
Book list

A curated collection of books on various topics including computer science, programming languages, algorithms, and more.

Awesome Books


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Books / Algorithms

πŸ“– Algorithm design manual (1987)
πŸ“• Introduction to algorithms (1990)
πŸ“• Algorithm design (2005)
πŸ“– Algorithms by Dasgupta (2006)
πŸ“– Algorithms etc by Jeff Erickson (2015)
πŸ“– Algorithm design: parallel and sequential
πŸ“• Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures in Action (2019)
πŸ“• Algorithms and Data Structures for Massive Datasets (2021)

Books / Architecture

πŸ“• The Underdome Guide to Energy Reform (2015)

Books / Art

πŸ“• Drawing on the right side of the brain (1979)

Books / Autobiography

πŸ“• I know why the caged bird sings (1993)
πŸ“• Hit Refresh (2017)
πŸ“• Becoming (2018)

Books / Awareness

πŸ“• Last chance to see

Books / Basic Income

πŸ“– World After Capital (2018)

Books / Biographies

πŸ“• The autobiography of Malcolm X (1965)
πŸ“• Napoleon bonaparte: an intimate biography (1971)
πŸ“• The power broker (1974)
πŸ“• Surely you’re joking Mr Feynman (1984)
πŸ“• The man who knew infinity: a life of the genius Ramanujan (1991)
πŸ“• Speak, memory (1951)
πŸ“• Madame curie: a biography (2001)
πŸ“• Benjamin franklin: an american life (2004)
πŸ“• Team of rivals: the political genius of Abraham Lincoln (2005)
πŸ“• Einstein: his life and universe (2007)
πŸ“• The strangest man (2009)
πŸ“• Steve Jobs (2011)
πŸ“• The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon (2013)
πŸ“• Elon Musk: tesla, spacex, and the quest for a fantastic future (2015)
πŸ“• Trump revealed: the definitive biography of the 45th president (2017)
πŸ“• My Journey: Transforming Dreams into Actions by A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Books / Biology

πŸ“• Molecular Biology of the Cell (1983)
πŸ“• Rang & Dale's Pharmacology (1987)

Books / Business

πŸ“• The effective executive (1967)
πŸ“• The hard things about hard things (2014)
πŸ“• Give and take: why helping others drives our success (2014)
πŸ“• MAKE: Bootstrapper's Handbook (2018)
πŸ“• The Lean Startup (2011)

Books / Category theory

πŸ“– Category Theory for Programmers (2018) 11,064 3 months ago
πŸ“– Basic Category Theory (2016)
πŸ“– Category Theory in Context (2016)
πŸ“– Category Theory (2006)

Books / Chemistry

πŸ“• Modern quantum chemistry: introduction to advanced electronic structure theory (1982)
πŸ“• Tryptamines i have known and loved: the chemistry continues (1997)
πŸ“• Drugs 2.0: the web revolution that's changing how the world gets high (2013)

Books / Compilers

πŸ“• Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (1986)
πŸ“– Compiler Construction by Niklaus Wirth (1996)
πŸ“• Modern Compiler Implementation in ML (1997)
πŸ“• Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation (1997)

Books / Computational complexity

πŸ“• Computational Complexity (1993)
πŸ“– Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach (2007)
πŸ“• The Nature of Computation (2011)

Books / Computer graphics

πŸ“– The book of shaders (2017)
πŸ“– Computer Graphics from Scratch

Books / Computer networking

πŸ“• TCP/IP network administration (1992)
πŸ“• Tcp/IP illustrated (1993)
πŸ“• Interconnections: bridges, routers, switches, and internetworking protocols (1999)
πŸ“• Computer networking: a top-down approach (2000)
πŸ“• Unix network programming, volume 1: the sockets networking api (2003)
πŸ“• TCP/IP guide (2005)
πŸ“– Computer Networks: A Systems Approach (2012)
πŸ“– High performance browser networking (2013)
πŸ“– Openssl cookbook (2015)
πŸ“– Beej's guide to network programming (2016)
πŸ“– Distributed Systems 3rd edition (2017)
πŸ“– An introduction to computer networks

Books / Computer science

πŸ“• The new Turing Omnibus (1989)
πŸ“– Purely functional data structures (1996)
πŸ“• Introduction to the theory of computation (1996)

Books / Computer science / πŸ“• Introduction to the theory of computation (1996)

Solutions 350 over 3 years ago

Books / Computer science

πŸ“• Gems of Theoretical Computer Science (1998)
πŸ“• Types and programming languages (2002)
πŸ“• Advanced topics in types and programming languages (2004)
πŸ“• The elements of computing systems (2005)

Books / Computer science / πŸ“• The elements of computing systems (2005)

Computer implementation 420 over 2 years ago

Books / Computer science

πŸ“• Annotated turing (2008)
πŸ“• The nature of computation (2011)
πŸ“– Software foundations (2011)
πŸ“– Introduction to data compression (2012) 17 over 10 years ago

Books / Computer Systems

πŸ“– NASA System Engineering (2007)
πŸ“– Distributed systems (2013)
πŸ“• General Systems Thinking (2015)
πŸ“• Computer systems: a programmer’s perspective

Books / Creativity

πŸ“• Creativity, inc (2014)

Books / Cybernetics

πŸ“• The human use of human beings (2015)
πŸ“• Techniques of the observer : on vision and modernity in the nineteenth… (1990)

Books / Cryptography

πŸ“• The code book (1999)
πŸ“– Engineering security (2014)
πŸ“– Graduate course in applied cryptography (2016)
πŸ“– Practical Cryptography for Developers (2018)
πŸ“• Real World Cryptography
πŸ“• Secret Key Cryptography
πŸ“• Implementing and Exploiting Cryptography

Books / Cryptocurrencies

πŸ“– Mastering Ethereum (2018) 20,047 8 months ago

Books / Data Science

πŸ“• Designing Data-Intensive Applications (2014)
πŸ“• Fighting Churn With Data (2020)
πŸ“• Data Science Bookcamp (2021)
πŸ“• Effective Data Science Infrastructure (2021)
πŸ“• Graph Algorithms for Data Science (2021)
πŸ“• Software Engineering for Data Scientists (2023)

Books / Databases

πŸ“• The data warehouse toolkit (1996)
πŸ“• Learn SQL in a Month of Lunches (2022)

Books / Design

πŸ“• The non-designer's design book (1994)
πŸ“• Design meets disability (2009)
πŸ“• The design of everyday things
πŸ“• The best interface is no interface: the simple path to brilliant technology
πŸ“– The Shape of Design
πŸ“• Alien Phenomenology or what its like to be a thing (2012)
πŸ“• The Best Interface Is No Interface: The Simple Path to Brilliant Technology
πŸ“• Speculative Everything (2013)

Books / Drugs

πŸ“• Drugged: The Science and Culture Behind Psychotropic Drugs (2013)
πŸ“• Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America (2011)
πŸ“• Pleasures of the Brain (2009)
πŸ“• A Primer of Drug Action (1975)

Books / Economics

πŸ“• Capital (1867)
πŸ“• Reading capital
πŸ“– Kapitalism 101
πŸ“• Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism (1917)
πŸ“• The worldly philosophers (1953)
πŸ“• Principles of economics (1997)
πŸ“• Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach (1999)
πŸ“• Microeconomics and behaviour (2000)
πŸ“• Debt: first 5000 years (2011)
πŸ“• How asia works: success and failure in the world’s most dynamic region (2013)
πŸ“• Capital in the twenty first century (2013)
πŸ“• Economics: the user's guide (2014)

Books / Engineering

πŸ“• Structures: or why things don't fall down (1978)

Books / Evolution

πŸ“• The selfish gene (1976)
πŸ“• Darwin's dangerous idea (1995)
πŸ“• Life ascending: the ten great inventions of evolution (2009)

Books / Environment

πŸ“• Natural Capitalism (2001)
πŸ“• Reinventing Fire (2013)
πŸ“• Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming (2017)
πŸ“• Whole Earth Discipline (2009)

Books / Fiction

πŸ“• Notes from underground (1864)
πŸ“• Crime and punishment (1866)
πŸ“• The idiot (1869)
πŸ“• The brothers karamazov (1880)
πŸ“• Flatland (1884)
πŸ“• The picture of dorian gray (1890)
πŸ“• The yellow wallpaper (1892)
πŸ“• The iron heel (1908)
πŸ“• The ragged trousered philanthropists (1914)
πŸ“• We (1924)
πŸ“• Heart of a dog (1925)
πŸ“• The great gatsby (1925)
πŸ“• Brave new world (1932)
πŸ“• The glass bead game (1943)
πŸ“• Animal farm (1945)
πŸ“• The plague (1947)
πŸ“• No longer human (1948)
πŸ“• Nineteen eighty-four (1949)
πŸ“• Bel: An essay on man in revolt (1951)
πŸ“• East of eden (1952)
πŸ“• Fahrenheit 451 (1953)
πŸ“• The doors of perception (1954) Details Aldous Huxley’s own experiences when taking mescaline
πŸ“• Lolita (1955)
πŸ“• Atlas Shrugged (1957)
πŸ“• Doctor zhivago (1957)
πŸ“• Flowers for algernon (1959)
πŸ“• Catch-22 (1961)
πŸ“• Pale fire (1962)
πŸ“• Island (1962)
πŸ“• We have always lived in the castle (1962)
πŸ“• One day in the life of ivan denisovich (1962)
πŸ“• Monday begins on saturday (1964)
πŸ“• Dune (1965)
πŸ“• Stoner (1965)
πŸ“• Master and margarita (1967)
πŸ“• One hundred years of solitude (1967)
πŸ“• Slaughterhouse five (1969)
πŸ“• Roadside picnic (1972)
πŸ“• Augustus (1972)
πŸ“• The forever war (1974)
πŸ“• The shining (1977)
πŸ“• 1978: hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
πŸ“• The soul of new machine (1981)
πŸ“• The wasp factory (1984)
πŸ“• Blood meridian (1985)
πŸ“• The silence of the lambs (1988)
πŸ“• Geek love (1989)
πŸ“• The remains of the day (1989)
πŸ“• The story of B: an adventure of the mind and spirit (1996)
πŸ“• Infinite jest (1996)
πŸ“• The perks of being a wallflower (1999)
πŸ“• Cryptonomicon (1999)
πŸ“• House of leaves (2000)
πŸ“• The Bug (2003)
πŸ“• The road (2006)
πŸ“– The metamorphosis of prime intellect (2007)
πŸ“• The passage (2010)
πŸ“– Harry potter and the methods of rationality (2015)
πŸ“– Unsong (2017)

Books / Fiction / Adventure

πŸ“• The count of monte cristo (1844)

Books / Fiction / Comedy

πŸ“• A confederacy of dunces (1980)

Books / Fiction / Fantasy

πŸ“• The stand (1978)
πŸ“• American gods (2001)
πŸ“• The night circus (2011)
πŸ“• A song of ice and fire
πŸ“• The stormlight archive
πŸ“• The wheel of time

Books / Fiction / Short Stories

πŸ“– Alice in Wonderland (1865)
πŸ“• Ficciones (1941-1956)
πŸ“• The little prince (1943)
πŸ“– The last question (1956)
πŸ“• Franz kafka: the complete stories (1971)
πŸ“• Understand (1991)
πŸ“• Story of your life (1998)
πŸ“– The fable of the dragon-tyrant (2005)

Books / Fiction / Thriller

πŸ“• And then there were none (1939)

Books / Film Making

πŸ“• On film making: an introduction to the craft of the director (2005)

Books / Finance

πŸ“• The richest man in babylon (1926)
πŸ“• Rich dad poor dad (1997)

Books / Fitness

πŸ“• Starting strength: basic barbell training (2005)

Books / Functional programming

πŸ“• Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design (2010)
πŸ“– Mostly adequate guide to FP (in JavaScript)

Books / Future

πŸ“• The second machine age (2014)

Books / Game Development

πŸ“• Tricks of the 3D game programming gurus-advanced 3D graphics and rasterisation (2003)
πŸ“• Game Engine Architecture Book (2018)
πŸ“• Game programming patterns

Books / Graphic design

πŸ“• The elements of typographic style (1992)
πŸ“• Logo design love (2015)

Books / History

πŸ“• The souls of black folk (1903)
πŸ“• Gravity’s rainbow (1973)
πŸ“• The gulag archipelago (1973)
πŸ“• American slavery, american freedom (1975)
πŸ“• A people’s history of the united states (1980)
πŸ“• Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (1984)
πŸ“• The making of atomic bomb (1986)
πŸ“• Lenin's tomb: the last days of the soviet empire (1993)
πŸ“• Why the allies won (1995)
πŸ“• Lies my teacher told me (1995)
πŸ“• Guns, germs, and steel: the fates of human societies (1997)
πŸ“• Two hundred years together (2002)
πŸ“• Masters of doom (2003)
πŸ“• Stalin: the court of the red tsar (2003)
The Third Reich trilogy (2003-2008)

Books / History / The Third Reich trilogy (2003-2008)

πŸ“• The coming of the third reich
πŸ“• The third reich in power
πŸ“• The third reich at war

Books / History

πŸ“• Sapiens: a brief history of humankind (2011)
πŸ“• The origins of political order (2011)
πŸ“• The idea factory: bell labs and the great age of american innovation (2012)
πŸ“• Memory Machines: The Evolution of Hypertext (2013)
πŸ“• The sixth extinction: an unnatural history (2014)
πŸ“• Political order and political decay (2014)
πŸ“• Conquerors: how portugal forged the first global empire (2015)
πŸ“• Homo deus: a brief history of tomorrow (2015)
πŸ“• Beyond Germs: Native Depopulation in North America (2015)

Books / History / Alternative history

πŸ“• The man in the high castle (1962)

Books / Investing

πŸ“• The intelligent investor (1949)

Books / Kubernetes

πŸ“• Kubernetes: Up & Running (2016)
πŸ“• Getting Started with Kubernetes (2020 early-access)
πŸ“• Securing Kubernetes Secrets (2021 early-access)
πŸ“• Kubeflow in Action (2021 early-access)
πŸ“• Kubernetes on Windows (2021 early-access)
πŸ“• Learn Kubernetes in a Month of Lunches (2021 early-access)
πŸ“• Kubernetes in Action, Second Edition
πŸ“• Acing the Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam

Books / Leadership

πŸ“• The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable (2002)

Books / Logic

πŸ“– Introduction to Lambda Calculus (2000)
πŸ“– The Haskell road to logic, math and programming (2004)
πŸ“– Logicomix (2008)
forallx: Cambridge (2017) Covers both truth-functional logic and first-order logic, introducing students to semantics and to a Fitch-style natural deduction system

Books / Machine learning

πŸ“• Paradigms of artificial intelligence programming (1991)
πŸ“• Artificial intelligence a modern approach (1994)
πŸ“• Machine learning (1997)
πŸ“– The quest for artificial intelligence - a history of ideas and achievements (2009)
πŸ“• Introduction to artificial intelligence (2011)
πŸ“• Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective (2012)
πŸ“– The Nature of Code (2012)
πŸ“• Superintelligence: paths, dangers, strategies (2014)
πŸ“– Understanding machine learning: from theory to algorithms (2014)
πŸ“– Neural Networks and Deep Learning (2015)
πŸ“• Deep Larning with Python (2017)
πŸ“• Tensorflow machine learning cookbook (2017)

Books / Machine learning / πŸ“• Tensorflow machine learning cookbook (2017)

Code 6,248 10 months ago

Books / Machine learning

πŸ“• Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow (2017)
πŸ“• Machine Learning with Go (2017) Build simple, maintainable, and easy to deploy machine learning applications
πŸ“– Interpretable Machine Learning (2018)
πŸ“– Deep learning
πŸ“– Interpretable machine learning (2018) Explaining the decisions and behavior of machine learning models
πŸ“• How Machine Learning Works (2019) An introduction to both ML's practice and math foundations in a non-threatning approach

Books / Machine learning / πŸ“• How Machine Learning Works (2019)

Code 4 about 4 years ago

Books / Machine learning

πŸ“• Grokking Deep Learning (2019)
πŸ“• MachineLearningWithTensorFlow2ed (2020) Book on general purpose machine learning techniques regression, classification, unsupervised clustering, reinforcement learning, auto encoders, convolutional neural networks, RNNs, LSTMs, using TensorFlow 1.14.1
πŸ“• Machine Learning Bookcamp (2020) Project-based approach to learning machine learning
πŸ“• Trust in Machine Learning (2021) Book about how to build machine learning systems that are explainable, robust, transparent, and optimized for fairness
πŸ“– Distributed Machine Learning Patterns (2023) 393 3 months ago Distributed machine learning system patterns

Books / Management

πŸ“• The mythical man-month (1975)

Books / Management / πŸ“• The mythical man-month (1975)


Books / Management

πŸ“• High output management (1983)
πŸ“• The essential drucker

Books / Math

πŸ“– A mathematician's apology (1940)
πŸ“• Handbook of mathematics (1945)
πŸ“• Fantasia mathematica (1958)
πŸ“• GΓΆdel's proof (1958)
πŸ“• Sphereland (1965)
πŸ“– Topology from a differentiable viewpoint (1965)
πŸ“– An introduction to commutative algebra (1969)
πŸ“• Mathematics made difficult (1972)
πŸ“– A course in arithmetic (1973)
πŸ“– Introductory functional analysis with applications (1978)
πŸ“• A book of abstract algebra (1982)
πŸ“• To mock a mockingbird (1985)
πŸ“– Proofs and types (1989)
πŸ“• Primes of the Form X2 + Ny2: Fermat, Class Field Theory, and Complex Multiplication (1989)
πŸ“• Algebraic Number Theory (1992)
πŸ“• Concrete mathematics (1994)
πŸ“• How to prove it (1994)
πŸ“• Linear algebra done right (1995)
πŸ“• Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces (1995)
πŸ“• Visual complex analysis (1997)
πŸ“• Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction To Categories (1997)
πŸ“• Geometry and the imagination (1999)
πŸ“• Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and Efficiency (2002)
πŸ“– Sets for Mathematics (2003)
πŸ“• A first course in linear algebra (2004)
πŸ“• The art of problem solving (2006)
πŸ“• The princeton companion to mathematics (2008)
πŸ“• Visual group theory (2009)
πŸ“• Algebra: Chapter 0 (2009)
πŸ“• Essentials of discrete mathematics (2009)
πŸ“• Computational Topology: An Introduction (2010)
πŸ“• Foundations of analysis (2012)
πŸ“– Homotopy type theory (2013)
πŸ“– The napkin project (2017)
πŸ“– Mathematics for computer science (2017)
πŸ“– Immersive linear algebra (2017)
πŸ“• Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics (2018)
πŸ“• Physically based rendering: from theory to implementation
πŸ“• Invitation to ergodic theory
πŸ“– Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications
πŸ“– Linear algebra

Books / Memoirs

πŸ“• Walden (1854)
πŸ“• The world of yesterday (1942)
πŸ“• On writing (2000)
πŸ“• A thousand tiny failures: memoirs of a pickup artist (2014)

Books / Mental health

πŸ“• Trauma and Madness in Mental Health Services (2018)

Books / Mindset

πŸ“• Tao te ching (6th century BC)
πŸ“• Meditations (161)
πŸ“• The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of Mind (857)
πŸ“• Siddhartha (1922)
πŸ“• How to win friends and influence people (1936)
πŸ“• Think and grow rich (1937)
πŸ“• The stranger (1942)
πŸ“• Man’s search for meaning (1946)
πŸ“– The wisdom of insecurity: a message for an age of anxiety (1951)
πŸ“• The first and last freedom (1954)
πŸ“• The way of zen (1957)
πŸ“• The book on the taboo against knowing who you are (1966)
πŸ“• Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice (1970)
πŸ“• Be here now (1971)
πŸ“• The Way of the Bodhisattva (1971)
πŸ“• The inner game of tennis (1974)
πŸ“• The 7 habits of highly effective people (1989)
πŸ“• The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma (1989)
πŸ“• Peace is every step (1990)
πŸ“– Mindfulness in plain english (1992)
πŸ“• Mastery: the keys to success and long term fulfilment (1992)
πŸ“• The Four Noble Truths (1992)
πŸ“• No Ajahn Chah: Reflections (1994)
πŸ“• The Art of Happiness (1998)
πŸ“• The Quantum and the Lotus (2000)
πŸ“• Emptiness dancing (2004)
πŸ“• Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond: A Meditator's Handbook (2006)
πŸ“• Eating animals (2009)
πŸ“• The happiness advantage (2010)
πŸ“• Models (2011)
πŸ“• Mastery (2012)
πŸ“• A mind for numbers: how to excel at math and science (2014)
πŸ“• Spaciousness: The Radical Dzogchen of the Vajra-Heart: Longchenpa's Treasury of the Dharmadhatu (2014)
πŸ“• Waking up: a guide to spirituality without religion (2014)
πŸ“• Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World (2016)
πŸ“• The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life(2016)
πŸ“• The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations for Clarity, Effectiveness, and Serenity (2016)
πŸ“– Concentration and meditation

Books / Minimalism

πŸ“• Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism (2017)

Books / Music production

πŸ“• Harmony for Computer Musicians (2010)

Books / Neuroscience

πŸ“• The man who mistook his wife for a hat (1985)
πŸ“• Descartes' error (1994)
πŸ“• The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life (1998)
πŸ“• Principles of neural science (2000)
πŸ“• Molecular basis of neuropharmacology: a foundation for clinical neuroscience (2001)
πŸ“• Synaptic self: how our brains become who we are (2002)
πŸ“• The Brain That Changes Itself (2007)

Books / Non Fiction

πŸ“• Homage to catalonia (1938)
πŸ“• Into thin air (1997)
πŸ“• Damned lies and statistics (2001)
πŸ“• Coders at work: reflections on the craft of programming (2009)

Books / Nutrition

πŸ“• Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism (1995)
πŸ“• The Poor, Misunderstood Calorie: Calories Proper (2012)
πŸ“• Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ (2014)
πŸ“• How not to die (2015)

Books / Operating Systems

πŸ“• Operating system concepts (1983)
πŸ“• Modern operating systems (1992)
πŸ“• Programming with Posix Threads (1993)
πŸ“– An efficient implementation of fundamental operating system services (1992)
πŸ“– Operating Systems: From 0 to 1 12,152 12 months ago
πŸ“– intermezzOS

Books / Operating Systems / iOS

πŸ“• iOS 10 programming fundamentals with swift (2015)

Books / Operating Systems / Linux

πŸ“• How linux works (2014)
πŸ“– linux-insides

Books / Operating Systems / MacOS

πŸ“• Mac OS X and IOS Internals: To the Apple's Core, Volume 1 User Mode (2015)

Books / Philosophy

πŸ“– Tao of Seneca Volume 1 (1925)
πŸ“– Tao of Seneca Volume 2 (1925)
πŸ“– Tao of Seneca Volume 3 (1925)
πŸ“• Godel, escher, bach (1979) Explores fundamental concepts of mathematics, symmetry and intelligence and how they interlink

Books / Philosophy / πŸ“• Godel, escher, bach (1979)

Lecture notes
Course on the book
Python implementation of formal systems from the book 619 almost 4 years ago

Books / Philosophy

πŸ“• Prometheus rising (1983)
πŸ“• Finite and infinite games (1986)
πŸ“• The stuff of thought (2007)

Books / Physics

πŸ“• Relativity: the special and the general theory (1916)
πŸ“• University physics with modern physics

Books / Physics / πŸ“• University physics with modern physics


Books / Physics

πŸ“• Nonlinear dynamics and chaos (1994)
πŸ“• Pale blue dot (1994)
πŸ“• Black holes and time warps (1994)
πŸ“• The fabric of the cosmos (2004)
πŸ“• Fields of colour: the theory that escaped Einstein (2010)
πŸ“• The theoretical minimum (2013)
πŸ“– The feynman lectures on physics (2013)

Books / Poetry

πŸ“• Letters to a Young Poet (1929)

Books / Politics

πŸ“• The road to serfdom (1944)
πŸ“• The anatomy of the state (1974)
πŸ“• Understanding power: the indispensable chomsky (2002)
πŸ“• The dictator's handbook: why bad behaviour is almost always good politics (2011)
πŸ“• The democracy project: a history, a crisis, a movement (2013)

Books / Programming interviews

πŸ“• Cracking the coding interview (2008)

Books / Programming interviews / πŸ“• Cracking the coding interview (2008)

Solutions in swift 460 over 2 years ago

Books / Programming interviews

πŸ“• Elements of programming interviews (2012)

Books / Programming interviews / πŸ“• Elements of programming interviews (2012)

Solutions in Go 56 over 7 years ago
Solutions in Python 6 about 10 years ago
Solutions in Java 19 over 7 years ago
solutions in c++ 227 about 7 years ago

Books / Programming language design

πŸ“– Beautiful racket

Books / Programming languages

πŸ“– Programming languages: application and interpretation (2012)
πŸ“– Crafting interpreters (2012)

Books / Programming languages / Assembly

πŸ“– Assembly language succinctly (2014)

Books / Programming languages / C

πŸ“• The C programming language (1975)
πŸ“• 21st century C (2014)
πŸ“– Modern C (2019)

Books / Programming languages / C++

πŸ“• C++ core guidelines (2017) 43,002 5 months ago
πŸ“• A Tour of C++ (2013) Very concise, updates readers with prior knowledge of C++ to modern C++11
πŸ“• Beginning C++ Through Game Programming (2004)

Books / Programming languages / Clojure

πŸ“• Elements of Clojure (2017)
πŸ“• Clojure in Action (2015)
πŸ“• Joy of Clojure (2014) Quite deep, not for beginners, but superb in combination with "Clojure in Action"

Books / Programming languages / D

πŸ“• The D programming language (2010)
πŸ“– Programming in D (2015)

Books / Programming languages / Go

πŸ“– Network programming with Go (2012)
πŸ“– The little go book (2014)
πŸ“– Go in action (2015)
πŸ“– Go in action, Second Edition (2022)
πŸ“• The go programming language (2015)

Books / Programming languages / Go / πŸ“• The go programming language (2015)

Notes 2 about 8 years ago

Books / Programming languages / Go

πŸ“– Go 101 (2018)
πŸ“– Web app with go - anti text book
πŸ“– Build web application with golang 43,360 10 months ago

Books / Programming languages / Go / πŸ“– Build web application with golang

Multiple Language Versions 43,360 10 months ago

Books / Programming languages / Go

πŸ“– Learn Concurrent Programming with Go (2022)
πŸ“– Learn Go with Pocket-Sized Projects (2023)

Books / Programming languages / Haskell

πŸ“– Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! (2011)
πŸ“– Write you a Haskell (2014)

Books / Programming languages / Haskell / πŸ“– Write you a Haskell (2014)

Implementation in code 0 over 8 years ago

Books / Programming languages / Haskell

πŸ“• Programming in Haskell (2016)
πŸ“• Haskell in Depth (2018) Explores the important language features and programming skills you’ll need to build production-quality software using Haskell
πŸ“• Thinking with Types (2018) Type-Level Programming in Haskell
πŸ“• The Haskell School of Music (2018)

Books / Programming languages / Java

πŸ“• Effective java (2001)

Books / Programming languages / Java / πŸ“• Effective java (2001)

Code examples 583 over 7 years ago

Books / Programming languages / Java

πŸ“– Data structures and algorithms in java (2003)
πŸ“• Java concurrency in practice (2006)
πŸ“– Introduction to programming in java: an interdisciplinary approach (2008)
πŸ“• Java 8 in action (2014)
πŸ“• Test-driven Java development (2015)
πŸ“• Java SE 11 Programmer I Certification Guide (2020 early-access)
πŸ“• Java by Comparison (2018)

Books / Programming languages / Java / πŸ“• Java by Comparison (2018)

Code examples 16 almost 6 years ago

Books / Programming languages / Java

πŸ“• Java: The Complete Reference (2011)

Books / Programming languages / JavaScript

πŸ“– You don’t know JS 180,122 6 months ago

Books / Programming languages / JavaScript / πŸ“– You don’t know JS

πŸ“– Up and going 180,122 6 months ago
πŸ“– Scope and closures 180,122 6 months ago
πŸ“– This and object prototypes 180,122 6 months ago
πŸ“– Types and grammar 180,122 6 months ago
πŸ“– Async and performance 180,122 6 months ago
πŸ“– ES6 and beyond 180,122 6 months ago

Books / Programming languages / JavaScript

πŸ“– Exploring js
πŸ“– Builder Book: Build a Full Stack JavaScript Web App from Scratch (2018)
πŸ“– The JavaScript way (2017)
πŸ“– Learning JavaScript design patterns (2015)
πŸ“• Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja (2013)
πŸ“• Effective JavaScript: 68 specific ways to harness the power of JavaScript (2012)
πŸ“– Eloquent JavaScript (2011)
πŸ“• JavaScript: The Good Parts (2008)
πŸ“• Tiny Node Projects (2022)

Books / Programming languages / Kotlin

πŸ“– Elements of Kotlin (2021)
πŸ“– The Joy of Kotlin (2019)
πŸ“• Head First Kotlin (2019)
πŸ“– Kotlin in Action (2017)

Books / Programming languages / Lisp

πŸ“• The little schemer (1974)
πŸ“• Lisp in small pieces (1994)
πŸ“– Practical Common Lisp (2005)

Books / Programming languages / OCaml

πŸ“– Real World OCaml (2018)

Books / Programming languages / Perl

πŸ“– Modern Perl (2016)

Books / Programming languages / PowerShell

πŸ“• Learn PowerShell in a Month of Lunches, Linux and macOS Edition (2019)

Books / Programming languages / Prolog

πŸ“– The Power of Prolog (2018)
πŸ“– Logic Programming with Prolog (2005)

Books / Programming languages / Purescript

πŸ“– Purescript book (2017) 453 over 6 years ago

Books / Programming languages / Python

πŸ“• Python essential reference (1999)
πŸ“– Dive into python 3 (2004)
πŸ“– Problem solving with algorithms and data structures using python (2005)
πŸ“– Python cookbook (2011)
πŸ“• Data structures and algorithms in python (2013)
πŸ“• Test driven development with python (2014)
πŸ“• Effective python (2015)
πŸ“• Fluent python (2015)
πŸ“– Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (2015)
πŸ“– Inside the python virtual machine (2017)
πŸ“– Full Speed Python (2018) 4,066 almost 2 years ago
πŸ“– Automate the boring stuff with python
πŸ“• Practices of the Python Pro (2020)
πŸ“• A Pythonic Adventure (2022) 1 about 1 year ago children friendly
πŸ“• Twisted Python Projects (2023) children friendly

Books / Programming languages / R

πŸ“– R for Data Science (2017)

Books / Programming languages / ReasonML

πŸ“– Exploring ReasonML (2018)

Books / Programming languages / Ruby

πŸ“• The well grounded rubyist (2009)
πŸ“• Eloquent ruby (2011)
πŸ“• Practical object oriented design in ruby (2012)

Books / Programming languages / Ruby / πŸ“• Practical object oriented design in ruby (2012)

Code solutions 656 almost 8 years ago
Notes 84 about 10 years ago
Go implementation 108 about 4 years ago

Books / Programming languages / Ruby

πŸ“• Confident ruby (2013)

Books / Programming languages / Rust

πŸ“– Rust by example
πŸ“– The rust programming language
πŸ“– The rustonomicon
πŸ“– Discovery Discover the world of microcontrollers through Rust
πŸ“– Rust and WebAssembly (2018)

Books / Programming languages / Scala

πŸ“• Functional programming in scala (2014)

Books / Programming languages / Smalltalk

πŸ“• Smalltalk best practice patterns (1997)

Books / Programming languages / Swift

πŸ“– Swift programming language (2014)

Books / Programming languages / Swift / πŸ“– Swift programming language (2014)

Swift Cheat sheet 51 over 2 years ago

Books / Programming languages / Swift

πŸ“• Hacking with macOS (2018)

Books / Programming languages / TypeScript

πŸ“• Effective TypeScript: 62 Specific Ways to Improve Your TypeScript (2019)

Books / Programming languages / TypeScript / πŸ“• Effective TypeScript: 62 Specific Ways to Improve Your TypeScript (2019)

Notes 1,582 4 months ago

Books / Programming languages / TypeScript

πŸ“– Typescript deep dive
πŸ“– SaaS Boilerplate Book: Build a Production-Ready SaaS Web App from Scratch (2020)
πŸ“– The Concise TypeScript Book 8,493 5 months ago

Books / Programming languages / Agda

πŸ“– Programming Language Foundations in Agda (2018)

Books / Programming

πŸ“• The art of computer programming (1968-)
πŸ“• The psychology of computer programming (1971)
πŸ“• The elements of programming style (1974)
πŸ“• Software reliability: principles and practices (1976)
πŸ“– Structure and interpretation of computer programs (1979)

Books / Programming / πŸ“– Structure and interpretation of computer programs (1979)

SICP in Emacs Lisp 683 almost 3 years ago

Books / Programming

πŸ“– Mindstorms: children, computers, and powerful ideas (1980)
πŸ“– Communicating sequential processes (1985)
πŸ“• The art of the metaobject protocol (1991)
πŸ“– Code: hidden language of computer hardware and software (1999)
πŸ“• The pragmatic programmer (1999)
πŸ“• The practice of programming (1999)
πŸ“• Refactoring (1999)
πŸ“• How to design programs (2001)
πŸ“• Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective (2002)
πŸ“• Inside the machine (2006)
πŸ“• Clean code (2008)
πŸ“• Design concepts in programming (2008)
πŸ“• Apprenticeship patterns (2010)
πŸ“• The art of readable code: simple and practical techniques for writing better code (2011)
πŸ“• Programming in the large with design patterns (2012)
πŸ“• Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control (2012)
πŸ“• The Software Craftsman: Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride (2014)
πŸ“– How These Things Work (2016)
πŸ“• Introduction to the Theory of Complex Systems (2018)
πŸ“– Composing programs
πŸ“• Designing APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI (early-access) A hands-on primer for describing, planning and designing web APIs
πŸ“• API Design Patterns A collection of best practices and design standards for web and internal APIs
πŸ“• Street Coder (2021) Programmer's survival guide, full of tips, tricks, and hacks that will make you a more efficient programmer
πŸ“• Good Code, Bad Code (2021) Book about writing code that is robust, reliable, and easy for team members to understand and adapt
πŸ“• Software Mistakes and tradeoff: How to make good programming decision (2021) Optimize the decisions that define your code by exploring the common mistakes and intentional tradeoffs made by expert developers
πŸ“• Parallel and High-Performance Computing (2021) A book that offers techniques guaranteed to boost your code’s effectiveness
πŸ“• The Programmer's Brain (2021) A book that teaches the concrete techniques rooted in cognitive science that will improve the way you learn and think about code
πŸ“• Designing APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI (early-access)
πŸ“• Street Coder (2021) Programmer's survival guide, full of tips, tricks, and hacks that will make you a more efficient programmer
πŸ“• Good Code, Bad Code (2021) Book about writing code that is robust, reliable, and easy for team members to understand and adapt
πŸ“• Software Mistakes and tradeoff: How to make good programming decision (2021) Optimize the decisions that define your code by exploring the common mistakes and intentional tradeoffs made by expert developers
πŸ“• Parallel and High-Performance Computing (2021) A book that offers techniques guaranteed to boost your code’s effectiveness
πŸ“• The Art of Unit Testing, Third Edition (2021) A book that guides you step by step from your first simple unit tests to building complete test sets that are maintainable, readable, and trustworthy
πŸ“• The Creative Programmer (2022) Book about creative problem solving in programming

Books / Psychedelics

πŸ“– LSD: My Problem Child (1979)
πŸ“• Tryptamine Palace: 5-MeO-DMT and the Sonoran Desert Toad (2009)
πŸ“– Tryptamines I Have Known And Loved: The Chemistry Continues
πŸ“• The invisible landscape: mind, hallucinogens, and the i ching (1994)
πŸ“– The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the origins of knowledge (1998)
πŸ“• Breaking open the head (2002)
πŸ“• Supernatural: meetings with the ancient teachers of mankind (2005)

Books / Psychology

πŸ“– Fundamentals of Psychological Disorders
πŸ“• Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011)
πŸ“• On intelligence (2004)
πŸ“• Influence: the psychology of persuasion (1984)

Books / Quantum physics

πŸ“• Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed (2003)

Books / Regular Expressions

πŸ“• Regular expressions cookbook (2009)
πŸ“– Python re(gex)? (2020)
πŸ“– JavaScript RegExp (2020)
πŸ“– Ruby Regexp (2020)

Books / Reinforcement learning

πŸ“– Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (2018)

Books / Reverse engineering

πŸ“– Reverse Engineering for Beginners (2018)

Books / Science

πŸ“• The structure of scientific revolutions (1962)
πŸ“• Cosmos (1980)
πŸ“• A brief history of time (1988)
πŸ“• The demon-haunted world (1995)
πŸ“• A short history of nearly everything (2003)
πŸ“• What if? (2014)

Books / Scifi

πŸ“• The sirens of titan (1959)
πŸ“• Stranger in a strange land (1961)
πŸ“• Cat’s cradle (1963)
πŸ“• Do androids dream of electric sheep? (1968)
πŸ“• Ubik (1969)
πŸ“• The mote in god's eye (1974)
πŸ“• Neuromancer (1984)
πŸ“• Ender’s game (1985)
πŸ“• The player of games (1988)
πŸ“• A fire upon the deep (1992)
πŸ“• Snow crash (1992)
πŸ“• Permutation city (1994)
πŸ“• The diamond age (1995)
πŸ“• The martian (2011)
πŸ“• Golden son (2015)
πŸ“• The dispossessed
πŸ“• Blindsight

Books / Scifi / SciFi Series

πŸ“• The baroque cycle
πŸ“• Hyperion cantos
πŸ“• The dark tower
πŸ“• Foundation
πŸ“• Red rising
πŸ“• Culture
πŸ“• Rama

Books / Security

πŸ“• The database hacker’s handbook (2005) Most detailed book available for attacking databases (covers basic through advanced topics)
πŸ“• A guide to kernel exploitation (2010) Advanced exploitation of a range of operating systems
πŸ“• The tangled web (2011) Detailed look at the foundations of web protocols followed by a thorough examination of their weakness
πŸ“– The web application hackers handbook (2014)
πŸ“• The browser hacker's handbook (2014) A detailed look into many web security topics
πŸ“• Security Engineering (2020) A look into many security topics

Books / Sleep

πŸ“• Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams (2017)

Books / Society

πŸ“• The utopia of rules (2015)

Books / Spirituality

πŸ“• The Quantum and the Lotus: A Journey to the Frontiers Where Science and Buddhism Meet (2000)
πŸ“• Journey of souls: case studies of life between lives (1994)

Books / Startups

πŸ“• Running Lean (2012)
πŸ“• Zero to one (2014)
πŸ“• Just fucking ship (2014)

Books / Statistics

πŸ“• The visual display of quantitative information (1983)
πŸ“• Bayesian Data Analysis (1995)
πŸ“– The elements of statistical learning (2001)
πŸ“– All of statistics (2004)
πŸ“• Introduction to bayesian statistics (2007)
πŸ“– Think bayes: bayesian statistics made simple (2012)
πŸ“– An introduction to statistical learning: with applications in r (2013)
πŸ“• Statistical rethinking: a bayesian course with examples in R and Stan (2015)

Books / Statistics / πŸ“• Statistical rethinking: a bayesian course with examples in R and Stan (2015)


Books / Statistics

πŸ“– Computational and inferential thinking (2017)
πŸ“• Statistics Playbook (early Access - 2022)

Books / Strategy

πŸ“• The art of war (~ 500 BC)

Books / Text editors

πŸ“– Build Your Own Text Editor

Books / Text editors / Vim

πŸ“• Practical vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought (2012)

Books / Text editors / Vim / πŸ“• Practical vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought (2012)

Notes 50 almost 4 years ago

Books / Text editors / Vim

πŸ“– Learn Vimscript the Hard Way
πŸ“– Vim user manual Must read for anyone new to vim

Books / Type theory

πŸ“– Type Theory & Functional Programming (1999)
πŸ“• Type Theory and Formal Proof: An Introduction (2014)
πŸ“• Programming with Types (early-access 2019/20)

Books / Unix

πŸ“• Advanced programming in the unix environment (1992)
πŸ“• Unix power tools (1993)
πŸ“– An introduction to unix (2014)
πŸ“– GNU grep and ripgrep (2020)
πŸ“– GNU sed (2020)
πŸ“– GNU awk (2020)

Books / Version control / Git

πŸ“– Git in practice (2014)
πŸ“– Pro git (2014)

Books / Visualization

πŸ“• Envisioning information (1990)

Books / Writing

πŸ“• Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace (1981)

Books / Web Development

πŸ“– Site Reliability Engineering
πŸ“• Hugo in Action (early-access)
πŸ“• Micro Frontends in Action

Books / Web Development / CSS

πŸ“– Learn CSS Layout the pedantic way (2015)

Books / Web Development / Node

πŸ“– Node up and running (2012)

Books / Web Development / React

πŸ“– React in Patterns (2018)
πŸ“– The Road to learn React
πŸ“• React Hooks in Action

Books / Web Development / Redux

πŸ“– Redux Book (2018)

Books / Web Development / Webpack

πŸ“– Webpack: From apprentice to master (2018)

Books / Web Development / Web design

πŸ“• Don’t make me think (2000)

Books / Other

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