
Education platform

A curated list of courses and certifications in various fields of computer science, design, and business.

Curated list of 20,000+ hours and 200+ free courses with certificates in IT, CS, Design and Business.


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Awesome Certificates / Security

Intro to Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Essentials
Intro to Packet Tracer
Cybersecurity Fundamentals
Information Security Certification
JR Penetration Tester
Cyber Defense
Red Teaming
Offensive Testing
Comptia Pentest+
Web Fundamentals
Certified in Cybersecurity
Introduction to Cyber Security
Types of Cyber Security
Cyber Forensics
Introduction to Information Security
Network Security
Advanced Cyber Security - Threats and Governance
Encryption Basics

Awesome Certificates / Front-End

Responsive Web Design Certification
Front-End Libraries Certification
Selenium 101

Awesome Certificates / Back-End

Back End Development and APIs Certification
CS403: Introduction to Modern Database Systems
MongoDB Basics
MongoDB for SQL Pros
MongoDB Cluster Adminstration
MongoDB Aggregation Framework
Crafting Conference Abstracts
Atlas Security
MongoDB Performance
MongoDB for Java Developers
MongoDB for JavaScript Developers
MongoDB for .NET Developers
MongoDB for Python Developers
Diagnostics and Debugging for MongoDB
MongoDB Data Modeling
Intro to SQL
Advanced SQL

Awesome Certificates / Blockchain

Blockchain Masterclass
Blockchain Basics
Bitcoin for Developers

Awesome Certificates / Data Analysis and Visualization

Data Analysis with Python
Data Analysis with Python Certification
Data Visualization with Python
Data Visualization with R
Data Visualization Certification
Data Visualization
Data Cleaning
Data Visualisation in Tableau
Data Visualization With Power BI
Mastering Big Data Analytics
Data Visualization with Tableau

Awesome Certificates / Statistics

Statistics 101

Awesome Certificates / Data Science

Data Science Methodologies
Data Science 101
Data Science Tools
Python for Data Science
Popular Applications of Data Science
Career in Data Science
Introduction to Data Science
Data Science Mathematics
R for Data Science
Statistical Methods for Data Science
Probability for Data Science
Data Preprocessing
SQL for Data Science
Data Science Foundation

Awesome Certificates / Big Data

Big Data Foundations - Level 1
Hadoop Foundations - Level 1
Spark Fundamentals I

Awesome Certificates / Machine and Deep Learning

Deep Learning Fundamentals
Deep Learning with TensorFlow
Machine Learning with Python
Machine Learning with Python Certification
Intro to Machine Learning
Intermediate Machine Learning
Machine Learning Explainability
Intro to Deep Learning
Time Series
Feature Engineering
Computer Vision

Awesome Certificates / Artificial Intelligence

Elements of AI
Intro to AI Ethics
Intro to Game AI and Reinforcement Learning
Introduction to Generative AI
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Foundations of Prompt Engineering
Generative AI for Decision Makers
Generative AI Fundamentals
Career Essentials in Generative AI
Prompt Engineering for Vision Models

Awesome Certificates / Networking

Networking Essentials
CS402: Computer Communications and Networks

Awesome Certificates / Operating Systems

NDG Linux Unhatched
NDG Linux Essentials
CS401: Operating Systems

Awesome Certificates / Electrical Engineering

Introduction to Electronics
Electronic Applications
Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems ES

Awesome Certificates / Robotics and IoT

Introduction to IoT
Building Robots with TJBot

Awesome Certificates / Chatbots

How to Build Chatbots
ChatGPT for Beginners
Getting Started with Bard

Awesome Certificates / Cloud Computing

IBM Cloud Essentials
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Cloud Foundations
Cloud Essentials Knowledge

Awesome Certificates / Game Development

Unity Essentials
Junior Programmer
Creative Core
VR Development
Mobile AR Development

Awesome Certificates / Mobile App Development / Cross-platform Development

Intro to Flutter
React Native
React Native for Beginners
React Native HTML to JSX
React Native CSS to JSX

Awesome Certificates / Mobile App Development / Native Development

Android Bug Bounty Hunting: Hunt Like a Rat
Android Studio Tutorial
Android App Development
Android App Development with Kotlin

Awesome Certificates / DevOps

Containers, K8s and Istio on IBM cloud
Docker Essentials
Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and OpenShift
Introduction to Kubernetes

Awesome Certificates / Programming Languages / C

CS107: C++ Programming
Foundational C# with Microsoft

Awesome Certificates / Programming Languages / Cypher

Cypher Query Language

Awesome Certificates / Programming Languages / Java


Awesome Certificates / Programming Languages / JavaScript

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification

Awesome Certificates / Programming Languages / R

R 101
Using R with Databases

Awesome Certificates / Programming Languages / Python

Programming Essentials In Python
Scientific Computing with Python Certification
Intro to Graph Analytics in Python free course
Intro to Programming
Python for Machine Leaning and Data Science

Awesome Certificates / Theories and Concepts

Quality Assurance Certification
CS101: Introduction to Computer Science I
CS102: Introduction to Computer Science II
CS201: Elementary Data Structures
CS202: Discrete Structures
CS301: Computer Architecture
CS302: Software Engineering
Problem Solving
Problem Solving
Graph Modeling Email Course
Geospatial Analysis

Awesome Certificates / Business / Marketing

Digital Marketing
Email Marketing

Awesome Certificates / Business / Project Management

Project Management Essentials
Project Management Essentials

Awesome Certificates / Business / Support

Customer Relationship Management

Awesome Certificates / Business / Business Analytics

Data Analysis with Excel
Intro to Business Analytics
Business Intelligence Foundation Professional
Business Analysis Basics

Awesome Certificates / Design / Photoshop

Graphic Design with Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop
How to Erase a shape in Photoshop
How to Select a shape in Photoshop
How to Insert a shape in Photoshop

Awesome Certificates / Design / Illustrator

How to Select shapes in Illustrator
How to Create shapes in Illustrator
How to Wrap shapes in Illustrator
Manage color in Illustrator
Apply strokes and fills in Illustrator
Apply gradient in Illustrator
How to make an Infographic in Illustrator 1
How to make an Infographic in Illustrator 2

Awesome Certificates / Other Awesome Lists

Open Source Society University 173,297 5 months ago The OSSU curriculum is a complete education in computer science using online materials. It's not merely for career training or professional development
Awesome Courses 58,015 almost 2 years ago This list is an attempt to bring to light those awesome CS courses which make their high-quality material i.e. assignments, lectures, notes, readings & examinations available online for free
Books 6,084 8 months ago Learn Anything is collecting all material with focus on Computer Science but you'll find other topics ranging from neuro science to philosophy
Learn to Program 4,154 6 months ago This list aims to be a curated set of high quality educational resources with focus on foundations of web developement

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