Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Agile |
Manifesto | | | |
Patterns | | | |
Glossary | | | |
Wikipedia | | | |
History and background | | | |
Steering body | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Agile / Books |
Agile Practice Guide | | | |
PMBOK: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge | | | |
Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process | | | |
Agile Product Management with Scrum | | | |
Learning Agile: Understanding Scrum, XP, Lean, and Kanban | | | |
Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time | | | |
Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Rapid application development |
Introduction | | | |
Tools | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Rapid application development / Books |
Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Rapid application development / Papers |
Rapid application development (RAD): an empirical review | | | |
The utility of rapid application development in large‐scale, complex projects | | | |
Rapid Application Development: rough and dirty or value-for-money engineering? | | | |
Risks of rapid application development | | | |
A quality software process for rapid application development | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Rapid application development |
Wikipedia | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Extreme programming |
Manifesto | | | |
Process Model | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Extreme programming / Books |
Extreme Programming Explained | | | |
Extreme Programming Applied | | | |
Planning Extreme Programming | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Extreme programming |
Wikipedia | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Waterfall |
Process Model | | | |
Methodology | | | |
References | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Waterfall / Papers |
Production of Large Computer Programs | | | |
Managing the Development of Large Software Systems | | | |
Iterative and Incremental Development: A Brief History | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Waterfall |
Wikipedia | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Rapid Prototyping |
Introduction | | | |
Tools | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Rapid Prototyping / Papers |
Rapid prototyping: An alternative instructional design strategy | | | |
Rapid Prototyping in Software Development | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Rapid Prototyping |
Wikipedia | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Incremental / Books |
Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Incremental |
Wikipedia | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Cleanroom |
Process Model | | | |
Reference | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Cleanroom / Papers |
Cleanroom Software Engineering | | | |
Introducing Formal Methods into Industry using Cleanroom and CSP | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Cleanroom / Books |
Toward Zero-Defect Programming | | | |
Practicing / Models and Methodologies / Cleanroom |
Wikipedia | | | |
Practicing / People Management / Running one-on-ones |
1-1|GitLab | | | |
Running one-on-ones – The Manager's Handbook | | | |
One-on-One Meetings (The Complete Guide) | | | | |
How to Make Your One-on-Ones with Employees More Productive | | | |
How to Have Effective 1 on 1 Meetings with Your Manager | | | |
The Ultimate Guide to Manager One-on-Ones | | | |
How to Have Effective 1-on-1 Meetings With Your Direct Reports | | | |
How to Run Exceptional One-on-Ones | by Dave Bailey | The Founder Coach Blog | | | |
One-on-ones are my most valuable meetings; here’s how I run them | by Mathilde Collin | The Startup | Medium | | | |
Practicing / People Management / Building credibility |
How to build trust on engineering teams | The Enterprisers Project | | | |
How to Build Credibility at Work. Nothing arises suspicions about… | by Patricia Repolda | The Startup | Medium | | | |
How To Become A Subject Matter Expert: 5 Ways To Establish Credibility And Executive Presence | | | |
A Most Critical Engineering Career Success Factor: Technical Credibility | Penn State College of Engineering | | | |
How to build credibility with your team - Torch | | | |
7 Ways to Build Credibility When You're a New Leader | | | |
Practicing / People Management / Building Strategic roadmaps |
Maximize your team. How I created an Engineering Roadmap | | | |
Podcast 376: Writing the roadmap from engineer to manager - Stack Overflow Blog | | | |
4. Building Effective Roadmaps - 97 Things Every Engineering Manager Should Know [Book] | | | |
Engineering Team Roadmaps. | by Michael Krisher | The Startup | Medium | | | |
The Mystical Engineering Roadmap | | | |
Engineering Roadmap | | | |
How to Create an Engineering Roadmap | Step-by-Step Guide | | | |
Why long-term plans don't work and how to fix them | | | |
Practicing / People Management / Motivating teams |
Habits of High-Functioning Teams | | | | |
10 Ways to Motivate Employees with One on One Meetings | | | |
Managing motivation on software engineering teams | | | |
Building and Motivating Engineering Teams | by Camille Fournier | | | |
Creating and sustaining motivation in your engineering team - YouTube | | | |
Motivating Engineering Teams - API Canary | | | |
About Team motivation or What Motivates Your Dev Team? - GoRetro | | | |
Practicing / People Management / Hiring |
How to Hire | Carta | | | |
How to drive away your best engineers. | Hulacorn Blog | | | |
Hiring 101 – The Manager's Handbook | | | |
Ask HN: How do small companies do recruitment? | Hacker News | | | |
Practicing / People Management / Goal Setting |
Clarity – The Manager's Handbook | | | |
Setting KPIs and goals : YC Startup Library | | | |
Engineering Managers and productivity: 7 guiding objectives for supporting your team | | | |
Engineering goals: How to set goals for high-performing teams | Hypercontext | | | |
Practicing / People Management / Prioritization |
RICE Scoring Model | Prioritization Method Overview | | | |
What is an Action Priority Matrix? | Definition and Overview | | | |
What is Affinity Grouping Prioritization? | Definition and Overview | | | |
Affinity Diagram | Definition and Overview | | | |
Buy-a-Feature Prioritization Model | Definition and Overview | | | |
What is the Cost of Delay framework? | Definition and Overview | | | |
Eisenhower Matrix | Prioritization Framework | Definition and Examples | | | |
What is the Kano Model? | Definition and Overview of Kano | | | |
What is MoSCoW Prioritization? | Overview of the MoSCoW Method | | | |
The Product Tree Prioritization Framework | Overview | | | |
Value vs. Complexity Prioritization Model | Definition and Overview | | | |
Weighted Scoring | Definition and Overview | | | |
Practicing / People Management / Collaboration |
There is no “us” in team | Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programmers | | | |
Jade Rubick - How to build silos and decrease collaboration (on purpose) | | | |
The effects of remote work on collaboration among information workers | Nature Human Behaviour | | | |
Practicing / People Management / Conflict resolution |
Conflict resolution 101 for startups | | | |
Good conflicts – The Manager's Handbook | | | |
How to Deliver Constructive Feedback in Difficult Situations | by Dave Bailey | The Founder Coach Blog | | | |
How to Resolve a Conflict Where Both Sides Are Right | by Dave Bailey | The Founder Coach Blog | | | |
How to Resolve Disputes - A Guide for Managers | by Teuta Rechi | Adeva | | | |
Ask HN: How do you handle conflicts with your peers? | Hacker News | | | |
Techniques for conflict management as an Engineering Manager | Jumpstart | | | |
Engineering Performance Review | Railsware BlogGroup 3 | | | |
Performance Reviews for Software Developers – How I Do Them In a (Hopefully) Fair Way - The Pragmatic Engineer | | | |
Performance reviews - The Engineering Manager | | | |
How to Run a Successful Software Engineer Performance Review [Template Included] | | | |
Unfortunate things about performance reviews | | | |
Annual Reviews Are a Terrible Way to Evaluate Employees - WSJ | | | |
Performance reviews don’t actually assess your performance. | | | |
Ask HN: How does your company do performance reviews? | Hacker News | | | |
Ask HN: What does performance management look like at your company? | Hacker News | | | |
Practicing / People Management / Feedback |
Feedack – The Manager's Handbook | | | |
Leadership | GitLab | | | |
How to Ask for Feedback | | | |
The Engineering Manager's guide to open, honest and constructive feedback | LeadDev | | | |
Performance Review Example and Template for Engineering Managers - The Pragmatic Engineer | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Project Charter |
PMI | | | |
Wikipedia | | | |
Templates | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Project Management Plan |
Wikipedia | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Project Management Plan / Templates |
CDC | | | |
Atlassian | | | |
PMI | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Work breakdown structure |
PMI | | | |
Wikipedia | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Work breakdown structure / Templates |
CDC | | | |
Atlassian | | | |
Miro | | | |
Google sheets | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Capacity Planning |
Wikipedia | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Capacity Planning / Templates |
CDC | | | |
Atlassian | | | |
PMI | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Risk Management |
Wikipedia | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Risk Management / Templates |
CDC | | | |
Atlassian | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Stakeholder Management |
PMI | | | |
Wikipedia | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Decision Making / Templates |
Atlassian | | | |
Miro | | | |
Wikipedia | | | |
PMI | | | |
Clickup | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Retrospectives / Templates |
Atlassian | | | |
Miro | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / SMART Goals |
Wikipedia | | | |
Atlassian | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / SMART Goals / Templates |
Atlassian | | | |
Miro | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Critical Path Method |
Wikipedia | | | |
PMI | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Critical Path Method / Templates |
Smartsheet | | | |
Others | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Launch Plan / Templates |
Atlassian | | | |
Asana | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / ADR: Architecture Decision Record |
Process | 12,450 | 3 months ago | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / ADR: Architecture Decision Record / Templates |
Atlassian | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Software Architecture Review / Process |
Process | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Software Architecture Review / Templates |
Atlassian | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / RACI Matrix |
Wikipedia | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / RACI Matrix / Templates |
Miro | | | |
Confluence | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Decision tree |
Wikipedia | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Decision tree / Templates |
Miro | | | |
Canva | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Gantt Charts / Templates |
Google sheets | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Cause-effect analysis: Fishbone diagrams |
Wikipedia | | | |
Tutorial | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / Cause-effect analysis: Fishbone diagrams / Templates |
Miro | | | |
Canva | | | |
Practicing / Processes and Artifacts / SCRUM Poker planning |
Wikipedia | | | |
| | | | |
Slack bot | 17 | over 7 years ago | |
Storyplan for slack | | | |
Android app | | | |
Practicing / How organizations do stuff | | 9,162 | 4 months ago | | | 6,074 | 2 months ago | | | 733 | about 2 years ago | | | 676 | over 1 year ago | | | 112 | almost 3 years ago | |
OpenProject | 9,581 | 2 months ago | | | | | |
Redmine | | | |
Phabricator | | | |
Jira | | | |
Asana | | | |
Trello | | | |
Basecamp | | | |
Monday | | | |
Clickup | | | |
Youtrack | | | |
Github | | | |
Gitlab | | | |
Google sheets | | | |
Clubhouse | | | |
Microsoft Project | | | |
Project Manager | | | |
focalboard | 22,157 | 5 months ago | |
react-kanban | 1,726 | almost 6 years ago | |
wekan | 19,662 | 2 months ago | |
kanboard | 8,577 | 2 months ago | |
huboard | 1,696 | over 5 years ago | |
nullboard | 2,571 | over 1 year ago | |
git-standup | 7,646 | 8 months ago | | | | | |
scrumbot | 33 | about 6 years ago | |
slack-standup-bot | 27 | over 6 years ago | |
standup-raven | 223 | over 1 year ago | |
Confluence | | | |
Notion | | | |
Bookstack | 15,571 | 2 months ago | |
Mediawiki | 4,312 | 2 months ago | |
Dropbox paper | | | |
Google docs | | | |
Instiki | 503 | 2 months ago | |
Nuclino | | | |
Slite | | | |
Slack | | | |
Mattermost | | | |
Discord | | | | | | | |
jitsi | | | |
Google Meet | | | |
Microsoft Teams | | | |
Gitter | | | |
Flock | | | | | | | |
Nylas | 24,801 | about 2 years ago | |
Mailspring | 15,629 | 5 months ago | |
Thunderbird | | | |
Shift | | | |
Rambox | 6,358 | almost 3 years ago | |
K9 | 11,158 | 2 months ago | |
Evolution | | | |
Microsoft Office Outlook | | | |
Freeter | | | |
| | | | |
Lucidchart | | | |
Miro | | | |
Sketch | | | |
Invision | | | |
Figma | | | |
Zeplin | | | |
Excalidraw | | | |
jira-agile-metrics | 255 | 12 months ago | |
agile-metrics-tools | 11 | 2 months ago | |
agile-metrics | 11 | over 2 years ago | |
jira-metrics-extract | 29 | over 5 years ago | |
pandas_agile_metrics | 7 | almost 6 years ago | |
aafmp | | | |
jira-agile-velocity | 27 | over 1 year ago | |
Tutanota | | | |
Proton Calendar | | | |
Calendso | | | |
Calendly | | | | | | | |
Zeeg | | | |
activitywatch | 12,809 | 4 months ago | |
marinara | 2,402 | over 1 year ago | |
pomotroid | 4,460 | 11 months ago | |
pomatez | 4,093 | 5 months ago | |
gnome-pomodoro | 2,025 | 3 months ago | |
Goodtime | 989 | 2 months ago | |
Yellow Tomato | | | |
Github | | | |
Gitlab | | | |
Gitea | | | |
Sourcehut | | | |
Launchpad | | | |
Invoiceninja | 8,383 | 2 months ago | |
Wakatime | | | |
Activitywatch | 12,809 | 4 months ago | |
Super-productivity | 12,216 | 2 months ago | |
Toggldesktop | 1,863 | over 1 year ago | |
Kimai2 | 3,370 | 2 months ago | |
ShareX | 30,078 | 3 months ago | |
developer-roadmap | 301,232 | 2 months ago | |
awesome-quality-assurance-roadmap | 1,858 | about 3 years ago | |
design-patterns-for-humans | 45,591 | 3 months ago | |
ossu/computer-science | 173,297 | 4 months ago | |
awesome-falsehood | 24,322 | 3 months ago | |
system_design | 8,871 | 9 months ago | |
study-path | 2,890 | about 3 years ago | |
best-practices-checklist | 951 | 6 months ago | |
pointers-for-software-engineers | 5,716 | 8 months ago | |
evergreen-skills-developers | 1,880 | about 2 years ago | |
awesome-courses | 58,015 | almost 2 years ago | |
awesome-testing-courses | 403 | over 4 years ago | |
System design primer | 279,437 | 3 months ago | |
Learning / Books |
The Manager's Path | | | |
The Making of a Manager | | | |
An Elegant Puzzle | | | |
High Growth Handbook | | | |
Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps | | | |
Managing the Unmanageable | | | |
Mythical Man-Month | | | |
The DevOps Handbook | | | |
Team Topologies | | | |
The Gitlab handbook | | | |
The Manager's Handbook | | | |
Attest Engineering Handbook | | | | | | | |
The Staff Engineer's Path | | | |
Management 3.0 | | | |
Learning / Courses |
Engineering Management Interview Course - Exponent | | | |
Foundations of Project Management by Google - Coursera | | | |
Ace Manager Job Interview & Career (Engineering Tech & Other - Udemy | | | |
Practical Team Management for Software Engineers - PluralSight | | | |
Learning / Useful resources |
Career Ladders | | | |
Engineering Ladders | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Leadership in Tech | | | |
the-engineering-managers-booklist | 1,602 | about 1 year ago | |
awesome-cto | 26,032 | 11 months ago | |
awesome-startup | 1,676 | 8 months ago | |
engineering-management | 7,620 | 2 months ago | |
awesome-leading-and-managing | | | |
awesome-engineering-team-management | 2,029 | 3 months ago | |
engineering-blogs | 31,861 | 6 months ago | |
empathy-in-engineering | 536 | over 8 years ago | |
awesome-project-management | 627 | 5 months ago | |
engineer-manager | 10,595 | 3 months ago | |