
Knowledge Graph Toolkit

A curated collection of resources and tools for working with knowledge graphs, including databases, frameworks, and visualization tools.

A curated list of Knowledge Graph related learning materials, databases, tools and other resources


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Awesome Knowledge Graph / Infrastructure / Graph Databases

AgensGraph multi-model graph database with SQL and Cypher support based on PostgreSQL
ArangoDB highly available Multi-Model NoSQL database
Atomic-Server open-source type-safe graph database server with GUI, written in rust. Supports , JSON & RDF
Blazegraph 902 almost 2 years ago GPU accelerated graph database
Cayley 14,868 3 months ago open source database written in Go
CosmosDB cloud-based multi-model database with support for TinkerPop3
Dgraph Fast, Transactional, Distributed Graph Database (open source, written in Go)
DSE Graph Graph layer on top of DataStax Enterprise (Cassandra, SolR, Spark)
TypeDB a database with a rich and logical type system
Graphd 450 over 4 years ago the Metaweb/Freebase Graph Repository
JanusGraph an open-source, distributed graph database with pluggable storage and indexing backends
Memgraph High Performance, In-Memory, Transactional Graph Database
Neo4j OLTP graph database
Sparksee makes space and performance compatible with a small footprint and a fast analysis of large networks
Stardog RDF graph database with OLTP and OLAP support
OrientDB Distributed Multi-Model NoSQL Database with a Graph Database Engine
TigerGraph a complete, distributed, parallel graph computing platform for enterprise, supporting web-scale data analytics in real-time
Nebula Graph A truly distributed, linear scalable, lightning-fast graph database, using SQL-like query language
HugeGraph 11 5 months ago An open source TinkerPop 3 compliant OLTP Graph Database with pluggable storage bakcend which is similar to JanusGraph. It also supports OLAP through Spark GraphX
Diffbot One of three Western entities to crawl a majority of the web. Largest commercially available knowledge graph
Weaver A graph database built on top of Postgres, which allows you to query the dataset in both SQL and graph query languages including SQL, SPARQL, and GraphQL
Kuzu A highly scalable, extremely fast, and very easy-to-use embeddable graph database
CogDB A Micro Graph Database for Python Applications
TuGraph Graph database behinde Alipay. It has achieved the top-ranking performance in LDBC-SNB, a globally recognised benchmark test, surpassing competing solutions

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Infrastructure / Triple Stores

AllegroGraph high-performance, persistent graph database that scales to billions of quads
Apache Jena open source Java framework for building Semantic Web and Linked Data applications
Copernic Data, and its history, via change requests at scale
Eclipse RDF4J (formerly known as Sesame) is an open source Java framework for processing RDF data. This includes parsing, storing, inferencing and querying of/over such data. It offers an easy-to-use API that can be connected to all leading RDF storage solutions. It allows you to connect with SPARQL endpoints and create applications that leverage the power of linked data and Semantic Web
GraphDB enterprise ready Semantic Graph Database, compliant with W3C Standards
Virtuoso a "Data Junction Box" that drives enterprise and individual agility by deriving a Semantic Web of Linked Data from existing data silos
Apache Marmotta (retired Apache project) an open platform for linked data
Oxigraph 1,070 3 months ago a light wight triple store written in Rust

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Infrastructure / Graph Computing Frameworks

Apache Giraph an iterative graph processing system built for high scalability
Apache TinkerPop a graph computing framework for both graph databases (OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP)
Apache Spark - GraphX Apache Spark's API for graphs and graph-parallel computation
Tencent Plato 1,902 over 3 years ago a fast distributed graph computation and machine learning framework used by WeChat
Gradoop 246 3 months ago a distributed graph analytics framework based on Apache Flink

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Infrastructure / Graph Visualization

AntV G6 11,218 3 months ago Simple, easy and complete high performance graph visualization engine written in JavaScript, from Ant Financial
Graphistry 2,184 3 months ago An end-to-end GPU visual graph analytics engine (Nvidia / Apache Arrow) with interfaces including JS/React, Python (Jupyter/StreamLit), REST, rich no-code/low-code UIs for various databases, and self + cloud hosting, from Graphistry
Gephi Graph visualization platform software runs on Windows, Mac and Linux
KeyLines & ReGraph Graph visualization tookits for JavaScript and React developer from Cambridge Intelligence
Linkurious Linkurious is an enterprise ready on-premises graph visualization and analysis platform
Cytoscape Open source graph visualization platform software runs on Windows, Mac and Linux
Cytoscape.js Graph visualization tookit for JavaScript
Sigma.js JavaScript library aimed at visualizing larger graphs

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Infrastructure / Graph Construction

Morph-KGC 195 3 months ago Knowledge graph generation system with RML mappings
Ontop A Virtual Knowledge Graph engine for querying SQL data sources and transform SQL data sources through R2RML mappings
Ontopic Studio A commercially supported no code software for creating and maintaining large sets of R2RML mappings
Termboard A very simple graphical editor to create Terms and Relations. It can use ChatGPT, Google Bard or any other chatbot. Ideal for beginners wanting to make and share quick sketches

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Infrastructure / Languages

GraphQL+- The query language of Dgraph, which is based on Facebook's GraphQL
GQL An initiative to create a standard query language for property graph database, just like SQL for relational database

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Infrastructure / Managed Hosting Services

CosmosDB @ Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft's globally distributed, multi-model (Key-value, Document, Column, Graph) database service
JanusGraph @ IBM Compose
JanusGraph @ Google Cloud Platform JanusGraph on Google Kubernetes Engine backed by Google Cloud Bigtable
JanusGraph @ Amazon Web Services Labs 447 over 3 years ago The Amazon DynamoDB Storage Backend for JanusGraph
Neo4j @ Graphene
Neo4j @ Graph Story End-to-end Graph Database hosting for Community and Enterprise Neo4j with expert help for development
Neptune @ Amazon Web Services a fast, reliable, fully-managed graph database service that makes it easy to build and run applications that work with highly connected datasets
Graph Engine Service @ Huawei Cloud Fully-managed, distributed, at-scale graph query and analysis service that provides a visualized interactive analytics platform
Graph Database (beta) @ Aliyun (Alibaba Cloud) highly reliable and available property graph database that supports ACID and TinkerPop Gremlin query language
Tencent Knowledge Graph @ Tencent Cloud One stop platform for Graph database, computing and visualization. Currently available in beta test and only in Chinese
WoordLift Easy-to-use SEO-focused Graph Database hosting for web and e-commerce websites running on Apache Marmotta
Baidu Knowledge Graph @ Baidu AI Platform One-stop AI platform to build knowledge graph and its applications
Graphistry 2,184 3 months ago Cloud accounts for Graphistry end-to-end GPU-accelerated visual graph analytics projects

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Knowledge Engineering

YAGA-NAGA Harvesting, Searching, and Ranking Knowledge from the Web

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Knowledge Engineering / Knowledge Fusion

Dedupe 4,171 4 months ago dedupe is a python library that uses machine learning to perform fuzzy matching, deduplication and entity resolution quickly on structured data
LIMES 129 7 months ago Link Discovery Framework for Metric Spaces

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Knowledge Graph Dataset / General

BabelNet Both a , with lexicographic and encyclopedic coverage of terms, and a which connects concepts and named entities in a very large network of semantic relations, made up of about 16 million entries, called Babel synsets. Each Babel synset represents a given meaning and contains all the synonyms which express that meaning in a range of different languages
Wikidata Wikidata is a free, collaborative, multilingual, secondary database, collecting structured data to provide support for Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, the other wikis of the Wikimedia movement, and to anyone in the world
Google Knowledge Graph Google’s Knowledge Graph has millions of entries that describe real-world entities like people, places, and things
Freebase Large scale knowledge base originally stated by Metaweb. Later aquired by Google and used in
DBpedia DBpedia is a crowd-sourced community effort to extract structured content from the information created in various Wikimedia projects
XLore A large-scale English-Chinese bilingual knowledge graph by structuring and integrating Chinese Wikipedia, English Wikipedia, French Wikipedia, and Baidu Baike
The GDELT Project The GDELT Project monitors the world's broadcast, print, and web news from nearly every corner of every country in over 100 languages and identifies the people, locations, organizations, themes, sources, emotions, counts, quotes, images and events driving our global society every second of every day, creating a free open platform for computing on the entire world
YAGO A huge semantic knowledge base, derived from , and . Currently, YAGO has knowledge of more than 10 million entities (like persons, organizations, cities, etc.) and contains more than 120 million facts about these entities. The source code of YAGO is in this Github Knowledge Graph data extracted from the largest Chinese encyclopedias, , and
NELL Never-Ending Language Learner, read the web and extract facts from text found in web pages continuously and improve itself
Golden Protocol A decentralized canonical knowledge graph. It is open, transparent, consensus, bounty enabled and built in the age of Web 3

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Knowledge Graph Dataset / Semantic Network

ConceptNet ConceptNet is a freely-available semantic network, designed to help computers understand the meanings of words that people use
Microsoft Concept Graph For Short Text Understanding
OpenHowNet An Open Sememe-based Lexical Knowledge Base in Chinese
WordNet A free large lexical database of English from Princeton University

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Knowledge Graph Dataset / Academic & Research

AMiner Aminer aims to provide comprehensive search and mining services for researcher social networks
Microsoft Academic Microsoft Academic (MA) employs advances in machine learning, semantic inference and knowledge discovery to help you explore scholarly information in more powerful ways than ever before
AceMap Academic search engine based on knowledge graph which includes entities like paper, author, institution and etc
Semantic Scholar A free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature. Collaborating with academic publishers to build a trustworthy and authoritative scientific knowledge graph

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Knowledge Graph Dataset / Other Domain

Lynx an ecosystem of smart cloud services to better manage compliance, based on a Legal Knowledge Graph (LKG) which integrates and links heterogeneous compliance data sources including legislation, case law, standards and other private contracts
ResearchSpace A culture heritage knowledge graph from the British Museum
Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) The UMLS integrates and distributes key terminology, classification and coding standards, and associated resources to promote creation of more effective and interoperable biomedical information systems and services, including electronic health records
DrugBank Knowledge base for drug interactions, pharmacology, chemical structures, targets, metabolism, and more
STRING A database of known and predicted protein-protein interactions

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Learning Materials / Official Documentations

Cypher reference documentation
Gremlin reference documentation

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Learning Materials / Community Effort

Graph Book 835 7 months ago TinkerPop3 centric book written by
SQL2Gremlin transition from SQL to Gremlin by
The Gremlin Compendium minimum survival kit for any Gremlin user, 10 blog post series by

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Conferences

Graph Connect powered by Neo4j
Graph Day an Independent Graph Conference from the Data Day folks
Connected Data London Connected Data London brings together 160+ Artificial Intelligence, Semantic Technology, Linked Data and Graph Database innovators, thought leaders and practitioners annually in one great conference. The conference has expanded its themes and tracks, from its roots as the primary conference for Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data and Semantics to include related Graph Database and AI / Machine Learning technologies and practical use cases

Awesome Knowledge Graph / Contribute

awesome-graph 1,173 over 1 year ago Graph, the infrastructure for Knowledge Graph
awesome-knowledge-graph 4,688 almost 4 years ago Knowledge graph related materials but all in Chinese

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