
A curated list of awesome tools, content and projects using k6


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Awesome k6 / Articles

Part 2 - JavaScript tools, shared libraries, and TypeScript Stting up your k6 performance testing suite with JavaScript tools, shared libraries, and TypeScript

Awesome k6 / Videos

k6 YouTube Channel
How to use k6 Cloud for load testing A series of quick videos for getting started with k6 Cloud
Intro to load testing with k6 and Grafana (k6 data source plugin and Prometheus Remote Write)
From Grafana ObservabilityCON: Intro to using k6 load testing with the Grafana observability stack
From Grafana ObservabilityCON: Building performance tests into your CI pipeline with k6 and Grafana, w/ Matthew Churcher, QA Engineer at Vonage
EveryoneCanContribute cafe: Load Performance Testing with k6
Playlist - What others says about k6

Awesome k6 / Videos / Playlist - What others says about k6

What is K6 & How to get started with k6 Tutorial using k6 Extensions for Observability by "Is it Observable?"
Website Performance + Load Testing with K6 ( in 5 MINUTES! Introductory overview of k6, showing how to create a test from a HAR file, by the DevOps Directive
Performance Testing your web app with k6 A walkthrough of the open-source load and performance regression testing tool, k6, and how to load test your APIs and websites, by Chris James
Application Load Testing with k6 Daniel Knittl-Frank @TechTalk Days 2021, Intro to k6
Performance Testing From Zero to Hero with K6 & Azure Jose Luis Latorre Millas at NDC Oslo 2021
AI-Powered K6 Testing: No Code, No Hassle, Just ChatGPT! πŸ¦ΎπŸš€ In this video, Karthik K.K. demonstrates how ChatGPT can create k6 tests without writing a single line of code

Awesome k6 / Examples/Templates

k6 examples A list of common examples on the k6 documentation
k6 QuickPizza examples 57 12 days ago Web application used for demos and workshops with multiple k6 examples
k6-template-es6 84 about 1 month ago Starter template using Webpack and Babel to enable ES6 features in k6 tests
k6-typescript-template 278 about 1 month ago Starter template using Webpack bundler to write k6 tests in TypeScript
k6-rollup-example 4 8 months ago Example using Rollup to bundle k6 tests
Jahmilli/k6-example 9 10 months ago Starter template using Vite (Rollup) bundler to write k6 tests in TypeScript
tom-miseur/k6-templates 35 about 2 years ago Opinionated starter templates for k6 projects
SwissLife-OSS/k6-multiscenario-template 52 about 3 years ago Use K6 to implement a Multi Scenario template
agilob/multiscenario-tests Running multiple scenarios at once
Im5tu/template-k6 5 almost 4 years ago A K6 Performance Test Suite Template
mohsenny/k6-test-template 3 9 months ago Load testing framework
kwidera/k6_framework 1 5 months ago Another k6 framework example
Sahanipe/pet_store 1 about 1 year ago Modularized scripts for the Swagger PetStore APIs
lreimer/continuous-k6k8s 18 over 3 years ago Continuously run k6 tests in Kubernetes using cronjobs
luketn/docker-k6-grafana-influxdb 161 2 months ago Demonstrates how to run load tests with containerised instances of K6, Grafana and InfluxDB

Awesome k6 / Tools

k6-to-junit 18 12 months ago Tool for converting k6 output to JUnit XML for easy use with CIs
k6-reporter 387 4 months ago Tool for converting k6 output to HTML reports
k6-html-reporter 24 about 3 years ago Tool for generating k6 HTML reports
har-to-k6 126 6 months ago Tool for converting HAR recordings to k6 test scripts
postman-to-k6 289 almost 3 years ago Tool for converting Postman collections to k6 test scripts
k6 generator 21,387 10 days ago Tool for converting Swagger/OpenAPI specifications to k6 test scripts
jmeter-to-k6 69 over 2 years ago Tool for converting JMeter test cases to k6 test scripts Useful utility libs for k6 scripts
k6 for visual studio code Marketplace Extension for running k6 directly from your IDE
k6 for IntelliJ IntelliJ-based Plugin to run k6 tests locally or in the from your IntelliJ IDE
k6 Testkube executor
k6-junit 11 over 1 year ago k6 JUnit summary exporter libray
k6-expect 2 over 1 year ago k6 library that simplifies writing tests in a functional way by providing a jest-like syntax for expectations

Awesome k6 / CI/CD

k6 for AWS CodeBuild
k6 for Azure Pipelines
k6 for Bamboo
k6 for Buddy
k6 for CircleCI
k6 for Flagger
k6 for GitHub Actions
k6 for GitLab
k6 for Google Cloud Build
k6 for Jenkins
k6 for Keptn
k6 for TeamCity

Awesome k6 / Extensions

k6 Extensions
GitHub Topic: xk6 Explore k6 extensions tagged with the xk6 label
Extension Registry Curated listing of k6 extensions

Awesome k6 / Extensions / Official

xk6-client-tracing 43 3 months ago Client for load testing distributed tracing backends
xk6-disruptor 92 10 days ago Inject faults to test πŸ’£
xk6-exec 20 about 1 month ago Run external commands
xk6-kubernetes 62 2 months ago Interact with Kubernetes clusters
xk6-loki 38 about 2 months ago Client for load testing Loki
xk6-notification 18 4 months ago Create notifications
xk6-output-influxdb 62 about 1 month ago Export results to InfluxDB v2
xk6-output-kafka 21 4 months ago Export k6 results in real-time to Kafka
xk6-output-timescaledb 30 4 months ago Export k6 results to TimescaleDB
xk6-client-prometheus-remote 24 4 months ago Test Prometheus Remote Write performance
xk6-sql 109 25 days ago Load-test SQL Servers (PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 for now)
xk6-ssh 9 4 months ago SSH

Awesome k6 / Extensions / Community

xk6-cable 26 3 months ago Test Action Cable and AnyCable functionality
xk6-coap 12 4 months ago Interact with Constrained Application Protocol endpoints
xk6-dotenv 27 4 months ago Load env vars from a .env file
xk6-ethereum 10 2 months ago K6 extension for ethereum protocols
xk6-faker 54 about 1 month ago Generate random fake data
xk6-file 23 about 1 month ago Write files
xk6-g0 24 4 months ago Write k6 tests in golang
xk6-kafka 147 24 days ago Load-test Apache Kafka. Includes support for Avro messages
xk6-kv 12 about 2 months ago Share key-value data between VUs
xk6-mock 14 about 2 months ago Mock HTTP(S) servers
xk6-mqtt 48 3 months ago MQTT extension
xk6-nats 13 4 months ago Provides NATS support for k6 tests
xk6-opentelemetry 25 3 months ago Generate OpenTelemetry signals from within your test scripts
xk6-output-elasticsearch 19 26 days ago Export results to Elasticsearch 8.x
xk6-output-prometheus-pushgateway 10 2 months ago Export results to Prometheus pushgateway
xk6-output-statsd 21 about 1 month ago Enables real-time output of test metrics to a StatsD service
xk6-output-timestream 17 12 days ago Export results to AWS Timestream
xk6-playwright 44 4 months ago Browser automation and end-to-end web testing using Playwright
xk6-prometheus 49 4 months ago Prometheus HTTP exporter for k6
xk6-prompt 14 4 months ago Support for input arguments via UI
xk6-sse 12 about 2 months ago A k6 extension for Server-Sent Events (SSE)
xk6-tcp 15 3 months ago Send data to TCP port
xk6-top 26 19 days ago Updating the current k6 metrics summaries on the terminal during the test run
How They Load Test 98 4 months ago A collection of resources on how companies around the world perform load testing
Load Testing Toolkit 162 4 months ago A collection of open-source tools for debugging, benchmarking, load and stress testing your code or services
awesome-http-benchmark 3,377 19 days ago A collection of HTTP benchmark tools, testing/debugging, & restAPI (RESTful)

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