
Dash tutorial library

A curated collection of resources and tutorials for building interactive data visualization applications with Plotly in Python.

A curated list of awesome Dash (plotly) resources


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260 forks
Language: Python
last commit: 5 months ago
Linked from 4 awesome lists


Awesome Dash / Deployment

Ploomber Cloud The community plan allows free deployments

Awesome Dash / Tutorials

Introducing Plotly Dash A high level introduction to Dash by Chris Parmer, the author of Dash. This essay was released as part of Dash's official launch (June 21, 2017)
Plotly's tutorials - Part 1: App Layout
Plotly's tutorials - Part 2: Interactivity
Plotly's tutorials - Part 3: Interactive Graphing
Plotly's tutorials - Part 4: Callbacks With State
Charming Data YouTube channel A channel dedicated to teaching Dash and Plotly with over 25k subscribers
Interactive Web-Based Dashboards in Python How the MVC model pertains to Dash and a walkthrough of building an app
Using Plotly’s Dash to deliver public sector decision support dashboards Buiding a complex dashboard step-by-step
OPS CodeDay: Dash Plotly Map + Graph How to use Jupyter notebooks in tandom with Dash to create mapping viz
Creating Interactive Visualizations with Plotly’s Dash Framework High level overview of how to get started with Dash
Finding Bigfoot with Dash, Part 1 Walkthrough of building a dashboard of Bigfoot sightings. ,
Visualize Earthquakes with Plotly Dash Environmental scan of alternatives to Dash followed with a tutorial
ARGO Labs - Plotly Dash Tutorial (Video) Detailed introduction to creating interactive dashboards
Data Visualization GUIs with Dash and Python (Video playlist) Five-part series exploring Dash features
Interactive Visualization of Machine Learning and Computer Vision with Dash Official introduction video
Webinar: Converting React components to Dash components Official tutorial about how to convert React components to Dash components using the Dash Component Boilerplate cookiecutter template
Interactive Image Processing with Dash-Canvas Official introduction video to the Dash Canvas components
Dash Cytoscape Component Official introduction video to the Dash Cytoscape components
An introduction to Dash DataTable Official introduction video to the Dash DataTable components

Awesome Dash / Component Libraries

Dash PDF 20 5 months ago Display inline PDFs
Dash MUI 14 4 months ago Material UI components
Dash React Simple Maps 7 5 months ago Create interactive maps
Dash Mosaic 11 5 months ago Display plots
Dash Tabler Icons 4 5 months ago Beautiful icons for your Dash apps
Dash React Syntax Highlighter 1 5 months ago Display code snippets with a copy button
Tutorial on creating custom Dash components with React.js.
Dash Bio Components Suite of bioinformatics components that make it simpler to analyze and visualize bioinformatics data and interact with them in a Dash application
Dash Canvas Components Module for image annotation and image processing using Dash
Awesome React Components 42,946 7 months ago Catalog of React.js components potentially interesting to be wrapped into Dash components
Awesome React 66,000 3 months ago Helpful resources for developing React.js components
Dash Core Components 271 about 3 years ago
Dash Cytoscape Component Graph visualization component for creating easily customizable, high-performance, interactive, and web-based networks
Dash DataTable Component Interactive table that supports rich styling, conditional formatting, editing, sorting, filtering, and more
Dash DAQ Components Set of controls that make it simpler to integrate data acquisition and controls into your Dash applications
Dash ECharts Components 66 about 3 years ago ECharts(V5) Components for Dash
Dash HTML Components 153 about 3 years ago
mydcc 37 almost 7 years ago Extension of Dash Core Components
sd-material-ui 194 4 months ago StratoDem Analytics implementations of material-ui components for Dash
sd-range-slider 3 4 months ago Range Slider Dash component
dj-plotly-dash 59 3 months ago Plotly Dash fork for Django
dash-flexbox-grid 20 3 months ago Wrapper around react-flexbox-grid for Plotly Dash
dash-color-picker 2 over 6 years ago Wrapper around react-color
dash-dual-listbox 12 6 months ago Wrapper around react-duallist
dash-bootstrap-components Layout engine, default styles and high-level components based on Bootstrap
dash-uploader 145 5 months ago Upload component for Dash. Supports large data files
Dash Mantine Components 587 3 months ago Collection of 40+ Dash components based on Mantine React Components library
plotly-resampler 1,053 3 months ago Wrapper for plotly figures that adds data downsampling (aggregating) functionality, enabling the visualization of large datasets
dash-vega-components 45 7 months ago Dash component for Vega-Altair, Vega-Lite, and Vega charts

Awesome Dash / App Examples

Oil and Gas Explorer Explore oil and gas production over time and with linked visualisations
Uber Rides Displays all of the Uber rides in New York City in 2014. Pandas on the backend filters a 0.5gig datafile
Simple Stock Tickers Queries data from Google Finance and displays the results as candlestick charts
Volatility Surface Explorer Fetches CBOE options chain data from Yahoo Finance with Pandas Datareader and calculates the implied volatility of each option visualised in a 3D mesh chart
Drug Discovery Displays a description of the drug as you hover over points in the graph
Live Wind Streaming Continually queries a SQL database and displays live charts of wind speed and wind direction
Recession in 255 Charts Adapted from NYTimes's excellent
3D Yield Curve Adapted from NYTimes's excellent
Finding Bigfoot Several plots (including a map), a grid layout built with Bootstrap, interactions with an input field, and caching (See also )
Visualize Earthquakes with Plotly Dash Great UI and usage of geospatial analytics with Dash. Includes
Street Quality IDentification [SQUID] Highlights poor quality roads with maps, data table and photos of the offending piece of road
VoxelViz Competition winning Visualization tool for (f)MRI data-sets
Traffic Accidents UK Explore the 140,008 traffic accidents in the UK in 2015
New York Taxi Rides A full year of the YellowCab Taxi company data from their prime, numbering well over 100 million trips. Dash + Vaex dataframe with over a 100 million rows
GutenSearch Look inside the books of Project Gutenberg

Awesome Dash / Idiomatic examples

Dash recipes 1,065 over 3 years ago A collection of scripts and examples created of the plotly team while answering questions from the greater Dash community

Awesome Dash / Galleries

Plotly App Gallery Plotly's collection of Dash applications
Dash Recipes GitHub 1,065 over 3 years ago Collection of scripts and examples created while answering questions from the greater Dash community
Dash Data Dashboards and Apps Collection of data dashboards with real life data, for various topics, as well as a few apps for online marketing built with Dash

Awesome Dash / Talks

Dash: Data exploration web apps in pure Python Chelsea Douglas, PyData DC 2018
Overview of Dash Chris Parmer, creator of Dash (SciPy 2017)
We're Launching Dash Chris Parmer, creator of Dash, speaking about the motivations behind Dash before it was launched (Plotcon NYC 2016)
Plotly dash and data visualisation in Python, PyData, Berlin 2017 Volodymyr Kazantsev (slides only)

Awesome Dash / Books

Interactive Dashboards and Data Apps with Plotly and Dash : Harness the power of a fully fledged frontend web framework in Python – no JavaScript required

Awesome Dash / Cheat sheets Cheat Sheet

Awesome Dash / Community

Plotly hosted Question and Answer community
Stack Overflow

Awesome Dash / Contributors

Luke Singham
Aly Sivji
Chris Parmer
Sergey Pikhovkin
Pascal Bugnion
Florian Kromer
Elias Dabbas
Fanchao MENG
Snehil Vijay
Eduardo Blancas

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