
A beautiful fully customizable React + Redux notification system built with styled-components


29 stars
1 watching
1 forks
Language: TypeScript
last commit: almost 6 years ago
Linked from 2 awesome lists


React-awesome-notifications / Integration / Apply thunk middleware and add notifications reducer to Redux store

redux-thunk 17,765 23 days ago Since react-awesome-notifications use thunk async actions creator, you must apply middleware from to your Redux store. Install it with

React-awesome-notifications / API Documentation

Objects 29 almost 6 years ago

React-awesome-notifications / API Documentation / Objects

Notification 29 almost 6 years ago
Notification button 29 almost 6 years ago
ExtendStyles 29 almost 6 years ago

React-awesome-notifications / API Documentation

Action creators 29 almost 6 years ago

React-awesome-notifications / API Documentation / Action creators

Update or create a notification
Create a notification 29 almost 6 years ago
Update a notification 29 almost 6 years ago
Remove a notification 29 almost 6 years ago
Remove all notifications 29 almost 6 years ago

React-awesome-notifications / API Documentation

Notification system component 29 almost 6 years ago
Customize styling 29 almost 6 years ago

React-awesome-notifications / API Documentation / Objects

button 29 almost 6 years ago Array of objects
ExtendStyles 29 almost 6 years ago add custom styles to the notification see.

React-awesome-notifications / API Documentation / Action creators

notification 29 almost 6 years ago A object
notification 29 almost 6 years ago A object
notification 29 almost 6 years ago A object

React-awesome-notifications / Contributing guide / Setting up your environment

http://localhost:6006 Launch demo at
http://localhost:6006 start storybook server at

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