
A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects


47k stars
2k watching
7k forks
Language: Swift
last commit: about 2 months ago
Linked from 9 awesome lists



Aptabase Open Source, Privacy-First and Simple Analytics for Swift Apps
Answers by Fabric Answers gives you real-time insight into people’s experience in your app
Bugsnag Error tracking with a free tier. Error reports include data on device, release, user, and allows arbitrary data
Countly Open source, mobile & web analytics, crash reports and push notifications platform for iOS & Android
devtodev Comprehensive analytics service that improves your project and saves time for product development
Emerge Tools Prevent app size & performance regressions on every pull request, get automated insights on how to improve
Instabug In-app feedback, Bug and Crash reporting, Fix Bugs Faster through user-steps, video recordings, screen annotation, network requests logging
Matomo 390 29 days ago The MatomoTracker is an iOS, tvOS and macOS SDK for sending app analytics to a Matomo server
Mixpanel Advanced analytics platform
MOCA Analytics Paid cross-platform analytics backend
Segment 398 6 months ago The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any iOS application
Sentry Sentry provides self-hosted and cloud-based error monitoring that helps all software teams discover, triage, and prioritize errors in real-time
Shake In-app feedback and bug reporting tool. Fix app bugs up to 50x faster with detailed device data, repro steps, video recording, black box data, network requests and custom logging

App Routing

ApplicationCoordinator 852 almost 2 years ago Coordinator is an object that handles navigation flow and shares flow’s handling for the next coordinator after switching on the next chain
Appz 1,174 about 3 years ago Easily launch and deeplink into external applications, falling back to web if not installed
Composable Navigator 581 over 2 years ago An open source library for building deep-linkable SwiftUI applications with composition, testing and ergonomics in mind
Crossroad 419 8 months ago Crossroad is an URL router focused on handling Custom URL Schemes. Using this, you can route multiple URL schemes and fetch arguments and parameters easily
DeepLinkKit 3,443 4 months ago A splendid route-matching, block-based way to handle your deep links
JLRoutes 5,697 over 1 year ago URL routing library for iOS with a simple block-based API
Linker 139 over 6 years ago Lightweight way to handle internal and external deeplinks for iOS
LiteRoute 93 over 4 years ago Easy transition between VIPER modules, implemented on pure Swift
Marshroute 224 7 months ago Marshroute is an iOS Library for making your Routers simple but extremely powerful
RouteComposer 898 9 months ago Library that helps to handle view controllers composition, routing and deeplinking tasks
Router 449 almost 3 years ago Simple Navigation for iOS
RxFlow 1,878 8 months ago Navigation framework for iOS applications based on a Reactive Flow Coordinator pattern
SwiftCurrent 307 over 1 year ago A library for managing complex workflows
SwiftRouter 277 about 5 years ago A URL Router for iOS
URLNavigator 3,239 4 months ago Elegant URL Routing for Swift
WAAppRouting 587 over 8 years ago iOS routing done right. Handles both URL recognition and controller displaying with parsed parameters. All in one line, controller stack preserved automatically!
ZIKRouter 659 about 5 years ago An interface-oriented router for discovering modules and injecting dependencies with protocol in OC & Swift, iOS & macOS. Handles route in a type safe way

App Store

Apple Review Guidelines Highlighted some of the most common issues that cause apps to get rejected
Free App Store Optimization Tool Lets you track your App Store visibility in terms of keywords and competitors
Siren 4,251 5 months ago Notify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade

Apple TV

FocusTvButton 73 about 1 year ago Light wrapper of UIButton that allows extra customization for tvOS
ParallaxView 482 over 2 years ago iOS controls and extensions that add parallax effect to your application
Swift-GA-Tracker-for-Apple-tvOS 81 over 4 years ago Google Analytics tracker for Apple tvOS provides an easy integration of Google Analytics’ measurement protocol for Apple TV
TvOSCustomizableTableViewCell 31 over 1 year ago Light wrapper of UITableViewCell that allows extra customization for tvOS
TvOSMoreButton 59 about 2 years ago A basic tvOS button which truncates long text with '... More'
TvOSPinKeyboard 102 about 2 years ago PIN keyboard for tvOS
TvOSScribble 182 over 2 years ago Handwriting numbers recognizer for Siri Remote
TvOSSlider 43 12 months ago TvOSSlider is an implementation of UISlider for tvOS
TvOSTextViewer 49 over 2 years ago Light and scrollable view controller for tvOS to present blocks of text
XCDYouTubeKit 2,921 6 months ago YouTube video player for iOS, tvOS and macOS

Architecture Patterns

Clean Architecture for SwiftUI + Combine 5,736 9 days ago A demo project showcasing the production setup of the SwiftUI app with Clean Architecture
CleanArchitectureRxSwift 3,899 4 months ago Example of Clean Architecture of iOS app using RxSwift
ios-architecture 1,503 over 2 years ago A collection of iOS architectures - MVC, MVVM, MVVM+RxSwift, VIPER, RIBs and many others
iOS-Viper-Architecture 723 3 months ago This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements VIPER architecture in iOS using libraries and frameworks like Alamofire, AlamofireImage, PKHUD, CoreData etc
Reactant 373 almost 3 years ago Reactant is a reactive architecture for iOS
Spin 121 over 3 years ago A universal implementation of a Feedback Loop system for RxSwift, ReactiveSwift and Combine
SwiftyVIPER 122 almost 5 years ago Makes implementing VIPER architecture much easier and cleaner
Tempura 720 over 1 year ago A holistic approach to iOS development, inspired by Redux and MVVM
The Composable Architecture 12,284 3 days ago The Composable Architecture is a library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind
VIPER Module Generator 75 about 3 years ago A Clean VIPER Modules Generator with comments and predfined functions
Viperit 510 about 3 years ago Viper Framework for iOS. Develop an app following VIPER architecture in an easy way. Written and tested in Swift


ARHeadsetKit 124 over 1 year ago High-level framework for using $5 Google Cardboard to replicate Microsoft Hololens
ARKit-CoreLocation 5,465 6 months ago Combines the high accuracy of AR with the scale of GPS data
ARKit Emperor 540 about 5 years ago The Emperor give you the most practical ARKit samples ever
ARKit Virtual Objects 370 almost 2 years ago Placing Virtual Objects in Augmented Reality
ARVideoKit 1,632 almost 2 years ago Record and capture ARKit videos, photos, Live Photos, and GIFs
Placenote 96 almost 5 years ago A library that makes ARKit sessions persistent to a location using advanced computer vision
SmileToUnlock 629 about 4 years ago This library uses ARKit Face Tracking in order to catch a user's smile


Heimdallr.swift 639 9 months ago Easy to use OAuth 2 library for iOS, written in Swift
InstagramSimpleOAuth 91 almost 5 years ago A quick and simple way to authenticate an Instagram user in your iPhone or iPad app
LinkedInSignIn 36 almost 3 years ago Simple view controller to login and retrieve access token from LinkedIn
OAuthSwift 3,264 5 months ago Swift based OAuth library for iOS- - Swift based OAuth library for iOS
OAuth2 1,143 5 months ago OAuth2 framework for macOS and iOS, written in Swift
ReCaptcha 267 about 1 year ago (In)visible ReCaptcha for iOS
SwiftyOAuth 478 over 4 years ago A simple OAuth library for iOS with a built-in set of providers


BitcoinKit 842 4 months ago Bitcoin protocol toolkit for Swift, BitcoinKit implements Bitcoin protocol in Swift. It is an implementation of the Bitcoin SPV protocol written in swift
CoinpaprikaAPI 34 8 months ago Coinpaprika API client with free & frequently updated market data from the world of crypto: coin prices, volumes, market caps, ATHs, return rates and more
EthereumKit 476 almost 3 years ago EthereumKit is a free, open-source Swift framework for easily interacting with the Ethereum
EtherWalletKit 146 almost 3 years ago Ethereum Wallet Toolkit for iOS - You can implement Ethereum wallet without a server and blockchain knowledge
Web3.swift 641 about 2 months ago Web3 library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain


Advanced Swift by Chris Eidhof, Ole Begemann, and Airspeed Velocity
Anyone Can Create an App by Wendy L. Wise
Classic Computer Science Problems in Swift
Cocoa Design Patterns
Core Data by Florian Kugler and Daniel Eggert
Functional Swift by Chris Eidhof, Florian Kugler, and Wouter Swierstra
Hello Swift! by Tanmay Bakshi with Lynn Beighley
iOS Development with Swift by Craig Grummitt
iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Christian Keur, Aaron Hillegass
Programming in Objective-C by Stephen G. Kochan
Swift in Depth
The Complete Friday Q & A: Volume 1
The Swift Programming Language by Apple


Awesome Cache 1,265 about 3 years ago Delightful on-disk cache (written in Swift)
Cache 2,972 about 1 month ago Nothing but Cache
Cache 213 over 4 years ago Swift caching library
Cachyr 126 almost 4 years ago A small key-value data cache for iOS, macOS and tvOS, written in Swift
Carlos 644 about 1 year ago A simple but flexible cache
Disk 3,103 about 2 months ago Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data
HanekeSwift 5,204 almost 4 years ago A lightweight generic cache for iOS written in Swift with extra love for images
Johnny 37 about 5 years ago Melodic Caching for Swift
mattress 521 about 7 years ago iOS Offline Caching for Web Content
MemoryCache 78 over 3 years ago MemoryCache is type-safe memory cache
PINCache 2,659 8 days ago Fast, non-deadlocking parallel object cache for iOS and macOS
RocketData 648 over 4 years ago A caching and consistency solution for immutable models
SPTPersistentCache 1,245 6 months ago Everyone tries to implement a cache at some point in their iOS app’s lifecycle, and this is ours. By Spotify
Track 270 about 5 years ago Track is a thread safe cache write by Swift. Composed of DiskCache and MemoryCache which support LRU
UITableView Cache 72 over 7 years ago UITableView cell cache that cures scroll-lags on a cell instantiating
YYCache 2,375 over 1 year ago High performance cache framework for iOS


Charts 27,532 about 2 months ago A powerful chart / graph framework, the iOS equivalent to
PNChart 9,712 over 6 years ago A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS
XJYChart 872 almost 5 years ago A Beautiful chart for iOS. Support animation, click, slide, area highlight
JBChartView 3,735 about 6 years ago iOS-based charting library for both line and bar graphs
XYPieChart 1,729 over 8 years ago A simple and animated Pie Chart for your iOS app
TEAChart 1,193 almost 7 years ago Simple and intuitive iOS chart library. Contribution graph, clock chart, and bar chart
EChart 646 about 8 years ago iOS/iPhone/iPad Chart, Graph. Event handling and animation supported
FSLineChart 847 about 7 years ago A line chart library for iOS
chartee 952 almost 9 years ago A charting library for mobile platforms
ANDLineChartView 422 over 7 years ago ANDLineChartView is easy to use view-based class for displaying animated line chart
TWRCharts 360 over 10 years ago An iOS wrapper for ChartJS. Easily build animated charts by leveraging the power of native Obj-C code
SwiftCharts 2,530 over 1 year ago Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS
FlowerChart 16 over 4 years ago Flower-shaped chart with custom appearance animation, fully vector
Scrollable-GraphView 5,312 almost 4 years ago An adaptive scrollable graph view for iOS to visualise simple discrete datasets. Written in Swift
Dr-Charts 95 almost 6 years ago Dr-Charts is a highly customisable, easy to use and interactive chart / graph framework in Objective-C
Graphs 976 about 6 years ago Light weight charts view generator for iOS
FSInteractiveMap 551 almost 6 years ago A charting library to visualize and interact with a vector map on iOS. It's like Geochart but for iOS
JYRadarChart 421 about 6 years ago An iOS open source Radar Chart implementation
TKRadarChart 210 over 1 year ago A customizable radar chart in Swift
MagicPie 529 4 months ago Awesome layer based pie chart. Fantastically fast and fully customizable. Amazing animations available with MagicPie
PieCharts 511 over 1 year ago Easy to use and highly customizable pie charts library for iOS
CSPieChart 41 over 5 years ago iOS PieChart Opensource. This is very easy to use and customizable
DDSpiderChart 90 about 1 month ago Easy to use and customizable Spider (Radar) Chart library for iOS written in Swift
core-plot 2,776 5 months ago a 2D plotting lib which is highly customizable and capable of drawing many types of plots
ChartProgressBar 82 over 6 years ago Draw a chart with progress bar style
SMDiagramViewSwift 45 over 5 years ago Meet cute and very flexibility library for iOS application for different data view in one circle diagram
Swift LineChart 601 almost 5 years ago Line Chart library for iOS written in Swift
SwiftChart 1,048 over 2 years ago Line and area chart library for iOS
EatFit 654 over 4 years ago Eat fit is a component for attractive data representation inspired by Google Fit
CoreCharts 71 almost 5 years ago CoreCharts is a simple powerful yet Charts library for apple products

Code Injection

Inject 2,187 about 2 months ago Hot Reloading for Swift applications!
injectionforxcode 6,553 about 2 years ago Code injection including Swift
Vaccine 306 over 4 years ago Vaccine is a framework that aims to make your apps immune to recompile-decease

Code Quality

Aardvark 259 15 days ago Aardvark is a library that makes it dead simple to create actionable bug reports
Bootstrap 2,047 almost 4 years ago iOS project bootstrap aimed at high quality coding
Bugsee In-app bug and crash reporting with video, logs, network traffic and traces
FBRetainCycleDetector 4,208 about 2 months ago iOS library to help detecting retain cycles in runtime
HeapInspector-for-iOS 1,858 over 7 years ago Find memory issues & leaks in your iOS app without instruments
KZAsserts 100 over 1 year ago Asserts on roids, test all your assumptions with ease
MLeaksFinder 5,419 about 1 year ago Find memory leaks in your iOS app at develop time
PSTModernizer 214 over 7 years ago Makes it easier to support older versions of iOS by fixing things and adding missing methods
spacecommander 1,127 about 1 year ago Commit fully-formatted Objective-C code as a team without even trying
SwiftCop 541 over 5 years ago SwiftCop is a validation library fully written in Swift and inspired by the clarity of Ruby On Rails Active Record validations
SwiftFormat 7,862 5 days ago A code library and command-line formatting tool for reformatting Swift code
Tailor 1,402 over 3 years ago Cross-platform static analyzer for Swift that helps you to write cleaner code and avoid bugs
WeakableSelf 78 over 3 years ago A Swift micro-framework to encapsulate and statements within closures

Code Quality / Linter

AnyLint 117 over 1 year ago Lint anything by combining the power of Swift & regular expressions
IBLinter 950 about 2 years ago A linter tool for Interface Builder
OCLint 3,765 over 2 years ago Static code analysis tool for improving quality and reducing defects
Swiftlint 18,608 4 days ago A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions


BCColor 418 over 7 years ago A lightweight but powerful color kit (Swift)
ChromaColorPicker 569 8 months ago An intuitive iOS color picker built in Swift
Colours 3,091 about 5 years ago A beautiful set of predefined colors and a set of color methods to make your iOS/macOS development life easier
CostumeKit 298 about 1 year ago Base types for theming an app
CSS3ColorsSwift 67 almost 8 years ago A UIColor extension with CSS3 Colors name
DynamicColor 3,032 10 months ago Yet another extension to manipulate colors easily in Swift
FlatUIColors 167 almost 6 years ago Flat UI color palette helpers written in Swift
Gestalt 326 almost 4 years ago An unintrusive & light-weight iOS app-theming library with support for animated theme switching
Hue 3,501 about 1 year ago Hue is the all-in-one coloring utility that you'll ever need
Lorikeet 32 over 6 years ago Aesthetic color-scheme generation written in Swift
PFColorHash 27 over 1 year ago Generate color based on the given string
PrettyColors 171 about 4 years ago Styles and colors text in the Terminal with ANSI escape codes. Conforms to ECMA Standard 48
RandomColorSwift 634 over 4 years ago An attractive color generator for Swift. Ported from
SheetyColors 106 over 3 years ago An action sheet styled color picker for iOS
SwiftHEXColors 693 almost 2 years ago HEX color handling as an extension for UIColor
UIColor-Hex-Swift 1,244 11 months ago Convenience method for creating autoreleased color using RGBA hex string

Command Line

Swiftline 1,196 almost 3 years ago Swiftline is a set of tools to help you create command line applications
Commander 1,531 over 2 years ago Compose beautiful command line interfaces in Swift
ColorizeSwift 304 10 days ago Terminal string styling for Swift
Guaka 1,146 almost 5 years ago The smartest and most beautiful (POSIX compliant) Command line framework for Swift
Marathon 1,864 about 5 years ago Marathon makes it easy to write, run and manage your Swift scripts
CommandCougar 54 over 2 years ago An elegant pure Swift library for building command line applications
Crayon 58 almost 4 years ago Terminal string styling with expressive api and 256/TrueColor support
SwiftShell 1,034 about 4 years ago A Swift framework for shell scripting and running shell commands
SourceDocs 393 2 months ago Command Line Tool that generates Markdown documentation from inline source code comments
ModuleInterface 82 almost 2 years ago Command Line Tool that generates the Module's Interface from a Swift project


Venice 1,497 over 5 years ago CSP (Coroutines, Channels, Select) for Swift
Concurrent 209 almost 5 years ago Functional Concurrency Primitives
Flow 216 over 7 years ago Operation Oriented Programming in Swift
Brisk 25 over 5 years ago A Swift DSL that allows concise and effective concurrency manipulation
Aojet 40 almost 8 years ago An actor model library for swift
Overdrive 806 about 7 years ago Fast async task based Swift framework with focus on type safety, concurrency and multi threading
AsyncNinja 155 about 3 years ago A complete set of concurrency and reactive programming primitives
Kommander 172 over 5 years ago Kommander is a Swift library to manage the task execution in different threads. Through the definition a simple but powerful concept, Kommand
Threadly 74 almost 6 years ago Type-safe thread-local storage in Swift
Flow-iOS 21 about 7 years ago Make your logic flow and data flow clean and human readable
Queuer 1,089 19 days ago A queue manager, built on top of OperationQueue and Dispatch (aka GCD)
SwiftQueue 409 27 days ago Job Scheduler with Concurrent run, failure/retry, persistence, repeat, delay and more
GroupWork 42 over 6 years ago Easy concurrent, asynchronous tasks in Swift
StickyLocking 2 over 5 years ago A general purpose embedded hierarchical lock manager used to build highly concurrent applications of all types
SwiftCoroutine 836 almost 3 years ago Swift coroutines library for iOS and macOS

Core Data

Ensembles 1,630 2 months ago A synchronization framework for Core Data
Mogenerator 3,029 over 1 year ago Automatic Core Data code generation
MagicalRecord 10,796 over 3 years ago Super Awesome Easy Fetching for Core Data
CoreStore 3,996 25 days ago Powerful Core Data framework for Incremental Migrations, Fetching, Observering, etc
Core Data Query Interface 36 over 1 year ago A type-safe, fluent query framework for Core Data
Graph 875 almost 2 years ago An elegant data-driven framework for CoreData in Swift
CoreDataDandy 34 over 4 years ago A feature-light wrapper around Core Data that simplifies common database operations
Sync 2,554 4 months ago Modern Swift JSON synchronization to Core Data
AlecrimCoreData 778 over 4 years ago A powerful and simple Core Data wrapper framework written in Swift
AERecord 302 about 6 years ago Super awesome Core Data wrapper in Swift
CoreDataStack 562 almost 7 years ago The Big Nerd Ranch Core Data Stack
JSQCoreDataKit 615 about 1 month ago A swifter Core Data stack
Skopelos 237 about 2 years ago A minimalistic, thread safe, non-boilerplate and super easy to use version of Active Record on Core Data. Simply all you need for doing Core Data
Cadmium 122 almost 7 years ago A complete swift framework that wraps CoreData and helps facilitate best practices
DataKernel 18 over 5 years ago Simple CoreData wrapper to ease operations
DATAStack 214 almost 4 years ago 100% Swift Simple Boilerplate Free Core Data Stack. NSPersistentContainer
JustPersist 164 9 months ago JustPersist is the easiest and safest way to do persistence on iOS with Core Data support out of the box
PrediKit 540 over 5 years ago An NSPredicate DSL for iOS, macOS, tvOS, & watchOS. Inspired by SnapKit and lovingly written in Swift
PredicateFlow 102 over 1 year ago Write amazing, strong-typed and easy-to-read NSPredicate, allowing you to write flowable NSPredicate, without guessing attribution names, predicate operation or writing wrong arguments type
CloudCore 154 23 days ago Robust CloudKit synchronization: offline editing, relationships, shared and public databases, field-level deltas, and more

Courses / Getting Started

Apple - Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C
ARHeadsetKit Tutorials 124 over 1 year ago Interactive guides to a high-level framework for experimenting with AR
ARStarter 473 almost 3 years ago Get started with ARKit - A little exercise for beginners
Classpert - A list of 500 iOS Development courses (free and paid), from top e-learning platforms Complete catalog of courses from Udacity, Pluralsight, Coursera, Edx, Treehouse and Skillshare
iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp
Ray Wenderlich Learn to code iOS Apps
Stanford - Developing apps for iOS Stanford's iTunes U course
Udacity - Intro to iOS App Development with Swift Udacity free course. Make Your First iPhone App
100 Days of SwiftUI Free collection of videos and tutorials updated for iOS 15 and Swift 5.5


Realm 16,280 13 days ago The alternative to CoreData and SQLite: Simple, modern and fast
YapDatabase 3,352 about 2 years ago YapDatabase is an extensible database for iOS & Mac
Couchbase Mobile Couchbase document store for mobile with cloud sync
FMDB 13,837 3 months ago A Cocoa / Objective-C wrapper around SQLite
FCModel 1,652 about 1 year ago An alternative to Core Data for people who like having direct SQL access
Zephyr 939 about 1 month ago Effortlessly synchronize NSUserDefaults over iCloud
Prephirences 573 over 1 year ago Prephirences is a Swift library that provides useful protocols and convenience methods to manage application preferences, configurations and app-state
Storez 67 over 2 years ago Safe, statically-typed, store-agnostic key-value storage (with namespace support)
SwiftyUserDefaults 4,862 6 months ago Statically-typed NSUserDefaults
SugarRecord 2,111 about 4 years ago Data persistence management library
SQLite.swift 9,696 3 months ago A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3
GRDB.swift 6,770 6 days ago A versatile SQLite toolkit for Swift, with WAL mode support
Fluent 1,321 about 1 month ago Simple ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database in Swift
ParseAlternatives 3,267 5 days ago A collaborative list of Parse alternative backend service providers
TypedDefaults 110 almost 7 years ago TypedDefaults is a utility library to type-safely use NSUserDefaults
realm-cocoa-converter 219 almost 2 years ago A library that provides the ability to import/export Realm files from a variety of data container formats
YapDatabaseExtensions 89 over 6 years ago YapDatabase extensions for use with Swift
RealmGeoQueries 143 over 4 years ago RealmGeoQueries simplifies spatial queries with Realm Cocoa. In the absence of and official functions, this library provide the possibility to do proximity search
SwiftMongoDB 266 about 8 years ago A MongoDB interface for Swift
ObjectiveRocks 58 over 4 years ago An Objective-C wrapper of Facebook's RocksDB - A Persistent Key-Value Store for Flash and RAM Storage
OHMySQL 233 about 1 year ago An Objective-C wrapper of MySQL C API
SwiftStore 124 over 2 years ago Key-Value store for Swift backed by LevelDB
OneStore 27 over 2 years ago A single value proxy for NSUserDefaults, with clean API
MongoDB 52 over 4 years ago A Swift wrapper around the mongo-c client library, enabling access to MongoDB servers
MySQL 127 over 3 years ago A Swift wrapper around the MySQL client library, enabling access to MySQL servers
Redis 28 about 4 years ago A Swift wrapper around the Redis client library, enabling access to Redis
PostgreSQL 54 about 2 years ago A Swift wrapper around the libpq client library, enabling access to PostgreSQL servers
FileMaker 34 over 5 years ago A Swift wrapper around the FileMaker XML Web publishing interface, enabling access to FileMaker servers
Nora 269 over 6 years ago Nora is a Firebase abstraction layer for working with FirebaseDatabase and FirebaseStorage
PersistentStorageSerializable 161 about 7 years ago Swift library that makes easier to serialize the user's preferences (app's settings) with system User Defaults or Property List file on disk
WCDB 10,773 10 days ago WCDB is an efficient, complete, easy-to-use mobile database framework for iOS, macOS
StorageKit 228 almost 7 years ago Your Data Storage Troubleshooter
UserDefaults 1,432 over 1 year ago Simple, Strongly Typed UserDefaults for iOS, macOS and tvOS
Default 471 21 days ago Modern interface to UserDefaults + Codable support
IceCream 1,944 4 months ago Sync Realm Database with CloudKit
FirebaseHelper 15 over 6 years ago Safe and easy wrappers for common Firebase Realtime Database functions
Shallows 623 over 2 years ago Your lightweight persistence toolbox
StorageManager 50 about 5 years ago Safe and easy way to use FileManager as Database
RealmWrapper 72 about 3 years ago Safe and easy wrappers for RealmSwift
UserDefaultsStore 449 about 2 years ago An easy and very light way to store and retrieve -reasonable amount- of Codable objects, in a couple lines of code
PropertyKit 12 over 5 years ago Protocol-First, Type and Key-Safe Swift Property for iOS, macOS and tvOS
PersistenceKit 155 over 2 years ago Store and retrieve Codable objects to various persistence layers, in a couple lines of code
ModelAssistant 28 almost 4 years ago Elegant library to manage the interactions between view and model in Swift
MMKV 17,298 10 days ago An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on iOS, Android, macOS and Windows
Defaults 1,990 5 days ago Swifty and modern UserDefaults
MongoKitten 711 25 days ago A pure Swift MongoDB client implementation with support for embedded databases
SecureDefaults 227 5 months ago A lightweight wrapper over UserDefaults/NSUserDefaults with an extra AES-256 encryption layer
Unrealm 539 about 1 month ago Unrealm enables you to easily store Swift native Classes, Structs and Enums into Realm
QuickDB 18 over 1 year ago Save and Retrieve any in JUST ONE line of code + more easy usecases
ObjectBox 452 2 months ago ObjectBox is a superfast, light-weight object persistence framework
DuckDB 76 7 days ago DuckDB is a high-performance analytical database system

Data Structures / Algorithms

Changeset 802 about 4 years ago Minimal edits from one collection to another
BTree 1,312 over 2 years ago Fast ordered collections for Swift using in-memory B-trees
SwiftStructures 2,099 over 2 years ago Examples of commonly used data structures and algorithms in Swift
diff 123 over 4 years ago Simple diff library in pure Swift
Brick 59 over 7 years ago A generic view model for both basic and complex scenarios
Algorithm 829 over 4 years ago Algorithm is a collection of data structures that are empowered by a probability toolset
AnyObjectConvertible 61 about 8 years ago Convert your own struct/enum to AnyObject easily
Dollar 4,255 7 months ago A functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore.js in Javascript
Result 2,507 over 3 years ago Swift type modeling the success/failure of arbitrary operations
EKAlgorithms 2,423 16 days ago Some well known CS algorithms & data structures in Objective-C
Monaka 22 about 8 years ago Convert custom struct and fundamental values to NSData
Buffer 351 almost 5 years ago Swift μ-framework for efficient array diffs, collection observation and cell configuration
SwiftGraph 754 3 months ago Graph data structure and utility functions in pure Swift
SwiftPriorityQueue 372 over 1 year ago A priority queue with a classic binary heap implementation in pure Swift
Pencil 90 over 6 years ago Write values to file and read it more easily
HeckelDiff 167 about 4 years ago A fast Swift diffing library
Dekoter 25 about 5 years ago 's counterpart for Swift structs
swift-algorithm-club 28,762 5 months ago Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!
Impeller 1 over 7 years ago A Distributed Value Store in Swift
Dispatch 502 almost 3 years ago Multi-store Flux implementation in Swift
DeepDiff 2,054 over 3 years ago Diff in Swift
Differ 660 over 2 years ago Swift library to generate differences and patches between collections
Probably 269 almost 8 years ago A Swift probability and statistics library
RandMyMod 18 over 6 years ago RandMyMod base on your own struct or class create one or a set of randomized instance
KeyPathKit 425 about 5 years ago KeyPathKit provides a seamless syntax to manipulate data using typed keypaths
Differific 123 almost 5 years ago A fast and convenient diffing framework
OneWaySynchronizer 9 almost 6 years ago The simplest abstraction to synchronize local data with remote source
DifferenceKit 3,549 8 months ago A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection

Date & Time

Timepiece 2,633 almost 5 years ago Intuitive NSDate extensions in Swift
SwiftDate 7,620 about 1 year ago The best way to manage Dates and Timezones in Swift
SwiftMoment 1,612 over 5 years ago A time and calendar manipulation library
DateTools 7,221 about 1 month ago Dates and times made easy in Objective-C
SwiftyTimer 1,233 10 months ago Swifty API for NSTimer
DateHelper 1,499 6 months ago Convenience extension for NSDate in Swift
iso-8601-date-formatter 600 over 3 years ago A Cocoa NSFormatter subclass to convert dates to and from ISO-8601-formatted strings. Supports calendar, week, and ordinal formats
EmojiTimeFormatter 83 almost 8 years ago Format your dates/times as emojis
Kronos 652 2 months ago Elegant NTP date library in Swift
TrueTime 589 10 months ago Get the true current time impervious to device clock time changes
10Clock 570 over 4 years ago This Control is a beautiful time-of-day picker heavily inspired by the iOS 10 "Bedtime" timer
NSDate-TimeAgo 1,754 almost 4 years ago A "time ago", "time since", "relative date", or "fuzzy date" category for NSDate and iOS, Objective-C, Cocoa Touch, iPhone, iPad
AnyDate 190 over 5 years ago Swifty Date & Time API inspired from Java 8 DateTime API
TimeZonePicker 125 about 4 years ago A TimeZonePicker UIViewController similar to the iOS Settings app
Time 1,071 over 2 years ago Type-safe time calculations in Swift, powered by generics
Chronology 2,324 6 months ago Building a better date/time library
Solar 565 about 3 years ago A Swift micro library for generating Sunrise and Sunset times
TimePicker 14 over 2 years ago Configurable time picker component based on a pan gesture and its velocity
LFTimePicker 67 about 7 years ago Custom Time Picker ViewController with Selection of start and end times in Swift
NVDate 174 over 6 years ago Swift4 Date extension library
Schedule 1,823 almost 4 years ago ⏳ A missing lightweight task scheduler for Swift with an incredibly human-friendly syntax


AEConsole 148 over 2 years ago Customizable Console UI overlay with debug log on top of your iOS App
Alpha 731 about 7 years ago Next generation debugging framework for iOS
AppSpector Remote iOS and Android debugging and data collection service. You can debug networking, logs, CoreData, SQLite, NSNotificationCenter and mock device's geo location
Atlantis 1,256 21 days ago A little and powerful iOS framework for intercepting HTTP/HTTPS Traffic from your iOS app. No more messing around with proxy and certificate config. Inspect Traffic Log with Proxyman app
chisel 9,116 7 months ago Collection of LLDB commands to assist debugging iOS apps
DBDebugToolkit 1,265 4 months ago Set of easy to use debugging tools for iOS developers & QA engineers
DebugSwift 456 13 days ago A comprehensive toolkit designed to simplify and enhance the debugging process for iOS applications
DoraemonKit 20,101 4 months ago A full-featured iOS App development assistant,30+ tools included. You deserve it
Dotzu 1,797 almost 6 years ago iOS app debugger while using the app. Crash report, logs, network
Droar 58 over 3 years ago Droar is a modular, single-line installation debugging window
Flex 14,039 about 1 month ago An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS
GodEye 3,835 13 days ago Automatically display Log,Crash,Network,ANR,Leak,CPU,RAM,FPS,NetFlow,Folder and etc with one line of code based on Swift
Httper-iOS 415 about 1 year ago App for developers to test REST API
Hyperion 2,049 about 1 year ago In-app design review tool to inspect measurements, attributes, and animations
LayoutInspector 513 over 3 years ago Debug app layouts directly on iOS device: inspect layers in 3D and debug each visible view attributes
MTHawkeye 1,479 11 months ago Profiling / Debugging assist tools for iOS, include tools: UITimeProfiler, Memory Allocations, Living ObjC Objects Sniffer, Network Transaction Waterfall, etc
Netfox 3,657 7 months ago A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / macOS network debugging library!
NetShears Allows developers to intercept and monitor HTTP/HTTPS requests and responses. It also could be configured to show gRPC calls
NetworkEye 1,400 about 4 years ago a iOS network debug library, It can monitor HTTP requests within the App and displays information related to the request
PonyDebugger 5,865 over 1 year ago Remote network and data debugging for your native iOS app using Chrome Developer Tools
Playbook 1,186 4 months ago A library for isolated developing UI components and automatically snapshots of them
Scyther 108 about 2 months ago A full-featured, in-app debugging menu packed full of useful tools including network logging, layout inspection, location spoofing, console logging and so much more
Wormholy 2,331 6 months ago iOS network debugging, like a wizard
Xniffer 502 almost 7 years ago A swift network profiler built on top of URLSession
Woodpecker View sandbox files, UserDefaults, network request from Mac

Dependency Injection

Swinject 6,315 2 months ago Dependency injection framework for Swift
Reliant 51 over 8 years ago Nonintrusive Objective-C dependency injection
Kraken 1 over 7 years ago A Dependency Injection Container for Swift with easy-to-use syntax
Cleanse 1,785 4 months ago Lightweight Swift Dependency Injection Framework by Square
Typhoon 2,701 almost 4 years ago Powerful dependency injection for Objective-C
Pilgrim 63 over 1 year ago Powerful dependency injection Swift (successor to Typhoon)
Perform 280 about 3 years ago Easy dependency injection for storyboard segues
Alchemic 15 almost 8 years ago Advanced, yet simple to use DI framework for Objective-C
Guise 59 12 months ago An elegant, flexible, type-safe dependency resolution framework for Swift
Weaver 734 8 days ago A declarative, easy-to-use and safe Dependency Injection framework for Swift
StoryboardBuilder 5 over 5 years ago Simple dependency injection for generating views from storyboard
ViperServices 6 over 1 year ago Dependency injection container for iOS applications written in Swift. Each service can have boot and shutdown code
DITranquillity 422 4 months ago Dependency injection framework for iOS applications written in clean Swift
Needle 1,810 17 days ago — Compile-time safe Swift dependency injection framework with real code
Locatable 117 over 3 years ago A micro-framework that leverages Property Wrappers to implement the Service Locator pattern

Dependency / Package Manager

CocoaPods CocoaPods is the dependency manager for Objective-C projects. It has thousands of libraries and can help you scale your projects elegantly
Xcode Maven The Xcode Maven Plugin can be used in order to run Xcode builds embedded in a Maven lifecycle
Carthage 14,940 26 days ago A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
SWM (Swift Modules) 61 almost 10 years ago A package/dependency manager for Swift projects similar to npm (node.js package manager) or bower (browser package manager from Twitter). Does not require the use of Xcode
CocoaSeeds 340 over 7 years ago Git Submodule Alternative for Cocoa
swift-package-manager 9,719 3 days ago The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
punic 0 over 4 years ago Clean room reimplementation of Carthage tool
Rome 820 over 1 year ago A cache tool for Carthage built frameworks
Athena 1 over 5 years ago Gradle Plugin to enhance Carthage by uploading the archived frameworks into Maven repository, currently support only Bintray, Artifactory and Mavel local
Accio 662 almost 4 years ago A SwiftPM based dependency manager for iOS & Co. with improvements over Carthage

Deployment / Distribution

fastlane 39,473 7 days ago Connect all iOS deployment tools into one streamlined workflow
deliver 39,473 7 days ago Upload screenshots, metadata and your app to the App Store using a single command
snapshot 39,473 7 days ago Automate taking localized screenshots of your iOS app on every device
buddybuild A mobile iteration platform - build, deploy, and collaborate
Bitrise Mobile Continuous Integration & Delivery with dozens of integrations to build, test, deploy and collaborate
watchbuild 326 almost 3 years ago Get a notification once your iTunes Connect build is finished processing
Crashlytics A crash reporting and beta testing service
TestFlight Beta Testing The beta testing service hosted on iTunes Connect (requires iOS 8 or later)
AppCenter Continuously build, test, release, and monitor apps for every platform
boarding 875 7 months ago Instantly create a simple signup page for TestFlight beta testers
HockeyKit 2,167 over 7 years ago A software update kit SDK to patch, fix bugs, modify and manipulate native apps (Obj-c & Swift) in real-time
AppLaunchpad Free App Store screenshot builder
LaunchKit 2,173 almost 2 years ago A set of web-based tools for mobile app developers, now open source!
Instabug In-app feedback, Bug and Crash reporting, Fix Bugs Faster through user-steps, video recordings, screen annotation, network requests logging
Appfigurate 19 3 months ago Secure runtime configuration for iOS and watchOS, apps and app extensions
ScreenshotFramer 728 24 days ago With Screenshot Framer you can easily create nice-looking and localized App Store Images
Semaphore CI/CD service which makes it easy to build, test and deploy applications for any Apple device. iOS support is fully integrated in Semaphore 2.0, so you can use the same powerful CI/CD pipeline features for iOS as you do for Linux-based development — An enterprise-grade mobile DevOps platform that automates the build, test, and publish store of mobile apps for faster, efficient release cycle
Screenplay Instant rollbacks and canary deployments for iOS
Codemagic Build, test and deliver iOS apps 20% faster with Codemagic CI/CD
Runway Easier mobile releases for teams. Integrates across tools (version control, project management, CI, app stores, crash reporting, etc.) to provide a single source of truth for mobile teams to come together around during release cycles. Equal parts automation and collaboration
ios-uploader 168 3 months ago Easy to use, cross-platform tool to upload iOS apps to App Store Connect


SwiftEventBus 1,102 over 3 years ago A publish/subscribe event bus optimized for iOS
PromiseKit 14,222 17 days ago Promises for iOS and macOS
Bolts 5,643 about 3 years ago Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier, including tasks (promises) and app links (deep links)
SwiftTask 1,934 over 5 years ago Promise + progress + pause + cancel + retry for Swift
When 265 over 4 years ago A lightweight implementation of Promises in Swift
then🎬 992 4 days ago Elegant Async code in Swift
Bolts-Swift 1,317 5 months ago Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier
RWPromiseKit 114 over 7 years ago A light-weighted Promise library for Objective-C
FutureLib 40 over 7 years ago FutureLib is a pure Swift 2 library implementing Futures & Promises inspired by Scala
SwiftNotificationCenter 639 over 5 years ago A Protocol-Oriented NotificationCenter which is type safe, thread safe and with memory safety
FutureKit 755 over 5 years ago A Swift based Future/Promises Library for iOS and macOS
signals-ios 528 almost 6 years ago Typeful eventing
BrightFutures 1,901 over 2 years ago Write great asynchronous code in Swift using futures and promises
NoticeObserveKit 150 3 months ago NoticeObserveKit is type-safe NotificationCenter wrapper that associates notice type with info type
Hydra 1,972 almost 3 years ago Promises & Await - Write better async code in Swift
Promis 108 over 1 year ago The easiest Future and Promises framework in Swift. No magic. No boilerplate
Bluebird.swift 41 about 2 years ago Promise/A+, Bluebird inspired, implementation in Swift 4
Promise 621 about 2 years ago A Promise library for Swift, based partially on Javascript's A+ spec
promises 3,796 3 months ago Google provides a synchronization construct for Objective-C and Swift to facilitate writing asynchronous code
Continuum 80 over 6 years ago NotificationCenter based Lightweight UI / AnyObject binder
Futures 57 over 4 years ago Lightweight promises for iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, and server-side Swift
EasyFutures 41 almost 4 years ago 🔗 Swift Futures & Promises. Easy to use. Highly combinable
TopicEventBus 55 over 5 years ago Publish–subscribe design pattern implementation framework, with ability to publish events by topic. (NotificationCenter extended alternative)


FileKit 2,335 6 months ago Simple and expressive file management in Swift
Zip 2,495 2 months ago Swift framework for zipping and unzipping files
FileBrowser 1,519 almost 3 years ago Powerful Swift file browser for iOS
Ares 133 over 8 years ago Zero-setup P2P file transfer between Macs and iOS devices
FileProvider 56 about 1 year ago FileManager replacement for Local, iCloud and Remote (WebDAV/FTP/Dropbox/OneDrive/SMB2) files on iOS/tvOS and macOS
KZFileWatchers 1,082 9 days ago A micro-framework for observing file changes, both local and remote. Helpful in building developer tools
ZipArchive 5,432 8 days ago ZipArchive is a simple utility class for zipping and unzipping files on iOS and Mac
FileExplorer 741 about 3 years ago Powerful file browser for iOS that allows its users to choose and remove files and/or directories
ZIPFoundation 2,312 about 1 month ago Effortless ZIP Handling in Swift
AppFolder 938 over 2 years ago AppFolder is a lightweight framework that lets you design a friendly, strongly-typed representation of a directories inside your app's container
ZipZap 1,220 about 3 years ago zip file I/O library for iOS, macOS and tvOS
AMSMB2 251 10 days ago Swift framework to connect SMB 2/3 shares for iOS

Functional Programming

Forbind 45 over 7 years ago Functional chaining and promises in Swift
Funky 13 over 8 years ago Functional programming tools and experiments in Swift
LlamaKit 621 over 9 years ago Collection of must-have functional Swift tools
Oriole 11 about 9 years ago A functional utility belt implemented as Swift protocol extensions
Prelude 409 about 6 years ago Swift µframework of simple functional programming tools
Swiftx 219 almost 5 years ago Functional data types and functions for any project
Swiftz 3,335 over 2 years ago Functional programming in Swift
OptionalExtensions 182 over 5 years ago Swift µframework with extensions for the Optional Type
Argo 3,489 about 3 years ago Functional JSON parsing library for Swift
Runes 831 about 3 years ago Infix operators for monadic functions in Swift
Bow 645 almost 2 years ago Typed Functional Programming companion library for Swift


AssetImportKit 85 almost 4 years ago Swifty cross platform library (macOS, iOS) that converts Assimp supported models to SceneKit scenes
CollectionNode 101 about 6 years ago A swift framework for a collectionView in SpriteKit
glide engine 492 about 1 year ago SpriteKit and GameplayKit based engine for making 2d games, with practical examples and tutorials
Lichess mobile 2,022 4 months ago A mobile client for
Sage 375 almost 6 years ago A cross-platform chess library for Swift
ShogibanKit 64 over 2 years ago ShogibanKit is a framework for implementing complex Japanese Chess (Shogii) in Swift. No UI, nor AI
SKTiled 261 over 1 year ago Swift framework for working with Tiled assets in SpriteKit
SwiftFortuneWheel 348 2 months ago A cross-platform framework for games like a Wheel of Fortune


GCDKit 319 over 7 years ago Grand Central Dispatch simplified with Swift
Async 4,596 6 months ago Syntactic sugar in Swift for asynchronous dispatches in Grand Central Dispatch
SwiftSafe 160 over 7 years ago Thread synchronization made easy
YYDispatchQueuePool 475 almost 7 years ago iOS utility class to manage global dispatch queue
AlecrimAsyncKit 88 over 4 years ago Bringing async and await to Swift world with some flavouring
GrandSugarDispatch 27 about 8 years ago Syntactic sugar for Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)
Threader 35 almost 8 years ago Pretty GCD calls and easier code execution
Dispatch 178 almost 7 years ago Just a tiny library to make using GCD easier and intuitive
GCDTimer 190 over 1 year ago Well tested Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) Timer in Swift
Chronos-Swift 248 2 months ago Grand Central Dispatch Utilities
Me 184 about 7 years ago A super slim solution to the nested asynchronous computations
SwiftyTask 22 over 6 years ago An extreme queuing system with high performance for managing all task in app with closure


Tactile 712 almost 5 years ago A better way to handle gestures on iOS
SwiftyGestureRecognition 163 almost 5 years ago Aids with prototyping UIGestureRecognizers in Xcode Playgrounds
DBPathRecognizer 1,177 about 2 years ago Gesture recognizer tool
Sensitive 551 5 months ago Special way to work with gestures in iOS
SplitViewDragAndDrop 330 over 7 years ago Easily add drag and drop to pass data between your apps in split view mode
FDFullscreenPopGesture 5,894 about 3 years ago An UINavigationController's category to enable fullscreen pop gesture in an iOS7+ system style with AOP


Graphicz 45 about 7 years ago Light-weight, operator-overloading-free complements to CoreGraphics!
PKCoreTechniques 144 about 9 years ago The code for my CoreGraphics+CoreAnimation talk, held during the 2012 iOS Game Design Seminar at the Technical University Munich
MPWDrawingContext 102 over 1 year ago An Objective-C wrapper for CoreGraphics CGContext
DePict 36 almost 8 years ago A simple, declarative, functional drawing framework, in Swift!
SwiftSVG 1,929 over 2 years ago A single pass SVG parser with multiple interface options (String, NS/UIBezierPath, CAShapeLayer, and NS/UIView)
InkKit 372 almost 7 years ago Write-Once, Draw-Everywhere for iOS and macOS
YYAsyncLayer 682 over 4 years ago iOS utility classes for asynchronous rendering and display
NXDrawKit 1,339 almost 4 years ago NXDrawKit is a simple and easy but useful drawing kit for iPhone
jot 1,775 12 months ago An iOS framework for easily adding drawings and text to images
SVGKit 4,458 23 days ago Display and interact with SVG Images on iOS / macOS, using native rendering (CoreAnimation) (currently only supported for iOS - macOS code needs updating)
Snowflake 960 10 months ago SVG in Swift
HxSTLParser 24 over 7 years ago Basic STL loader for SceneKit
ProcessingKit 332 over 5 years ago Visual designing library for iOS & OSX
EZYGradientView 376 about 4 years ago Create gradients and blur gradients without a single line of code
AEConicalGradient 83 over 4 years ago Conical (angular) gradient layer written in Swift
MKGradientView 172 over 3 years ago Core Graphics based gradient view capable of producing Linear (Axial), Radial (Circular), Conical (Angular), Bilinear (Four Point) gradients, written in Swift
EPShapes 386 over 7 years ago Design shapes in Interface Builder
Macaw 6,016 8 months ago Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics library with SVG support written in Swift
BlockiesSwift 64 over 1 year ago Unique blocky identicons/profile picture generator
Rough 99 over 6 years ago lets you draw in a sketchy, hand-drawn-like, style
GraphLayout 100 over 6 years ago UI controls for graph visualization. It is powered by Graphviz
Drawsana 645 over 1 year ago iOS framework for building raster drawing and image markup views
AnimatedGradientView 454 over 1 year ago A simple framework to add animated gradients to your iOS app

Hardware / Bluetooth

Discovery 418 over 8 years ago A very simple library to discover and retrieve data from nearby devices (even if the peer app works at background)
LGBluetooth 175 over 5 years ago Simple, block-based, lightweight library over CoreBluetooth. Will clean up your Core Bluetooth related code
PeerKit 872 almost 6 years ago An open-source Swift framework for building event-driven, zero-config Multipeer Connectivity apps
BluetoothKit 2,269 12 months ago Easily communicate between iOS/macOS devices using BLE
Bluetonium 165 about 5 years ago Bluetooth mapping in Swift
BlueCap 715 over 1 year ago iOS Bluetooth LE framework
Apple Family 67 over 7 years ago Quickly connect Apple devices together with Bluetooth, wifi, and USB
Bleu 491 almost 5 years ago BLE (Bluetooth LE) for U
Bluejay 1,093 9 months ago A simple Swift framework for building reliable Bluetooth LE apps
BabyBluetooth 4,727 over 3 years ago The easiest way to use Bluetooth (BLE) in iOS/MacOS
ExtendaBLE 101 almost 7 years ago Simple Blocks-Based BLE Client for iOS/tvOS/watchOS/OSX/Android. Quickly configuration for centrals/peripherals, perform packet based read/write operations, and callbacks for characteristic updates
PeerConnectivity 54 10 months ago Functional wrapper for Apple's MultipeerConnectivity framework
AZPeerToPeerConnection 70 over 6 years ago AZPeerToPeerConnectivity is a wrapper on top of Apple iOS Multipeer Connectivity framework. It provides an easier way to create and manage sessions. Easy to integrate
MultiPeer 224 over 3 years ago Multipeer is a wrapper for Apple's MultipeerConnectivity framework for offline data transmission between Apple devices. It makes easy to automatically connect to multiple nearby devices and share information using either bluetooth or wifi
BerkananSDK 207 over 4 years ago Mesh messaging SDK with the goal to create a decentralized mesh network for the people, powered by their device's Bluetooth antenna

Hardware / Camera

TGCameraViewController Custom camera with AVFoundation. Beautiful, light and easy to integrate with iOS projects
PBJVision 1,934 over 3 years ago iOS camera engine, features touch-to-record video, slow motion video, and photo capture
Cool-iOS-Camera 1,300 over 6 years ago A fully customisable and modern camera implementation for iOS made with AVFoundation
SCRecorder 3,060 over 3 years ago Camera engine with Vine-like tap to record, animatable filters, slow motion, segments editing
ALCameraViewController 2,033 over 2 years ago A camera view controller with custom image picker and image cropping. Written in Swift
CameraManager 1,370 3 months ago Simple Swift class to provide all the configurations you need to create custom camera view in your app
RSBarcodes_Swift 707 6 months ago 1D and 2D barcodes reader and generators for iOS 8 with delightful controls. Now Swift
LLSimpleCamera 1,198 almost 7 years ago A simple, customizable camera control - video recorder for iOS
Fusuma 2,459 almost 5 years ago Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift
BarcodeScanner 1,686 2 months ago Simple and beautiful barcode scanner
HorizonSDK-iOS 172 about 2 years ago State of the art real-time video recording / photo shooting iOS library
FastttCamera 1,855 about 2 months ago Fasttt and easy camera framework for iOS with customizable filters
DKCamera 88 about 2 years ago A lightweight & simple camera framework for iOS. Written in Swift
NextLevel 2,199 about 2 months ago Next Level is a media capture camera library for iOS
CameraEngine 584 over 5 years ago Camera engine for iOS, written in Swift, above AVFoundation
SwiftyCam 2,081 over 2 years ago A Snapchat Inspired iOS Camera Framework written in Swift
CameraBackground 64 5 months ago Show camera layer as a background to any UIView
Lumina 898 over 2 years ago Full service camera that takes photos, videos, streams frames, detects metadata, and streams CoreML predictions
RAImagePicker 16 almost 7 years ago RAImagePicker is a protocol-oriented framework that provides custom features from the built-in Image Picker Edit
FDTake 319 almost 2 years ago Easily take a photo or video or choose from library
YPImagePicker 4,306 4 months ago Instagram-like image picker & filters for iOS
MockImagePicker 23 5 months ago Mock UIImagePickerController for testing camera based UI in simulator
iOS-Depth-Sampler 1,178 11 months ago A collection of code examples for Depth APIs
TakeASelfie 37 over 3 years ago An iOS framework that uses the front camera, detects your face and takes a selfie
HybridCamera 210 3 months ago Video and photo camera for iOS, similar to the SnapChat camera
CameraKit-iOS 688 about 1 year ago Massively increase camera performance and ease of use in your next iOS project
ExyteMediaPicker 318 3 months ago Customizable media picker

Hardware / Force Touch

QuickActions 255 12 months ago Swift wrapper for iOS Home Screen Quick Actions (App Icon Shortcuts)
JustPeek 68 almost 7 years ago JustPeek is an iOS Library that adds support for Force Touch-like Peek and Pop interactions on devices that do not natively support this kind of interaction
PeekView 122 over 5 years ago PeekView supports peek, pop and preview actions for iOS devices without 3D Touch capibility

Hardware / iBeacon

Proxitee 18 over 9 years ago Allows developers to create proximity aware applications utilizing iBeacons & geo fences
OWUProximityManager 364 almost 11 years ago iBeacons + CoreBluetooth
Vicinity 376 about 8 years ago Vicinity replicates iBeacons (by analyzing RSSI) and supports broadcasting and detecting low-energy Bluetooth devices in the background
BeaconEmitter 978 about 1 year ago Turn your Mac as an iBeacon
MOCA Proximity Paid proximity marketing platform that lets you add amazing proximity experiences to your app
JMCBeaconManager 148 about 8 years ago An iBeacon Manager class that is responsible for detecting beacons nearby

Hardware / Location

AsyncLocationKit 182 12 months ago Wrapper for Apple CoreLocation framework with Modern Concurrency Swift (async/await)
IngeoSDK 98 over 7 years ago Always-On Location monitoring framework for iOS
LocationManager 2,561 about 3 years ago Provides a block-based asynchronous API to request the current location, either once or continuously
SwiftLocation 3,393 5 months ago Location & Beacon Monitoring in Swift
SOMotionDetector 1,059 about 1 month ago Simple library to detect motion. Based on location updates and acceleration
LocationPicker 401 over 2 years ago A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app
BBLocationManager 105 over 6 years ago A Location Manager for easily implementing location services & geofencing in iOS
set-simulator-location 642 over 1 year ago CLI for setting location in the iOS simulator
NominatimKit 56 over 2 years ago A Swift wrapper for (reverse) geocoding of OpenStreetMap data

Hardware / Other Hardware

MotionKit 1,081 over 6 years ago Get the data from Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer in only Two or a few lines of code. CoreMotion now made insanely simple
DarkLightning 333 almost 4 years ago Simply the fastest way to transmit data between iOS/tvOS and macOS
Deviice 72 6 days ago Simply library to detect the device on which the app is running (and some properties)
DeviceKit 4,431 13 days ago DeviceKit is a value-type replacement of UIDevice
Luminous 343 over 2 years ago Luminous is a big framework which can give you a lot of information (more than 50) about the current system
Device 1,691 13 days ago Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift
WatchShaker 230 about 1 month ago WatchShaker is a watchOS helper to get your shake movement written in swift
WatchCon 34 almost 7 years ago WatchCon is a tool which enables creating easy connectivity between iOS and WatchOS
TapticEngine 259 almost 6 years ago TapticEngine generates iOS Device vibrations
UIDeviceComplete 416 8 days ago UIDevice extensions that fill in the missing pieces
NFCNDEFParse 16 almost 7 years ago NFC Forum Well Known Type Data Parser for iOS11 and Core NFC
Device.swift 220 almost 4 years ago Super-lightweight library to detect used device
SDVersion 1,312 about 2 years ago Lightweight Cocoa library for detecting the running device's model and screen size
Haptico 485 7 months ago Easy to use haptic feedback generator with pattern-play support
NFCPassportReader 748 2 months ago Swift library to read an NFC enabled passport. Supports BAC, Secure Messaging, and both active and passive authentication. Requires iOS 13 or above


Masonry 18,049 over 1 year ago Harness the power of AutoLayout NSLayoutConstraints with a simplified, chainable and expressive syntax
FLKAutoLayout 1,497 over 3 years ago UIView category which makes it easy to create layout constraints in code
Façade 688 about 7 years ago Programmatic view layout for the rest of us - an autolayout alternative
PureLayout 7,630 over 1 year ago The ultimate API for iOS & macOS Auto Layout — impressively simple, immensely powerful. Objective-C and Swift compatible
SnapKit 19,936 3 months ago A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & macOS
Cartography 7,341 11 months ago A declarative Auto Layout DSL for Swift
AutoLayoutPlus 27 over 7 years ago A bit of steroids for AutoLayout
Neon 4,580 about 4 years ago A powerful Swift programmatic UI layout framework
MisterFusion 314 about 5 years ago A Swift DSL for AutoLayout. It is the extremely clear, but concise syntax, in addition, can be used in both Swift and Objective-C
SwiftBox 810 over 7 years ago Flexbox in Swift, using Facebook's css-layout
ManualLayout 280 over 4 years ago Easy to use and flexible library for manually laying out views and layers for iOS and tvOS. Supports AsyncDisplayKit
Stevia 3,379 11 days ago Elegant view layout for iOS
Manuscript 76 over 7 years ago AutoLayoutKit in pure Swift
FDTemplateLayoutCell 9,934 over 2 years ago Template auto layout cell for automatically UITableViewCell height calculating
SwiftAutoLayout 655 about 3 years ago Tiny Swift DSL for Autolayout
FormationLayout 51 over 7 years ago Work with auto layout and size classes easily
SwiftyLayout 15 over 7 years ago Lightweight declarative auto-layout framework for Swift
Swiftstraints 122 almost 2 years ago Auto Layout In Swift Made Easy
SwiftBond 4,234 over 2 years ago Bond is a Swift binding framework that takes binding concepts to a whole new level. It's simple, powerful, type-safe and multi-paradigm
Restraint 79 almost 4 years ago Minimal Auto Layout in Swift
EasyPeasy 1,940 over 2 years ago Auto Layout made easy
Auto Layout Magic Build 1 scene, let Auto Layout Magic generate the constraints for you! Scenes look great across all devices!
Anchorman 79 over 3 years ago An autolayout library for the damn fine citizens of San Diego
LayoutKit 3,162 over 3 years ago LayoutKit is a fast view layout library for iOS
Relayout 555 about 7 years ago Swift microframework for declaring Auto Layout constraints functionally
Anchorage 631 11 months ago A collection of operators and utilities that simplify iOS layout code
Compose Compose is a library that helps you compose complex and dynamic views
BrickKit 605 almost 5 years ago With BrickKit, you can create complex and responsive layouts in a simple way. It's easy to use and easy to extend. Create your own reusable bricks and behaviors
Framezilla 131 over 3 years ago Elegant library which wraps working with frames with a nice chaining syntax
TinyConstraints 3,977 6 months ago The syntactic sugar that makes Auto Layout sweeter for human use
MyLinearLayout 4,405 6 months ago MyLayout is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Objective-C. It integrates the functions with Android Layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap
SugarAnchor 20 over 7 years ago Same native NSLayoutAnchor & NSLayoutConstraints; but with more natural and easy to read syntactic sugar. Typesafe, concise & readable
EasyAnchor 457 over 1 year ago Declarative, extensible, powerful Auto Layout
PinLayout 2,349 5 months ago Fast Swift Views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable
SnapLayout 11 about 5 years ago Concise Auto Layout API to chain programmatic constraints while easily updating existing constraints
Cupcake 288 almost 4 years ago An easy way to create and layout UI components for iOS
MiniLayout 8 over 5 years ago Minimal AutoLayout convenience layer. Program constraints succinctly
Bamboo 74 about 6 years ago Bamboo makes Auto Layout (and manual layout) elegant and concise
FlexLayout 1,985 about 1 month ago FlexLayout gently wraps the highly optimized flexbox implementation in a concise, intuitive & chainable syntax
Layout 2,231 over 1 year ago A declarative UI framework for iOS
CGLayout 44 over 2 years ago Powerful autolayout framework based on constraints, that can manage UIView(NSView), CALayer and not rendered views. Not Apple Autolayout wrapper
YogaKit 17,247 4 days ago Powerful layout engine which implements Flexbox
FlightLayout 22 over 1 year ago Balanced medium between manual layout and auto-layout. Great for calculating frames for complex animations
QLayout 3 over 5 years ago AutoLayout Utility for iOS
Layoutless 433 over 3 years ago Minimalistic declarative layout and styling framework built on top of Auto Layout
Yalta 349 21 days ago An intuitive and powerful Auto Layout library
SuperLayout 52 about 2 years ago Simplify Auto Layout with super syntactic sugar
QuickLayout 249 almost 3 years ago QuickLayout offers a simple way, to easily manage Auto Layout in code
EEStackLayout 50 almost 5 years ago A structured vertical stack layout
RKAutoLayout 2 over 5 years ago Simple wrapper over AutoLayout
Grid 1,755 3 months ago The most powerful Grid container missed in SwiftUI
MondrianLayout 165 about 2 years ago A DSL based layout builder for AutoLayout
ScalingHeaderScrollView A scroll view with a sticky header which shrinks as you scroll. Written with SwiftUI


Hodor 544 almost 6 years ago Simple solution to localize your iOS App
Swifternalization 579 over 1 year ago Localize iOS apps in a smarter way using JSON files. Swift framework
Rubustrings 119 over 5 years ago Check the format and consistency of Localizable.strings files
BartyCrouch 1,358 6 months ago Incrementally update/translate your Strings files from Code and Storyboards/XIBs
LocalizationKit 1,225 almost 5 years ago Localization management in realtime from a web portal. Easily manage your texts and translations without redeploy and resubmission
Localize-Swift 3,069 about 1 year ago Swift 2.0 friendly localization and i18n with in-app language switching
LocalizedView 8 over 8 years ago Setting up application specific localized string within Xib file
transai 58 over 6 years ago command line tool help you manage localization string files
Strsync 165 almost 4 years ago Automatically translate and synchronize .strings files from base language
IBLocalizable 460 almost 2 years ago Localize your views directly in Interface Builder with IBLocalizable
nslocalizer 157 over 5 years ago A tool for finding missing and unused NSLocalizedStrings
L10n-swift 315 3 months ago Localization of an application with ability to change language "on the fly" and support for plural forms in any language
Localize 290 about 3 years ago Easy tool to localize apps using JSON or Strings and of course IBDesignables with extensions for UI components
CrowdinSDK 116 16 days ago Crowdin iOS SDK delivers all new translations from Crowdin project to the application immediately
attranslate 334 22 days ago Semi-automatically translate or synchronize .strings files or crossplatform-files from different languages
Respresso Localization Converter Multiplatform localization converter for iOS (.strings + Objective-C getters), Android (strings.xml) and Web (.json)
locheck 97 about 2 months ago Validate .strings, .stringsdict, and strings.xml files for correctness to avoid crashes and bad translations
StringSwitch Easily convert iOS .strings files to Android strings.xml format and vice versa


CleanroomLogger 1,323 over 1 year ago A configurable and extensible Swift-based logging API that is simple, lightweight and performant
CocoaLumberjack 13,179 3 days ago A fast & simple, yet powerful & flexible logging framework for Mac and iOS
NSLogger 4,999 about 1 year ago a high performance logging utility which displays traces emitted by client applications running on macOS, iOS and Android
QorumLogs 786 over 6 years ago — Swift Logging Utility for Xcode & Google Docs
Log 830 almost 5 years ago A logging tool with built-in themes, formatters, and a nice API to define your owns
Rainbow 1,844 about 1 month ago Delightful console output for Swift developers
SwiftyBeaver 5,909 5 months ago Convenient logging during development and release
SwiftyTextTable 317 over 1 year ago A lightweight tool for generating text tables
Watchdog 1,855 4 months ago Class for logging excessive blocking on the main thread
XCGLogger 3,939 3 months ago A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog or println, but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number
Colors 28 over 7 years ago A pure Swift library for using ANSI codes. Basically makes command-line coloring and styling very easy!
AELog 32 over 2 years ago Simple, lightweight and flexible debug logging framework written in Swift
ReflectedStringConvertible 65 almost 2 years ago A protocol that allows any class to be printed as if it were a struct
SwiftTrace 702 3 months ago Trace Swift and Objective-C method invocations
Willow 1,350 about 1 year ago Willow is a powerful, yet lightweight logging library written in Swift
Bugfender 76 about 1 month ago Cloud storage for your app logs. Track user behaviour to find problems in your mobile apps
LxDBAnything 428 over 7 years ago Automate box any value! Print log without any format control symbol! Change debug habit thoroughly!
XLTestLog 56 almost 8 years ago Styling and coloring your XCTest logs on Xcode Console
XLFacility 317 over 5 years ago Elegant and extensive logging facility for macOS & iOS (includes database, Telnet and HTTP servers)
Atlantis 198 over 6 years ago A powerful input-agnostic swift logging framework made to speed up development with maximum readability
StoryTeller 10 almost 8 years ago Taking a completely different approach to logging, Story Teller replacing fixed logging levels in It then uses dynamic expressions to control the logging so you only see what is important
LumberMill 2 almost 8 years ago Stupidly simple logging
TinyConsole 1,955 about 5 years ago A tiny log console to display information while using your iOS app
Lighty 52 5 months ago Easy to use and lightweight logger for iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux
JustLog 519 9 months ago Console, file and remote Logstash logging via TCP socket
Twitter Logging Service 299 over 1 year ago Twitter Logging Service is a robust and performant logging framework for iOS clients
Reqres 89 over 1 year ago Network request and response body logger with Alamofire support
TraceLog 53 about 1 year ago Dead Simple: logging the way it's meant to be! Runs on ios, osx, and Linux
OkLog 18 over 2 years ago A network logger for iOS and macOS projects
Spy 13 about 2 years ago Lightweight, flexible, multiplatform (iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, Linux) logging utility written in pure Swift that allows you to log on different levels and channels which you can define on your own depending on your needs
Diagnostics 953 25 days ago Allow users to easily share Diagnostics with your support team to improve the flow of fixing bugs
Gedatsu 529 about 4 years ago Provide readable format about AutoLayout error console log
Pulse 6,287 3 days ago Pulse is a powerful logging system for Apple Platforms. Native. Built with SwiftUI

Machine Learning

Swift-Brain 334 over 7 years ago Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning data structures and Swift algorithms for future iOS development. Bayes theorem, Neural Networks, and more AI
AIToolbox 793 about 4 years ago A toolbox of AI modules written in Swift: Graphs/Trees, Linear Regression, Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, PCA, KMeans, Genetic Algorithms, MDP, Mixture of Gaussians
Tensorflow-iOS 185,782 5 days ago The official Google-built powerful neural network library port for iOS
Bender 1,795 11 months ago Easily craft fast Neural Networks. Use TensorFlow models. Metal under the hood
CoreML-samples 42 about 7 years ago Sample code for Core ML using ResNet50 provided by Apple and a custom model generated by coremltools
Revolver 29 about 7 years ago A framework for building fast genetic algorithms in Swift. Comes with modular architecture, pre-implemented operators and loads of examples
CoreML-Models 6,423 over 1 year ago A collection of unique Core ML Models
Serrano 54 over 6 years ago A deep learning library for iOS and macOS
Swift-AI 6,031 over 7 years ago The Swift machine learning library
TensorSwift 325 almost 7 years ago A lightweight library to calculate tensors in Swift, which has similar APIs to TensorFlow's
DL4S 102 11 months ago Deep Learning for Swift: Accelerated tensor operations and dynamic neural networks based on reverse mode automatic differentiation for every device that can run Swift
SwiftCoreMLTools 161 over 4 years ago A Swift library for creating and exporting CoreML Models in Swift
iOS-GenAI-Sampler 71 2 months ago A collection of Generative AI examples on iOS


Mapbox GL 4,369 about 1 year ago An OpenGL renderer for Mapbox Vector Tiles with SDK bindings for iOS
GEOSwift 1,441 6 days ago The Swift Geographic Engine
PXGoogleDirections 268 over 5 years ago Google Directions API helper for iOS, written in Swift
Cluster 1,273 11 months ago Easy Map Annotation Clustering
JDSwiftHeatMap 146 over 2 years ago JDSwiftMap is an IOS Native MapKit Library. You can easily make a highly customized HeatMap
ClusterKit 512 almost 4 years ago An iOS map clustering framework targeting MapKit, Google Maps and Mapbox
FlyoverKit 708 over 1 year ago FlyoverKit enables you to present stunning 360° flyover views on your MKMapView with zero effort while maintaining full configuration possibilities
MapViewPlus 165 almost 5 years ago Use any custom view as custom callout view of your MKMapView with cool animations. Also, easily use any image as annotation view
MSFlightMapView 53 about 5 years ago Add and animate geodesic flights on Google map
WhirlyGlobe-Maply 828 23 days ago 3D globe and flat-map SDK for iOS. This toolkit has a large API for fine-grained control over the map or globe. It reads a wide variety of GIS data formats


Euler 1,153 over 3 years ago Swift Custom Operators for Mathematical Notation
SwiftMath 178 over 5 years ago A math framework for Swift. Includes: vectors, matrices, complex numbers, quaternions and polynomials
Arithmosophi 67 over 3 years ago A set of protocols for Arithmetic and Logical operations
Surge 20 over 4 years ago A Swift library that uses the Accelerate framework to provide high-performance functions for matrix math, digital signal processing, and image manipulation
Upsurge 183 over 5 years ago Swift math
Swift-MathEagle 42 about 6 years ago A general math framework to make using math easy. Currently supports function solving and optimisation, matrix and vector algebra, complex numbers, big int and big frac and general handy extensions and functions
iosMath 1,367 4 months ago A library for displaying beautifully rendered math equations. Enables typesetting LaTeX math formulae in iOS
BigInt 758 3 months ago Arbitrary-precision arithmetic in pure Swift
SigmaSwiftStatistics 696 over 2 years ago A collection of functions for statistical calculation
VectorMath 367 almost 5 years ago A Swift library for Mac and iOS that implements common 2D and 3D vector and matrix functions, useful for games or vector-based graphics
Expression 824 3 months ago A Mac and iOS library for evaluating numeric expressions at runtime
Metron 1,035 over 5 years ago Metron is a comprehensive collection of geometric functions and types that extend the 2D geometric primitives provided by CoreGraphics
NumericAnnex 69 over 6 years ago NumericAnnex supplements the numeric facilities provided in the Swift standard library
Matft 133 5 months ago Matft is Numpy-like library in Swift. Matft allows us to handle n-dimensional array easily in Swift

Media / Audio

AudioBus Add Next Generation Live App-to-App Audio Routing
AudioKit 10,657 about 2 months ago A powerful toolkit for synthesizing, processing, and analyzing sounds
EZAudio 4,955 10 months ago An iOS/macOS audio visualization framework built upon Core Audio useful for anyone doing real-time, low-latency audio processing and visualizations
novocaine 2,225 almost 6 years ago Painless high-performance audio on iOS and macOS
QHSpeechSynthesizerQueue 43 almost 7 years ago Queue management system for AVSpeechSynthesizer (iOS Text to Speech)
Cephalopod 115 over 5 years ago A sound fader for AVAudioPlayer written in Swift
Chirp 307 over 5 years ago The easiest way to prepare, play, and remove sounds in your Swift app!
Beethoven 823 about 3 years ago An audio processing Swift library for pitch detection of musical signals
AudioPlayerSwift 278 about 3 years ago AudioPlayer is a simple class for playing audio in iOS, macOS and tvOS apps
AudioPlayer 724 11 days ago AudioPlayer is syntax and feature sugar over AVPlayer. It plays your audio files (local & remote)
TuningFork 420 2 months ago Simple Tuner for iOS
MusicKit 612 over 3 years ago A framework for composing and transforming music in Swift
SubtleVolume 1,201 over 4 years ago Replace the system volume popup with a more subtle indicator
NVDSP 413 over 7 years ago iOS/macOS DSP for audio (with Novocaine)
SRGMediaPlayer-iOS The SRG Media Player library for iOS provides a simple way to add a universal audio / video player to any iOS application
IQAudioRecorderController 637 almost 6 years ago A drop-in universal library allows to record audio within the app with a nice User Interface
TheAmazingAudioEngine2 543 about 1 month ago The Amazing Audio Engine is a sophisticated framework for iOS audio applications, built so you don't have to
InteractivePlayerView 274 about 6 years ago Custom iOS music player view
ESTMusicIndicator 468 almost 4 years ago Cool Animated music indicator view written in Swift
QuietModemKit 451 over 3 years ago iOS framework for the Quiet Modem (data over sound)
SwiftySound 1,244 7 months ago Super simple library that lets you play sounds with a single line of code (and much more). Written in Swift 3, supports iOS, macOS and tvOS. CocoaPods and Carthage compatible
BPMAnalyser 80 almost 7 years ago Fast and simple instrument to get the BPM rate from your audio-files
PandoraPlayer 1,186 almost 2 years ago A lightweight music player for iOS, based on AudioKit
SonogramView 66 almost 7 years ago Audio visualisation of song
AudioIndicatorBars 288 over 6 years ago AIB indicates for your app users which audio is playing. Just like the Podcasts app
Porcupine 3,706 8 days ago On-device wake word detection engine for macOS, iOS, and watchOS, powered by deep learning
Voice Overlay 545 almost 2 years ago An overlay that gets your user’s voice permission and input as text in a customizable UI
ModernAVPlayer 284 almost 2 years ago Persistence player to resume playback after bad network connection even in background mode, manage headphone interactions, system interruptions, now playing informations and remote commands
FDWaveformView 1,247 6 months ago An easy way to display an audio waveform in your app, including animation
FDSoundActivatedRecorder 290 almost 3 years ago Start recording when the user speaks

Media / GIF

YLGIFImage 1,772 almost 4 years ago Async GIF image decoder and Image viewer supporting play GIF images. It just use very less memory
FLAnimatedImage 7,924 7 months ago Performant animated GIF engine for iOS
gifu 3,080 3 months ago Highly performant animated GIF support for iOS in Swift
AnimatedGIFImageSerialization 1,081 about 5 years ago Complete Animated GIF Support for iOS, with Functions, NSJSONSerialization-style Class, and (Optional) UIImage Swizzling
XAnimatedImage 555 over 8 years ago XAnimatedImage is a performant animated GIF engine for iOS written in Swift based on FLAnimatedImage
SwiftGif 1,326 over 3 years ago A small UIImage extension with gif support
APNGKit 2,209 7 months ago High performance and delightful way to play with APNG format in iOS
YYImage 1,762 3 months ago Image framework for iOS to display/encode/decode animated WebP, APNG, GIF, and more
AImage 995 over 6 years ago A animated GIF&APNG engine for iOS in Swift with low memory & cpu usage.Optimized for Multi-Image case
NSGIF2 82 almost 6 years ago Simplify creation of a GIF from the provided video file url
SwiftyGif 2,009 2 months ago High performance GIF engine

Media / Image

GPU Image 20,237 8 months ago An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing
UIImage DSP 371 over 11 years ago iOS UIImage processing functions using the vDSP/Accelerate framework for speed
AsyncImageView 906 almost 7 years ago Simple extension of UIImageView for loading and displaying images asynchronously without lock up the UI
SDWebImage 25,025 about 1 month ago Asynchronous image downloader with cache support with an UIImageView category
DFImageManager 1,180 almost 5 years ago Modern framework for fetching images from various sources. Zero config yet immense customization and extensibility. Uses NSURLSession
MapleBacon 340 8 days ago An image download and caching library for iOS written in Swift
NYTPhotoViewer 2,860 7 months ago Slideshow and image viewer
IDMPhotoBrowser 2,711 6 months ago Photo Browser / Viewer
Concorde 1,440 over 2 years ago Download and decode progressive JPEGs
TOCropViewController 4,709 2 months ago A view controller that allows users to crop UIImage objects
YXTMotionView 78 about 9 years ago A custom image view that implements device motion scrolling
PINRemoteImage 4,009 8 days ago A thread safe, performant, feature rich image fetcher
SABlurImageView 556 almost 4 years ago Easily Adding Animated Blur/Unblur Effects To An Image
FastImageCache 8,107 about 1 year ago iOS library for quickly displaying images while scrolling
BKAsciiImage 431 over 9 years ago Convert UIImage to ASCII art
AlamofireImage 3,982 5 months ago An image component library for Alamofire
Nuke 8,082 18 days ago Image loading, processing, caching and preheating
FlagKit 3,032 6 months ago Beautiful flag icons for usage in apps and on the web
YYWebImage 3,556 almost 4 years ago Asynchronous image loading framework (supports WebP, APNG, GIF)
RSKImageCropper 2,443 16 days ago An image cropper for iOS like in the Contacts app with support for landscape orientation
Silo 19 over 8 years ago Image loading framework with loaders
Ody 45 over 7 years ago Ody is an easy to use random image generator built with Swift, Perfect for placeholders
Banana 17 about 4 years ago Image slider with very simple interface
JDSwiftAvatarProgress 85 about 8 years ago Easy customizable avatar image asynchronously with progress bar animated
Kingfisher 23,132 14 days ago A lightweight and pure Swift implemented library for downloading and caching image from the web
EBPhotoPages 1,633 almost 3 years ago A photo gallery for iOS with a modern feature set. Similar features as the Facebook photo browser
UIImageView-BetterFace-Swift 467 over 7 years ago The Swift version of
KFSwiftImageLoader 341 almost 5 years ago An extremely high-performance, lightweight, and energy-efficient pure Swift async web image loader with memory and disk caching for iOS and Apple Watch
Toucan 2,444 over 3 years ago Fabulous Image Processing in Swift
ImageLoaderSwift 292 over 5 years ago A lightweight and fast image loader for iOS written in Swift
ImageScout 975 almost 5 years ago A Swift implementation of fastimage. Supports PNG, GIF, and JPEG
JLStickerTextView 489 over 4 years ago A UIImageView allow you to add multiple Label (multiple line text support) on it, you can edit, rotate, resize the Label as you want with one finger ,then render the text on Image
Agrume 797 5 days ago A lemony fresh iOS image viewer written in Swift
PASImageView 175 almost 8 years ago Rounded async imageview downloader lightly cached and written in Swift
Navi 115 about 7 years ago Focus on avatar caching
SwiftPhotoGallery 284 over 2 years ago Simple, fullscreen image gallery with tap, swipe, and pinch gestures
MetalAcc 259 about 6 years ago GPU-based Media processing library using Metal written in Swift
MWPhotoBrowser 8,747 3 months ago A simple iOS photo and video browser with grid view, captions and selections
UIImageColors 3,242 almost 3 years ago iTunes style color fetcher for UIImage
CDFlipView 99 over 7 years ago A view that takes a set of images, make transition from one to another by using flipping effects
GPUImage2 4,871 8 months ago GPUImage 2 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing
TGLParallaxCarousel 436 about 1 year ago A lightweight 3D Linear Carousel with parallax effect
ImageButter 393 over 4 years ago Makes dealing with images buttery smooth
SKPhotoBrowser 2,644 7 months ago Simple PhotoBrowser/Viewer inspired by Facebook, Twitter photo browsers written by swift
YUCIHighPassSkinSmoothing 1,245 over 3 years ago An implementation of High Pass Skin Smoothing using Apple's Core Image Framework
CLImageViewPopup 36 almost 5 years ago A simple Image full screen pop up
APKenBurnsView 102 over 4 years ago Ken Burns effect with face recognition!
Moa 332 over 2 years ago An image download extension of the image view for iOS, tvOS and macOS
JMCMarchingAnts 144 about 2 years ago Library that lets you add marching ants (animated) selection to the edges of the images
ImageViewer 2,534 9 months ago An image viewer à la Twitter
FaceAware 3,019 about 4 years ago An extension that gives UIImageView the ability to focus on faces within an image when using AspectFill
SwiftyAvatar 183 about 6 years ago A UiimageView class for creating circular avatar images, IBDesignable to make all changes via storyboard
ShinpuruImage 100 over 8 years ago Syntactic Sugar for Accelerate/vImage and Core Image Filters
ImagePickerSheetController 1,447 about 5 years ago ImagePickerSheetController is like the custom photo action sheet in iMessage just without the glitches
ComplimentaryGradientView 728 about 5 years ago Create complementary gradients generated from dominant and prominent colors in supplied image. Inspired by Grade.js
ImageSlideshow 1,774 about 2 months ago Swift image slideshow with circular scrolling, timer and full screen viewer
Imaginary 615 over 2 years ago Remote images, as easy as one, two, three
PPAssetsActionController 70 almost 7 years ago Highly customizable Action Sheet Controller with Assets Preview
Vulcan 292 about 7 years ago Multi image downloader with priority in Swift
FacebookImagePicker 236 about 2 months ago Facebook album photo picker written in Swift
Lightbox 1,630 about 1 month ago A convenient and easy to use image viewer for your iOS app
Ebblink 4 over 6 years ago An iOS SDK for sharing photos that automatically expire and can be deleted at any time
Sharaku 1,512 over 3 years ago Instagram-like image filter ViewController
CTPanoramaView 1,034 about 2 months ago Displays spherical or cylindrical panoramas or 360-photos with touch or motion based control options
Twitter Image Pipline 1,854 8 months ago streamlined framework for fetching and storing images in an application
TinyCrayon 1,830 almost 3 years ago A smart and easy-to-use image masking and cutout SDK for mobile apps
FlexibleImage 825 almost 6 years ago A simple way to play with image!
TLPhotoPicker 1,879 3 months ago Multiple phassets picker for iOS lib. like a facebook
YapImageManager 72 about 6 years ago A high-performance image downloader written in Swift, powered by YapDatabase
PhotoEditorSDK A fully customizable photo editor for your app
SimpleImageViewer 422 over 2 years ago A snappy image viewer with zoom and interactive dismissal transition
AZImagePreview 26 over 3 years ago A framework that makes image viewing easy
FaceCropper 488 about 7 years ago Crop faces, inside of your image, with iOS 11 Vision api
Paparazzo 781 about 1 month ago Custom iOS camera and photo picker with editing capabilities
ZImageCropper 233 almost 4 years ago A Swift project to crop image in any shape
InitialsImageView 213 about 2 years ago An UIImageView extension that generates letter initials as a placeholder for user profile images, with a randomized background color
DTPhotoViewerController 280 almost 3 years ago A fully customizable photo viewer ViewController, inspired by Facebook photo viewer
LetterAvatarKit 217 almost 2 years ago A UIImage extension that generates letter-based avatars written in Swift
AXPhotoViewer 647 4 months ago An iPhone/iPad photo gallery viewer, useful for viewing a large (or small!) number of photos
TJProfileImage 31 over 6 years ago Live rendering of componet’s properties in Interface Builder
Viewer 533 about 4 years ago Image viewer (or Lightbox) with support for local and remote videos and images
OverlayComposite 11 almost 7 years ago An asynchronous, multithreaded, image compositing framework written in Swift
MCScratchImageView 356 over 4 years ago A custom ImageView that is used to cover the surface of other view like a scratch card, user can swipe the mulch to see the view below
MetalPetal 1,908 6 months ago A GPU-accelerated image/video processing framework based on
ShadowImageView 797 over 5 years ago ShadowImageView is a iOS 10 Apple Music style image view, help you create elegent image with shadow
Avatar 24 over 5 years ago Generate random user Avatar images using CoreGraphics and QuartzCore
Serrata 324 about 6 years ago Slide image viewer library similar to Twitter and LINE
StyleArt 228 over 6 years ago Style Art library process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style
greedo-layout-for-ios 825 over 7 years ago Full aspect ratio grid layout for iOS
ImageDetect 306 over 5 years ago Detect and crop faces, barcodes and texts inside of your image, with iOS 11 Vision api
THTiledImageView 29 over 6 years ago Provide ultra-high-quality images through tiling techniques
GPUImage3 2,729 2 months ago GPUImage 3 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing using Metal
Harbeth 501 12 days ago Metal API for GPU accelerated Graphics and Video and Camera filter framework.🔥💥
Gallery 1,420 about 3 years ago Your next favorite image and video picker
ATGMediaBrowser 215 almost 4 years ago Image slide-show viewer with multiple predefined transition styles, and ability to create new transitions with ease
Pixel 3,322 2 months ago An image editor and engine using CoreImage
OnlyPictures 676 about 3 years ago A simple and flexible way to add source of overlapping circular pictures
SFSafeSymbols 1,695 3 months ago Safely access Apple's SF Symbols using static typing
BSZoomGridScrollView 158 over 3 years ago iOS customizable grid style scrollView UI library to display your UIImage array input, designed primarily for SwiftUI as well as to interoperate with UIKit

Media / Media Processing

SwiftOCR 4,617 almost 4 years ago Fast and simple OCR library written in Swift
QR Code Scanner QR Code implementation
QRCode 738 over 2 years ago A QRCode generator written in Swift
EFQRCode 4,574 16 days ago A better way to operate two-dimensional code in Swift
NSFWDetector 1,576 about 1 month ago A NSFW (aka porn) detector with CoreML

Media / PDF

Reader 4,262 almost 5 years ago PDF Reader Core for iOS
UIView 2 PDF 35 about 9 years ago PDF generator using UIViews or UIViews with an associated XIB
FolioReaderKit 2,611 about 4 years ago A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS
PDFGenerator 757 almost 4 years ago A simple Generator of PDF in Swift. Generate PDF from view(s) or image(s)
SimplePDF 253 over 1 year ago Create a simple PDF effortlessly
SwiftPDFGenerator 17 over 8 years ago PDF generator using UIViews; Swift Version of 'UIView 2 PDF'
PSPDFKit Render PDF, add/edit annotations, fill forms, add/edit pages, view/create digital signatures
TPPDF 733 10 days ago Generate PDF using commands and automatic layout
FastPdfKit 1,235 over 5 years ago A Static Library to be embedded on iOS applications to display pdf documents derived from Fast PDF
UIImagePlusPDF 36 almost 4 years ago UIImage extensions to simply use PDF files

Media / Streaming

HaishinKit.swift 2,759 3 days ago Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS
StreamingKit 2,420 over 2 years ago A fast and extensible gapless AudioPlayer/AudioStreamer for macOS and iOS
Jukebox 552 over 3 years ago Player for streaming local and remote audio files. Written in Swift
LFLiveKit 4,387 over 1 year ago H264 and AAC Hard coding,support GPUImage Beauty, rtmp transmission,weak network lost frame,Dynamic switching rate
Airstream 379 almost 8 years ago A framework for streaming audio between Apple devices using AirPlay
OTAcceleratorCore 31 over 1 year ago A painless way to integrate audio/video(screen sharing) to any iOS applications via Tokbox

Media / Video

VLC for iOS 1,038 16 days ago VLC is a free and open source multimedia player for iOS
VIMVideoPlayer 281 about 7 years ago A simple wrapper around the AVPlayer and AVPlayerLayer classes
MobilePlayer 3,073 about 2 years ago A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS
XCDYouTubeKit 2,921 6 months ago YouTube video player for iOS, tvOS and macOS
AVAnimator An open source iOS native library that makes it easy to implement non-trivial video/audio enabled apps
Periscope VideoViewController 501 about 8 years ago Video view controller with Periscope fast rewind control
MHVideoPhotoGallery 1,959 almost 3 years ago A Photo and Video Gallery
PlayerView 133 over 4 years ago Player View is a delegated view using AVPlayer of Swift
SRGMediaPlayer-iOS The SRG Media Player library for iOS provides a simple way to add a universal audio / video player to any iOS application
AVPlayerViewController-Subtitles 266 over 1 year ago AVPlayerViewController-Subtitles is a library to display subtitles on iOS. It's built as a Swift extension and it's very easy to integrate
MPMoviePlayerController-Subtitles 192 over 7 years ago MPMoviePlayerController-Subtitles is a library to display subtitles on iOS. It's built as a Swift extension and it's very easy to integrate
ZFPlayer 7,061 4 months ago Based on AVPlayer, support for the horizontal screen, vertical screen (full screen playback can also lock the screen direction), the upper and lower slide to adjust the volume, the screen brightness, or so slide to adjust the playback progress
Player 2,070 about 2 years ago video player in Swift, simple way to play and stream media in your iOS or tvOS app
BMPlayer 1,953 6 months ago Video player in swift3 and swift2 for iOS, based on AVPlayer, support the horizontal, vertical screen. support adjust volume, brigtness and seek by slide
VideoPager 59 almost 8 years ago Paging Video UI, and some control components is available
ios-360-videos 274 over 6 years ago NYT360Video plays 360-degree video streamed from an AVPlayer
swift-360-videos 133 over 5 years ago Pure swift (no SceneKit) 3D library with focus on video and 360
ABMediaView 82 almost 7 years ago UIImageView subclass for drop-in image, video, GIF, and audio display, with functionality for fullscreen and minimization to the bottom-right corner
PryntTrimmerView 844 23 days ago A set of UI elements to trim, crop and select frames inside a video
VGPlayer 400 about 5 years ago A simple iOS video player in Swift,Support play local and network,Background playback mode
YoutubeKit 611 6 months ago A video player that fully supports Youtube IFrame API and YoutubeDataAPI for easily create a Youtube app
Swift-YouTube-Player 874 3 months ago Swift library for embedding and controlling YouTube videos in your iOS applications!
JDVideoKit 25 almost 5 years ago You can easily transfer your video into Three common video type via this framework
VersaPlayer 793 9 months ago Versatile AVPlayer implementation for iOS, macOS, and tvOS


XMPPFramework 5,910 6 months ago An XMPP Framework in Objective-C for Mac and iOS
Chatto 4,487 3 months ago A lightweight framework to build chat applications, made in Swift
MessageKit 6,008 25 days ago Eventually, a Swift re-write of JSQMessagesViewController
Messenger 4,809 about 2 months ago This is a native iOS Messenger app, making realtime chat conversations and audio calls with full offline support
OTTextChatAccelerator 13 over 3 years ago OpenTok Text Chat Accelerator Pack enables text messages between mobile or browser-based devices
chat-sdk-ios 913 12 months ago Chat SDK iOS - Open Source Mobile Messenger
AsyncMessagesViewController 300 over 6 years ago A smooth, responsive and flexible messages UI library for iOS
MessageViewController 1,677 about 5 years ago A SlackTextViewController replacement written in Swift for the iPhone X
SwiftyMessenger 61 over 3 years ago Swift toolkit for passing messages between iOS apps and extensions
Messenger Chat with Firebase 765 about 2 months ago Swift messaging chat app with Firebase Firestore integration
SwiftKafka 60 over 3 years ago Swift SDK for Apache Kafka by IBM
ChatLayout 871 10 days ago A lightweight framework to build chat UI that uses custom to provide full control over the presentation as well as all the tools available in
ExyteChat 865 4 days ago SwiftUI Chat UI framework with fully customizable message cells, input view, and a built-in media picker


AFNetworking 33,324 over 1 year ago A delightful iOS and macOS networking framework
RestKit 10,177 about 2 years ago RestKit is an Objective-C framework for iOS that aims to make interacting with RESTful web services simple, fast and fun
FSNetworking 384 about 9 years ago Foursquare iOS networking library
ASIHTTPRequest 5,777 over 5 years ago Easy to use CFNetwork wrapper for HTTP requests, Objective-C, macOS and iPhone
Overcoat 1,098 almost 8 years ago Small but powerful library that makes creating REST clients simple and fun
ROADFramework 55 over 6 years ago Attributed-oriented approach for interacting with web services. The framework has built-in json and xml serialization for requests and responses and can be easily extensible
Alamofire 41,069 6 days ago Alamofire is an HTTP networking library written in Swift, from the creator of AFNetworking
Transporter 453 over 8 years ago A tiny library makes uploading and downloading easier
CDZPinger 49 over 10 years ago Easy-to-use ICMP Ping
NSRails 517 over 7 years ago iOS/Mac OS framework for Rails
NKMultipeer 15 over 8 years ago A testable abstraction over multipeer connectivity
CocoaAsyncSocket 12,450 about 1 year ago Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS
Siesta 2,186 over 1 year ago Elegant abstraction for RESTful resources that untangles stateful messes. An alternative to callback- and delegate-based networking
Reachability.swift 7,940 4 months ago Replacement for Apple's Reachability re-written in Swift with closures
OctopusKit A simplicity but graceful solution for invoke RESTful web service APIs
Moya 15,110 2 months ago Network abstraction layer written in Swift
TWRDownloadManager 403 almost 5 years ago A modern download manager based on NSURLSession to deal with asynchronous downloading, management and persistence of multiple files
HappyDns 503 5 months ago A Dns library, support custom dns server, dnspod httpdns. Only support A record
Bridge 89 over 2 years ago A simple extensible typed networking library. Intercept and process/alter requests and responses easily
TRON 539 26 days ago Lightweight network abstraction layer, written on top of Alamofire
EVCloudKitDao 644 about 5 years ago Simplified access to Apple's CloudKit
EVURLCache 297 over 3 years ago a NSURLCache subclass for handling all web requests that use NSURLRequest
ResponseDetective 1,955 12 months ago Sherlock Holmes of the networking layer
Pitaya 843 almost 5 years ago A Swift HTTP / HTTPS networking library just incidentally execute on machines
Just 1,403 6 months ago Swift HTTP for Humans
agent Minimalistic Swift HTTP request agent for iOS and macOS
Reach 456 about 5 years ago A simple class to check for internet connection availability in Swift
SwiftHTTP 1,880 over 3 years ago Thin wrapper around NSURLSession in swift. Simplifies HTTP requests
Netdiag 146 over 5 years ago A network diagnosis library. Support Ping/TcpPing/Rtmp/TraceRoute/DNS/external IP/external DNS
AFNetworkingHelper 17 almost 10 years ago A custom wrapper over AFNetworking library that we use inside RC extensively
NetKit 5 over 5 years ago A Concise HTTP Framework in Swift
RealReachability 3,090 almost 2 years ago We need to observe the REAL reachability of network. That's what RealReachability do
MonkeyKing 2,754 almost 2 years ago MonkeyKing helps you post messages to Chinese Social Networks
NetworkKit 30 over 6 years ago Lightweight Networking and Parsing framework made for iOS, Mac, WatchOS and tvOS
APIKit 1,996 3 months ago A networking library for building type safe web API client in Swift
ws ☁️ 353 over 4 years ago Elegant JSON WebService in Swift
SPTDataLoader 630 25 days ago The HTTP library used by the Spotify iOS client
SWNetworking 25 about 7 years ago Powerful high-level iOS, macOS and tvOS networking library
Networking 1,359 2 months ago Simple HTTP Networking in Swift a NSURLSession wrapper with image caching support
SOAPEngine 482 6 months ago This generic SOAP client allows you to access web services using a your iOS app, macOS app and AppleTV app
Swish 363 about 3 years ago Nothing but Net(working)
Malibu 11 about 6 years ago Malibu is a networking library built on promises
YTKNetwork 6,463 over 3 years ago YTKNetwork is a high level request util based on AFNetworking
UnboxedAlamofire 64 over 3 years ago Alamofire + Unbox: the easiest way to download and decode JSON into swift objects
MMLanScan 491 over 3 years ago An iOS LAN Network Scanner library
Domainer 6 about 8 years ago Manage multi-domain url auto mapping ip address table
Restofire 380 over 2 years ago Restofire is a protocol oriented network abstraction layer in swift that is built on top of Alamofire to use services in a declartive way
AFNetworking+RetryPolicy 214 about 2 years ago An objective-c category that adds the ability to set the retry logic for requests made with AFNetworking
SwiftyZeroMQ 62 over 5 years ago ZeroMQ Swift Bindings for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS
Nikka 30 over 6 years ago A super simple Networking wrapper that supports many JSON libraries, Futures and Rx
XMNetworking 979 over 1 year ago A lightweight but powerful network library with simplified and expressive syntax based on AFNetworking
Merhaba 72 over 1 year ago Bonjour networking for discovery and connection between iOS, macOS and tvOS devices
DBNetworkStack 35 3 months ago Resource-oritented networking which is typesafe, extendable, composeable and makes testing a lot easier
EFInternetIndicator 129 over 5 years ago A little swift Internet error status indicator using ReachabilitySwift
AFNetworking-Synchronous 162 almost 3 years ago Synchronous requests for AFNetworking 1.x, 2.x, and 3.x
QwikHttp 2 3 months ago a robust, yet lightweight and simple to use HTTP networking library designed for RESTful APIs
NetClient 122 about 6 years ago Versatile HTTP networking library written in Swift 3
WANetworkRouting 10 about 7 years ago An iOS library to route API paths to objects on client side with request, mapping, routing and auth layers
Reactor 184 about 6 years ago Powering your RAC architecture
SWNetworking 7 over 7 years ago Powerful high-level iOS, macOS and tvOS networking library. from the creator of SWNetworking
Digger 547 over 3 years ago Digger is a lightweight download framework that requires only one line of code to complete the file download task
Ciao 62 3 months ago Publish and discover services using mDNS(Bonjour, Zeroconf)
Bamboots 440 almost 4 years ago Bamboots is a network request framework based on Alamofire, aiming at making network request easier for business development
SolarNetwork 102 over 4 years ago Elegant network abstraction layer in Swift
FGRoute 149 9 days ago An easy-to-use library that helps developers to get wifi ssid, router and device ip addresses
RxRestClient 16 over 1 year ago Simple REST Client based on RxSwift and Alamofire
TermiNetwork 99 about 1 year ago A networking library written with Swift 4.0 that supports multi-environment configuration, routing and automatic deserialization
Dots 38 over 6 years ago Lightweight Concurrent Networking Framework
Gem 10 over 4 years ago An extreme light weight system with high performance for managing all http request with automated parser with modal
RMHttp 7 almost 4 years ago Lightweight REST library for iOS and watchOS
AlamoRecord 18 almost 4 years ago An elegant yet powerful iOS networking layer inspired by ActiveRecord
MHNetwork 19 almost 5 years ago Protocol Oriented Network Layer Aim to avoid having bloated singleton NetworkManager
ThunderRequest 16 about 1 month ago A simple URLSession wrapper with a generic protocol based request body approach and easy deserialisation of responses
ReactiveAPI 79 10 months ago Write clean, concise and declarative network code relying on URLSession, with the power of RxSwift. Inspired by Retrofit
Squid 71 over 2 years ago Declarative and reactive networking framework based on Combine and providing means for HTTP requests, transparent pagination, and WebSocket communication
Get 939 5 months ago A modern Swift web API client built using async/await


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Notifications / Push Notifications

Orbiter 672 over 3 years ago Push Notification Registration for iOS
PEM 39,473 7 days ago Automatically generate and renew your push notification profiles
Knuff 5,244 about 2 years ago The debug application for Apple Push Notification Service (APNS)
FBNotifications 493 over 5 years ago Facebook Analytics In-App Notifications Framework
NWPusher 6,301 over 3 years ago macOS and iOS application and framework to play with the Apple Push Notification service (APNs)
SimulatorRemoteNotifications 1,373 about 3 years ago Library to send mock remote notifications to the iOS simulator
APNSUtil 32 almost 5 years ago Library makes code simple settings and landing for apple push notification service

Notifications / Push Notification Providers

Urban Airship
Growth Push Popular in Japan
OneSignal Free
Pushkin 269 about 2 years ago Free and open-source
Pusher Free and unlimited

Objective-C Runtime

Lumos 153 8 months ago A light Swift wrapper around Objective-C Runtime
Swizzlean 111 almost 2 years ago An Objective-C Swizzle Helper Class


Unreachable 103 over 7 years ago Unreachable code path optimization hint for Swift
SmallStrings 121 11 months ago Reduce localized .strings file sizes by 80%

Parsing / CSV

CSwiftV 171 over 1 year ago A csv parser written in swift conforming to rfc4180
CSV.swift 652 6 days ago CSV reading and writing library written in Swift
CodableCSV 456 11 months ago Read and write CSV files row-by-row & field-by-field or through Swift's Codable interface

Parsing / JSON

SBJson 3,735 2 months ago This framework implements a strict JSON parser and generator in Objective-C
Mantle 11,324 almost 2 years ago Model framework for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch
Groot 534 almost 5 years ago Convert JSON dictionaries and arrays to and from Core Data managed objects
PropertyMapper 1,125 over 3 years ago Data mapping and validation with minimal amount of code
JSONModel 6,852 almost 3 years ago Magical Data Modeling Framework for JSON. Create rapidly powerful, atomic and smart data model classes
SwiftyJSON 22,624 about 2 months ago The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift
FastEasyMapping 551 almost 5 years ago Serialize & deserialize JSON fast
ObjectMapper 9,141 5 months ago A framework written in Swift that makes it easy for you to convert your Model objects (Classes and Structs) to and from JSON
JASON 1,012 over 3 years ago JSON parsing with outstanding performances and convenient operators
Gloss 1,624 over 3 years ago A shiny JSON parsing library in Swift
SwiftyJSONAccelerator 946 over 1 year ago Generate Swift 5 model files from JSON with Codeable support
alexander 36 over 5 years ago An extremely simple JSON helper written in Swift
Freddy 1,090 over 6 years ago A reusable framework for parsing JSON in Swift
mapper 1,175 5 months ago A JSON deserialization library for Swift
Alembic 116 about 6 years ago Functional JSON parsing, mapping to objects, and serialize to JSON
Arrow 🏹 387 11 days ago Elegant JSON Parsing in Swift
JSONExport 4,803 12 months ago JSONExport is a desktop application for macOS which enables you to export JSON objects as model classes with their associated constructors, utility methods, setters and getters in your favorite language
Elevate 615 about 2 years ago Elevate is a JSON parsing framework that leverages Swift to make parsing simple, reliable and composable
MJExtension 8,512 7 months ago A fast, convenient and nonintrusive conversion between JSON and model. Your model class don't need to extend another base class. You don't need to modify any model file
AlamofireObjectMapper 2,662 11 months ago An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using ObjectMapper
JAYSON 255 15 days ago Strict and Scalable JSON library
HandyJSON 4,232 7 months ago A handy swift JSON-object serialization/deserialization library for Swift
Marshal 699 about 1 year ago Marshaling the typeless wild west of [String: Any] (Protocol based)
Motis 252 over 7 years ago Easy JSON to NSObject mapping using Cocoa's key value coding (KVC)
NSTEasyJSON 12 over 6 years ago The easiest way to deal with JSON data in Objective-C (similar to SwiftyJSON)
Serpent 286 over 2 years ago A protocol to serialize Swift structs and classes for encoding and decoding
FlatBuffersSwift 571 over 5 years ago This project brings FlatBuffers (an efficient cross platform serialization library) to Swift
CodableAlamofire 740 about 3 years ago An extension for Alamofire that converts JSON data into Decodable objects (Swift 4)
WAMapping 8 about 7 years ago A library to turn dictionary into object and vice versa for iOS. Designed for speed!
Himotoki 795 about 5 years ago A type-safe JSON decoding library purely written in Swift
PMHTTP 503 over 3 years ago Swift/Obj-C HTTP framework with a focus on REST and JSON
NativeJSONMapper Simple Swift 4 encoding & decoding
PMJSON 360 over 3 years ago Pure Swift JSON encoding/decoding library Online Template driven Model Class Generator from JSON
Mappable 27 over 4 years ago lightweight and powerful JSON object mapping library, specially optimized for immutable properties

Parsing / XML & HTML

AEXML 1,012 9 months ago Simple and lightweight XML parser written in Swift
Ji 824 over 4 years ago XML/HTML parser for Swift
Ono 2,600 over 4 years ago A sensible way to deal with XML & HTML for iOS & macOS
Fuzi 1,071 3 months ago A fast & lightweight XML & HTML parser in Swift with XPath & CSS support
Kanna 2,415 5 months ago Kanna(鉋) is an XML/HTML parser for macOS/iOS
SwiftyXMLParser 578 over 1 year ago Simple XML Parser implemented in Swift
HTMLKit 239 about 1 year ago An Objective-C framework for your everyday HTML needs
SWXMLHash 1,399 8 days ago Simple XML parsing in Swift
SwiftyXML 103 almost 4 years ago The most swifty way to deal with XML data in swift 4
XMLCoder 796 8 months ago Encoder & Decoder for XML using Swift's protocols
ZMarkupParser 299 9 days ago Convert HTML strings into NSAttributedString with customized styles and tags

Parsing / Other Parsing

WKZombie 1,169 about 4 years ago WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/macOS to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. It can be used to run automated tests or manipulate websites using Javascript
URLPreview 200 about 4 years ago An NSURL extension for showing preview info of webpages
FeedKit 1,185 2 months ago An RSS and Atom feed parser written in Swift
Erik 595 about 2 years ago Erik is an headless browser based on WebKit. An headless browser allow to run functional tests, to access and manipulate webpages using javascript
URLEmbeddedView 650 over 4 years ago Automatically caches the object that is confirmed the Open Graph Protocol, and displays it as URL embedded card
SwiftCssParser 280 over 5 years ago A Powerful , Extensible CSS Parser written in pure Swift
RLPSwift 24 8 months ago Recursive Length Prefix encoding written in Swift
AcknowledgementsPlist 77 almost 5 years ago AcknowledgementsPlist manages the licenses of libraries that depend on your iOS app
CoreXLSX 824 6 months ago Excel spreadsheet (XLSX) format support in pure Swift
SVGView 621 3 months ago SVG parser and renderer written in SwiftUI
CreateAPI 411 about 2 months ago Delightful code generation for OpenAPI specs for Swift written in Swift
NetNewsWire 8,288 4 days ago It’s a free and open-source feed reader for macOS and iOS


passbook 235 over 1 year ago Passbook gem let's you create pkpass for passbook iOS 6+
Dubai 325 over 3 years ago Generate and Preview Passbook Passes
Passkit Design, Create and validate Passbook Passes


Caishen 766 almost 5 years ago A Payment Card UI & Validator for iOS
Stripe Payment integration on your app with PAY. Suitable for people with low knowledge on Backend
Braintree Free payment processing on your first $50k. Requires Backend
Venmo 178 about 5 years ago Make and accept payments in your iOS app via Venmo
Moltin Add eCommerce to your app with a simple SDK, so you can create a store and sell physical products, no backend required
PatronKit 363 about 7 years ago A framework to add patronage to your apps
SwiftyStoreKit 6,553 3 months ago Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+ and macOS 9.0+
InAppFramework 40 almost 6 years ago In App Purchase Manager framework for iOS
SwiftInAppPurchase 21 over 8 years ago Simply code In App Purchases with this Swift Framework
monza 162 over 1 year ago Ruby Gem for Rails - Easy iTunes In-App Purchase Receipt validation, including auto-renewable subscriptions
PayPal 974 over 5 years ago Accept payments in your iOS app via PayPal 2,293 over 6 years ago provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps
SwiftLuhn 135 9 months ago Debit/Credit card validation port of the Luhn Algorithm in Swift
ObjectiveLuhn 127 about 8 years ago Luhn Credit Card Validation Algorithm
RMStore 2,423 over 5 years ago A lightweight iOS library for In-App Purchases
MFCard 364 about 4 years ago Easily integrate Credit Card payments in iOS App / Customisable Card UI
TPInAppReceipt 632 5 months ago Reading and Validating In App Store Receipt
iCard 342 almost 6 years ago Bank Card Generator with Swift using SnapKit DSL
CreditCardForm-iOS 1,471 over 4 years ago CreditCardForm is iOS framework that allows developers to create the UI which replicates an actual Credit Card
merchantkit 1,109 4 months ago A modern In-App Purchases management framework for iOS
TipJarViewController 78 over 1 year ago Easy, drop-in tip jar for iOS apps
FramesIos 84 9 days ago Payment Form UI and Utilities in Swift
YRPayment 183 over 2 years ago Better payment user experience library with cool animation in Swift
AnimatedCardInput 38 over 4 years ago — Easy to use library with customisable components for input of Credit Card data


Proposer 855 almost 3 years ago Make permission request easier (Supports Camera, Photos, Microphone, Contacts, Location)
ISHPermissionKit 614 over 3 years ago A unified way for iOS apps to request user permissions
ClusterPrePermissions 1,202 about 7 years ago Reusable pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask users for access in their own dialog, before making the system-based request
Permission 2,905 about 2 years ago A unified API to ask for permissions on iOS
STLocationRequest 638 over 4 years ago A simple and elegant 3D-Flyover location request screen written Swift
PAPermissions 686 almost 4 years ago A unified API to ask for permissions on iOS
AREK 954 10 months ago AREK is a clean and easy to use wrapper over any kind of iOS permission
SPPermissions 5,632 8 days ago Ask permissions on Swift. Available List, Dialog & Native interface. Can check state permission


The Ray Wenderlich Podcast
App Story
Under the Radar
Core Intuition
Swift Playhouse
Release Notes
More Than Just Code
Swift Unwrapped
Fireside Swift
Swift by Sundell

Project setup

crafter 547 over 7 years ago CLI that allows you to configure iOS project's template using custom DSL syntax, simple to use and quite powerful
liftoff 1,603 over 4 years ago Another CLI for creating iOS projects
amaro 388 almost 7 years ago iOS Boilerplate full of delights
chairs 226 over 9 years ago Swap around your iOS Simulator Documents
SwiftPlate 1,772 over 5 years ago Easily generate cross platform Swift framework projects from the command line
xcproj 2,023 8 days ago Read and update Xcode projects
Tuist 4,530 3 days ago A tool to create, maintain and interact with Xcode projects at scale
SwiftKit 826 almost 2 years ago Start your next Open-Source Swift Framework
swift5-module-template 450 6 months ago A starting point for any Swift 5 module that you want other people to include in their projects

Project setup / Prototyping


Rapid Development

Playgrounds 2,631 about 2 years ago Playgrounds for Objective-C for extremely fast prototyping / learning
MMBarricade 351 about 7 years ago Runtime configurable local server for iOS apps
STV Framework Native visual iOS development
swiftmon 2 about 7 years ago swiftmon restarts your swift application in case of any file change
Model2App 137 over 5 years ago Turn your Swift data model into a working CRUD app

Reactive Programming

RxSwift 24,342 about 1 month ago Reactive Programming in Swift
RxOptional 8 over 8 years ago RxSwift extensions for Swift optionals and "Occupiable" types
ReactiveTask 132 almost 5 years ago Flexible, stream-based abstraction for launching processes
ReactiveCocoa 19,925 about 2 months ago Streams of values over time
RxMediaPicker 180 over 3 years ago A reactive wrapper built around UIImagePickerController
ReactiveCoreData 254 over 8 years ago ReactiveCoreData (RCD) is an attempt to bring Core Data into the ReactiveCocoa (RAC) world
ReSwift 7,540 6 months ago Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift - Inspired by Redux
ReactiveKit 1,238 over 1 year ago ReactiveKit is a collection of Swift frameworks for reactive and functional reactive programming
RxPermission 226 almost 7 years ago RxSwift bindings for Permissions API in iOS
RxAlamofire 1,619 6 months ago RxSwift wrapper around the elegant HTTP networking in Swift Alamofire
RxRealm 1,154 5 months ago Rx wrapper for Realm's collection types
RxMultipeer 69 almost 7 years ago A testable RxSwift wrapper around MultipeerConnectivity
RxBluetoothKit 1,408 7 months ago iOS & macOS Bluetooth library for RxSwift
RxGesture 1,373 about 2 years ago RxSwift reactive wrapper for view gestures
NSObject-Rx 643 about 2 years ago Handy RxSwift extensions on NSObject, including rx_disposeBag
RxCoreData 165 over 3 years ago RxSwift extensions for Core Data
RxAutomaton 715 almost 3 years ago RxSwift + State Machine, inspired by Redux and Elm
ReactiveArray 53 over 1 year ago An array class implemented in Swift that can be observed using ReactiveCocoa's Signals
Interstellar 1,080 over 5 years ago Simple and lightweight Functional Reactive Coding in Swift for the rest of us
ReduxSwift 39 about 8 years ago Predictable state container for Swift apps too
Aftermath 71 over 7 years ago Stateless message-driven micro-framework in Swift
RxKeyboard 1,604 11 months ago Reactive Keyboard in iOS
JASONETTE-iOS 5,263 over 2 years ago Native App over HTTP. Create your own native iOS app with nothing but JSON
ReactiveSwift 3,005 7 months ago Streams of values over time by ReactiveCocoa group
Listenable 10 over 6 years ago Swift object that provides an observable platform
Reactor 176 over 4 years ago Unidirectional Data Flow using idiomatic Swift—inspired by Elm and Redux
Snail 179 about 2 years ago An observables framework for Swift
RxWebSocket 55 almost 2 years ago Reactive extension over Starscream for websockets
ACKReactiveExtensions 17 6 months ago Useful extensions for ReactiveCocoa
ReactiveLocation 24 over 1 year ago CoreLocation made reactive
Hanson 519 almost 3 years ago Lightweight observations and bindings in Swift, with support for KVO and NotificationCenter
Observable 371 almost 4 years ago The easiest way to observe values in Swift
SimpleApiClient 67 almost 7 years ago A configurable api client based on Alamofire4 and RxSwift4 for iOS
VueFlux 332 over 5 years ago Unidirectional Data Flow State Management Architecture for Swift - Inspired by Vuex and Flux
RxAnimated 687 about 3 years ago Animated RxCocoa bindings
BindKit 13 about 2 months ago Two-way data binding framework for iOS. Only one API to learn
STDevRxExt 7 over 3 years ago STDevRxExt contains some extension functions for RxSwift and RxCocoa which makes our live easy
RxReduce 125 over 5 years ago Lightweight framework that ease the implementation of a state container pattern in a Reactive Programming compliant way
RxCoordinator 2,242 over 1 year ago Powerful navigation library for iOS based on the coordinator pattern
RxAlamoRecord 9 about 4 years ago Combines the power of the AlamoRecord and RxSwift libraries to create a networking layer that makes interacting with API's easier than ever reactively
CwlSignal 304 about 3 years ago A Swift framework for reactive programming
LightweightObservable 135 about 2 years ago A lightweight implementation of an observable sequence that you can subscribe to
Bindy 25 almost 3 years ago Simple, lightweight swift bindings with KVO support and easy to read syntax
OpenCombine 2,699 8 months ago — Open source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for processing values over time
OneWay 76 7 days ago A Swift library for state management with unidirectional data flow
Verge 641 16 days ago Verge is a faster and scalable state management library for UIKit and SwiftUI

Reactive Programming / React-Like

Render 2,161 almost 5 years ago Swift and UIKit a la React
Katana 2,253 almost 2 years ago Swift apps a la React and Redux
TemplateKit 162 almost 8 years ago React-inspired framework for building component-based user interfaces in Swift
CoreEvents 6 over 2 years ago Simple library with C#-like events
Tokamak 2,585 7 months ago React-like framework providing a declarative API for building native UI components with easy to use one-way data binding


Swift Cheat Sheet 995 almost 7 years ago A quick reference cheat sheet for common, high level topics in Swift
Objective-C Cheat Sheet 1,340 almost 5 years ago A quick reference cheat sheet for common, high level topics in Objective-C
SwiftSnippets 164 over 4 years ago A collection of Swift snippets to be used in Xcode
App Store Checklist 33 about 6 years ago A checklist of what to look for before submitting your app to the App Store
whats-new-in-swift-4 1,828 over 6 years ago An Xcode playground showcasing the new features in Swift 4.0
WWDC-Recap A collection of session summaries in markdown format, from WWDC 19 & 17
Awesome-ios A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem


Reflection 599 over 3 years ago Reflection provides an API for advanced reflection at runtime including dynamic construction of types
Reflect 307 over 7 years ago Reflection, Dict2Model, Model2Dict, Archive
EVReflection 966 over 4 years ago Reflection based JSON encoding and decoding. Including support for NSDictionary, NSCoding, Printable, Hashable and Equatable
JSONNeverDie 450 over 6 years ago Auto reflection tool from JSON to Model, user friendly JSON encoder / decoder, aims to never die
SwiftKVC 134 over 6 years ago Key-Value Coding (KVC) for native Swift classes and structs
Runtime 1,077 4 months ago A Swift Runtime library for viewing type info, and the dynamic getting and setting of properties


Regex 612 over 3 years ago A Swift µframework providing an NSRegularExpression-backed Regex type
SwiftRegex 112 over 7 years ago Perl-like Regex =~ operator for Swift
PySwiftyRegex 230 about 5 years ago Easily deal with Regex in Swift in a Pythonic way
Regex 331 over 5 years ago Regular expressions for swift
Regex 67 over 7 years ago Regex class for Swift. Wraps NSRegularExpression
sindresorhus/Regex 330 over 2 years ago Swifty regular expressions, fully tested & documented, and with correct Unicode handling

SDK / Official

Spotify 659 about 2 months ago Spotify iOS SDK
SpotifyLogin 348 over 3 years ago Spotify SDK Login in Swift
Facebook 7,782 4 days ago Facebook iOS SDK
Google Analytics Google Analytics SDK for iOS
Paypal iOS SDK 974 over 5 years ago The PayPal Mobile SDKs enable native apps to easily accept PayPal and credit card payments
Pocket 229 over 3 years ago SDK for saving stuff to Pocket
Tumblr 432 6 months ago Library for easily integrating Tumblr data into your iOS or macOS application
Evernote 258 about 1 month ago Evernote SDK for iOS
Box 122 3 months ago iOS + macOS SDK for the Box API
OneDrive 101 over 2 years ago Live SDK for iOS
Stripe 2,094 3 days ago Stripe bindings for iOS and macOS
AWS 1,676 8 days ago Amazon Web Services Mobile SDK for iOS
Zendesk 116 over 4 years ago Zendesk Mobile SDK for iOS
Dropbox SDKs for Drop-ins and Dropbox Core API
Firebase Mobile (and web) application development platform
ResearchKit 5,606 about 2 months ago ResearchKit is an open source software framework that makes it easy to create apps for medical research or for other research projects
Primer Easy SDK for creating personalized landing screens, signup, and login flows on a visual editor with built in a/b/n testing and analytics
Azure 82 over 1 year ago Client library for accessing Azure Storage on an iOS device
1Password 2,581 about 3 years ago 1Password Extension for iOS Apps
CareKit 2,406 about 2 months ago CareKit is an open source software framework for creating apps that help people better understand and manage their health. By Apple
Shopify 452 3 months ago Shopify’s Mobile Buy SDK makes it simple to sell physical products inside your mobile app
Pinterest Pinterest iOS SDK
playkit-ios 86 4 days ago PlayKit: Kaltura Player SDK for iOS
algoliasearch-client-swift 205 4 days ago Algolia Search API Client for Swift
twitter-kit-ios 690 over 5 years ago Twitter Kit is a native SDK to include Twitter content inside mobile apps
rides-ios-sdk 375 10 days ago Uber Rides iOS SDK (beta)
Apphud 202 12 days ago A complete solution to integrate auto-renewable subscriptions and regular in-app purchases in 30 minutes with no server code required
Adapty 368 5 days ago Integrate in-app subscriptions and a/b testing for them with 3 lines of code

SDK / Unofficial

STTwitter 999 almost 2 years ago A stable, mature and comprehensive Objective-C library for Twitter REST API 1.1
FHSTwitterEngine 213 over 7 years ago Twitter API for Cocoa developers
Giphy 51 over 7 years ago Giphy API client for iOS in Objective-C
UberKit 94 over 8 years ago A simple, easy-to-use Objective-C wrapper for the Uber API
InstagramKit 970 over 4 years ago Instagram iOS SDK
DribbbleSDK 73 over 8 years ago Dribbble iOS SDK
objectiveflickr 751 almost 9 years ago ObjectiveFlickr, a Flickr API framework for Objective-C
Easy Social 124 over 4 years ago Twitter & Facebook Integration
das-quadrat 171 over 5 years ago A Swift wrapper for Foursquare API. iOS and macOS
SocialLib 13 over 8 years ago SocialLib handles sharing message to multiple social media
PokemonKit 105 about 4 years ago Pokeapi wrapper, written in Swift
TJDropbox 62 2 months ago A Dropbox v2 client library written in Objective-C
GitHub.swift 188 over 4 years ago Unofficial GitHub API client in Swift
CloudRail SI Abstraction layer / unified API for multiple API providers. Interfaces eg for Cloud Storage (Dropbox, Google, ...), Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, ...) and more
Medium SDK - Swift 11 over 7 years ago Unofficial Medium API SDK in Swift with sample project
Swifter 2,374 over 2 years ago A Twitter framework for iOS & macOS written in Swift
SlackKit 1,021 almost 2 years ago a Slack client library for iOS and macOS written in Swift
RandomUserSwift 96 over 3 years ago Swift Framework to Generate Random Users - An Unofficial SDK for
PPEventRegistryAPI 8 almost 8 years ago Swift 3 Framework for Event Registry API (
UnsplashKit 191 over 1 year ago Swift client for Unsplash
Swiftly Salesforce 135 5 months ago An easy-to-use framework for building iOS apps that integrate with Salesforce, using Swift and promises
Spartan 110 almost 4 years ago An Elegant Spotify Web API Library Written in Swift for iOS and macOS
BigBoard 67 almost 5 years ago An Elegant Financial Markets Library Written in Swift that makes requests to Yahoo Finance API's under the hood
BittrexApiKit 8 almost 7 years ago Simple and complete Swift wrapper for Bittrex Exchange API
SwiftyVK 255 about 1 year ago Library for easy interact with VK social network API written in Swift
ARKKit 19 almost 7 years ago ARK Ecosystem Cryptocurrency API Framework for iOS & macOS, written purely in Swift 4.0
SwiftInstagram 578 almost 6 years ago Swift Client for Instagram API
SwiftyArk 8 over 6 years ago A simple, lightweight, fully-asynchronous cryptocurrency framework for the ARK Ecosystem
PerfectSlackAPIClient 2 over 5 years ago A Slack API Client for the Perfect Server-Side Swift Framework
Mothership 75 over 6 years ago Tunes Connect Library inspired by FastLane
SwiftFlyer 40 over 5 years ago An API wrapper for bitFlyer that supports all providing API
waterwheel.swift 411 over 6 years ago The Waterwheel Swift SDK provides classes to natively connect iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS applications to Drupal 7 and 8
ForecastIO 159 about 5 years ago A Swift library for the Dark Sky API
JamfKit 41 over 5 years ago A JSS communication framework written in Swift


cocoapods-keys 1,552 about 1 year ago A key value store for storing environment and application keys
simple-touch 121 almost 8 years ago Very simple swift wrapper for Biometric Authentication Services (Touch ID) on iOS
SwiftPasscodeLock 681 over 4 years ago An iOS passcode lock with TouchID authentication written in Swift
Smile-Lock 605 almost 2 years ago A library for make a beautiful Passcode Lock View
zxcvbn-ios 223 12 months ago A realistic password strength estimator
TPObfuscatedString 20 about 6 years ago Simple String obfuscation using core Swift
LTHPasscodeViewController 615 6 months ago An iOS passcode lockscreen replica (from Settings), with TouchID and simple (variable length) / complex support
iOS-App-Security-Class Simple class to check if iOS app has been cracked, being debugged or enriched with custom dylib and as well detect jailbroken environment
BiometricAuth 27 about 7 years ago Simple framework for biometric authentication (via TouchID) in your application
SAPinViewController 21 almost 6 years ago Simple and easy to use default iOS PIN screen. This simple library allows you to draw a fully customisable PIN screen same as the iOS default PIN view. My inspiration to create this library was form THPinViewController, however SAPinViewController is completely implemented in Swift. Also the main purpose of creating this library was to have simple, easy to use and fully customisable PIN screen
TOPasscodeViewController 387 11 months ago A modal passcode input and validation view controller for iOS
BiometricAuthentication 832 about 3 years ago Use Apple FaceID or TouchID authentication in your app using BiometricAuthentication
KKPinCodeTextField 65 over 1 year ago A customizable verification code textField for phone verification codes, passwords etc
Virgil SWIFT PFS SDK 3 over 5 years ago An SDK that allows developers to add the Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) technologies to their digital solutions to protect previously intercepted traffic from being decrypted even if the main Private Key is compromised
Virgil Security Objective-C/Swift SDK 27 about 1 year ago An SDK which allows developers to add full end-to-end security to their existing digital solutions to become HIPAA and GDPR compliant and more using Virgil API
Vault Safe place for your encryption keys
SecurePropertyStorage 473 11 days ago Helps you define secure storages for your properties using Swift property wrappers

Security / Encryption

AESCrypt-ObjC 777 over 8 years ago A simple and opinionated AES encrypt / decrypt Objective-C class that just works
IDZSwiftCommonCrypto 478 11 months ago A wrapper for Apple's Common Crypto library written in Swift
Arcane 284 over 3 years ago Lightweight wrapper around CommonCrypto in Swift
SwiftMD5 12 4 months ago A pure Swift implementation of MD5
SwiftHash 217 10 months ago Hash in Swift
SweetHMAC 38 almost 8 years ago A tiny and easy to use Swift class to encrypt strings using HMAC algorithms
SwCrypt 719 3 months ago RSA public/private key generation, RSA, AES encryption/decryption, RSA sign/verify in Swift with CommonCrypto in iOS and macOS
SwiftSSL An Elegant crypto toolkit in Swift
SwiftyRSA 1,274 4 months ago RSA public/private key encryption in Swift
EnigmaKit 117 over 5 years ago Enigma encryption in Swift
Themis 1,859 23 days ago High-level crypto library, providing basic asymmetric encryption, secure messaging with forward secrecy and secure data storage, supports iOS/macOS, Android and different server side platforms
Obfuscator-iOS 646 over 3 years ago Secure your app by obfuscating all the hard-coded security-sensitive strings
swift-sodium 518 2 months ago Safe and easy to use crypto for iOS
CryptoSwift 10,153 about 1 month ago Crypto related functions and helpers for Swift implemented in Swift programming language
SCrypto 38 over 4 years ago Elegant Swift interface to access the CommonCrypto routines
SipHash 263 over 2 years ago Simple and secure hashing in Swift with the SipHash algorithm
RNCryptor 3,354 8 months ago CCCryptor (AES encryption) wrappers for iOS and Mac in Swift. -- For ObjC, see RNCryptor/RNCryptor-objc
CatCrypto 69 about 1 year ago An easy way for hashing and encryption
SecureEnclaveCrypto 279 over 3 years ago Demonstration library for using the Secure Enclave on iOS
RSASwiftGenerator 21 over 4 years ago Util for generation RSA keys on your client and save to keychain or cover into Data
Virgil Security Objective-C/Swift Crypto Library 34 about 1 year ago A high-level cryptographic library that allows to perform all necessary operations for securely storing and transferring data
JOSESwift 200 5 days ago A framework for the JOSE standards JWS, JWE, and JWK written in Swift

Security / Keychain

UICKeyChainStore 3,085 12 months ago UICKeyChainStore is a simple wrapper for Keychain on iOS
Valet 3,989 about 1 month ago Securely store data in the iOS or macOS Keychain without knowing a thing about how the Keychain works
Locksmith 2,916 7 months ago A powerful, protocol-oriented library for working with the keychain in Swift
KeychainAccess 7,931 4 months ago Simple Swift wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS and macOS
Keychains 75 over 5 years ago Because you should care... about the security... of your shit
Lockbox 848 over 1 year ago Objective-C utility class for storing data securely in the key chain
SAMKeychain 5,402 about 4 years ago Simple Objective-C wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS
SwiftKeychainWrapper 1,591 over 1 year ago A simple wrapper for the iOS Keychain to allow you to use it in a similar fashion to User Defaults
SwiftyKeychainKit 24 23 days ago Keychain wrapper with the benefits of static typing and convenient syntax, support for primitive types, Codable, NSCoding


Perfect 13,839 8 months ago Server-side Swift. The Perfect library, application server, connectors and example apps
Swifter 3,893 7 months ago Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language
CocoaHTTPServer 5,602 12 months ago A small, lightweight, embeddable HTTP server for macOS or iOS applications
Curassow 398 over 5 years ago Swift HTTP server using the pre-fork worker model
Zewo 1,854 over 4 years ago Lightweight library for web server applications in Swift on macOS and Linux powered by coroutines
Vapor 24,403 26 days ago Elegant web framework for Swift that works on iOS, macOS, and Ubuntu
swiftra 262 over 8 years ago Sinatra-like DSL for developing web apps in Swift
blackfire 904 almost 3 years ago A fast HTTP web server based on Node.js and Express written in Swift
swift-http 449 almost 6 years ago HTTP Implementation for Swift on Linux and macOS
Trevi 46 over 8 years ago libuv base Swift web HTTP server framework
Express 848 almost 6 years ago Swift Express is a simple, yet unopinionated web application server written in Swift
Taylor 926 about 8 years ago A lightweight library for writing HTTP web servers with Swift
Frank 373 over 5 years ago Frank is a DSL for quickly writing web applications in Swift
Kitura 7,629 almost 2 years ago A Swift Web Framework and HTTP Server
Swifton 1,971 over 7 years ago A Ruby on Rails inspired Web Framework for Swift that runs on Linux and macOS
Dynamo High Performance (nearly)100% Swift Web server supporting dynamic content
Redis 459 4 months ago Pure-Swift Redis client implemented from the original protocol spec. macOS + Linux compatible
NetworkObjects 259 about 1 year ago Swift backend / server framework (Pure Swift, Supports Linux) Evented I/O streams a.k.a. Node.js for Swift
Lightning 312 almost 7 years ago A Swift Multiplatform Web and Networking Framework
SwiftGD 454 16 days ago A simple Swift wrapper for libgd
Jobs 294 about 4 years ago A job system for Swift backends
ApacheExpress 173 over 2 years ago Write Apache Modules in Swift!
GCDWebServer 6,503 about 2 years ago Lightweight GCD based HTTP server for macOS & iOS (includes web based uploader & WebDAV server)
Embassy 599 8 months ago Super lightweight async HTTP server library in pure Swift runs in iOS / MacOS / Linux
smoke-framework 1,443 2 months ago A light-weight server-side service framework written in the Swift programming language

Style Guides

NY Times - Objective C Style Guide 5,850 over 1 year ago The Objective-C Style Guide used by The New York Times
raywenderlich Style Guide 3,099 about 7 years ago A style guide that outlines the coding conventions for
GitHub Objective-C Style Guide 1,676 almost 7 years ago Style guide & coding conventions for Objective-C projects
Objective-C Coding Convention and Best Practices Gist with coding conventions
Swift Style Guide by @raywenderlich 13,091 8 months ago The official Swift style guide for
Spotify Objective-C Coding Style 242 about 4 years ago Guidelines for iOS development in use at Spotify
GitHub - Style guide & coding conventions for Swift projects 4,774 almost 7 years ago A guide to our Swift style and conventions by @github
Futurice iOS Good Practices 10,843 5 months ago iOS starting guide and good practices suggestions by
SlideShare Swift Style Guide 95 over 8 years ago SlideShare Swift Style Guide we are using for our upcoming iOS 8 only app written in Swift
Prolific Interactive Style Guide 175 over 7 years ago A style guide for Swift
Swift Style Guide by LinkedIn 1,434 about 4 years ago LinkedIn's Official Swift Style Guide

Testing / TDD / BDD

Kiwi 4,140 about 1 year ago A behavior-driven development library for iOS development
Specta 2,326 over 2 years ago A light-weight TDD / BDD framework for Objective-C & Cocoa
Quick 9,790 27 days ago A behavior-driven development framework for Swift and Objective-C
XcodeCoverage 857 almost 2 years ago Code coverage for Xcode projects
OHHTTPStubs 5,036 5 months ago Stub your network requests easily! Test your apps with fake network data and custom response time, response code and headers!
Dixie 192 almost 9 years ago Dixie is an open source Objective-C testing framework for altering object behaviours
gh-unit 1,861 about 8 years ago Test Framework for Objective-C
Nimble 4,805 12 days ago A Matcher Framework for Swift and Objective-C
Sleipnir 845 over 8 years ago BDD-style framework for Swift
SwiftCheck 1,417 over 2 years ago QuickCheck for Swift
Spry 326 almost 7 years ago A Mac and iOS Playgrounds Unit Testing library based on Nimble
swift-corelibs-xctest 1,146 9 days ago The XCTest Project, A Swift core library for providing unit test support
PlaygroundTDD 316 over 5 years ago Small library to easily run your tests directly within a Playground

Testing / A/B Testing

Switchboard 286 over 6 years ago Switchboard - easy and super light weight A/B testing for your mobile iPhone or android app. This mobile A/B testing framework allows you with minimal servers to run large amounts of mobile users
SkyLab 790 over 3 years ago Multivariate & A/B Testing for iOS and Mac
MSActiveConfig 79 about 11 years ago Remote configuration and A/B Testing framework for iOS
ABKit 112 almost 7 years ago AB testing framework for iOS

Testing / UI Testing

appium Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native and hybrid mobile apps
robotframework-appiumlibrary 400 about 2 months ago AppiumLibrary is an appium testing library for RobotFramework
Cucumber Behavior driver development for iOS
Kif 6,206 9 days ago An iOS Functional Testing Framework
Subliminal 756 almost 9 years ago An understated approach to iOS integration testing
ios-driver Test any iOS native, hybrid, or mobile web application using Selenium / WebDriver
Remote 854 about 2 years ago Control your iPhone from inside Xcode for end-to-end testing
LayoutTest-iOS 564 5 months ago Write unit tests which test the layout of a view in multiple configurations
EarlGrey 5,613 8 days ago iOS UI Automation Test Framework
UI Testing Cheat Sheet 2,169 over 4 years ago How do I test this with UI Testing?
Bluepill 3,188 about 2 months ago Bluepill is a reliable iOS testing tool that runs UI tests using multiple simulators on a single machine
Flawless App tool for visual quality check of mobile app in a real-time. It compares initial design with the actual implementation right inside iOS simulator
TouchVisualizer 862 over 2 years ago Lightweight touch visualization library in Swift. A single line of code and visualize your touches!
UITestHelper 56 over 5 years ago UITest helper library for creating readable and maintainable tests
ViewInspector 2,160 18 days ago Runtime inspection and unit testing of SwiftUI views
AutoMate 286 11 months ago XCTest extensions for writing UI automation tests
Marathon Runner 577 6 days ago Fast, platform-independent test runner focused on performance and stability execute tests

Testing / Other Testing

ETTrace 538 9 days ago Locally measure performance of your app, without Xcode or Instruments
NaughtyKeyboard 588 about 9 years ago The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data. This is a keyboard to help you test your app from your iOS device
Fakery 1,792 over 1 year ago Swift fake data generator
DVR 649 6 months ago Network testing for Swift
Cuckoo 1,671 14 days ago First boilerplate-free mocking framework for Swift
Vinyl 269 over 4 years ago Network testing à la VCR in Swift
Mockit 120 over 5 years ago A simple mocking framework for Swift, inspired by the famous Mockito for Java
Cribble 266 over 6 years ago Swifty tool for visual testing iPhone and iPad apps
second_curtain 130 almost 9 years ago Upload failing iOS snapshot tests cases to S3
trainer 248 over 2 years ago Convert xcodebuild plist files to JUnit reports
Buildasaur 772 over 7 years ago Automatic testing of your Pull Requests on GitHub and BitBucket using Xcode Server. Keep your team productive and safe. Get up and running in minutes
Kakapo 760 almost 6 years ago Dynamically Mock server behaviors and responses in Swift
AcceptanceMark 65 over 5 years ago Tool to auto-generate Xcode tests classes from Markdown tables
MetovaTestKit 23 over 3 years ago A collection of testing utilities to turn crashing test suites into failing test suites
MirrorDiffKit 184 4 months ago Pretty diff between any structs or classes
SnappyTestCase 15 over 6 years ago iOS Simulator type agnostic snapshot testing, built on top of the FBSnapshotTestCase
XCTestExtensions 22 over 2 years ago XCTestExtensions is a Swift extension that provides convenient assertions for writing Unit Test
OCMock Mock objects for Objective-C
Mockingjay 1,489 12 months ago An elegant library for stubbing HTTP requests with ease in Swift
PinpointKit 1,135 over 2 years ago Let your testers and users send feedback with annotated screenshots and logs using a simple gesture
iOS Snapshot Test Case 1,789 8 months ago — Snapshot test your UIViews and CALayers on iOS and tvOS
DataFixture 3 almost 2 years ago Creation of data model easily, with no headache
SnapshotTesting 3,759 23 days ago Delightful Swift snapshot testing
Mockingbird 197 2 months ago Simplify software testing, by easily mocking any system using HTTP/HTTPS, allowing a team to test and develop against a service that is not complete, unstable or just to reproduce planned cases


Twitter Text Obj 3,072 5 months ago An Objective-C implementation of Twitter's text processing library
Nimbus 6,446 5 months ago Nimbus is a toolkit for experienced iOS software designers
NSStringEmojize 637 over 7 years ago A category on NSString to convert Emoji Cheat Sheet codes to their equivalent Unicode characters
MMMarkdown 1,247 almost 4 years ago An Objective-C static library for converting Markdown to HTML
DTCoreText 6,342 24 days ago Methods to allow using HTML code with CoreText
DTRichTextEditor 354 6 months ago A rich-text editor for iOS
NBEmojiSearchView 84 over 9 years ago A searchable emoji dropdown view
Pluralize.swift 199 almost 2 years ago Great Swift String Pluralize Extension
RichEditorView 1,895 10 months ago RichEditorView is a simple, modular, drop-in UIView subclass for Rich Text Editing
Money 933 over 6 years ago Swift value types for working with money & currency
PhoneNumberKit 5,119 6 days ago A Swift framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber
YYText 8,849 3 months ago Powerful text framework for iOS to display and edit rich text
Format 1,178 about 6 years ago A Swift Formatter Kit
Tribute 64 over 2 years ago Programmatic creation of NSAttributedString doesn't have to be a pain
EmojiKit 94 over 5 years ago Effortless emoji-querying in Swift
Roman 36 almost 7 years ago Seamless Roman numeral conversion in Swift
ZSSRichTextEditor 3,781 about 3 years ago A beautiful rich text WYSIWYG editor for iOS with a syntax highlighted source view
pangu.Objective-C 112 over 7 years ago Paranoid text spacing in Objective-C
SwiftString 1,622 over 7 years ago A comprehensive, lightweight string extension for Swift
Marklight 638 almost 6 years ago Markdown syntax highlighter for iOS
MarkdownTextView 687 over 7 years ago Rich Markdown editing control for iOS
TextAttributes 2,193 almost 5 years ago An easier way to compose attributed strings
Reductio 461 almost 3 years ago Automatic summarizer text in Swift
SmarkDown 68 over 8 years ago A Pure Swift implementation of the markdown mark-up language
SwiftyMarkdown 1,636 about 2 months ago Converts Markdown files and strings into NSAttributedString
SZMentions 11 almost 8 years ago Library to help handle mentions
SZMentionsSwift 121 over 3 years ago Library to help handle mentions
Heimdall 402 about 4 years ago Heimdall is a wrapper around the Security framework for simple encryption/decryption operations
NoOptionalInterpolation 51 almost 7 years ago Get rid of "Optional(...)" and "nil" in string interpolation. Easy pluralization
Smile 519 almost 3 years ago Emoji in Swift
ISO8601 21 over 4 years ago Super lightweight ISO8601 Date Formatter in Swift
Translucid 552 almost 7 years ago Lightweight library to set an Image as text background
FormatterKit 12 about 5 years ago for the sophisticated hacker set
BonMot 3,544 3 months ago Beautiful, easy attributed strings in Swift
SwiftValidators 240 over 2 years ago String validation for iOS developed in Swift. Inspired by
StringStylizer 73 over 2 years ago Type strict builder class for NSAttributedString
SwiftyAttributes 1,635 9 months ago Swift extensions that make it a breeze to work with attributed strings
MarkdownKit 781 2 months ago A simple and customizable Markdown Parser for Swift
CocoaMarkdown 1,201 almost 5 years ago Markdown parsing and rendering for iOS and macOS
Notepad 877 almost 3 years ago A fully themeable markdown editor with live syntax highlighting
KKStringValidator 17 almost 8 years ago Fast and simple string validation for iOS. With UITextField extension
ISO8859 18 almost 3 years ago Convert ISO8859 1-16 Encoded Text to String in Swift. Supports iOS, tvOS, watchOS and macOS
Emojica 106 about 1 year ago Replace standard emoji in strings with a custom emoji set, such as or
SwiftRichString 3,120 about 1 year ago Elegant & Painless Attributed Strings Management Library in Swift
libPhoneNumber-iOS 2,357 about 1 month ago iOS port from libphonenumber (Google's phone number handling library)
AttributedTextView 441 12 months ago Easiest way to create an attributed UITextView with support for multiple links (including hashtags and mentions)
StyleDecorator 15 almost 5 years ago Design string simply by linking attributes to needed parts
Mustard 690 over 6 years ago Mustard is a Swift library for tokenizing strings when splitting by whitespace doesn't cut it
Input Mask 575 about 2 months ago Pattern-based user input formatter, parser and validator for iOS
Attributed 754 over 1 year ago Modern Swift µframework for attributed strings
Atributika 1,430 4 months ago Easily build NSAttributedString by detecting and styling HTML-like tags, hashtags, mentions, RegExp or NSDataDetector patterns
Guitar 658 4 months ago A Cross-Platform String Library Written in Swift
RealTimeCurrencyFormatter 14 over 7 years ago An ObjC international currency formatting utility
Down 2,245 about 1 year ago Blazing fast Markdown rendering in Swift, built upon cmark
Marky Mark 300 over 1 year ago Highly customizable Markdown parsing and native rendering in Swift
MarkdownView 1,982 7 months ago Markdown View for iOS
Highlighter 933 over 3 years ago Highlight whatever you want! Highlighter will magically find UI objects such as UILabel, UITextView, UITexTfield, UIButton in your UITableViewCell or other Class
Sprinter 166 over 6 years ago A library for formatting strings on iOS and macOS
Highlightr 1,658 2 months ago An iOS & macOS syntax highlighter, supports 176 languages and comes with 79 styles
fuse-swift 932 over 2 years ago A lightweight fuzzy-search library, with zero dependencies
EFMarkdown 377 over 5 years ago A lightweight Markdown library for iOS
Croc 129 over 5 years ago A lightweight Swift library for Emoji parsing and querying
PostalCodeValidator 208 almost 4 years ago A validator for postal codes with support for 200+ regions
CodeMirror Swift 103 over 2 years ago A lightweight wrapper of CodeMirror for macOS and iOS. Support Syntax Highlighting & Themes
TwitterTextEditor 2,977 over 1 year ago A standalone, flexible API that provides a full featured rich text editor for iOS applications
AztecEditor-iOS 612 about 2 months ago Aztec is a Swift library that provides a subclass with HTML visual-editing capabilities. The plugin API supports customization HTML conversion from/to HTML for compatibility with your needs

Text / Font

FontBlaster 1,160 about 1 month ago Programmatically load custom fonts into your iOS app
GoogleMaterialIconFont 145 about 8 years ago Google Material Design Icons for Swift and ObjC project
ios-fontawesome 1,742 over 7 years ago NSString+FontAwesome
FontAwesome.swift 1,574 over 1 year ago Use FontAwesome in your Swift projects
SwiftFontName 114 over 5 years ago OS font complements library. Localized font supported
SwiftIconFont 1,165 about 2 years ago Icons fonts for iOS (FontAwesome, Iconic, Ionicon, Octicon, Themify, MapIcon, MaterialIcon)
FontAwesomeKit 2,806 over 3 years ago Icon font library for iOS. Currently supports Font-Awesome, Foundation icons, Zocial, and ionicons
Iconic 1,577 over 2 years ago Auto-generated icon font library for iOS, watchOS and tvOS
GoogleMaterialDesignIcons 366 about 6 years ago Google Material Design Icons Font for iOS
OcticonsKit 54 over 6 years ago Use Octicons as UIImage / UIFont in your projects with Swifty manners
IoniconsKit 312 about 2 years ago Use Ionicons as UIImage / UIFont in your projects with Swifty manners
FontAwesomeKit.Swift 191 over 5 years ago A better choice for iOS Developer to use FontAwesome Icon
UIFontComplete 1,330 11 months ago Font management (System & Custom) for iOS and tvOS
Swicon 37 about 4 years ago Use 1600+ icons (and more!) from FontAwesome and Google Material Icons in your swift/iOS project in an easy and space-efficient way!
SwiftIcons 803 11 months ago A library for using different font icons: dripicons, emoji, font awesome, icofont, ionicons, linear icons, map icons, material icons, open iconic, state, weather. It supports UIImage, UIImageView, UILabel, UIButton, UISegmentedControl, UITabBarItem, UISlider, UIBarButtonItem, UIViewController, UITextfield, UIStepper
Font-Awesome-Swift 743 about 4 years ago Font Awesome swift library for iOS
JQSwiftIcon 6 almost 6 years ago Icon Fonts on iOS using string interpolation written in Swift
Money 915 about 1 year ago A precise, type-safe representation of a monetary amount in a given currency


Motif 878 about 4 years ago A lightweight and customizable JSON stylesheet framework for iOS
Texture 8,003 8 days ago Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps
GaugeKit 1,025 over 2 years ago Customizable gauges. Easy reproduce Apple's style gauges
iCarousel 11,999 3 months ago A simple, highly customisable, data-driven 3D carousel for iOS and Mac OS
HorizontalDial 212 over 5 years ago A horizontal scroll dial like Instagram
ComponentKit A React-Inspired View Framework for iOS, by Facebook
RKNotificationHub 3,040 almost 6 years ago Make any UIView a full fledged notification center
phone-number-picker 140 over 6 years ago A simple and easy to use view controller enabling you to enter a phone number with a country code similar to WhatsApp written in Swift
BEMCheckBox 2,629 about 1 year ago Tasteful Checkbox for iOS
MPParallaxView 1,741 over 6 years ago Apple TV Parallax effect in Swift
Splitflap 1,080 12 months ago A simple split-flap display for your Swift applications
EZSwipeController 843 almost 4 years ago UIPageViewController like Snapchat/Tinder/iOS Main Pages
Curry 49 about 1 year ago Curry is a framework built to enhance and compliment Foundation and UIKit
Pages 496 over 2 years ago UIPageViewController made simple
BAFluidView 1,394 over 4 years ago UIView that simulates a 2D view of a fluid in motion
WZDraggableSwitchHeaderView 558 almost 8 years ago Showing status for switching between viewControllers
SCTrelloNavigation 800 almost 8 years ago An iOS native implementation of a Trello Animated Navagation
Spots 19 over 6 years ago Spots is a view controller framework that makes your setup and future development blazingly fast
AZExpandableIconListView 289 almost 5 years ago An expandable/collapsible view component written in Swift
FlourishUI 228 over 5 years ago A highly configurable and out-of-the-box-pretty UI library
Navigation Stack 2,306 over 4 years ago Navigation Stack is a stack-modeled navigation controller
UIView-draggable 436 almost 7 years ago UIView category that adds dragging capabilities
EPSignature 797 over 1 year ago Signature component for iOS in Swift
EVFaceTracker 259 about 5 years ago Calculate the distance and angle of your device with regards to your face
LeeGo 967 about 6 years ago Declarative, configurable & highly reusable UI development as making Lego bricks
MEVHorizontalContacts 359 about 8 years ago An iOS UICollectionViewLayout subclass to show a list of contacts with configurable expandable menu items
VisualEffectView 1,126 about 1 month ago UIVisualEffectView subclass with tint color
Cacao 1,079 about 3 years ago Pure Swift Cross-platform UIKit (Cocoa Touch) implementation (Supports Linux)
JDFlipNumberView 785 over 2 years ago Representing analog flip numbers like airport/trainstation displays
DCKit 141 about 4 years ago Set of iOS controls, which have useful IBInspectable properties. Written on Swift
BackgroundVideoiOS 561 over 5 years ago A swift and objective-C object that lets you add a background video to iOS views
NightNight 775 about 5 years ago Elegant way to integrate night mode to swift projects
SwiftTheme 2,518 almost 2 years ago Powerful theme/skin manager for iOS
FDStackView 2,530 almost 7 years ago Use UIStackView directly in iOS
RedBeard It's a complete framework that takes away much of the pain of getting a beautiful, powerful iOS App crafted
Material 11,997 over 2 years ago Material is an animation and graphics framework that allows developers to easily create beautiful applications
DistancePicker 119 over 5 years ago Custom control to select a distance with a pan gesture, written in Swift
OAStackView 2,142 over 7 years ago OAStackView tries to port back the stackview to iOS 7+. OAStackView aims at replicating all the features in UIStackView
PageController 407 over 2 years ago Infinite paging controller, scrolling through contents and title bar scrolls with a delay
StatusProvider 879 about 6 years ago Protocol to handle initial Loadings, Empty Views and Error Handling in a ViewController & views
StackLayout 76 over 4 years ago An alternative to UIStackView for common Auto Layout patterns
NightView 162 over 6 years ago Dazzling Nights on iOS
SwiftVideoBackground 345 over 3 years ago Easy to Use UIView subclass for implementing a video background
ConfettiView 234 over 5 years ago Confetti View lets you create a magnificent confetti view in your app
BouncyPageViewController 844 about 6 years ago Page view controller with bounce effect
LTHRadioButton 371 6 months ago A radio button with a pretty fill animation
Macaw-Examples 353 about 1 year ago Various usages of the Macaw library
Reactions 584 over 1 year ago Fully customizable Facebook reactions control
Newly 197 almost 6 years ago Newly is a drop in solution to add Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin-style new updates/tweets/posts available button
CardStackController 524 over 5 years ago iOS custom controller used in Jobandtalent app to present new view controllers as cards
Material Components 4,728 9 days ago Google developed UI components that help developers execute Material Design
FAQView 473 over 2 years ago An easy to use FAQ view for iOS written in Swift
LMArticleViewController 7 over 7 years ago UIViewController subclass to beautifully present news articles and blog posts
FSPagerView 7,183 3 months ago FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders
ElongationPreview 898 over 4 years ago ElongationPreview is an elegant push-pop style view controller with 3D-Touch support and gestures
Pageboy 1,982 23 days ago A simple, highly informative page view controller
IGColorPicker 277 over 3 years ago A customizable color picker for iOS in Swift
KPActionSheet 7 over 7 years ago A replacement of default action sheet, but has very simple usage
SegmentedProgressBar 471 over 5 years ago Snapchat / Instagram Stories style animated indicator
Magnetic 1,554 about 1 month ago SpriteKit Floating Bubble Picker (inspired by Apple Music)
AmazingBubbles 64 about 7 years ago Apple Music like Bubble Picker using Dynamic Animation
Haptica 770 about 2 years ago Easy Haptic Feedback Generator
GDCheckbox 26 over 4 years ago An easy to use custom checkbox/radio button component for iOS, with support of IBDesign Inspector
HamsterUIKit 30 over 4 years ago A simple and elegant UIKit(Chart) for iOS
AZEmptyState 85 about 6 years ago A UIControl subclass that makes it easy to create empty states
URWeatherView 448 over 5 years ago Show the weather effects onto view
LCUIComponents 7 almost 7 years ago A framework supports creating transient views on top of other content onscreen such as popover with a data list
ViewComposer 28 about 6 years ago - Create views using array literal of enum expressing view attributes
BatteryView 51 5 months ago Simple battery shaped UIView
ShadowView 411 about 1 month ago Make shadows management easy on UIView
Pulley 2,020 4 months ago A library to imitate the iOS 10 Maps UI
N8iveKit 15 about 7 years ago A set of frameworks making iOS development more fun
Panda 69 almost 5 years ago Create view hierarchies declaratively
NotchKit 1,814 over 4 years ago A simple way to hide the notch on the iPhone X
Overlay 51 about 6 years ago Overlay is a flexible UI framework designed for Swift. It allows you to write CSS like Swift code
SwiftyUI 342 over 2 years ago High performance and lightweight(one class each UI) UIView, UIImage, UIImageView, UIlabel, UIButton, Promise and more
NotchToolkit 57 almost 7 years ago A framework for iOS that allow developers use the iPhone X notch in creative ways
PullUpController 1,243 about 4 years ago Pull up controller with multiple sticky points like in iOS Maps
DrawerKit 780 over 1 year ago DrawerKit lets an UIViewController modally present another UIViewController in a manner similar to the way Apple's Maps app works
Shades 14 almost 7 years ago Easily add drop shadows, borders, and round corners to a UIView
ISPageControl 290 almost 3 years ago A page control similar to that used in Instagram
Mixin 45 almost 7 years ago React.js like Mixin. More powerful Protocol-Oriented Programming
Shiny 807 11 months ago Iridescent Effect View (inspired by Apple Pay Cash)
StackViewController 868 almost 3 years ago A controller that uses a UIStackView and view controller composition to display content in a list
UberSignature 1,286 about 4 years ago Provides an iOS view controller allowing a user to draw their signature with their finger in a realistic style
SwViewCapture 608 almost 4 years ago A nice iOS View Capture Swift Library which can capture all content
HGRippleRadarView 382 almost 5 years ago A beautiful radar view to show nearby items (users, restaurants, ...) with ripple animation, fully customizable
GDGauge 82 about 2 years ago Full Customizable, Beautiful, Easy to use gauge view Edit
STAControls 12 about 5 years ago Handy UIControl subclasses. (Think Three20/NimbusKit of UIControls.) Written in Objective-C
ApplyStyleKit 208 almost 2 years ago Elegant apply style, using Swift Method Chain
OverlayContainer 1,153 5 months ago A library to develop overlay based interfaces, such as the one presented in the iOS 12 Apple Maps or Stocks apps
ClassicKit 2,194 over 4 years ago A collection of classic-style UI components for iOS
Sejima 70 over 3 years ago A collection of User Interface components for iOS
UI Fabric by Microsoft 573 over 4 years ago UI framework based on by Microsoft
Popovers 1,943 3 months ago A library to present popovers. Simple, modern, and highly customizable. Not boring!

UI / Activity Indicator

NVActivityIndicatorView 10,615 6 months ago Collection of nice loading animations
RPLoadingAnimation 199 about 8 years ago Loading animations by using Swift CALayer
LiquidLoader 1,324 over 4 years ago Spinner loader components with liquid animation
iOS-CircleProgressView 518 about 5 years ago This control will allow a user to use code instantiated or interface builder to create and render a circle progress view
iOS Circle Progress Bar 423 over 6 years ago iOS Circle Progress Bar
LinearProgressBar 150 about 1 year ago Linear Progress Bar (inspired by Google Material Design) for iOS
STLoadingGroup 436 over 4 years ago loading views
ALThreeCircleSpinner 42 over 2 years ago A pulsing spinner view written in swift
MHRadialProgressView 76 over 8 years ago iOS radial animated progress view
Loader 104 almost 7 years ago Amazing animated switch activity indicator written in swift
MBProgressHUD 15,999 about 2 months ago Drop-in class for displays a translucent HUD with an indicator and/or labels while work is being done in a background thread
SVProgressHUD 12,434 about 2 months ago A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS app
ProgressHUD 2,787 5 days ago ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD
M13ProgressSuite 3,927 over 2 years ago A suite containing many tools to display progress information on iOS
PKHUD 3,788 over 1 year ago A Swift based reimplementation of the Apple HUD (Volume, Ringer, Rotation,…) for iOS 8 and above
EZLoadingActivity 608 over 2 years ago Lightweight loading activity HUD
FFCircularProgressView 991 over 6 years ago FFCircularProgressView - An iOS 7-inspired blue circular progress view
MRProgress 2,545 12 months ago Collection of iOS drop-in components to visualize progress
BigBrother 443 about 2 years ago Automatically sets the network activity indicator for any performed request
AlamofireNetworkActivityIndicator 743 about 2 years ago Controls the visibility of the network activity indicator on iOS using Alamofire
KDCircularProgress 1,205 over 1 year ago A circular progress view with gradients written in Swift
DACircularProgress 2,375 about 2 years ago DACircularProgress is a UIView subclass with circular UIProgressView properties
KYNavigationProgress 245 over 6 years ago Simple extension of UINavigationController to display progress on the UINavigationBar
GearRefreshControl 618 about 7 years ago A custom animation for the UIRefreshControl
NJKWebViewProgress 3,897 almost 5 years ago A progress interface library for UIWebView. You can implement progress bar for your in-app browser using this module
MKRingProgressView 1,568 over 1 year ago A beautiful ring/circular progress view similar to Activity app on Apple Watch, written in Swift
Hexacon 341 4 months ago A new way to display content in your app like the Apple Watch SpringBoard, written in Swift
ParticlesLoadingView 970 over 6 years ago A customizable SpriteKit particles animation on the border of a view
RPCircularProgress 257 over 4 years ago (Swift) Circular progress UIView subclass with UIProgressView properties
MBCircularProgressBar 994 5 months ago A circular, animatable & highly customizable progress bar, editable from the Interface Builder using IBDesignable
WSProgressHUD 583 almost 5 years ago This is a beautiful hud view for iPhone & iPad
DBMetaballLoading 71 12 months ago A metaball loading written in Swift
FillableLoaders 2,112 about 5 years ago Completely customizable progress based loaders drawn using custom CGPaths written in Swift
VHUD 139 over 5 years ago Simple HUD
SwiftSpinner 2,190 over 3 years ago A beautiful activity indicator and modal alert written in Swift using blur effects, translucency, flat and bold design
SnapTimer 281 about 8 years ago Implementation of Snapchat's stories timer
LLSpinner 37 almost 4 years ago An easy way to create a full screen activity indicator
SVUploader 80 almost 7 years ago A beautiful uploader progress view that makes things simple and easy
YLProgressBar 1,277 over 5 years ago UIProgressView replacement with an highly and fully customizable animated progress bar in pure Core Graphics
FlexibleSteppedProgressBar 576 over 1 year ago A beautiful easily customisable stepped progress bar
GradientLoadingBar 889 29 days ago An animated gradient loading bar
DSGradientProgressView A simple and customizable animated progress bar written in Swift
GradientProgressBar 534 29 days ago A gradient progress bar (UIProgressView)
BPCircleActivityIndicator 46 over 7 years ago A lightweight and awesome Loading Activity Indicator for your iOS app
DottedProgressBar 43 almost 5 years ago Simple and customizable animated progress bar with dots for iOS
RSLoadingView 422 over 5 years ago Awesome loading animations using 3D engine written with Swift
SendIndicator 62 over 6 years ago Yet another task indicator
StepProgressView 376 5 months ago Step-by-step progress view with labels and shapes. A good replacement for UIActivityIndicatorView and UIProgressView
BPBlockActivityIndicator 44 about 7 years ago A simple and awesome Loading Activity Indicator(with funny block animation) for your iOS app
JDBreaksLoading 153 almost 7 years ago You can easily start up a little breaking game indicator by one line
SkeletonView 12,593 about 2 months ago An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents he is waiting
Windless 954 about 2 years ago Windless makes it easy to implement invisible layout loading view
Skeleton 681 about 3 years ago An easy way to create sliding CAGradientLayer animations! Works great for creating skeleton screens for loading content
StatusBarOverlay 163 about 4 years ago Automatically show/hide a "No Internet Connection" bar when your app loses/gains connection. It supports apps which hide the status bar and "The Notch"
RetroProgress 18 about 6 years ago Retro looking progress bar straight from the 90s
LinearProgressBar 163 over 3 years ago Material Linear Progress Bar for your iOS apps
MKProgress 146 about 2 years ago A lightweight ProgressHUD written in Swift. Looks similar to /MBProgressHUD/SVProgressHUD/KVNProgressHUD
RHPlaceholder 238 almost 3 years ago Simple library which give you possibility to add Facebook like loading state for your views
IHProgressHUD 280 12 months ago Simple HUD, thread safe, supports iOS, tvOS and App Extensions
ActivityIndicatorView 1,418 3 months ago A number of preset loading indicators created with SwiftUI
ProgressIndicatorView 256 2 months ago A number of preset progress indicators created with SwiftUI

UI / Animation

Pop 19,657 almost 5 years ago An extensible iOS and macOS animation library, useful for physics-based interactions
AnimationEngine 1,059 almost 9 years ago Easily build advanced custom animations on iOS
RZTransitions 1,869 over 4 years ago A library of custom iOS View Controller Animations and Interactions
DCAnimationKit 801 over 8 years ago A collection of animations for iOS. Simple, just add water animations
Spring 14,084 over 1 year ago A library to simplify iOS animations in Swift
Fluent 296 over 7 years ago Swift animation made easy
Cheetah 590 about 6 years ago Easy animation library on iOS
Pop By Example 186 about 9 years ago A project tutorial in how to use Pop animation framework by example
AppAnimations Collection of iOS animations to inspire your next project
EasyAnimation 2,959 almost 4 years ago A Swift library to take the power of UIView.animateWithDuration() to a whole new level - layers, springs, chain-able animations, and mixing view/layer animations together
Animo 282 over 5 years ago SpriteKit-like animation builders for CALayers
CurryFire 133 about 1 year ago A framework for creating unique animations
IBAnimatable 8,674 over 1 year ago Design and prototype UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable
CKWaveCollectionViewTransition 1,861 almost 5 years ago Cool wave like transition between two or more UICollectionView
DaisyChain 30 about 7 years ago Easy animation chaining
PulsingHalo 1,772 almost 3 years ago iOS Component for creating a pulsing animation
DKChainableAnimationKit 1,894 about 5 years ago Chainable animations in Swift
JDAnimationKit 607 almost 6 years ago Animate easy and with less code with Swift
Advance 4,504 over 2 years ago A powerful animation framework for iOS
UIView-Shake 490 about 2 years ago UIView category that adds shake animation
Walker 149 over 7 years ago A new animation engine for your app
Morgan 96 almost 8 years ago An animation set for your app
MagicMove 15 over 8 years ago Keynote-style Magic Move transition animations
Shimmer 9,345 over 3 years ago An easy way to add a simple, shimmering effect to any view in an iOS app
SAConfettiView 1,548 over 2 years ago Confetti! Who doesn't like confetti?
CCMRadarView 182 about 5 years ago CCMRadarView uses the IBDesignable tools to make an easy customizable radar view with animation
Pulsator 1,421 5 months ago Pulse animation for iOS
Interpolate 1,831 over 3 years ago Swift interpolation for gesture-driven animations
ADPuzzleAnimation 125 over 8 years ago Custom animation for UIView inspired by Fabric - Answers animation
Wave 128 over 4 years ago Declarative chainable animations in Swift
Stellar 2,937 about 5 years ago A fantastic Physical animation library for swift
MotionMachine 382 7 months ago A powerful, elegant, and modular animation library for Swift
JRMFloatingAnimation 233 about 7 years ago An Objective-C animation library used to create floating image views
AHKBendableView 595 about 3 years ago UIView subclass that bends its edges when its position changes
FlightAnimator 582 over 4 years ago Advanced Natural Motion Animations, Simple Blocks Based Syntax
ZoomTransitioning 671 over 5 years ago A custom transition with image zooming animation
Ubergang 54 about 5 years ago A tweening engine for iOS written in Swift
JHChainableAnimations 3,230 almost 7 years ago Easy to read and write chainable animations in Objective-C
Popsicle 1,089 almost 2 years ago Delightful, extensible Swift value interpolation framework
WXWaveView 345 about 2 years ago Add a pretty water wave to your view
Twinkle 612 over 3 years ago Swift and easy way to make elements in your iOS and tvOS app twinkle
MotionBlur 1,505 over 9 years ago MotionBlur allows you to add motion blur effect to iOS animations
RippleEffectView 316 almost 8 years ago RippleEffectView - A Neat Rippling View Effect
SwiftyAnimate 194 about 7 years ago Composable animations in Swift
SamuraiTransition 279 over 5 years ago Swift based library providing a collection of ViewController transitions featuring a number of neat “cutting” animations
Lottie 25,690 17 days ago An iOS library for a real time rendering of native vector animations from Adobe After Effects
anim 569 over 3 years ago An animation library for iOS with custom easings and easy to follow API
AnimatedCollectionViewLayout 4,742 about 4 years ago A UICollectionViewLayout subclass that adds custom transitions/animations to the UICollectionView
Dance 649 about 7 years ago A radical & elegant animation library built for iOS
AKVideoImageView UIImageView subclass which allows you to display a looped video as a background
Spruce iOS Animation Library 3,440 7 months ago Swift library for choreographing animations on the screen
CircularRevealKit 25 about 4 years ago UI framework that implements the material design's reveal effect
TweenKit 1,347 about 4 years ago Animation library for iOS in Swift
Water 382 over 7 years ago Simple calculation to render cheap water effects
Pastel 3,501 almost 2 years ago Gradient animation effect like Instagram
YapAnimator 1,937 over 3 years ago Your fast and friendly physics-based animation system
Bubble 222 over 7 years ago Fruit Animation
Gemini 3,248 about 1 year ago Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift
WaterDrops 401 almost 7 years ago Simple water drops animation for iOS in Swift
ViewAnimator 7,293 6 months ago ViewAnimator brings your UI to life with just one line
Ease 1,261 about 4 years ago Animate everything with Ease
Kinieta 46 almost 7 years ago An Animation Engine with Custom Bezier Easing, an Intuitive API and perfect Color Intepolation
LSAnimator 1,645 about 3 years ago Easy to Read and Write Multi-chain Animations Kit in Objective-C and Swift
YetAnotherAnimationLibrary 517 12 months ago Designed for gesture-driven animations. Fast, simple, & extensible!
Anima 625 10 months ago Anima is chainable Layer-Based Animation library for Swift4
MotionAnimation 146 over 6 years ago Lightweight animation library for UIKit
AGInterfaceInteraction 156 about 7 years ago library performs interaction with UI interface
PMTween 343 about 8 years ago An elegant and flexible tweening library for iOS
VariousViewsEffects 24 about 6 years ago Animates views nicely with easy to use extensions
TheAnimation 224 over 4 years ago Type-safe CAAnimation wrapper. It makes preventing to set wrong type values
Poi 66 over 4 years ago Poi makes you use card UI like tinder UI .You can use it like tableview method
Sica 1,057 almost 3 years ago Simple Interface Core Animation. Run type-safe animation sequencially or parallelly
fireworks 340 over 1 year ago Fireworks effect for UIView
Disintegrate 75 over 5 years ago Disintegration animation inspired by THAT thing Thanos did at the end of Avengers: Infinity War
Wobbly 151 over 5 years ago Wobbly is a Library of predefined, easy to use iOS animations
LoadingShimmer 1,590 almost 2 years ago An easy way to add a shimmering effect to any view with just one line of code. It is useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator
SPPerspective 330 over 2 years ago Widgets iOS 14 animation with 3D and dynamic shadow. Customisable transform and duration

UI / Transition

BlurryModalSegue 917 over 8 years ago A custom modal segue for providing a blurred overlay effect
DAExpandAnimation 580 almost 3 years ago A custom modal transition that presents a controller with an expanding effect while sliding out the presenter remnants
BubbleTransition 3,318 almost 4 years ago A custom modal transition that presents and dismiss a controller with an expanding bubble effect
RPModalGestureTransition 91 almost 8 years ago You can dismiss modal by using gesture
RMPZoomTransitionAnimator 1,706 about 7 years ago A custom zooming transition animation for UIViewController
ElasticTransition 2,181 over 4 years ago A UIKit custom transition that simulates an elastic drag. Written in Swift
ElasticTransition-ObjC 395 about 3 years ago A UIKit custom transition that simulates an elastic drag.This is the Objective-C Version of Elastic Transition written in Swift by lkzhao
ZFDragableModalTransition 2,469 over 6 years ago Custom animation transition for present modal view controller
ZOZolaZoomTransition 897 almost 8 years ago Zoom transition that animates the entire view hierarchy. Used extensively in the Zola iOS application
JTMaterialTransition 960 over 5 years ago An iOS transition for controllers based on material design
AnimatedTransitionGallery 2,531 5 months ago Collection of iOS 7 custom animated transitions using UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning protocol
TransitionTreasury 2,087 about 5 years ago Easier way to push your viewController
Presenter 14 almost 8 years ago Screen transition with safe and clean code
Kaeru 514 over 7 years ago Switch viewcontroller like iOS task manager
View2ViewTransition 852 almost 6 years ago Custom interactive view controller transition from one view to another view
AZTransitions 411 over 3 years ago API to make great custom transitions in one method
Hero 22,028 8 months ago Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
Motion 1,767 over 4 years ago Seamless animations and transitions in Swift
PresenterKit 551 almost 3 years ago Swifty view controller presentation for iOS
Transition 2,640 almost 4 years ago Easy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions
Gagat 874 about 5 years ago A delightful way to transition between visual styles in your iOS applications
DeckTransition 2,189 over 2 years ago A library to recreate the iOS Apple Music now playing transition
TransitionableTab 812 over 2 years ago TransitionableTab makes it easy to animate when switching between tab
AlertTransition 580 almost 7 years ago AlertTransition is a extensible library for making view controller transitions, especially for alert transitions
SemiModalViewController 80 over 4 years ago Present view / view controller as bottom-half modal
ImageTransition 218 about 2 years ago ImageTransition is a library for smooth animation of images during transitions
LiquidTransition 219 4 months ago removes boilerplate code to perform transition, allows backward animations, custom properties animation and much more!
SPStorkController 2,739 over 1 year ago Very similar to the controllers displayed in Apple Music, Podcasts and Mail Apple's applications
AppstoreTransition 581 over 2 years ago Simulates the appstore card animation transition
DropdownTransition 71 about 2 years ago Simple and elegant Dropdown Transition for presenting controllers from top to bottom
NavigationTransitions 806 3 months ago Pure SwiftUI Navigation transitions
LiquidSwipe 520 3 months ago Liquid navigation animation
TBIconTransitionKit 1,250 over 1 year ago Easy to use icon transition kit that allows to smoothly change from one shape to another

UI / Alert & Action Sheet

SweetAlert 2,051 over 4 years ago Live animated Alert View for iOS written in Swift
NYAlertViewController 609 over 1 year ago Highly configurable iOS Alert Views with custom content views
SCLAlertView-Swift 5,313 9 months ago Beautiful animated Alert View, written in Swift
TTGSnackbar 647 6 months ago Show simple message and action button on the bottom of the screen with multi kinds of animation
Swift-Prompts 734 over 6 years ago A Swift library to design custom prompts with a great scope of options to choose from
BRYXBanner 1,007 about 1 year ago A lightweight dropdown notification for iOS 7+, in Swift
LNRSimpleNotifications 201 over 2 years ago Simple Swift in-app notifications. LNRSimpleNotifications is a simplified Swift port of TSMessages
HDNotificationView 356 almost 6 years ago Emulates the native Notification Banner UI for any alert
JDStatusBarNotification 4,197 3 months ago Easy, customizable notifications displayed on top of the statusbar
Notie 84 over 7 years ago In-app notification in Swift, with customizable buttons and input text field
EZAlertController 366 over 1 year ago Easy Swift UIAlertController
GSMessages 705 about 3 years ago A simple style messages/notifications for iOS 7+
OEANotification 18 over 6 years ago In-app customizable notification views on top of screen for iOS which is written in Swift 2.1
RKDropdownAlert 1,537 over 7 years ago Extremely simple UIAlertView alternative
TKSwarmAlert 579 over 5 years ago Animated alert library like Swarm app
SimpleAlert 399 about 1 year ago Customizable simple Alert and simple ActionSheet for Swift
Hokusai 430 almost 7 years ago A Swift library to provide a bouncy action sheet
SwiftNotice 842 almost 5 years ago SwiftNotice is a GUI library for displaying various popups (HUD) written in pure Swift, fits any scrollview
SwiftOverlays 631 about 6 years ago SwiftOverlays is a Swift GUI library for displaying various popups and notifications
SwiftyDrop 683 over 5 years ago SwiftyDrop is a lightweight pure Swift simple and beautiful dropdown message
LKAlertController 98 over 3 years ago An easy to use UIAlertController builder for swift
DOAlertController 405 about 4 years ago Simple Alert View written in Swift, which can be used as a UIAlertController. (AlertController/AlertView/ActionSheet)
CustomizableActionSheet 191 over 3 years ago Action sheet allows including your custom views and buttons
Toast-Swift 3,644 6 months ago A Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class
PMAlertController 2,525 over 1 year ago PMAlertController is a great and customizable substitute to UIAlertController
PopupViewController 21 almost 8 years ago UIAlertController drop in replacement with much more customization
AlertViewLoveNotification 37 about 7 years ago A simple and attractive AlertView to ask permission to your users for Push Notification
CRToast 4,164 5 months ago A modern iOS toast view that can fit your notification needs
JLToast 1,719 about 1 month ago Toast for iOS with very simple interface
CuckooAlert 5 about 8 years ago Multiple use of presentViewController for UIAlertController
KRAlertController 52 almost 6 years ago A colored alert view for your iOS
Dodo 875 over 2 years ago A message bar for iOS written in Swift
MaterialActionSheetController 103 about 5 years ago A Google like action sheet for iOS written in Swift
SwiftMessages 7,317 12 days ago A very flexible message bar for iOS written in Swift
FCAlertView 112 almost 5 years ago A Flat Customizable AlertView for iOS. (Swift)
FCAlertView 792 over 4 years ago A Flat Customizable AlertView for iOS. (Objective-C)
CDAlertView 1,145 almost 4 years ago Highly customizable alert/notification/success/error/alarm popup
RMActionController 539 almost 2 years ago Present any UIView in an UIAlertController like manner
RMDateSelectionViewController 1,149 almost 2 years ago Select a date using UIDatePicker in a UIAlertController like fashion
RMPickerViewController 381 about 5 years ago Select something using UIPickerView in a UIAlertController like fashion
Jelly 2,448 over 2 years ago Jelly provides custom view controller transitions with just a few lines of code
Malert 484 about 3 years ago Malert is a simple, easy and custom iOS UIAlertView written in Swift
RAlertView 77 almost 8 years ago AlertView, iOS popup window, A pop-up framework, Can be simple and convenient to join your project
NoticeBar 233 over 6 years ago A simple NoticeBar written by Swift 3, similar with QQ notice view
LIHAlert 38 over 3 years ago Advance animated banner alerts for iOS
BPStatusBarAlert 129 over 5 years ago A simple alerts that appear on the status bar and below navigation bar(like Facebook)
CFAlertViewController 1,058 over 2 years ago A library that helps you display and customise alerts and action sheets on iPad and iPhone
NotificationBanner 4,778 2 months ago The easiest way to display highly customizable in app notification banners in iOS
Alertift 283 almost 4 years ago Swifty, modern UIAlertController wrapper
PCLBlurEffectAlert 147 about 6 years ago Swift AlertController with UIVisualEffectView
JDropDownAlert 72 almost 3 years ago Multi dirction dropdown alert view
BulletinBoard 5,382 over 2 years ago Generate and Display Bottom Card Interfaces on iOS
CFNotify 500 5 months ago A customizable framework to create draggable views
StatusAlert 846 about 1 year ago Display Apple system-like self-hiding status alerts without interrupting user flow
Alerts & Pickers 5,664 8 months ago Advanced usage of native UIAlertController with TextField, DatePicker, PickerView, TableView and CollectionView
RMessage 412 over 2 years ago A crisp in-app notification/message banner built in ObjC
InAppNotify 434 about 2 years ago Swift library to manage in-app notification in swift language, like WhatsApp, Telegram, Frind, etc
FloatingActionSheetController 139 almost 7 years ago FloatingActionSheetController is a cool design ActionSheetController library written in Swift
TOActionSheet 173 about 3 years ago A custom-designed reimplementation of the UIActionSheet control for iOS
XLActionController 3,325 over 1 year ago Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift
PopMenu 1,616 7 months ago A cool and customizable popup style action sheet 😎
NotchyAlert 71 over 5 years ago Use the iPhone X notch space to display creative alerts
Sheet 337 almost 3 years ago SHEET helps you easily create a wide variety of action sheets with navigation features used in the Flipboard App
ALRT 96 almost 4 years ago An easier constructor for UIAlertController. Present an alert from anywhere
CatAlertController 8 almost 6 years ago Use UIAlertController like a boss
Loaf 1,095 over 1 year ago A simple framework for easy iOS Toasts
SPAlert 2,384 about 2 months ago Native popup from Apple Music & Feedback in AppStore. Contains Done & Heart presets
CleanyModal 489 over 2 years ago Use nice customized alerts and action sheets with ease, API is similar to native UIAlertController
BottomSheet 297 9 months ago Powerful Bottom Sheet component with content based size, interactive dismissal and navigation controller support
LCActionSheet 821 about 1 year ago A simple ActionSheet. WeChat, Weibo and QQ all use similar styles. Fully support Swift

UI / Badge

MIBadgeButton 342 almost 4 years ago Notification badge for UIButtons
EasyNotificationBadge 214 over 3 years ago UIView extension that adds a notification badge. [e]
swift-badge 394 over 1 year ago Badge view for iOS written in swift
BadgeHub 811 over 2 years ago Make any UIView a full fledged animated notification center. It is a way to quickly add a notification badge icon to a UIView

UI / Button

SSBouncyButton 308 about 8 years ago iOS7-style bouncy button UI component
DOFavoriteButton 3,606 over 2 years ago Cute Animated Button written in Swift
VBFPopFlatButton 3,087 3 months ago Flat button with 9 different states animated using Facebook POP
HTPressableButton 860 about 8 years ago Flat design pressable button
LiquidFloatingActionButton 3,846 about 2 years ago Material Design Floating Action Button in liquid state
JTFadingInfoView 130 about 9 years ago An UIButton-based view with fade in/out animation features
Floaty 1,573 about 2 years ago Floating Action Button for iOS
TVButton 1,157 over 5 years ago Recreating the cool parallax icons from Apple TV as iOS UIButtons (in Swift)
SwiftyButton 552 about 3 years ago Simple and customizable button in Swift
AnimatablePlayButton 80 over 4 years ago Animated Play and Pause Button using CALayer, CAKeyframeAnimation
gbkui-button-progress-view 542 over 8 years ago Inspired by Apple’s download progress buttons in the App Store
ZFRippleButton 1,408 over 5 years ago Custom UIButton effect inspired by Google Material Design
JOEmojiableBtn 311 over 3 years ago Emoji selector like Facebook Reactions
EMEmojiableBtn 85 over 8 years ago Option selector that works similar to Reactions by fb. Objective-c version
WYMaterialButton 76 over 7 years ago Interactive and fully animated Material Design button for iOS developers
DynamicButton 1,171 about 5 years ago Yet another animated flat buttons in Swift
OnOffButton 414 over 7 years ago Custom On/Off Animated UIButton, written in Swift. By Creativedash
WCLShineButton 1,387 over 4 years ago This is a UI lib for iOS. Effects like shining
EasySocialButton 160 almost 7 years ago An easy way to create beautiful social authentication buttons
NFDownloadButton 434 about 6 years ago Revamped Download Button
LGButton 2,300 about 4 years ago A fully customisable subclass of the native UIControl which allows you to create beautiful buttons without writing any line of code
MultiToggleButton 83 5 months ago A UIButton subclass that implements tap-to-toggle button text (Like the camera flash and timer buttons)
PMSuperButton 724 over 1 year ago A powerful UIButton with super powers, customizable from Storyboard!
JSButton 12 over 6 years ago A fully customisable swift subclass on UIButton which allows you to create beautiful buttons without writing any line of code
TransitionButton 1,467 about 2 years ago UIButton sublass for loading and transition animation
ButtonProgressBar-iOS 575 about 3 years ago A small and flexible UIButton subclass with animated loading progress, and completion animation
SpicyButton 2 almost 7 years ago Full-featured IBDesignable UIButton class
DesignableButton 92 over 5 years ago UIButton subclass with centralised and reusable styles. View styles and customise in InterfaceBuilder in real time!
BEMCheckBox 2,629 about 1 year ago Tasteful Checkbox for iOS. (Check box)
ExpandableButton 98 almost 6 years ago Customizable and easy to use expandable button in Swift
TORoundedButton 481 12 months ago A high-performance button control with rounded corners
FloatingButton 1,116 3 months ago Easily customizable floating button menu created with SwiftUI

UI / Calendar

CVCalendar 3,486 over 2 years ago A custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (2.0)
RSDayFlow 842 about 2 years ago iOS 7+ Calendar with Infinite Scrolling
NWCalendarView 60 about 8 years ago An availability calendar implementation for iOS
GLCalendarView 855 over 2 years ago A fully customizable calendar view acting as a date range picker
JTCalendar 2,759 almost 3 years ago A customizable calendar view for iOS
JTAppleCalendar 7,558 2 months ago The Unofficial Swift Apple Calendar Library. View. Control. for iOS & tvOS
Daysquare 703 about 6 years ago An elegant calendar control for iOS
ASCalendar 194 about 8 years ago A calendar control for iOS written in swift with mvvm pattern
Calendar 702 about 4 years ago A set of views and controllers for displaying and scheduling events on iOS
Koyomi 750 over 5 years ago Simple customizable calendar component in Swift
DateTimePicker 1,874 almost 3 years ago A nicer iOS UI component for picking date and time
RCalendarPicker 133 over 7 years ago RCalendarPicker A date picker control
CalendarKit 2,520 2 months ago Fully customizable calendar day view
GDPersianCalendar 26 over 5 years ago Customizable and easy to use Persian Calendar component
MBCalendarKit 560 about 5 years ago A calendar framework for iOS built with customization, and localization in mind
PTEventView 35 over 4 years ago An Event View based on Apple's Event Detail View within Calender.Supports ARC, Autolayout and editing via StoryBoard
KDCalendarView 597 11 months ago A calendar component for iOS written in Swift 4.0. It features both vertical and horizontal layout (and scrolling) and the display of native calendar events
CalendarPopUp 184 almost 6 years ago CalendarPopUp - JTAppleCalendar library
ios_calendar 163 about 6 years ago It's lightweight and simple control with supporting Locale and CalendarIdentifier. There're samples for iPhone and iPad, and also with using a popover. With supporting Persian calendar
FSCalendar 10,600 about 2 months ago A fully customizable iOS calendar library, compatible with Objective-C and Swift
ElegantCalendar 875 10 months ago The elegant full-screen calendar missed in SwiftUI

UI / Cards

MDCSwipeToChoose 2,551 over 6 years ago Swipe to "like" or "dislike" any view, just like Build a flashcard app, a photo viewer, and more, in minutes, not hours!
TisprCardStack 850 over 2 years ago Library that allows to have cards UI
CardAnimation 1,175 over 3 years ago Card flip animation by pan gesture
Koloda 5,369 4 months ago KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS
KVCardSelectionVC 23 almost 8 years ago Awesome looking Dial like card selection ViewController
DMSwipeCards 253 over 5 years ago Tinder like card stack that supports lazy loading and generics
TimelineCards 431 over 2 years ago Presenting timelines as cards, single or bundled in scrollable feed!
Cards 4,201 over 1 year ago Awesome iOS 11 AppStore's Card Views
MMCardView 560 almost 3 years ago Custom CollectionView like Wallet App
CardsLayout 852 about 4 years ago Nice card-designed custom collection view layout
CardParts 2,522 over 2 years ago A reactive, card-based UI framework built on UIKit
VerticalCardSwiper 1,392 about 1 year ago A marriage between the Shazam Discover UI and Tinder, built with UICollectionView in Swift
Shuffle 897 about 2 months ago A multi-directional card swiping library inspired by Tinder

UI / Form & Settings

Form 37 about 6 years ago The most flexible and powerful way to build a form on iOS
XLForm 5,771 4 months ago XLForm is the most flexible and powerful iOS library to create dynamic table-view forms. Fully compatible with Swift & Obj-C
Eureka 11,771 23 days ago Elegant iOS form builder in Swift
YALField Custom Field component with validation for creating easier form-like UI from interface builder
Former 1,302 over 3 years ago Former is a fully customizable Swift2 library for easy creating UITableView based form
SwiftForms 1,330 over 3 years ago A small and lightweight library written in Swift that allows you to easily create forms
Formalist 160 almost 3 years ago Declarative form building framework for iOS
SwiftyFORM 1,074 over 3 years ago SwiftyFORM is a form framework for iOS written in Swift
SwiftValidator 1,439 over 3 years ago A rule-based validation library for Swift
GenericPasswordRow 176 over 3 years ago A row for Eureka to implement password validations
formvalidator-swift 495 about 5 years ago A framework to validate inputs of text fields and text views in a convenient way
ValidationToolkit 48 9 months ago Lightweight framework for input validation written in Swift
ATGValidator 51 over 4 years ago Rule based validation framework with form and card validation support for iOS
ValidatedPropertyKit 973 9 months ago Easily validate your Properties with Property Wrappers
FDTextFieldTableViewCell 25 almost 5 years ago Adds a UITextField to the cell and places it correctly

UI / Keyboard

RSKKeyboardAnimationObserver 45 almost 9 years ago Showing / dismissing keyboard animation in simple UIViewController category
RFKeyboardToolbar 419 about 7 years ago This is a flexible UIView and UIButton subclass to add customized buttons and toolbars to your UITextFields/UITextViews
IQKeyboardManager 16,441 4 days ago Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView
NgKeyboardTracker 797 over 8 years ago Objective-C library for tracking keyboard in iOS apps
MMNumberKeyboard 957 about 1 month ago A simple keyboard to use with numbers and, optionally, a decimal point
KeyboardObserver 160 over 2 years ago For less complicated keyboard event handling
TPKeyboardAvoiding 5,812 about 1 year ago A drop-in universal solution for moving text fields out of the way of the keyboard in iOS
YYKeyboardManager 482 over 6 years ago iOS utility class allows you to access keyboard view and track keyboard animation
KeyboardMan 352 about 6 years ago KeyboardMan helps you make keyboard animation
MakemojiSDK 101 almost 8 years ago Emoji Keyboard SDK (iOS)
Typist 1,066 over 3 years ago Small, drop-in Swift UIKit keyboard manager for iOS apps-helps manage keyboard's screen presence and behavior without notification center
KeyboardHideManager 57 4 months ago Codeless manager to hide keyboard by tapping on views for iOS written in Swift
Toolbar 456 over 3 years ago Awesome autolayout Toolbar
IHKeyboardAvoiding 1,412 about 2 years ago A drop-in universal solution for keeping any UIView visible when the keyboard is being shown - no more UIScrollViews!
NumPad 85 over 5 years ago Number Pad (inspired by Square's design)
Ribbon 295 about 3 years ago A simple cross-platform toolbar/custom input accessory view library for iOS & macOS
ISEmojiView 521 about 2 months ago Emoji Keyboard for iOS

UI / Label

LTMorphingLabel 8,057 7 months ago Graceful morphing effects for UILabel written in Swift
ActiveLabel.swift 4,461 11 months ago UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) and URLs (http://) written in Swift
MZTimerLabel 1,567 over 1 year ago A handy class for iOS to use UILabel as a countdown timer or stopwatch just like in Apple Clock App
CountdownLabel 996 over 2 years ago Simple countdown UILabel with morphing animation, and some useful function
IncrementableLabel 80 over 4 years ago Incrementable label for iOS, macOS, and tvOS
TTTAttributedLabel 8,749 3 months ago A drop-in replacement for UILabel that supports attributes, data detectors, links, and more
NumberMorphView 1,586 almost 7 years ago A label view for displaying numbers which can transition or animate using a technique called number tweening or number morphing
GlitchLabel 1,045 almost 2 years ago Glitching UILabel for iOS
TOMSMorphingLabel 1,863 about 3 years ago Configurable morphing transitions between text values of a label
THLabel 667 about 2 years ago UILabel subclass, which additionally allows shadow blur, inner shadow, stroke text and fill gradient
RQShineLabel 1,969 9 months ago Secret app like text animation
ZCAnimatedLabel 2,290 over 3 years ago UILabel replacement with fine-grain appear/disappear animation
TriLabelView 168 about 2 months ago A triangle shaped corner label view for iOS written in Swift
Preloader.Ophiuchus 881 over 4 years ago Custom Label to apply animations on whole text or letters
MTLLinkLabel 74 almost 5 years ago MTLLinkLabel is linkable UILabel. Written in Swift
UICountingLabel 1,915 over 2 years ago Adds animated counting support to UILabel
SlidingText 53 almost 6 years ago Swift UIView for sliding text with page indicator
NumericAnimatedLabel 26 over 7 years ago Swift UIView for showing numeric label with incremental and decremental step animation while changing value. Useful for scenarios like displaying currency
JSLabel 6 over 6 years ago A simple designable subclass on UILabel with extra IBDesignable and Blinking features
AnimatedMaskLabel 22 over 5 years ago Animated Mask Label is a nice gradient animated label. This is an easy way to add a shimmering effect to any view in your app
STULabel 120 6 days ago A label view that's faster than UILabel and supports asynchronous rendering, links with UIDragInteraction, very flexible text truncation, Auto Layout, UIAccessibility and more

UI / Login

LFLoginController 156 about 5 years ago Customizable login screen, written in Swift
LoginKit 664 almost 6 years ago LoginKit is a quick and easy way to add a Login/Signup UX to your iOS app
Cely 166 over 4 years ago Plug-n-Play login framework written in Swift

UI / Menu

ENSwiftSideMenu 1,818 over 4 years ago A simple side menu for iOS 7/8 written in Swift
RESideMenu 7,096 almost 7 years ago iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect inspired by Dribbble shots
SSASideMenu 598 almost 8 years ago A Swift implementation of RESideMenu. A iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect
RadialMenu 303 about 2 years ago RadialMenu is a custom control for providing a touch context menu (like iMessage recording in iOS 8) built with Swift & POP
cariocamenu 780 over 4 years ago The fastest zero-tap iOS menu
VLDContextSheet 174 about 9 years ago Context menu similar to the one in the Pinterest iOS app
GuillotineMenu 2,910 over 4 years ago Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine
MediumMenu 318 over 5 years ago A menu based on Medium iOS app
SwiftySideMenu 83 about 9 years ago SwiftySideMenu is a lightweight and easy to use side menu controller to add left menu and center view controllers with scale animation based on Pop framework
LLSlideMenu 591 over 7 years ago This is a spring slide menu for iOS apps
Swift-Slide-Menu 89 over 6 years ago A Slide Menu, written in Swift, inspired by Slide Menu Material Design
MenuItemKit 850 over 1 year ago UIMenuItem with image and block(closure)
BTNavigationDropdownMenu 2,687 over 2 years ago The elegant dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath navigation bar to display a list of related items when a user click on the navigation title
ALRadialMenu 51 over 2 years ago A radial/circular menu featuring spring animations. Written in swift
AZDropdownMenu 193 almost 6 years ago An easy to use dropdown menu that supports images
CircleMenu 3,436 about 2 years ago An animated, multi-option menu button
SlideMenuControllerSwift 3,405 about 1 year ago iOS Slide Menu View based on Google+, iQON, Feedly, Ameba iOS app. It is written in pure Swift
SideMenu 5,657 over 1 year ago Simple side menu control in Swift inspired by Facebook. Right and Left sides. Lots of customization and animation options. Can be implemented in Storyboard with no code
CategorySliderView 349 over 8 years ago slider view for choosing categories. add any UIView type as category item view. Fully customisable
MKDropdownMenu 525 over 6 years ago A Dropdown Menu for iOS with many customizable parameters to suit any needs
ExpandingMenu 457 over 5 years ago ExpandingMenu is menu button for iOS written in Swift
PageMenu 5,266 about 3 years ago A paging menu controller built from other view controllers placed inside a scroll view (like Spotify, Windows Phone, Instagram)
XXXRoundMenuButton 385 over 5 years ago A simple circle style menu
IGCMenu 140 8 months ago Grid and Circular menu with animation.Easy to customise
EEJSelectMenu 23 almost 8 years ago Single selection menu with cool animations, responsive with all screen sizes
IGLDropDownMenu 1,227 about 4 years ago An iOS drop down menu with pretty animation and easy to customize
Side-Menu.iOS 2,716 over 4 years ago Animated side menu with customizable UI
PopMenu 894 over 8 years ago PopMenu is pop animation menu inspired by Sina weibo / NetEase app
FlowingMenu 974 almost 5 years ago Interactive view transition to display menus with flowing and bouncing effects in Swift
Persei 3,454 over 4 years ago Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift
DropDown 2,440 4 months ago A Material Design drop down for iOS
KYGooeyMenu 1,918 over 2 years ago A not bad gooey effects menu
SideMenuController 1,159 over 3 years ago A side menu controller written in Swift
Context-Menu.iOS 1,836 over 6 years ago You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app
ViewDeck 5,320 about 2 years ago An implementation of the sliding functionality found in the Path 2.0 or Facebook iOS apps
FrostedSidebar 430 over 7 years ago Hamburger Menu using Swift and iOS 8 API's
VHBoomMenuButton 582 over 4 years ago A menu which can ... BOOM!
DropDownMenuKit 303 over 1 year ago A simple, modular and highly customizable UIKit menu, that can be attached to the navigation bar or toolbar, written in Swift
RevealMenuController 23 almost 6 years ago Expandable item groups, custom position and appearance animation. Similar to ActionSheet style
RHSideButtons 168 almost 5 years ago Library provides easy to implement variation of Android (Material Design) Floating Action Button for iOS. You can use it as your app small side menu
Swift-CircleMenu 125 almost 8 years ago Rotating circle menu written in Swift 3
AKSideMenu 281 about 1 month ago Beautiful iOS side menu library with parallax effect
InteractiveSideMenu 708 about 4 years ago Customizable iOS Interactive Side Menu written in Swift 3
YNDropDownMenu 1,346 over 5 years ago Adorable iOS drop down menu with Swift3
KWDrawerController 157 over 1 year ago Drawer view controller that easy to use!
JNDropDownMenu 64 11 months ago Easy to use tableview style drop down menu with multi-column support written in Swift3
FanMenu 728 about 1 year ago Menu with a circular layout based on Macaw
AirBar 642 almost 5 years ago UIScrollView driven expandable menu written in Swift 3
FAPanels 851 almost 5 years ago FAPanels for transition
SwipeMenuViewController 1,288 about 1 year ago Swipable tab and menu View and ViewController
DTPagerController 289 over 3 years ago A fully customizable container view controller to display set of ViewControllers in horizontal scroller
PagingKit 1,404 about 2 years ago PagingKit provides customizable menu UI It has more flexible layout and design than the other libraries
Dropdowns 309 over 2 years ago 💧 Dropdown in Swift
Parchment 3,363 6 days ago A paging view controller with a highly customizable menu. Built on UICollectionView, with support for custom layouts and infinite data sources
ContextMenu 983 almost 3 years ago An iOS context menu UI inspired by Things 3
Panels 1,504 over 4 years ago Panels is a framework to easily add sliding panels to your application
UIMenuScroll 19 almost 6 years ago Creating the horizontal swiping navigation how on Facebook Messenger
CircleBar 869 6 months ago 🔶 A fun, easy-to-use tab bar navigation controller for iOS
SPLarkController 990 over 2 years ago Settings screen with buttons and switches
SwiftyMenu 577 5 months ago A Simple and Elegant DropDown menu for iOS 🔥💥

UI / Navigation Bar

HidingNavigationBar 1,031 over 2 years ago Easily hide and show a view controller's navigation bar (and tab bar) as a user scrolls
KMNavigationBarTransition 3,377 about 1 year ago A drop-in universal library helps you to manage the navigation bar styles and makes transition animations smooth between different navigation bar styles while pushing or popping a view controller for all orientations
LTNavigationBar 4,465 about 6 years ago UINavigationBar Category which allows you to change its appearance dynamically
BusyNavigationBar 990 over 7 years ago A UINavigationBar extension to show loading effects
KDInteractiveNavigationController 154 almost 7 years ago A UINavigationController subclass that support pop interactive UINavigationbar with hidden or show
AMScrollingNavbar 6,051 over 1 year ago Scrollable UINavigationBar that follows the scrolling of a UIScrollView
NavKit 38 almost 7 years ago Simple and integrated way to customize navigation bar experience on iOS app
RainbowNavigation 786 almost 2 years ago An easy way to change backgroundColor of UINavigationBar when Push & Pop
TONavigationBar 250 almost 2 years ago A simple subclass that adds the ability to set the navigation bar background to 'clear' and gradually transition it visibly back in, similar to the effect in the iOS Music app

UI / PickerView

ActionSheetPicker-3.0 3,404 14 days ago Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality on iOS
PickerView 527 almost 6 years ago A customizable alternative to UIPickerView in Swift
DatePickerDialog 584 10 months ago Date picker dialog for iOS
CZPicker 527 7 months ago A picker view shown as a popup for iOS
AIDatePickerController 90 over 7 years ago UIDatePicker modally presented with iOS 7 custom transitions
CountryPicker 215 5 months ago UIPickerView with Country names flags and phoneCodes
McPicker 213 about 1 year ago A customizable, closure driven UIPickerView drop-in solution with animations that is rotation ready
Mandoline 894 over 5 years ago An iOS picker view to serve all your "picking" needs
D2PDatePicker 302 almost 7 years ago Elegant and Easy-to-Use iOS Swift Date Picker
CountryPickerView 501 12 months ago A simple, customizable view for efficiently collecting country information in iOS apps
planet 71 almost 5 years ago A country picker
MICountryPicker 90 over 4 years ago Swift country picker with search option
ADDatePicker 170 over 4 years ago A fully customizable iOS Horizontal PickerView library, written in pure swift
SKCountryPicker 297 5 months ago A simple, customizable Country picker for picking country or dialing code

UI / Popup

MMPopupView 2,108 over 2 years ago Pop-up based view(e.g. alert sheet), can easily customize
STPopup 2,603 almost 3 years ago STPopup provides a UINavigationController in popup style, for both iPhone and iPad
NMPopUpView 194 almost 2 years ago Simple iOS class for showing nice popup windows. Swift and Objective-C versions available
PopupController 337 about 4 years ago A customizable controller for showing temporary popup view
SubscriptionPrompt 235 over 2 years ago Subscription View Controller like the Tinder uses
Presentr 3,074 about 1 year ago Wrapper for custom ViewController presentations in iOS 8+
PopupDialog 3,951 8 months ago A simple, customizable popup dialog for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertControllers alert style
SelectionDialog 116 almost 5 years ago Simple selection dialog
AZDialogViewController 775 about 2 years ago A highly customizable alert dialog controller that mimics Snapchat's alert dialog
MIBlurPopup 605 over 4 years ago MIBlurPopup let you create amazing popups with a blurred background
LNPopupController 3,034 8 days ago a framework for presenting view controllers as popups of other view controllers, much like the Apple Music and Podcasts apps
PopupWindow 418 about 6 years ago PopupWindow is a simple Popup using another UIWindow in Swift
SHPopup 38 about 3 years ago SHPopup is a simple lightweight library for popup view
Popover 2,097 4 months ago Popover is a balloon library like Facebook app. It is written in pure swift
SwiftEntryKit 6,610 5 months ago A highly customizable popups, alerts and banners presenter for iOS. It offers various presets and is written in pure Swift
FFPopup 869 about 1 year ago ⛩FFPopup is a lightweight library for presenting custom views as a popup
PopupView 3,399 12 days ago Toasts and popups library written with SwiftUI
MijickPopupView 1,180 4 days ago Popups presentation made simple with SwiftUI

UI / ProgressView

ProgressMeter 107 almost 7 years ago Display the progress on a meter with customized annotations for iOS developed in Swift
GradientCircularProgress 542 about 3 years ago Customizable progress indicator library in Swift

UI / Pull to Refresh

DGElasticPullToRefresh 3,770 over 2 years ago Elastic pull to refresh for iOS developed in Swift
PullToBounce 1,860 almost 5 years ago Animated "Pull To Refresh" Library for UIScrollView
SVPullToRefresh 4,823 10 months ago Give pull-to-refresh & infinite scrolling to any UIScrollView with 1 line of code
UzysAnimatedGifPullToRefresh 1,400 about 8 years ago Add PullToRefresh using animated GIF to any scrollView with just simple code
PullToRefreshCoreText 310 almost 8 years ago PullToRefresh extension for all UIScrollView type classes with animated text drawing style
BOZPongRefreshControl 879 over 9 years ago A pull-down-to-refresh control for iOS that plays pong, originally created for the MHacks III iOS app
CBStoreHouseRefreshControl 3,923 almost 5 years ago Fully customizable pull-to-refresh control inspired by Storehouse iOS app
SurfingRefreshControl 55 almost 8 years ago Inspired by CBStoreHouseRefreshControl.Customizable pull-to-refresh control,written in pure Swift
mntpulltoreact 767 over 9 years ago One gesture, many actions. An evolution of Pull to Refresh
ADChromePullToRefresh 266 almost 6 years ago Chrome iOS app style pull to refresh with multiple actions
BreakOutToRefresh 2,478 over 4 years ago A playable pull to refresh view using SpriteKit
MJRefresh 13,790 6 months ago An easy way to use pull-to-refresh
HTPullToRefresh 41 about 8 years ago Easily add vertical and horizontal pull to refresh to any UIScrollView. Can also add multiple pull-to-refesh views at once
PullToRefreshSwift 537 over 5 years ago iOS Simple Cool PullToRefresh Library. It is written in pure swift
GIFRefreshControl 161 over 5 years ago GIFRefreshControl is a pull to refresh that supports GIF images as track animations
ReplaceAnimation 948 almost 4 years ago Pull-to-refresh animation in UICollectionView with a sticky header flow layout, written in Swift
PullToMakeSoup 1,923 over 5 years ago Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
RainyRefreshControl 676 over 5 years ago Simple refresh control for iOS inspired by
ESPullToRefresh 1,827 about 1 year ago Customisable pull-to-refresh, including nice animation on the top
CRRefresh 963 over 3 years ago An easy way to use pull-to-refresh
KafkaRefresh 1,202 over 1 year ago Animated, customizable, and flexible pull-to-refresh framework for faster and easier iOS development

UI / Rating Stars

FloatRatingView 549 about 2 years ago Whole, half or floating point ratings control written in Swift
TTGEmojiRate 291 about 6 years ago An emoji-liked rating view for iOS, implemented in Swift
StarryStars 174 almost 5 years ago StarryStars is iOS GUI library for displaying and editing ratings
Cosmos 2,181 about 1 month ago A star rating control for iOS / Swift
HCSStarRatingView 1,275 over 1 year ago Simple star rating view for iOS written in Objective-C
MBRateApp 48 3 months ago A groovy app rate stars screen for iOS written in Swift
RPInteraction 29 about 6 years ago Review page interaction - handy and pretty way to ask for review

UI / ScrollView

ScrollingFollowView 190 almost 6 years ago ScrollingFollowView is a simple view which follows UIScrollView scrolling
UIScrollView-InfiniteScroll 1,059 about 2 years ago UIScrollView infinite scroll category
GoAutoSlideView 59 over 3 years ago GoAutoSlideView extends UIScrollView by featuring infinitely and automatically slide
AppStoreStyleHorizontalScrollView 661 almost 6 years ago App store style horizontal scroll view
PullToDismiss 485 over 4 years ago You can dismiss modal viewcontroller by pulling scrollview or navigationbar in Swift
SpreadsheetView 3,515 5 months ago Full configurable spreadsheet view user interfaces for iOS applications. With this framework, you can easily create complex layouts like schedule, Gantt chart or timetable as if you are using Excel
VegaScroll 2,936 almost 2 years ago VegaScroll is a lightweight animation flowlayout for UICollectionView completely written in Swift 4, compatible with iOS 11 and Xcode 9
ShelfView-iOS 268 almost 6 years ago iOS custom view to display books on shelf
SlideController 421 about 2 years ago SlideController is simple and flexible UI component completely written in Swift. It is a nice alternative for UIPageViewController built using power of generic types
CrownControl 106 almost 6 years ago Inspired by the Apple Watch Digital Crown, CrownControl is a tiny accessory view that enables scrolling through scrollable content without lifting your thumb
SegementSlide 1,301 over 3 years ago Multi-tier UIScrollView nested scrolling solution

UI / Segmented Control

BetterSegmentedControl 2,205 over 1 year ago An easy to use, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl & UISwitch
LUNSegmentedControl 350 almost 5 years ago Customizable segmented control with interactive animation
AKASegmentedControl 385 over 6 years ago Fully customizable Segmented Control for iOS
TwicketSegmentedControl 1,763 over 2 years ago Custom UISegmentedControl replacement for iOS, written in Swift
SJFluidSegmentedControl 973 almost 2 years ago A segmented control with custom appearance and interactive animations. Written in Swift 3.0
HMSegmentedControl 4,016 6 months ago A drop-in replacement for UISegmentedControl mimicking the style of the segmented control used in Google Currents and various other Google products
YUSegment 111 over 5 years ago A customizable segmented control for iOS. Supports both text and image
MultiSelectSegmentedControl 300 5 months ago adds Multiple-Selection to the standard
DynamicMaskSegmentSwitch 309 about 8 years ago A segment switcher with dynamic text mask effect
PinterestSegment 687 about 2 months ago A Pinterest-like segment control with masking animation
DGRunkeeperSwitch 1,879 almost 5 years ago Runkeeper design switch control (two part segment control)

UI / Slider

VolumeControl 84 over 7 years ago Custom volume control for iPhone featuring a well-designed round slider
WESlider 90 over 8 years ago Simple and light weight slider with chapter management
IntervalSlider 67 almost 8 years ago IntervalSlider is a slider library like ReutersTV app. written in pure swift
RangeSlider 368 about 1 year ago A simple range slider made in Swift
CircleSlider 148 almost 7 years ago CircleSlider is a Circular slider library. written in pure Swift
MARKRangeSlider 186 almost 2 years ago A custom reusable slider control with 2 thumbs (range slider)
ASValueTrackingSlider 1,842 almost 5 years ago A UISlider subclass that displays the slider value in a popup view
TTRangeSlider 968 about 3 years ago A slider, similar in style to UISlider, but which allows you to pick a minimum and maximum range
MMSegmentSlider 48 over 7 years ago Customizable animated slider for iOS
StepSlider 569 over 3 years ago StepSlider its custom implementation of slider such as UISlider for preset integer values
JDSlider 85 over 7 years ago An iOS Slider written in Swift
SnappingSlider 576 over 6 years ago A beautiful slider control for iOS built purely upon Swift
MTCircularSlider 140 about 3 years ago A feature-rich circular slider control
VerticalSlider 78 almost 6 years ago VerticalSlider is a vertical implementation of the UISlider slider control
CircularSlider 255 over 5 years ago A powerful Circular Slider. It's written in Swift, it's 100% IBDesignable and all parameters are IBInspectable
HGCircularSlider 2,591 about 2 months ago A custom reusable circular slider control for iOS application
RangeSeekSlider 753 about 1 year ago A customizable range slider for iOS
SectionedSlider 371 over 4 years ago Control Center Slider
MultiSlider 485 16 days ago UISlider clone with multiple thumbs and values, optional snap intervals, optional value labels
AGCircularPicker 627 over 6 years ago AGCircularPicker is helpful component for creating a controller aimed to manage any calculated parameter
Fluid Slider 1,974 over 2 years ago A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected

UI / Splash View

CBZSplashView 1,491 over 7 years ago Twitter style Splash Screen View. Grows to reveal the Initial view behind
SKSplashView 473 over 4 years ago Create custom animated splash views similar to the ones in the Twitter, Uber and Ping iOS app
RevealingSplashView 1,250 about 2 years ago A Splash view that animates and reveals its content, inspired by Twitter splash

UI / Status Bar

Bartinter 1,716 almost 5 years ago Status bar tint depending on content behind, updates dynamically

UI / Stepper

PFStepper 24 over 7 years ago May be the most elegant stepper you have ever had!
ValueStepper 395 over 5 years ago A Stepper object that displays its value
GMStepper 924 10 months ago A stepper with a sliding label in the middle
barceloneta 71 over 5 years ago The right way to increment/decrement values with a simple gesture on iOS
SnappingStepper 428 about 4 years ago An elegant alternative to the UIStepper written in Swift
SMNumberWheel 25 almost 7 years ago A custom control written in Swift, which is ideal for picking numbers very fast but yet very accurate using a rotating wheel

UI / Switch

AnimatedSwitch 246 almost 6 years ago UISwitch which paints over the parent view with the color in Swift
ViralSwitch 332 almost 6 years ago A UISwitch that infects its superview with its tint color
JTMaterialSwitch 318 almost 9 years ago A customizable switch UI with ripple effect and bounce animations, inspired from Google's Material Design
TKSwitcherCollection 914 about 2 months ago An animate switch collection
SevenSwitch 777 almost 6 years ago iOS7 style drop in replacement for UISwitch
PMZSwitch 117 almost 6 years ago Yet another animated toggle
Switcher 207 over 7 years ago Swift - Custom UISwitcher with animation when change status
RAMPaperSwitch 2,936 over 2 years ago RAMPaperSwitch is a Swift module which paints over the parent view when the switch is turned on
AIFlatSwitch 981 over 2 years ago A flat component alternative to UISwitch on iOS
Switch 145 about 3 years ago An iOS switch control implemented in Swift with full Interface Builder support

UI / Tab Bar

ESTabBarController 126 over 6 years ago A tab bar controller for iOS that allows highlighting buttons and setting custom actions to them
GooeyTabbar 940 about 7 years ago A gooey effect tabbar
animated-tab-bar 11,126 over 2 years ago RAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift module for adding animation to tabbar items
FoldingTabBar.iOS 3,673 over 2 years ago Folding Tab Bar and Tab Bar Controller
GGTabBar 156 over 4 years ago Another UITabBar & UITabBarController (iOS Tab Bar) replacement, but uses Auto Layout for arranging it's views hierarchy
adaptive-tab-bar 2,033 over 4 years ago AdaptiveController is a 'Progressive Reduction' Swift module for adding custom states to Native or Custom iOS UI elements
Pager 232 over 5 years ago Easily create sliding tabs with Pager
XLPagerTabStrip 6,973 11 months ago Android PagerTabStrip for iOS
TabPageViewController 1,389 over 2 years ago Paging view controller and scroll tab view
TabDrawer 501 over 8 years ago Customizable TabBar UI element that allows you to run a block of code upon TabBarItem selection, written in Swift
SwipeViewController 655 over 5 years ago SwipeViewController is a Swift modification of RKSwipeBetweenViewControllers - navigate between pages / ViewControllers
ColorMatchTabs 1,382 over 4 years ago Interesting way to display tabs
BATabBarController 1,057 over 4 years ago A TabBarController with a unique animation for selection
ScrollPager 509 almost 4 years ago A scroll pager that displays a list of tabs (segments) and manages paging between given views
Segmentio 2,523 about 2 months ago Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift
KYWheelTabController 122 over 3 years ago KYWheelTabController is a subclass of UITabBarController.It displays the circular menu instead of UITabBar
SuperBadges 55 almost 6 years ago Add emojis and colored dots as badges for your Tab Bar buttons
AZTabBarController 348 about 2 years ago A custom tab bar controller for iOS written in Swift 3.0
MiniTabBar 160 about 6 years ago A clean simple alternative to the UITabBar
SwipeableTabBarController 1,540 over 1 year ago UITabBarController with swipe interaction between its tabs
SMSwipeableTabView 57 almost 4 years ago Swipeable Views with Tabs (Like Android SwipeView With Tabs Layout)
Tabman 2,856 5 months ago A powerful paging view controller with indicator bar for iOS
WormTabStrip 186 over 2 years ago Beatiful ViewPager For iOS written in Swift (inspired by Android )
SSCustomTabMenu 79 over 6 years ago Simple customizable iOS bottom menu with Tabbar
SmoothTab 105 over 4 years ago Smooth customizable tabs for iOS apps
ExpandedTabBar 308 over 1 year ago Very creative designed solution for "more" items in UITabBarController
BEKCurveTabbar 181 over 4 years ago compatible with XCode +10 and fully customizable via Interface_Builder panel. BEKCurveTabBar derived UITabBar class and compatible with every iOS devices
AnimatedTabBar 360 about 2 months ago A tabbar with number of preset animations. Written with SwiftUI

UI / Table View / Collection View

MGSwipeTableCell 6,966 over 1 year ago UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swippable buttons with a variety of transitions
YXTPageView 69 over 7 years ago A PageView, which supporting scrolling to transition between a UIView and a UITableView
ConfigurableTableViewController 269 almost 8 years ago Typed, yet Flexible Table View Controller
Lightning-Table 28 over 9 years ago A declarative api for working with UITableView
Static 1,252 almost 3 years ago Simple static table views for iOS in Swift
AMWaveTransition 2,367 over 4 years ago Custom transition between viewcontrollers holding tableviews
SWTableViewCell 7,139 over 3 years ago An easy-to-use UITableViewCell subclass that implements a swippable content view which exposes utility buttons (similar to iOS 7 Mail Application)
ZYThumbnailTableView 945 almost 6 years ago a TableView have thumbnail cell only, and you can use gesture let it expands other expansionView, all diy
BWSwipeRevealCell 68 over 5 years ago A Swift library for swipeable table cells
preview-transition 2,085 over 4 years ago PreviewTransition is a simple preview gallery controller
QuickTableViewController 554 10 months ago A simple way to create a UITableView for settings in Swift
TableKit 706 over 1 year ago Type-safe declarative table views with Swift
VBPiledView 169 almost 6 years ago Simple and beautiful stacked UIView to use as a replacement for an UITableView, UIImageView or as a menu
VTMagic 1,810 about 4 years ago VTMagic is a page container library for iOS
MCSwipeTableViewCell 2,956 about 6 years ago Convenient UITableViewCell subclass that implements a swippable content to trigger actions (similar to the Mailbox app)
MYTableViewIndex 523 about 5 years ago A pixel perfect replacement for UITableView section index, written in Swift
ios-dragable-table-cells 51 almost 8 years ago Support for drag-n-drop of UITableViewCells in a navigation hierarchy of view controllers. You drag cells by tapping and holding them
Bohr 1,262 about 4 years ago Bohr allows you to set up a settings screen for your app with three principles in mind: ease, customization and extensibility
SwiftReorder 406 over 4 years ago Add drag-and-drop reordering to any table view with just a few lines of code. Robust, lightweight, and completely customizable. [e]
HoverConversion 163 about 8 years ago HoverConversion realized vertical paging with UITableView. UIViewController will be paging when reaching top or bottom of UITableView contentOffset
TableViewDragger 536 about 1 year ago A cells of UITableView can be rearranged by drag and drop
FlexibleTableViewController 9 over 6 years ago Swift library of generic table view controller with external data processing of functionality, like determine cell's reuseIdentifier related to indexPath, configuration of requested cell for display and cell selection handler
CascadingTableDelegate 911 almost 5 years ago A no-nonsense way to write cleaner UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource in Swift
TimelineTableViewCell 1,323 almost 4 years ago Simple timeline view implemented by UITableViewCell written in Swift 3.0
RHPreviewCell 386 over 6 years ago I envied so much Spotify iOS app this great playlist preview cell. Now you can give your users ability to quick check "what content is hidden under your UITableViewCell"
TORoundedTableView 160 over 4 years ago A subclass of UITableView that styles it like on iPad
TableFlip 557 over 3 years ago A simpler way to do cool UITableView animations! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
DTTableViewManager 452 3 months ago Protocol-oriented UITableView management, powered by generics and associated types
SwipeCellKit 6,205 5 months ago Swipeable UITableViewCell based on the stock, implemented in Swift
ReverseExtension 1,675 almost 3 years ago A UITableView extension that enables cell insertion from the bottom of a table view
SelectionList 119 5 months ago Simple single-selection or multiple-selection checklist, based on UITableView
AZTableViewController 74 over 6 years ago Elegant and easy way to integrate pagination with dummy views
SAInboxViewController 297 over 7 years ago UIViewController subclass inspired by "Inbox by google" animated transitioning
StaticTableViewController 25 over 2 years ago Dynamically hide / show cells of static UITableViewController
OKTableViewLiaison 85 over 5 years ago Framework to help you better manage UITableView configuration
ThunderTable 21 about 1 month ago A simple declarative approach to UITableViewController management using a protocol-based approach
Dwifft 1,856 over 1 year ago Swift Diff
MEVFloatingButton 297 over 7 years ago An iOS drop-in UITableView, UICollectionView and UIScrollView superclass category for showing a customizable floating button on top of it
Preheat 629 over 1 year ago Automates prefetching of content in UITableView and UICollectionView
DisplaySwitcher 2,328 about 3 years ago Custom transition between two collection view layouts
Reusable 2,999 about 1 year ago A Swift mixin for UITableViewCells and UICollectionViewCells
Sapporo 246 about 6 years ago Cellmodel-driven collectionview manager
StickyCollectionView-Swift 324 almost 7 years ago UICollectionView layout for presenting of the overlapping cells
TLIndexPathTools 347 over 1 year ago TLIndexPathTools is a small set of classes that can greatly simplify your table and collection views
IGListKit 12,859 18 days ago A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists
FlexibleCollectionViewController 4 over 7 years ago Swift library of generic collection view controller with external data processing of functionality, like determine cell's reuseIdentifier related to indexPath, configuration of requested cell for display and cell selection handler etc
ASCollectionView 372 5 months ago A Swift collection view inspired by Airbnb
GLTableCollectionView 706 over 5 years ago Netflix and App Store like UITableView with UICollectionView
EditDistance 90 over 5 years ago Incremental update tool for UITableView and UICollectionView
SwiftSpreadSheet 639 almost 5 years ago Spreadsheet CollectionViewLayout in Swift. Fully customizable
GenericDataSource 133 12 months ago A generic small reusable components for data source implementation for UITableView/UICollectionView in Swift
PagingView 316 almost 6 years ago Infinite paging, Smart auto layout, Interface of similar to UIKit
PJFDataSource 88 about 5 years ago PJFDataSource is a small library that provides a simple, clean architecture for your app to manage its data sources while providing a consistent user interface for common content states (i.e. loading, loaded, empty, and error)
DataSources 569 7 months ago Type-safe data-driven List-UI Framework. (We can also use ASCollectionNode)
KDDragAndDropCollectionView 529 over 4 years ago Dragging & Dropping data across multiple UICollectionViews
SectionScrubber 189 almost 4 years ago A component to quickly scroll between collection view sections
CollectionKit 4,395 almost 2 years ago A modern Swift framework for building reusable data-driven collection components
AZCollectionViewController 95 over 4 years ago Easy way to integrate pagination with dummy views in CollectionView, make Instagram Discover within minutes
CampcotCollectionView 185 over 2 years ago CampcotCollectionView is a custom UICollectionView written in Swift that allows to expand and collapse sections. It provides a simple API to manage collection view appearance
Stefan 47 9 months ago A guy that helps you manage collections and placeholders in easy way
Parade 773 over 6 years ago Parallax Scroll-Jacking Effects Engine for iOS / tvOS
MSPeekCollectionViewDelegateImplementation 356 11 months ago A custom paging behavior that peeks the previous and next items in a collection view
SimpleSource 99 5 months ago Easy and type-safe iOS table and collection views in Swift
Conv 158 over 3 years ago Conv smart represent UICollectionView data structure more than UIKit
Carbon 1,329 3 months ago 🚴 A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView
ThunderCollection 5 about 1 month ago A simple declarative approach to UICollectionViewController management using a protocol-based approach
DiffableDataSources 850 over 1 year ago A library for backporting UITableView/UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource
StableCollectionViewLayout 65 10 months ago This layout adjusts a content offset if the collection view is updated. You can insert, delete or reload items and StableCollectionViewLayout will take care of the content offset
IQListKit 61 29 days ago Model driven UITableView/UICollectionView
folding-cell 10,233 5 months ago FoldingCell is an expanding content cell inspired by folding paper material
AEAccordion 211 about 6 years ago UITableViewController with accordion effect (expand / collapse cells)
ThreeLevelAccordian 43 about 7 years ago This is a customisable three level accordian with options for adding images and accessories images
YNExpandableCell 454 almost 5 years ago Awesome expandable, collapsible tableview cell for iOS
Savory 5 over 7 years ago A swift accordion view implementation
ExpyTableView 373 almost 4 years ago Make your table view expandable just by implementing one method
FTFoldingPaper 32 over 7 years ago Emulates paper folding effect. Can be integrated with UITableView or used with other UI components
CollapsibleTableSectionViewController 352 over 3 years ago A swift library to support collapsible sections in a table view
ExpandableCell 770 over 2 years ago Fully refactored YNExapnadableCell with more concise, bug free. Awesome expandable, collapsible tableview cell for iOS
expanding-collection 5,550 over 4 years ago ExpandingCollection is a card peek/pop controller
ParallaxTableViewHeader 1,329 about 5 years ago Parallax scrolling effect on UITableView header view when a tableView is scrolled
CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout 5,037 about 3 years ago UICollectionView replacement of UITableView. Do even more like Parallax Header, Sticky Section Header
GSKStretchyHeaderView 1,751 about 2 months ago Configurable yet easy to use stretchy header view for UITableView and UICollectionView
DZNEmptyDataSet 12,091 about 2 years ago A drop-in UITableView/UICollectionView superclass category for showing empty datasets whenever the view has no content to display
HGPlaceholders 2,199 over 2 years ago Nice library to show and create placeholders and Empty States for any UITableView/UICollectionView in your project
ListPlaceholder 640 3 months ago ListPlaceholder is a swift library allows you to easily add facebook style animated loading placeholder to your tableviews or collection views
WLEmptyState 318 about 2 years ago A component that lets you customize the view when the dataset of UITableView is empty
CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout 4,528 about 2 years ago The waterfall (i.e., Pinterest-like) layout for UICollectionView
FMMosaicLayout 591 about 8 years ago A drop-in mosaic collection view layout with a focus on simple customizations
mosaic-layout 250 almost 5 years ago A mosaic collection view layout inspired by Lightbox's Algorithm, written in Swift
TLLayoutTransitioning 355 over 7 years ago Enhanced transitioning between UICollectionView layouts in iOS
CenteredCollectionView 1,372 over 3 years ago A lightweight UICollectionViewLayout that and centers it's cells 🎡 written in Swift
CollectionViewSlantedLayout 2,295 over 3 years ago UICollectionViewLayout with slanted content
SquareMosaicLayout 259 over 5 years ago An extandable mosaic UICollectionViewLayout with a focus on extremely flexible customizations
BouncyLayout 4,245 about 4 years ago BouncyLayout is a collection view layout that makes your cells bounce
AZSafariCollectionViewLayout 210 over 6 years ago AZSafariCollectionViewLayout is replica of safari browser history page layout. very easy to use, IBInspectable are given for easy integration
Blueprints 990 over 1 year ago A framework that is meant to make your life easier when working with collection view flow layouts
UICollectionViewSplitLayout 242 almost 5 years ago UICollectionViewSplitLayout makes collection view more responsive
Swinflate 229 over 4 years ago A bunch of layouts providing light and seamless experiences in your CollectionView

UI / Tag

PARTagPicker 371 over 5 years ago This pod provides a view controller for choosing and creating tags in the style of wordpress or tumblr
AMTagListView 758 almost 5 years ago UIScrollView subclass that allows to add a list of highly customizable tags
TagCellLayout 358 over 1 year ago UICollectionView layout for Tags with Left, Center & Right alignments
TTGTagCollectionView 1,885 4 months ago Show simple text tags or custom tag views in a vertical scrollable view
TagListView 2,642 about 1 year ago Simple and highly customizable iOS tag list view, in Swift
RKTagsView 450 over 6 years ago Highly customizable iOS tags view (like NSTokenField). Supports editing, multiple selection, Auto Layout and much more
WSTagsField 1,284 almost 2 years ago An iOS text field that represents different Tags
AKMaskField 346 over 1 year ago AKMaskField is UITextField subclass which allows enter data in the fixed quantity and in the certain format
YNSearch 1,191 over 5 years ago Awesome fully customizable search view like Pinterest written in Swift 3
SFFocusViewLayout 1,762 about 6 years ago UICollectionViewLayout with focused content

UI / TextField & TextView

JVFloatLabeledTextField 7,195 over 1 year ago UITextField subclass with floating labels
ARAutocompleteTextView 263 almost 5 years ago subclass of UITextView that automatically displays text suggestions in real-time. Perfect for email Textviews
IQDropDownTextField 309 3 months ago TextField with DropDown support using UIPickerView
UITextField-Shake 734 almost 7 years ago UITextField category that adds shake animation
HTYTextField 312 almost 5 years ago A UITextField with bouncy placeholder
MVAutocompletePlaceSearchTextField 67 over 4 years ago A drop-in Autocompletion control for Place Search like Google Places, Uber, etc
AutocompleteField 665 almost 4 years ago Add word completion to your UITextFields
RSKGrowingTextView 1,064 9 months ago A light-weight UITextView subclass that automatically grows and shrinks
RSKPlaceholderTextView 229 9 months ago A light-weight UITextView subclass that adds support for placeholder
StatefulViewController 2,137 almost 4 years ago Placeholder views based on content, loading, error or empty states
MBAutoGrowingTextView 125 almost 5 years ago An auto-layout base UITextView subclass which automatically grows with user input and can be constrained by maximal and minimal height - all without a single line of code
TextFieldEffects 5,956 8 months ago Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops, built using Swift
Reel Search 2,536 over 4 years ago RAMReel is a controller that allows you to choose options from a list
MLPAutoCompleteTextField 1,208 almost 5 years ago a subclass of UITextField that behaves like a typical UITextField with one notable exception: it manages a drop down table of autocomplete suggestions that update as the user types
SkyFloatingLabelTextField 4,094 4 months ago A beautiful and flexible text field control implementation of "Float Label Pattern". Written in Swift
VMaskTextField 380 over 6 years ago VMaskTextField is a library which create an input mask for iOS
TJTextField 44 over 6 years ago UITextField with underline and left image
NextGrowingTextView 1,802 over 1 year ago The next in the generations of 'growing textviews' optimized for iOS 7 and above
RPFloatingPlaceholders 1,128 almost 5 years ago UITextField and UITextView subclasses with placeholders that change into floating labels when the fields are populated with text
CurrencyTextField 51 over 4 years ago UITextField that automatically formats text to display in the currency format
UITextField-Navigation 446 over 2 years ago UITextField-Navigation adds next, previous and done buttons to the keyboard for your UITextFields
AutoCompleteTextField 65 about 1 year ago Auto complete with suggestion textfield
PLCurrencyTextField 96 almost 8 years ago UITextField that support currency in the right way
PasswordTextField 310 4 months ago A custom TextField with a switchable icon which shows or hides the password and enforce good password policies
AnimatedTextInput 760 over 3 years ago Animated UITextField and UITextView replacement for iOS
KMPlaceholderTextView 804 over 1 year ago A UITextView subclass that adds support for multiline placeholder written in Swift
NxEnabled 34 about 7 years ago Library which allows you binding property of button with textable elements (TextView, TextField)
AwesomeTextField 234 over 5 years ago Awesome TextField is a nice and simple library for iOS. It's highly customisable and easy-to-use tool. Works perfectly for any registration or login forms in your app
ModernSearchBar 185 over 4 years ago The famous iOS search bar with auto completion feature implemented
SelectableTextView 633 about 4 years ago A text view that supports selection and expansion
CBPinEntryView 189 7 months ago A customisable view written in Swift 4.2 for any pin, code or password entry. Supports one time codes in iOS 12
GrowingTextView 1,073 almost 2 years ago An UITextView in Swift3 and Swift2.3. Support auto growing, placeholder and length limit
DTTextField 335 almost 2 years ago DTTextField is a custom textfield with floating placeholder and error label in Swift3.0
TextFieldCounter 439 almost 5 years ago UITextField character counter with lovable UX
RSFloatInputView 101 over 4 years ago A Float Input View with smooth animation and supporting icon and seperator written with Swift
TaniwhaTextField 26 10 months ago TaniwhaTextField is a lightweight and beautiful swift textfield framework. It has float label pattern, and also you can highly customise it
InstantSearch iOS 594 2 months ago A library of widgets and helpers to build instant-search applications on iOS
SearchTextField 1,154 over 1 year ago UITextField subclass with autocompletion suggestions list
PYSearch 3,830 about 4 years ago An elegant search controller which replaces the UISearchController for iOS (iPhone & iPad)
styled-text 235 about 2 years ago Declarative text styles and streamlined Dynamic Type support for iOS
TweeTextField 490 over 2 years ago Lightweight set of text fields with nice animation and functionality
MeasurementTextField 15 over 6 years ago UITextField-based control for (NS)Measurement values input
VENTokenField 795 over 1 year ago Easy-to-use token field that is used in the Venmo app
ALTextInputBar 261 over 2 years ago An auto growing text input bar for messaging apps
Tagging 121 about 4 years ago TextView that provides easy to use tagging feature for Mention or Hashtag
InputBarAccessoryView 1,156 about 2 months ago A simple and easily customizable InputAccessoryView for making powerful input bars with autocomplete and attachments
CocoaTextField 277 over 2 years ago UITextField created according to the Material.IO guidelines of 2019
CHIOTPField 278 almost 4 years ago A set of textfields that can be used for One-time passwords, SMS codes, PIN codes, etc
Streamoji 253 almost 2 years ago Custom emoji rendering library with support for GIFs and images, UITextView extension

UI / UIPageControl

PageControl 117 about 3 years ago A nice, animated UIPageControl alternative
PageControls 1,100 over 2 years ago This is a selection of custom page controls to replace UIPageControl, inspired by a dribbble found here
CHIPageControl 3,366 over 1 year ago A set of cool animated page controls to replace boring UIPageControl
Page-Control 32 over 5 years ago Beautiful, animated and highly customizable UIPageControl alternative
TKRubberIndicator 1,433 about 2 months ago Rubber Indicator in Swift

UI / Web View

Otafuku 54 about 4 years ago Otafuku provides utility classes to use WKWebView in Swift
SwiftWebVC 330 over 3 years ago A drop-in inline browser for your Swift iOS app
SVWebViewController 2,576 over 4 years ago A drop-in inline browser for your iOS app
PTPopupWebView 120 about 2 years ago PTPopupWebView is a simple and useful WebView for iOS, which can be popup and has many of the customized item


Underscore.m 1,465 almost 7 years ago A DSL for Data Manipulation
XExtensionItem 87 6 months ago Easier sharing of structured data between iOS applications and share extensions
ReflectableEnum 331 over 7 years ago Reflection for enumerations in Objective-C
ObjectiveSugar 2,167 about 8 years ago ObjectiveC additions for humans. Ruby style
OpinionatedC 52 over 3 years ago Because Objective-C should have inherited more from Smalltalk
SwiftRandom 561 over 4 years ago Generator for random data
RandomKit 1,468 over 2 years ago Random data generation in Swift
YOLOKit 663 8 months ago Getting square objects down round holes
EZSwiftExtensions 2,996 6 months ago How Swift standard types and classes were supposed to work
Pantry 831 over 6 years ago The missing light persistence layer for Swift
SwiftParsec 227 over 2 years ago A parser combinator library written in the Swift programming language
OrderedSet 251 6 months ago A Swift collection of unique, ordered objects
Datez 261 almost 4 years ago Swift library for dealing with , , and
BFKit 797 over 4 years ago An Objective-C collection of useful classes to develop Apps faster
BFKit-Swift 1,000 almost 4 years ago A Swift collection of useful classes to develop Apps faster
Scale 323 over 4 years ago Unit converter in Swift (available via CocoaPods)
Standard Template Protocols 379 over 8 years ago Protocols for your every day iOS needs
TimeLord 8 over 6 years ago Easy DateTime (NSDate) management in Swift
AppVersionMonitor 259 over 2 years ago Monitor iOS app version easily
Sugar 1,068 over 4 years ago Something sweet that goes great with your Cocoa
Then 4,193 7 months ago ✨ Super sweet syntactic sugar for Swift initializers
Kvitto 295 over 2 years ago App Store Receipt Validation
Notificationz 77 over 5 years ago Helping you own NSNotificationCenter in Swift
SwiftFoundation 627 over 4 years ago Cross-Platform, Protocol-Oriented Programming base library to complement the Swift Standard Library. (Pure Swift, Supports Linux)
libextobjc 4,529 over 5 years ago A Cocoa library to extend the Objective-C programming language
VersionTrackerSwift 88 5 months ago Track which versions of your app a user has previously installed
DeviceGuru 475 3 months ago DeviceGuru is a simple lib (Swift) to know the exact type of the device, e.g. iPhone 6 or iPhone 6s
AEAppVersion 12 about 2 years ago Simple and Lightweight App Version Tracking for iOS written in Swift
BlocksKit 6,892 over 6 years ago The Objective-C block utilities you always wish you had
SwiftyUtils 558 about 1 year ago All the reusable code that we need in each project
RateLimit 913 about 5 years ago Simple utility for only executing code every so often
Outlets 129 about 2 years ago Utility functions for validating IBOutlet and IBAction connections
EasyAbout 55 over 5 years ago A way to easily add CocoaPods licenses and App Version to your iOS App using the Settings Bundle
Validated 607 over 7 years ago A Swift μ-Library for Somewhat Dependent Types
Cent 227 over 1 year ago Extensions for Swift Standard Types and Classes
AssistantKit 587 almost 4 years ago Easy way to detect iOS device properties, OS versions and work with screen sizes. Powered by Swift
SwiftLinkPreview 1,370 about 1 year ago It makes a preview from an url, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images
BundleInfos 1 about 8 years ago Simple getter for Bundle informations. like short version from bundle
YAML.framework 244 almost 3 years ago Proper YAML support for Objective-C based on
ReadabilityKit 832 over 1 year ago Metadata extractor for news, articles and full-texts in Swift
MissionControl-iOS 117 over 5 years ago Super powerful remote config utility written in Swift (iOS, watchOS, tvOS, macOS)
SwiftTweaks 1,430 10 months ago Tweak your iOS app without recompiling!
UnsupportedOSVersionAlert 8 about 6 years ago Alerts users with a popup if they use an app with an unsupported version of iOS (e.g. iOS betas)
SwiftSortUtils 61 almost 3 years ago This library takes a shot at making sorting in Swift more pleasant. It also allows you to reuse your old NSSortDescriptor instances in Swift
Retry 499 almost 3 years ago Haven't you wished for to sometimes try a little harder? Meet
ObjectiveKit 848 over 4 years ago Swift-friendly API for Objective C runtime functions
MoyaSugar 191 about 2 years ago Syntactic sugar for Moya
SwifterSwift 14,000 25 days ago A handy collection of more than 400 native Swift 4 extensions to boost your productivity
Eject 522 almost 3 years ago An eject button for Interface Builder to generate swift code
ContactsWrapper 22 5 months ago Easy to use wrapper for both contacts and contacts group with Objective-C
XestiMonitors 272 about 2 years ago An extensible monitoring framework written in Swift
OpenSourceController 52 over 4 years ago The simplest way to display the libraries licences used in your application
App-Update-Tracker 26 over 8 years ago Easily detect and run code upon app installation or update
ExtensionalSwift Useful swift extensions in one place
InAppSettingsKit 3,181 8 days ago This iOS framework allows settings to be in-app in addition to or instead of being in the Settings app
MMWormhole 3,932 8 months ago Message passing between iOS apps and extensions
DefaultStringConvertible 119 almost 7 years ago A default CustomStringConvertible implementation for Swift types
FluxCapacitor 123 over 5 years ago FluxCapacitor makes implementing Flux design pattern easily with protocols and typealias
VTAcknowledgementsViewController 856 over 2 years ago Ready to use “Acknowledgements”/“Licenses”/“Credits” view controller for CocoaPods
Closures 1,743 over 3 years ago Swifty closures for UIKit and Foundation
WhatsNew 1,505 over 5 years ago Showcase new features after an app update similar to Pages, Numbers and Keynote
MKUnits 342 over 4 years ago Unit conversion library for Swift
ActionClosurable 124 about 5 years ago Extensions which helps to convert objc-style target/action to swifty closures
ios_system 897 7 months ago Drop-in replacement for system() in iOS programs
SwiftProvisioningProfile 64 over 2 years ago Parse provisioning profiles into Swift models
Once 47 about 5 years ago Minimalist library to manage one-off operations
ZamzamKit 270 about 1 year ago A collection of micro utilities and extensions for Standard Library, Foundation and UIKit
DuctTape 175 over 3 years ago KeyPath dynamicMemberLookup based syntax sugar for swift
ReviewKit 27 about 4 years ago A framework which helps gatekeep review prompt requests – using SKStoreReviewController – to users who have had a good time using your app by logging positive and negative actions
SwiftBoost 201 about 1 month ago Collection of Swift-extensions to boost development process
SmartlookConsentSDK 177 over 3 years ago Open source SDK which provides a configurable control panel where user can select their privacy options and store the user preferences for the app
PrivacyFlash Pro 153 about 1 month ago Generate a privacy policy for your iOS app from its code


VR Toolkit iOS 86 over 5 years ago A sample project that provides the basics to create an interactive VR experience on iOS
360 VR Player 2,096 over 1 year ago A open source, ad-free, native and universal 360 degree panorama video player for iOS
simple360player 161 over 3 years ago Free & ad-free 360 VR Video Player. Flat or Stereoscopic. In Swift 2
Swifty360Player 178 5 months ago iOS 360-degree video player streaming from an AVPlayer with Swift

Walkthrough / Intro / Tutorial

Onboard 6,458 almost 4 years ago Easily create a beautiful and engaging onboarding experience with only a few lines of code
EAIntroView 3,760 almost 4 years ago Highly customizable drop-in solution for introduction views
MYBlurIntroductionView 1,530 almost 7 years ago A super-charged version of MYIntroductionView for building custom app introductions and tutorials
BWWalkthrough 2,764 over 3 years ago A class to build custom walkthroughs for your iOS App
GHWalkThrough 707 over 7 years ago A UICollectionView backed drop-in component for introduction views
ICETutorial 791 over 7 years ago A nice tutorial like the one introduced in the Path 3.X App
JazzHands 6,402 2 months ago Jazz Hands is a simple keyframe-based animation framework for UIKit. Animations can be controlled via gestures, scroll views, KVO, or ReactiveCocoa
RazzleDazzle 3,356 12 months ago A simple keyframe-based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift. Perfect for scrolling app intros
Instructions 5,153 4 months ago Easily add customizable coach marks into you iOS project
SwiftyWalkthrough 372 about 3 years ago The easiest way to create a great walkthrough experience in your apps, powered by Swift
Gecco 16 about 4 years ago Spotlight view for iOS
VideoSplashKit 1,217 almost 5 years ago VideoSplashKit - UIViewController library for creating easy intro pages with background videos
Presentation 3,043 over 4 years ago Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages
AMPopTip 3,204 6 months ago An animated popover that pops out a given frame, great for subtle UI tips and onboarding
AlertOnboarding 842 about 2 years ago A simple and handsome AlertView for onboard your users in your amazing world
EasyTipView 3,070 over 1 year ago Fully customisable tooltip view in Swift
paper-onboarding 3,324 about 2 years ago PaperOnboarding is a material design slider
InfoView 60 over 3 years ago Swift based simple information view with pointed arrow
Intro 33 over 7 years ago An iOS framework to easily create simple animated walkthrough, written in Swift
AwesomeSpotlightView 321 about 3 years ago Tool to create awesome tutorials or educate user to use application. Or just highlight something on screen. Written in Swift
SwiftyOnboard 1,248 over 2 years ago A simple way to add onboarding to your project
WVWalkthroughView 30 over 7 years ago Utility to easily create walkthroughs to help with user onboarding
SwiftyOverlay 81 about 2 years ago Easy and quick way to show intro / instructions over app UI without any additional images in real-time!
SwiftyOnboardVC Lightweight walkthrough controller thats uses view controllers as its subviews making the customization endless
Minamo 247 over 5 years ago Simple coach mark library written in Swift
Material Showcase iOS 362 6 months ago An elegant and beautiful showcase for iOS apps
WhatsNewKit 3,882 5 months ago Showcase your awesome new app features
OnboardKit 540 4 months ago Customisable user onboarding for your iOS app
ConcentricOnboarding 1,379 3 months ago SwiftUI library for a walkthrough or onboarding flow with tap actions


Natasha The Robot
Apple's Swift Blog
iOS Programming Subreddit
iOS8-day-by-day 2,597 about 4 years ago
Mathew Sanders
iOS Dev Nuggets
iOS Developer and Designer interview 1,585 over 7 years ago A small guide to help those looking to hire a developer or designer for iOS work
iOS9-day-by-day 1,398 almost 9 years ago
Code Facebook
Feeds for iOS Developer 109 over 4 years ago The list of RSS feeds for iOS developers
Cocoa Controls Open source UI components for iOS and macOS
Point Free A video series exploring functional programming and Swift iOS Roadmap A community created iOS Developer roadmap


SocketRocket 9,539 23 days ago A conforming Objective-C WebSocket client library 5,214 4 days ago Socket.IO-client for iOS/macOS
SwiftWebSocket 1,532 about 3 years ago High performance WebSocket client library for Swift, iOS and macOS
Starscream 8,287 5 months ago Websockets in swift for iOS and macOS
SwiftSocket 1,681 10 months ago simple socket library for apple swift lang
Socks 575 over 6 years ago Pure-Swift Sockets: TCP, UDP; Client, Server; Linux, macOS
SwifterSockets 59 about 4 years ago A collection of socket utilities in Swift for OS-X and iOS
Swift-ActionCableClient 167 about 2 years ago ActionCable is a new WebSocket server being released with Rails 5 which makes it easy to add real-time features to your app
DNWebSocket 36 over 5 years ago Object-Oriented, Swift-style WebSocket Library (RFC 6455) for Swift-compatible Platforms


Shark 381 3 months ago Swift Script that transforms the .xcassets folder into a type safe enum
SBConstants 312 over 7 years ago Generate a constants file by grabbing identifiers from storyboards in a project
R.swift 9,493 11 days ago Tool to get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, cells and segues in your Swift project
SwiftGen 9,245 3 months ago A collection of Swift tools to generate Swift code (enums for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings and UIColors)
Blade 818 almost 7 years ago Generate Xcode image catalogs for iOS / macOS app icons, universal images, and more
Retini 200 over 3 years ago A super simple retina (2x, 3x) image converter
Jazzy 7,339 15 days ago Soulful docs for Swift & Objective-C
appledoc 4,195 over 1 year ago ObjectiveC code Apple style documentation set generator
Laurine 1,253 about 6 years ago Laurine - Localization code generator written in Swift. Sweet!
StoryboardMerge 237 almost 7 years ago Xcode storyboards diff and merge tool
ai2app 74 almost 6 years ago Creating AppIcon sets from Adobe Illustrator (all supported formats)
ViewMonitor 727 over 1 year ago ViewMonitor can measure view positions with accuracy
abandoned-strings 378 about 3 years ago Command line program that detects unused resource strings in an iOS or macOS application
swiftenv 1,975 10 months ago swiftenv allows you to easily install, and switch between multiple versions of Swift
Misen 123 about 6 years ago Script to support easily using Xcode Asset Catalog in Swift
git-xcp 13 almost 5 years ago A Git plugin for versioning workflow of real-world Xcode project. fastlane's best friend
WatchdogInspector 516 over 2 years ago Shows your current framerate (fps) in the status bar of your iOS app
Cichlid 242 about 8 years ago automatically delete the current project's DerivedData directories
Delta 245 almost 7 years ago Managing state is hard. Delta aims to make it simple
SwiftLintXcode 351 almost 4 years ago An Xcode plug-in to format your code using SwiftLint
XCSwiftr 343 over 7 years ago An Xcode Plugin to convert Objective-C to Swift
SwiftKitten 139 about 5 years ago Swift autocompleter for Sublime Text, via the adorable SourceKitten framework
Kin 1,014 about 1 month ago Have you ever found yourself undoing a merge due to a broken Xcode build? Then Kin is your tool. It will parse your project configuration file and detect errors
AVXCAssets-Generator 344 about 7 years ago AVXCAssets Generator takes path for your assets images and creates appiconset and imageset for you in just one click
Peek 2,599 almost 4 years ago Take a Peek at your application
SourceKitten 2,305 about 1 month ago An adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit
xcbuild 2,001 over 4 years ago Xcode-compatible build tool
XcodeIssueGenerator 142 almost 8 years ago An executable that can be placed in a Run Script Build Phase that marks comments like // TODO: or // SERIOUS: as warnings or errors so they display in the Xcode Issue Navigator
SwiftCompilationPerformanceReporter 146 about 8 years ago Generate automated reports for slow Swift compilation paths in specific targets
BuildTimeAnalyzer 4,300 about 1 year ago Build Time Analyzer for Swift
Duration 324 about 4 years ago A simple Swift package for measuring and reporting the time taken for operations
Benchmark 86 over 7 years ago The Benchmark module provides methods to measure and report the time used to execute Swift code
MBAssetsImporter 71 5 months ago Import assets from Panoramio or from your macOS file system with their metadata to your iOS simulator (Swift 2.0)
Realm Browser 501 almost 6 years ago Realm Browser is a macOS utility to open and modify realm database files
SuperDelegate 454 almost 5 years ago – SuperDelegate provides a clean application delegate interface and protects you from bugs in the application lifecycle
fastlane-plugin-appicon 338 11 months ago Generate required icon sizes and iconset from a master application icon
infer 14,920 4 days ago A static analyzer for Java, C and Objective-C
PlayNow 92 about 8 years ago Small app that creates empty Swift playground files and opens them with Xcode
Xtrace 1,830 over 3 years ago Trace Objective-C method calls by class or instance
xcenv 250 about 4 years ago Groom your Xcode environment
playgroundbook 260 almost 7 years ago Tool for Swift Playground books
Ecno 102 over 4 years ago Ecno is a task state manager built on top of UserDefaults in pure Swift 3
ipanema 10 over 7 years ago ipanema analyzes and prints useful information from file
pxctest 800 over 6 years ago Parallel XCTest - Execute XCTest suites in parallel on multiple iOS Simulators
IBM Swift Sandbox The IBM Swift Sandbox is an interactive website that lets you write Swift code and execute it in a server environment – on top of Linux!
FBSimulatorControl 4,506 24 days ago A macOS library for managing and manipulating iOS Simulators
Nomad Suite of command line utilities & libraries for sending APNs, create & distribute , verify In-App-Purchase receipt and more
Cookiecutter 527 about 3 years ago A template for new Swift iOS / tvOS / watchOS / macOS Framework project ready with travis-ci, cocoapods, Carthage, SwiftPM and a Readme file
Sourcery 7,654 25 days ago A tool that brings meta-programming to Swift, allowing you to code generate Swift code
AssetChecker 👮 218 over 3 years ago Keeps your Assets.xcassets files clean and emits warnings when something is suspicious
PlayAlways 550 over 3 years ago Create Xcode playgrounds from your menu bar
GDPerformanceView-Swift 2,265 about 3 years ago Shows FPS, CPU usage, app and iOS versions above the status bar and report FPS and CPU usage via delegate
Traits 904 over 7 years ago Library for a real-time design and behavior modification of native iOS apps without recompiling (code and interface builder changes are supported)
Struct A tool for iOS and Mac developers to automate the creation and management of Xcode projects
Nori 294 over 5 years ago Easier to apply code based style guide to storyboard
Attabench 1,278 over 2 years ago Microbenchmarking app for Swift with nice log-log plots
Gluten 7 about 7 years ago Nano library to unify XIB and it's code
LicensePlist 2,417 3 months ago A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications
AppDevKit 1,441 2 months ago AppDevKit is an iOS development library that provides developers with useful features to fulfill their everyday iOS app development needs
Tweaks 4,740 almost 4 years ago An easy way to fine-tune, and adjust parameters for iOS apps in development
FengNiao 3,394 9 months ago A command line tool for cleaning unused resources in Xcode
LifetimeTracker 3,134 4 months ago Find retain cycles / memory leaks sooner
Plank 469 7 months ago A tool for generating immutable model objects
Lona 7,530 almost 2 years ago A tool for defining design systems and using them to generate cross-platform UI code, Sketch files, images, and other artifacts
XcodeGen 7,008 23 days ago Command line tool that generates your Xcode project from a spec file and your folder structure
iSimulator 1,151 12 months ago iSimulator is a GUI utility to control the Simulator, and manage the app installed on the simulator
Natalie 1,168 almost 6 years ago Storyboard Code Generator
Transformer 281 over 4 years ago Easy Online Attributed String Creator. This tool lets you format a string directly in the browser and then copy/paste the attributed string code into your app
ProvisionQL 2,340 6 months ago Quick Look plugin for apps and provisioning profile files
xib2Storyboard 133 about 5 years ago A tool to convert Xcode .xib to .storyboard files
Zolang 145 over 2 years ago A programming language for sharing logic between iOS, Android and Tools
xavtool 35 almost 6 years ago Command-line utility to automatically increase iOS / Android applications version
Cutter A tool to generate iOS Launch Images (Splash Screens) for all screen sizes starting from a single template
nef 270 over 2 years ago A set of command line tools for Xcode Playground: lets you have compile-time verification of your documentation written as Xcode Playgrounds, generates markdown files, integration with Jekyll for building microsites and Carbon to export code snippets
Pecker 1,455 over 2 years ago CodePecker is a tool to detect unused code
Speculid generate Image Sets and App Icons from SVG, PNG, and JPEG files
SkrybaMD 18 almost 3 years ago Markdown Documentation generator. If your team needs an easy way to maintain and create documentation, this generator is for you
Storyboard -> SwiftUI Converter Storyboard -> SwiftUI Converter is a converter to convert .storyboard and .xib to SwiftUI
Swift Package Index Swift packages list with many information about quality and compatiblity of package 6,868 about 2 months ago The easiest way to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode
Respresso Image Converter Multiplatform image converter for iOS, Android, and Web that supports pdf, svg, vector drawable, jpg, png, and webp formats
Rugby 682 5 days ago 🏈 Cache CocoaPods for faster rebuild and indexing Xcode project Free Universal Link & Apple App Site Association testing tool

Tutorials and Keynotes

Tutorials Point
Code with Chris
Cocoa with Love
Brian Advent youtube channel Swift tutorials Youtube Channel Tutorials for developers and gamers
Mike Ash
Big Nerd Ranch
Swift Education A community of educators sharing materials for teaching Swift and app development
Cocoa Dev Central
Use Your Loaf
Swift Tutorials by Jameson Quave
Awesome-Swift-Education 5,673 over 6 years ago All of the resources for Learning About Swift
Awesome-Swift-Playgrounds 4,191 about 1 year ago A List of Awesome Swift Playgrounds!
learn-swift 795 almost 4 years ago Learn Apple's Swift programming language interactively through these playgrounds
SwiftUI Tutorials Learn SwiftUI & Swift for FREE
Treehouse's iOS Courses and Workshops Topics for beginner and advanced developers in both Objective-C and Swift
The Swift Summary Book 1,669 almost 3 years ago A summary of Apple's Swift language written on Playgrounds
Hacking With Swift Learn to code iPhone and iPad apps with 3 Swift tutorials
Realm Academy
LearnAppMaking LearnAppMaking helps app developers to build, launch and market iOS apps
iOS Development with Swift in Motion This live video course locks in the language fundamentals and then offers interesting examples and exercises to build and practice your knowledge and skills 761 over 3 years ago Watch conference videos in a native macOS app
DaddyCoding iOS Tutorials ranging from beginners to advance
Learn Swift Learn Swift - curated list of the top online Swift tutorials and courses

Tutorials and Keynotes / UI Templates

iOS UI Design Kit
iOS Design Guidelines
iOS 11 iPhone GUI from Design at Meta

Xcode / Extensions

CleanClosureXcode 185 over 6 years ago An Xcode Source Editor extension to clean the closure syntax
xTextHandler Xcode Source Editor Extension Toolset (Plugins for Xcode 8)
SwiftInitializerGenerator 718 about 5 years ago Xcode 8 Source Code Extension to Generate Swift Initializers
XcodeEquatableGenerator 190 over 5 years ago Xcode 8 Source Code Extension will generate conformance to Swift Equatable protocol based on type and fields selection
Import 848 over 2 years ago Xcode extension for adding imports from anywhere in the code
Mark 157 over 5 years ago Xcode extension for generating MARK comments
XShared 73 almost 7 years ago Xcode extension which allows you copying the code with special formatting quotes for social (Slack, Telegram)
XGist 77 over 7 years ago Xcode extension which allows you to send your text selection or entire file to GitHub's Gist and automatically copy the Gist URL into your Clipboard
Swiftify Objective-C to Swift online code converter and Xcode extension
DocumenterXcode 35 almost 6 years ago Attempt to give a new life for VVDocumenter-Xcode as source editor extension
Snowonder 107 over 5 years ago Magical import declarations formatter for Xcode
XVim2 2,303 over 1 year ago Vim key-bindings for Xcode 9
Comment Spell Checker 158 almost 6 years ago Xcode extension for spell checking and auto correcting code comments
nef 200 almost 3 years ago This Xcode extension enables you to make a code selection and export it to a snippets. Available on Mac AppStore

Xcode / Themes

Dracula Theme A dark theme for Xcode
Xcode themes list 2,404 almost 2 years ago Color themes for Xcode
Solarized-Dark-for-Xcode 367 about 5 years ago Solarized Dark Theme for Xcode 5
WWDC2016 Xcode Color Scheme 406 over 8 years ago A color scheme for Xcode based on the WWDC 2016 invitation
DRL Theme 19 almost 6 years ago A soft darkness theme for Xcode

Xcode / Other Xcode

awesome-xcode-scripts 121 almost 7 years ago A curated list of useful xcode scripts
Synx 6,080 about 5 years ago A command-line tool that reorganizes your Xcode project folder to match your Xcode groups
dsnip 14 over 9 years ago Tool to generate (native) Xcode code snippets from all protocols/delegate methods of UIKit (UITableView, ...)
SBShortcutMenuSimulator 1,749 almost 8 years ago 3D Touch shortcuts in the Simulator
awesome-gitignore-templates 24 over 7 years ago A collection of swift, objective-c, android and many more langugages .gitignore templates
swift-project-template 88 over 4 years ago Template for iOS Swift project generation
Swift-VIPER-Module 543 about 4 years ago Xcode template for create modules with VIPER Architecture written in Swift 3
ViperC 80 5 months ago Xcode template for VIPER Architecture for both Objective-C and Swift
XcodeCodeSnippets 34 over 4 years ago A set of code snippets for iOS development, includes code and comments snippets
Xcode Keymap for Visual Studio Code This extension ports popular Xcode keyboard shortcuts to Visual Studio Code
Xcode Template Manager Xcode Template Manager is a Swift command line tool that helps you manage your Xcode project templates
VIPER Module Template 17 almost 6 years ago Xcode Template of VIPER Module which generates all layers of VIPER
Xcode Developer Disk Images 308 about 1 year ago Xcode Developer Disk Images is needed when you want to put your build to the device, however sometimes your Xcode is not updated with the latest Disk Images, you could find them here for convenience
Swift Macros 🚀 2,170 25 days ago A curated list of community-created Macros and associated learning resources

Backlinks from these awesome lists: