
A curated list of dotfiles resources.


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167 watching
334 forks
last commit: 5 months ago
Linked from 8 awesome lists


Awesome Dotfiles / Articles / Introductions

Getting started with dotfiles ( )
Getting started with dotfiles ( )
Managing your dotfiles
Dotfiles Are Meant to Be Forked
Dotfile discovery
I do Dotfiles!

Awesome Dotfiles / Articles / Tutorials

Setting up a new (OS X) development machine: Part 3 - Dotfiles and custom SSH config
Setting Up a Mac Dev Machine From Zero to Hero With Dotfiles
Using Git and GitHub to manage your dotfiles
conf.d like directories for zsh/bash dotfiles
Managing your dotfiles
The best way to store your dotfiles: A bare Git repository
Dotfiles Management

Awesome Dotfiles / Articles / Shell startup

Shell startup scripts
Zsh/Bash startup files loading order

Awesome Dotfiles / Articles / Using specific tools

Using GNU Stow to manage your dotfiles
Managing Dotfile Symlinks with GNU Stow
Dotfiles and dev tools provisioned by Ansible

Awesome Dotfiles / Find dotfiles repos

Google for "dotfiles"
Archlinux collection
in:path .gitconfig Tip: search for a filename on GitHub, e.g.

Awesome Dotfiles / Example dotfiles repos / Bash

Bash it 14,232 3 months ago
Mathias’s dotfiles 30,179 2 months ago
webpro's dotfiles 1,076 10 days ago
rootbeersoup's dotfiles 69 10 days ago

Awesome Dotfiles / Example dotfiles repos / Zsh

thoughtbot dotfiles 7,958 about 2 months ago
rcm 3,124 about 2 months ago Zsh, vim, tmux, git, homebrew. Uses
Prezto 13,966 4 months ago
Dries's dotfiles 2,169 2 months ago
sobolevn's dotfiles 700 about 2 months ago
yutkat's dotfiles 750 11 days ago
Luke's voidrice 4,272 about 2 months ago
2KAbhishek's dots2k 234 29 days ago
Zim 3,802 18 days ago

Awesome Dotfiles / Example dotfiles repos / Fish

oh-my-fish 10,415 16 days ago
Paul's dotfiles 4,182 2 months ago
rkalis's dotfiles 246 over 2 years ago

Awesome Dotfiles / Example dotfiles repos / Ansible

.dots 94 5 months ago
sloria's dotfiles 153 12 days ago

Awesome Dotfiles / Tools

Ansible Radically simple configuration-management, application deployment, task-execution, and multinode orchestration engine
bashdot 102 over 1 year ago Minimalist dotfile management framework written entirely in bash
chezmoi 12,985 8 days ago Manage your dotfiles securely across multiple machines
comtrya 487 4 days ago Configuration management for localhost, written in Rust, for Linux, BSD, macOS, and Windows
dotbare 661 5 months ago Manage dotfiles interactively with fzf
dotbot 7,015 4 months ago Tool that bootstraps your dotfiles
dotdrop 1,780 about 1 month ago Save your dotfiles once, deploy them everywhere
Fisher 7,670 25 days ago A package manager for Fish
fresh Keep your dotfiles fresh. Fresh is a tool to source shell configuration (aliases, functions, etc) from others into your own configuration files
GNU Stow Symlink farm manager which takes distinct packages of software and/or data located in separate directories on the filesystem, and makes them appear to be installed in the same place
homeshick 2,081 6 days ago Git dotfile synchronizer written in Bash
mackup 14,542 about 1 month ago Keep your application settings in sync (macOS/Linux)
Pearl 227 7 months ago Package manager that allows to control, sync, share dotfiles as packages automatically activated during shells or editors startup. There is a wide range of packages already available. in the (for Linux and OSX)
rcm 3,124 about 2 months ago rc file (dotfile) management
themer 5,480 4 months ago Manage and generate themes across your development tools from within your dotfiles
toml-bombadil 221 3 days ago Templatize and manage your dotfiles
xdg-ninja 2,454 16 days ago A shell script which checks your $HOME for unwanted files and directories
yadm 5,063 3 months ago Tool for managing a collection of files across multiple computers, using a shared Git repository and some additional features

Awesome Dotfiles / Tools / macOS

dockutil 1,366 8 months ago Command line tool for managing dock items
mas 10,838 2 months ago Mac App Store command line interface
zero 277 about 1 year ago Radically simple personal bootstrapping tool for macOS

Awesome Dotfiles / Miscellaneous Your unofficial guide to dotfiles on GitHub
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard Directory structure and directory contents in Linux distributions
XDG Base Directory Specification -
A lesson in shortcuts - How the idea of "hidden" or "dot" files was born, by Rob Pike (originally posted on Google+)
Awesome Dev Env 2,827 2 months ago Curated list of awesome tools, resources and workflow tips making an awesome development environment
Awesome Fish 4,155 2 months ago Curated list of packages, prompts, and resources for the fish shell
Awesome Shell 32,806 about 2 months ago Curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos
Awesome Sysadmin 24,743 about 2 months ago A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources
Awesome Zsh Plugins 15,256 2 days ago List of Zsh plugins suitable for use with oh-my-zsh, antigen & Prezto
Terminals Are Sexy 12,216 2 months ago A curated list of Terminal frameworks, plugins & resources for CLI lovers

Awesome Dotfiles / Archive/abandoned projects

Bashstrap 1,556 over 5 years ago
battleschool 418 over 8 years ago
Bork 217 over 3 years ago
Cider 839 about 1 year ago
dev-setup 6,118 over 1 year ago
dotfiles 577 2 months ago
dotstow 98 5 months ago
Eduardo's dotfiles 423 over 7 years ago
ellipsis 357 over 2 years ago
emplace 254 3 days ago
holman does dotfiles 7,294 30 days ago
homesick 2,390 almost 4 years ago
Kevin's dotfiles 142 9 days ago
kody 139 almost 2 years ago
macOS Defaults 1,270 over 4 years ago
vcsh 2,193 about 2 months ago ( , )

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