
OKR guide

A curated collection of resources on OKR (Objectives and Key Results) strategy and implementation for organizations.

A curated list about OKR (Objective - Key Results)


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Awesome OKR / Basics

Basic of OKR 1,639 over 2 years ago : Basic concepts about OKRs
Worksheet OKR template 1,639 over 2 years ago : A worksheet for starting the planning of OKRs
Use a weekly status email 1,639 over 2 years ago : How to set a weekly status email towards your OKRs
How to set OKRs 1,639 over 2 years ago : A quick list for how to set OKRs in your company
Monday's and Friday's: The commitment square 1,639 over 2 years ago : The commitment square used to analyze progresses and roadblocks againsts the OKRs
Fundamentals of OKR : Great article describing the fundamental of OKR with real examples from Uber and Youtube

Awesome OKR / Slides

OKR: A guide : What are OKRs and what's in it for me?
The Basics of OKR : Nice presentation presenting basic concepts of OKR
Organizing and engineering Team on Asana : How Asana uses Key Results in their engineering team
Executioner's tale : The slides from the talk "Executioner's tale" by Christina Wodtke
How to implement OKRs to drive company performance : Learn how to implement the OKRs goal-setting process to drive company performance
The 6 major benefits of OKR : A description of the major benefits when using OKRs in your company
OKR - Objectives and Key Results : A great overview about OKRs by WeekDone
Power your business with OKR : An overview about OKR and how to power your business by Wrike
OKR - a guide to objectives and key results
The Guide to Objectives and Key Results : A light-weight and informative overview of OKR by Benchify
How to define good OKRs : Great slides describing how to set good OKRs
From Intel to Google : How to achieve your targets with the methodology invented at Intel and used by Google

Awesome OKR / Videos

How google sets goals objectives and Key results : The most famous video on OKR by Rick Klau@Google
The Executioner's Tale : The Executioner's tale by Christina Wodtke
Warm Gun Talk : Another talk about OKR by Christina Wodtke

Awesome OKR / Books

Measure What Matters : A handbook for setting and achieving audacious goals by John Doerr,+Alignment,+and+Engagement+with+OKRs-p-9781119252399 [Objectives and Key Results: Driving Focus, Alignment, and Engagement with OKRs] ( ) : A thoroughly readable guide to implementing OKRs that is relevant to large, corporate environments as well as digital start-ups

Awesome OKR / Articles

John Doerr on success using OKR : Keys to OKR Success: A Q&A with the Man Who Introduced OKRs to Google, John Doerr
How Google Grew from 40 to 40,000 Employees : How OKR helped a company like Google to grow from 40 to 40,000 employees
Implementation and challanges at Pusher : Implementation, challenges and results at Pusher
How we make OKRs work at Pusher : A great article regarding alignment and trasparency of OKR and how it helped at Pusher
How to Easily Set Quarterly Team Objectives with OKRs at Pusher : Another article by Pusher regarding how they set quarterly team objectives
How we set goals at Upstart : How Upstart set OKRs and set goals for the entire company
Manager OKRs, Maker OKRs: How I’d Change Google’s Goal Setting Process : How Sasha Lubomirsky envisions the future of OKRs
Are You a C.E.O. of Something? : An interview with Mark Pincus and how OKR helped at Zynga
How to set & achieve meaningful OKRs : This article describes how to set & achieve meaningful OKRs
How to Make OKRs Actually Work at Your Startup : A story about how OKRs helped at Swipely
OKR Mistakes : This is an important article that descrives the most common mistakes while writing OKRs and how to fix them
ORK Worksheet : A great worksheet for getting started with OKRs
List of companies that use OKRs : A list of the top companies using OKRs
How Google grades employees, and how you can use the same system at your company : How Google grades employees, and how you can use the same system at your company
What are OKRs? : Basics about what OKRs are
15 great insights from the Google OKR video : Great insights from the most famous video about OKR
Full Transcription of Google OKR Video – How Google Sets Goals Using OKRs : The full transcript from the most famous video about OKRs
How to Use KPIs with OKRs : How to connect KPI and OKRs together
What Twitter’s CEO Learned from Google : An interview with Dick Costolo about OKRs at Twitter
OKRs: The New Solution to Managing Your Freelancers : How to hire and align freelancers using OKRs
Google Releases a New Guide to Setting Goals with OKRs : Great insights from the new Google's guide about OKRs
The biggest pitfalls of OKRs and how to avoid them : Some common issues while adopting OKRs
This Is The Internal Grading System Google Uses For Its Employees — And You Should Use It Too : Another article from Business Insider regarding OKR and great insights from the Kris Klau talk at Google
We are starting to implement OKRs in our company for the first time. Do any of you have experience in terms of problems or issues encountered? : Interesting discussion in Quora about how people implement OKRs
What's a use case where a company uses both OKR and KPI? : How to connect OKRs and KPIs
How does the process of developing and prioritizing OKRs (objectives and key results) work at companies like Google and Zynga? : Some interesting answers about how companies like Google are prioritizing their OKRs
OKRs do not cascade [A journey through OKRs] ( ) : An introduction to OKRs and their application in portfolio project management
Being helpful isn’t the same as being clear : A useful note to understand the local culture when implementing OKR
Learnings from implementing OKRs : A great guide on implementing OKRs

Awesome OKR / Guides

Set goals with OKRs by Google : Official guide about OKR by Google
Definitive guide to OKRs (Ebook) by Atiim : Ebook describing how to set OKRs
How to Set OKR Goals like Google: Top 10 Tips by Atiim : 10 tips about how to set OKRs like Google
The Smart Way to Set OKR : Simple checklist about how to set OKRs

Awesome OKR / Research

The Determinants of Goal Commitment : The concept and measurement of commitment to goals, a key aspect of goal-setting theory, are discussed. The strength of the relationship between commitment and performance is asserted to depend on the amount of variance in commitment
Goal Setting and Task Performance: 1969-1980 : Goal setting is most likely to improve task performance when the goals are specific and sufficiently challenging, the subjects have sufficient ability (and ability differences are controlled), feedback is provided to show progress in relation to the goal, rewards such as money are given for goal attainment, the experimenter or manager is supportive, and assigned goals are accepted by the individual

Awesome OKR / Templates

OKR report document example by WeekDone : A word template for setting your OKRs
OKR report document template by WeekDone : An example of OKRs using the word template above
Startup OKRs Template : A word template describing how to set OKRs
OKR Scorecard by Google : The OKR Scorecard from the re:Work site a Google
OKR report word template by WeekDone : An excel template for setting your OKR
OKR report spreadsheet example by WeekDone : An example of OKRs using the excel template above
OKR Template for your startup : A public excel template for setting OKRs
OKR Scorecard by Google : An excel template for setting OKRs. It is the same that you can find in the re:Work site at Google

Awesome OKR / Examples

Uber 1,639 over 2 years ago : A case study of OKRs for Uber
Youtube 1,639 over 2 years ago : A case study of OKRs for Youtube
Sample Company 1,639 over 2 years ago : An example of OKRs for an imaginary company
Photo Editing App 1,639 over 2 years ago : A case study of OKRs for an a fake company creating a photo editing mobile app and using OKRs to reach their goals
OKR Goals Examples : A comprehensive list of OKR goal examples for all kind of teams and levels
25+ Site Reliability Engineering OKR examples : A comprehensive list of OKRs for Site Reliability Engineering Teams
GitLab: Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) : A comprehensive guide and real OKRs at GitLab
Measure What Matters: Examples & Resources : A list of OKR examples

Awesome OKR / Software


Awesome OKR / Open Source Projects

BurningOkr 147 8 months ago
okr2go 52 almost 2 years ago

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