
A curated list of awesome Web Components resources.


3k stars
116 watching
153 forks
last commit: 6 months ago
Linked from 7 awesome lists


Awesome Web Components / Introduction

An Introduction to Web Components
Intro to Web Components
The Holy Grail Of Reusable Components: Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, And NPM
The Motivation For Using Web Components, an Introduction
The Power of Web Components
Web Components 101
Web Components: From the orbital height
What are browser-native web components?
Why Web Components?

Awesome Web Components / Standards / Custom Elements

A Guide to Custom Elements for React Developers
All about HTML Custom Elements 201 over 5 years ago
Custom elements
Custom Elements v1: Reusable Web Components
Handling properties in custom element upgrades
Handy Custom Elements' Patterns
HTML Living Standard: Custom elements
MDN - Using Custom Elements
web-platform-tests 4,912 8 days ago

Awesome Web Components / Standards / Shadow DOM

A complete guide on shadow DOM and event propagation
DOM Living Standard: Shadow tree
MDN - Using Shadow DOM
Mind the document.activeElement!
Open vs. Closed Shadow DOM
Shadow DOM
Shadow DOM and events
Shadow DOM in depth 231 over 2 years ago
Shadow DOM slots, composition
Shadow DOM styling
Shadow DOM v1: Self-Contained Web Components
The Rise of Shadow DOM
Understanding Slot Updates with Web Components
What is the Shadow DOM?
Who doesn't love some slots?
Your Content in Shadow DOM Portals
web-platform-tests 4,912 8 days ago

Awesome Web Components / Standards / HTML Templates

Crafting Reusable HTML Templates
HTML Living Standard: The template element
HTML templates with vanilla JavaScript
MDN - <template>: The Content Template element
MDN - Using templates and slots
Template element
Templating in HTML
The HTML5 template element
Understanding The Template Element In HTML
web-platform-tests 4,912 8 days ago

Awesome Web Components / Standards / CSS Shadow Parts

W3C First Public Working Draft
CSS Shadow Parts are coming!
MDN - ::part() CSS pseudo element
MDN - part global attribute
::part and ::theme, an ::explainer
web-platform-tests 4,912 8 days ago

Awesome Web Components / Guides / Accessibility

Accessibility for Web Components
Accessibility with ID Referencing and Shadow DOM
Dialogs and shadow DOM: can we make it accessible?
How to Make Accessible Web Components — a Brief Guide
Managing focus in the shadow DOM
The future of accessibility for custom elements
The Guide to Accessible Web Components
Web Components and the Accessibility Object model (AOM)
Web Components punch list
Web components still need to be accessible

Awesome Web Components / Guides / Best Practices

Custom Element Best Practices
Developing Components: Publishing
Gold Standard Checklist for Web Components 1,030 about 9 years ago
Guidelines for creating web platform compatible components
How to Publish Web Components to NPM
Open Web Components Recommendations

Awesome Web Components / Guides / Codelabs

Build a Story Web Component with LitElement
Building Custom Elements with Web Components for the 2020 Elections
Creating Custom Form Controls with ElementInternals
From Web Component to Lit Element
HowTo Components –<howto-checkbox>
HowTo Components –<howto-tabs>
HowTo Components – <howto-tooltip>
Lit: basics
Lit: intermediate
Lit for React Developers
Web Components: basics

Awesome Web Components / Guides / Examples

generic-components 558 about 2 years ago Collection of generic web components with a focus on accessibility, and ease of use
howto-components 864 25 days ago Collection of web components that implement common web UI patterns
Nude UI 218 4 months ago Collection of accessible, customizable, ultra-light web components
open-wc code examples Collection of best practices and design patterns for developing web components
vanilla-retro-js 16 almost 2 years ago Vanilla JS UI component library of HTML deprecated tags
web-components-examples 3,084 about 2 months ago Series of web components examples, related to the MDN web components documentation

Awesome Web Components / Articles / Architecture

A deep analysis into isomorphic, autonomous cross-framework usage #MicroFrontends
Frankenstein Migration: Framework-Agnostic Approach (Part 1)
Frankenstein Migration: Framework-Agnostic Approach (Part 2)
Generating Config driven Dynamic Forms using Web Components
Hiding internal framework methods and properties from web component APIs
How to deliver Custom Elements
Making Web Components for Different Contexts
Supporting both automatic and manual registration of custom elements
Web Components — the right way

Awesome Web Components / Articles / Interoperability

Advanced Tooling for Web Components
Custom Elements Everywhere
Custom Elements That Work Anywhere
JavaScript frameworks, meet Web Components
Web Components aren't a framework replacement - they're better than that
Web Components: Seamlessly interoperable

Awesome Web Components / Articles / Limitations

Beyond the polyfills: how Web Components affect us today?
Custom elements, shadow DOM and implicit form submission
Form-associated custom elements
You might not need shadow DOM

Awesome Web Components / Articles / Styling

Does shadow DOM improve style performance?
Eschewing Shadow DOM
How Nordhealth uses Custom Properties in Web Components
Options for styling web components
Style scoping versus shadow DOM: which is fastest?
Styling a Web Component
Styling in the Shadow DOM With CSS Shadow Parts
Thinking Through Styling Options for Web Components
Web Component Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements are Easier Than You Think
Web Standards Meet User-Land: Using CSS-in-JS to Style Custom Elements

Awesome Web Components / Real World / Case Studies

Apple Just Shipped Web Components to Production and You Probably Missed It
Bringing Order to Web Design Chaos (with Web Components)
Get moving with Microsoft’s FAST web components
How Web Components Are Used at GitHub and Salesforce
How we use Web Components at GitHub
Implementing a Design Language System with Stencil.js
ING ❤ Web Components
ING Open-Sources Lion, Its White-Label Web Component Library – Q&A with Thomas Allmer
Lessons Learned, making our app with Web Components
Looking back on five years of web components
Shipping Web Components in 2020
The Firefox UI is now built with Web Components
Using web components to encapsulate CSS and resolve design system conflicts
Web Components at GitHub - Web Components SF Meetup
Web Components at Scale at Salesforce: Challenges Encountered, Lessons Learnt
Web Development At Scale: Composable Applications With Web Components engineering blog #1: How we build the site and use Web Components

Awesome Web Components / Real World / Components

<active-table> 218 7 months ago Editable table web component
<api-viewer> 268 18 days ago API documentation and live playground for Web Components
<chess-board> 100 2 months ago Standalone chess board web component
<css-doodle> 5,615 12 days ago Web component for drawing patterns with CSS
<dark-mode-toggle> 1,176 12 days ago Custom element that allows to create a dark mode toggle or switch
<deep-chat> 1,438 3 days ago Web component for chat with AI capabilities
<emoji-picker> 1,458 15 days ago Lightweight emoji picker, distributed as a web component
<fg-modal> 71 almost 2 years ago Accessible modal dialog web component
<file-viewer> 36 6 months ago Web component built with Svelte to view files
<json-viewer> 170 about 1 year ago Web component to visualize JSON data in a tree view
<lite-youtube> 5,818 about 2 months ago Lite YouTube embed with a focus on visual performance
<midi-player> 659 4 months ago MIDI file player and visualizer web components
<model-viewer> 6,855 11 days ago Web component for rendering interactive 3D models
<player-x> 102 3 months ago Media player web component
<progressive-image> 264 9 months ago Custom element to progressively enhance image placeholders
<qr-code> 1,247 over 1 year ago – Web component for rendering customizable, animate-able, SVG-based QR codes
<range-slider> 62 2 months ago Accessible range slider custom element with keyboard support
<rapi-doc> 1,648 8 days ago Web component for creating documentation from OpenAPI Specification
<shader-doodle> 502 over 1 year ago Web component for writing and rendering shaders
<theme-switch> 11 7 months ago Animated toggle button to switch between light, dark, and system theme
<trix-editor> 19,010 4 days ago Rich text editor custom element for everyday writing
<vime-player> 2,755 2 months ago Customizable, extensible, accessible and framework agnostic media player
<web-vitals> 181 about 1 year ago Bring quickly into your page using custom elements

Awesome Web Components / Real World / Component Libraries

AMP 14,889 1 day ago Web component framework for easily creating user-first websites, stories, ads, emails and more
AnywhereUI 30 4 months ago Collection of rich web components that includes framework bindings. Created with StencilJS
Apollo Elements 417 8 months ago Custom elements for using Apollo GraphQL with various web components libraries
AXA Pattern Library 126 10 months ago AXA CH UI components library built with Web Components
Blackstone UI 88 23 days ago Web components for creating interfaces by Blackstone Publishing
Blaze UI Atoms 1,555 over 1 year ago Set of web components powered by Blaze CSS
Brightspace UI core 63 11 days ago Collection of web components for building Brightspace applications
Clever components 218 11 days ago Collection of Web Components made by Clever Cloud
Curvenote 179 over 1 year ago Web components for creating interactive scientific articles
DataFormsJS 186 23 days ago Standalone Components for SPA routing, displaying data from web services, and more
Dile Components 77 10 days ago General use Web Components for websites and applications
elements-sk 29 over 1 year ago Collection of custom elements for "a la carte" web development
github-elements 2,768 10 months ago GitHub's Web Component collection
Elix 821 over 1 year ago High-quality, customizable web components for common user interface patterns
Furo Webcomponents 12 3 months ago Enterprise ready set of web components which work best with Eclipse Furo
Fusion Web Components 12 11 days ago Ser of web components used by Equinor Fusion
Ignite UI Web Components 119 8 days ago Complete library of UI components from Infragistics
Immersive Custom Elements 134 almost 5 years ago Set of web components for embedding immersive (VR & AR) content
Joomla UI custom elements 32 11 days ago Compilation of Joomla 4 Custom Elements
Ketch.UP 8 8 days ago Web components library for Sme.UP
LDRS 1,687 about 2 months ago Lightweight, customizable loading animations/spinners
Lion Web Components 1,742 17 days ago Set of highly performant, accessible and flexible Web Components
LRNWebComponents 242 16 days ago ELMS:LN produced web components for any project
Lume 1,317 19 days ago Custom elements for defining 2D or 3D scenes rendered with CSS3D or WebGL
Medblocks UI 54 about 1 month ago Web Components for rapid development of openEHR and FHIR systems
Microsoft Graph Toolkit 939 11 days ago Collection of web components for the Microsoft Graph
Mutation testing elements 28 8 days ago A schema for mutation testing results with the web components to visualize it
Nightingale 119 11 days ago Data visualisation web components for the life sciences
Nuxeo Elements 27 17 days ago Components for building web applications with Nuxeo using Web Components
One Platform Components 30 23 days ago Set of web components for Red Hat One Platform
Open Business Application Platform Web Components 12 over 1 year ago Collection of web components designed for business applications
Pixano Elements 38 over 1 year ago Re-usable web components dedicated to data annotation tasks
Playground Elements 537 18 days ago Serverless code experiences with web components
Shoelace 12,715 9 days ago A forward-thinking library of web components
Smart Web Components 430 5 months ago Web components for business applications
Stripe Elements 79 10 months ago Custom Element Wrapper for Stripe.js v3 Elements
TEI Publisher Components 18 about 2 months ago Collection of web components used by TEI Publisher and apps generated by it
Titanium Elements 18 11 days ago Collection of lightweight web components used by Leavitt Group Enterprises
Tradeshift Elements 15 about 1 month ago Reusable Tradeshift UI Components as Web Components
TrendChart Elements 46 3 months ago Components to generate simple, light and responsive charts
Umbraco UI Components 117 8 days ago Collection of user interface web components for Umbraco CMS
Vaadin components 449 8 days ago Evolving set of high-quality web components for building business web applications
VSCode Webview Elements 0 9 months ago Components for creating VSCode extensions which use the Webview API
Warp View 8 over 1 year ago Collection of charting web components for Warp 10
Webmarkets web components 1 about 2 months ago Set of Webmarkets' public web components
Wired Elements 10,498 12 months ago Set of common UI elements with a hand-drawn, sketchy look
Wokwi Elements 184 11 days ago Web Components for Arduino and various electronic parts
XWeather 6 about 4 years ago Collection of web components implementing portions of the OpenWeatherMap API

Awesome Web Components / Real World / Design Systems

Astro Space UX Design System 108 8 days ago Set of components to build rich space app experiences with established interaction patterns
Auro Design System Alaska Airlines design system to innovate on ideas and collaborate on the future
Blueprint UI Web Component based design system with flexible and lightweight components
Bolt Design System 292 about 1 year ago Twig and Web Component-powered UI components, reusable visual styles and tooling
Calcite Components 283 11 days ago Shared Web Components for Esri's Calcite design framework
Carbon Web Components 477 over 1 year ago Carbon Design System variant on top of Web Components
Clarity Core Web Components 163 10 days ago Suite of web components from the Clarity Design System
Crayons 217 10 days ago Collection of web components that adheres to the Freshworks Design System
FAST Components 9,250 6 days ago Library of Web Components based on the FAST design language
Fluent UI Web Components 18,364 1 day ago Library of Web Components that supports Microsoft's Fluent design language
Forge Components 42 8 days ago Library of Web Components adhering to the Forge Design System
GOV.UK Web Components 4 over 3 years ago Set of encapsulated web components consuming the GOV.UK Design System
Helix UI 59 over 1 year ago Web Component library for the Helix Design System
Liquid 73 12 days ago UI component library based on the Liquid Design System
Lyne Components 44 8 days ago Building blocks of the Lyne Design System are based on Web Components
Material Web Components 9,224 8 days ago Material Design implemented as Web Components
Momentum UI Web Components 197 8 days ago Set of UI components based on Momentum Design
Nord Nordhealth’s design system for products, digital experiences and brand
NuML | NUDE Elements 336 over 1 year ago HTML Framework and Design System based on Web Components and runtime CSS generation
OutlineJS 127 7 months ago Web component based design system starter kit
PatternFly Elements 377 9 days ago Collection of flexible and lightweight Web Components based on the Unified Design Kit
Pharos Design System 119 8 days ago JSTOR's design system to create cohesive, supportive, and beautiful experiences
Red Hat Design System 95 8 days ago Web components for building uniform experiences with the Red Hat brand
Siemens iX Web Components 195 8 days ago Web Components implementing Siemens iX design system
Spectrum Web Components 1,247 4 days ago Adobe Spectrum design language implementation built with Web Components
UI5 Web Components 1,509 8 days ago Set of reusable UI elements implementing SAP Fiori Design Guidelines
U-M Library Design System University of Michigan Library Design System
Zooplus web components 45 10 days ago Set of web components that implement Z+ shop style guide

Awesome Web Components / Real World / Use Cases

How we chose to build our Design System using StencilJS Web Components
How searching for a bundle-free React led me to web components
Reasons Web Components are perfect for a big company
5 Reasons Web Components Are Perfect for Design Systems
Web components: the secret ingredient helping power the web
Web Components for Enterprise. Part 1: Salesforce, Oracle, SAP
Web Components for Enterprise. Part 2: Nuxeo, Ionic, Vaadin
Why I use Web Components - My use cases
Why we use Web Components by
Why we use Web Components by

Awesome Web Components / Libraries / Class Based

DNA 46 23 days ago Progressive Web Components library
element-js 28 12 days ago Simple and lightweight base classes for web components with a beautiful API
FAST Element 9,250 6 days ago Lightweight library for building performant, memory-efficient, standards-compliant Web Components
Forge Core 4 about 1 month ago Building blocks and utilities that are used when building Forge Web Components
Joist 121 9 days ago Set of small libraries designed to add the bare minimum to web components to make you productive
Lit Simple library for building fast, lightweight web components
Lightning Web Components 1,618 8 days ago blazing fast, enterprise-grade Web Components foundation
Omi 13,041 10 days ago Next generation web framework in 4kb JavaScript (Web Components + JSX + Proxy + Store + Path Updating)
Panel 274 8 months ago Web Components + Virtual DOM: web standards for powerful UIs
slim.js 1,020 about 1 year ago Fast & Robust Front-End Micro-framework based on modern standards
Stencil 12,515 5 days ago Compiler for generating Web Components
Tonic 864 4 months ago Minimalist, stable, audit friendly component framework
WebCell 172 about 2 months ago Web Components engine based on VDOM, JSX, MobX & TypeScript

Awesome Web Components / Libraries / Functional

atomico 1,164 12 days ago Small library for the creation of interfaces based on web components using functions and hooks
haunted 2,598 over 1 year ago React's Hooks API implemented for web components
hybrids 3,033 8 days ago UI library for creating Web Components with simple and functional API
Solid Element 32,155 10 days ago Library that extends Solid adding Custom Web Components and extensions

Awesome Web Components / Libraries / Integrations

ember-custom-elements 15 about 1 year ago Render Ember and Glimmer components using custom elements
preact-custom-element 356 2 months ago Generate/register a custom element from a preact component
@adobe/react-webcomponent 106 6 months ago Automate the wrapping of a React component in a custom element
nuxt-custom-elements 80 10 days ago Export your project components as custom elements for integration into external pages
react-shadow 1,300 4 months ago Utilise Shadow DOM in React with all the benefits of style encapsulation
reactify-wc 173 over 1 year ago Use web components with React properties and functions
remount 680 over 1 year ago Mount React components to the DOM using custom elements
@riotjs/custom-elements 35 10 months ago Simple API to create vanilla custom elements with Riot.js

Awesome Web Components / Libraries / Benchmarks

All the Ways to Make a Web Component
web-components-benchmark Benchmark Web Components technologies with various examples
web-components-todo The same todo application built in different Web Components libraries for benchmark purpose

Awesome Web Components / Frameworks / Angular

Angular Elements Overview
Building and consuming Angular Elements as Web Components
How to use Angular ngModel and ngForms with WebComponents
Using Web Components in Angular
Web Components With Angular Ivy In 6 Steps

Awesome Web Components / Frameworks / React

3 Approaches to Integrate React with Custom Elements
Building Interoperable Web Components That Even Work With React
Rendering React Components With Custom Elements
How to use Web Components in React
Using Web Components With Next (or Any SSR Framework)

Awesome Web Components / Frameworks / Vue

Using Web Components in Vue

Awesome Web Components / Frameworks / Svelte

Svelte Custom Element API
How to Create a Web Component in Svelte
Svelte Web Component — 5.4KB

Awesome Web Components / Meta Frameworks

AMP 14,889 1 day ago Web component framework to easily create user-first experiences for the web
Enhance Web standards-based HTML framework for building lightweight web applications
luna-js 9 3 months ago SSR framework that makes working with the WebComponents standard a breeze
Rocket Modern web setup for static sites with a sprinkle of JavaScript
Web Components Compiler 78 3 months ago Compiler to make server-side rendering of native web components easier
WebC 1,318 over 1 year ago Framework-independent standalone HTML serializer for generating markup for web components

Awesome Web Components / Meta Frameworks / Starter Kits

Create Open Web Components Web component project scaffolding
custom-element-boilerplate 163 11 days ago Boilerplate for creating a custom element
hello-web-components 25 11 days ago Simple starter hello world web component written in TypeScript
nutmeg 115 4 months ago Build, test, and publish vanilla Web Components with a little spice

Awesome Web Components / Meta Frameworks / Testing Solutions

capybara-shadowdom 14 about 1 year ago Ruby gem that adds basic support for the Shadow DOM to Capybara
Cypress component tests for Lit How to run component tests for a Lit web component with Cypress
cypress-lit 24 about 1 year ago Test your Lit elements and native web components in Cypress with all the modern browsers
Developing Components: Testing Using @web/test-runner for testing web components in a real browser
How To Automate Shadow DOM In Selenium WebDriver Locating Shadow DOM elements using Selenium WebDriver in a Maven project
Native Automation support for Shadow DOM Shadow DOM and open-source testing frameworks
Open Web Components: Testing Opinionated package that combines and configures testing libraries
query-selector-shadow-dom 240 6 months ago querySelector that can pierce Shadow DOM roots, useful for automated testing
shadow-automation-selenium 111 6 months ago Shadow DOM automation using Selenium
Testing Shadow DOM elements in Selenium In Selenium 4, there is now a way to access Shadow DOM nodes
Test web components with Playwright So you’ve created a native web component or two. How do you test them in popular browsers?
W3C Webdriver conquering automation of Shadow DOM Shadow DOM tree and its interaction with the W3C Webdriver

Awesome Web Components / Meta Frameworks / Tools

Backlight — With collaboration between developers and designers at heart, Backlight is a very complete coding platform where teams build, document, publish, scale and maintain Design Systems
Custom Elements Locator 37 over 1 year ago Chrome extension to find custom elements on a page
@storybook/web-components UI development environment for plain web-component snippets Component IDE for web platform developers
web-component-analyzer 503 11 months ago CLI that analyzes web components and emits documentation / diagnostics
Web Components Codemods 8 2 months ago Codemods for Web Components

Awesome Web Components / Books

Web Components in Action Book by Ben Farrell, available at Manning early release program
Web Component Essentials Book by Cory Rylan, early preview edition available at Leanpub

Awesome Web Components / Tutorials

Building Web Components with Vanilla JavaScript
Creating a Custom Element from Scratch
Creating a Reusable Avatar Web Component
Creating Web Components with Stencil
Encapsulating Style and Structure with Shadow DOM
Getting started with LitElement and TypeScript
Web Components: from zero to hero
Deep Dive: Web Components & Dependency Injection – The Experiment
Handling data with Web Components
How to use D3js with WebComponents
Navigation Lifecycle using Vaadin Router, LitElement and TypeScript
Recreating The Arduino Pushbutton Using SVG And <lit-element>
Routing Management with LitElement and TypeScript
Snake-Eating Game Making with Web Components of Omi and MVP Architecture
Stencil – Web Components On Steroids
Using Modern Web Components
Using Web Components in WordPress is Easier Than You Think
Web Components 101: Framework Comparison
Web Components 101: Lit Framework
Web Components Tools: A Comparison
Where to begin building Web Components? - The Basics
Where to begin building Web Components? - Class-based Libraries

Awesome Web Components / Insights / Podcasts

Code[ish], episode 38: Building with Web Components
Frontend Happy Hour, episode 62: Web Components - shots of shadow DOM
Labs Talk - Web Components with Peter Muessig
Real Talk JavaScript, episode 7: Custom Web Components with Rob Wormald
Real Talk JavaScript, episode 101: Back to Basics with Native HTML and LitElement

Awesome Web Components / Insights / Presentations

Are Web Components the Betamax of web development? by
Designing Standard Systems by and
Frontend Architecture for Scalable Design Systems by
lit-apollo: Data-Driven Components that Use the Platform by
Mastering Shadow DOM by
Modernizing Large Frontends with Web Components by
Shadow DOM: off the beaten track by
Using Web Components to Build a Framework-agnostic UI Library by and
Web Components and the AOM by
Web Components and Styles Scoping by
Web Components can do that?! by
Web Components: Introduction and State of the Art by

Awesome Web Components / Insights / Talks

Better Apps: Delivering Universal UI Patterns as Web Components by
Custom Web Shadow Elements, or Whatever… by
Styling and Theming Web Components by
Web Components at Enterprise Scale by

Awesome Web Components / Usage Metrics

Chrome Platform Status: CustomElementRegistryDefine
Chrome Platform Status: ElementAttachShadow
Chrome Platform Status: HTMLTemplateElement

Awesome Web Components / Proposals / Form-associated Custom Elements

Form Participation API Explained Document by Google Chrome team
Form-associated custom elements Feature in Chrome platform status
web-platform-tests 4,912 8 days ago

Awesome Web Components / Proposals / Constructable Stylesheet Objects

Specification Draft
web-platform-tests 4,912 8 days ago
Explainer 137 almost 2 years ago
Constructable Stylesheets Feature in Chrome platform status

Awesome Web Components / Proposals / Custom State Pseudo Class

Blink: Intent to implement
ElementInternals's states property and the :state() pseudo class 4,365 about 1 month ago

Awesome Web Components / Miscellaneous

bruck 512 about 1 year ago Prototyping system built with web components and the Houdini Paint API
Vaadin Directory Publish, discuss and rate web components Discuss & share web components

Awesome Web Components / Archive / Polyfills

@webcomponents/custom-elements 1,137 11 days ago Custom Elements polyfill by Polymer team
document-register-element 1,132 almost 4 years ago Custom Elements polyfill by Andrea Giammarchi
@corpuscule/custom-builtin-elements 12 about 4 years ago Customized built-in elements polyfill by
@ungap/custom-elements-builtin 105 over 3 years ago Customized built-in elements polyfill by
@webcomponents/shadydom 1,137 11 days ago ShadowDOM v1 shim
@webcomponents/shadycss 1,137 11 days ago ShadowDOM style encapsulation shim
@lwc/synthetic-shadow 1,618 8 days ago Shadow DOM polyfill by
@webcomponents/template 1,137 11 days ago Minimal polyfill for
@ungap/import-node 7 over 4 years ago An polyfill for IE11 by

Awesome Web Components / Archive / History

A history of the HTML slot element
Web Components for Cross-Framework Component Libraries
Web Components in 2019: Part 1
Web Components in 2019: Part 2
Web Components in 2019: Part 3
Web Components in 2019: Part 4
Developments in Web Components I’m excited about in 2019
Styling Accessibility: A Web Components Approach
Web Components 101: An Introduction to Web Components
Get started with Vue web components
6 Reasons You Should Use Native Web Components
Web Components in 2018
Web Components Introduction: Creating Custom HTML Elements in 2018
Create & Publish Web Components With Vue CLI 3
Extending Native DOM Elements with Web Components
Styling is critical to web component reuse, but may prove difficult in practice
Web Components: The Long Game
Web Components: Just in the Nick of Time (Polymer Summit 2017)
Using Web Components in Ionic (Polymer Summit 2017)
Web Components for VR (Polymer Summit 2017)
Building UI at Enterprise Scale with Web Components (Polymer Summit 2017)
Custom Elements Everywhere (Polymer Summit 2017)
Evolving the Next Generation of Polymer Elements (Polymer Summit 2017)
Polymer @ YouTube (Polymer Summit 2017)
Web Components for CMS (Polymer Summit 2017)
An intro to web components with otters
The broken promise of Web Components
Regarding the broken promise of Web Components
Web Components v1 - the next generation
Introducing Custom Elements
The Case for Custom Elements: Part 1
The Case for Custom Elements: Part 2
Demythstifying Web Components
Extensible web components
Web Component Challenges
Web Components and progressive enhancement
Update on standardizing Shadow DOM and Custom Elements
What's New in Shadow DOM v1 (by examples)
Why web components are so important
Understanding Web Components
Introducing Slot-Based Shadow DOM API
There is an Element for that
What happened to Web Components?
Web Components and their role in the future of web development
Microsoft Edge and Web Components
Bringing componentization to the web: An overview of Web Components
Why Web Components will make the web a better place for our users
Practical Questions around Web Components
The state of Web Components
A No-Nonsense Guide to Web Components, Part 1: The Specs
A No-Nonsense Guide to Web Components, Part 2: Practical Use
Web Components + Backbone: A Game-Changing Combination
Mozilla and Web Components: Update
Server-less applications powered by Web Components
Web Components and the Future of CSS
Easy composition and reuse with Web Components
Let’s build some apps with Polymer!
Polymer: State of the Union
Web Components 101: An Introduction to Fundamental Changes in HTML
Web Components 201: Designing Web Components for Reuse
Why Web Components — Does the Web Really Need Another Component?
“Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow” - AngularJS and Web Components
Multi-device Apps with Web Components
As I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of DOM
Why Web Components Are Ready For Production
The State of the Componentised Web
An Addendum to Why Web Components Aren't Ready for Production Yet
Why Web Components Aren't Ready for Production... Yet
Component Interop With React And Custom Elements
Accessibility of Web Components
Componentize The Web: Back To The Browser!
Google I/O 2014 - Polymer and the Web Components revolution
Google I/O 2014 - Polymer and Web Components change everything you know about Web development
Google I/O 2014 - Unlock the next era of UI development with Polymer
Making Polymer Elements Accessible
Building an Accessible Disclosure Button – using Web Components
The Road to Web Components
The Web Components Revolution is Here
Web Components: A chance to create the future
Web Component Mashups at 3 a.m.
Web Components Tools & Libraries
Web Components Can Do That?!
Web Components and you – dangers to avoid
HTML as Custom Elements 259 about 9 years ago
The Web's Declarative, Composable Future
Using Polymer to Create Web Components
The Shadow DOM Diaries
A Detailed Introduction To Custom Elements
A future called Web Components
Building Mobile Web Applications With Brick
Polymer: declarative, encapsulated, and reusable components for the web
Web Components: Why you're already an expert
Yo Polymer: a new way of building web apps
Performance and Custom Elements
Web Components Revolution
A Guide to Web Components
Return of Inspector Web: Web Components a Year Later
Working with Custom Elements
Creating Reusable Markup with The HTML Template Element
Working with Shadow DOM
Breaking Development: Web Components
Web Components: A Tectonic Shift for Web Development - Google I/O 2013
Web Components: Getting Started
Shadow DOM 101
Shadow DOM 201
Shadow DOM 301
Visualizing shadow DOM concepts
Web components and the future of web development
HTML's New Template Tag
The Basics of the Shadow DOM
Notes on Web Components + ARIA
Google I/O 2012 - The Web Platform's Cutting Edge
Introduction to Web Components
Web Components and Model Driven Views by Alex Russell
What the Heck is Shadow DOM?

Awesome Web Components / Who To Follow

Justin Fagnani
Viljami Salminen
Jan Miksovsky
Serhii Kulykov

Awesome Web Components / Maintainers

@mateusortiz Created by in 2014
@web-padawan Maintained by since 2018

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