
A curated list of awesome ColdFusion frameworks, libraries and software.


105 stars
20 watching
38 forks
last commit: almost 3 years ago
Linked from 8 awesome lists


Awesome ColdFusion

Awesome ColdFusion 105 almost 3 years ago

Awesome ColdFusion / Engines

Adobe ColdFusion
Lucee Free, Open Source CFML Engine

Awesome ColdFusion / Application Frameworks

CFWheels An open source CFML framework inspired by Ruby on Rails
ColdBox The Enterprise ColdFusion MVC Development Platform
FarCry FarCry Core is a web application framework that helps CFML developers build tailor-made content solutions, fast
FW/1 - Framework One 374 3 months ago a lightweight, convention over configuration, MVC application framework

Awesome ColdFusion / Testing

CFSelenium 81 almost 4 years ago A native Selenium RC binding for ColdFusion
MockBox The ColdFusion Mocking/Stubbing Framework
MXUnit 88 almost 5 years ago xUnit style unit testing framework
mxunit-watch 13 over 3 years ago watch a directory for file changes (.cfc, .cfm, .xml) to trigger mxunit test suite full run, displaying results in the console
TestBox 65 8 days ago BDD style unit testing framework

Awesome ColdFusion / Dependency Injection

ColdSpring 4 almost 8 years ago ColdSpring makes the configuration and dependencies of your CFCs easier to manage. ColdSpring brings the power of the popular Spring framework for Java to ColdFusion
DI/1 - Inject One 104 3 months ago a very lightweight, convention over configuration, dependency injection (inversion of control) framework
Wirebox The Enterprise Dependency Injection Framework

Awesome ColdFusion / CMS

CONTENS CMS Professional Content Management
ContentBox 126 22 days ago A powerful modular content management engine
FarCry CMS 7 over 7 years ago
Preside CMS 75 8 days ago an open source CMS for the Railo language
Slatwall An Open Source Commerce Platform

Awesome ColdFusion / NoSQL

CFArango 4 over 4 years ago ArangoDB client for ColdFusion
CFCouchbase 16 over 2 years ago Couchbase NoSQL and caching client wrapper for ColdFusion
cfmongodb 89 almost 9 years ago MongoDB client wrapper for ColdFusion

Awesome ColdFusion / REST

ColdBox REST Native REST routing and rendering capababilities
FW/1 REST 374 3 months ago Native REST routing and rendering capababilities
Taffy The REST Web Service framework for ColdFusion and Railo
CFWheels RESTful CFWheels encourages a conventional RESTful and resourceful style of request handling

Awesome ColdFusion / Other Libraries

CacheBox The Enterprise ColdFusion Caching Engine, Aggregator and API
cfbackport 27 about 10 years ago Back porting features contained in newer versions of ColdFusion
cfpayment 90 8 months ago ColdFusion payment processing library makes plumbing e-commerce apps easy. Charging credit cards has never been easier. Inspired by Ruby's ActiveMerchant
BugLogHQ 154 about 3 years ago Exception Tracking
JavaLoader 58 over 7 years ago JavaLoader is a library that has been built to ease the use, development and integration of Java within ColdFusion applications
LogBox The Enterprise ColdFusion Logging Library
Moment.cfc 45 over 2 years ago Moment.js inspired date/time manipulation library for CFML (not a direct port)
Mustache.cfc 46 about 8 years ago for ColdFusion
UnderscoreCF 89 almost 7 years ago An UnderscoreJS port for Coldfusion. Functional programming library

Awesome ColdFusion / Editors

CFML Package for Sublime Text 3 115 11 months ago CFML syntax highlighting as well as function and tag completions for
CFML Extension for Visual Studio Code CFML Language extension for
CFML Language for Atom 38 almost 6 years ago CFML Language plugin for
Adobe ColdFusion Builder 3 Eclipse based ColdFusion IDE from Adobe
IntelliJ Idea Java IDE, CFML Support available via
cfbrackets adds support for ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) to
CFEclipse CFML Plugin for
TextMate 15 about 6 years ago support for ColdFusion

Awesome ColdFusion / Tools

CommandBox ColdFusion (CFML) CLI, Package Manager, REPL and more
Unofficial Updater A utility that helps install ColdFusion hotfixes

Awesome ColdFusion / References

CF411 CF411: 1,800+ Tools and Resources for CFers, (in over 150 categories) by Charlie Arehart
CFLib Common Function Library Project
ColdFusion Koans 57 almost 9 years ago The ColdFusion Koans are a set of unit tests that the user must make pass by filling in values
ColdFusion UI the Right Way 100 almost 2 years ago A list of articles demonstrating how to do UI with ColdFusion on the back end
Learn CF in a Week community driven training program that teaches all the basics you need to be a ColdFusion Developer in one week
Try ColdFusion Realtime interactive learning tool for CFML

Awesome ColdFusion / Resources

CFRepo A repository of ColdFusion installers created by Gavin Pickin
lucee5-heroku 9 over 2 years ago Application template for deploying Lucee 5 apps to Heroku by Mike Sprague
Vagrant LEMTL 39 almost 8 years ago Vagrant box with Linux, Nginx, MariaDB (or MySQL), Tomcat, and Lucee for local development with CFML by Mike Sprague
Amazon ECR ACF Docker Images on and - Official Docker images from Adobe
Docker Hub Lucee Docker Images - Official Docker images from Lucee

Awesome ColdFusion / Documentation

Adobe ColdFusion Documentation The Official Adobe ColdFusion docs
CFDocs UltraFast CFML Documentation Reference
CFML Tags to CFScript Reference 37 almost 7 years ago CFML Tag to Script Conversions by Tony Junkes
CFScript Reference 106 over 3 years ago CFScript Documentation by Adam Cameron
Lucee Wiki Official Lucee Documentation
Official Lucee Server Documentation New Lucee Documentation
Railo Documentation 252 almost 10 years ago Official Railo docs

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