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Contents / Build Systems

aimake Build tool designed to avoid complex configurations
Autoconf Extensible package of M4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages. Part of the Autotools
Automake Tool for automatically generating files compliant with the GNU Coding Standards. Requires the use of Autoconf. Part of the Autotools
CMake Tools for cross-platform building, testing, and packaging
Jam Build system, designed to be easier than make. Understands C build rules implicitly
Libtool Generic library support script. Part of the Autotools
Meson Extremely fast, user-friendly build system. Based on Ninja
Premake 3,197 4 days ago Build script generator for toolsets like Visual Studio, Xcode, or GNU Make
SCons An easier, more reliable and faster way to build software
Ninja 11,073 4 days ago Small, simple build system with a focus on speed
Bazel Build system for various operating systems and targets
Buck Build system created and used by Facebook
Qbs Modern build tool for software projects
qmake Build system included with the Qt Framework
xmake Cross-platform build utility based on lua

Contents / Compilers

Clang C compiler for LLVM. Supports C11
CompCert Fully-verified C compiler. Supports almost all of C89
GCC Provides a C compiler as part of its compiler set. Supports C11 and OpenMP
PCC Venerable C compiler. Supports C99
TCC Tiny C Compiler; a small, fast C compiler. Supports C99 (except complex types)
Intel SPMD Compiler for a variant of the C language, for single program, multiple data programming
ccache Compiler cache designed to speedup recompilation

Contents / Compiler libraries

yasm Yasm Modular Assembler Project

Contents / Compression

libzip A C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
lzo Very fast data compression library
zlib Massively-spiffy yet delicately-unobtrusive compression library
bzip2 Patent free, high quality data compressor
lz4 Fast Compression algorithm
snappy 6,110 about 2 months ago Fast compression library (implementation in C++, native bindings to C)
zstd Fast real-time compression algorithm
brotli 13,493 16 days ago Generic lossless compression algorithm based on LZ77, Huffman coding and 2nd order context modelling
quicklz Fast compression library
pixz 701 3 months ago Pixz (pronounced pixie) is a parallel, indexing version of

Contents / Crypto

GnuTLS Secure communication library, implementing SSL, TLS and DTLS
libgcrypt General-purpose cryptography library, with a range of available ciphers. and
OpenSSL Implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols, and also includes a cryptography library
libsodium Modern and easy-to-use crypto library
libtomcrypt Fairly comprehensive, modular and portable cryptographic toolkit
mbed TLS Another crypto implementation for C
libressl Modernized fork of OpenSSL

Contents / Database

BerkeleyDB Library for a high-performance embedded database for key-value data
Hiredis 6,218 about 1 month ago Minimalistic client library for Redis
LMDB 2,547 10 days ago Ultra-fast, ultra-compact key-value embedded data store
MariaDB Robust, scalable and reliable SQL server, designed to be a drop-in replacement for MySQL
mongo-c-driver High-performance client library for
PostgreSQL Powerful object-relational database system
recutils Set of tools and a C library for accessing human-editable, plaintext database files called recfiles
Redis Advanced key-value store
sophia Modern, embeddable key-value database
SQLite Self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine with a C interface
UnQLite Self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional NoSQL engine with a C interface

Contents / Deep Learning

Darknet Open source neural network framework written in C and CUDA. It is fast, easy to install, and supports CPU and GPU computation

Contents / Documentation Generation

Cxref Generates documentation of C programs in either LaTeX, HTML, RTF or SGML
DocOnce Modestly-tagged markup language that can be used to generate a range of formats
Doxygen The de-facto standard tool for generating C documentation from annotated sources. Can generate a large range of formats
GTK-Doc Tool for generating C documentation from annotated sources. Has support for the Autotools. or

Contents / Editors

Anjuta DevStudio The GNOME IDE
Atom Hackable text editor for the 21st century
Code::Blocks Extensible, configurable IDE supporting C
CodeLite Cross-platform IDE
Eclipse IDE written in Java
Geany Very small and fast IDE
KDevelop The KDE IDE
Qt Creator Cross-platform IDE written with C++ and Qt, part of the Qt SDK. Supports Clang Code Model
Visual Studio Code Code editing, redefined. Visual Studio Code

Contents / Embedded Systems / RTOS

Amazon FreeRTOS RTOS for microcontrollers that makes small, low-power edge devices easy to program
ChibiOS RTOS with complete development environment (HAL, drivers, support files, and tools)
Contiki Connect low-cost, low power microcontrollers to the Internet
Zephyr Project Scalable real-time RTOS supporting multiple hardware architectures, optimized for resource constrained devices
RIOT OS Real-time multi-threading operating system that supports a range of devices that are typically found in the Internet of Things

Contents / Environments

Cygwin Designed to emulate a POSIX-compatible environment extensively under Windows
MinGW-w64 Minimalist environment for C development on Windows with 64 bit support

Contents / Frameworks

APR Apache Portable Runtime; another library of cross-platform utility functions
C Algorithms Collection of common algorithms and data structures for C
C Macro Collections 527 3 months ago Header only, macro generated, generic and type-safe Collections in C
CPL The Common Pipeline Library; a set of libraries designed to be a comprehensive, efficient and robust software toolkit
EFL Large collection of useful data structures and functions
GLib Library of utility functions and structures, designed to be portable, efficient and powerful
GIO Modern and easy-to-use VFS API
GObject Object-oriented system and object model for C
libnih 89 almost 3 years ago Lightweight library of C functions and structures
libU Small library of basic utilities, including memory allocation, string manipulation and logging
PBL Large library of utilities, featuring data structures, among other things. or
qlibc Simple and powerful C library, designed as a replacement for GLib while focusing on being small and light. (similar to )
stb 26,530 about 2 months ago Range of single-file libraries for C
libsrt Safe Real-Time library for C

Contents / Game Programming / Engines

Corange 1,806 4 months ago Game engine in pure C
Darkplaces Modified version of the Quake2 engine
ioquake3 The Quake3 engine, freed at last
Orx Portable, lightweight, plugin-based, data-driven, 2D-oriented game engine
Quake 4,821 4 months ago The Quake engine
Quake2 2,797 10 months ago The Quake2 engine
Spearmint Engine designed for FPS games

Contents / Game Programming / Resources

Allegro Cross-platform, video game development and multimedia library
Chipmunk2D Fast and lightweight 2D game physics library
CSFML Binding for in C
FreeGLUT Alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit. Allows the creation and management of windows with OpenGL contexts
GLFW Multi-platform library for creating windows with OpenGL contexts
libao Cross-platform audio library with a wide variety of outputs
RetroArch The reference frontend for
SDL and SDL2 Cross-platform development library designed to provide low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick and graphics hardware via OpenGL. SDL2 is the most current version
raylib Simple and easy-to-use library to learn videogames programming

Contents / Generic Programming

klib Small and lightweight implementations of common algorithms and data structures

Contents / Graphics

Cairo -2D graphics library. or
Cogl 0 about 9 years ago GPU graphics and utilities API
Clutter UI library based on OpenGL
giflib Library for reading and writing gif images
heman 470 over 3 years ago Tiny library of image utilities dealing with height maps, normal maps, distance fields and the like
libcaca 527 2 months ago ASCII renderer for terminal-based interfaces
libimagequant Small, portable library for high-quality conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed colour images
libjpeg-turbo Faster library for reading and writing JPEG files
libpng The official PNG reference library
libxmi Function library for rasterizing 2D vector graphics
mozjpeg 5,443 2 months ago Improved JPEG encoder

Contents / Graphics / Graphic APIs

OpenGL Industry adopted 2D and 3D graphics API. More resources at
OpenGL ES Industry adopted 2D and 3D graphics API for mobile and embedded devices
OpenGL SC Graphic and compute standard for industry requiring system safety certification
Vulkan Explicit graphic and compute API for modern cross-platform development. More resources at

Contents / Graphical User Interface

GTK+ Cross-platform widget toolkit
IUP Another cross-platform widget toolkit
Tk Basic widget toolkit. Part of Tcl/Tk
XForms Toolkit Widget toolkit designed for the XWindow system
nuklear 13,678 almost 5 years ago Single-header ANSI C gui library
libui 10,718 4 months ago Simple and portable (but not inflexible) GUI library
LCUI 4,137 6 days ago Small C library for building user interfaces with C, XML and CSS

Contents / Hashing

jwHash 216 about 4 years ago Fast hashtable implementation
xxHash Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
libcrc 404 about 2 years ago Multi platform CRC library
murmur 2,487 4 days ago C implementation of MurMur Hashing
t1ha 341 over 2 years ago Fast Positive Hash library

Contents / Image Processing

libccv Modern Computer Vision Library

Contents / JSON

Jansson C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON
jsmn Minimalistic JSON parser
json-c 2,949 20 days ago Library for working with JSON
parson 1,340 5 months ago Lightweight JSON library written in C
WJElement 108 7 months ago Advanced JSON manipulation library, with support for JSON Schema
YAJL Fast C JSON streaming parser library

Contents / Learning, Reference and Tutorials / Online

SEI CERT C Coding Standard
C FAQ - comp.lang.c Frequently Asked Questions
Comparison of C/POSIX standard library implementations for GNU/Linux
GNU C Reference Manual
Robert Pike's notes on programming in C
Draft ANSI C Rationale
Draft C99 Rationale
Draft ANSI C (C89) standard
Draft C99 standard
Draft C11 standard
Tutorial on pointers
Building C Projects
C Programming Wikibook
Introduction to 'fun' C
Learning C with GDB
POSIX Threads Programming tutorial (a little dated, but most of it is still valid and useful)
The GNU C Programming Tutorial (online PDF)
Templating in C
8 gdb tricks you should know
10 C99 tricks
Diving into concurrency: trying out mutexes and atomics
Introduction to OpenMP (video)
OpenMP tutorial (for the OpenMP3 standard)
memcpy vs memmove
MPI tutorial
Some unknown features or tricks in C language
The lost art of C structure packing
What a C programmer should know about memory
What every C programmer should know about undefined behaviour
Advanced metaprogramming in C
Quick tutorial on implementing and debugging malloc, free, calloc, and realloc
Bit twiddling hacks
I do not know C
Implementing smart pointers for the C programming language
Inline functions in C
Metaprogramming custom control structures in C
Some dark corners of C
Writing efficient C and C code optimization
What every programmer should know about memory
C Programming Language Certified Associate preparation course

Contents / Learning, Reference and Tutorials / Physical

C: A Reference Manual 5E Full reference book for C99
C Pocket Reference Concise reference book for C99
The C Programming Language 2E The original book on C, by its creators
C Primer Plus 6E Complete tutorial on programming in C11
C Programming: A Modern Approach Excellent book to learn the basics of C
Head First C 'Head-first' style book for learning C
21st Century C Very good programming book on C
Understanding and Using C Pointers In-depth resource on pointers in C
ZeroMQ Book for using ZeroMQ with C
Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets Interesting, in-depth and look at the innards of C

Contents / Macros

P99 Suite of macros to implement advanced features like default function arguments, scope-bound resources, etc. (Requires C99)

Contents / Memory Allocators

jemalloc General purpose malloc(3) implementation that emphasizes fragmentation avoidance and scalable concurrency support, commonly used in production systems
dlmalloc Doug Lea's malloc(3) implementation, useful for academic and research purposes
Hoard A Fast, Scalable, and Memory-efficient Malloc for Linux, Windows, Mac, and Solaris
nedmalloc An EXTREMELY FAST portable thread caching malloc(3) implementation written in C
rpmalloc 2,133 3 months ago Cross platform, lock-free memory allocator

Contents / Multimedia

FFMPEG Complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. or
GStreamer Framework for audio and visual media
lodepng Simple PNG image decoder and encoder, requiring no other dependencies
libsoup GNOME HTTP client/server library. Uses GObject
libmpv Music-playing library. Compile with to not have the music player
libsoundio Library for cross-platform, real-time audio input and output. Has a range of back-ends

Contents / Networking and Internet

asnlc Compiler of ASN.1 specifications into C source code
czmq High-level binding for ZeroMQ
GNU adns Advanced, easy-to-use, asynch-capable DNS client library and utilities
GNU SASL Implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer and a few common SASL mechanism
GnuTLS Secure communication library, implementing SSL, TLS and DTLS
gumbo-parser 5,161 over 1 year ago HTML5 parsing library in C99
http-parser 6,330 over 2 years ago HTTP request/response parser
ldns Library to simplify DNS programming
libcurl Client-side URL transfer library, supporting a wide range of formats
LibEtPan Mail library providing an efficient network for IMAP, SMTP, POP and NNTP
libev Yet another event loop
libuv Cross-platform asynchronous I/O
libevent Event loop replacement for network servers
libgss Generic Security Service
libhttpd Library to add basic web server capabilities to an application or embedded device
libidn Implementation of the Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA specifications
libmicrohttpd Small C library that makes it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application
libsagui Sagui is a cross-platform C library which helps to develop web servers or frameworks
libvldmail 52 about 2 months ago Your friendly e-mail address validation library
lwan Experimental, scalable, high-performance HTTP server
mongoose Embedded web server for C
MQTT-C 770 5 months ago Portable MQTT C client for embedded systems and PCs alike
nanomsg 5,968 8 months ago C-based implementation of ZeroMQ
OpenSSL Implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols, and also includes a cryptography library
oSip SIP implementation in C without additional dependencies
pig 462 almost 4 years ago Linux packet crafting tool
s2n 4,516 4 days ago C99 implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols, designed to be simple, fast and with security as a priority
socket99 142 over 7 years ago C99 wrapper for the BSD sockets API
Tox Communication platform, designed to be a Skype-killer
twitc 24 almost 4 years ago Mini C library for interacting with the Twitter OAuth API
librg 1,263 6 months ago Library for building simple and elegant cross-platform mmo client-server solutions
dyad 1,435 almost 4 years ago Asynchronous networking library
h2o 10,853 18 days ago Optimized HTTP/1, HTTP/2 high performance server/library

Contents / Networking and Internet / Web Frameworks

balde Microframework for C based on GLib
onion C library to create simple HTTP servers and Web Applications
kore Easy to use, scalable and secure web application framework for writing web APIs in C
klone KLone is a fully-featured, multiplatform, web application development framework
duda Duda I/O is an event-driven and high performant web services framework written in C

Contents / Numerical

apophenia Library for statistical and scientific computing
ATLAS Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
BLAS Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms; a set of routines that provide vector and matrix operations
CDFLIB Library with routines to evaluate cumulative density functions fo a variety of standard probability distributions. Also can compute one parameter of the CDF given the others. (No license given)
cmathl Pure-C Math library with a great variety of mathematical functions and CMake build support. Seeks to be close to C89/C90 compliant for portability
Cuba Library for multidimensional numerical integration
FFTW The Fastest Fourier Transform in the West; a highly-optimized fast Fourier transform routine
FLINT Fast Library for Number Theory; a library supporting arithmetic with numbers, polynomials, power series and matrices, among others
GLPK GNU Linear Programming Kit; a package designed for solving large-scale linear programming, mixed integer programming and other related problems
GMP GNU Multple Precision Arithmetic Library; a library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic. and
GNU MPC Library for complex number arithmetic
GNU MPFR Library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic. or
GNU MPRIA Portable mathematics library for multi-precision rational interval arithmetic
GSL The GNU Scientific Library; a sophisticated numerical library
igraph Library for creating and manipulating large graphs
KISS FFT Very simple fast Fourier transform library
LAPACKE C interface to
PARI/GP Computer algebra system for number theory; includes a compiler to C
PETSc Suite of data structures and routines for scalable parallel solution of scientific applications modelled by partial differential equations
PROB Library that handles various discrete and continuous probability density functions
Yeppp! Very fast, SIMD-optimized mathematical library

Contents / Parallel Programming

cchan Small library for channel constructs for inter-thread communication
ck Concurrency primitives, safe memory reclamation mechanisms and non-blocking data structures
mill Go-style concurrency in C
libdill Structured concurrency in C
MPICH Another implementation of MPI
OpenMP Set of C pragmas designed to allow for easy parallelization of code
OpenMPI 2,130 5 days ago Message passing interface implementation
pth Portable implementation for non-preemptive priority-based scheduling for multiple threads of execution
pthreads The POSIX thread library
SLEPc Software library for the solution of large, sparse eigenvalue problems on parallel computers
TinyCThread Portable, small implementation of the C11 threads API

Contents / Parsers

hammer 282 almost 4 years ago Parser combinators for binary formats
iniparser 976 3 months ago Parser for files
libconfini 164 about 2 years ago Yet another INI parser
libYAML YAML 1.1 parser and emitter
mpc 2,665 5 months ago Parser combinator library
libucl 1,616 5 months ago Universal configuration library parser

Contents / Regex

PCRE Implementation of regexes identical to that of Perl 5
regexp4 10 almost 7 years ago Simple and complete implementation of regular expressions with its own sintax
SLRE 527 almost 4 years ago Super Light Regular Expression library; a very small implementation of a subset of Perl regex syntax
sregex 618 almost 3 years ago Non-backtracking NFA/DFA-based Perl-compatible regex engine library
TRE 798 15 days ago POSIX-compliant, feature-full regex library

Contents / Serialization

binn 450 8 months ago Binary serialization format meant to be compact, fast and easy-to-use
c-capnproto 69 over 1 year ago Implementation of the Cap'n Proto serialization protocol
cmp 337 5 months ago Implementation of the serialization protocol
libavro C implementation of the Avro data serialization system
mpack 533 over 1 year ago Another implementation of the serialization protocol
netstring-c 7 almost 4 years ago Netstring encoder and decoder
protobuf-c 2,667 3 months ago Implementation of Google Protocol Buffer in C
xdr External Data Representation; a standard for data serialization

Contents / Source Code Collections

CCAN Modelled after Perl's CPAN, this is a big collection of C code that does stuff. The full list is
clib 4,843 about 1 month ago Something of a package manager for C. Comes with a
gnulib Collection of common GNU code
libdjb Collection of libraries doing various things

Contents / Standard Libraries

Bionic 604 4 days ago Google's C standard library, developed for Android
dietlibc C standard library designed for the smallest possible binaries
glibc The GNU C Library; an implementation of the C standard library
musl Standard C library, compatible with POSIX 2008 and C11. Designed for static linking

Contents / String Manipulation

bstrlib The Better String Library. and
ICU International Components for Unicode; a library for Unicode support
libunistring Library for manipulating Unicode strings in C
libgiconv Text conversion library. or
SDS 4,897 5 months ago Simple Dynamic Strings; a library for handling C strings in a simpler way, but one that is compatible with normal C string functions. Available via
shoco Compressor for small text strings
smaz 1,166 almost 5 years ago Efficient string compression library
utf8.h 1,723 3 months ago Single header utf8 string functions
utf8proc 1,029 about 1 month ago Small, clean library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data

Contents / Testing

CHEAT Very simple unit testing framework
Check Unit testing framework for C
CMock Mock/stub generator for C
cmocka Unit testing framework with support for mock objects
Criterion KISS, non-intrusive C test framework
CUnit Another unit testing framework for C
Cutest 18 almost 3 years ago Library for unit testing with memory leak detection (Linux, freeBSD and Windows)
minunit 569 11 months ago Minimal unit testing framework for C
munit Small but full-featured unit testing framework for C with no dependencies
Unity Simple unit testing framework for C

Contents / Text Editor Extensions / Atom

linter-clang 55 about 1 year ago Lint C code in Atom, using Clang
linter-gcc 71 over 2 years ago Lint C code in Atom, using GCC

Contents / Text Editor Extensions / Emacs

CEDET Collection of Emacs Development Environment Tools; designed to provide IDE-like features to Emacs. Built-in
Flycheck 2,408 2 months ago Modern syntax checking. For C, it can use either GCC or Clang as a back-end
Yasnippet 2,782 6 months ago Template system, with C templates for common code snippets

Contents / Text Editor Extensions / Vim

Syntastic 11,304 about 2 years ago Syntax checking and linting
YouCompleteMe Code completion engine for Vim

Contents / Tools

Artistic Style Fast and small automatic source code formatter that supports C
address-sanitizer 11,405 about 1 month ago Fast memory error detector
biicode Modern dependency manager for C
c 2,090 10 months ago Compile and execute C "scripts" in one go on the command line. Also has shebang support
c99sh 107 6 days ago Run C files using hash-bang
CBMC C Bounded Model Checker; a tool for verification of array bounds, pointer safety and user-specified assertions
cdecl Online service to translate C declarations into English and vice versa
cinclude2dot Graphs include dependencies in a C project using Graphviz
Complexity Tool for measuring the complexity of C source code
CScout Source code analyzer and refactoring browser for collections of C programs
DDD Graphical front-end for a range of command-line debuggers
GDB The GNU Project debugger; a debugger for C
Glade RAD tool to enable quick development of GTK+ GUIs
GMSL GNU Make Standard Library; a collection of additional functionality for GNU Make
GNU Global Source code tagging tool which works with C
gprof Performance analysis tool. Part of GNU binutils
Highlight Converts source code to formatted text with nice highlighting
include-what-you-use 4,076 6 days ago Helps find unecessary inclusions and make suggestions for fixing them. Based on LLVM/Clang (and only works with it)
indent Formats C source code automatically to make it easier to read. Also converts from one style of source to another
rr Debugger that records non-deterministic executions to allow for deterministic debugging
tup Very fast, file-based, cross-platform build system
unifdef Removes #ifdef and #if directives with their delimited text without touching any other part of the file. and
Valgrind Range of dynamic analysis tools, including a leak checker

Contents / Utilities

ApeTagLibs 12 5 months ago C library for working with APEv2 tags
bfd Library for manipulating binary object files. Part of GNU binutils
cf4ocl The C Framework for OpenCL; a cross-platform object-oriented framework for developing and benchmarking projects. or
CommonMark 4,876 22 days ago C implementation of the CommonMark spec
CException 323 2 months ago C implementation of exceptions
docopt.c 320 5 months ago C implementation of a command-line option parser
dyncall Another foreign function interface library
FANN Fast Artifical Neural Network library; an implementation of neural networks
Firm C library that provides a graph-based intermediate representation, optimizations and assembly code generation suitable for use in compilers. Comes with an example C front-end under the same license
Genann 1,994 3 months ago Simple neural network library in C
gjrand Library of random-number generation routines. or
GNU FreeIPMI In-band and out-of-band IPMI implementation
GNU gperf Perfect hash function generator, given a list of strings. Outputs C code
GNU Libffcall Collection of libraries for building foreign function interfaces
gperftools 8,397 7 days ago Collection of utilities for measuring and improving performance
huffandpuff 96 over 11 years ago Minimal Huffman encoder and decoder
kdtree 391 about 3 years ago Simple library for working with KD-trees
Kitsune Efficient, general-purpose framework for dynamic software updating
libavl Library containing a range of self-balancing binary trees
libbson 345 almost 4 years ago BSON utility library
libCello Library introducing higher-level programming to C
libffi 3,180 15 days ago Portable foreign-function interface library
libgit2 Pure C implementation of Git
libimobiledevice 6,596 19 days ago Cross-platform protocol library to communicate with iThings. or
libnfc 1,686 about 2 months ago Platform-independent Near-Field Communication library
libPhenom 1,661 over 5 years ago Deprecated, here for archival purposes. Eventing framework for building high-scalability and high-performance systems
ncurses Coloured terminal UI library
nope.c 693 almost 7 years ago C-language-based, ultra-light software platform for scalable server-side and networking applications (think node.js for C programmers)
pbc 1,619 almost 2 years ago Protocol buffers library
rabbitmq-c 1,760 2 months ago Client library for
Ragel DSL for state machines that compiles to C
Tinyexpr 1,582 about 2 months ago Tiny recursive-descent parser, compiler and evaluation engine for simple mathematical expressions
uthash Hash table implementation, allowing existing structures to be stored in a hash table easily
cpu_features 2,434 22 days ago A cross platform C99 library to get cpu features at runtime
pblog 29 almost 7 years ago Small, low overhead, structured logging library intended for logging formware events
libelf 54 over 7 years ago ELF object file access library in C
mcpp Portable C preprocessor
libusb Generic access to USB devices
alsa-lib Userspace library to interact with ALSA
Capstone 7,509 5 days ago Dissasembly/disassembler framework

Contents / XML

Expat Stream-oriented XML parser
libxml2 Standards-compliant, portable XML parser
mini-xml 441 4 months ago Small XML reading and writing library. No dependencies aside from C standard library

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