
sparkler Compilation of the best resources to learn programming OpenGL Shaders


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The art of the Shade / Tutorials

The book of Shaders Gentle step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders
An introduction to Shader Art Coding Video tutuorial showing the basics of creating art with shaders
CG from Scratch! Learn Computer Graphics From
Tutorial inside Shadertoy Tutorial Series made inside Shadertoy GLSL editor
Shader School 4,283 over 3 years ago A workshopper for GLSL shaders and graphics programming
Shaders Chapter Chapter that focuses on shaders with OpenGL
TyphoonLabs 5 PDF chapters from Jacobo Rodriguez Villar that go from history to advanced topics
Shaders with lwjgl 1,866 over 5 years ago 6 brief but comprehensive lessons by Matt DesLauriers
TutsPlus Series A series of articles featuring implementations with WebGL and live code examples
3D Game Shaders For Beginners 17,756 over 1 year ago A step-by-step guide on how to implement SSAO, depth of field, lighting, normal mapping, and more for your 3D game

The art of the Shade / Sites

Khronos wiki reference The official wiki that describes in a very formal way how GLSL works Site that approaches Shaders from WebGL
Reddit Beautiful Shaders General discussion and showcase for shaders
Reddit Two Triangles General discussion and showcase for shaders

The art of the Shade / Editors

Shadertoy Build and share your best shaders with the world and get inspired
GLSL Sandbox Fullscreen editor with preview as the background and galleries
GLSLbin A fragment shader sandbox
Vertex Shader Art Vertex shader's gallery and coding playground
ShaderFrog Design shaders without writing code
Babylon CYOS Create Your Own Shader
Fragment Desktop Application that utilizes GLSL and live coding to allow anyone to create spectacular imagery with math(s)! (No longer available)
Shdr An online ESSL (GLSL) shader editor, viewer and validator powered by WebGL
PixelShaders An Interactive Introduction to Graphics Programming
The Force Open Source IDE by Shawn Lawson
Kick.js Shader Editor Formal Tool the WebGL engine Kick.js
Shader Gif ShaderGif is a free and open source home for art made with code. Make sure not to miss the
KodeLife Desktop and mobile GLSL real-time editor
Vertex Shader Art Vertex Shader online gallery and editor

The art of the Shade / Articles

Intro Three.js Introduction to Shaders in Three.js
Primer:Shaders Brief and comprehensible introduction to shaders
WebGL Shaders Intro A fliendly introduction
Ray Marching Jamie Wong gives a great introduction to Ray Marching and Signed Distance Functions
Color Correction Great expanation about how colour manipulation works by Tim Severien
WebGL Image Processing Covers a range of algorithms in WebGL such as Color Correction, Blend Modes, Thresholding, Dithering, Convolution and Film Grain

The art of the Shade / Tools

RenderDoc Stand-alone graphics debugger
Shader Designer TyphoonLabs' OpenGL Shader Designer
Synthclipse Synthclipse is a GLSL shader prototyping tool
GLSLViewer 4,639 about 1 month ago Live GLSL coding render for MacOS and Linux
GLSLScene 16 almost 2 years ago Provides an environment for testing and developing GLSL shader programs (Windows)


Greg Tatum 5 videos explaining how to implement lighting from scratch in WebGL
Steven Wittens Full Stack Fest 2015: The Pixel Factory (Great visuals to gain insights into what's going on with concepts such as UV's, and Rastering)

Videos / People

Patricio Gonzales Vivo Main contributor for the magnificent learning site "The book of shaders"
Íñigo Quílez Hardcore math applied to computer graphics, one of the best shader makers out there
Anatole Drupat (XT95) Recognized shader artist with a big trajectory
awesome-webgl 1,335 about 1 year ago A curated list of awesome WebGL libraries, resources and much more
awesome-opengl 2,144 about 1 year ago A curated list of awesome OpenGL libraries, debuggers and resources
awesome-computer-vision 20,811 5 months ago A curated list of awesome computer vision resources
awesome-vulkan 3,294 4 months ago A curated list of awesome Vulkan projects and ecosystem
gamedev 13,488 10 days ago A awesome list about game development
graphics-resources 1,795 almost 4 years ago A list of graphic programming resources

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