
Awesome list of Fortran libs


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last commit: about 2 years ago
Linked from 8 awesome lists

Awesome Fortran / Functional Libraries

Functional Fortran 418 over 1 year ago Functional programming for modern Fortran

Awesome Fortran / Graphics Libraries

DISLIN a high-level graphing and user-interface library
f90gl public domain implementation of the official NIST Fortran 90 bindings for OpenGL
F03GL a Fortran 2003 interface to the OpenGL library, along with the GLU and GLUT toolkits
gtk-fortran 252 4 months ago a cross-platform library to build Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) using . Very useful when combined with the RAD tool
PGPLOT cross-platform scientific graphing library
VTKFortran 139 almost 2 years ago Pure Fortran (2003+) library to write and read data conforming the VTK standard

Awesome Fortran / Math Libs

BLAS application programming interface standard for publishing libraries to perform basic linear algebra operations such as vector and matrix multiplication
CERNLIB The CERN Program Library is a large collection of general purpose libraries and modules maintained and offered in both source and object code form on the CERN central computers
EISPACK a software library for numerical computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices, written in FORTRAN
FGSL portable, object-based Fortran interface to the
IMSL The IMSL Fortran Numerical Library is the standard for high performance computing commercial mathematics and statistics libraries
Lis a Library of Iterative Solvers for Linear Systems
NAG Fortran Library Produced by experts for use in a variety of applications, the NAG Fortran Library has a global reputation for its excellence and, with hundreds of fully documented and tested routines, is the largest collection of mathematical and statistical algorithms available
netCDF 237 2 months ago a set of software libraries and self-describing, machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data
OpenBLAS 6,324 3 days ago one of the fastest open source BLAS libraries available. Almost as fast as Intel MKL

Awesome Fortran / JSON Manipulation

FSON 60 over 1 year ago Fortran 95 JSON Parser
json-fortran 334 about 1 month ago A Fortran 2008 JSON API

Awesome Fortran / XML Manipulation

fox 60 over 2 years ago Fortran XML library
xml-fortran an all-Fortran solution for reading and writing XML files

Awesome Fortran / Date and time manipulation

datetime-fortran 137 over 1 year ago A Fortran 2003 date and time manipulation library, modeled after Python's datetime library

Awesome Fortran / Testing

FRUIT FORTRAN Unit Test Framework, written in FORTRAN 95
Ftunit Fortran unit testing framework by Arjen Markus
pFUnit Unit testing framework for Fortran with MPI extensions by developers from NASA and NGC TASC. Uses parallel codes and object-oriented design
Vegetables For a healthier code base, eat your vegetables

Awesome Fortran / Encoding-Decoding

BeFoR64 20 almost 2 years ago Base64 encoding/decoding library for FoRtran poor men. A KISS library for base64 encoding/decoding for modern (2003+) Fortran projects

Awesome Fortran / Portability enabling

PENF 40 over 2 years ago Pure Fortran (2003+) library for ensuring codes portability

Awesome Fortran / Command-Line parsing

FLAP 150 7 months ago Fortran command Line Arguments Parser for poor men. A KISS library for building easily nice Command Line Interfaces (CLI) for modern (2003+) Fortran projects
options.f90 12 over 9 years ago Options & input processing for modern Fortran

Awesome Fortran / Compiling and building

FoBiS 138 7 months ago Fortran Building System for poor men. A KISS tool for automatic building modern Fortran projects

Awesome Fortran / Preprocessor

Blockit/PyF95++ A fairly simple Python framework used to block parse your code (or any text file) into nested blocks. The BlockIt framework has already been used to create a templating capability for the Fortran 95/2003 language along with some language extensions
PreForM 24 almost 4 years ago Preprocessor for Fortran poor Men

Awesome Fortran / Automatic documentation

FORD 37 almost 4 years ago An automatic documentation generator for modern Fortran programs

Awesome Fortran / Computational Fluid Dynamics

OFF 126 almost 5 years ago Open source Finite volume Fluid dynamics code

Awesome Fortran / Docker

Unoficial Image docker image provided by @baekjoon

Awesome Fortran / Web

Fortran Machine 805 about 3 years ago An MVC web stack written in Fortran 90

Resources / Fortran Websites

The Fortran Company A home page of FORTRAN programming language
Fortran Dev Fortran development blog
Fortran WIKI An open venue for discussing all aspects of the Fortran programming language and scientific computing

Resources / Fortran Videos

GNU FORTRAN Lesson 1 Videos about the Fortran programming language

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