Awesome SLAM Datasets / Update: 2021-03-24 / Update: 2019-09-24 |
FMDataset | 71 | over 2 years ago | We add which consist on RGBD and IMU data for dense reconstruction of indoor environments |
'Dataset Generation and Benchmarking of SLAM Algorithms for Robotics and VR/AR' | | | In ICRA 2019 (Montreal), workshop on will be held!. We are pretty sure that there will be many 'new' and 'hot' datasets intruduced at the workshop |
UZH-FPV Drone Racing Dataset | | | We add a new UAV dataset, , which aims high speed state estimation using RGB, Event, and IMU |
Complex Urban Dataset (KAIST) | | | now includes stereo camera images! (published in IJRR 2019) |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / TODO / Add datasets introduced in CVPR 2019 | | | | Waymo ( ) | | | | Nuscenes ( ) |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Overall datasets chart (Simplified Version) |
VBR SLAM Dataset | | | |
4Seasons Dataset | | | |
M2DGR | 922 | 3 months ago | |
TartanAir | | | |
VECtor Dataset | | | |
Hilti SLAM Dataset | | | |
MADMAX Mars Dataset | | | |
FinnForest Dataset | | | |
PennCOSYVIO Dataset | | | |
ICL Dataset | | | |
UZH-FPV Drone Racing | | | |
FMDataset | 71 | over 2 years ago | |
Rosario Dataset | | | |
Collaborative SLAM Dataset (CSD) | 41 | over 2 years ago | |
ADVIO Dataset | 240 | almost 6 years ago | |
DeepIO Dataset | | | |
Aqualoc Dataset | | | |
InteriorNet | | | |
SPO Dataset | | | |
Complex Urban | | | |
KAIST Day/Night | | | |
TUM-Visual-Inertial | | | |
Multi Vech Event | | | |
VI Canoe | | | |
MPO-Japan | | | |
Underwater Cave | | | |
Robot @ Home | | | |
Zurich Urban MAV | | | |
Chilean Underground | | | |
SceneNet RGB-D | | | |
Symphony Lake | | | |
Agricultural robot | | | |
Beach Rover | | | |
EuRoC | | | |
Cartographer | | | |
TUM-Mono | | | |
Cityscape | | | |
Solar-UAV | | | |
CoRBS | | | |
Oxford-robotcar | | | |
NCLT | | | |
RPG-event | | | |
CCSAD | | | |
TUM-Omni | | | |
Augmented ICL-NUIM | | | |
Cambridge Landmark | | | |
ICL-NUIM | | | |
MRPT-Malaga | | | |
KITTI | | | |
Canadian Planetary | | | |
Microsoft 7 scenes | | | |
SeqSLAM | | | |
ETH-challenging | | | |
TUM-RGBD | | | |
ASRL-Kagara-airborne | | | |
Devon Island Rover | | | |
ACFR Marine | | | |
UTIAS Multi-Robot | | | |
Ford Campus | | | |
San francisco | | | |
Annotated-laser | | | |
MIT-DARPA | | | |
St Lucia Stereo | | | |
St Lucia Multiple Times | | | |
Marulan | | | |
COLD | | | |
NewCollege | | | |
Rawseeds-indoor | | | |
Rawseeds-outdoor | | | |
FABMAP | | | |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Evaluation |
Paper | | | Trajectory Evaluation with Alignment [ ], [ ] |
Code | | | Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM [ ] |
Paper | | | SLAMBench 3.0: Systematic Automated Reproducible Evaluation of SLAM Systems for Robot Vision Challenges and Scene Understanding [ ], [ ] |
Paper | | | OpenVINS ov_eval Trajectory Evaulation and Alignment, Timing, and Plotting [ ], [ ], [ ] |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Categorized By Topic / Odometry |
FusionPortable | | | |
VBR SLAM Dataset | | | |
FinnForest Dataset | | | |
ICL Dataset | | | |
UZH-FPV Drone Racing | | | |
TUM-Visual-Inertial | | | |
Visual-Inertial Canoe Dataset | | | |
Multi Vehicle Stereo Event Camera Dataset | | | |
Zurich Urban Micro Aerial Vehicle Dataset | | | |
EuRoC MAV Dataset | | | |
TUM Monocular Cameras Dataset | | | |
Event-Camera Dataset and Simulator | | | |
TUM Omnidirectional Cameras Dataset | | | |
ICL-NUIM RGBD Dataset | | | |
TUM RGB-D SLAM Dataset and Benchmark | | | |
Google Cartographer | | | |
ADVIO Dataset | 240 | almost 6 years ago | |
Deep Inertial Odometry Dataset | | | |
Aqualoc Underwater Dataset | | | |
Rosario Agricultural Dataset | | | |
Stereo Plenoptic Odometry Dataset | | | |
MADMAX Mars Dataset | | | |
Hilti SLAM Dataset | | | |
VECtor Dataset | | | |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Categorized By Topic / Mapping |
FusionPortable | | | |
Collaborative SLAM Dataset (CSD) | 41 | over 2 years ago | |
Complex Urban | | | |
Multi-modal Panoramic 3D Outdoor Dataset (MPO) | | | |
Underwater Caves SONAR and Vision Dataset | | | |
Chilean Underground Mine Dataset | | | |
Oxford Robotcar Dataset | | | |
University of Michigan North Campus Long-Term (NCLT) Vision and LIDAR Dataset | | | |
Málaga Stereo and Laser Urban Data Set | | | |
KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite | | | |
Challenging data sets for point cloud registration algorithms | | | |
ACFR Marine Robotics Dataset | | | |
Ford Campus Vision and Lidar Dataset | | | |
InteriorNet | | | |
FMDataset | 71 | over 2 years ago | |
MADMAX Mars Dataset | | | |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Categorized By Topic / Place Recognition |
Visual-Inertial Canoe Dataset | | | |
Symphony Lake Dataset | | | |
Alderley Day/Night Dataset | | | |
St Lucia Multiple Times of Day | | | |
New College Vision and Laser Data Set | | | |
FABMAP Dataset | | | |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Categorized By Topic / Localization |
FusionPortable | | | |
VBR SLAM Dataset | | | |
ICL Dataset | | | |
Cambridge Landmark Dataset | | | |
KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite | | | |
Microsoft 7 scenes | | | |
San Francisco Landmark Dataset | | | |
MADMAX Mars Dataset | | | |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Categorized By Topic / Perception |
KAIST Day/Night Dataset | | | |
Robot @ Home Dataset | | | |
SceneNet RBG-D Dataset | | | |
Sugar Beets 2016, Agricultural Robot Dataset | | | |
CityScapes Dataset | | | |
KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite | | | |
Multi-Sensor Perception (Marulan) Dataset | | | |
InteriorNet | | | |
FusionPortableV2 | | | |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Categorized By Characteristics / Large-scale |
FusionPortableV2 | | | |
VBR SLAM Dataset | | | |
Complex Urban | | | |
Multi Vehicle Stereo Event Camera Dataset | | | |
Multi-modal Panoramic 3D Outdoor Dataset (MPO) | | | |
CityScapes Dataset | | | |
Solar-powered UAV Sensing and Mapping Dataset | | | |
Oxford Robotcar Dataset | | | |
CCSAD (Stereo Urban) Dattaset | | | |
Málaga Stereo and Laser Urban Data Set | | | |
KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite | | | |
Kagaru Airborne Stereo Dataset Dataset | | | |
ACFR Marine Robotics Dataset | | | |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Categorized By Characteristics / Long-term |
FinnForest Dataset | | | |
KAIST Day/Night Dataset | | | |
Visual-Inertial Canoe Dataset | | | |
Symphony Lake Dataset | | | |
Oxford Robotcar Dataset | | | |
University of Michigan North Campus Long-Term (NCLT) Vision and LIDAR Dataset | | | |
Alderley Day/Night Dataset | | | |
St Lucia Multiple Times of Day | | | |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Categorized By Characteristics / Map Complexity |
VBR SLAM Dataset | | | |
Complex Urban | | | |
Multi Vehicle Stereo Event Camera Dataset | | | |
Multi-modal Panoramic 3D Outdoor Dataset (MPO) | | | |
Málaga Stereo and Laser Urban Data Set | | | |
KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite | | | |
Challenging data sets for point cloud registration - algorithms | | | |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Categorized By Characteristics / Extreme Condition |
FinnForest Dataset | | | |
UZH-FPV Drone Racing | | | |
Underwater Caves SONAR and Vision Dataset | | | : Underwater Environment |
Chilean Underground Mine Dataset | | | : Underground Environment |
CityScapes Dataset | | | : Foggy Scene |
EuRoC MAV Dataset | | | : Fast motion |
Multi-Sensor Perception (Marulan) Dataset | | | : Smoky, dust, and Rain condition |
FusionPortableV2 Dataset | | | |
VBR SLAM Dataset | | | |
FinnForest Dataset | | | |
Complex Urban Dataset | | | |
Multi Vehicle Stereo Event Camera Dataset | | | |
KAIST Day/Night Dataset | | | |
Multi-modal Panoramic 3D Outdoor Dataset (MPO) | | | |
Oxford Robotcar Dataset | | | |
CityScapes Dataset | | | |
CCSAD (Stereo Urban) Dattaset | | | |
Málaga Stereo and Laser Urban Data Set | | | |
KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite | | | |
Day and Night with Lateral Pose Change Dataset | | | |
Alderley Day/Night Dataset | | | |
Annotated-laser Dataset | | | (Link Broken) |
San Francisco Landmark Dataset | | | |
Ford Campus Vision and Lidar Dataset | | | |
St Lucia Stereo Vehicular Dataset | | | |
St Lucia Multiple Times of Day | | | |
MIT DARPA Urban Challenge Dataset | | | |
FABMAP Dataset | | | |
Rosario Dataset | | | |
Sugar Beets 2016, Agricultural Robot Dataset | | | |
Chilean Underground Mine Dataset | | | |
Katwijk Beach Planetary Rover Dataset | | | |
Robot @ Home Dataset | | | |
University of Michigan North Campus Long-Term (NCLT) Vision and LIDAR Dataset | | | |
Rawseeds In/Outdoor Dataset | | | |
Canadian Planetary Emulation Terrain 3D Mapping Dataset | | | |
Devon Island Rover Navigation Dataset | | | |
Multi-Robot Cooperative Localization and Mapping Dataset | | | |
Multi-Sensor Perception (Marulan) Dataset | | | |
TUM RGB-D SLAM Dataset and Benchmark | | | |
New College Vision and Laser Data Set | | | |
MADMAX Mars Dataset | | | |
ICL Dataset | | | |
UZH-FPV Drone Racing | | | |
Zurich Urban Micro Aerial Vehicle Dataset | | | |
Event-Camera Dataset and Simulator | | | |
Solar-powered UAV Sensing and Mapping Dataset | | | |
EuRoC MAV Dataset | | | |
Kagaru Airborne Stereo Dataset Dataset | | | |
Aqualoc Underwater Dataset | | | |
Underwater Caves SONAR and Vision Dataset | | | |
ACFR Marine Robotics Dataset | | | |
Visual-Inertial Canoe Dataset | | | |
Symphony Lake Dataset | | | |
VBR SLAM Dataset | | | |
Collaborative SLAM Dataset (CSD) | 41 | over 2 years ago | |
SceneNet RBG-D Dataset | | | |
Event-Camera Dataset and Simulator | | | |
Comprehensive RGB-D Benchmark (CoRBS) | | | |
Augmented ICL-NUIM Reconstruction Dataset | | | |
ICL-NUIM RGBD Dataset | | | |
Challenging data sets for point cloud registration algorithms | | | |
Cosy Localization Database (COLD) | | | |
ADVIO Dataset | 240 | almost 6 years ago | |
Deep Inertial Odometry Dataset | | | |
InteriorNet | | | |
Stereo Plenoptic Dataset | | | |
FMDataset | 71 | over 2 years ago | |
Hilti SLAM Dataset | | | |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Categorized by Environment / Urban |
VBR SLAM Dataset | | | |
UZH-FPV Drone Racing | | | |
ADVIO Dataset | 240 | almost 6 years ago | |
Stereo Plenoptic Dataset | | | |
KAIST Day/Night Dataset | | | |
TUM-Visual-Inertial | | | |
Complex Urban | | | |
Multi Vehicle Stereo Event Camera Dataset | | | |
Zurich Urban Micro Aerial Vehicle Dataset | | | |
TUM Monocular Cameras Dataset | | | |
CityScapes Dataset | | | |
Oxford Robotcar Dataset | | | |
University of Michigan North Campus Long-Term (NCLT) Vision and LIDAR Dataset | | | |
Event-Camera Dataset and Simulator | | | |
CCSAD (Stereo Urban) Dattaset | | | |
TUM Omnidirectional Cameras Dataset | | | |
Cambridge Landmark Dataset | | | |
Málaga Stereo and Laser Urban Data Set | | | |
KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite | | | |
Alderley Day/Night Dataset | | | |
Challenging data sets for point cloud registration algorithms | | | |
Multi-Robot Cooperative Localization and Mapping Dataset | | | |
Ford Campus Vision and Lidar Dataset | | | |
San Francisco Landmark Dataset | | | |
Annotated-laser Dataset | | | (Link Broken) |
MIT DARPA Urban Challenge Dataset | | | |
St Lucia Stereo Vehicular Dataset | | | |
St Lucia Multiple Times of Day | | | |
New College Vision and Laser Data Set | | | |
Rawseeds In/Outdoor Dataset | | | |
FABMAP Dataset | | | |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Categorized by Environment / Indoor |
VBR SLAM Dataset | | | |
ICL Dataset | | | |
FMDataset | 71 | over 2 years ago | |
UZH-FPV Drone Racing | | | |
Collaborative SLAM Dataset (CSD) | 41 | over 2 years ago | |
InteriorNet | | | |
TUM-Visual-Inertial | | | |
Multi-modal Panoramic 3D Outdoor Dataset (MPO) | | | |
Robot @ Home Dataset | | | |
SceneNet RBG-D Dataset | | | |
EuRoC MAV Dataset | | | |
TUM Monocular Cameras Dataset | | | |
Comprehensive RGB-D Benchmark (CoRBS) | | | |
TUM Omnidirectional Cameras Dataset | | | |
Augmented ICL-NUIM Reconstruction Dataset | | | |
ICL-NUIM RGBD Dataset | | | |
Microsoft 7 scenes | | | |
TUM RGB-D SLAM Dataset and Benchmark | | | |
Cosy Localization Database (COLD) | | | |
Rawseeds In/Outdoor Dataset | | | |
Google Cartographer | | | |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Categorized by Environment / Terrain |
VBR SLAM Dataset | | | |
FinnForest Dataset | | | |
Rosario Agricultural Dataset | | | |
Visual-Inertial Canoe Dataset | | | |
Chilean Underground Mine Dataset | | | |
Symphony Lake Dataset | | | |
Sugar Beets 2016, Agricultural Robot Dataset | | | |
Katwijk Beach Planetary Rover Dataset | | | |
Solar-powered UAV Sensing and Mapping Dataset | | | |
Event-Camera Dataset and Simulator | | | |
Canadian Planetary Emulation Terrain 3D Mapping Dataset | | | |
Challenging data sets for point cloud registration - algorithms | | | |
Kagaru Airborne Stereo Dataset Dataset | | | |
Devon Island Rover Navigation Dataset | | | |
Multi-Sensor Perception (Marulan) Dataset | | | |
MADMAX Mars Dataset | | | |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Categorized by Environment / Underwater |
Aqualoc Underwater Dataset | | | |
Underwater Caves SONAR and Vision Dataset | | | |
ACFR Marine Robotics Dataset | | | |
Awesome SLAM Datasets / Categorized by Environment / Simulation |
TartanAir | | | |