
The Vim plugin shortlist


2k stars
65 watching
129 forks
last commit: about 2 months ago
Linked from 7 awesome lists


Awesome Vim / Learning Vim

Seven habits of effective text editing
The Way of the Vim Warrior 418 over 4 years ago
Learn Vimscript the Hard Way
Learning Vim (Chinese) 1,681 10 months ago
Vim Adventures
Vim Doctor
Vim Genius
Vim Tips
Fortune vimtips 52 about 8 years ago
Vim Galore 16,780 10 months ago
PacVim 3,236 7 months ago

Awesome Vim / Plugin Management

Dein.vim 3,420 5 months ago
lazy.nvim 14,267 19 days ago
Neobundle 2,294 about 6 years ago
Pathogen 12,118 about 2 years ago
VAM 660 about 1 month ago
Vim-plug 33,992 3 months ago
Vundle 23,902 2 months ago

Awesome Vim / Colors

Apprentice 886 2 months ago
Base16 126 4 months ago
Darcula 169 over 6 years ago
Gruvbox 13,693 10 months ago
Jellybeans 1,791 about 4 years ago
Molokai 3,603 almost 2 years ago
onedark 3,893 3 months ago
Solarized 6,581 6 months ago
simple-dark 84 6 months ago

Awesome Vim / Tools / Editing

Abolish 2,772 about 2 months ago
Align 134 over 11 years ago
DelimitMate 1,979 2 months ago
DoGe 995 5 months ago
EditorConfig 3,129 6 months ago
ExpandRegion 1,105 3 months ago
Gundo 1,477 over 2 years ago
IndentGuides 2,629 over 1 year ago
NerdCommenter 4,981 about 2 months ago
Repeat 2,605 3 months ago
Surround 13,376 3 months ago
Tabular 2,594 3 months ago
Targets 2,558 3 months ago
TComment 1,394 6 months ago
TextobjIndent 166 almost 4 years ago
TextobjUser 1,436 over 4 years ago
TextobjWordColumn 214 almost 12 years ago
Unimpaired 3,317 about 1 year ago
VisualSplit 219 over 7 years ago
WindowSwap 464 almost 5 years ago
YankStack 437 8 months ago

Awesome Vim / Tools / File Management

Dirvish 1,182 about 1 month ago
NERDTree 19,545 3 months ago
Vinegar 2,230 3 months ago

Awesome Vim / Tools / Git

Fugitive 19,892 28 days ago
vim-gitgutter 8,347 3 months ago

Awesome Vim / Tools / Interface

Airline 17,761 25 days ago +
vim-diminactive 336 about 3 years ago
vim-lastplace 569 5 months ago
vim-quickui 1,094 about 1 month ago
Signify 2,690 3 months ago
Startify 5,302 9 months ago

Awesome Vim / Tools / Searching

Ack 3,082 7 months ago
Any-jump.vim 1,081 5 months ago
CtrlP 5,571 13 days ago
CtrlSF 1,594 about 2 years ago
FlyGrep 305 2 months ago
fzf 64,227 4 days ago ( to use and )
MRU 259 4 months ago
vim-codequery 193 almost 2 years ago
zoxide.vim 217 12 months ago

Awesome Vim / Tools / Task Running

AsyncRun 1,852 13 days ago
AsyncTasks 909 8 days ago
Dispatch 2,640 about 1 month ago
vim-test 2,980 19 days ago

Awesome Vim / Tools / Text Navigation

EasyMotion 7,458 8 months ago
Sneak 3,242 8 months ago

Awesome Vim / Tools / Snippets

Snippets 4,807 about 2 months ago
UltiSnips 7,521 7 months ago

Awesome Vim / Tools / Syntax/Completion

Asynchronous Lint Engine 13,514 about 1 month ago
Coc 24,354 15 days ago
Neocomplete 2,741 over 1 year ago
Syntastic 11,304 about 2 years ago
TmuxComplete 514 about 2 years ago
YouCompleteMe 25,428 18 days ago

Awesome Vim / Language Specific

Codi 3,023 over 1 year ago
Polyglot 5,570 2 months ago

Awesome Vim / Language Specific / Golang

vim-go 15,979 11 days ago

Awesome Vim / Language Specific / HTML

MatchTagAlways 540 6 months ago
vim-ionic2 2 over 7 years ago

Awesome Vim / Language Specific / Java


Awesome Vim / Language Specific / Javascript

JavascriptLibrariesSyntax 621 almost 6 years ago

Awesome Vim / Language Specific / Markdown

vim-instant-markdown 2,725 11 months ago
vim-markdown-toc 609 about 1 month ago
mkdx 484 12 months ago

Awesome Vim / Language Specific / PHP

PDV 162 over 6 years ago

Awesome Vim / Language Specific / Python

PythonMode 5,443 5 months ago

Awesome Vim / Language Specific / Ruby

Endwise 1,113 9 months ago

Awesome Vim / Language Specific / SQL

vim-mysql-plugin 21 11 months ago

Awesome Vim / Language Specific / XML

xmledit 258 almost 4 years ago

Awesome Vim / Framework Specific / Django

htmldjango autocomplete 26 over 7 years ago
Pony 67 over 6 years ago

Awesome Vim / Framework Specific / Rails

Rails 4,100 27 days ago

Awesome Vim / Distributions

init.nvim 422 3 months ago
Janus 7,877 over 2 years ago
LazyVim 16,763 17 days ago
LunarVim 18,154 3 months ago
spf13 15,555 11 months ago
spacevim 20,266 18 days ago

Awesome Vim / Websites

Vim Bootstrap
Vim Awesome

Awesome Vim / Contributing

contribution guidelines 1,976 about 2 months ago Please read the

Awesome Vim / License

MIT License 1,976 about 2 months ago

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