
Recursion scheme resource hub

A curated collection of resources for learning and using recursion schemes in software development.

Resources for learning and using recursion schemes.


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Linked from 4 awesome lists


Awesome Recursion Schemes / Introductions

Awesome Recursion Schemes 1,222 10 months ago A curation of useful resources for learning about and using recursion schemes
Practical Recursion Schemes - Introduction to pattern functors, fix points, anamorphisms, catamorphisms, paramorphisms and hylomorphisms, requiring very little prior knowledge
An Introduction to Recursion Schemes - Three-part series in which you discover recursion schemes from scratch and implement a small subset of Edward Kmett's library
Understanding Algebras - Bartosz Milewski explains F-algebras and shows how to use them in the context of catamorphisms
Recursion Schemes in JavaScript and Flow - Series introducing recursion schemes and related concepts in JavaScript, aimed at developers with a minimal functional programming background

Awesome Recursion Schemes / Articles

Recursion Schemes: A Field Guide (Redux) - List of various recursion schemes with code samples
Catamorphisms Definition on the Haskell Wiki
Catamorphisms - Short definition with code on School of Haskell by Edward Kmett
Rotating Squares Using a hylomorphism to rotate a quadtree by Jared Tobin
Recursion Schemes, Part V: Hello, Hylomorphisms
Promorphisms, Pre and Post Practical examples of pre- and postpromorphisms by Jared Tobin
Time Traveling Recursion Schemes Exploring histo and futu by example by Jared Tobin
Recursion Schemes, Part IV: Time is of the Essence Practical article about histomorphism and the futumorphism
Cheat Sheet 217 11 months ago Map of various recursion schemes and their duals
Correcting the Visitor pattern Showing that the Visitor pattern implements an f-algebra for use with a catamorphism (in Java)
Recursion Schemes in Scala Introduces the fixpoint combinator, anamorphism, catamorphism, hylomorphism, paramorphism, apomorphism, histomorphism, dynamorphism and futumorphism
What's in a Fold: The Basic Catamorphism in recursion-schemes Introduces catamorphism as a generalization of fold

Awesome Recursion Schemes / Articles / Hylomorphisms in the Wild

Stalking a Hylomorphism in the Wild Advent of Code 2017, Domino challenge
Open Seasons on Hylomorphisms Advent of Code 2018, String comparison challenge

Awesome Recursion Schemes / Papers

Functional Programming with Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire, 1991, Meijer et al. - The original paper most of this is based on
A Duality of Sorts, 2013, Hinze et al. - Shows that many basic sorting algorithms exist as a pair, and that these pairs arise naturally out of the duality between folds and unfolds
Sorting with Bialgebras and Distributive Laws, 2012, Hinze et al. - Shows how paramorphisms and apomorphisms can be used for more efficient implementations of sorting algorithms
Scrap your boilerplate: a practical design pattern for generic programming, 2003, SPJ et al. - Design pattern for writing programs that traverse data structures built from rich mutually-recursive data types

Awesome Recursion Schemes / Presentations

Slidedecks by Tim Philip Williams - "Recursion Schemes by Example" and "Exotic Tools for Exotic Trades" provide concise definitions as well as practical examples of many recursion schemes
Unifying Structured Recursion Schemes - 12 min presentation by Ralf Hinze, Nicolas Wu, and Jeremy Gibbons
Recursion Schemes - Presented by Tim Williams at the London Haskell meetup
F-algebras or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Type System - Presented by Anthony Burzillo at the NYC Haskell User's Group
A Gentle Introduction to Recursion Schemes - Presented by Jean Remi Desjardins at Lambdaconf 2016
recursion-scheme-talk 217 11 months ago Collection of slide decks about recursion schemes
Bracer: Transforming Real-World Languages with Coproducts and Recursion Schemes High-level talk about structuring programs with coproducts and recursion schemes by Patrick Thomson
Recursion: Where Functional Programming Hits Bottom Introduction to recursive fix point data structures and recursion schemes in Haskell and Scala by Greg Pfeil
Programming with algebras Bartosz Milewski's article in talk form, presented at LambdaCon
Peeling the Banana: Recursion Schemes from First Principles Zainab Ali's Introductory talk presented at LambdaWorld

Awesome Recursion Schemes / Cheat Sheets

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Morphisms Overview of different morphisms including a printable PDF

Awesome Recursion Schemes / Podcasts

Magic Read Along Casual discussions about category theory that often bring up recursion schemes, including which talks about Histomorphisms and Futumorphisms
Scala Love Podcast about Scala that brings up recursion schemes in
The Haskell Cast Recursion schemes come up in

Awesome Recursion Schemes / Implementations

recursion-schemes 339 3 months ago for Haskell - The canonical implementation by Edward Kmett
Matryoshka 811 almost 5 years ago for Scala using Scalaz - Generalized folds, unfolds, and traversals for fixed point data structures
andyscott/droste 388 2 months ago for Scala using Cats - Generalized folds, unfolds, and traversals for fixed point data structures
recursion_schemes 64 over 6 years ago for Idris, based off Edward Kmett's Haskell library
purescript-matryoshka 59 almost 3 years ago for PureScript - Work-in-process port of matryoshka
recursion 9 almost 3 years ago for ATS - Demonstration of recursion schemes in ATS
dada 65 3 months ago for Dhall - a library for recursion schemes in Dhall
static-land-recursion-schemes 22 over 7 years ago for JavaScript/Flow - Schemes for data structures written in the style of
Katalyst 22 about 6 years ago for Kotlin - a re-envisioning based off Matryoshka using lightweight higher kinded polymorphism

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