Books / Algorithms |
π Algorithm design manual (1987) | | | |
π Introduction to algorithms (1990) | | | |
π Algorithm design (2005) | | | |
π Algorithms by Dasgupta (2006) | | | |
π Algorithms etc by Jeff Erickson (2015) | | | |
π Algorithm design: parallel and sequential | | | |
π Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures in Action (2019) | | | |
π Algorithms and Data Structures for Massive Datasets (2021) | | | |
Books / Architecture |
π The Underdome Guide to Energy Reform (2015) | | | |
Books / Art |
π Drawing on the right side of the brain (1979) | | | |
Books / Autobiography |
π I know why the caged bird sings (1993) | | | |
π Hit Refresh (2017) | | | |
π Becoming (2018) | | | |
Books / Awareness |
π Last chance to see | | | |
Books / Basic Income |
π World After Capital (2018) | | | |
Books / Biographies |
π The autobiography of Malcolm X (1965) | | | |
π Napoleon bonaparte: an intimate biography (1971) | | | |
π The power broker (1974) | | | |
π Surely youβre joking Mr Feynman (1984) | | | |
π The man who knew infinity: a life of the genius Ramanujan (1991) | | | |
π Speak, memory (1951) | | | |
π Madame curie: a biography (2001) | | | |
π Benjamin franklin: an american life (2004) | | | |
π Team of rivals: the political genius of Abraham Lincoln (2005) | | | |
π Einstein: his life and universe (2007) | | | |
π The strangest man (2009) | | | |
π Steve Jobs (2011) | | | |
π The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon (2013) | | | |
π Elon Musk: tesla, spacex, and the quest for a fantastic future (2015) | | | |
π Trump revealed: the definitive biography of the 45th president (2017) | | | |
π My Journey: Transforming Dreams into Actions by A.P.J Abdul Kalam | | | |
Books / Biology |
π Molecular Biology of the Cell (1983) | | | |
π Rang & Dale's Pharmacology (1987) | | | |
Books / Business |
π The effective executive (1967) | | | |
π The hard things about hard things (2014) | | | |
π Give and take: why helping others drives our success (2014) | | | |
π MAKE: Bootstrapper's Handbook (2018) | | | |
π The Lean Startup (2011) | | | |
Books / Category theory |
π Category Theory for Programmers (2018) | 11,064 | 3 months ago | |
π Basic Category Theory (2016) | | | |
π Category Theory in Context (2016) | | | |
π Category Theory (2006) | | | |
Books / Chemistry |
π Modern quantum chemistry: introduction to advanced electronic structure theory (1982) | | | |
π Tryptamines i have known and loved: the chemistry continues (1997) | | | |
π Drugs 2.0: the web revolution that's changing how the world gets high (2013) | | | |
Books / Compilers |
π Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (1986) | | | |
π Compiler Construction by Niklaus Wirth (1996) | | | |
π Modern Compiler Implementation in ML (1997) | | | |
π Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation (1997) | | | |
Books / Computational complexity |
π Computational Complexity (1993) | | | |
π Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach (2007) | | | |
π The Nature of Computation (2011) | | | |
Books / Computer graphics |
π The book of shaders (2017) | | | |
π Computer Graphics from Scratch | | | |
Books / Computer networking |
π TCP/IP network administration (1992) | | | |
π Tcp/IP illustrated (1993) | | | |
π Interconnections: bridges, routers, switches, and internetworking protocols (1999) | | | |
π Computer networking: a top-down approach (2000) | | | |
π Unix network programming, volume 1: the sockets networking api (2003) | | | |
π TCP/IP guide (2005) | | | |
π Computer Networks: A Systems Approach (2012) | | | |
π High performance browser networking (2013) | | | |
π Openssl cookbook (2015) | | | |
π Beej's guide to network programming (2016) | | | |
π Distributed Systems 3rd edition (2017) | | | |
π An introduction to computer networks | | | |
Books / Computer science |
π The new Turing Omnibus (1989) | | | |
π Purely functional data structures (1996) | | | |
π Introduction to the theory of computation (1996) | | | |
Books / Computer science / π Introduction to the theory of computation (1996) |
Solutions | 350 | over 3 years ago | |
Books / Computer science |
π Gems of Theoretical Computer Science (1998) | | | |
π Types and programming languages (2002) | | | |
π Advanced topics in types and programming languages (2004) | | | |
π The elements of computing systems (2005) | | | |
Books / Computer science / π The elements of computing systems (2005) |
Computer implementation | 420 | over 2 years ago | |
Books / Computer science |
π Annotated turing (2008) | | | |
π The nature of computation (2011) | | | |
π Software foundations (2011) | | | |
π Introduction to data compression (2012) | 17 | over 10 years ago | |
Books / Computer Systems |
π NASA System Engineering (2007) | | | |
π Distributed systems (2013) | | | |
π General Systems Thinking (2015) | | | |
π Computer systems: a programmerβs perspective | | | |
Books / Creativity |
π Creativity, inc (2014) | | | |
Books / Cybernetics |
π The human use of human beings (2015) | | | |
π Techniques of the observer : on vision and modernity in the nineteenthβ¦ (1990) | | | |
Books / Cryptography |
π The code book (1999) | | | |
π Engineering security (2014) | | | |
π Graduate course in applied cryptography (2016) | | | |
π Practical Cryptography for Developers (2018) | | | |
π Real World Cryptography | | | |
π Secret Key Cryptography | | | |
π Implementing and Exploiting Cryptography | | | |
Books / Cryptocurrencies |
π Mastering Ethereum (2018) | 20,047 | 8 months ago | |
Books / Data Science |
π Designing Data-Intensive Applications (2014) | | | |
π Fighting Churn With Data (2020) | | | |
π Data Science Bookcamp (2021) | | | |
π Effective Data Science Infrastructure (2021) | | | |
π Graph Algorithms for Data Science (2021) | | | |
π Software Engineering for Data Scientists (2023) | | | |
Books / Databases |
π The data warehouse toolkit (1996) | | | |
π Learn SQL in a Month of Lunches (2022) | | | |
Books / Design |
π The non-designer's design book (1994) | | | |
π Design meets disability (2009) | | | |
π The design of everyday things | | | |
π The best interface is no interface: the simple path to brilliant technology | | | |
π The Shape of Design | | | |
π Alien Phenomenology or what its like to be a thing (2012) | | | |
π The Best Interface Is No Interface: The Simple Path to Brilliant Technology | | | |
π Speculative Everything (2013) | | | |
Books / Drugs |
π Drugged: The Science and Culture Behind Psychotropic Drugs (2013) | | | |
π Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America (2011) | | | |
π Pleasures of the Brain (2009) | | | |
π A Primer of Drug Action (1975) | | | |
Books / Economics |
π Capital (1867) | | | |
π Reading capital | | | |
π Kapitalism 101 | | | |
π Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism (1917) | | | |
π The worldly philosophers (1953) | | | |
π Principles of economics (1997) | | | |
π Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach (1999) | | | |
π Microeconomics and behaviour (2000) | | | |
π Debt: first 5000 years (2011) | | | |
π How asia works: success and failure in the worldβs most dynamic region (2013) | | | |
π Capital in the twenty first century (2013) | | | |
π Economics: the user's guide (2014) | | | |
Books / Engineering |
π Structures: or why things don't fall down (1978) | | | |
Books / Evolution |
π The selfish gene (1976) | | | |
π Darwin's dangerous idea (1995) | | | |
π Life ascending: the ten great inventions of evolution (2009) | | | |
Books / Environment |
π Natural Capitalism (2001) | | | |
π Reinventing Fire (2013) | | | |
π Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming (2017) | | | |
π Whole Earth Discipline (2009) | | | |
Books / Fiction |
π Notes from underground (1864) | | | |
π Crime and punishment (1866) | | | |
π The idiot (1869) | | | |
π The brothers karamazov (1880) | | | |
π Flatland (1884) | | | |
π The picture of dorian gray (1890) | | | |
π The yellow wallpaper (1892) | | | |
π The iron heel (1908) | | | |
π The ragged trousered philanthropists (1914) | | | |
π We (1924) | | | |
π Heart of a dog (1925) | | | |
π The great gatsby (1925) | | | |
π Brave new world (1932) | | | |
π The glass bead game (1943) | | | |
π Animal farm (1945) | | | |
π The plague (1947) | | | |
π No longer human (1948) | | | |
π Nineteen eighty-four (1949) | | | |
π Bel: An essay on man in revolt (1951) | | | |
π East of eden (1952) | | | |
π Fahrenheit 451 (1953) | | | |
π The doors of perception (1954) | | | Details Aldous Huxleyβs own experiences when taking mescaline |
π Lolita (1955) | | | |
π Atlas Shrugged (1957) | | | |
π Doctor zhivago (1957) | | | |
π Flowers for algernon (1959) | | | |
π Catch-22 (1961) | | | |
π Pale fire (1962) | | | |
π Island (1962) | | | |
π We have always lived in the castle (1962) | | | |
π One day in the life of ivan denisovich (1962) | | | |
π Monday begins on saturday (1964) | | | |
π Dune (1965) | | | |
π Stoner (1965) | | | |
π Master and margarita (1967) | | | |
π One hundred years of solitude (1967) | | | |
π Slaughterhouse five (1969) | | | |
π Roadside picnic (1972) | | | |
π Augustus (1972) | | | |
π The forever war (1974) | | | |
π The shining (1977) | | | |
π 1978: hitchhikers guide to the galaxy | | | |
π The soul of new machine (1981) | | | |
π The wasp factory (1984) | | | |
π Blood meridian (1985) | | | |
π The silence of the lambs (1988) | | | |
π Geek love (1989) | | | |
π The remains of the day (1989) | | | |
π The story of B: an adventure of the mind and spirit (1996) | | | |
π Infinite jest (1996) | | | |
π The perks of being a wallflower (1999) | | | |
π Cryptonomicon (1999) | | | |
π House of leaves (2000) | | | |
π The Bug (2003) | | | |
π The road (2006) | | | |
π The metamorphosis of prime intellect (2007) | | | |
π The passage (2010) | | | |
π Harry potter and the methods of rationality (2015) | | | |
π Unsong (2017) | | | |
Books / Fiction / Adventure |
π The count of monte cristo (1844) | | | |
Books / Fiction / Comedy |
π A confederacy of dunces (1980) | | | |
Books / Fiction / Fantasy |
π The stand (1978) | | | |
π American gods (2001) | | | |
π The night circus (2011) | | | |
π A song of ice and fire | | | |
π The stormlight archive | | | |
π The wheel of time | | | |
Books / Fiction / Short Stories |
π Alice in Wonderland (1865) | | | |
π Ficciones (1941-1956) | | | |
π The little prince (1943) | | | |
π The last question (1956) | | | |
π Franz kafka: the complete stories (1971) | | | |
π Understand (1991) | | | |
π Story of your life (1998) | | | |
π The fable of the dragon-tyrant (2005) | | | |
Books / Fiction / Thriller |
π And then there were none (1939) | | | |
Books / Film Making |
π On film making: an introduction to the craft of the director (2005) | | | |
Books / Finance |
π The richest man in babylon (1926) | | | |
π Rich dad poor dad (1997) | | | |
Books / Fitness |
π Starting strength: basic barbell training (2005) | | | |
Books / Functional programming |
π Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design (2010) | | | |
π Mostly adequate guide to FP (in JavaScript) | | | |
Books / Future |
π The second machine age (2014) | | | |
Books / Game Development |
π Tricks of the 3D game programming gurus-advanced 3D graphics and rasterisation (2003) | | | |
π Game Engine Architecture Book (2018) | | | |
π Game programming patterns | | | |
Books / Graphic design |
π The elements of typographic style (1992) | | | |
π Logo design love (2015) | | | |
Books / History |
π The souls of black folk (1903) | | | |
π Gravityβs rainbow (1973) | | | |
π The gulag archipelago (1973) | | | |
π American slavery, american freedom (1975) | | | |
π A peopleβs history of the united states (1980) | | | |
π Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (1984) | | | |
π The making of atomic bomb (1986) | | | |
π Lenin's tomb: the last days of the soviet empire (1993) | | | |
π Why the allies won (1995) | | | |
π Lies my teacher told me (1995) | | | |
π Guns, germs, and steel: the fates of human societies (1997) | | | |
π Two hundred years together (2002) | | | |
π Masters of doom (2003) | | | |
π Stalin: the court of the red tsar (2003) | | | |
The Third Reich trilogy (2003-2008) | | | |
Books / History / The Third Reich trilogy (2003-2008) |
π The coming of the third reich | | | |
π The third reich in power | | | |
π The third reich at war | | | |
Books / History |
π Sapiens: a brief history of humankind (2011) | | | |
π The origins of political order (2011) | | | |
π The idea factory: bell labs and the great age of american innovation (2012) | | | |
π Memory Machines: The Evolution of Hypertext (2013) | | | |
π The sixth extinction: an unnatural history (2014) | | | |
π Political order and political decay (2014) | | | |
π Conquerors: how portugal forged the first global empire (2015) | | | |
π Homo deus: a brief history of tomorrow (2015) | | | |
π Beyond Germs: Native Depopulation in North America (2015) | | | |
Books / History / Alternative history |
π The man in the high castle (1962) | | | |
Books / Investing |
π The intelligent investor (1949) | | | |
Books / Kubernetes |
π Kubernetes: Up & Running (2016) | | | |
π Getting Started with Kubernetes (2020 early-access) | | | |
π Securing Kubernetes Secrets (2021 early-access) | | | |
π Kubeflow in Action (2021 early-access) | | | |
π Kubernetes on Windows (2021 early-access) | | | |
π Learn Kubernetes in a Month of Lunches (2021 early-access) | | | |
π Kubernetes in Action, Second Edition | | | |
π Acing the Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam | | | |
Books / Leadership |
π The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable (2002) | | | |
Books / Logic |
π Introduction to Lambda Calculus (2000) | | | |
π The Haskell road to logic, math and programming (2004) | | | |
π Logicomix (2008) | | | |
forallx: Cambridge (2017) | | | Covers both truth-functional logic and first-order logic, introducing students to semantics and to a Fitch-style natural deduction system |
Books / Machine learning |
π Paradigms of artificial intelligence programming (1991) | | | |
π Artificial intelligence a modern approach (1994) | | | |
π Machine learning (1997) | | | |
π The quest for artificial intelligence - a history of ideas and achievements (2009) | | | |
π Introduction to artificial intelligence (2011) | | | |
π Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective (2012) | | | |
π The Nature of Code (2012) | | | |
π Superintelligence: paths, dangers, strategies (2014) | | | |
π Understanding machine learning: from theory to algorithms (2014) | | | |
π Neural Networks and Deep Learning (2015) | | | |
π Deep Larning with Python (2017) | | | |
π Tensorflow machine learning cookbook (2017) | | | |
Books / Machine learning / π Tensorflow machine learning cookbook (2017) |
Code | 6,248 | 10 months ago | |
Books / Machine learning |
π Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow (2017) | | | |
π Machine Learning with Go (2017) | | | Build simple, maintainable, and easy to deploy machine learning applications |
π Interpretable Machine Learning (2018) | | | |
π Deep learning | | | |
π Interpretable machine learning (2018) | | | Explaining the decisions and behavior of machine learning models |
π How Machine Learning Works (2019) | | | An introduction to both ML's practice and math foundations in a non-threatning approach |
Books / Machine learning / π How Machine Learning Works (2019) |
Code | 4 | about 4 years ago | |
Books / Machine learning |
π Grokking Deep Learning (2019) | | | |
π MachineLearningWithTensorFlow2ed (2020) | | | Book on general purpose machine learning techniques regression, classification, unsupervised clustering, reinforcement learning, auto encoders, convolutional neural networks, RNNs, LSTMs, using TensorFlow 1.14.1 |
π Machine Learning Bookcamp (2020) | | | Project-based approach to learning machine learning |
π Trust in Machine Learning (2021) | | | Book about how to build machine learning systems that are explainable, robust, transparent, and optimized for fairness |
π Distributed Machine Learning Patterns (2023) | 393 | 3 months ago | Distributed machine learning system patterns |
Books / Management |
π The mythical man-month (1975) | | | |
Books / Management / π The mythical man-month (1975) |
Notes | | | |
Books / Management |
π High output management (1983) | | | |
π The essential drucker | | | |
Books / Math |
π A mathematician's apology (1940) | | | |
π Handbook of mathematics (1945) | | | |
π Fantasia mathematica (1958) | | | |
π GΓΆdel's proof (1958) | | | |
π Sphereland (1965) | | | |
π Topology from a differentiable viewpoint (1965) | | | |
π An introduction to commutative algebra (1969) | | | |
π Mathematics made difficult (1972) | | | |
π A course in arithmetic (1973) | | | |
π Introductory functional analysis with applications (1978) | | | |
π A book of abstract algebra (1982) | | | |
π To mock a mockingbird (1985) | | | |
π Proofs and types (1989) | | | |
π Primes of the Form X2 + Ny2: Fermat, Class Field Theory, and Complex Multiplication (1989) | | | |
π Algebraic Number Theory (1992) | | | |
π Concrete mathematics (1994) | | | |
π How to prove it (1994) | | | |
π Linear algebra done right (1995) | | | |
π Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces (1995) | | | |
π Visual complex analysis (1997) | | | |
π Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction To Categories (1997) | | | |
π Geometry and the imagination (1999) | | | |
π Combinatorial Optimization: Polyhedra and Efficiency (2002) | | | |
π Sets for Mathematics (2003) | | | |
π A first course in linear algebra (2004) | | | |
π The art of problem solving (2006) | | | |
π The princeton companion to mathematics (2008) | | | |
π Visual group theory (2009) | | | |
π Algebra: Chapter 0 (2009) | | | |
π Essentials of discrete mathematics (2009) | | | |
π Computational Topology: An Introduction (2010) | | | |
π Foundations of analysis (2012) | | | |
π Homotopy type theory (2013) | | | |
π The napkin project (2017) | | | |
π Mathematics for computer science (2017) | | | |
π Immersive linear algebra (2017) | | | |
π Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics (2018) | | | |
π Physically based rendering: from theory to implementation | | | |
π Invitation to ergodic theory | | | |
π Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications | | | |
π Linear algebra | | | |
Books / Memoirs |
π Walden (1854) | | | |
π The world of yesterday (1942) | | | |
π On writing (2000) | | | |
π A thousand tiny failures: memoirs of a pickup artist (2014) | | | |
Books / Mental health |
π Trauma and Madness in Mental Health Services (2018) | | | |
Books / Mindset |
π Tao te ching (6th century BC) | | | |
π Meditations (161) | | | |
π The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of Mind (857) | | | |
π Siddhartha (1922) | | | |
π How to win friends and influence people (1936) | | | |
π Think and grow rich (1937) | | | |
π The stranger (1942) | | | |
π Manβs search for meaning (1946) | | | |
π The wisdom of insecurity: a message for an age of anxiety (1951) | | | |
π The first and last freedom (1954) | | | |
π The way of zen (1957) | | | |
π The book on the taboo against knowing who you are (1966) | | | |
π Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice (1970) | | | |
π Be here now (1971) | | | |
π The Way of the Bodhisattva (1971) | | | |
π The inner game of tennis (1974) | | | |
π The 7 habits of highly effective people (1989) | | | |
π The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma (1989) | | | |
π Peace is every step (1990) | | | |
π Mindfulness in plain english (1992) | | | |
π Mastery: the keys to success and long term fulfilment (1992) | | | |
π The Four Noble Truths (1992) | | | |
π No Ajahn Chah: Reflections (1994) | | | |
π The Art of Happiness (1998) | | | |
π The Quantum and the Lotus (2000) | | | |
π Emptiness dancing (2004) | | | |
π Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond: A Meditator's Handbook (2006) | | | |
π Eating animals (2009) | | | |
π The happiness advantage (2010) | | | |
π Models (2011) | | | |
π Mastery (2012) | | | |
π A mind for numbers: how to excel at math and science (2014) | | | |
π Spaciousness: The Radical Dzogchen of the Vajra-Heart: Longchenpa's Treasury of the Dharmadhatu (2014) | | | |
π Waking up: a guide to spirituality without religion (2014) | | | |
π Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World (2016) | | | |
π The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life(2016) | | | |
π The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations for Clarity, Effectiveness, and Serenity (2016) | | | |
π Concentration and meditation | | | |
Books / Minimalism |
π Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism (2017) | | | |
Books / Music production |
π Harmony for Computer Musicians (2010) | | | |
Books / Neuroscience |
π The man who mistook his wife for a hat (1985) | | | |
π Descartes' error (1994) | | | |
π The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life (1998) | | | |
π Principles of neural science (2000) | | | |
π Molecular basis of neuropharmacology: a foundation for clinical neuroscience (2001) | | | |
π Synaptic self: how our brains become who we are (2002) | | | |
π The Brain That Changes Itself (2007) | | | |
Books / Non Fiction |
π Homage to catalonia (1938) | | | |
π Into thin air (1997) | | | |
π Damned lies and statistics (2001) | | | |
π Coders at work: reflections on the craft of programming (2009) | | | |
Books / Nutrition |
π Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism (1995) | | | |
π The Poor, Misunderstood Calorie: Calories Proper (2012) | | | |
π Gut: The Inside Story of Our Bodyβs Most Underrated Organ (2014) | | | |
π How not to die (2015) | | | |
Books / Operating Systems |
π Operating system concepts (1983) | | | |
π Modern operating systems (1992) | | | |
π Programming with Posix Threads (1993) | | | |
π An efficient implementation of fundamental operating system services (1992) | | | |
π Operating Systems: From 0 to 1 | 12,152 | 12 months ago | |
π intermezzOS | | | |
Books / Operating Systems / iOS |
π iOS 10 programming fundamentals with swift (2015) | | | |
Books / Operating Systems / Linux |
π How linux works (2014) | | | |
π linux-insides | | | |
Books / Operating Systems / MacOS |
π Mac OS X and IOS Internals: To the Apple's Core, Volume 1 User Mode (2015) | | | |
Books / Philosophy |
π Tao of Seneca Volume 1 (1925) | | | |
π Tao of Seneca Volume 2 (1925) | | | |
π Tao of Seneca Volume 3 (1925) | | | |
π Godel, escher, bach (1979) | | | Explores fundamental concepts of mathematics, symmetry and intelligence and how they interlink |
Books / Philosophy / π Godel, escher, bach (1979) |
Lecture notes | | | |
Course on the book | | | |
Python implementation of formal systems from the book | 619 | almost 4 years ago | |
Books / Philosophy |
π Prometheus rising (1983) | | | |
π Finite and infinite games (1986) | | | |
π The stuff of thought (2007) | | | |
Books / Physics |
π Relativity: the special and the general theory (1916) | | | |
π University physics with modern physics | | | |
Books / Physics / π University physics with modern physics |
Notes | | | |
Books / Physics |
π Nonlinear dynamics and chaos (1994) | | | |
π Pale blue dot (1994) | | | |
π Black holes and time warps (1994) | | | |
π The fabric of the cosmos (2004) | | | |
π Fields of colour: the theory that escaped Einstein (2010) | | | |
π The theoretical minimum (2013) | | | |
π The feynman lectures on physics (2013) | | | |
Books / Poetry |
π Letters to a Young Poet (1929) | | | |
Books / Politics |
π The road to serfdom (1944) | | | |
π The anatomy of the state (1974) | | | |
π Understanding power: the indispensable chomsky (2002) | | | |
π The dictator's handbook: why bad behaviour is almost always good politics (2011) | | | |
π The democracy project: a history, a crisis, a movement (2013) | | | |
Books / Programming interviews |
π Cracking the coding interview (2008) | | | |
Books / Programming interviews / π Cracking the coding interview (2008) |
Solutions in swift | 460 | over 2 years ago | |
Books / Programming interviews |
π Elements of programming interviews (2012) | | | |
Books / Programming interviews / π Elements of programming interviews (2012) |
Solutions in Go | 56 | over 7 years ago | |
Solutions in Python | 6 | about 10 years ago | |
Solutions in Java | 19 | over 7 years ago | |
solutions in c++ | 227 | about 7 years ago | |
Books / Programming language design |
π Beautiful racket | | | |
Books / Programming languages |
π Programming languages: application and interpretation (2012) | | | |
π Crafting interpreters (2012) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Assembly |
π Assembly language succinctly (2014) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / C |
π The C programming language (1975) | | | |
π 21st century C (2014) | | | |
π Modern C (2019) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / C++ |
π C++ core guidelines (2017) | 43,002 | 5 months ago | |
π A Tour of C++ (2013) | | | Very concise, updates readers with prior knowledge of C++ to modern C++11 |
π Beginning C++ Through Game Programming (2004) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Clojure |
π Elements of Clojure (2017) | | | |
π Clojure in Action (2015) | | | |
π Joy of Clojure (2014) | | | Quite deep, not for beginners, but superb in combination with "Clojure in Action" |
Books / Programming languages / D |
π The D programming language (2010) | | | |
π Programming in D (2015) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Go |
π Network programming with Go (2012) | | | |
π The little go book (2014) | | | |
π Go in action (2015) | | | |
π Go in action, Second Edition (2022) | | | |
π The go programming language (2015) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Go / π The go programming language (2015) |
Notes | 2 | about 8 years ago | |
Books / Programming languages / Go |
π Go 101 (2018) | | | |
π Web app with go - anti text book | | | |
π Build web application with golang | 43,360 | 10 months ago | |
Books / Programming languages / Go / π Build web application with golang |
Multiple Language Versions | 43,360 | 10 months ago | |
Books / Programming languages / Go |
π Learn Concurrent Programming with Go (2022) | | | |
π Learn Go with Pocket-Sized Projects (2023) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Haskell |
π Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! (2011) | | | |
π Write you a Haskell (2014) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Haskell / π Write you a Haskell (2014) |
Implementation in code | 0 | over 8 years ago | |
Books / Programming languages / Haskell |
π Programming in Haskell (2016) | | | |
π Haskell in Depth (2018) | | | Explores the important language features and programming skills youβll need to build production-quality software using Haskell |
π Thinking with Types (2018) | | | Type-Level Programming in Haskell |
π The Haskell School of Music (2018) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Java |
π Effective java (2001) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Java / π Effective java (2001) |
Code examples | 583 | over 7 years ago | |
Notes | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Java |
π Data structures and algorithms in java (2003) | | | |
π Java concurrency in practice (2006) | | | |
π Introduction to programming in java: an interdisciplinary approach (2008) | | | |
π Java 8 in action (2014) | | | |
π Test-driven Java development (2015) | | | |
π Java SE 11 Programmer I Certification Guide (2020 early-access) | | | |
π Java by Comparison (2018) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Java / π Java by Comparison (2018) |
Code examples | 16 | almost 6 years ago | |
Books / Programming languages / Java |
π Java: The Complete Reference (2011) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / JavaScript |
π You donβt know JS | 180,122 | 6 months ago | |
Books / Programming languages / JavaScript / π You donβt know JS |
π Up and going | 180,122 | 6 months ago | |
π Scope and closures | 180,122 | 6 months ago | |
π This and object prototypes | 180,122 | 6 months ago | |
π Types and grammar | 180,122 | 6 months ago | |
π Async and performance | 180,122 | 6 months ago | |
π ES6 and beyond | 180,122 | 6 months ago | |
Books / Programming languages / JavaScript |
π Exploring js | | | |
π Builder Book: Build a Full Stack JavaScript Web App from Scratch (2018) | | | |
π The JavaScript way (2017) | | | |
π Learning JavaScript design patterns (2015) | | | |
π Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja (2013) | | | |
π Effective JavaScript: 68 specific ways to harness the power of JavaScript (2012) | | | |
π Eloquent JavaScript (2011) | | | |
π JavaScript: The Good Parts (2008) | | | |
π Tiny Node Projects (2022) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Kotlin |
π Elements of Kotlin (2021) | | | |
π The Joy of Kotlin (2019) | | | |
π Head First Kotlin (2019) | | | |
π Kotlin in Action (2017) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Lisp |
π The little schemer (1974) | | | |
π Lisp in small pieces (1994) | | | |
π Practical Common Lisp (2005) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / OCaml |
π Real World OCaml (2018) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Perl |
π Modern Perl (2016) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / PowerShell |
π Learn PowerShell in a Month of Lunches, Linux and macOS Edition (2019) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Prolog |
π The Power of Prolog (2018) | | | |
π Logic Programming with Prolog (2005) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Purescript |
π Purescript book (2017) | 453 | over 6 years ago | |
Books / Programming languages / Python |
π Python essential reference (1999) | | | |
π Dive into python 3 (2004) | | | |
π Problem solving with algorithms and data structures using python (2005) | | | |
π Python cookbook (2011) | | | |
π Data structures and algorithms in python (2013) | | | |
π Test driven development with python (2014) | | | |
π Effective python (2015) | | | |
π Fluent python (2015) | | | |
π Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (2015) | | | |
π Inside the python virtual machine (2017) | | | |
π Full Speed Python (2018) | 4,066 | almost 2 years ago | |
π Automate the boring stuff with python | | | |
π Practices of the Python Pro (2020) | | | |
π A Pythonic Adventure (2022) | 1 | about 1 year ago | children friendly |
π Twisted Python Projects (2023) | | | children friendly |
Books / Programming languages / R |
π R for Data Science (2017) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / ReasonML |
π Exploring ReasonML (2018) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Ruby |
π The well grounded rubyist (2009) | | | |
π Eloquent ruby (2011) | | | |
π Practical object oriented design in ruby (2012) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Ruby / π Practical object oriented design in ruby (2012) |
Code solutions | 656 | almost 8 years ago | |
Notes | 84 | about 10 years ago | |
Go implementation | 108 | about 4 years ago | |
Books / Programming languages / Ruby |
π Confident ruby (2013) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Rust |
π Rust by example | | | |
π The rust programming language | | | |
π The rustonomicon | | | |
π Discovery | | | Discover the world of microcontrollers through Rust |
π Rust and WebAssembly (2018) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Scala |
π Functional programming in scala (2014) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Smalltalk |
π Smalltalk best practice patterns (1997) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Swift |
π Swift programming language (2014) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / Swift / π Swift programming language (2014) |
Swift Cheat sheet | 51 | over 2 years ago | |
Books / Programming languages / Swift |
π Hacking with macOS (2018) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / TypeScript |
π Effective TypeScript: 62 Specific Ways to Improve Your TypeScript (2019) | | | |
Books / Programming languages / TypeScript / π Effective TypeScript: 62 Specific Ways to Improve Your TypeScript (2019) |
Notes | 1,582 | 4 months ago | |
Books / Programming languages / TypeScript |
π Typescript deep dive | | | |
π SaaS Boilerplate Book: Build a Production-Ready SaaS Web App from Scratch (2020) | | | |
π The Concise TypeScript Book | 8,493 | 5 months ago | |
Books / Programming languages / Agda |
π Programming Language Foundations in Agda (2018) | | | |
Books / Programming |
π The art of computer programming (1968-) | | | |
π The psychology of computer programming (1971) | | | |
π The elements of programming style (1974) | | | |
π Software reliability: principles and practices (1976) | | | |
π Structure and interpretation of computer programs (1979) | | | |
Books / Programming / π Structure and interpretation of computer programs (1979) |
SICP in Emacs Lisp | 683 | almost 3 years ago | |
Books / Programming |
π Mindstorms: children, computers, and powerful ideas (1980) | | | |
π Communicating sequential processes (1985) | | | |
π The art of the metaobject protocol (1991) | | | |
π Code: hidden language of computer hardware and software (1999) | | | |
π The pragmatic programmer (1999) | | | |
π The practice of programming (1999) | | | |
π Refactoring (1999) | | | |
π How to design programs (2001) | | | |
π Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective (2002) | | | |
π Inside the machine (2006) | | | |
π Clean code (2008) | | | |
π Design concepts in programming (2008) | | | |
π Apprenticeship patterns (2010) | | | |
π The art of readable code: simple and practical techniques for writing better code (2011) | | | |
π Programming in the large with design patterns (2012) | | | |
π Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control (2012) | | | |
π The Software Craftsman: Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride (2014) | | | |
π How These Things Work (2016) | | | |
π Introduction to the Theory of Complex Systems (2018) | | | |
π Composing programs | | | |
π Designing APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI (early-access) | | | A hands-on primer for describing, planning and designing web APIs |
π API Design Patterns | | | A collection of best practices and design standards for web and internal APIs |
π Street Coder (2021) | | | Programmer's survival guide, full of tips, tricks, and hacks that will make you a more efficient programmer |
π Good Code, Bad Code (2021) | | | Book about writing code that is robust, reliable, and easy for team members to understand and adapt |
π Software Mistakes and tradeoff: How to make good programming decision (2021) | | | Optimize the decisions that define your code by exploring the common mistakes and intentional tradeoffs made by expert developers |
π Parallel and High-Performance Computing (2021) | | | A book that offers techniques guaranteed to boost your codeβs effectiveness |
π The Programmer's Brain (2021) | | | A book that teaches the concrete techniques rooted in cognitive science that will improve the way you learn and think about code |
π Designing APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI (early-access) | | | |
π Street Coder (2021) | | | Programmer's survival guide, full of tips, tricks, and hacks that will make you a more efficient programmer |
π Good Code, Bad Code (2021) | | | Book about writing code that is robust, reliable, and easy for team members to understand and adapt |
π Software Mistakes and tradeoff: How to make good programming decision (2021) | | | Optimize the decisions that define your code by exploring the common mistakes and intentional tradeoffs made by expert developers |
π Parallel and High-Performance Computing (2021) | | | A book that offers techniques guaranteed to boost your codeβs effectiveness |
π The Art of Unit Testing, Third Edition (2021) | | | A book that guides you step by step from your first simple unit tests to building complete test sets that are maintainable, readable, and trustworthy |
π The Creative Programmer (2022) | | | Book about creative problem solving in programming |
Books / Psychedelics |
π LSD: My Problem Child (1979) | | | |
π Tryptamine Palace: 5-MeO-DMT and the Sonoran Desert Toad (2009) | | | |
π Tryptamines I Have Known And Loved: The Chemistry Continues | | | |
π The invisible landscape: mind, hallucinogens, and the i ching (1994) | | | |
π The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the origins of knowledge (1998) | | | |
π Breaking open the head (2002) | | | |
π Supernatural: meetings with the ancient teachers of mankind (2005) | | | |
Books / Psychology |
π Fundamentals of Psychological Disorders | | | |
π Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011) | | | |
π On intelligence (2004) | | | |
π Influence: the psychology of persuasion (1984) | | | |
Books / Quantum physics |
π Quantum: A Guide for the Perplexed (2003) | | | |
Books / Regular Expressions |
π Regular expressions cookbook (2009) | | | |
π Python re(gex)? (2020) | | | |
π JavaScript RegExp (2020) | | | |
π Ruby Regexp (2020) | | | |
Books / Reinforcement learning |
π Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (2018) | | | |
Books / Reverse engineering |
π Reverse Engineering for Beginners (2018) | | | |
Books / Science |
π The structure of scientific revolutions (1962) | | | |
π Cosmos (1980) | | | |
π A brief history of time (1988) | | | |
π The demon-haunted world (1995) | | | |
π A short history of nearly everything (2003) | | | |
π What if? (2014) | | | |
Books / Scifi |
π The sirens of titan (1959) | | | |
π Stranger in a strange land (1961) | | | |
π Catβs cradle (1963) | | | |
π Do androids dream of electric sheep? (1968) | | | |
π Ubik (1969) | | | |
π The mote in god's eye (1974) | | | |
π Neuromancer (1984) | | | |
π Enderβs game (1985) | | | |
π The player of games (1988) | | | |
π A fire upon the deep (1992) | | | |
π Snow crash (1992) | | | |
π Permutation city (1994) | | | |
π The diamond age (1995) | | | |
π The martian (2011) | | | |
π Golden son (2015) | | | |
π The dispossessed | | | |
π Blindsight | | | |
Books / Scifi / SciFi Series |
π The baroque cycle | | | |
π Hyperion cantos | | | |
π The dark tower | | | |
π Foundation | | | |
π Red rising | | | |
π Culture | | | |
π Rama | | | |
Books / Security |
π The database hackerβs handbook (2005) | | | Most detailed book available for attacking databases (covers basic through advanced topics) |
π A guide to kernel exploitation (2010) | | | Advanced exploitation of a range of operating systems |
π The tangled web (2011) | | | Detailed look at the foundations of web protocols followed by a thorough examination of their weakness |
π The web application hackers handbook (2014) | | | |
π The browser hacker's handbook (2014) | | | A detailed look into many web security topics |
π Security Engineering (2020) | | | A look into many security topics |
Books / Sleep |
π Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams (2017) | | | |
Books / Society |
π The utopia of rules (2015) | | | |
Books / Spirituality |
π The Quantum and the Lotus: A Journey to the Frontiers Where Science and Buddhism Meet (2000) | | | |
π Journey of souls: case studies of life between lives (1994) | | | |
Books / Startups |
π Running Lean (2012) | | | |
π Zero to one (2014) | | | |
π Just fucking ship (2014) | | | |
Books / Statistics |
π The visual display of quantitative information (1983) | | | |
π Bayesian Data Analysis (1995) | | | |
π The elements of statistical learning (2001) | | | |
π All of statistics (2004) | | | |
π Introduction to bayesian statistics (2007) | | | |
π Think bayes: bayesian statistics made simple (2012) | | | |
π An introduction to statistical learning: with applications in r (2013) | | | |
π Statistical rethinking: a bayesian course with examples in R and Stan (2015) | | | |
Books / Statistics / π Statistical rethinking: a bayesian course with examples in R and Stan (2015) |
Lectures | | | |
Books / Statistics |
π Computational and inferential thinking (2017) | | | |
π Statistics Playbook (early Access - 2022) | | | |
Books / Strategy |
π The art of war (~ 500 BC) | | | |
Books / Text editors |
π Build Your Own Text Editor | | | |
Books / Text editors / Vim |
π Practical vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought (2012) | | | |
Books / Text editors / Vim / π Practical vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought (2012) |
Notes | 50 | almost 4 years ago | |
Books / Text editors / Vim |
π Learn Vimscript the Hard Way | | | |
π Vim user manual | | | Must read for anyone new to vim |
Books / Type theory |
π Type Theory & Functional Programming (1999) | | | |
π Type Theory and Formal Proof: An Introduction (2014) | | | |
π Programming with Types (early-access 2019/20) | | | |
Books / Unix |
π Advanced programming in the unix environment (1992) | | | |
π Unix power tools (1993) | | | |
π An introduction to unix (2014) | | | |
π GNU grep and ripgrep (2020) | | | |
π GNU sed (2020) | | | |
π GNU awk (2020) | | | |
Books / Version control / Git |
π Git in practice (2014) | | | |
π Pro git (2014) | | | |
Books / Visualization |
π Envisioning information (1990) | | | |
Books / Writing |
π Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace (1981) | | | |
Books / Web Development |
π Site Reliability Engineering | | | |
π Hugo in Action (early-access) | | | |
π Micro Frontends in Action | | | |
Books / Web Development / CSS |
π Learn CSS Layout the pedantic way (2015) | | | |
Books / Web Development / Node |
π Node up and running (2012) | | | |
Books / Web Development / React |
π React in Patterns (2018) | | | |
π The Road to learn React | | | |
π React Hooks in Action | | | |
Books / Web Development / Redux |
π Redux Book (2018) | | | |
Books / Web Development / Webpack |
π Webpack: From apprentice to master (2018) | | | |
Books / Web Development / Web design |
π Donβt make me think (2000) | | | |
Books / Other |
Awesome fantasy | 1,293 | about 1 year ago | |
Awesome scifi | 4,334 | 3 months ago | |
Book notes | 3,952 | almost 2 years ago | |
Book suggestions subreddit | | | |
Free programming books | 341,306 | 3 months ago | |
Influential CS books | 5,680 | about 1 year ago | |
Language-agnostic programming books | | | |
Mind expanding books | 11,897 | 4 months ago | |
Recommended reading for developers | | | |