spselect Fits spatial scale (SS) forward stepwise regression, SS incremental forward stagewise regression, SS least angle regression (LARS), and SS lasso models
sperrorest Implements spatial error estimation and permutation-based variable importance measures for predictive models using spatial cross-validation and spatial block bootstrap
spind Functions for spatial methods based on generalized estimating equations (GEE) and wavelet-revised methods (WRM), functions for scaling by wavelet multiresolution regression (WMRR), conducting multi-model inference, and stepwise model selection
splancs Spatial and Space-Time Point Pattern Analysis
splm ML and GM estimation and diagnostic testing of econometric models for spatial panel data
spmoran Functions for estimating fixed and random effects eigenvector spatial filtering models
spsurvey Provides a range of sampling functions
spTimer Fits, spatially predicts and temporally forecasts large amounts of space-time data
SSN Spatial statistical modeling and prediction for data on stream networks, including models based on in-stream distance
starma Statistical functions to identify, estimate and diagnose a Space-Time AutoRegressive Moving Average (STARMA) model
stars 558 about 1 month ago Spatiotemporal tidy arrays for R
taRifx A collection of various utility and convenience functions
teamlucc 38 over 8 years ago Is designed to facilitate analysis of land use and cover change (LUCC) around the monitoring sites of the Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring (TEAM) Network
tgp Bayesian nonstationary, semiparametric nonlinear regression and design by treed Gaussian processes (GPs) with jumps to the limiting linear model (LLM)
tidync 90 about 2 months ago Systematic approaches to NetCDF data extraction, manipulation and visualization
tidytransit 143 17 days ago 'sf'-compatible package to analyze transit schedules, routes, and stops
trip Extends sp classes to permit the accessing and manipulating of spatial data for animal tracking
tripack A constrained two-dimensional Delaunay triangulation package providing both triangulation and generation of voronoi mosaics of irregular spaced data
tripEstimation Data handling and estimation functions for animal movement estimation from archival or satellite tags
uavRst 41 4 months ago UAV related Remote Sensing Toolbox
vapour 82 4 months ago A lightweight GDAL API package for R
vec2dtransf Package for applying affine and similarity transformations on vector spatial data (sp objects)
vegan Ordination methods, diversity analysis and other functions for community and vegetation ecologists
Watersheds Methods for watersheds aggregation and spatial drainage network analysis
whiteboxR 172 4 months ago R frontend of

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Ruby

Agroclimatology 18 about 7 years ago Ruby client for interacting with the NASA (POWER) Agroclimatology Web Resource
Evapotranspiration 14 about 7 years ago Ruby library for calculating reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo)
ffi-geos 58 2 months ago Low-level ruby bindings to GEOS library
Geokit A Ruby gem & Rails plugin for easier map-based applications
Mongoid Geospatial 80 almost 6 years ago A Mongoid Extension that simplifies the use of MongoDB spatial features
PostGIS ActiveRecord Adapter 865 20 days ago ActiveRecord adapter for PostGIS
Rgeo 1,006 26 days ago RGeo is a geospatial data library for Ruby. It provides an implementation of the Open Geospatial Consortium's Simple Features Specification
Rgeo GeoJSON 185 2 months ago RGeo component for reading and writing GeoJSON
Rgeo Shapefile 97 5 months ago Optional module for RGeo for reading geospatial data from ESRI shapefiles
Ruby Geocoder Integration with geocoding services
ruby_postal 141 over 5 years ago Ruby bindings to libpostal for fast international address parsing/normalization
SpatiaLite ActiveRecord Adapter 11 about 9 years ago ActiveRecord adapter for Spatialite

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Rust

Hecate 253 almost 3 years ago Fast Geospatial Feature Storage API
Martin 2,194 8 days ago Martin is a PostGIS vector tiles server suitable for large databases. Martin is written in Rust using Actix web framework
rust-gdal 357 13 days ago Rust bindings for GDAL
rust-geo 1,522 10 days ago Geospatial primitives and algorithms for Rust
rust-geocoding 76 5 months ago Geocoding library for Rust
rust-geohash 97 5 months ago Geohash for Rust
rust-geojson 273 3 months ago Library for serializing the GeoJSON vector GIS file format
rust-gpx 98 6 months ago Rust read/write support for GPS Exchange Format (GPX)
rust-osm 16 over 5 years ago OSM XML serialization and other OpenStreetMap utilities
rust-polyline 22 5 months ago Google Encoded Polyline encoding & decoding in Rust
rust-proj 138 about 1 month ago Rust bindings for Proj
rust-shapefile 8 over 5 years ago Rust read/write support for shapefiles
rust-topojson 10 10 months ago TopoJSON bindings and utilities for Rust
rust-wkt 51 2 months ago Rust read/write support for well-known text (WKT)
WhiteboxTools 949 about 2 months ago An advanced geospatial data analysis platform

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Scala

geoscript.scala 47 over 8 years ago Scala implementation of the GeoScript API
GeoTrellis 1,335 14 days ago GeoTrellis is a Scala library and framework that uses Spark to work with raster data
mapnik2geotools 64 about 8 years ago Using the Scala XML API to translate from Mapnik XML to GeoTools' SLD dialect
osm4scala High perfromance Scala library and Spark Polyglot (Scala, Python, SQL, etc.) connector for OpenStreetMap Pbf files

Awesome GIS / Geospatial Library / Swift

Apple MapKit Display map or satellite imagery directly from your app's interface, call out points of interest, and determine placemark information for map coordinates
GEOSwift 1,441 6 days ago The Swift Geographic Engine
MapboxDirections.swift 183 2 months ago Traffic-aware directions in Swift or Objective-C on iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS
Mapbox Navigation SDK for iOS 861 9 days ago Turn-by-turn navigation logic and UI in Swift or Objective-C on iOS
turf-swift 235 about 1 month ago A Swift language port of Turf.js

Awesome GIS / Open Standards

3D Tiles
Cat: ebRIM App Profile: Earth Observation Products
Catalogue Service
Coordinate Transformation
Filter Encoding
Geography Markup Language
Geospatial eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (GeoXACML)
Geospatial User Feedback (GUF)
GML in JPEG 2000
Location Services (OpenLS)
Mapbox Vector Tile 895 6 months ago
Moving Features
Observations and Measurements
Open GeoSMS
OpenSearch for EO
OpenSearch Geo
Ordering Services Framework for Earth Observation Products
OWS Context
OWS Security
Sensor Model Language
Sensor Observation Service
Sensor Planning Service
Simple Features
Simple Features CORBA
Simple Features OLE/COM
Simple Features SQL
SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs
Styled Layer Descriptor
SWE Common Data Model
SWE Service Model
Symbology Encoding
Table Joining Service
TimeseriesML (tsml)
Web Coverage Processing Service
Web Coverage Service
Web Feature Service
Web Map Context
Web Map Service
Web Map Tile Service
Web Processing Service
Web Service Common

Awesome GIS / Cloud Service / DaaS

Descartes Labs A platform for complex global systems
Google Earth Engine A planetary-scale platform for Earth science data & analysis
Radiant Earth A platform for connecting people globally to Earth imagery, geospatial data, tools and knowledge to meet the world’s most critical challenges

Awesome GIS / Cloud Service / SaaS

ArcGIS Online Thousands of datasets and dozens of tools to manipulate, analyze and present data
Cartodb The easiest way to map and analyze your location data
citytracking A two-year project, to change the way people view, talk about, utilize digital city services
Equator Studios All-in-one cloud-based GIS mapping solution featuring millions of built-in data sources and AutoCAD export
Factual A company provides the best location data for mobile advertising, mobile apps, and enterprise solutions
GeoHey A geographic online one-stop solution (Chinese)
GeoQ A location intelligence platform (Chinese)
GIS Cloud A next generation platform for apps that manage location information
Magrit Thematic cartography, free and open-source
Mapbox Helping you design your own map and presenting your data
NextGIS A cloud geospatial service that allows you to create web GIS right in the browser
stamen Data visualization to tell compelling stories for some of the world's most visible companies
Unearth A simple, cloud-based GIS mapping platform designed for data and workflow management
worldmap Building your own mapping portal and publish it to the world
地图慧 A self-designed map server for customs (Chinese)
亿景智图 An enterprise-level map service (Chinese)

Awesome GIS / Conference & Communities

Esri International User Conference
Esri Developer Summit
Esri European Developer Summit
State of the Map
geo community
GeoNet The Esri Community
GIS-Lab informal community of russian-speaking GIS/RS specialists, we get better ourselves and help get better others
GIS stackexchange
OGC an international not for profit organization committed to making quality open standards for the global geospatial community

Awesome GIS / Data

Free GIS Data
GeoCommons A community contributed collection of open data from around the world
Citi Bike Trip Histories
Geo Maps 1,267 over 5 years ago High Quality GeoJSON maps programmatically generated
Global cities Shapefile data
Global LUCC data (30m)
Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3 | SEDAC
Harvard Dataverse
Los Angeles GeoHub
metro extracts City-sized portions of OpenStreetMap The First Interactive Network Repository with Visual Analytics
NYC Open Data
NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission - Trip Record Data
OpenFlights: Airport and airline data
Open Street Map A map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license
T-Drive trajectory data sample
USGS Remote Sensing Image

Awesome GIS / News Sites

Directions Magazine - GIS News and Geospatial
ESRI news
Geospatial World
GIS Lounge - Maps and GIS
GISuser The GIS And Mapping Professional Resource
The GIS News Tweets Daily

Awesome GIS / Awesome-Awesome

awesome-arcgis 25 almost 4 years ago Resource list / Wiki for ArcGIS users and developers
awesome-arcgis-developers 231 6 months ago A curated list of resources to help you with ArcGIS development
awesome-earthobservation-code 1,199 12 days ago curated list of awesome tools, tutorials, code, helpful projects, links, stuff about Earth Observation and Geospatial stuff!
Awesome-GEE 959 5 months ago A curated list of Google Earth Engine resources
awesome-geojson 2,247 3 months ago GeoJSON utilities that will make your life easier
Awesome GeoSpatial 4,109 8 days ago Long list of geospatial tools and resources
awesome-geospatial-companies 719 2 months ago List of 500+ geospatial companies (GIS, Earth Observation, UAV, Satellite, Digital Farming, ..)
awesome-open-geoscience 1,452 about 2 months ago Curated from repositories that make our lives as geoscientists, hackers and data wranglers easier or just more awesome
awesome-qgis 16 9 months ago An awesome list that curates the best QGis frameworks, libraries, tools, plugins, tutorials, articles,resources and more
awesome-remote-sensing-change-detection 1,625 3 months ago List of datasets, codes, researchers and contests related to remote sensing change detection
awesome-satellite-imagery-datasets 3,619 about 2 years ago List of satellite imagery datasets with annotations for computer vision and deep learning
awesome-vector-tiles 2,330 3 months ago awesome implementations of the Mapbox Vector Tile specification
Awesome Historic(al) Maps 61 about 1 year ago Awesome list of resources, databases and tools related to Historic Maps

Awesome GIS / Amazing Map Sites

Amazing Maps
Beijing City Lab
Cartography and Geovisualization Group at Oregon State University
CHATTY MAPS the sounds map of city
Chinese Bus System
city roads This website renders every single road within a city
Maps of the Year
NC STATE UNIVERSITY Center for Geospatial Analytics
OpenWebGIS is free online GIS
roads to rome roads to ROME
snazzymaps A google map style gallery

Awesome GIS / Other / Data Formats

Raster Formats GDAL raster formats: GeoTIFF, Erdas Imagine, ECW, MrSID, JPEG2000, DTED, NITF,
Vector Formats GDAL vector formats: ESRI Shapefile, ESRI ArcSDE, ESRI FileGDB, MapInfo, GML, KML, PostGIS, Oracle Spatial,

Awesome GIS / Other / Design Materials

mapskin a collection of scalable vector icons for geospatial
mapuipatterns website with best practices and design principles for map applications

Awesome GIS / Other / Geospatial Start-ups And Companies

Geospatial Start-ups And Companies list 4,459 5 months ago

Awesome GIS / Other / MOOC

Coursera's GIS Specialization Including , , , and
Geospatial Intelligence & the Geospatial Revolution
Maps and the Geospatial Revolution
地理信息系统(GIS)实验,汤国安等,南京师范大学,Nanjing Normal University

Awesome GIS / Other / PODCASTS

Africa GeoConvo Podcast
Esri Science of Where
Eyes on Earth
Geodorable Podcast
Geospatially Podcast
Isin't That Spatial
Map Shack
Nodes and Ways
Project Geospatial
Scene From Above
Texas URISA: More Than Just Maps
The Bounding Box
The Mappyist Hour
The MapScaping Podcast
Thinking Spatially
Very Spatial


A Conversation with Tim O’Reilly
JB’s ‘Bits & Bobs’
Speaking of GIS

Awesome GIS / Reference

List of geographic information systems software
AmrEldib's Awesome GIS
brandonxiang's Awesome GIS
list top 100 geospatial start ups companies world
Awesome GeoSpatial 4,109 8 days ago most Geospatial Library content come from this ropository
A Roundup of Geospatial Podcasts
PostGIS in Action, Third Edition A book about writing spatial queries for PostgreSQL

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