
Awesome list of GraphQL


15k stars
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1k forks
last commit: 7 days ago
Linked from 5 awesome lists


awesome-graphql / Specifications

Working draft of the specification for GraphQL
GraphQL over HTTP 384 23 days ago Working draft of "GraphQL over HTTP" specification
GraphQL Relay Relay-compliant GraphQL server specification
OpenCRUD 388 about 2 years ago OpenCRUD is a GraphQL CRUD API specification for databases
Apollo Federation Apollo Federation specification
GraphQXL GraphQXL is an extension of the GraphQL language with some additional features that help creating big and scalable server-side schemas
GraphQL Scalars hosts community defined custom Scalar specifications for use with @specifiedBy

awesome-graphql / Foundations

GraphQL Foundation under the Linux Foundation

awesome-graphql / Communities

Official discord channel
GraphQL Weekly A weekly newsletter highlighting resources and news from the GraphQL community
Apollo GraphQL Community Connect with other developers and share knowledge about every part of the Apollo GraphQL platform
Discord - Reactiflux Join on the Reactiflux Discord server
Facebook Group for discussions, articles and knowledge sharing
X Use the hashtag
StackOverflow Questions and answers. Use the tag
GraphQL APIs 4,526 9 days ago A collective list of public GraphQL APIs
/r/GraphQL A Subreddit for interesting and informative GraphQL content and discussions

awesome-graphql / Meetups

A global, online meetup on Relay, the GraphQL client
Buenos Aires
Dallas-Fort Worth
New York City
San Francisco
Tel Aviv

awesome-graphql / Implementations / JavaScript/TypeScript

A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript
graphql-jit 1,043 11 days ago GraphQL execution using a JIT compiler
apollo-client 19,340 2 days ago A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for every UI framework and GraphQL server
graphql-request 5,818 11 days ago A minimal GraphQL client for Node and browsers
typescript-graphql-request Use GraphQL Request as a fully typed SDK
graphql-zeus 1,933 18 days ago GraphQL Zeus creates autocomplete client library for or which provides autocompletion for strongly typed queries
graphqurl 3,326 5 months ago curl for GraphQL with autocomplete, subscriptions and GraphiQL. Also a dead-simple universal javascript GraphQL client
aws-amplify 9,416 1 day ago A client library developed by Amazon for caching, analytics and more that includes a way to fetch GraphQL queries
gqty 919 12 days ago A No GraphQL client for TypeScript
genql 875 4 months ago Type safe TypeScript client for any GraphQL API
vue-apollo 6,018 about 1 month ago Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS
apollo-angular 1,497 16 days ago A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for Angular and every GraphQL server
svelte-apollo 947 about 1 year ago Svelte integration for Apollo GraphQL
ember-apollo-client 280 over 1 year ago An ember-cli addon for Apollo Client and GraphQL
apollo-elements 417 8 months ago GraphQL web components that work in any frontend framework
sveltekit-kitql 403 12 days ago A set of tools, helping you building efficient apps in a fast way with SvelteKit and GraphQL
react-apollo The core @apollo/client library provides built-in integration with React
relay 18,380 12 days ago Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications
urql 8,613 11 days ago A simple caching GraphQL client for React
graphql-hooks 1,881 about 1 month ago Minimal hooks-first GraphQL client with caching and server-side rendering support
mst-gql 680 about 1 month ago Bindings for mobx-state-tree and GraphQL
micro-graphql-react 530 4 months ago A lightweight utility for adding GraphQL to React. components. Includes simple caching and uses GET requests that could additionally be cached through a service-worker
@gqty/react 919 12 days ago A No GraphQL client for TypeScript
apollo-server 13,757 14 days ago Spec-compliant and production ready JavaScript GraphQL server that lets you develop in a schema-first way. Built for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa, and more
hapi-graphql 115 over 6 years ago Create a GraphQL HTTP server with Hapi
hapi-plugin-graphiql 22 about 4 years ago HAPI plugin for GraphiQL integration
graphql-api-koa 52 almost 2 years ago GraphQL Koa middleware that implements GraphQL.js from scratch and supports native ESM
koa-graphql 843 over 1 year ago GraphQL Koa Middleware
graphql-koa-scripts 2 12 days ago GraphQL Koa 1 file simplified. usefull for quick test
gql 193 3 months ago Universal GraphQL HTTP middleware for Deno
mercurius 2,340 26 days ago GraphQL plugin for Fastify
graphql-yoga 8,209 12 days ago Fully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup, performance and great developer experience
graphitejs 120 24 days ago Framework NodeJS for GraphQL
graphql-helix 829 6 months ago A highly evolved GraphQL HTTP Server
pylon 58 11 days ago Write full-feature APIs with just functions. No more boilerplate code, no more setup. Just write functions and deploy
graphql-sequelize 1,897 almost 2 years ago Sequelize helpers for GraphQL
graphql-bookshelf 183 over 1 year ago Some help defining GraphQL schema around BookshelfJS models
join-monster 2,673 10 days ago A GraphQL-to-SQL query execution layer for batch data fetching
graphql-ably-pubsub Ably PubSub implementation for GraphQL to publish mutation updates and subscribe to the result through a subscription query
graphql-scalars 1,876 11 days ago A library of custom GraphQL Scalars for creating precise type-safe GraphQL schemas
type-graphql 8,027 5 days ago Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!
graphql-nexus 3,396 11 months ago Code-First, Type-Safe, GraphQL Schema Construction
graphql-code-generator 10,810 4 days ago : GraphQL code generator with flexible support for custom plugins and templates like TypeScript (frontend and backend), React Hooks, resolvers signatures and more
pothos 2,316 17 days ago Pothos is a plugin based GraphQL schema builder for typescript. It makes building graphql schemas in typescript easy, fast and enjoyable
garph 1,304 7 months ago Garph is full-stack framework for building type-safe GraphQL APIs in TypeScript
gqloom 2 6 days ago GQLoom is a GraphQL weaver for TypeScript/JavaScript that weaves GraphQL schema and resolvers using , , or
fast-graphql 5 over 1 year ago Graphql Tools to Structure, Combine Resolvers and Merge Schema Definitions for Node.js, Next.Js and Graphql Apollo server
graphql-to-type 6 9 months ago GraphQL query parser written entirely in TypeScript's type system for creating interfaces based on provided query
gql.tada 2,547 5 days ago GraphQL document authoring library, inferring the result and variables types of GraphQL queries and fragments in the TypeScript type system
graphql-tools 5,343 1 day ago Tool library for building and maintaining GraphQL-JS servers
graphql-tag 2,321 8 months ago A JavaScript template literal tag that parses GraphQL queries
load-gql 3 12 months ago A tiny, zero dependency GraphQL schema loader from files and folders
graphql-compose 1,207 5 months ago Tool which allows you to construct flexible graphql schema from different data sources via plugins
graphql-modules 1,303 12 days ago Separate GraphQL server into smaller, reusable parts by modules or features
graphql-shield 3,548 about 1 month ago A library that helps creating a permission layer for a graphql api
graphql-shield-generator 9 4 months ago Emits a GraphQL Shield from your GraphQL schema
graphqlgate 57 about 2 years ago A GraphQL rate-limiting library with query complexity analysis for Node.js
graphql-let 453 about 1 month ago A webpack loader to import type-protected codegen results directly from GraphQL documents
graphql-config 1,166 11 days ago One configuration for all your GraphQL tools (supported by most tools, editors & IDEs)
graphql-cli 1,993 23 days ago A command line tool for common GraphQL development workflows
graphql-toolkit 168 over 4 years ago A set of utils for faster development of GraphQL tools (Schema and documents loading, Schema merging and more)
graphql-mesh 3,267 1 day ago use GraphQL query language to access data in remote APIs that don't run GraphQL (and also ones that do run GraphQL)
sofa 1,072 12 days ago Generate REST API from your GraphQL API
graphback 409 over 1 year ago Framework and CLI to add a GraphQLCRUD API layer to a GraphQL server using data models
graphql-middleware 1,137 12 days ago Split up your GraphQL resolvers in middleware functions
graphql-relay-js 1,537 3 months ago A library to help construct a graphql-js server supporting react-relay
graphql-normalizr 194 8 months ago Normalize GraphQL responses for persisting in the client cache/state
babel-plugin-graphql 64 almost 9 years ago Babel plugin that compile GraphQL tagged template strings
eslint-plugin-graphql 1,211 3 days ago An ESLint plugin that checks your GraphQL strings against a schema
graphql-ws 1,721 18 days ago Coherent, zero-dependency, lazy, simple, GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol compliant server and client
graphql-live-query 437 18 days ago Realtime GraphQL Live Queries with JavaScript
GraphVinci 73 over 1 year ago An interactive schema visualizer for GraphQL APIs
supertest-graphql 32 over 1 year ago Extends to easily test a GraphQL endpoint
schemathesis 2,250 5 days ago Runs arbitrary queries matching a GraphQL schema to find server errors
microfiber 32 8 months ago Query and manipulate GraphQL introspection query results in useful ways
graphql-armor 492 11 days ago An instant security layer for production GraphQL Endpoints
goctopus 97 11 months ago an incredibly fast GraphQL discovery & fingerprinting toolbox
GraphQL Constraint Directive 569 15 days ago Allows using @constraint as a directive to validate input data. Inspired by Constraints Directives RFC and OpenAPI
Validator.js Wrapper Directive 4 over 1 year ago A comprehensive list of validator directive wraps Validator.js functionalities
WunderGraph Cosmo 682 11 days ago The Open-Source GraphQL Federation Solution with Full Lifecycle API Management for (Federated) GraphQL. Schema Registry, composition checks, analytics, metrics, tracing and routing
graphql-go-tools 684 11 days ago A graphQL Router / API Gateway framework written in Golang, focussing on correctness, extensibility, and high-performance. Supports Federation v1 & v2, Subscriptions & more
graphql-sunset 1 about 2 months ago Quickly and easily add support for the header to your GraphQL server, to better communicate upcoming breaking changes
front-end starter kit using React, Relay, GraphQL, and JAM stack architecture
SWAPI GraphQL Wrapper 1,040 9 months ago A GraphQL schema and server wrapping SWAPI
Relay TodoMVC 158 19 days ago Relay TodoMVC with routing
Apollo Client documentation Documentation and example for building GraphQL apps using apollo client
Apollo Server tools documentation Documentation, tutorial and examples for building GraphQL server and connecting to SQL, MongoDB and REST endpoints
F8 App 2017 13,991 about 1 year ago Source code of the official F8 app of 2016, powered by React Native and other Facebook open source projects
Apollo React example for Github GraphQL API 114 almost 2 years ago Usage Examples Apollo React for Github GraphQL API with create-react-app
Next.js TypeScript and GraphQL Example 125,206 11 days ago A type-protected GraphQL example on Next.js running under the hood
GraphQL StackBlitz Starter – A live, editable demo spinning up in about 2 seconds and running in a browser
NAPERG 749 10 days ago Fullstack Boilerplate GraphQL. Made with React & Prisma + authentication & roles
VulcanJS The full-stack React+GraphQL framework
RAN Toolkit 2,216 16 days ago Production-ready toolkit/boilerplate with support for GraphQL, SSR, Hot-reload, CSS-in-JS, caching, and more
Yarn v2 based monorepo template (code-first GraphQL API, PostgreSQL, PnP, Zero-install, serverless)
Next.js Apollo TypeScript Starter 276 12 months ago Next.js starter project focused on developer experience
GraphQL Starter 102 4 months ago A boilerplate for TypeScript + Node Express + Apollo GraphQL APIs
Mocked Managed Federation - Apollo Server 3 7 3 months ago An example of how to mock a managed federation Supgraph using Apollo Server 3.x
Mocked Managed Federation - Apollo Server 4 1 3 months ago An example of how to mock a managed federation Supgraph using Apollo Server 4.x
Next.js Advanced Graphql Crud MongoDB Starter 32 over 1 year ago Starter Generic CRUD with Advanced Apollo Graphql server with Next.js and Mongodb (TypeScript)

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Ruby

Ruby implementation of Facebook's GraphQL
graphql-batch 1,418 4 months ago A query batching executor for the graphql gem
graphql-auth 26 over 1 year ago A JWT auth wrapper working with devise
agoo 907 2 months ago Ruby web server that implements Facebook's GraphQL
GQLi 211 about 2 years ago A GraphQL client and DSL. Allowing to write queries in native Ruby
Use graphql-ruby to expose a Rails app
github-graphql-rails-example 279 over 5 years ago Example Rails app using GitHub's GraphQL API
relay-on-rails 43 almost 9 years ago Barebones starter kit for Relay application with Rails GraphQL server
relay-rails-blog 139 over 7 years ago A graphql, relay and standard rails application powered demo weblog
to_eat_app 13 about 8 years ago A sample graphql/rails/relay application with a related 3-part article series
agoo-demo 907 2 months ago Use of the Agoo server to demonstrate a simple GraphQL application
rails-devise-graphql 284 over 1 year ago A rails 6 boilerplate with devise, graphql & JWT auth

awesome-graphql / Implementations / PHP

A PHP port of GraphQL reference implementation
graphql-relay-php 272 12 months ago Relay helpers for webonyx/graphql-php implementation of GraphQL
lighthouse 3,351 15 days ago A PHP package that allows to serve a GraphQL endpoint from your Laravel application
graphql-laravel 2,126 about 1 month ago Laravel wrapper for Facebook's GraphQL
overblog/graphql-bundle 783 23 days ago This bundle provides tools to build a complete GraphQL server in your Symfony App. Supports react-relay
wp-graphql 3,631 16 days ago GraphQL API for WordPress
graphqlite 555 11 days ago Framework agnostic library that allows you to write GraphQL server by annotating your PHP classes
siler 1,117 over 2 years ago Plain-old functions providing a declarative API for GraphQL servers with Subscriptions support
graphql-request-builder 3 over 3 years ago Builds request payload in GraphQL structure
drupal/graphql Craft and expose a GraphQL schema for Drupal 9 and 10
An example GraphQL server written with Siler

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Python

GraphQL parser for Python
graphql-core 505 13 days ago GraphQL implementation for Python based on GraphQL.js v16.3.0 reference implementation
graphql-relay-py 146 over 1 year ago A library to help construct a graphql-py server supporting react-relay
graphql-parser-python 4 about 9 years ago A python wrapper around libgraphqlparser
graphene 8,074 6 days ago A package for creating GraphQL schemas/types in a Pythonic easy way
graphene-gae 117 about 2 years ago Adds GraphQL support to Google AppEngine (GAE)
django-graphiql 35 about 8 years ago Integrate GraphiQL easily into your Django project
flask-graphql 1,322 almost 2 years ago Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application
python-graphql-client 156 about 4 years ago Simple GraphQL client for Python 2.7+
python-graphjoiner 2 over 5 years ago Create GraphQL APIs using joins, SQL or otherwise
graphene-django 4,291 20 days ago A Django integration for Graphene
Flask-GraphQL-Auth 63 over 1 year ago An authentication library for Flask inspired from flask-jwt-extended
tartiflette 855 about 1 year ago GraphQL Implementation, SDL First, for python 3.6+ / asyncio
tartiflette-aiohttp 59 11 months ago Wrapper of Tartiflette to expose GraphQL API over HTTP based on aiohttp / 3.6+ / asyncio,
Ariadne 2,192 2 months ago library for implementing GraphQL servers using schema-first approach. Asynchronous query execution, batteries included for ASGI, WSGI and popular webframeworks,
django-graphql-auth 329 2 months ago Django registration and authentication with GraphQL
strawberry 3,945 12 days ago A new GraphQL library for Python
turms 60 12 days ago A pythonic graphql codegenerator built around graphql-core and pydantic
rath 9 16 days ago An apollo like graphql client with async and sync interface
sgqlc 507 22 days ago Simple GraphQL Client makes working with GraphQL API responses easier in Python
A GraphQL schema and server using
Python Backend Tutorial A tutorial on creating a GraphQL server with and a client with

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Java

GraphQL Java implementation
DGS Framework 3,059 12 days ago A GraphQL server framework for Spring Boot, developed by Netflix
graphql-java-generator A and a that can generate both the and the (POJOs and utility classes). The server part is based on graphql-java, and hides all its boilerplate codes
gaphql-java-type-generator 36 about 6 years ago Auto-generates types for use with GraphQL Java
schemagen-graphql 48 about 6 years ago Schema generation and execution package that turns POJO's into a GraphQL Java queryable set of objects. Enables exposing any service as a GraphQL service using Annotations
graphql-java-annotations 386 2 months ago Provides annotations-based syntax for schema definition with GraphQL Java
graphql-java-tools 808 21 days ago Schema-first graphql-java convenience library that makes it easy to bring your own implementations as data resolvers. Inspired by for JS
graphql-java-codegen-maven-plugin 17 over 4 years ago Schema-first maven plugin for generating Java types and Resolver interfaces. Works perfectly in conjunction with graphql-java-tools. Inspired by
graphql-java-codegen-gradle-plugin 19 over 4 years ago Schema-first gradle plugin for generating Java types and Resolver interfaces. Works perfectly in conjunction with graphql-java-tools. Inspired by
graphql-java-servlet 223 11 days ago A framework-agnostic java servlet for exposing graphql-java query endpoints with GET, POST, and multipart uploads
manifold-graphql 2,380 5 days ago Comprehensive GraphQL client use. Schema-first. Type-safe GraphQL types, queries, and results, no code generators, no POJOs, no annotations. Excellent with IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. See the below
spring-graphql-common 134 over 7 years ago Spring Framework GraphQL Library
graphql-spring-boot 1,505 10 months ago GraphQL and GraphiQL Spring Framework Boot Starters
vertx-graphql-service-discovery 50 almost 3 years ago Asynchronous GraphQL service discovery and querying for your microservices
vertx-dataloader 71 about 7 years ago Port of Facebook DataLoader for efficient, asynchronous batching and caching in clustered GraphQL environments
graphql-spqr 1,092 about 2 months ago Java 8+ API for rapid development of GraphQL services
Light Java GraphQL 31 14 days ago : A lightweight, fast microservices framework with all cross-cutting concerns addressed and ready to plug in GraphQL schema
Elide : A Java library that can expose a JPA annotated data model as a GraphQL service over any relational database
federation-jvm 248 10 days ago Apollo Federation on the JVM
graphql-orchestrator-java 70 7 months ago GraphQL Orchestrator/Gateway library that supports Schema Stitching and Apollo Federation directives to combine schema from multiple GraphQL microservices into a single unified schema
graphql-java-extended-validation 127 4 months ago Provides extended validation of fields and field arguments for graphql-java
dgs-extended-formatters 6 15 days ago An experimental set of DGS Directives for common formatting use-cases
graphql-java-datetime 146 12 days ago GraphQL ISO Date is a set of RFC 3339 compliant date/time scalar types to be used with graphql-java
graphql-java-extended-scalars 256 26 days ago Extended scalars for graphql-java
Examples of Light Java GraphQL and tutorials
graphql-spqr-samples 104 over 3 years ago An example GraphQL server written with Spring MVC and GraphQL-SPQR
manifold-graphql sample 19 3 months ago A simple application, both client and server, demonstrating the Manifold GraphQL library
graphql-java-kickstart_samples 121 16 days ago Samples for using the GraphQL Java Kickstart projects
graphql-java-kickstart-federation-example 23 3 months ago A GraphQL Java Kickstart federation example
dgs-federation-example 108 about 1 year ago A Netflix DGS federation example
Spring Boot backend tutorial A tutorial creating a GraphQL server and client using Spring Boot and Netflix DGS

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Kotlin

GraphQL Kotlin implementation
manifold-graphql 2,380 5 days ago Comprehensive GraphQL client use. Schema-first. Type-safe GraphQL types, queries, and results, no code generators, no POJOs, no annotations. Excellent with IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. See the below
KGraphQL 301 3 months ago : Pure Kotlin implementation to setup a GraphQL server
Kobby 80 23 days ago Codegen plugin of by GraphQL schema. The generated DSL supports execution of complex GraphQL queries, mutation and subscriptions in Kotlin with syntax similar to native GraphQL syntax
Graphkt 9 6 months ago A DSL based graphql server library for kotlin, backed by graphql-java
A simple GraphQL application, both client and server, demonstrating the Manifold GraphQL library with Kotlin

awesome-graphql / Implementations / C/C++

A GraphQL query parser in C++ with C and C++ APIs
agoo-c 147 almost 4 years ago A high performance GraphQL server written in C
cppgraphqlgen 323 15 days ago C++ GraphQL schema service generator
CaffQL 28 over 4 years ago Generates C++ client types and request/response serialization from a GraphQL introspection query

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Go

An implementation of GraphQL for Go follows graphql-js
graphql-go 4,643 14 days ago GraphQL server with a focus on ease of use
gqlgen 9,886 5 days ago Go generate based graphql server library
graphql-relay-go 423 almost 4 years ago A Go/Golang library to help construct a server supporting react-relay
graphjin 2,910 29 days ago : Build APIs in 5 minutes with GraphQL. An instant GraphQL to SQL compiler
graphql-go-tools 684 11 days ago A graphQL Router / API Gateway framework written in Golang, focussing on correctness, extensibility, and high-performance. Supports Federation v1 & v2, Subscriptions & more
Barebones starting point for a Relay application with Golang GraphQL server
todomvc-relay-go 66 about 8 years ago Port of the React/Relay TodoMVC app, driven by a Golang GraphQL backend
go-graphql-subscription-example 41 18 days ago A GraphQL schema and server that demonstrates GraphQL (over Websocket) to consume messages
Go Backend Tutorial A tutorial showing how to make a Go GraphQL server and client using code generation

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Scala

Scala GraphQL server implementation
sangria-relay 90 about 1 month ago Sangria Relay Support
caliban 944 11 days ago Caliban is a purely functional library for creating GraphQL backends in Scala
An example GraphQL server written with akka-http and
sangria-playground 88 about 2 months ago An example of GraphQL server written with Play and sangria

awesome-graphql / Implementations / .NET

GraphQL for .NET
graphql-net 891 over 2 years ago GraphQL to IQueryable for .NET
Hot Chocolate 5,180 3 days ago GraphQL server for .Net Core and .NET Framework
Snowflaqe 157 about 1 year ago Type-safe GraphQL code generator for F# and
EntityGraphQL 410 11 days ago library to build a GraphQL API on top of data model with the extensibility to bring multiple data sources together in the single GraphQL schema
ZeroQL 275 about 1 month ago type-safe GraphQL client with Linq-like interface for C#
A tutorial creating a GraphQL server and client with .NET

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Elixir

Fully Featured Elixir GraphQL Library
graphql-elixir 859 about 1 year ago GraphQL Elixir. (No longer maintained)
plug_graphql 126 over 3 years ago Plug integration for GraphQL Elixir
graphql_relay 36 about 6 years ago Relay helpers for GraphQL Elixir
graphql_parser 20 over 1 year ago Elixir bindings for
graphql 87 about 9 years ago Elixir GraphQL parser
plot 32 almost 9 years ago GraphQL parser and resolver for Elixir
Examples of GraphQL Elixir Plug endpoints mounted in Phoenix

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Haskell

GraphQL AST and parser for Haskell
morpheus-graphql 408 3 months ago Haskell GraphQL Api, Client and Tools

awesome-graphql / Implementations / SQL

GraphQL for Postgres
sql-to-graphql 591 over 5 years ago Generate a GraphQL API based on your SQL database structure
PostGraphile 12,566 11 days ago Lightning-fast GraphQL APIs for PostgreSQL: highly customisable; extensible via plugins; realtime
Hasura 31,093 4 days ago Hasura gives Instant Realtime GraphQL APIs over PostgreSQL. Works with an existing database too
subZero GraphQL & REST API for your database

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Lua

GraphQL for Lua

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Elm

GraphQL for Elm

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Clojure

A Clojure library designed to provide GraphQL implementation
Lacinia 1,812 3 months ago GraphQL implementation in pure Clojure
graphql-query 71 7 months ago Clojure(Script) GraphQL query generation
Example code for the Lacinia GraphQL framework tutorial

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Swift

The Swift implementation for GraphQL

awesome-graphql / Implementations / OCaml

GraphQL servers in OCaml

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Android

📟 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for Android, written in Java
manifold-graphql 2,380 5 days ago Comprehensive GraphQL client use. Schema-first. Type-safe GraphQL types, queries, and results, no code generators, no POJOs, no annotations. Excellent with IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. See the below
📄 Apollo "hello world" app, for Android

awesome-graphql / Implementations / iOS

📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift
ApolloDeveloperKit 63 over 1 year ago Apollo Client Devtools bridge for [Apollo iOS]
Graphaello 493 over 2 years ago Type Safe GraphQL directly from SwiftUI
GQLite iOS SDK GQLite iOS SDK is a toolkit to work with GraphQL servers easily
📄 Apollo "hello world" app, for iOS

awesome-graphql / Implementations / ClojureScript

A GraphQL client for ClojureScript with bindings for re-frame applications
graphql-query 71 7 months ago Clojure(Script) GraphQL query generation

awesome-graphql / Implementations / ReasonML

ReasonML binding for Apollo Client
ReasonQL 96 almost 2 years ago Type-safe and simple GraphQL Client for ReasonML developers
reason-urql 238 6 months ago ReasonML binding for urql Client

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Dart

A GraphQL client for Flutter
Artemis 495 12 months ago A GraphQL type and query generator for Dart/Flutter

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Rust

High-performance server-side library that supports all GraphQL specifications
juniper 5,690 9 days ago GraphQL server library for Rust
graphql-client 1,139 2 months ago GraphQL client library for Rust with WebAssembly (wasm) support
graphql-parser 351 4 months ago A parser, formatter and AST for the GraphQL query and schema definition language for Rust
tailcall 1,270 11 days ago A platform for building high-performance GraphQL backends

awesome-graphql / Implementations / D (dlang)

GraphQL server library for D

awesome-graphql / Implementations / R (Rstat)

General purpose GraphQL R client
graphql 38 26 days ago Bindings to the 'libgraphqlparser' C++ library. Parses GraphQL syntax and exports the AST in JSON format
gqlr 58 over 1 year ago R GraphQL Implementation

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Julia

A Julia GraphQL client/server implementation
GraphQLClient.jl 48 11 months ago A Julia GraphQL client for seamless integration with a server

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Crystal

GraphQL server library
graphql-crystal 215 over 4 years ago library inspired by & &
crystal-gql 6 over 3 years ago GraphQL client shard inspired by Apollo client 1 3 months ago GraphQL shard

awesome-graphql / Implementations / Ballerina

graphql 140 1 day ago Ballerina standard library for GraphQL. This library provides a GraphQL client and server implementations including builtin support for GraphQL subscriptions
graphql CLI 110 5 days ago A CLI tool to generate Ballerina code from GraphQL schema and GraphQL schema from Ballerina code. It also provides functionality to generate usage-specific GraphQL clients using GraphQL schemas and documents
Ballerina GraphQL Examples 140 1 day ago
Convert Weather REST API to GraphQL API 3 about 1 year ago

awesome-graphql / Tools / Tools - Editors & IDEs & Explorers

An in-browser IDE for exploring GraphQL
GraphQL Editor 5,984 12 days ago Visual Editor & GraphQL IDE
GraphQL Voyager 7,758 6 days ago Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph
Altair GraphQL Client 5,112 8 days ago A beautiful feature-rich GraphQL Client for all platforms
Brangr 2 over 1 year ago A unique, user-friendly data browser/viewer for any GraphQL service, with attractive result layouts
Insomnia - A full-featured API client with first-party GraphQL query editor
Postman An HTTP Client that supports editing GraphQL queries
Bruno 25,772 4 days ago Fast, open source API client, which stores collections offline-only in a Git-friendly plain text markup language
Escape GraphMan 240 about 1 month ago Generate a complete Postman collection from a GraphQL endpoint
Apollo Sandbox The quickest way to navigate and test your GraphQL endpoints
GraphQL Birdseye 704 almost 2 years ago – View any GraphQL schema as a dynamic and interactive graph
AST Explorer Select "GraphQL" at the top, explore the GraphQL AST and highlight different parts by clicking in the query
Firecamp - GraphQL Playground The fastest collaborative GraphQL playground
CraftQL 108 over 1 year ago A CLI tool to visualize GraphQL schemas and to output a graph data structure as a graphviz .dot format
gqt 461 about 1 month ago Build and execute GraphQL queries in the terminal

awesome-graphql / Tools / Tools - Testing

Open-Source API Testing and Monitoring with GraphQL support
graphql-to-karate 13 14 days ago Generate Karate API tests from your GraphQL schemas

awesome-graphql / Tools / Tools - Security

The all-in-one automated penetration tester toolkit for GraphQL, written in Python
Escape - The GraphQL Security Scanner One-click security scan of your GraphQL endpoints. Free, no login required
Escape Graphinder - GraphQL Subdomain Enumeration 127 over 1 year ago – Blazing fast GraphQL endpoints finder using subdomain enumeration, scripts analysis and bruteforce
StackHawk - GraphQL Vulnerability Scanner -
Tinfoil Security - GraphQL Security Scanner -
InQL Scanner 1,522 3 months ago A Burp Extension for GraphQL Security Testing
GraphQL Raider
WAF for graphQL Web Application Firewall for graphQL APIs
GraphQL Intruder 13 over 3 years ago Plugin based python script to perform GraphQL vulnerability assessment
GraphQL Cop 355 27 days ago Security Audit Utility for GraphQL
GraphQLer 123 13 days ago Dependency-aware dynamic GraphQL testing tool

awesome-graphql / Tools / Tools - Browser Extensions

Apollo Client Developer Tools 1,495 3 days ago GraphQL debugging tools for Apollo Client in the Chrome developer console
GraphQL Network Inspector A simple and clean chrome dev-tools extension for GraphQL network inspection

awesome-graphql / Tools / Tools - Prototyping

GraphQL Faker 2,690 11 months ago 🎲 Mock or extend your GraphQL API with faked data. No coding required
GraphQL Designer A developer's web-app tool to rapidly prototype a full stack CRUD implementation of GraphQL with React

awesome-graphql / Tools / Tools - Docs

graphdoc 1,553 over 1 year ago Static page generator for documenting GraphQL Schema
gqldoc 192 6 months ago The easiest way to make API documents for GraphQL
spectaql 1,097 26 days ago Autogenerate static GraphQL API documentation
graphql-markdown Flexible documentation for GraphQL powered with Docusaurus

awesome-graphql / Tools / Tools - Editor Plugins

Apollo GraphQL VSCode Extension Rich editor support for GraphQL client and server development that seamlessly integrates with the Apollo platform
js-graphql-intellij-plugin 879 11 days ago GraphQL language support for IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm, including Relay.QL tagged templates in JavaScript and TypeScript
vim-graphql 486 about 2 months ago A Vim plugin that provides GraphQL file detection and syntax highlighting
Apollo Workbench Tooling to help you develop and mock federated schemas using Apollo Federation
graphql-autocomplete 48 over 1 year ago Autocomplete and lint from a GraphQL endpoint in Atom

awesome-graphql / Tools / Tools - Miscellaneous

graphql-code-generator 10,810 4 days ago GraphQL code generator based on schema and documents
swagger-to-graphql 924 over 1 year ago GraphQL types builder based on REST API described in Swagger. Allows to migrate to GraphQL from REST for 5 minutes
ts-graphql-plugin 720 12 days ago A language service plugin complete and validate GraphQL query in TypeScript template strings
apollo-tracing 478 over 1 year ago GraphQL extension that enables you to easily get resolver-level performance information as part of a GraphQL response
json-graphql-server 1,927 11 days ago Get a full fake GraphQL API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds, based on a JSON data file
Prisma 39,075 4 days ago Turn your database into a GraphQL API. Prisma lets you design your data model and have a production ready GraphQL API online in minutes
Typetta 107 12 days ago Node.js ORM written in TypeScript for type lovers. Typetta is the perfect ORM for the GraphQL + NodeJS + Typescript stack
tuql 1,049 over 3 years ago Automatically create a GraphQL server from any sqlite database
Bit 17,843 3 days ago Organize GraphQL API as components to be consumed with NPM or modified from any project, )
openapi-to-graphql 1,609 9 months ago Take any OpenAPI Specification (OAS) or swagger and create a GraphQL interface - Two minute video and resources
Retool – Internal tools builder on top of your GraphQL APIs + GraphQL IDE with a schema explorer
dataloader-codegen 111 7 months ago An opinionated JavaScript library for automatically generating predictable, type safe DataLoaders over a set of resources (e.g. HTTP endpoints)
raphql-inspector 1,640 12 days ago : alidate schema, get schema change notifications, validate operations, find breaking changes, look for similar types, schema coverage
amplication 15,118 3 days ago : Amplication is an open‑source low code development tool. It builds database applications with REST API and GraphQL for CRUD with relations, sorting, filtering, pagination
Blendbase 23 over 2 years ago : Single open-source GraphQL API to connect CRMs to your SaaS. Query any customer CRM system (Salesforce, Hubspot and more) with a single API query from your SaaS app
microfiber 32 8 months ago Query and manipulate GraphQL introspection query results in useful ways
ILLA Cloud – Open-source low-code tool building platform provides an easy way to integrate with GraphQL with minimal configurations
DronaHQ Build internal tools, dashboards, admin panel on top of GraphQL data in minutes
Dynaboard Generate low-code web apps from any GraphQL API using AI

awesome-graphql / Databases

for building data applications with SQL, REST, and . Connect any database or data warehouse and instantly get a GraphQL API with sub-second latency on top of it. -
Dgraph Scalable, distributed, low latency, high throughput Graph database with GraphQL as the query language
EdgeDB The next generation object-relational database with native GraphQL support
FaunaDB Relational NoSQL database with Supports joins, indexes, and multi-region ACID transactions with serverless pay-per-use pricing
ArangoDB Native multi-model database with via the built-in
Weaviate 10,967 5 days ago Weaviate is a cloud-native, modular, real-time vector search engine with a built to scale your machine learning models

awesome-graphql / Services

Scalable managed GraphQL service with subscriptions for building real-time and offline-first apps
FakeQL GraphQL API mocking as a service ... because GraphQL API mocking should be easy!
Moesif API Analytics A GraphQL analaytics and monitoring service to find functional and performance issues
Booster framework An open-source framework that makes you forget about infrastructure and allows you to focus exclusively on your business logic. It autogenerates a GraphQL API for your models, supporting mutations, queries, and subscriptions
Hypi Low-code, scalable, serverless backend as a service. Your GraphQL & REST over GraphQL backend in minutes
Nhost Open source Firebase alternative with GraphQL
Saleor 20,588 11 days ago GraphQL-first headless e-commerce platform
Stargate Open source data gateway currently supporting Apache Cassandra® and DataStax Enterprise
Grafbase Instant GraphQL APIs for any data source

awesome-graphql / Services / CDN

GraphCDN GraphQL CDN for caching GraphQL APIs

awesome-graphql / Services / CMS

DatoCMS CDN-based GraphQL based Headless Content Management System
Apito A Cloud Based Headless CMS with CDN, Webhooks, Team Collaborations, Content Revision, Cloud Functions
Hygraph Build Scalable Content Experiences
Cosmic GraphQL-powered Headless CMS and API toolkit
Graphweaver Turn multiple datasources into a single GraphQL API

awesome-graphql / Books

by John Resig and Loren Sands-Ramshaw
Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe by Bruce Williams and Ben Wilson
The Road to GraphQL
Learning GraphQL and Relay by Samer Buna
Practical GraphQL by Daniel Schmitz
Production Ready GraphQL by Marc-André Giroux
Full Stack GraphQL Applications by William Lyon

awesome-graphql / Videos

Zero to GraphQL in 30 Minutes
Data fetching for React applications at Facebook
React Native & Relay: Bringing Modern Web Techniques to Mobile
Exploring GraphQL
Creating a GraphQL Server
GraphQL at The Financial Times
Relay: An Application Framework For React
Building and Deploying Relay with Facebook
Introduction to GraphQL
Exploring GraphQL@Scale
What's Next for Phoenix by Chris McCord
GraphQL with Nick Schrock
Build a GraphQL server for Node.js using PostgreSQL/MySQL
GraphQL server tutorial for Node.js with SQL, MongoDB and REST
JavaScript Air Episode 023: Transitioning from REST to GraphQL
GraphQL Future at react-europe 2016
GraphQL at Facebook at react-europe 2016
Building native mobile apps with GraphQL at react-europe 2016
Build a GraphQL Server
GraphQL Tutorial
Five years of GraphQL
GraphQL is for Everyone by Moon Highway

awesome-graphql / Podcasts

by Marc-Andre Giroux and Tony Ghita

awesome-graphql / Style Guides

This tutorial was originally created by Shopify for internal purposes. It's based on lessons learned from creating and evolving production schemas at Shopify over almost 3 years
GitLab GraphQL API Style Guide This document outlines the style guide for the GitLab GraphQL API
Yelp GraphQL Guidelines This repo contains documentation and guidelines for a standardized and mostly reasonable approach to GraphQL (at Yelp)
Principled GraphQL Apollo's 10 GraphQL Principles, broken out into three categories, in a format inspired by the Twelve Factor App

awesome-graphql / Blogs

Building Apollo
The Guild blog
Production Ready GraphQL blog

awesome-graphql / Blogs / Blogs - Security

Learn about GraphQL security, performance, testing and building production-ready APIs with the latest tools and best practices of the GraphQL ecosystem
9 GraphQL Security Best Practices
Discovering GraphQL Endpoints and SQLi Vulnerabilities
Securing GraphQL API
Security Points to Consider Before Implementing GraphQL
GraphQL for Pentesters Introduction to Basic Concepts, Security Considerations & Reconnaissance, Vulnerabilities and Attacks, Offensive Tools
Authorization Patterns in GraphQL

awesome-graphql / Posts

GraphQL federation with Hasura GraphQL Engine and Cube
Using DataLoader to batch GraphQL requests
Introducing Relay and GraphQL
GraphQL Introduction
Unofficial Relay FAQ
Your First GraphQL Server
GraphQL Overview - Getting Started with GraphQL and Node.js
4 Reasons you should try out GraphQL
Moving from REST to GraphQL
Writing a Basic API with GraphQL
Building a GraphQL Server with Node.js and SQL
GraphQL at The Financial Times
From REST to GraphQL
GraphQL: A data query language
Subscriptions in GraphQL and Relay
Relay 101: Building A Hacker News Client
GraphQL Shorthand Notation Cheatsheet
The GitHub GraphQL API
Github GraphQL API React Example
Testing a GraphQL Server using Jest
How to implement viewerCanSee in GraphQL
Preventing traversal attacks on your GraphQL API
Mock your GraphQL server realistically with faker.js
Create an infinite loading list with React and GraphQL
REST vs GraphQL
Authentication and Authorization for GraphQL APIs
Build a GraphQL API with Siler on top of Swoole
Fluent GraphQL clients: how to write queries like a boss
Level up your serverless game with a GraphQL data-as-a-service layer
A deep-dive into Relay, the friendly & opinionated GraphQL client
make your graphql api easier to adopt through components
Undocumented: keeping parts of your GraphQL schema hidden from introspection
GraphQL Subscriptions with Apache Kafka in Ballerina
How to Test your GraphQL Endpoints
Why Automatic Persisted Queries Don't Scale

awesome-graphql / Tutorials

Fullstack Tutorial Website with Tracks for all Major Frameworks & Languages including React, Apollo, Relay, JavaScript, Ruby, Java, Elixir and many more
Apollo Odyssey Apollo's free interactive learning platform
learning-graphql 943 over 5 years ago An attempt to learn GraphQL
GraphQL Roadmap Step by step guide to learn GraphQL
GraphQL Security Academy a free and interactive platform to learn GraphQL security: how to find, exploit and fix GraphQL vulnerabilities

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