
Curated list of awesome things related to Deno


4k stars
88 watching
231 forks
last commit: 10 days ago
Linked from 4 awesome lists


Awesome Deno / Docs / Official Docs

Official Site
Deno Manual
Deno API Reference
Deno Standard Modules

Awesome Deno / Docs / External Docs

V8 Docs for Deno

Awesome Deno / Docs / Online Playgrounds

Deno Starter in Codesandbox

Awesome Deno / Modules / Automation

autopilot 488 about 2 years ago Autopilot - Cross-platform web automation with Deno
swissknife 8 10 months ago SwissKnife - Deno Swiss Knife tools for Windows

Awesome Deno / Modules / CLI utils

cac 2,613 3 months ago Simple yet powerful framework for building command-line apps
charmd 58 5 months ago A simple, extendable markdown renderer for your terminal
chart 63 over 1 year ago Console ASCII line charts with no dependencies
cli-spinner 58 almost 3 years ago Show spinners in the terminal while running long tasks
cliffy 926 19 days ago The complete solution for building interactive command-line tools
clite 6 11 days ago Automatic CLI generation from a class
kia 51 over 1 year ago Simple terminal spinners for Deno 🦕
terminal_images 51 over 1 year ago A Deno module and CLI tool for displaying images in the terminal
tui 264 14 days ago Module which allows easy creation of Terminal User Interfaces
with-env 5 over 2 years ago Simple command line utilty for executing commands with one or more .env files
yargs 11,062 4 days ago The modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist

Awesome Deno / Modules / Cloud APIs

aws-api From-scratch Typescript AWS API client built for Deno
googleapis Auto-generated Google API clients for Deno

Awesome Deno / Modules / Database

aloedb 140 2 months ago Light, Embeddable, NoSQL database for Deno without dependencies
cotton 138 over 2 years ago SQL Database Toolkit for deno
dangoDB 122 over 1 year ago A MongoDB ODM for Deno
denodb 1,925 11 months ago MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MongoDB ORM for Deno
deno_mongo 508 5 months ago MongoDB database driver
deno_mysql 258 3 months ago MySQL database driver
dndb 75 almost 2 years ago Persistent and embedable NoSQL database engine written for Deno 🦕
dongoose 22 about 1 year ago A simple and easy to use ORM for Deno KV
dsddb 13 almost 2 years ago A dead simple persistant key-value database utilizing the JSON format
dso 91 over 3 years ago A simple ORM library based on mysql
maxminddb 8 over 3 years ago A library that enables the usage of MaxmindDB geoIP database files
nessie 525 6 months ago Create, migrate and rollback migrations for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite
postgres 593 12 days ago Driver for PostgreSQL database
r2d2 56 4 months ago Fast, lightweight Redis client library for Deno
redis 453 about 1 month ago An experimental implementation of redis client for deno
sql-builder 55 over 1 year ago An sql query builder
yongo 7 3 months ago Subset of Mongoose api in deno (like populate) but will not fully copy mongoose

Awesome Deno / Modules / Editor framework

Denops 672 11 days ago 🐜 An ecosystem to write Vim/Neovim plugins with Deno

Awesome Deno / Modules / Frontend development

postcss 55 almost 2 years ago A tool for transforming styles with JS plugins

Awesome Deno / Modules / Frontend framework

aleph.js 5,266 about 1 year ago A React framework in Deno, inspired by
fresh 12,194 12 days ago The next-gen web framework
packup 327 4 months ago Zero-config web application packager for Deno
ultra 2,991 about 2 months ago 💎 Modern Streaming React Framework in Deno

Awesome Deno / Modules / Game engine

caviar 148 over 1 year ago ⚡ Blazing fast, modern, Game Engine powered by WebGPU for Deno and the browser
neko 46 about 2 years ago 🐈 caviar's twin frame buffer deno module with a framebuffer canvas implementation
sdl2 147 3 days ago SDL2 module for Deno

Awesome Deno / Modules / Image

ImageScript 623 6 months ago Image processing in JavaScript, utilizing WebAssembly for performance
monke 5 about 1 year ago Color quantization and dithering library with extra image filters (blur, invert, etc)

Awesome Deno / Modules / LLM

duckduckgo-ai-chat 41 14 days ago Providing Duckduckgo AI Chat API, which can use gpt-4o-mini for free

Awesome Deno / Modules / Logging

sentry_deno 11 about 2 years ago Unofficial port of the Sentry SDK for JavaScript to Deno
dlog 4 over 2 years ago A ussefull logger for the prompt with icons or simple version!
LogTape 458 11 days ago Simple logging library with zero dependencies for Deno/Node.js/Bun/browsers

Awesome Deno / Modules / Machine learning

classy-lala 4 6 months ago Single-layer perceptrons for supervised learning tasks
netsaur 209 11 days ago Powerful machine learning, accelerated by WebGPU
synaptic 14 over 3 years ago Dependency-less neural network library ported to deno
appraisal 5 7 months ago Feature extraction and conversion

Awesome Deno / Modules / Mail

deno-smtp 78 4 months ago A smtp mail sender for deno

Awesome Deno / Modules / Markdown

marked 8 over 4 years ago Markdown-to-HTML converter

Awesome Deno / Modules / Math

neo 67 about 1 year ago Matrix and other math, accelerated by WebGPU

Awesome Deno / Modules / Static site generator

lume 1,848 8 days ago A static site generator similar to Jekyll or Eleventy with support for multiple file formats
pagic 1,643 about 1 year ago The easiest way to generate static html page from markdown, built with Deno

Awesome Deno / Modules / String utils

camelcase 8 over 5 years ago Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase: foo-bar → fooBar
deno_case_style 4 over 5 years ago String validator and formater for different case style. eg: camelCase etc
deno-json-colorizer 4 over 2 years ago A library for colorizing JSON strings in Deno
deno-prettystring 7 almost 5 years ago Format, trim and remove extra white spaces between characters from string
deno-slugify 18 almost 4 years ago A string slugifier for deno
normalize_diacritics 14 over 4 years ago Remove accents/diacritics in string
written 7 about 1 month ago A provides a set of utilities for manipulating text, with a focus on providing typographic tools rather than pure string manipulation

Awesome Deno / Modules / Social Platform APIs

grammY 2,214 12 days ago Telegram Bot API framework for Deno
grm 46 7 months ago Telegram MTProto client for Deno
twi 11 over 1 year ago Twitter API v2 client for Deno
discordeno Discord API library for Deno
MTKruto 79 4 days ago Deno-first, cross-runtime client library for Telegram's MTProto API

Awesome Deno / Modules / Template engine

dejs 143 over 1 year ago Ejs template engine for deno
deno_tiny_templates 6 over 4 years ago Template renderer for deno
eta 1,409 about 1 month ago Fast, lightweight, and configurable embedded template engine
handlebars 30 3 months ago Handlebars template engine for deno
mustache 7 over 2 years ago Mustache template engine for deno

Awesome Deno / Modules / Testing

deno-puppeteer 451 10 months ago A library which provides a high-level API to control Chromium or Chrome over the DevTools Protocol
expect 45 over 1 year ago Helpers for writing jest like expect tests in deno
merlin 50 over 2 years ago Testing and Benchmarking framework for deno 🧙‍♂️
pretty_benching 26 over 2 years ago A small library to make your Deno benchmarking progress and results look pretty
qunitx 30 8 months ago Zero dependency, fully customizable, mature, universal test API that can run interchangably in node.js, Deno & browser, using default runtime test runners
rhum 91 4 months ago A lightweight testing framework for Deno
superdeno 122 8 months ago Super-agent driven library for testing Deno HTTP servers
superoak 121 8 months ago HTTP assertions for Oak made easy via SuperDeno
tepi A .http Test Runner
tincan 36 about 1 year ago A Jest-like testing library for Deno
unexpected 371 about 1 month ago Extensible BDD assertion toolkit
unitest 7 over 2 years ago Deno-first universal unit testing framework

Awesome Deno / Modules / Utils

bettermap 15 almost 2 years ago A TypeScript extension of the JavaScript Map with Array-like features
beno 3 about 2 years ago A configuration manager typed and faster for Deno
buckets 25 7 months ago Bundle assets and scripts in a single executable file
bytes_formater 8 almost 4 years ago Format bytes (Uint8Array, ArrayBufferView, etc) output, useful when debugging IO functions
coffee 33 about 4 years ago Deno Configuration - a type-safe, easy to use Deno config manager
colors 5 21 days ago Color conversions and operations in TypeScript
croner 2,006 26 days ago Cron library with advanced scheduling features, well-documented API, and zero dependencies
computed_types 364 4 months ago Joi like validators for Typescript and Deno
dcc 11 over 3 years ago Deno Cache Clean, reloading deps when next running
denon 1,103 7 months ago A file watcher with a for-await generator
deno-config 6 about 3 years ago Utility to streamline deno app configuration management through cli, .env and json files
deno-context 6 over 4 years ago Propagate deadlines, a cancellation and other request-scoped values to multiple promise. The behaviour is like Go's context
deno_cron 100 over 4 years ago A cron Job scheduler that allows you to write human readable cron syntax with tons of flexibility
deno-deamon 14 almost 5 years ago Make the Deno program run in the background

Awesome Deno / Modules / Utils / deno-dotenv

pietvanzoen/deno-dotenv 148 over 1 year ago Dotenv handling for deno
cardosomarcos/deno-dotenv 8 almost 5 years ago Loads environment variables from .env for Deno projects

Awesome Deno / Modules / Utils

deno-envconfig 2 over 1 year ago Configuration management utility
deno-fnparse 11 almost 6 years ago An extremely simple parser combinator for JavaScript
deno-globrex 7 over 5 years ago Port of globrex to deno, glob to regular expression
deno_notify 45 over 1 year ago Send desktop notifications on all platforms
deno-opn 40 over 2 years ago Opens stuff like websites, files, executables. Cross-platform
deno-plugin-prepare 47 almost 4 years ago A library for managing Deno native plugin dependencies
deno_random_interval 1 over 5 years ago Helper to generate random interval
deno_tokenizer 15 over 2 years ago A simple tokenizer for deno
deno-using 11 over 4 years ago An python-style with statements for deno
deno-validation 2 over 1 year ago A general purpose validation library for Deno
dinoenv tiny library to manage environment variables with deno
durationjs 21 7 months ago Get formatted time duration from a timestamp or a human-readable string
draco 3 over 2 years ago File and folder multiplatform utils for Deno!
ensure 3 10 months ago Ensure you are running a minimum version of Deno, Typescript, or V8
evt 454 4 months ago Type safe replacement for EventEmitter
fastest-validator 1,423 2 months ago Schema validator for all javascript platforms
fortuna 20 21 days ago Weighted gacha system
fossil 4 over 4 years ago A value-type validation suite
garn-yaml 2 over 3 years ago Read or write yaml interpolating env variables
garn-validator 41 5 months ago Create validations with ease
invert-kv 3 over 4 years ago Invert key-value pairs in Deno
lazy 31 over 2 years ago A linq-like lazy-evaluation iteration module
locale-kit ( ) - A internationalisation/localisation/translation (i18n/l10n/t9n) library with a wrapper for Fresh and support for plurals and dynamic replacement
maze_generator 37 over 3 years ago Javascript module for generating, solving, analyzing and displaying mazes
ms 17 about 4 years ago Easily convert various time formats to milliseconds
online 7 over 4 years ago Check if you're currently online in Deno
optionals 176 26 days ago Rust-like error handling and options with exhaustive pattern matching
qrcode 44 12 months ago QR code image generator for Deno
recursive-readdir 10 over 4 years ago Recursively read directories in Deno
rubico 272 6 months ago 🏞 [a]synchronous function composition; it just works
solc 72 6 months ago 💎 Solidity bindings for Deno
switcher4deno 2 about 1 month ago Feature Flag Deno SDK client for Switcher-API
tryify 7 over 2 years ago Functional style error handling; never throw/try/catch/finally again
type-fest 14 about 4 years ago A collection of essential TypeScript types (port of sindresorhus/type-fest)
unified-deno-lock 1 over 2 years ago Powerful and simple lock (mutex) library to handle race conditions with zero dependencies
wasm-gzip 19 almost 4 years ago Perform gzip operations for Deno
watch 44 over 4 years ago A file watcher
wu-diff-js 17 26 days ago A diff library to compute differences between two slices using wu(the O(NP)) algorithm
PLS 9 about 2 years ago Use 2 lines to persist localStorage in any database, including, but not limited to, MongoDB, PostgreSQL and Redis

Awesome Deno / Modules / Validation

zod 33,148 18 days ago TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference

Awesome Deno / Modules / Video

Fast Forward 47 almost 3 years ago An easy to use ffmpeg module for Deno. 🦕

Awesome Deno / Modules / Web framework

aqua 217 10 months ago A minimal and fast web framework for Deno
alosaur 811 7 months ago Alosaur - Deno web framework with many ES Decorators
danet 254 3 days ago A Savory web framework for Deno heavily inspired by
drash 1,079 9 months ago A REST microframework for Deno's HTTP server with zero dependencies
faster 39 13 days ago A fast and optimized middleware server with a set of useful middlwares
hono 18,987 3 days ago Ultrafast web framework for Cloudflare Workers, Deno, and Bun. Fast, but not only fast
oak 5,110 30 days ago A middleware framework for Deno's net server

Awesome Deno / Modules / Web framework / oak

oak-http-proxy 41 8 months ago Proxy middleware for Deno Oak HTTP servers
oak-routing-ctrl 5 25 days ago TypeScript Decorators for easy scaffolding API services with the oak framework

Awesome Deno / Modules / Web framework

opine 854 8 months ago Fast, minimalist web framework ported from ExpressJS

Awesome Deno / Modules / Web framework / opine

opine-http-proxy 14 8 months ago Proxy middleware for Deno Opine HTTP servers

Awesome Deno / Modules / Web framework

wren 77 over 1 year ago A small, but powerful HTTP library with a functional spin for creating composable web apps, built for convenience and simplicity
primate A polymorphic development platform

Awesome Deno / Modules / WebSocket

deno-websocket 152 over 1 year ago 🦕 A simple WebSocket library like ws of node.js library
dropper 26 about 1 year ago Custom event-based WebSockets framework for building real-time apps on Deno 🦕
websocket_server 9 over 3 years ago A WebSocket server library
wocket 104 5 months ago A WebSocket library for Deno

Awesome Deno / Modules / Web utils

compression 38 over 1 year ago Deno HTTP compression middleware
djwt 226 about 2 months ago Make JSON Web Tokens (JWT) on Deno based on JWT and JWS specifications
forwarded 9 about 1 year ago Deno port of library
fresh_chart 136 6 months ago A server-side-rendered charting library for Fresh
gentleRpc 45 5 months ago A JSON-RPC 2.0 TypeScript library for Deno and the browser
gql 193 3 months ago Universal GraphQL HTTP middleware
graphql-tag 9 11 months ago GraphQL schema AST from template literal
nats 159 about 1 month ago A Deno client for the
obsidian 754 5 months ago A native GraphQL caching client and server module
qs 5 over 5 years ago A query string parser with nesting support
react-icons React Icons converted to preact for deno fresh
router 55 over 2 years ago A high-performance basic router works anywhere
rpc 23 over 1 year ago JSONRPC server implementation for Deno
status 15 over 1 year ago HTTP codes and status utility for Deno
squishy_cookies 15 over 1 year ago Easily sign and verify cookies
ts-prometheus 32 11 months ago A prometheus client
up 13 over 4 years ago Check if a website is up in Deno
youtube-deno 44 about 3 years ago A Deno client library for the YouTube Data API for any interaction with YouTube

Awesome Deno / Modules / Webview

Astrodon 934 over 1 year ago Modular framework for building native multi-platform apps with Deno and webview
webview 1,404 about 2 months ago Deno bindings for webview, a tiny library for creating web-based desktop GUIs

Awesome Deno / Modules / XML

deno-xml-parser 21 almost 4 years ago Deno XML parser ported from segmentio/xml-parser
sax-ts 17 7 months ago SAX-style XML parser ported from

Awesome Deno / Registries A free registry service meant for hosting small ( < 10kB) single deno scripts
Deno PKG An easier way to use code from GitHub in your Deno project Use any public/private repository from GitHub/GitLab in your Deno project The official 3rd party module registry An immutable, blockchain powered Deno package registry. 🥚

Awesome Deno / Showcases

Deno Rest 147 about 1 year ago A Boilerplate for deno RESTful apis
Deno Seed 55 over 2 years ago Complete boilerplate for development
Edrys 293 about 2 months ago Remote Teaching Software
Fresh Showcase The official showcase of Fresh apps
GitHub Profile Trophy 5,177 10 days ago 🏆 Add dynamically generated GitHub Trophy on your readme
Saleor Deno Merch 32 over 1 year ago A fork of the original Deno Merch e-commerce website, rebuilt with
The Official Showcase The official showcase of Deno
UsingDeno Curated list of Web Applications & Projects using Deno 🦕

Awesome Deno / Tools

clone 4 over 3 years ago A simple utility for the convenient clone
decense 6 over 3 years ago Generate a license with one command
dedep 66 almost 3 years ago Manage dependency versions
denoflow 277 about 1 year ago Configuration as code, use YAML to write automated workflows that run on Deno, with any Deno modules, Typescript/Javascript codes
denoify 917 about 2 months ago For NPM module authors that would like to support Deno but do not want to write and maintain a port
denoinit 30 over 3 years ago Denoinit generates useful files for Deno project
denoliver 99 over 2 years ago A simple, dependency free file server with live reload
denomander 149 9 months ago Deno command-line interfaces inspired from commander.js
denon 1,103 7 months ago A daemon script runner, like nodemon. Built in and for Deno
denopendabot Dependabot for Deno projects
denopkg 241 7 months ago An easier way to use code from GitHub in your Deno project
denoversion 7 over 5 years ago SemVer and git version management for Deno
denox 139 about 2 years ago Like packages.json scripts, but for Deno with permissions support 15 over 2 years ago Cross-platform Makefile for installing and running Deno
deno_docker 889 16 days ago Latest dockerfiles and images for Deno - alpine, centos, debian, ubuntu
dev_server 22 about 3 years ago Let TypeScript files be used directly in the script tag
dmm 59 2 months ago Lightweight Deno Module Manager
dnt 1,212 about 2 months ago Deno to npm package build tool

Awesome Deno / Tools / dpm

BoltDoggy/deno#dpm 11 over 3 years ago Deno Package Manager, install global command for deno. like denoget
dpmland/dpm 41 2 months ago Deno Package Manager, a NPM | Yarn Experience for Deno

Awesome Deno / Tools / dvm

asdf-community/asdf-deno Deno plugin for
justjavac/dvm 632 about 1 month ago Deno Version Manager: manage multiple active Deno versions
axetroy/dvm 167 about 1 month ago Version manger for Deno without runtime dependencies
dvm.cmd 2 about 3 years ago Deno Version Manager for Windows. Written as a single batch file
ghosind/dvm 36 11 days ago A lightweight Deno Version Manager for Linux/MacOS

Awesome Deno / Tools

entype 3 about 1 year ago A CLI tool used to generate type definitions for serialised data, currently supporting JSON to Rust and TypeScript
kopo-cli 18 almost 3 years ago A Deno registry browser in the terminal
make-deno-edition 42 4 months ago Automatically makes package.json projects (such as npm packages and node.js modules) compatible with Deno
packer-provisioner-deno 5 over 4 years ago A Packer plugin that makes it easy to build virtual machine images with Deno scripts
pre-commit-deno 6 about 2 years ago pre-commit git hooks for Deno projects
pup 145 17 days ago Advanced process manager for Deno. With autorestart, fs watch, cron start, process telemetry, ipc, clustering, load balancer and more
starter 28 over 4 years ago Deno module starter template with GitHub Actions CI
studio-pack-generator 81 28 days ago Convert a folder or a RSS URL to Studio pack for Lunii device
trex 738 about 1 year ago Package management like npm for deno
udd 328 5 months ago Update Deno dependencies: updates import statements to their latest published version
velociraptor 681 about 2 years ago An npm-style script runner for Deno
vscode-deno 1,469 12 days ago VS Code extension that provides Deno support using the
vscode-deno-starter 2 over 2 years ago VS Code project boilerplate to get started with Deno
denofn-selfhosted 31 over 1 year ago Self-hosted Deno functions, made with Deno and Docker

Awesome Deno / Integrations

Slack Custom Functions Build custom Run On Slack functions using Deno
Netlify Edge Functions Edge Functions connect the Netlify platform and workflow
Supabase Edge Functions Edge Functions are server-side TypeScript functions, distributed globally at the edge
Astro Deploy a server-side rendered Astro site to Deno Deploy

Awesome Deno / Blogs/Newsletters

Craig's Deno Diary A blog focussing on Deno tech & lib howtos
Deno Blog The official blog of the Deno Company
Deno News A newsletter of Deno articles, news and cool projects

Awesome Deno / Articles

Develop with Deno and Visual Studio Code
First thoughts on Deno, the JavaScript/TypeScript run-time
Getting started with Deno
What's Deno, and how is it different from Node.js?
Write a small API using Deno
Deno on Cloud Run
Learn Deno: Chat app
From Node to Deno
Create a simple Note-taking app with Deno
Building API's using Deno, Oak and MYSQL
Create your first News CLI app using Deno
Continuous Integration with Deno
The Hidden Superpower of Deno: xeval
Test coverage in Deno with Codecov and GitHub Actions
0 Deno REST API with Oak Tutorial Series , ,
Getting Started with Deno
How to deploy a Deno app using Docker

Awesome Deno / Presentations

10 Things I Regret About Node.js - Ryan Dahl - JSConf EU 2018

Awesome Deno / Presentations / 10 Things I Regret About Node.js - Ryan Dahl - JSConf EU 2018


Awesome Deno / Presentations

JSDC 2018#A01 - Deno, A New Server-Side Runtime By Ryan Dahl
Ryan Dahl. Deno, a new way to JavaScript. JS Fest 2019 Spring

Awesome Deno / Presentations / Ryan Dahl. Deno, a new way to JavaScript. JS Fest 2019 Spring


Awesome Deno / Presentations

Rafał Pocztarski — From Node.js to Deno - JavaScript/TypeScript runtime built with V8 and Rust [EN]
Ryan Dahl: A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript | April 2019

Awesome Deno / Presentations / Ryan Dahl: A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript | April 2019


Awesome Deno / Presentations

Ryan Dahl: Deno, a new way to JavaScript - HolyJS 2019 Piter

Awesome Deno / Presentations / Ryan Dahl: Deno, a new way to JavaScript - HolyJS 2019 Piter


Awesome Deno / Presentations

Rafał Pocztarski - What is Deno? A new runtime for modern JavaScript and TypeScript backends for 2020s - Deno Warsaw
Michał Sabiniarz - How to contribute to Deno? - Deno Warsaw
Bartek Iwańczuk - Deno internals, how modern runtime is built - Deno Warsaw

Awesome Deno / Presentations / Bartek Iwańczuk - Deno internals, how modern runtime is built - Deno Warsaw


Awesome Deno / Presentations

Ryan Dahl & Kitson Kelly: Deno is a New Way to JavaScript - TSConf 2019
Bert Belder - Deno - dotJS 2019
Kitson P. Kelly - Deno, and The Future of JavaScript Runtimes - CityJS Conf 2020
Matías Insaurralde - Deno: an experimental approach on V8 interoperability [EN subtitles] - NodeConf Argentina 2019

Awesome Deno / Presentations / Matías Insaurralde - Deno: an experimental approach on V8 interoperability [EN subtitles] - NodeConf Argentina 2019


Awesome Deno / Resources / Books

Modern Web Development with Deno

Awesome Deno / Resources in Other Languages / Chinese

Deno 并不是下一代 Node.js
玩 Deno 遇到问题的解决方案
让我们一起来学习别人学不动的 Deno
Design Mistakes in Node zh-CN
《Deno进阶开发笔记》 661 over 3 years ago
Deno 手册 294 about 4 years ago
Deno 中文开发者社区
Node之父 - Deno,一个新的JS运行时

Awesome Deno / Resources in Other Languages / Hebrew

Deno intro in Hebrew (slides in English)

Awesome Deno / Resources in Other Languages / Indonesian

Berkenalan dengan Deno
Perkenalan Deno dan Instalasi
Deno Land Indonesia Telegram group

Awesome Deno / Resources in Other Languages / Italian

Deno - L'anagramma di Node

Awesome Deno / Resources in Other Languages / Japanese

deno-ja Deno Japanese User Group
Node.js における設計ミス By Ryan Dahl
Design Mistakes in Node & Deno #kng5 / deno
Dive into Deno:プロセス起動からTypeScriptが実行されるまで

Awesome Deno / Resources in Other Languages / Korean

Deno Korea Deno Korean User Group

Awesome Deno / Resources in Other Languages / Russian

Telegram channel
Telegram chat

Awesome Deno / Resources in Other Languages / Spanish

Hola Deno! . 🦕
Así puedes crear tu primera API REST con Deno
Primeros pasos con Deno 🦕 El sucesor de NodeJS desarrollado con Rust y TypeScript
Primer vistazo con deno

Awesome Deno / Resources in Other Languages / Darija

A first look at Deno | BlaBlaConf 2021 🇲🇦

Awesome Deno / Resources in Other Languages / Kurdish (Central)

A short introduction to Deno

Backlinks from these awesome lists: